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  1. happy

    The Syrian Crisis
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    The Syrian Crisis

    Soldiers loyal to Syria's President Bashar Assad stand with members of the media at Al-Sahl town, about 2km (a mile) to Yabroud's north, March 3, 2014. Photo by Reuters Syrian forces take last rebel stronghold on Lebanese border - Middle East Israel News | Haaretz
  3. happy

    The Syrian Crisis

    European fighters in Syria - DAWN.COM THE brutal civil war in Syria may seem a long way away to most Europeans but "foreign fighters" entangled in the bloody conflict are bringing the Syrian tragedy home to Europe. There are no fixed — or indeed credible — estimates of just how many Europeans...
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    The Syrian Crisis

    The last thing a 3-year-old Syrian said before he died: "I'm gonna tell God everything" This picture is haunting and it's been floating around the internet with the sentence: And that's equally haunting. It's impossible to verify but the picture tells a story about the pain and suffering...
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    The Syrian Crisis

    Syrian weapons crisis: Assad 'deserves credit' for agreeing to chemical weapons destruction, says John Kerry US Secretary of State John Kerry has said that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime deserves credit for complying with a deal to destroy the country's chemical weapons. His words...
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    The Syrian Crisis

    Syria rakes up 9/11 attacks, rebels 'eating human heart' issue at UN United Nations: Four months after a macabre video of a Syrian rebel eating a human heart surfaced, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem raked up the issue of ruthless act again while addressing the United Nations...
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    The Syrian Crisis

    Re: The Syrian Crisis: Lessons in statecraft from the U.N. high table It is the responsibility of the West to eliminate the WMD. Syria is required to point out all the WMD sites and allow inspection by OPCW after which they may be destroyed outside of Syria. How will Syria's chemical weapons...
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    The Syrian Crisis

    Re: The Syrian Crisis: Lessons in statecraft from the U.N. high table Lessons in statecraft from the U.N. high table The draft resolution on Syria is a victory for Russia and dents the image of the U.S. as the steering force in the Security Council Within hours of the time of writing, the...
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    The Syrian Crisis

    Lavrov presents to Kerry evidence of using chemical weapons by rebels near Damascus Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has presented to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry the evidence confirming the involvement of the Syrian opposition in the August 21 chemical attack in a suburb of...
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    The Syrian Crisis

    Lavrov presents to Kerry evidence of using chemical weapons by rebels near Damascus Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has presented to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry the evidence confirming the involvement of the Syrian opposition in the August 21 chemical attack in a suburb of...
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    The Syrian Crisis

    Now who is going to be morally responsible for this????
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    The Syrian Crisis

    Key Syrian Rebel Groups Abandon Exile Leaders BEIRUT, Lebanon — As diplomats at the United Nations push for a peace conference to end Syria's civil war, a collection of some of the country's most powerful rebel groups publicly abandoned the opposition's political leaders, casting their lot...
  13. happy

    The Syrian Crisis

    Key Syrian Rebel Groups Abandon Exile Leaders BEIRUT, Lebanon — As diplomats at the United Nations push for a peace conference to end Syria's civil war, a collection of some of the country's most powerful rebel groups publicly abandoned the opposition's political leaders, casting their lot with...
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    The Syrian Crisis

    If the matter subsides, it will mean outright victory for Putin.
  15. happy

    The Syrian Crisis

    Why was the mufti dismissed?? Was it because he brought this prostitution into light??? More than Tunisia, America has to answer for this as this may most likely constitute a war crime.
  16. happy

    The Syrian Crisis

    It appears Syria and moreover Russia scored a major victory against America @
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    The Syrian Crisis

    @West does not know what to do if extremist comes to power in Syria | Russia & India Report Russian President Vladimir Putin said Western countries did not know what to do if extremist came to power in Syria as a result of their interference. "Are they going to wave them away with a newspaper?"...
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    The Syrian Crisis

    Al-Qaeda-linked fighters seize Syrian town of Azaz from more moderate rebels BEIRUT — Al-Qaeda-linked militants seized a key northern Syrian town from rebels on Wednesday, as mounting friction between anti--government extremists and more moderate, Western-backed opposition factions erupted into...