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  1. ashicjose

    The Syrian Crisis

    Yes the present Gov. policies in Syria may be not in the favor of West but considering what happening in Egypt,they like being Assad in power ,that is the main reason behind the negligence of the west.Also the strong stance of Russia (the lone Naval base of Russia in the Middle East is in Syria)...
  2. ashicjose

    The Syrian Crisis

    May be its true but who want to put their hand in this deep s@@t and NATO I don't think they are in a position to go for an other war.
  3. ashicjose

    The Syrian Crisis

    Who have the brave heart to touch Syria ? Shooting down of f-4 was the glimmering of Syrian capabilities ,sure it will not be easy as Libya.
  4. ashicjose

    The Syrian Crisis

    If the US (west)behind in this they have enough reason for a military intervention example Libya they didn't wait for anyone and there is nothing attractive like oil. Actually they want Assad in power to keep GCC under control by showing the Shia threat together with Iran.
  5. ashicjose

    The Syrian Crisis

    Who is behind this propaganda and what they are going to gain from it ? 1.Syria is not a oil producing country so west has no interest in it and if is it for the Israel I guess they are more secure with the Assad regime. 2.If is it for the Sunny why the Turkey being part of it ,they don't have...
  6. ashicjose

    The Syrian Crisis

    In Iraq invasion of Kuwait , Saddam captured that Eastern parts of Saudi Arabia which is producing 80% of Saudi oil and it was the reason behind Saudi calling american help and paying their bill to expel Saddam.
  7. ashicjose

    The Syrian Crisis

    A strong Iran ( may be not a nuclear one) favors American interest to get leverage in sunny dominated oil producing states.
  8. ashicjose

    The Syrian Crisis

    if syria rules assad or some one else i think it doesn't matters humanitarian view assad should down.
  9. ashicjose

    The Syrian Crisis

    @ messiah Sir, In Syria no one can raise voice against the gov.people afraid even to whisper, many disappeared in Syria becoz of secret agents working for the gov.
  10. ashicjose

    The Syrian Crisis

    I mean the way they are investing, developing and trying to modernize their military.
  11. ashicjose

    The Syrian Crisis

    Ahmadinejad's Iran does it look like Hitler's Germany.....?
  12. ashicjose

    The Syrian Crisis

    Syria is shia ruled country where majority are sunny and Iran will not let his one and only middle east friend to go. Sunny muslims considers the shia the biggest enemy above even Jews. The news of S.F if true then its going to be a big headache for Israel considering any military strikes in Iran.