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    Israel-Palestine Conflict 592698551316123649
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    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Palestinian Bid Overshadows Kerry, Netanyahu Meeting
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    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Palestinian Minister Ziad Abu Ein Dies After Clash With Israeli Forces
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    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    That maynot happen. Even if demilitarisation happens, for how long?? Palestinians can regroup. Thanks.
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    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Its very difficult to demilitarise gaza. Hamas will get weapons hook or crook. Even if israel manages to take out weapons, gaza will get weapons if not tht month maybe next or maybe even next year. Yes, israel can not afford to give back land even if it wants. But AFAIK hamas till recently...
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    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    @SajeevJino Hamas' Meshal agrees for Palestinian state based on 1967 borders Hamas untill now didn't even recognise israel. So if this true, this could be very very interesting. As israel just doesn't want to share even 1 inch of land with palestinians.
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    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Rediff uvacha
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    Israel-Palestine Conflict 494552343321792513
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    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Few examples about what the west is "saying" wrt gaza. UK Foreign Secretary tells Israel's government that Western public opinion "is rapidly turning against" the country. U.S. Condemns Deadly Strike of Another U.N. School in Gaza But this is what its doing on ground. US re-stocks Israeli...
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    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    [url=]Origins of Israel Palestinian Conflict - YouTube[url]
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    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    De-militarise gaza, am not sure how that can be done. Does this mean taking out the long range missile only or...... Also how long do they expect this to happen, you have mentioned months but even then there should be some sort of time limit, right?
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    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Never thought that israel would loose that many lives. Though the ratio is 10:1 or mostly even more but i feel from a hamas pov if they ensure death of 1 idf soldier for 10 of theirs then they would have pulled huge success. But on a side note, from an israeli viewpoint do they have any...
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    Israel-Palestine Conflict 489991875458113536 IDF bombards Gaza Strip from sea, air and land Gaza and Israel: The Road to War, Paved by the West. How the West Chose War in Gaza.
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    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Hamas' Drone Program Will Not Worry Israel, Experts Say ====== WRT israel accepting cease-fire, did it surprise anyone?? Yes, using their huge military lead they can still go about bombing gaza and as collatreal damage have people die/heavy injuries. Then what next, till how long?? After a...
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    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    @SajeevJino Was it found out as to who is firing into israel from lebanon?? Also what is the news of hamas using drones?? Is it correct?
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    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Sorry if this sounds as nitpickings. But i find certain thigs mentioned in article are factually wrong. * In the pic, armenia is shown as muslim country. From when?? * The pic heading says arab lands. So from when did iran,turkey, various stans etc become arab lands?? * Arabs are also...
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    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    If posts #409 #410 are anything to go by, israelis have far greater lead in PR battle than the battlefield lead they have over palestinians. But anyways, with claims and counter-claims from both sides its very difficult to goto the root cause.
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    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    @SajeevJino Whats the latest?? It seems israelis have entered gaza.
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    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Cool it up dude. If last few days are any indication, its the Palestinians who should be really really worried not the israelis.