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  1. asianobserve

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Court case reveals how settlers illegally grab West Bank lands Methods used by Jewish settlers to take over private Palestinian land are made public for the first time. By Meron Rapoport Haaretz 17/3/2008 West Bank settlements have expanded their jurisdictions by taking control of private...
  2. asianobserve

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Is Time's Managing Editor Mr. Richard Stengel not Jewish? His last name sounds Jewish to me...
  3. asianobserve

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Israel: Another Former Top Security Aide Criticizes Netanyahu By KARL VICK | April 29, 2012 Time The former head of Shin Bet minced no words. "I have no faith in the current leadership of the State of Israel, which is supposed to lead us in the event of a major event, such as a war with Iran or...
  4. asianobserve

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    If you ask me its land grab in broad daylight... illegally seized lands for Lieberman's bast*rds...