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  1. Super Flanker

    ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter

    That's so beautiful! Hoping to see this become a Reality very soon.
  2. Super Flanker

    ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter

    Buddy It's obvious that they too Have Problems with Russian engines. Our Media openly Accepts but Chinki Communist party media doesn't accept it because it will be a bad Thing for the People of Chinki to know. Yeh hai favk
  3. Super Flanker

    ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter

    Americans? And Technology Transfer? Never heard of that. This Harkirpal Singh is a "Dalla". Imao. We should never buy F21! Just Go for Additional Rafale. I support buying Additional Rafale in my opinion. Never buy This F-16 which has been rebranded as some F-21 Aircraft. We should buy Tejas Mk2...