Why Hindu hearts shouldn’t bleed For Israel


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Feb 12, 2014
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It’s not uncommon to find agitated Hindu nationalists lamenting their government’s stance on all the conflicts that Israel finds itself in. Albeit, very little of this love is based on cold hard strategic thinking and most of it is based on emotional anecdotes. “Iseraal halped India when Kargil dood, read histry bro”, they say. So, let’s just so that.

We aren’t morally beholden to tow the Israeli line on any policy issue out of gratitude for weapons they sell to us, for which we pay the full price. We are a sovereign nation and do what’s best for us. Besides, Jews aren’t some otherworldly saints who have descended upon humanity to talk about marshmallows and bunnies. The Jews are no less hostile to Dharmics than other Abrahamics.

Before we even begin dismantling the security narrative built around Israel being best friend of India(actually Hindus), the bleeding heart Hindus will learn a lot by looking at the famous names of Jews who are bent upon destroying Hinduism from inside. Since they lie at the fountainhead of monotheism, it is no surprise that Jews fill the rank and files of breaking India forces and provide the intellectual armour against Hindu traditions and practices.The Jews believe that they are chosen people and share the same hatred for pagan Hindus like the latter monotheistic derivatives of Christianity and Islam.

Many Hindu nationalists become very attached to Israel for no reason at all and seem to defend Jews no matter what. They seem to have internalized the propaganda by the leading Jewish sympathisers in India like Subramanian Swamy and other US fanboys as if Jews are eternal friends of Hindus. But is there any evidence to suggest that Jews are friends of Hindus? Any empirical analysis around the subject shows no evidence for the same. In fact, if anything Jews have been as negative to Hindus and India as their Abrahamic cousins – Muslims and Christians.

Israeli cafe in India said to only serve white customers
Many Hindus think that since Jews don’t evangelize like the other Abrahamics and because they have suffered under Christians and Muslims just like Hindus, they have an emotional attachment to Jews. This is stupid logic, since by the same logic, British and Mughals fought with each other and hence only a mad man can think that either of them were allies of Hindus. In fact, any unbiased look at evidence of Jewish behaviour against Hindus will show the same negative impact of Jews on Hindus just like their Abrahamic cousins. For instance, almost all of the Hinduphobic Indology, which lays the ideological foundation for most of the Breaking India forces have Jews at their heart. One just has to look at the venom against Hindus and Hinduism spread by Wendy Doninger or the attempts by Andrey Truschke to white wash the atrocities of Aurangzeb as if it never happened. Imagine the outrage it will cause if a Hindu scholar of Jewish studies released a book saying Hitler never killed Jews and how he is misunderstood. But the point many Hindus miss here is that this is because of the basic polytheism of Hindus vs the monotheism of the Abrahamics, in which Jews lie at the core. Even the Israeli help for our country wasn’t really help but just mutual interest in containing the Islamic enemies which both have and for business reasons and not direct friendship. This is no different than Christian Byzantine empire helping the Islamic forces in Arabia to take out the pagan Persian empire. If not for the existential threat Israel faces from Muslims countries in its neighbourhood, it actually has no reason to befriend India and Hindus other than for business. So it is important for Hindus to drop this unusual and irrational and largely undeserved love they have for Jews and look at the situation from a proper geopolitical perspective and decide objectively the best course of action for Hindus and India.

Given this background, now lets try to understand Modi decided to not visit Israel. This is done with great forethought, not out of some Nehruvian idea of a hipster worldview. Modi was scheduled to visit Israel, making him the first Indian PM, but then suddenly India downgraded the level of diplomatic engagement from PM to MEA, now Sushma Swaraj is going. This change was a result of some hard thinking by India’s security cabinet. It is in our interest that Israel remain under some kind of existential threat from other nations, so that India can retain an elevated position of importance in the eyes of Israel. An Israel that is under no pressure has no obligation to play nice with India, and they might as well start blackmailing us with threats of selling weapons technology to Pakistan, like Russia and France does. The fact that Israel remains under siege impedes them from taking any measures that might alienate India. This status quo favours us.

Israel needs India because the constantly looming threat of India keeps Pakistan from forging any meaningful military alliance with Israel’s enemy, Turkey. It is this threat that makes Israel less likely to double cross us. If the threat from Turkey didn’t exist, Israel would be blackmailing us right now. It is in our interest that the Palestine conflict keeps boiling with no resolution in sight. We encourage both sides (Israel and OPEC) to indulge in a competitive bidding to stay in the good books of India since India is a big strategic buyer for both of them. We maintain an ambiguous stance on Palestine so that both Israel and OPEC keep offering us their respective strategic resources (weapons and oil) at competitive rates in exchange for our diplomatic support for their respective causes in the international forums. If the Palestine conflict is solved, then Israel has nothing to stop it from playing a wider global role and there is a fear that they might start playing the same game that the US plays with us vis-a-vis weapons sales to Pakistan.

Even our so called friend Russia threatened to sell weapons to Pakistan when the recent talks didn’t go as planned and our all weather friend Israel wouldn’t mind even one bit to carry out a false flag terrorist attack in India to ignite a war between India and Pakistan in the hope of selling weapons to India or to keep Pakistan army busy with India while Israel fights a war with Turkey.

That is what makes the situation volatile for us. There should be absolutely no doubt that when Israel decides to go to war with Turkey (or Iran), it will try to provoke a war between India and Pakistan to keep Pakistan engaged in a regional war with India and prevent Pakistan from entering a war to support Turkey (or to prevent India from helping Iran). Last time when Israel was attacked by Arab forces, Pakistani pilots were all over Israeli airspace and shooting them down.

An Israel under siege is good for India. Therefore it is in our interest to shrewdly keep the Palestine pot boiling by supporting both sides as and when it is expedient upon us.

Israeli presence in the Middle East even (especially) with the Palestine turmoil helps our overall security environment. The Palestine issue is a moral flashpoint for Sunni nations like Turkey. If the Palestine issue didn’t exist, Turkey and Israel would have no casus-belli to antagonize each other. If the looming existential threat of a large scale war with Israel didn’t exist, Turkey wouldn’t seek broader military ties with Pakistan and subsequently Israel wouldn’t share military knowhow with India to keep Pakistan tied down. This organic symbiotic relationship makes sure that Israel remains under our fold without having to bribe them or honeytrap them. If the Palestine issue is solved, we lose the favorable status quo and Israel might then start meddling in our affairs to make military sales. They played a devastating role during the LTTE period as well. We can’t guarantee that global security environment wouldn’t deteriorate to those incredible lows again. When that happens, it would be hard to rely exclusively on our economic relationship as a weapons buyer to fend off Israel without having our finger on the Palestine issue. The potential threat of India siding with Turkey on the Palestine issue would amply deter Israel if the security scene in our backyard worsens. For us to be able to exercise that option, the Palestine issue needs to be kept alive.

Let the conflict rage, it is the Muslims who are dying in disproportionate numbers anyway. Besides, what real costs do we incur by simply providing moral and diplomatic support? None. This is a cheap investment with very high returns for us. It would be stupid to give up the Palestinian cause for some cheap sense of right wing thrill.

Besides, Israel is no saint either. Israel itself has switched loyalties multiple times in the past few decades. Now many people know that Israel used to be good friends with Iran up until the 70’s. They even had a joint weapons development program called Project Flower. Guess what the objectives of the program were? To counter Indian nuclear program. Yes, you heard it right.

Israel took Irani oil, money, gave them old weapon and passed details to Iraq/US who later attacked Iran. Iran helps arm Palestine as a payback for Israel backstabbing them for nuclear project. Israel is no saint. It’s not our fight. One also needs to take a look at how Israel’s relations with their other allies have progressed after Israel’s objectives were served. France and Israel were the best of the friends. It is even rumoured (well known) that it was France which supplied nuclear technology and centrifuge technology to Israel in early 60’s and where does Israel-France relation stand today when Israel doesn’t need France any more?Incidentally Israel, France and Britain had made common cause during the Suez Crisis, which was rolled back by US military intervention against the alliance and Israel’s relation with all the involved parties is fraught with distrust and animosity today, including the US. India would face the same fate if we wear our hearts on our sleeve.

Israel today is close allies with Saudi Arabia, which as we all know isn’t exactly India’s best buddy. That has never deterred Israel from cultivating deep military and intelligence ties with the Saudi kingdom, without feeling guilty of offending India. But when India allies itself with Iran to look after its own interests, then it offends the Zionists?

Say what you may about Arab nations, one cannot deny the fact that India gets upwards of 50 Billion USD in remittances from our expats living there. Not to mention the safety and security of the expats themselves, all ~8 million of them, a confrontation with either the Arab states or Iran is not in India’s best interest and yet, Israel wouldn’t bat an eye lid to draw India into a conflict if it serves their interest. They won’t hesitate from tying up with Pakistan and use their soil to wage a covert war against Iran if their revenues from weapon sales to India take a nose dive. There is also the possibility of a greater Israel-Saudi-Pakistan alliance against Iran, which would isolate India and put all our interests at risk, so one needs to think it through before blindly supporting Israel’s position on Palestine simply to spite Indian Muslims in online debates. The diplomatic support India gives to the already dead Palestinian cause is simply flowery lip service and does not require India to commit any of its resources nor does it cost anything. The dividends that it yields in return, in terms of co-operation from Arab states and Iran alike are massive.

So all the bleeding heart Hindus who feel the compulsive obligation to speak up on behalf of Israel in discussions and rename their online profiles into Hindu Zionists should think t̶w̶i̶c̶e̶, or rather just once, before aligning themselves with the star of David. India needs to take strategic decisions in cold blood without any regard for misplaced emotions like “Hindu-Jew Bhai Bhai”.

Navnit Kundu

Pika Hu Akbarrr!!
Senior Member
Mar 22, 2016
@Navnit Kundu
Are bhai, woh article maine hi likha hai, even the other one which you tagged me yesterday 'Schrodinger's Intellectual' was written by me :pound:

Here's the Schrodinger's intellectual one

Here's the Israel one on the forum.

We are in the process of converting my long replies from the forum into blog posts for better visibility. Blog posts have a better shelf life than forum posts which eventually get buried in a heap of replies.


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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Are bhai, woh article maine hi likha hai, even the other one which you tagged me yesterday 'Schrodinger's Intellectual' was written by me :pound:

Here's the Schrodinger's intellectual one


Here's the Israel one on the forum.

We are in the process of converting my long replies from the forum into blog posts for better visibility. Blog posts have a better shelf life than forum posts which eventually get buried in a heap of replies.
What? You write those articles?

Navnit Kundu

Pika Hu Akbarrr!!
Senior Member
Mar 22, 2016
What? You write those articles?
Yes, I written about 3~4 articles till now, and I'm not squeamish about attribution so it all works out fine. That's the faster way to produce content, hash out a rough draft as a forum reply, (rapid prototyping, if you may), then polish it and post it as a blog.

Here are the other ones I wrote :




Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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Yes, I written about 3~4 articles till now, and I'm not squeamish about attribution so it all works out fine. That's the faster way to produce content, hash out a rough draft as a forum reply, (rapid prototyping, if you may), then polish it and post it as a blog.

Here are the other ones I wrote :


So are you the founder of that website or one of the contributors?


Senior Member
Nov 23, 2014
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Are bhai, woh article maine hi likha hai, even the other one which you tagged me yesterday 'Schrodinger's Intellectual' was written by me :pound:
Sir something, we should admire of jews:
1. Resolve to survive in the such hostile muzzie region
2. The sheer number of nobel prizes they have won(scientific contribution)
3. Clout in Amrica due to ingenuity

One thing need to confirm, did French really gave nuke tech to Israel. In general jews are smart and nearly all fellow mates think Jews have untested nukes due to sheer level of intelligence and wealth(their own tech).

Navnit Kundu

Pika Hu Akbarrr!!
Senior Member
Mar 22, 2016
So are you the founder of that website or one of the contributors?
No founderbaazi, bro

I am just a forum contributor like everyone else, just that my replies sometimes tend to be longer. If the prose extends more than 4 paragraphs on the forum, then we turn it into a blog post.

This might be next : http://defenceforumindia.com/forum/...be-kolkatas-mini-pakistan.76299/#post-1161595

No money was exchanged and no communist animals were harmed in the making of the posts. :)
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Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015
Only Hindus (if any) are eternal friends of Hindus nobody else even wide section of Dharmics.

See Lankans as an example.


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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Sir something, we should admire of jews:
1. Resolve to survive in the such hostile muzzie region
2. The sheer number of nobel prizes they have won(scientific contribution)
3. Clout in Amrica due to ingenuity

One thing need to confirm, did French really gave nuke tech to Israel. In general jews are smart and nearly all fellow mates think Jews have untested nukes due to sheer level of intelligence and wealth(their own tech).
Admire, yes. But should not mistake it as a similarity and take them as BFFs.


Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
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@Navnit Kundu : Wow, you are an anti-semite, so anti-semitic your article :pound: :pound:

The zionist game is to maintain global dominance (by keeping other players down) and esp. maintain control of the ME.

Also, Israeli relations with iran (or persia) changed after the revolution ('79) when american puppets where cleansed from iran.

If things go well, iran will be a major player in the region in the coming decades.
Uncle saw this threat long before which is why it makes it's puppets(Israel, KSA etc) dance around Iran.

PS: Surprised that somebody else noticed Swamy's Zionist connection.

@Sakal Gharelu Ustad Can we make this a sticky thread in "Games Evangelists & Missionaries play" ?
How is this related to evangelism?

I think it should be a separate thread for more exposure.
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Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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How is this related to evangelism?

I think it should be a separate thread for more exposure.
Because the article says Jews are at the heart of organisations/conspiracies to dismantle Indian/Hindu ideology?

Navnit Kundu

Pika Hu Akbarrr!!
Senior Member
Mar 22, 2016

Sir something, we should admire of jews:
1. Resolve to survive in the such hostile muzzie region
2. The sheer number of nobel prizes they have won(scientific contribution)
3. Clout in Amrica due to ingenuity

One thing need to confirm, did French really gave nuke tech to Israel. In general jews are smart and nearly all fellow mates think Jews have untested nukes due to sheer level of intelligence and wealth(their own tech).
Firstly, we can admire them and draw inspiration on a personal level, even Doval does that, but shouldn't let that admiration dictate national policy. In fact, there is inspiration to be taken even from Muslims and Xtians on how they spread their ideology but we don't owe them anything as a payment for their second hand inspiration.

Very few people know that there was a high level Jewish-Hindu religious consultation in 2008 which led to a declaration. The gist of it is that Jews professed their understanding that Hindu Swastika has nothing to do with Hitler and therefore would refrain from accusing Hindus as being Nazi sympathisers, and urged Hindus to reconsider idol worship and polytheism. It's the latter which got to me. A nation of 15 million has the gall to tell us how to worship our gods and how to practice our religion despite us not sharing a land boundary. That's Jewish bigotry for you. It is humiliating to the core.

Here's the link to the PDF of the joint declaration :

Secondly, please count the number of nations which have been betrayed by the Jews, first Germany, France, then Russia (Bolsheviks). Then they partnered with Britain to formulate the Palestine declaration and later betrayed Britain by hacking British officers to death in 1945 once the Palestine declaration was passed. Then they allied with France to get nukes, later betrayed them too after the project was successfully completed. Then they befriended the US for help with various regional wars, later betrayed the US too by hitting their ship with missiles during the Six Day War ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liberty_incident ). Then they befriended Iran to make nuclear weapons to counter India, took Iran's money, oil and later betrayed Iran by giving them duds. So, if you build alliances with Israel at the expense of your other interests and alliances, the day is not far when you will be left alone after being stabbed by Israel. To them, everyone else is just Goyim.

There is ample evidence that they have never been loyal friends to anyone. They are cunning, yes, admire them for that, like one admires a cobra out of mortal fear, one doesn't embrace it. Israel was also on the verge of selling weapons to Pakistan, it was caught by India and caused a major diplomatic row. Later Israel apologized to India and cancelled the sale.

British report reveals Israel’s arms exports to Pakistan

Israel not to supply weapon systems to Pakistan

Thirdly, there was a bomb blast in Delhi a few years back, which Israel claimed was done by Iran because "it used the classic explosives which Iran intel is known to use", it probably later turned out that Israel was behind that false flag to ruin India-Iran relations, because that case was magically buried, probably after some stern talk.

Fourthly, Israel needs India strategical to keep Pakistan tied up to prevent them from helping Turkey in the even of an Israel-Turkey war, but this status quo is not permanent. Sooner than later, Israel will manage to demolish Turkey and carve out Kurdistan. Once Turkey is no more a threat to Israel, India will be no more important to Israeli strategic interests. When that paradigm shift happens, they will openly start selling arms to Pakistan or blackmailing India to place bigger orders in exchange for differed sales to Pakistan.

Fifthly, if the 'Akhand Israel' project comes to fruition, they will have control over Suez Canal and can control/block shipping routes to India to blackmail us.

Sixthly, Israel needs access to Pakistani soil to destabilize Iran, and Baluchistan serves as the most convenient (path of least resistance) among other options to penetrate into Iran. Don't be surprised if Mossad has great working ties with ISI, don't go by Pakistani rhetoric alone, these guys bark even at CIA, while taking their weapons and aid and using it against India.

All in all, it is a nation of very cunning people with a history of backstabbing all their erstwhile allies. These are 'admirable people' who have the capacity to cause great damage to us, the only thing which is keeping them from doing so is the circumstances. So if India gives up all its strategic cards and pressure points and embraces Israel like an emotional fool, they will do to us what Afzal Khan intended to do to Shivaji.

The bedrock of a strategic friendship is the exact opposite of a natural friendship since it implies that "I will be in bed with you as long as strategic conditions are conducive." which, by corollary means that "once the strategic imperatives are no longer pressing, I am free to switch my alliances". Let's not confuse our strategic friendship with natural friendship. We are a pole in a multipolar world, which makes all other poles our competitors, bar none. There are no friends here, only alliances of convenience.

Whatever counter terror operations or patriotic wars Israel has fought (for which Indians seem to admire them), they have done so in the interest of self-preservation, not as a favor to any of us. We can admire them from a distance, but that doesn't make us any less awesome. In fact, India is a bigger success story than Israel, it's just that we have a civilization curse of being poor story tellers. Compare the amount of Holocaust movies Jews churn out versus the number of movies India makes to narrate its civilizational tales. A small country like Italy which had people of the same race, same language, same religion which was divided into 8 provinces took 23 years to integrate into one nation from the day they started their national integration plan; Even a relatively homogeneous country like Germany took 18 years for Bismark to unite after a lot of killing, It took Mao a decade of killing to integrate a homogeneous China, and yet we forget that a large country like India with so many tribes, races, religions, languages, ideologies was integrated from 580 princely states into one entity by Sardar Patel in just 18 months. Now, if someone had told that story properly, we'd all be proud of ourselves, but no one did, so we have to make do with being proud of someone else, so we latch on to Israel.

Here's a video of Indian Jews gloating about the golden days when they served with the British to subjugate the native Indians. The amount of superiority they profess over the locals is astounding. I hope all Hindu nationalists see this video :

cc @Sakal Gharelu Ustad @DingDong @OneGrimPilgrim @Bornubus
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Navnit Kundu

Pika Hu Akbarrr!!
Senior Member
Mar 22, 2016
^^^ Did not knew anything of this.. :tongue:
I've edited my prose and added two more paragraphs and a video to it, please take a look at it, especially the video, you will be fuming with anger when you hear them. We gave them refuge and instead of being grateful, they joined the British to enslave us and continue to claim to be proud of not integrating with Hindus by refusing to attend Hindu festivals.

It's the same with Parsis. We are so smitten by Manekshaw that we forget that this community has historically collaborated with the British to keep India enslaved and still longs for the golden days when they ruled. But that is a story for another blog post. Hindus are cursed by their culturally ingrained amnesia of historical facts, so we cling to anyone who sings a few sweet words about us.

Btw, here's a documentary of when Israel attacked their ally USA :

Zionists have a lot of skeletons in their cupboards, someone needs to pull them all out to wake up the Jew-loving Hindu nationalists out of their slumber.


Regular Member
Oct 5, 2013
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I wish DFI like quora had offered its members a reading list.I would have definitely saved it for future references.


Senior Member
Nov 23, 2014
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@Navnit Kundu: Not defending Jews but after getting persecuted for decades the only recourse Jews can take is become self serving and not relying on others for their own survival. The choices they are making are natural outcome for their survival as group(survival of fitest).

I will extrapolate and say that the kind of political and demographic issues Hinduism faces today the only way to survive or make sure it survives is to churn out more number of unapologetic(jew like) Hindus:daru:. If this does not happen it will perish under false pretense of morality; if it survives it has to be self-serving and cunning just like Jews. I don't consider them as friends from beginning but this post makes a great reading and should go in counter secular arguments(Hindu <-> Jew relation).

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