USA China Cold War


Regular Member
Jun 22, 2021
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Posting here again as the object most probably was chinese.

शुभ प्रभात. A new object was shot down over canada. what is going over North america. Is this some sort of political gimmick ?. @Johny_Baba @mist_consecutive @Gyyan @NutCracker and others.

A fresh notam issued and airspace closed.



Senior Member
Jan 7, 2022
Posting here again as the object most probably was chinese.

शुभ प्रभात. A new object was shot down over canada. what is going over North america. Is this some sort of political gimmick ?. @Johny_Baba @mist_consecutive @Gyyan @NutCracker and others.

A fresh notam issued and airspace closed.

Finally aliens are coming to put this world out of its misery.


Regular Member
Jun 22, 2021
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Posting here again as the object most probably was chinese.

शुभ प्रभात. A new object was shot down over canada. what is going over North america. Is this some sort of political gimmick ?. @Johny_Baba @mist_consecutive @Gyyan @NutCracker and others.

A fresh notam issued and airspace closed.

Apparently one more object is there and currently being observed. some f 15's and one tanker also scrambled from Portland.
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Regular Member
Jun 22, 2021
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Apparently one more object is there and currently being observed. some f 15's and one tanker also scrambled from Portland.
Airspace over Montana has been reopened after an hour.

Either china has developed some technological breakthrough to easily enter NA airspace or this is all just some elaborate distraction from political elite.


Regular Member
Jun 22, 2021
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Airspace over Montana has been reopened after an hour.

Either china has developed some technological breakthrough to easily enter NA airspace or this is all just some elaborate distraction from political elite.


Senior Member
May 20, 2021
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Seems like this latest UFO jumla is a distraction for something.


Senior Member
May 21, 2016
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Airspace over Montana has been reopened after an hour.

Either china has developed some technological breakthrough to easily enter NA airspace or this is all just some elaborate distraction from political elite.
imma just copy paste what i found on 4chin

" Anonymous (ID: Ogic/GzE )
I'm a military intelligence insider, and I'm tired of all the bullshit threads clogging up the board, so I'm going to explain exactly what's happening, and why it's happening, including some classified secrets. Here you go:

1. NORAD has seen every single one of these well before they even get anywhere near US airspace.
2. We don't act on them, most of the time, intentionally, because we know (through our own spy channels) that these are just tests of our radar blanket. China is trying to see how much equipment they can sneak into our airspace, and where our "radar gaps" are. (We don't have any radar gaps.)
3. We were forced to act on the 200 foot wide balloon, because it was naked eye visible. We did not want to. (We really just didn't want to reveal any information about our radar blanket, AT ALL.)
4. China expects us to react to the other objects because of heightened security, so we were forced to act on those as well.


5. We put on a show of going after the other objects, we explicitly picked some of the larger ones, so that China wouldn't know exactly how small of an object we really sweep for. (If it's the size of a bird, but it doesn't have feathers and is flapping, we know it's not a bird from NORAD's passive ground based radar alone, we don't even have to go look at it with anything actively, not to mention our satellite array can even tell, for objects of that size.)
6. We actually made it seem like we had to use an AWACS for the object over Lake Huron, because it had a bit of stealth coating/shaping design. Truth is, we saw that object as soon as it was within several hundred miles of the US, but was on a course to arrive here. We didn't need the E6-B at all, the circle search pattern it flew in, and extended time in air, that was so that China thinks we do need something like that to see their payloads.
7. There are many more objects over areas of our airspace RIGHT NOW that we are aware of, and are actively tracking, but we will not act on, unless forced to, so China does not obtain any tangible information about our actual radar blanket.

8. This entire situation is an intentional honeypot for China, and we are waiting for them to send up an actual offensive payload to determine exactly how/what they want to accomplish.

9. We explicitly did not state that we KNOW the other objects are all from China, because of their "civilian weather balloon" excuse from the first one. The idea is, if they get mad about us shooting them down, they have to come forward and publicly announce that those objects were theirs'. And if they try to say that those were also civilian, and off-course, then we will ask them how they have any fucking idea that these were theirs' IF they were civilian, because these objects arrived here months ago. Essentially openly catching China in a lie. They probably realize this, which is why they're staying the fuck quiet about ownership on those.

I have more information, but this is the gist of what's happening. America is safe, and this is just a game of chess between intelligence agencies and NORAD.

In 1993 NORAD had the ability to track objects the size of a golf ball around the entirety of planet Earth out to a radar diameter nearly the size of Neptune.


"Anonymous (ID: cjVGwBWG)
alright, ill play along. Based on all of this information

>what are the odds we have a war with china/russia/somebody else in the next year?
>what else are they covering up?
>is this a distraction about the train accident in Ohio? do people even care about that
>what is the actual biggest threat to the US right now?

in reply

Anonymous (ID: Ogic/GzE)
1. Zero. Unless a second party does something against what we have agreements/treaties for, in which case, depending on which country that is, this value could be as high as about 20%.
2. They have sent in more scary drones than these passive balloons. Stuff about the size of a mailbox, but low flying, altitudes below 100 feet, and have cruised them through residential neighborhoods.
3. No. Civil disasters are not matters of national security, unless an investigation leads us to believe it may be. There will be an investigation into this event, but it's not flowing through priority stacks on any military channel at the moment.
4. I'm not going to disclose exactly what it is, but it's economic/financial in nature, and will be a definitive problem by 2025, this will be in the news and you'll know it when you see it.

and on Alien question
" Anonymous (ID: gKtH7FzA)
Can we all agree it's not fucking aliens

in reply

Anonymous (ID: Ogic/GzE)
There have been radar and sonar tracks that are completely Zimbabwean ass-fuck insane.

As far as what we know, there isn't any country in the world that can produce characteristics like what we observe for a very select amount of tracks. If they're not sensor errors, it's the best evidence I've ever seen for aliens being here.

The bulk of the shit is just random spy crap though.


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2022
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US people gone woke and can't see their sons go to another (vietnam/afghan like) war so they are making Aussies Bali ka bakra in US-China cold war. You cant say same for India because india had wars and share border with china.

Australia is very far away from China, I wonder why they involved US-China mess.

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skunk works

Senior Member
Jul 25, 2022
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US people gone woke and can't see their sons go to another (vietnam/afghan like) war so they are making Aussies Bali ka bakra in US-China cold war. You cant say same for India because india had wars and share border with china.

Australia is very far away from China, I wonder why they involved US-China mess.

Poor choice because Australia probably has higher MSS penetration than India does.


Senior Member
Apr 17, 2014
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US people gone woke and can't see their sons go to another (vietnam/afghan like) war so they are making Aussies Bali ka bakra in US-China cold war. You cant say same for India because india had wars and share border with china.

Australia is very far away from China, I wonder why they involved US-China mess.

As if the Australians have a choice. It is either be fodder for the American empire or spread their ass cheeks for whatever asian power that needs raw materials. Why do you think they send their soldiers to every one of the americans misadventures.
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Senior Member
Sep 4, 2019
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Poor choice because Australia probably has higher MSS penetration than India does.
Wouldn't be hard for US to embed counter-intel guys in their midst.
There's a lot of experience in US intel community after successfully containing Russian influence in the Balkans and former Soviet countries (and I really doubt China has as much of a hold over Australia as Russians did over former USSR land).

skunk works

Senior Member
Jul 25, 2022
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Wouldn't be hard for US to embed counter-intel guys in their midst.
There's a lot of experience in US intel community after successfully containing Russian influence in the Balkans and former Soviet countries (and I really doubt China has as much of a hold over Australia as Russians did over former USSR land).
The difference between Balkans and this case is that while there may have been Russian agents, those people were still ethnically Latvian/Lithuanian/(insert ethnicity/ language) so you could appeal to their 'blood'.
Chinese are brought up with constant 'us vs. Them' paranoia and century of humiliation propaganda.
Plus Chinese secret services target their family members back home, to get them to do stuff.
"Get this technical memo from your tech employer and we will make the police case against your brother in Shaanxi go Away"
Couple this with the fact that so many Chinese are at the top levels of the Australian parliament and government.


Senior Member
Feb 4, 2021
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Couple this with the fact that so many Chinese are at the top levels of the Australian parliament and government.
there you go. Find out what ethnic groups are over represented in gov't and reduce them. Democracy is supposed to represent the citizens.


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
imma just copy paste what i found on 4chin

" Anonymous (ID: Ogic/GzE )
I'm a military intelligence insider, and I'm tired of all the bullshit threads clogging up the board, so I'm going to explain exactly what's happening, and why it's happening, including some classified secrets. Here you go:

In 1993 NORAD had the ability to track objects the size of a golf ball around the entirety of planet Earth out to a radar diameter nearly the size of Neptune.


Calling bullshit on this one. There is no fucking way that you can have radar coverage all the way to Neptune and be able to track. It is not just possible. And as for being a military intelligence insider, yeah right. No professional will out himself like this.


Senior Member
Apr 4, 2019
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Calling bullshit on this one. There is no fucking way that you can have radar coverage all the way to Neptune and be able to track. It is not just possible. And as for being a military intelligence insider, yeah right. No professional will out himself like this.
It's 4Chan.

Also there's a ridiculous number of UAPs reports to not believe in ET stuff


Senior Member
Sep 23, 2016
Seems like this latest UFO jumla is a distraction for something.
high altitude chinese balloons and drones that either evaded radar (due to being non-threatening signature/pattern?) and made it inland and biden doesn't want to admit the slip up and refer CHINA in the same sentence. blame it all on the good old friendly ETs.

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