UK and the Rise of Radical Islam

Rassil Krishnan

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2019
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This is precisely what I am talking about. Move the local against them. There is no point in having street fights between Indians and Pakis. Only makes sense when we "encourage" the locals to fight. In which case, we can join in.
But those locals are not all powerful,they are good to have against the muzzies,but they alone won't tip the balance.we need a wholistic approach.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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In British press I am seeing use of word Hindutva a lot. Even on SM people from M community and leftist scums are using it to justify violance.

I really hate leftists using Hindutva word to malign Sanatan religion. Hindutva means Hindu Tatva. It roughly translates into Hinduness or Hindu Identity. Its a shame that even political parties in India are using this word to increase Hinduphobia.

Even Wikipedia is openly posting Hinduphobic nonsense and we are tolerating it.

View attachment 172314

You're seing this now lol? This has been in academia, wikipedia and foreign journals for long decades. Harvard, Standford, Oxford and major publication houses.

For them, Hindu nationalism ~ White supremacy
If you can tolerate reading nonsense, I can provide you a range of books from global intellectuals.

What you guys on see on vilification and misrepresentation of Hindutva, is not even 1% what it is in real world. It is a highly institutionalized hate and indoctrination which will never ever change.

Western academia just doesn't suddenly Sangh Parivar an enemy. They see Indian RW as a threat as early as 1920s. White supremacists see Indian RW as rivals and western left see us eastern equivalents of white supremacists. The hate towards BJP and Hindutva in those countries was incepted long before India's independence. That's why they backed Congress.

Rassil Krishnan

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2019
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Yes, we do... that does not mean we start behaving like them and engage in wanton violence and create street gangs. Let the local police and the Indian govt. handle it. Our goal should be to force the Brits to deport Pakis.

They did Brexit, they want to trade with us...well, I'm sure they can make a few concessions.
You are overestimating the British public and gov.having them hate the muzzies and pakis is good but ultimately their role alone will not be decisive.there must be proactive lobbies and defence groups by private society of dharmic people formed.

Rassil Krishnan

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2019
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The radicals are quite capable of destroying themselves. Tell me when did they built anything constructive or any thing that helps humanity.
They will build nothing good,that is for sure,Islam will make sure of that fact unless they get massive external monetary help or cash from commodities like oil,etc.but they will disrupt and slowdown development of India and that is my problem I don't care about muzzies killing themselves in afr of places,they don't matter.
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bahadur shah duffer

Regular Member
Jun 2, 2022
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These clowns know that it is a planned protest. If you notice one common thing in all their press releases is the word "UNPLANNED". This protest was planned on social media & screenshots of this where shared with the same police but they didnt act. All this is part of a bigger picture.

The west will not stop till India bends.

One thing that will stop all this shit is consequences


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2009
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They will build nothing good,that is for sure,Islam will make sure of that fact unless they get massive external monetary help or cash from commodities like oil,etc.but they will disrupt and slowdown development of India and that is my problem I don't care about muzzies killing themselves in afr of places,they don't matter.
they are not capable of doing anything significant against India.


Regular Member
Dec 8, 2021
Seeing as Leicester is in the news I'd like to give some background info into the history of immigration into the UK but specifically, Leicester. The first real wave came in the 60s and 70s from the East African Indians (EAIs) and also Caribbean blacks. Starting from 1968, Kenya kicked out it's Indian community, followed by Uganda (due to Idi Amin) in 1972 and also Tanzania (a beautiful country such friendly people I recommend Indians to holiday there). Idi Amin gave 90 days for all Indians to leave, confiscated all Indian's hard earned businesses and assets, with a maximum of £50 to take out of Uganda. UK also initially refused to take Indians in despite having a full British passport.

Leicester City Council took out a full page advert in the Ugandan newspaper discouraging Indians to move to Leicester. In essence "fuck off, we're full."

Ironically this advert is the reason why so many EAIs came to Leicester!

Imagine, pre-internet, pre-mass immigration, empire still fresh, moving from a country you were happy in, where you'd built businesses, schools, hospitals, mandirs and families to a cold strange place, barely a penny to your name, housed in an army camp, full of racism, no vegetarian food, where many mums and grandparents didn't speak English, people trying to convert you to christianity and having to start from scratch.

The racism experienced by the first generation of immigrants is something I want to highlight, we're lucky not to have dealt with that hostility. The stories from the first gen EAIs of skinheads chasing you out of nighclubs after dancing with their girls, pubs refusing to serve you drinks - they got tough real quick. If they were still young this nonense the past few weeks would be put to bed in an instant.

Nevertheless they built their businesses, mandirs and families again and kept their culture to the point that Leicester has the biggest Diwali and Navratri celebrations outside India. The EAIs turned Belgrave/Melton Rd from a run-down dead end of town into a thriving area. The EAIs were mostly Gujaratis and Punjabis, a mix of Hindu, Sikh and Muslim - all lived in peace in East Africa and in my opinion one of the reasons Leicester has been a relatively peaceful city is because of the racism trumping any religious tensions (most of the Leicester locals were and still are wonderful I'd like to add). Also most who came to Leicester were business-minded so starting trouble wasn't the first priority like other types (e.g. Mirpuris) who wound up in Bradford, Manchester, Birmingham and East London.

Leicester itself was historically a working-class city, the poorest of of the 3 cities in the East Midlands (Notts and Derby) - it still remains one of the most deprived areas in the UK. There were strong right wing groups like the National Front back then. Still, it's been a Labour Party stronghold (been Labour since WW2). Naturally the first EAI waves voted Labour and not to be partisan there were many things to be grateful to Labour for. Now as EAIs have become more affluent many have swtiched to voting Tory and moved to LeicesterSHIRE or West London.

In the last 10-15 years there's been a huge demographic shift in Leicester. New wave of immigrants are Pakistani/Bangladeshi muslims, but also supplemented by Turks, Kurds, Albanians, Somalians and various Eastern Euros - these are the worst of the worst. Crime has soared, drugs and women covered in burkas are everywhere now. Do a street view of Narborough Road and count how many turk/kurd "hairdressers" aka drug money laundering businesses you laugh in disbelief - all have expensive cars parked outside. But this is Labour's new votebank. Anything to stay in power. Just recently the Mayor of Leicester Peter Soulsby rejected a £1 billion pound aid grant for the East Midlands (all 5 of the other Councils have agreed to it) because he didn't want to power share. He also put Leicester into lockdown and broke the rules himself to see his gf.
Claudia Webbe is MP of Leicester East - convicted of sexual harrassement and threatening an acid attack to another woman - is a known pro-paki anti-Indian anti-Hindu stooge. I spoken about her and the MP she replaced (Keith Vaz) in previous posts.

The new wave of immigrants from India are from a wider set of states. Gujaratis many from Daman & Diu, Tamils, Malayalis, and various other states but not (yet) enough to offset the muslim influx.

What happens in Leicester now let's see if troubles die down or not. Until now, I've never experienced any serious religious problems in this city It's actually been quite a shock to realise how Hindus are discriminated against in India itself. Thanks to the pro-India pro-Dharmic ecosystem I can say I'm more aware, but many simply don't know the reality yet. The worldwide anti-India narrative is quite something. I won't get into the coolie or not argument this post is already long enough, but if we can use the "Tebbit Test"
then I can say I and all or at least most in my family and community happily fail the Tebbit Test.

Hopefully this gives a little bit of historical insight into Leicester. Here are the archive videos of EAIs coming to UK for anyone who is curious to watch:
Travelling youtuber catches a glimpse of the EAIs that remained in Tanzania:

Brood Father

Senior Member
Jun 27, 2015
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Islam is declining. It is still there bcz of lies and victim playing. I can clearly see the way people are leaving islam, it will be dead in 2050. Only Porkis will follow this cult until the last pork on the earth.
Declining my ass ..They are going strong by the day ..They have somehow managed to infiltrate leli gangs and are now more powerful than ever .


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2022
No need to make radical if you are conscious of your identity and believe in your ancestry and lineage. You will stand up to protect your family, friends and culture.Radical is for chootiya religions that have no strength on their own and needs to be sustained like Abramahic ones
Yes, how many more Hindus must be attacked randomly? Stop this raita “it’s abrahmic so we don’t strike back” nonsense.


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2022
But they are quite capable of destroying civilization and put their own sharia rules.
Don't go far in middle east where they just destroyed many civilizations. Look at around if you are living in northern part of India. North India was hub of Sanatan civilization with big monuments in ancient time like you find in Southern part of India (As it was untouchable by Islamists), today you don't find big monuments in north India where Islamists ruled. They just wiped of the whole civilization.
Even parts of MH tooo

cereal killer

Senior Member
May 14, 2020
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Islam is declining. It is still there bcz of lies and victim playing. I can clearly see the way people are leaving islam, it will be dead in 2050. Only Porkis will follow this cult until the last pork on the earth.
Wishful thinking... Islam is fastest growing religion in the world. In our country it is rapidly expanding and you are talking about
the world.
I don't see Paxtan being around till 2050... If it does then it would be massive failure of Indian establishment.

Sonic Wasp

Regular Member
Feb 28, 2022
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I think we should be using white skin color and colonization to target muslim white liberal paterners like black are doing it in usa
like oue own victim card


Regular Member
Dec 8, 2021
Posting some historical background of immigration into Leicester here:


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