UK and the Rise of Radical Islam


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2019
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Some one wrong interpretation and wrong doing you can't question İSLAM which by name means peace İslam is never radical it came to stop radicalism

İf some Hindu drinks and than beats her wife at home it doesn't mean Hinduism is wrong

Similarly İSLAM don't preach violence at any stage to any one

İn india word JİHAD is now been used for political personal gains

What is JİHAD

JİHAD means is not limited to fight physically jihad can be done by stopping your self from wrong doings hurting people go against your bad habits is JİHAD

JİHAD in war only allowed in İslam when some one attacks your house your country than you are allowed to do JİHAD

Please before writing do some critical research for your own knowledge don't blindly accept what media says

İslam is only religion who have rights for even neighbors no matter what cast country colour religion your neighbor has

So stop this radicalism with İslam if İslam is radical than all religions are radicals
Islam means "submission". Your book clearly says to beat your wife if she disobeys you but not so bad that she starts showing discoloration of the skin.
In India, Jihad has been declared by many of your generals and terror groups. Go tell Hafiz Saeed this nautanki if you have the balls. Jihad means war, plain and simple.
I do a lot of "critical research" and I know what is taught in your mosques and how half of you buggers don't even read quran's/hadith's translation.
Islam clearly mentions killing Kafirs is the greatest service to Allah or that if a muslim dies without thinking of killing kafirs, he's gonna go to hell. The most noble way to acquire wealth according to Islam?

Carpentry? No.
Painting? No.
Stock trading? No.
Pillage and plunder? Yes.

Your book clearly outlines how and who to rape, murder, behead and enslave. Read the damn thing and take it to your heart. I wish to see more radical muslims in Pakistan.


Senior Member
Mar 8, 2022
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Islam means "submission". Your book clearly says to beat your wife if she disobeys you but not so bad that she starts showing discoloration of the skin.
In India, Jihad has been declared by many of your generals and terror groups. Go tell Hafiz Saeed this nautanki if you have the balls. Jihad means war, plain and simple.
I do a lot of "critical research" and I know what is taught in your mosques and how half of you buggers don't even read quran's/hadith's translation.
Islam clearly mentions killing Kafirs is the greatest service to Allah or that if a muslim dies without thinking of killing kafirs, he's gonna go to hell. The most noble way to acquire wealth according to Islam?

Carpentry? No.
Painting? No.
Stock trading? No.
Pillage and plunder? Yes.

Your book clearly outlines how and who to rape, murder, behead and enslave. Read the damn thing and take it to your heart. I wish to see more radical muslims in Pakistan.

It is important to understand that the problem with Islam is not just an Islam problem, it is abrahamic religion problem. Christians waged crusades and ever since they turned into Euro-cucks, they now rely on outright bribery ( rice bag syndrome). Jews - they too genocided their way into the 'holy land' and though never in large enough numbers to conduct Jihad, one oft suppressed fact about Jews is that they invited their own doom at the hands of the Assyrians, Babylonians and Romans. Why ? because the bible has a long list of jewish prophets who went to these kingdoms- far more advanced, civilised and powerful than the jews (its important to realise that the biblical jews share virtually ZERO cultural commonality with modern jews- they were not erudite, educated, business minded people, they were LITERALLY the Taliban of their times - goat herders who were ultra conservative) . And these jewish prophets went to these kingdoms, to the courts of these kings and emperors and flat out told them that their God is bullshit, the only real God is yahweh and they must fall on the feet of the chosen people ( ze jooz) else be condemned to hell.

This is precisely what made Sennacherib and Ashurbanipal go 'aiite, lets see what this God of yours does when i ass-rape your women, kill your men and take your children into slavery' .

All through history of mankind's religions, you can make two NEAT camps - Abrahamic and non abrahamic. The abrahamic camp is the ONLY camp that has engaged in religious genocide & religious wars - defined as wars where given justification is 'our god wants us to kill them/pillage them/conquer them/enslave them'.

The only other instance in HISTORY where a non-abrahamic religion wages religious war, is that of a 20 year period of Sassanian Persian history, where one of their Zoroastrian high priest ( mobad-e-mobadan, the position where the pope comes from effectively, being the chief of all priests, royally appointed) , named Kartir, convinced a series of weak Emperors following Shapur I, to genocide the Christians & Manicheans.

Thats it, the end of 'religious genocide/warfare' of the non-abrahamics.

Abrahamic faiths are LITERALLY the only religions on the planet that genocide & kill their own co-religionists in other sects. Not ONCE in history do you find genocidal wars between the various sects of other religions ( vaishnava/shaiva/smarta/advaita/shakta in hindus, mahayana/theravada/vajrayana in buddhists, digambar/swetambar in jain, the various cults of Roman/Greek/Chinese folk religions etc). But look into the abrahamics and the genocide & war between their own co-religionsts - such as Shia-Sunni, Catholic-Protestant-Orthodox, Maccabeans vs Essenes (jews) is abundant.

So the question begets, why are abrahamcis so genocidal/into religious warfare ?
And the answer is simple - Abrahamism is to religion, what Nazism is to philosophy : we are better than you, we are the chosen ones, our way is the only correct way, yours is bullshit and therefore, bend the knee to us or die/suffer in hell forever.

ALL other religions have the trait of ' we THINK we are correct and you are wrong, but if you dont hurt us, we wont hurt you and we will let the Gods/God/karmic universe be the final judge on who was correct'.

This is why, even for the highly barbaric, genocidal slaver trash like Romans, they were A-ok pillaging, plundering & enslaving Gaul to the extent that 25% of the Celts straight up died and another 25% were imported into Italia as slaves, but not ONCE do we find mention of ' we tore down the grove of the druids to make a beautiful temple to the king of Gods, Jupiter' or such. NOT ONCE.

Not even the Greeks - another fellow Euro barbarian who practically invented the concept of racism- go through the length and breadth of the vast Persian empire they had just conquered- their hated nemesis ( think India vs Pakistan of ancient times, where Greece was the Pakistan) - and burn down Zoroastrian fire temples and replace them with temples of Zeus, Apollo or Athena.

This is why, abrahamic religions need to be shown the mirror for what they are - a genocidal, warmongering cult that is singularly responsible for 99.9% of ALL religious violence in history of mankind (again, religious violence, not just all violence) and the popes and muftis of Abrahamic religions are to religion, what Hitler and Stalin were to ideology - genocidal criminals.

Why are Islamists so much worse than Christian radicals ? Well for the same reason Christian radicals are so much worse than the jewish radicals : each new iteration of the abrahamic religion brings forth a more violent, venal and genocidal codification of their essential ethos of 'our way is the only way and everyone who doesn't submit to us are our enemies, slated for extermination - by us or the allmighty'.

This pattern is seen in islam itself, where during the time of independence, the most rabid genocidal, anti-dharmic cult wern't the Deobandis (who are Sunnis) or twelvers (shias) but Ahmadiyyas - the latest cult of Islam.
Feb 16, 2009
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Police Investigating after Quran Damaged at UK School

British Students defile holiest book in Islam . Pakis Quiet.


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Jun 2, 2022
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Police Investigating after Quran Damaged at UK School

British Students defile holiest book in Islam . Pakis Quiet.
I don't believe in Karma in the moral sense—good things happen to you if you do good and its inverse. But the fate of Britishers makes me wonder if they're really inflicted by the karma.

If the government keeps pandering them for their votes, UK will grow increasingly subservient to muslims. They just don't stop in their demands. I think 2 decades are enough for muslims to form a ruling situation over that country. Population wise, White brits would still be the majority. But most of them would be old and barely have any presence on the streets. Muslims will essentially take over UK and perhaps it'll be the first of its kind in the europe.

A 14-year old autistic boy who accidentally damaged Quran in school was issued death threats. The local mosque's cleric called the mother to 'settle' the matter. Wearing a black headscarf, essentially a hijab, the poor woman faced the mass of muslims in the mosque and apologized for her son's genuine mistake, while promising not to press any charges against the threats and intimidations the young boy received.

The greatest thing about the whole event was that when this sharia judgement was going on, the local police commissioner was sitting next to the cleric. After the mother's statement, he praised the community and applauded the 'peaceful' settlement of the issue against the islamophobia. The matter isn't done yet, the police are investigating. But not for arresting the ones who issued death threats, but how the Quran was damaged.

UK has fallen. The British Society is doomed to Englistan and this event is just a precursor to the hell that'd be unleashed once the muslims build up their numbers. This is the beginning of their end.
Feb 16, 2009
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Boy who 'accidentally dropped a copy of the Quran at Wakefield school' receives 'death threats': Teenager is left 'absolutely petrified' by messages, says mother

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