Trump may ask India to send troops to Afghanistan


Senior Member
Dec 2, 2016
You have to understand the difference between a heavy presence and an invasion. US has heavy presence in friendly countries like SoKo, Japan, Germany to name a few. They are not necessarily seen as invading forces. They are just there for the day the need for them to be there arises.
We need boots on the ground not to fight anyone, but to merely remain vigilant. To encircle Pakistan, one country at a time. I disagree that Iran and Russia are on Taliban side. This is a completely baseless claim.
Taliban are Sunni insurgents raised by Pakistan, they are not Afghans, but consist mainly people from FATA of Pakistan. Iran a Shia power, does not side with Sunni Taliban, it has no reason to. The Taliban do not give any strategic edge to Iran.
Russians on the other hand, are no fools. They are not closet Islamists like the US that they would side and support the very force which defeated them during the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan. Never has Moscow shown any affinity towards the Taliban by words, nor ever by action. So it is implausible that Russia is siding with Taliban.

Keep pushing the soft power pot dream. That will get us somewhere definitely, say in the next century.

You seem to have the idea that war is something ordinary and can be easily dealt with and won simply by adding more manpower. I suggest you go back to the basics of strategy and warfare and start reading history books and wars.
There is no dearth?! If there is no dearth why do you cower from going into Afghanistan?
Stop living in fool's paradise. Going to Afghanistan makes sense only if there is something to be gained. Do you know the ground situation of Afghanistan? 50% is with Taliban. Do you want India to unnecessarily wage an unending war? As long as Saudi oil remains, Taliban can't be taken out. There is no point fighting the wrong enemy. Taliban doesn't get weapons and funds by magic.

Foolishly being war mongering is absurd. First try to clear out the jihadis within who are living like Trojan horses. I am against dying for muslims, be it afghanistan or iran. Iran doesn't hate sunnis. It actively supports Palestine which is Sunni.


Senior Member
Jan 19, 2011
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I'm sad to say China is far ahead of India that I'm jealous of them in this regard.most Chinese see their country as having a unique Chinese message to the world,identify with their race and hence their country and not by foreign ideologies and religions and hence are much smoother to govern.
I agree with most part of your post except this part.
China is not racially homogeneous, neither is it homogeneous in thought. It is a facade that has been put for the world. The Hans are a dominant group and they have suppressed all successfully so far - most notable among them are the Tibetans and Mongolians through brute force and threat of genocide. There is nothing to be jealous of China from the racial point of view.

But yes I do agree with the larger message of your post that we have to get our racial narrative right. I believe this is a work in progress, albeit slowly with the NDA at the helm. It is not only a political revolution but also a social and cultural one. One has to undo the filth propagated by Liberals for 60+ years. That would take some time and getting used to. A quick solution is to drive out all dissenters into oblivion, if you know what I mean. Since that is very hard within a democratic setup, one has to do it slowly. The first thing and the most important thing to be done is to steel the Hindu psyche with confidence and resolve and make them understand that there is a place for Hindus under the Sun.


Senior Member
Jan 19, 2011
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Stop living in fool's paradise. Going to Afghanistan makes sense only if there is something to be gained. Do you know the ground situation of Afghanistan? 50% is with Taliban. Do you want India to unnecessarily wage an unending war? As long as Saudi oil remains, Taliban can't be taken out. There is no point fighting the wrong enemy. Taliban doesn't get weapons and funds by magic.
You are not ready for the big world yet my friend. You talk of fancy gains and losses yet your words prove that you are one of those coward Hindus terribly afraid of the bearded Sunni Arab who has oil money and funds rag tags of Afghanistan and Pakistan. To be a respected power, you don't always consider short term gains. If you think that encircling Pakistan is not a strategic gain enough, then I must re-iterate go back to basics.
Foolishly being war mongering is absurd. First try to clear out the jihadis within who are living like Trojan horses. I am against dying for muslims, be it afghanistan or iran. Iran doesn't hate sunnis. It actively supports Palestine which is Sunni.
No one is mongering for war. The middle east is completely dishevelled at the moment. ISIS is on the run, thanks to Russia. The oily Arabs are in no position to fuel worldwide Jihad anymore. All they can do is now fund Jihadis in their own countries, blowing up their own people with car bombs. As for all the attacks in Europe, they have all proven to be lone wolf attacks. I agree that we have to weed out Jihadis within. But one cannot sit for decades waiting for Jihadis to be exterminated and then one fine day find China filling up the Afghanistan vacuum. The world is up for grabs at the moment, with USA going into it a isolationist cloister. That is why Russia and China are doing all they can to increase their spheres of influence. India, if we want to be a power in this world, must increase our sphere of influence. Afghanistan, one of the few friendly neighbours we have, makes for an ideal case.
I re-iterate, we should not go in for a war. Simply increase the presence their with a few bases, and never try to influence the Afghan polity, which is none of our business.


Senior Member
Dec 2, 2016
You are not ready for the big world yet my friend. You talk of fancy gains and losses yet your words prove that you are one of those coward Hindus terribly afraid of the bearded Sunni Arab who has oil money and funds rag tags of Afghanistan and Pakistan. To be a respected power, you don't always consider short term gains. If you think that encircling Pakistan is not a strategic gain enough, then I must re-iterate go back to basics.

No one is mongering for war. The middle east is completely dishevelled at the moment. ISIS is on the run, thanks to Russia. The oily Arabs are in no position to fuel worldwide Jihad anymore. All they can do is now fund Jihadis in their own countries, blowing up their own people with car bombs. As for all the attacks in Europe, they have all proven to be lone wolf attacks. I agree that we have to weed out Jihadis within. But one cannot sit for decades waiting for Jihadis to be exterminated and then one fine day find China filling up the Afghanistan vacuum. The world is up for grabs at the moment, with USA going into it a isolationist cloister. That is why Russia and China are doing all they can to increase their spheres of influence. India, if we want to be a power in this world, must increase our sphere of influence. Afghanistan, one of the few friendly neighbours we have, makes for an ideal case.
I re-iterate, we should not go in for a war. Simply increase the presence their with a few bases, and never try to influence the Afghan polity, which is none of our business.
Just because you read in the media about middle east and ISIS doesn't understand that ISIS was made by Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. ISIS is a response to CIA Arab Spring revolution. It is to ensure USA will never dare to meddle with internal affairs of muslim countries by ensuring that any such foolish ideas of coup or revolution will be met by jihad.

Keeping trrops in Afghanistan is not encircling Pakistan as India has no strategic depth. India can't just deploy a regiment of tanks, few squadron of airforce in Afghanistan as that will simply be unacceptable to Afghanistan. It is not that India can establish multiple bases in Afghanistan and India is unwilling. Foot soldiers make no sense and are only a liability.

Only a mentally unsound person will ask for troop deployment without heavy presence of airforce, MRBL, Artillery and other mechanised divisions


Senior Member
Dec 2, 2016
First learn to express yourself properly and coherently in the language you are using, then accuse others of being mentally unsound.
Yes, that was a typing mistake. Typing long sentences in mobile phones will result in skipping a few words as my mind will think much faster than my hands can type. This doesn't mean I am incapable of writing coherently. I simply can't type properly in a mobile phone and hence these mistakes happen.

If you didn't happen to understand, then here it is -

Middle East is unstable and in upheaval only according to media. Reality is that the ISIS, muslim brotherhood etc are the creation of Saudi-ISI to counter Arab Springs and coups organised by CIA. If CIA tries bringing democracy, it will only bring muslim brotherhood type of parties. If CIA tries to bring coup in the form of moderate rebels, it will only result in ISIS type dictatorship. That is not upheaval but great strategy


Living in Post Truth
Senior Member
May 31, 2017
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Just because you read in the media about middle east and ISIS doesn't understand that ISIS was made by Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. ISIS is a response to CIA Arab Spring revolution. It is to ensure USA will never dare to meddle with internal affairs of muslim countries by ensuring that any such foolish ideas of coup or revolution will be met by jihad.

Keeping trrops in Afghanistan is not encircling Pakistan as India has no strategic depth. India can't just deploy a regiment of tanks, few squadron of airforce in Afghanistan as that will simply be unacceptable to Afghanistan. It is not that India can establish multiple bases in Afghanistan and India is unwilling. Foot soldiers make no sense and are only a liability.

Only a mentally unsound person will ask for troop deployment without heavy presence of airforce, MRBL, Artillery and other mechanised divisions
Dont mind but there are some factual errors in ur post. For one CIA's arab spring itself was a strategy to destabilise Middle East. If spread of democracy was the american objective they would have started with their strategic ally Saudi Arabia or other Sunni monarchies in gulf. US is one of the parent that concieved IsIs. Plz read reports of how highly accurate US drones mistakenly bombed hospitals, power stations in Syria. How arms and ammo for rebels mistakenly landed with Al Nusra. These are not silly mistakes. US wanted to weaken the Shia crescent hence all upheavel happened in Shia countries like Libya, Syria & Iraq. Also care to read how Turkey was selling oil stolen by IsIs from Syrian oil fields thereby financing IS. What did US do to stop Turkey. Everyone was happy with IS untill when the refugees started pouring into Europe and started exploding in public. Then only Europeans realised they have sided with wrong in Syria.
Strategic Depth is a term coined by Pakistan that considers Afghans as their backyard. Just because US asked them to help them throw the Soviets out. It is a matter of time. If Afghans agree to Indian presence then why not. Theyhave been highly vocal of calling Pak as center of terrorism. Also we do have foreign millitary bases. I m for Indian army in Afghan but not till the conditions are right and objectives clear


Regular Member
Oct 29, 2016
When will indians come out of super power delusions? We will be never be super power even in 100 years.First try to improve our people conditions who r living in worse conditions than sub saharan Africa.

As for people who want send indian army to Afghanistan, first read about IPKF in Srilanka, we lost 1700 soldiers in lanka for nothing. That is one of the foolish ever operations by indian army.

Hemu Vikram Aditya

Senior Member
Jan 18, 2017
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Dont mind but there are some factual errors in ur post. For one CIA's arab spring itself was a strategy to destabilise Middle East. If spread of democracy was the american objective they would have started with their strategic ally Saudi Arabia or other Sunni monarchies in gulf. US is one of the parent that concieved IsIs. Plz read reports of how highly accurate US drones mistakenly bombed hospitals, power stations in Syria. How arms and ammo for rebels mistakenly landed with Al Nusra. These are not silly mistakes. US wanted to weaken the Shia crescent hence all upheavel happened in Shia countries like Libya, Syria & Iraq. Also care to read how Turkey was selling oil stolen by IsIs from Syrian oil fields thereby financing IS. What did US do to stop Turkey. Everyone was happy with IS untill when the refugees started pouring into Europe and started exploding in public. Then only Europeans realised they have sided with wrong in Syria.
Strategic Depth is a term coined by Pakistan that considers Afghans as their backyard. Just because US asked them to help them throw the Soviets out. It is a matter of time. If Afghans agree to Indian presence then why not. Theyhave been highly vocal of calling Pak as center of terrorism. Also we do have foreign millitary bases. I m for Indian army in Afghan but not till the conditions are right and objectives clear
I think USA is deliberately trying to destabalize muslim countries not only Shia but Sunni too for example;- Sudan(Christian Rebellion), Mauritiana,Nigeria,Rwanda. Mullah countries in Africa are in the process of being destabalized heck i feel in the far future that even Egypt would be destabalized.

Coming back to the topic I think Bharat should send some soldiers under UN flag and our companies should set up Oil wells there our soldiers under the UN banner should protect our companies and our interest as well as train some Jihadis to attack Pakistan.


Senior Member
Dec 2, 2016
Dont mind but there are some factual errors in ur post. For one CIA's arab spring itself was a strategy to destabilise Middle East. If spread of democracy was the american objective they would have started with their strategic ally Saudi Arabia or other Sunni monarchies in gulf. US is one of the parent that concieved IsIs. Plz read reports of how highly accurate US drones mistakenly bombed hospitals, power stations in Syria. How arms and ammo for rebels mistakenly landed with Al Nusra. These are not silly mistakes. US wanted to weaken the Shia crescent hence all upheavel happened in Shia countries like Libya, Syria & Iraq. Also care to read how Turkey was selling oil stolen by IsIs from Syrian oil fields thereby financing IS. What did US do to stop Turkey. Everyone was happy with IS untill when the refugees started pouring into Europe and started exploding in public. Then only Europeans realised they have sided with wrong in Syria.
Strategic Depth is a term coined by Pakistan that considers Afghans as their backyard. Just because US asked them to help them throw the Soviets out. It is a matter of time. If Afghans agree to Indian presence then why not. Theyhave been highly vocal of calling Pak as center of terrorism. Also we do have foreign millitary bases. I m for Indian army in Afghan but not till the conditions are right and objectives clear

USA sponsored rebels in Syria and iraq to force increase in oil production to decrease oil prices. Turkey was designated to be the pipeline for the oil. But, Saudi-ISI and Turkey did something more and sponsored Islamic state to further their agenda of caliphate taking advantage of the US sponsored rebellion. USA wanted to destabilize Middle east but Saudi-ISI-Turkey wanted Islamic state to take advantage of the turmoil to establish concept of caliphate.

The middle east problem is not just about US but about covert operations between USA and Islamic countries. The USA plan was foiled by Islamic strategy of turning the tables against the CIA and instead establishing Islamic rule. Now, since USA needs oil prices to be low, it can't attack ISIS and neither can Russia. In reality, Russia is striking against the 'US backed moderate rebels' more than striking ISIS. No one can afford to take out the oil fields which ISIS holds and the pipelines via turkey as that will cause a serious spike in oil prices
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warrior monk

Regular Member
Nov 24, 2014
Actually sending troops to Afghanistan would be a mistake as the Afghan problem cannot be solved without Pakistan's connivance even US seems to recognize that. It is said " Getting into Afghanistan is easy but staying there is the tough part " .It is a trap by US and Pakistan India should not take it.
Without eliminating the Quetta shura in Pakistan it is very hard to defeat Taliban. Taliban controls 45 % of Afghanistan . There will be unnecessary casualties of Indian Army .


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2016
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@spikey360 Country whose troops are in foreign lands don't get to decide whether it's merely a heavy presence or an invasion, locals do. It also doesn't matter whether you want to fight or not. It is upto the people who will fight you, in this case Taliban and Porkis.

You are working on a thoroughly outdated geo politics.

India has nothing to gain from this adventure and even the people who haven't served a day in uniform will tell you that logistics take precedence over anything and everything. World's only superpower is struggling itself with the issue, for India it'll be 10 times worse.

Butter Chicken

Senior Member
Oct 6, 2016
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The artificial state of Pakistan will be broken up b/w 2018-2022.The solution to Afghanistan will follow after that.A new Pashtunistan will be formed combining Pashtun areas of Pakjabistan and Afghanistan.The Northern Alliance govt. can have the Kabul and nearby areas and live peacefully.


Tihar Jail
Jun 21, 2017
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The artificial state of Pakistan will be broken up b/w 2018-2022.The solution to Afghanistan will follow after that.A new Pashtunistan will be formed combining Pashtun areas of Pakjabistan and Afghanistan.The Northern Alliance govt. can have the Kabul and nearby areas and live peacefully.
No way the filthy Pashtuns should have any part of Punjab. When Porkistan breaks up we must make sure to take Punjab and Sindh and creatively "relocate" the undesirables into Afghanistan beyond the durand line.


Senior Member
Jan 19, 2011
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@spikey360 Country whose troops are in foreign lands don't get to decide whether it's merely a heavy presence or an invasion, locals do. It also doesn't matter whether you want to fight or not. It is upto the people who will fight you, in this case Taliban and Porkis.

You are working on a thoroughly outdated geo politics.

India has nothing to gain from this adventure and even the people who haven't served a day in uniform will tell you that logistics take precedence over anything and everything. World's only superpower is struggling itself with the issue, for India it'll be 10 times worse.
If more people thought like you, we would still be cleaning toilets of the British.
Thank God they had a little more enthusiasm for a better nation than you and people who think like you.


Living in Post Truth
Senior Member
May 31, 2017
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No way the filthy Pashtuns should have any part of Punjab. When Porkistan breaks up we must make sure to take Punjab and Sindh and creatively "relocate" the undesirables into Afghanistan beyond the durand line.
Why the love for Punjab or Pakjab rather. In no way will the Afghans agree to accept millions of Sunni Pakjabis. Neither do they share culture with the Afghans. Most likely Sindh & Balochistan should be independent while India takes back PoK and GB. Pashtuns majority areas of Khyber Pakthunwa should be given to Afghans. Pakjab can remain and call itself as Pakistan.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2016
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If more people thought like you, we would still be cleaning toilets of the British.
Thank God they had a little more enthusiasm for a better nation than you and people who think like you.
Then thank heavens there were people like you who could quote Nayak movie's dialogues.

If you can't argue on the merit of logic and reasoning then shut the fuck up and let people with superior intellect school you in geo-politics and warfare.


Strategic Issues
Senior Member
Oct 28, 2016
india has the correct approch to train & arms the afghans to defend their nation and gain long lasting peace ...rather depending on others...


Senior Member
Jan 19, 2011
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Then thank heavens there were people like you who could quote Nayak movie's dialogues.

If you can't argue on the merit of logic and reasoning then shut the fuck up and let people with superior intellect school you in geo-politics and warfare.
Ah really? Well, school us. I don't claim to be an expert in geopolitics or warfare, but certainly you are of a superior intellect.
Grand! Let's see your grand strategy on how India can be a superpower/power without firing a single shot and hiding its tail between its legs?
Be kind and give us some pearls of your abundant wisdom.

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