Trump Makes Huge Anti-Pakistan Move


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
Pakistan is like a p**stitute that sleeps with anyone who gives money. One cannot expect faithfulness from her. Seems like after Pakistan stopped sleeping with the US, as US got angry, next will be the turn of Chinese. As long they are throwing money, Pakistan is dancing. Once they will ask for returning the debt, you will see the true face of Pakistan. That time Pakistanis will develop brotherly love with Muslims in China and will start insurgency and freedom fighters movement.
TBH I am not even bothered about what USA or China or anyone do to them.

I am concerned about how India works it out.

India and Indians are too "Siyaney" wise that it has made them strategic no-doers.

Even in this very thread you will see doubters and scoffers jumping in to preach about how it will lead to nothing; when Ideally these are the opportunities merely on their face value must be used to screw Pakistan.

Guess what Pakistanis will start abusing us in no time just in case we contemplate to use it to our benefit.

Countries like China have arose by stepping on miseries and conflicts between powers where in India has behaved like a spectator.

It would surprise posters to know that it was no other than India who has acted in a way that it gave breathers to this ever gasping state called Pakistan on many occasions.

Post 26/11 even most leftist President of USA Mr. B. Obama signal that India is free to defend itself the way it want. Bingo...we were asked to attack Pakistan. Every time we were told, I even read many Indian military professionals who were treated as hawks moaning about USA factor as an impediment to their attack on Pakistan.

During his recent visit Obama also revealed how whole USA machinery was put on to assist India.

Jaswant Singh in a joint interview with Musharraf showed his stupidity by giving insight of our core thinking that presence of USA in South east Asia is not desirable to India. Musharraf quickly latched on it in an affirmation when the same bastard and his country has been enjoying the presence foreign invaders in their lands.

In a nutshell the lack of 'Alfa male' (which I show here at times :tongue2: ) character in Indians is mind bogglingly disturbing.

Don't debate the qualification of what POTUS is saying, don't get into perpetual utopian strategic restraint. No one is asking India to rely on USA. This is an opportunity to be used with our own strength and resolve to inflict damages on Pakistan and let them say that we are working on USA's "Sheh" encouragement.

Bad Acha Badnaam Bura ..?


Senior Member
Jan 2, 2018
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POTUS Trump made a big foreign policy announcement against Pakistan, which is as metamorphic as his Jerusalem announcement. "Strategic balance" is officially over.

Please note the terminology.

He just says "No more!". Does it necessarily mean 'no more aid'?

It could simply mean 'We have been giving aid without getting our due. We will no more give aid without verifying. Henceforth, we will verify that we are getting our money's worth when we give aid'.

It's funny that the entire Indian establishment has lapped it up as 'no more aid'. The fact is that the US needs Pakistan and difficult as it is to operate in Afghanistan even with whatever conditional logistics support they get from Pakistan, it will be impossible to operate there if Pakistan stopped the convoys and increased their attacks. Not to mention, the US needs Pakistan for a wider purpose than just the limited Afghanistan context we are considering. Pakistan sits on strategic land overlooking 5 major regions of geo-political interest to the US : India, China, Central Asian Republic, Iran, Arabian sea and the wider access to the Gulf.

Even if they say it in so many words that they have stopped aid, it would just mean that the US has stopped doing wire transfer from US bank to Pakistan bank. They could just as easily load some cash in bags and hand it over to Pakistan. Can India hold the US accountable about this 'policy change'? the fact is that everyone in the region, including Pakistan, has been taking cold hard decisions in self-interest. It is only India which expects others to take hard decisions on India's behalf. We expect the US, UN and EU to announce Pakistan to be a terror state, while we ourselves give MNF to them. We expect the US to stop sending aid while we send Jindal to set up steel plants there.

Now again they are doing the drama of banning cricket. Wasn't it already banned? The GOI themselves unbans them after a few months and then does the drama of banning it again to create an eye wash for their nationalist constituency.

The US will keep propping up Pakistan for their other interests. India should take unilateral actions against nations who prop up Pakistan.


Senior Member
Jan 2, 2018
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TSPA's action after Trump's statement. As I said, all of this is just a eye-blinder.

The American deep state is cleverly using the caricature of a 'loudmouth Trump' to push their luck and see which countries give way. Trump also made snide remarks against UK PM Teresa May. Does that mean that it will adversely impact the decades old relation between the CIA and MI5? But there are some tactical issues over which the UK and UK are 'competing' (not strategic rivals but jostling for a larger pie of the spoils of war for their joint adventurism all over the world). There was a push back from the UK PM so the issue was frozen there. It's the same with Pakistan. They will try to squeeze strategic benefits out of India by cosmetically *saying* the right things but doing nothing. At the same time, they will watch Paksitan's backlash. If the backlash is strategic, then the US has to do nothing to correct anything because they had not really done anything in the first place. It's just a tweet, not an executive order or a law passed in Congress.

All of this drama is based on the calculated orchestra the US deep state is creating with the assumption that Trump will be impeached mid-office. So, before he gets impeached, the deep state is using this puppet to push the limits of other nations one last time to see how far their luck takes them. When push comes to shove, they don't have to commit to anything once Trump is impeached, they can 'go back' to their original policies based on hard strategic realities. That includes their position on Jerusalem.

Every right winger rejoiced that the US moved its embassy to Jerusalem, but did anyone care to see the fine print? the embassy has been moved to WEST Jerusalem, which is ALREADY acknowledged as Israeli territory by the Palestine authority and the international community. It is EAST Jerusalem which is disputed.

This 'unpredictable' Trump guy has been planted there to make a monkey out of the world community and to get others to reveal their cards while allowing Murica to retain their own cards by simply orchestrating an impeachment when the heat is too much to take. In the employment of comprehensive national power, the POTUS is less than 1/16 of their whole national power. The role of POTUS is created only to micro-manage the internal civil contradictions and to keep the flock pacified while the deep state takes the real decisions. The POTUS can make no real decisions anyway. That's why they always choose posterboys. Negro Obama was a posterboy for black resurgence. He promised to close the torture prisons, did he? nope. He promised to end drone program, but he increased it by 800%. Trump is a posterboy to pacify the white middle class. He will play his role and Killary will be back in the driving seat one way or other.

Let's not get swayed by what the POTUS does. This is a totally irrelevant position in the US.
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Senior Member
May 16, 2011
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Well Trump is not from the deep state and the deep state hates him. He won't be impeached. He will be there till 2024 followed probably by his daughter Ivanka as the first female POTUS for the following 8 years.

As for him being planted, people couldn't be further away from the truth. The deep state wanted to plant their whore Hillary all along. For now, the dems will be weak party for a long time to come. Regardless of how much power the POTUS truly has, when combined with a majority in Senate and House, it is quite easy to pass a lot of legislation. Keep in mind how quickly Trump over turned so many of Obama era regulations.

All the liberal butt hurt and salty tears and MSM breakdown over the last year proves exactly why Trump is winning bigly. To say the power of the POTUS is irrelevant is silly to say the least. By declaring Jerusalem capital of Israel or pulling out of climate accord and many other things, he stuck a virtual dildo up all the elites in EU, middle east etc, He still commands the only remaining super power in the world, to say such power is irrelevant is silly.

That said fuck the Pakis, hope from this year onwards they won't have anymore US Aid, sales of arms etc.


Senior Member
Jan 2, 2018
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Okay there is an update in this matter today :
The White House has confirmed that the US has suspended its $ 255 million military aid to Pakistan for now, saying the fate of such assistance will depend on Islamabad's response to terrorism. "The president has made clear the US expects Pakistan to take decisive action against terrorists and militants on its soil, and that Pakistan's actions in support of the South Asia Strategy will ultimately determine the trajectory of our relationship, including future security assistance," a senior administration official told news agency PTI.
So, they have not banned or cancelled foreign aid.

They have "suspended it", which is a regular drama every year. It's how Indian housewives suspend the payment of the local cable TV operator every month because one of their favorite saas-bahu channels is not active. The cable operator puts the channel for a few days, gets his money and the channel is down next week.

This is a choreographed drama between the US and Pakistan. The US pretends to ban it, then Pakistan pretends to be angry and India pretends to have fallen for it, to keep domestic Indian opinion placated.

On the contrary, it is Pakistan who has seized the initiative. They did a terror attack in Afghan military training institute yesterday, killing 40, then they did the same in our CRPF camp, just to rub our noses in and show that no matter how belligerent they behave, the US will still release the funds sooner or later. They know that if they still get the aid, it would strain Indian public perception against the US.

It would have been ideal for Indian intel to replicate the attack on a US base in Afghanistan and pay both of them in the same coin. Headlines next day "Pakistan backed terrorists attack a US army camp in Kandahar after Trump suspends foreign aid". Now the ball would be in their court. You want to play with fire? good, this is a game two can play.

Let's not lose sight of the bigger picture. A colonial power is at our doorsteps and we seem to be not only comfortable with their presence here but also welcoming of it. It is the US who has blocked India's entry into the Afghanistan-Turkey-Pakistan trilateral form. Turkey, of all nations, gets to have a say but not India.

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Regular Member
Nov 5, 2016
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Any chance
Okay there is an update in this matter today :

So, they have not banned or cancelled foreign aid.

They have "suspended it", which is a regular drama every year. It's how Indian housewives suspend the payment of the local cable TV operator every month because one of their favorite saas-bahu channels is not active. The cable operator puts the channel for a few days, gets his money and the channel is down next week.

This is a choreographed drama between the US and Pakistan. The US pretends to ban it, then Pakistan pretends to be angry and India pretends to have fallen for it, to keep domestic Indian opinion placated.

On the contrary, it is Pakistan who has seized the initiative. They did a terror attack in Afghan military training institute yesterday, killing 40, then they did the same in our CRPF camp, just to rub our noses in and show that no matter how belligerent they behave, the US will still release the funds sooner or later. They know that if they still get the aid, it would strain Indian public perception against the US.

It would have been ideal for Indian intel to replicate the attack on a US base in Afghanistan and pay both of them in the same coin. Headlines next day "Pakistan backed terrorists attack a US army camp in Kandahar after Trump suspends foreign aid". Now the ball would be in their court. You want to play with fire? good, this is a game two can play.

Let's not lose sight of the bigger picture. A colonial power is at our doorsteps and we seem to be not only comfortable with their presence here but also welcoming of it. It is the US who has blocked India's entry into the Afghanistan-Turkey-Pakistan trilateral form. Turkey, of all nations, gets to have a say but not India.

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Senior Member
May 16, 2011
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Well US policy has been the same for years till Trump got elected, things are quiet different in a lot of ways. As for Pak let's see how this plays out.


Sep 7, 2015
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And now.....

Pakistan summons U.S. ambassador after Trump's angry tweet

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistan summoned the U.S. ambassador in protest against U.S. President Donald Trump’s angry tweet about Pakistan’s “lies and deceit”, while Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif dismissed the outburst as a political stunt.

David Hale was summoned by the Pakistan foreign office on Monday to explain Trump’s tweet, media said. A spokesperson for the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad confirmed the meeting took place.

In a withering attack, Trump on Monday said the United States had “foolishly” handed Pakistan more than $33 billion in aid in the last 15 years and had been rewarded with “nothing but lies and deceit”.

“They give safe haven to the terrorists we hunt in Afghanistan, with little help. No more!” Trump wrote on Twitter.

Trump’s harsh words drew praise from Pakistan’s old foe, India, and neighboring Afghanistan, but long-time ally China defended Pakistan’s record of combating “terrorism”.

Relations between United States and its uneasy ally Pakistan have been strained for many years over Islamabad’s alleged support for Haqqani network militants, who are allied with the Afghan Taliban.

The United States also alleges senior Afghan Taliban commanders live on Pakistani soil. In 2016, the then-Taliban leader Mullah Mansour was killed by a U.S. drone strike inside Pakistan and in 2011, al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was found and killed by U.S. troops in the Pakistani garrison town of Abbottabad.

Washington has signaled to Pakistan that it will cut aid and enact other punitive measures if Islamabad does not stop helping or turning a blind eye to the Haqqani network militants who carry out cross-border attacks in Afghanistan.

Islamabad bristles at the suggestion it is not doing enough in the war against militancy, saying that since 2001, Pakistan has suffered more than the United States from militancy as casualties at the hands of Islamists number in the tens of thousands.

Pakistani Foreign Minister Asif dismissed Trump’s comments as a political stunt borne out of frustration over U.S. failures in Afghanistan, where Afghan Taliban militants have been gaining territory and carrying out major attacks.

“He has tweeted against us (Pakistan) and Iran for his domestic consumption,” Asif told Geo TV on Monday.

More here with video....

Pak's foreign minister says that the US has failed in Afghanistan. It's actually Pak that has failed miserably by blundering big time in Afghanistan for the past 15 years as they have come a cropper in their grand strategy to install a pliable, 'friendly' government in Afghanistan for their so called 'strategic depth' with the help of their stooges, the Afghan Taliban.


Senior Member
Jan 2, 2018
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Any chance

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No one can be anything in the US by being against the deep state. The deep state has ensured that such a democratic space does not exist for any real opposition to emerge from within. They are all single minded.

Putin explained the sham of American 'democracy' very beautifully here :

Unlike us, they don't let democracy dictate their national goals. They use democracy to stay engaged in a dialogue with their restive groups so that any minority leader who seems to be getting too much support can be co-opted through bribes and honeytraps and outright assassinations.

What anti-deep-state view will Trump take anyway? There's no wriggling room in international politics. If you miss the opportunity, then Russia and China takes it. The global power of the US is declining. They are going to spend the next 50 years managing this decline in such a way that their global military presence is held in place by destabilizing other nations (Iran is a recent example). They will try to keep their economic edge (held in place by their intellectual property holdings) intact by allowing the migration of highly skilled global workforce to emigrate to the US, while they will enforce their racial purity by forcing the migrants to integrate and become mixed ethnicity Christians within the span of the next two generations. At the same time, they will try to put spanner in the works of other rising powers like India, China, Russia.

Be it Negrobama or Trump, their immigration policies follow the same pattern. They open the gates like a tap, allow a staggered migration from India, then they shut the tap to allow the new migrants to 'assimilate'. This opening and closing of taps happens every decade. The Democrats 'appear' to be welcoming towards immigration and the Republicans 'appear' to be anti-immigration. They are both parts of the 'tap'. Both of these events have to be looked at, in their totality instead of falling for their domestic electoral rhetoric.

US politics is nothing but a tailormade reality show for the US audience. It's a shame that we are falling for it. Let us keep our eyes on hard realpolitik goals.


Sep 7, 2015
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And there's more! As usual, China has come to the defence of their slave, Pakistan.

BEIJING: China on Tuesday defended Pakistan saying the world community should acknowledge its all-weather ally's "outstanding contribution" to counter terrorism, a day after US President Donald Trump lashed out at Islamabad for providing safe havens to terrorists.

"Pakistan has made enormous efforts and sacrifice for the fight against terrorism and has made very outstanding contribution to the global cause of counter terrorism. The international community should acknowledge that," Chinese foreign ministry spokesman said here when asked about Trump's criticism of Pakistan.

He said China is glad to see Pakistan engaging in international cooperation, including counter terrorism, on the basis of mutual respect so as to contribute to regional peace and stability.

"China and Pakistan are all weather partners. We stand ready to promote and deepen our all-round cooperation so as to bring benefits to the two sides," Geng said.

Well, that ain't surprising seeing that China's whore Pakistan is to be given protection due to the enormous stakes involved in assimilating it as its sixth province in the near future.


Senior Member
Jan 2, 2018
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And there's more! As usual, China has come to the defence of their slave, Pakistan.

BEIJING: China on Tuesday defended Pakistan saying the world community should acknowledge its all-weather ally's "outstanding contribution" to counter terrorism, a day after US President Donald Trump lashed out at Islamabad for providing safe havens to terrorists.

"Pakistan has made enormous efforts and sacrifice for the fight against terrorism and has made very outstanding contribution to the global cause of counter terrorism. The international community should acknowledge that," Chinese foreign ministry spokesman said here when asked about Trump's criticism of Pakistan.

He said China is glad to see Pakistan engaging in international cooperation, including counter terrorism, on the basis of mutual respect so as to contribute to regional peace and stability.

"China and Pakistan are all weather partners. We stand ready to promote and deepen our all-round cooperation so as to bring benefits to the two sides," Geng said.

Well, that ain't surprising seeing that China's whore Pakistan is to be given protection due to the enormous stakes involved in assimilating it as its sixth province in the near future.
In principle, this is risky for us.

US, China and Russia are literally the only 3 poles in the multipolar world order. If ALL 3 of them are seen courting Pakistan, can we really claim that we have isolated Pakistan?

(No one gives a shit about UK. They can't even build a ship without having water leaking in.)

How is it that this messed up jihadi nation continues to pursue its national interest despite having an unstable civil government, lack of resources, weak civil institutions and all around hunger and we cannot even articulate our viewpoint forcefully despite calling ourselves a thriving democracy?


Living in Post Truth
Senior Member
May 31, 2017
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Pakis are more like swimming in two boats simultaneously and now both boats are diverging. So the Paki legs are getting widenend. Finally they will have to choose one boat. Either American or Chinese. The more US screws Pakis the more Pak goes into Chinese lap. That will make India even more necessary to support US Operations in Afghan'tn. And that gives us a window of opportunity to screw Pakis royally.


Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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The only good this so far is
Pakistanis are defamed as pathological liars


Senior Member
May 16, 2011
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No one can be anything in the US by being against the deep state. The deep state has ensured that such a democratic space does not exist for any real opposition to emerge from within. They are all single minded.

Putin explained the sham of American 'democracy' very beautifully here :

Unlike us, they don't let democracy dictate their national goals. They use democracy to stay engaged in a dialogue with their restive groups so that any minority leader who seems to be getting too much support can be co-opted through bribes and honeytraps and outright assassinations.

What anti-deep-state view will Trump take anyway? There's no wriggling room in international politics. If you miss the opportunity, then Russia and China takes it. The global power of the US is declining. They are going to spend the next 50 years managing this decline in such a way that their global military presence is held in place by destabilizing other nations (Iran is a recent example). They will try to keep their economic edge (held in place by their intellectual property holdings) intact by allowing the migration of highly skilled global workforce to emigrate to the US, while they will enforce their racial purity by forcing the migrants to integrate and become mixed ethnicity Christians within the span of the next two generations. At the same time, they will try to put spanner in the works of other rising powers like India, China, Russia.

Be it Negrobama or Trump, their immigration policies follow the same pattern. They open the gates like a tap, allow a staggered migration from India, then they shut the tap to allow the new migrants to 'assimilate'. This opening and closing of taps happens every decade. The Democrats 'appear' to be welcoming towards immigration and the Republicans 'appear' to be anti-immigration. They are both parts of the 'tap'. Both of these events have to be looked at, in their totality instead of falling for their domestic electoral rhetoric.

US politics is nothing but a tailormade reality show for the US audience. It's a shame that we are falling for it. Let us keep our eyes on hard realpolitik goals.
Firstly how does global power of the US decline if anything under Trump, it is getting more powerful. It is more like regional powers China, India and Russia are getting more powerful. Over the next many years US will continue to be a the sole super power due to commitment to protect EU, Japan, S.K and many other nations and this will be so till end of times. India will be the regional power of the Indian ocean a great US & Russian ally and China will still be bitching about South China Sea. Russia will continue to be just fine.

Trump has taken anti deep state moves since day 1 and most of his move are. There is plenty of wiggle room in politics, partly when a country has the balls to do what it feels is needed.

All politics is a reality show for the audience. These so called real politik goals cannot be achieved when one relies on another. Heck Trump could cut off all aid and assitance to Pak, so can China and Russia, but doing so doesn't solve any of the issues that India faces. An old saying comes to mind, 'you want something done, best do it yourself'. This means India growing a pair and obliterating the Pak frontline during the next cease fire, not only tit for tit retaliation but rather a serious escalation where their frontline is decimated, terror camps all across POK razed to the gorund by heavy artillery barrages etc.

Or how about capturing a whole platoon of Pakis on the LOC, taking them POW and asking for Yadav back or hang them in cold blood. Let's see what would happen then. Real politik is about 'balls'.

Or how about pull out India from all peace keeping missions, i.e over 7000 men/womens and related equipment, helos, APCs etc. till we become a permanant member or get out of UN.

Or how about testing a whole series of thermo nukes in Pokhran and see what happens.
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Regular Member
Nov 26, 2017
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In principle, this is risky for us.

US, China and Russia are literally the only 3 poles in the multipolar world order. If ALL 3 of them are seen courting Pakistan, can we really claim that we have isolated Pakistan?

(No one gives a shit about UK. They can't even build a ship without having water leaking in.)

How is it that this messed up jihadi nation continues to pursue its national interest despite having an unstable civil government, lack of resources, weak civil institutions and all around hunger and we cannot even articulate our viewpoint forcefully despite calling ourselves a thriving democracy?
What's so shocking about this? Pakistan is a failed nation that everyone wants to use and discard. Its geographical position is very good for countering Iran and Afghanistan, so USA wants it. China wants pak to be a thorn in India's flesh. So different countries have diff. motives, but they all want to use pak, which means they don't respect pak at all. They see pak as a weak country that can be used and discarded, nothing more.

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