The European Refugee "Crisis" and Cultural Enrichment Thread

Feb 16, 2009
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you liked him,
because of his big speech at oxford or whatever that was. :laugh:
I liked that a Indian politician wanted compensation from the British for their colonial rule and he did in front of the
British parliament. First Indian politician I ever saw do this.

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Sakal Gharelu Ustad

Detests Jholawalas
Apr 28, 2012
I liked that a Indian politician wanted compensation from the British for their colonial rule and he did in front of the
British parliament. First Indian politician I ever saw do this.

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You formed your opinion on too little information.

Anyway that was a staged platform. Tharoor got his own brownie point, making his stand in a useless debate. It was just a glamorous extension of regular college debates.


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2015
I liked that a Indian politician wanted compensation from the British for their colonial rule and he did in front of the
British parliament. First Indian politician I ever saw do this.

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yeah,thats understandable,

many fall for that,
but first politician to do that and he is congi, :hmm::hmm::hmm:

very old association between brits and congis,

when no other congi or others like bjp did that even after 7 decades,

suddenly this indian politician arises,

after his wife death involves controversial circumstances,

perfect timing ?

makes him more suspicious for indian people,

are indians sure brits are not trying to put their new mole ?

according to brits knowledge of india this is what 'right wing' indians gonna think at first place,

and they gonna get debunked later,

but trusting congi and brits again and again is typical indian thing,
maybe the brits know indians better than indians themselves, :laugh:

because they know that this what indians are hungry for, brits taking indians sh*t.
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Apr 13, 2013
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Catholic school girl who refused headscarf for mosque trip labelled a truant
A Roman Catholic schoolgirl has been labelled a truant after she refused to wear a headscarf during a compulsory trip to a mosque.
[tolerance:rofl: respect :pound:and understanding:scared2:]

Amy Owen, 14, and fellow girl pupils at a Catholic secondary school were told to cover their heads and wear trousers or leggings out of respect for their Muslim hosts.

But when her mother objected, saying she did not want her daughter to 'dress as a Muslim', she received a sternly worded warning letter from the headmaster saying she had no choice.

Peter Lee, head of Ellesmere Port Catholic High School in Cheshire, informed her that the local diocese 'requires' pupils to have an understanding of other religions.

In the letter - with words in block capitals and underlined - Mr Lee said the visit was 'as compulsory as a geography field trip'.

He added: 'There are two reasons for these visits. One is that the scheme of work in religious studies REQUIRES children to have knowledge and understanding of other world religions.

'The second is that the school is REQUIRED to promote tolerance:rofl: respect :pound:and understanding:scared2:. This is known as community cohesion.

'A failure to do this could result in an unwelcome inspection judgement. None of us would relish that.

'Whilst I may not require you to pay for this I must require your child to participate.'


The Ellesmere Port Catholic High School letter to parents notifying them of the trip to the Al Rahma Mosque in Toxteth, Liverpool

Amy's mother Michelle Davies refused to back down and, after being told no teachers would be back at school to keep an eye on her daughter, she kept her at home, citing religious objections - as did as many as ten other families.

Yesterday, after the school acted on its threat to class Amy's absence as truancy, Miss Davies accused it of discriminating against Christian pupils.

'It's like they're putting a gun to your head - either you go to a mosque, or you're marked down as an unauthorised absence on your record - that's it no two ways about it,' the 34-year-old said.

[tolerance:rofl: respect :pound:and understanding:scared2:]

'It's like they are saying she is playing truant for not wearing a head scarf. If the trip had been without the leggings and the headscarf, that would have been fine but I wasn't having my daughter dressed in the Muslim way.

'She's proud of her school uniform and what it represents and she should be able to wear it like she would on any normal school trip.
[tolerance:rofl: respect :pound:and understanding:scared2:]

The trip to the mosque was organised so that students could 'deepen their understanding and broaden their knowledge' of Islam

'She likes to learn, she takes history and she is really interested in it, she wants to learn, but she can do that her classroom without changing the way she dresses.

'I even did some research on the internet about non-Muslims attending mosques and it says you don't have to adhere to the dress code.

'I also fail to see how a three-hour trip to a mosque is of any educational value to a Catholic when she can learn about the Muslim faith in the classroom.
[tolerance:rofl: respect :pound:and understanding:scared2:]

'I can guarantee that if there were ten Muslim girls coming to our school it would adhere to what they wanted, because that's their faith, their religion, their dress code.'

Parents were asked to make a £3 payment towards the Year 9 trip to the Al Rahma Mosque in Liverpool last month, and an 11-point dress and behaviour code from the mosque was circulated.
[tolerance:rofl: respect :pound:and understanding:scared2:]

Miss Davies, a home help, of Ellesmere Port, added: 'There are some parts of religious education lessons that children who are Jehovah's Witnesses don't have to attend because that's part of their religion, and the fact is Amy is Catholic and not a Muslim.'

Last year, Ofsted praised the school's 'caring Catholic ethos' but said it needed to do more 'to enhance wider cultural development'.

The school says the trip was an exciting and unique opportunity for students

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Apr 13, 2013
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FINLAND: Rape epidemic by Muslim migrants is only one reason why Finns don’t want more Muslim ‘refugees’

Is rampant rape the price Finnish women must pay for giving asylum to Muslim migrants? Finland, now, has become “one of the least safe countries in Europe for women,” according to Finland’s leading newspaper, “all because of the Muslim influx.”

crimes committed by asylum seekers have increased dramatically. Swedish-language asked a criminologist who says having an immigrant background doesn’t explain criminality and that the issue is more complicated than that.

Finland’s biggest daily newspaper devoted many column inches to the issue of rape. The topic of rape and violence against women has come to the forefront of discussion in Finnish media since highly-publicised incidents of rape committed by asylum seekers in recent weeks.

Only one in four rapes reported to police In the year 2000, HS displayed on a graph, 488 rapes were reported and in 2014 that number was 940 reported rapes. So far this year (from January to October) the figure stands at 864 reported rapes.

Finnish rape victim of Muslim migrant

A colorful map shows that Finland is one of the top countries in the EU for incidents of violence against women. Using figures from the European Agency for Fundamental Rights, some 47 percent of women in Finland have experienced violence at some point in their lives since the age of 15.

The only other country in the EU with a higher percentage is Denmark, with 52 percent. Among the lowest percentages of violence against women were in Hungary (21 percent), Ireland (15 percent) and Austria (13 percent).

Banner says “Islam is destroying Finland”

Citing Helsinki University’s Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy figures, the paper writes that incidents of reported rapes by immigrants were about eight times higher than that of native Finns.The paper also writes that the most reported rapes were committed by people from the Middle East and Northern Africa.

The evening tabloid Ilta-Sanomat featured a blazing headline on page four’s “Refugee Crisis” feature with a headline that reads: “Suspected crimes increase.”




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Mar 10, 2013
These same hypocrite westerners couldn't stop their rabid rant against Hindus post 2002 and now they are whining just because of few lakhs of Muslims. They keep preaching to Hindus about tolerance in a country that's been target of Jihad for more than a thousand years and seen it's bloodiest phase less than a hundred years ago, but they can't deal with a small % of Muslim population among them.


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Apr 13, 2013
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Europe Is Disintegrating While Its Citizens Watch Indifferent

We are witnessing the slow agony of the dream of European integration, disintegrating without a single demonstration occuring anywhere, among its 500 million citizens. It is clear that European institutions are in an existential crisis but the debate is only at intergovernmental level.

This proves clearly that European citizens do not feel close to Brussels. Gone are the 1950s, when young people mobilized in the Youth Federalist Movement, with activists from the Federal Movement led by Altiero Spinelli, and the massive campaign for a Europe that would transcend national boundaries, a rallying theme of the intellectuals of the time.

Roberto Savio

It has been a crescendo of crisis. First came the North-South divide, with a North that did not want to rescue the South, and made austerity a monolithic taboo, with Germany as its inflexible leader. Greece was the chosen place to clash and win, even if its budget was just 4 percent of the whole European Union. The front for fiscal discipline and austerity easily overran those pleading for development and growth as a priority and it alienated many of citizens caught in the fight.

Then came the East-West divide. It became clear that the countries which were under the Soviet Union, joined the EU purely for economic reasons, and did not identify with so called European values, the basis for the founding treaties. Solidarity was not only ignored, but actively rejected, first with Greece, and now with the refugees. There are now two countries, first Hungary and now Poland, which explicitly reject the “European model and values”, one to defend an autocratic model of governance, and the other Christian values, ignoring any declarations emanating from Brussels.

At the same time, another ominous development emerged. British Prime Minister David Cameron used threats to get special conditions, or in order to leave the EU altogether. At Davos, he explicitly said that Britain was in the EU for the market, but rejects everything else, and especially any possible further integration. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has been sending soothing signs, and all European countries are in the process of trying to recover as much sovereignty as possible. Therefore, whatever Britain may get in the end will serve as a benchmark for everyone else. It is revealing that in Britain, the pro-Europe lobby is run by the financial and economic sector, and there is no citizen’s movement.

All this is happening within a framework of economic stagnation that even unprecedented financial injections from the European Central Bank have not been able to lift.

The list of countries in trouble does not cover only countries from the South. Leaders of fiscal rectitude, like the Netherlands and Finland, are in serious difficulty. The only country which is doing relatively well, Germany, enjoys a positive trade balance with the rest of Europe, has a much lower rate of interest mainly due to its generally better performance; it has been calculated that over half of its positive budget comes from its asymmetric relations with the rest of Europe. Yet, Germany has stubbornly refused to use some of these revenues to create any pact to socialize its assets, like a European Fund to bail out countries, or anything similar. Hardly a shining example of solidarity….as its minister of finance, Wolfgang Schauble, famously said, “we are not going to give the gains that we have sweated for to those who have not worked hard the way we have…”

Finally, the refugee crisis has been the last blow to an institution which was already breathing with great effort. Last year, more than 1,3 million people escaping conflicts in Iraq, Libya and Syria, arrived in Europe. This year, according the High Commissioner for Refugees, at least another million are expected to find their way to Europe.

What has been happening, shows the European reality. The Commission determined that 40.000 people, a mere drop in the ocean, should be relocated from Syria and Ethiopia. This led to a furious process of bargaining, with the Eastern European countries flatly refusing to take part and in spite of threats by the Commission. As of today, the total number of people who have relocated is a mere 201.

Meanwhile Angela Merkel decided to open Germany up to one million refugees, mainly Syrians. But a smart interpretation of the Treaty on Refugees made clear that economic refugees (as well as climate) were excluded, and it was then declared that the Balkans were safe and secure, thereby excluding any Europeans coming to Germany by way of Albania, Kosovo and other countries not yet part of the EU.

It is interesting that, at the same time, Montenegro was invited to join Nato, which, by coincidence also serves to increase the containment of Russia, thanks to a standing army of 3.000. But of course, the flood of people made it difficult to process the paperwork required, and so each country was forced to resort to its own way of doing things, without any relation with Brussels.

Austria declared that it would admit only 37.500 asylum applications.

Denmark, besides creating a campaign to announce to refugees that they were not welcome, passed a law that delays family reunification for three years, and authorises the authorities to seize asylum seekers’ cash and jewels exceeding US$1.400.

Sweden announced that it would give shorter residence permits, and that strict controls will be imposed on trains coming from Denmark.

Finland and Holland have indicated that they will immediately expel all those who do not fit under strict norms as refugees. Great Britain, which was responsible together with the United States for the Iraq invasion (from which ISIS was born) has announced that it will take 27.000 refugees.

There has been a veritable flourishing of wall construction, constructed in Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia and Austria. Meanwhile Europe tried to buy the Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, with three billion euros, as a way to stop the flow of refugees but it didn’t work. Now Greece is the culprit, because it was not able to adequately process the nearly 800.000 people who transitted the country.

Austria has asked to exclude Greece from the Schengen agreement, and move European borders “further north” . This chapter is now being concluded by the German initiative to introduce, once again national border controls, for a period of two years. Last year, there were 56 million trucks crossing between countries, and every day 1,7 million people crossed between borders.

To eliminate the Schengen agreement for free movement of Europeans, would be a very powerful signal. But more critically are the imminent political changes which see anti-European and xenophobic parties all riding the wave of fear and insecurity crossing Europe.

In Germany, where Angela Merkel is increasingly losing support, the Party for an Alternative, which has been relatively marginal, could achieve representation in at least three provinces. Across Europe, from France to Italy, from Great Britain to the Netherlands, right wing parties are on the rise.

These parties all use some form of left wing rhetoric: Let us renationalize industries and banks, increase social safety nets, fight against neoliberal globalization…

Hungary has heavily taxed foreign banks to get them to leave, and Poland is using similar language. Their target is very simple: the unemployed, the under employed, retirees, all those with precarious livelihoods, those who feel that they have been left out of the political system and dream of a glorious yesterday. If it is working in the United States with the likes of DonaldTrump, it will work here.

Therefore, there is no doubt that at this moment a referendum for Europe would never pass. Citizens do not feel that this is ‘their’ Europe. This is a serious problem for a democratic Europe.

Will the European Union survive? Probably, but it will be more a kind of common market for finance and business rather than a citizen’s project. It will also hasten the reduction of European power in the world, and the loss of European identity, once the most revolutionary project in modern history.

The original source of this article is Inter Press Service
Copyright © Roberto Savio, Inter Press Service, 2016


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Apr 13, 2013
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Culturally Enriched EURAPE -

Mother of ten-year-old boy raped in Austrian swimming pool by Iraqi who said it was 'a sexual emergency' says she regrets telling her children 'migrants need our help'

  • Migrant, 20, claimed he raped the boy because it was a 'sexual emergency'
  • Raped boy in cubicle of Theresienbad pool - then went on the diving board
  • The victim's mother, Dunja, a refugee from Serbia, said she regrets telling her children that migrants need help
  • She said his defence as 'just monstrous' and that he should be deported
The mother of the boy who was raped by an Iraqi migrant in a swimming pool in Austria, has said she regrets teaching her children to be welcoming to migrants and described the man's defence as 'just monstrous'.

The boy's mother Dunja, who arrived in Austria as an immigrant in the 90s from Serbia during the Civil War, said she had always taught her five children to offer the same hospitality to new arrivals that she had herself received.

Upon hearing her son's attacker's claim he had 'too much sexual energy', Dunja criticised his defence as 'just monstrous' and insisted he should be sent to prison and then be deported. She said she 'regretted' teaching her children to be welcoming to migrants.

The boy, known only as Goran, had to be hospitalised with serious injuries and his mother said her son has been crying himself to sleep every night since the attack.

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Apr 13, 2013
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EXCLUSIVE - The photo of a woman in a short dress and heels with her legs apart being used to teach European Muslim migrants that 'it doesn't mean she wants sex'

  • Adult sex education classes have been running in Norway for several years
  • But since attacks on women in Cologne, demand has risen across Europe
  • Migrants are being taught appropriate behaviour towards Western women
  • They are shown a picture of a woman in short skirt and are told, 'this is not an invitation for sex'
  • Instructor Linda Hagen told MailOnline: 'We can't change men who are violent'
  • But, she says, removing violent men from groups may stop mass attacks
A picture of a young woman in a short skirt sitting with her legs apart is being used to show migrant men that revealing clothing isn’t an invitation for sex.

The photograph, obtained by MailOnline, is being used in rape prevention classes in Norway to teach asylum seekers appropriate sexual behaviour following the recent attacks in Cologne and elsewhere in Europe.

In classes which may be replicated across the continent, male pupils, mostly of Arab and North African origin, are taught that skimpy clothes do not provide an excuse for rape or abuse.

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Provocative? Migrant men attending rape prevention classes in Norway are shown this photo of an attractive woman sitting in a short skirt to teach them this is not an invitation to have sex with her

Dont these European pansies know that raping infidels gets these muslim migrants BONUS POINTS!! which they can redeem at heaven for picnic with virgins..

Logic has no place in their wet dreams!!

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