The European Refugee "Crisis" and Cultural Enrichment Thread

Sakal Gharelu Ustad

Detests Jholawalas
Apr 28, 2012
Few points from recent and distant history:
  • Prior to the collapse of the Roman Empire, the Mongols put so much pressure on what would be Germany today, that the German poured into the Roman Empire. Today, refugees are pouring into EU.
  • EuroZone has gone through several recessions.
  • EU cracks came out into the open after the Russian food sanctions.
  • There was the Greek crisis.
  • More EU cracks came out in the open after the refugee crisis.

It is to be seen how things unfold.
It is a synthetic entity. Ideally, they should have united Germany and France, the two big power-houses and shared power in some fashion.

Right now it is a soup i.e. khichdi.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
It is a synthetic entity. Ideally, they should have united Germany and France, the two big power-houses and shared power in some fashion.

Right now it is a soup i.e. khichdi.
Yeah, that is the correct word - khichdi.

France and Germany together could be like Czechoslovakia, two nations as a confederacy.

Sakal Gharelu Ustad

Detests Jholawalas
Apr 28, 2012
Yeah, that is the correct word - khichdi.

France and Germany together could be like Czechoslovakia, two nations as a confederacy.
And that is all they needed to prevent rivalry and blood-shed. Under no fiscal transfer rule, Germany is just bossing around and inflicting pain on everyone by taking undeserved moral high ground.


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Nov 1, 2013
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Raped woman did not notify the police: "I feel sorry for him because he is a refugee":scared2::scared2::scared2:

The rape took place on the night of October 10 at one of SJ's night trains between Umeå and Sundsvall.

The woman had booked couchette and ended up in a compartment with three Arab men, who woke up when she stepped in. She wanted to show sympathy with the men because they were asylum seekers and bought among other sandwiches for them.

Society drank vodka and singing, but after a while began 28-year-old paw on the woman, who twice had to tell him to stop. After a while the woman went to bed but woke up some time later that the Arab was about to rape her.

The woman tore himself away, ran from the cabin and made contact with a train attendant.

"Train host asked if he would call the police. At first she did not want it, because she did not want to put NN, who are seeking asylum in a difficult situation. She felt sorry for him [...] and was afraid that he be deported to Iraq, "reads the judgment.

But in the end she let herself be persuaded, and 28-year-old was arrested by the police when the train stopped in Hudiksvall. Today, he was sentenced by the Sundsvall District Court to one year in prison. He must also pay 85,000 kronor in damages to the woman.

Moreover, it appeared that the raped woman's fears come true - the man deported back to Iraq with re-entry ban to Sweden in five years.

Namely the District Court could conclude that he had not ran any risk to fare badly in Iraq, but only traveled to the Nordic countries and seeking asylum for economic reasons.

"By obtaining the opinion of the Migration Board, it appears that the situation in some parts of Iraq is serious. NN has, however, stated that he did not flee from Iraq because of the war and that there is no risk that he will be imprisoned or persecuted if he returns to that part of the country he comes from, "reads the judgment.



New Member
Dec 3, 2015
The EU elite pushed for this 'refugee' influx as they want a border-less Europe, now they are getting serious push back from countries, particularly the Balkans. This will get much worse before it ends, sadly for a lot of people.

Sakal Gharelu Ustad

Detests Jholawalas
Apr 28, 2012

It is a long but well-written article. Some excerpts:

One reason we hear so much about the Jewish refugees of the 1930s, to circle back to where I started, is the natural human tendency to wish away overwhelming problems. If the word “refugee” conjures up Albert Einstein, Kurt Weill, Hans Bethe, Lawrence Tribe, Billy Wilder, and Henry Kissinger—well, what country wouldn’t welcome as many as it could get?

But that’s not the story of Syria. Syria is embroiled in a civil war with hundreds of thousands of combatants. Most of the killing has been done by the army of President Bashir Assad and now, his Iranian and Russian allies. President Obama said at his November 16 press conference in Antalya, Turkey, “We also have to remember that many of these refugees are the victims of terrorism themselves—that’s what they’re fleeing.”


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Apr 13, 2013
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Cameron and Britain’s Muslim Women

British Prime Minister David Cameron is all pent up about another crusade, this time about rescuing Muslim women. The latest idea is a £20m language-learning scheme suggesting that a lack of competence in English and extremism are somehow linked. (The PM :crazy:has obviously not been keeping up with the radical recruits for ISIS.):pound:

Women are the primary focus, with Cameron claiming that 190,000 British Muslim women, or 22 percent, speak little or no English. Muslim men were ever in the background spreading “backward attitudes” and exercising “damaging control” over their female relatives.[1] Such a view prompted Baroness Sayeeda Warsi to make the point that, “Women should have the opportunity to learn English full stop. Why link it to radicalisation/extremism?”[2]

Western advocates from various parts of the political spectrum simply cannot leave them alone. Liberating the down trodden Muslim woman is a condition of Western consciousness, one of those obsessive imperatives that occupies mission and purpose. Cameron’s funding policy provides, as Madeleine Bunting scoffed, “a new twist on an old colonial story.”[3]

From a political perspective, Islamic women make excellent public relations opportunities, equipping the messianically inclined with gendered themes for liberation that can be slotted in for the next invasion, or reform program. They supply the basis for purported change as capably as any lethal weapon.

The US First Lady Laura Bush chose to do exactly that on November 17, 2001. The country was giddy with war fervour a few months after the attacks on US soil by al-Qaeda, and the flag of emancipation had been woven. Taliban-governed Afghanistan was the first choice, obvious only because of some flexible reasoning on the part of the White House. “Because of our recent military gains in much of Afghanistan,” suggested the First Lady, “women are no longer imprisoned in their homes. They can listen to music and teach their daughters without fear of punishment.”

The radio address had one overarching tendency: obliterating concepts, mashing terms. The Taliban and terrorists became, as anthropologist Lila Abu-Lughod noted, “a kind of hyphenated monster identity”.[4] And this was not all. Women’s causes were bound together with the broader mission against the Taliban, be it malnutrition, poverty, and ill-health on the one hand, and their employment, schooling and “joys of wearing nail polish” on the other. As Laura Bush explained, “The fight against terrorism is also the fight for the rights and dignity of women.”

This appropriated theme – whether Muslim women need saving – is an old one indeed. It tends to bubble to the surface as a matter of strategic interest rather than genuine concern, though there is little doubt that some people have believed it. When the Taliban was in the US State Department’s good books, and the treasury was readily forking out to the theocratic opium opportunists, down trodden women, segregation, and limited schooling, were of little interest.

Such precedents of manipulation stack the annals of misguided history. Sociologist Marnia Lazreg had also noted that French colonialism made use of women towards such ends. Muslim women were unveiled in choreographed ceremonies, one which took place on May 16, 1958 in Algeria. The event had been organised by French generals steadfastly opposed to the country’s liberation, a spectacle which involved a few thousand local men been taken by bus from nearby villages, and various women set for the unveiling. They were suitable bodies, strategically used and deployed in the broader story about French freedom.

Afghanistan provided a similar battleground five decades later. The US Central Intelligence Agency’s public relations boffins felt that oppressed women in the Islamic faith would provide excellent material for the US-led cause. WikiLeaks, ever useful, provided material to that end. A classified document shows that, when interest in Afghanistan was flagging in 2010 on the part of various contributing countries, notably France and Germany, the motif of oppressed women would come to the rescue. This was particularly the case with France.

The CIA Red Cell memorandum (“Sustaining West European Support for the NATO-led Mission – Why Counting on Apathy Might Not Be Enough”, 11 March 2010), stemming from a section charged by the Director to “provoke out-of-the-box” approaches, is a deliciously cynical piece of advice.[5]

Far from being out-of-the-box, the memorandum is distinctly within it, noting how leaders have used public apathy “to ignore voters” and drive up commitments to the conflict. French and German respondents did not see Afghanistan as necessarily a primary issue; politicians had capitalised, sending more troops and supplies to the ISAF mission. For all that, “Casualties Could Precipitate Backlash.”

The response, then, would be to massage, or “leverage” guilt, noting the “adverse consequences of an ISAF defeat for Afghan civilians” to French (and other European) states. Girl’s education, for instance, “could provoke French indignation, and become a rallying point for France’s largely secular public”.

The authors of the memorandum make the blatant suggestion that, “Afghan women could serve as ideal messengers in humanizing the ISAF role in combating the Taliban because of women’s inability to speak personally and credibly about their experiences under the Taliban, their aspirations for the future, and their fears of a Taliban victory.” Media opportunities would be made available for articulating the cause.

This was bound to smack of imperialist reflection – noble native women, incapable of articulating their plight, used to idealise an invasion against obscurantist forces. It ended up playing out what Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak would suggest during a moment of unusual coherence in her essay “Can the Subaltern Speak’?”: a story of white men saving brown women from brown men.[6]

Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. Email: [email protected]


The original source of this article is Global Research
Copyright © Binoy Kampmark, Global Research, 2016
Feb 16, 2009
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More interference by Cameron in Muslim life . First outside of Uk and now Inside UK. What a concerned upstanding individual

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Jan 5, 2015
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Feb 12, 2014
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May be posted already! but Interesting :p

Blind Mystic Baba Vanga Who ‘Predicted 9/11’ Predicted For 2016 And Beyond: It’s Not Good

Baba Vanga died in 1996 at the age of 85 and was known as the ‘Nostradamus of the Balkans’ because of her success rate which was supposedly as high as 85 per cent.
The blind pensioner, who has previously been credited with predicting the 9/11 terror attacks and the Boxing Day tsunami of 2004, warned of an invasion of Europe by Muslim extremists next year.

#1 Vanga is said to have made hundreds of predictions in her lifetime.
Baba Vanga was born Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova in Strumica, a village located at the foot of a volcanic mountain range in what was then the Ottoman Empire.
According to folklore, she led an ordinary life up until the age of 12, when she mysteriously lost her eyesight during a massive storm.

#2 Vanga later stated that she had experienced her first vision during the days she was missing and believed she had been instilled with the ability to heal people and predict the future. She was able to convince others of her paranormal powers and quickly developed a cult following. She became the go-to psychic for the rich and powerful and admirers, among them heads of state, scientists and historians, would come from all over the world for a few minutes in her company.
She reportedly made hundreds of predictions in her 50-year career.

Lets first look at the prophecies that did come true.

Predicted in 1989: The September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on New York’s Twin Towers.
“Horror, horror! The American brethren (believed to be a reference to the two ‘brother’ towers) will fall after being attacked by the steel birds (thought to be the two hijacked passenger planes). “The wolves will be howling in a bush (believed to be a reference to then US president George Bush) and innocent blood will gush.”

Vanga’s prophecies mention the emergence of a Muslim group in Syria in 2013 which will wage chemical warfare on Europe. Many believe this is a reference to ISIS, which also came on the scene in 2013.

#8 2016: “Muslims” will invade Europe, which will “cease to exist” as we know it. The ensuing campaign of destruction will last years, driving out populations and leaving the entire continent “almost empty”. :pound:

#9 2025: The population of Europe will reach almost zero.:rofl:
I don't believe in this crap. I've seen scores of prophecies come and go. I don't believe in them until they actually really happen.
Feb 16, 2009
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Why do these refugees think their lives will be better with these countries passing hostile laws ? So much intolerance. These countries. Joined together in NATO and destroyed the Middle East. They brought this upon themselves USA is still safe separated by a ocean.

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Senior Member
Sep 17, 2015
shashi tharoor is trying to get some bill passed that will allow india to take in asylum seekers.


Senior Member
Sep 17, 2015
Looks like you're butt-hurt.:biggrin2: An Iraqi told me (when he was in chennai for eye treatment) that people only come to India because they have no choice. Given a chance, they'd rather go someplace else.
yea we are butthurt over some grown ass sulla bitch who hides behind an online tambrahm gimmick:pound:

i'd rather do away with sullas like u living in india too forget about inviting sand ******s from mid east.


Regular Member
Sep 22, 2015
What happened to his wife?............................
she was "silenced" on order of "high command" as she was about to spill the beans of congerssi netas , there love for women and there realtions with elements of KGB , drug barons and international money tranfer machenism bieng used to funnel owt money from india wia dubai to europe and USA

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