The European Refugee "Crisis" and Cultural Enrichment Thread


Jul 31, 2015
I think goras deserve lakhs times more.

Just like muslas, they mess up planet & claim they are doing good by stealing credit from non abrahamic especially Hindus.

Jesus Moses Mohammad are waiting for them in hell.

Ban secular, christianity & islam.


Senior Member
Sep 17, 2015
This is what I regularly point out to the morons who claim that socialism leads to break down of castes and what not. :lol:

Each and everyone of these adarsh liberals are from very rich families themselves, marry within their caste and treat the poor like crap. No matter how much they squirm, the concept of 'various classes within a society' has never been and will never be dismantled. Only the criteria for stratification changes. Existence of a non-vertically segregated society among humans is a fantasy of the intellectually bankrupt scribes. You can remove caste system completely and you will still have some form of segregation, just look at America and its class/race system. Aren't Blacks and Hispanics, by and large, restricted to a certain socioeconomic status, living in certain areas by design ? Is it really a "free society" as they claim ? I've seen the ghettos here up and close with my own eyes.


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Dec 18, 2013
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Report: Arab Migrants Promised ‘Free Blonde Swedish Girls’ by People Smugglers

Migrants told "Swedish women require real men"

According to an investigation by Swedish newspaper Dala-Demokraten, Arab migrants are being promised ‘free blonde Swedish girls’ and taxpayer-funded luxury treatment if they pay people smugglers to help them reach Scandinavia.

The report explains how most of the migrants seeking to cross into Europe who are being targeted by people smugglers are not even from Syria and cannot be considered refugees at all given that they reside in neighboring countries not at war.

Websites set up by people smugglers assert that migrants can get asylum quickly in Sweden and that they will be housed in luxury hotels until the government finds free accommodation for them, all at taxpayer expense.

“There is also sexual content in the advertisements, according to Dala-Demokraten,”reports Speisa, which translated the Dala-Demokraten article. “Among other things, the Arabs are promised their own free young willing blond Swedish girlfriend if they manage to illegally get all the way to the promised land in northern Europe.”

“In reality one can say that the young Syrian men are lured to Sweden by the oldest trick in the book – money and girls. Pictures of blonde beauties are published, and that Swedish women require real men,” writes Dala-Demokraten.

Apparently, migrants with no plan on working who travel to Sweden to live on government hand-outs are now considered “real men”.

Based on the fact that Sweden has experienced a1400% increase in rapes since it swung its doors open to mass immigration, with the majority of the culprits identified as “foreigners,” one suspects that not all of the migrants’ encounters with ‘free Swedish blonde girls’ will be consensual.

The fact that the websites directly target men again illustrates how the media portrayal of migrants as desperate refugee families fleeing war and ISIS persecution is largely bogus.

According to the UN’s own figures, 72% of the migrants fleeing to Europe are men, with just 13% women and 15% children.

As we reported earlier, a prominent recently gave a speech at a mosque in Jerusalem in which he asserted that Muslims should use the migrant crisis to breed with European citizens and “conquer their countries”.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Russia Preparing to Accept Syrian Refugees
Increasingly being turned away by Europe, war-ravaged refugees will find sanctuary in Russia

(German Economic News) | Russia Insider

Millions fleeing a war stoked by EU and US

Despite taking in over 1,000,000 refugees from a conflict in Ukraine it did not cause, Russia is prepared to offer aid to Syrian refugees – products of another deadly conflict born of Western “democracy promotion.”

This story originally appeared at German Economic News

Note on the translation:

(We know the translation is a somewhat lacking in style. We welcome volunteers who are interested in helping us translate from German to English as there is a lot of interesting material. If interested please contact David Curry at [email protected])

Russia is preparing to accept a number of Syrian refugees - mainly middle class people fleeing war and terrorism, and seeking a peaceful existence in a stable environment, according to the Kremlin.

Russia's Ombudsman for children's rights, Pavel Astakhov, has announced on Wednesday that Russia was planning to accommodate Syrian refugees.

“Our territory, culture, history, and social situation are able to meet this challenge… After the beginning of the Donbass conflict, we were ready to take in all residents of Ukrainian orphanages. There are currently 90,500 Ukrainian orphans in Russia at this moment,“ Tass quoted Astakhov.

The Ombudsman stated that refugees should not be forever dependent on social programs, but given the opportunity in Russia to become a part of society.

Astakhov stated, “Today we have another category of refugees. It is mainly people with middle incomes who are primarily seeking peace. You need certain labor and education conditions, and here the European governments must make an effort.”

Commentary: So Putin will put in Russia all these refugees? I hope they have an effective way to filter out the Jihadis.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
So the great Viking warriors were not able to stop the refugees from crossing Sweden and reaching the Finnish border?


Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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The remaining 500 were behind those 100 facing directly the Finno-Ugric police force. The Vikings saw all 600 travel to the border. The Finno-Ugrics only saw the first wave.
Did you notice how he is so eager to falsify anything and just anything which is anti-Refugee. :lol:


Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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I have been reading his posts about rape and beheadings. Interesting fellow this Sheikh Jouni al-Finlandi is. :pound:
I guess a Arab Sheikh is more intelligent that this retard Low IQ @jouni and Finn PM.

Sheikhs didn't give 1 cent to blackmail of this PSYOPS(drowned kid) for accepting Refugees.

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Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
@rock127, I don't think @jouni is a retard, but that he is just deluded. It is not his fault. Much of Europe has been under the onslaught of liberalism peddled by their media, which is controlled by the latent cabal.


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014
Myth 5. "The influx of the poor, the uneducated, who do not want to work the refugees lead Europe towards social catastrophe '
To go from Syria today - expensive. Approximate travel expenses - about 4 000 euros per person.

"Ran wealthy people. The middle class, intellectuals, those who worked for foreign organizations, who have a higher education and knows languages, - said the head of the Center for Arab and Islamic Studies at the Institute of Oriental Studies Vasily Kuznetsov. - These people bring with them knowledge and skills that they are motivated to work. "

"People who have overcome so many obstacles, so hard to break through to a peaceful life, want only one thing - peace and work. They know that they have left behind. They know that in Europe to mouth. They are motivated by the peaceful neighborhood, like no. For them it is a matter of physical survival of their families, "- said Akhmedov.

"As refugees arrive in groups, they are all linked - said Mironov - if one breaks the law, hurt the whole group, this is a mutual responsibility. So the refugees there is a strict discipline. "

Few remember, but that foreign manpower after World War II, when Germany lay in ruins, rebuilt the country. To them it is obliged economic boom that began in the 60s. In the mid-50s, the German government signed a series of agreements with Italy, Yugoslavia, Spain, Turkey and Greece on the supply of labor. According to official statistics, from 1955 to 1973, it entered the country 14 million migrant workers (and went from there is now such a common term). Only 3 million of them left, and the rest returned to their homeland.

Now Germany has declared its readiness to take up to 800 thousand refugees


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Ah, Novaya Gazeta, funded by one time West's darling Mikhail Gorbachyov, publishes yet another liberal article. Why should I be surprised?


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014
Those Iraq and Syrian refugees coming to us that have been interviewed were fluent in english, they are educated people.


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014
Daisy Ladies take asylum seekers shopping
A grass-roots group of older immigrant volunteers in Turku who arrived to the country years - sometimes decades - earlier, welcomes newly-arrived asylum seekers with the wisdom of their own experiences.

Hülya "Hissu" Kytö, of grass-roots group of older immigrant volunteers the Daisy Ladies, greets a young Iraqi girl in a Turku shop. Image: Yle

The Daisy Ladies, or Daisy Eläkeläiset, is a group of senior-aged volunteers in Turku who’ve already learned the ways of life in Finland. They're offering the newly-arrived migrants vital support and wisdom from years of experience of living here.

The organisation's executive manager - who arrived to the country from Turkey decades ago - Hülya "Hissu" Kytö says that their members provide everyday support to newly-arrived elderly immigrants.

"Everyone in our organisation knows what it's like to come to Finland as an immigrant and now we have a chance to help those that are coming here," Kytö says.

"Since many of us older immigrants have similar experiences, it’s relatively easy to build the trust of asylum seekers coming to Finland," she says. "To gain this trust is important, because then you're able to discuss everything in a completely different way."

"No one suddenly leaves everything behind and moves"
Kytö arrived to Finland in the beginning of the 1970s and says a lot has changed since then.

"I still hope that working together, Finland can make this work out. But there are strong prejudices - that can be plainly seen," Kytö says.

"I don't know why things are this way. Because no person leaves everything behind and suddenly moves to a place they know nothing about," she says. "I think people should take a look in the mirror and turn this around. How would it be if it was you that was forced to leave everything you have?"

"Nothing better than to make people happy"
Kytö says that she found that many of the male immigrants needed help learning basic tasks like as cooking for themselves.

"When we noticed that the men cannot cook and just lived on boiled eggs we started to help with that," Kytö says. "We cook food that's similar to the food they're accustomed to and then they can buy prepared portions from us for two euros. Then they get a hot meal with vegetables."

"We also have courses planned in Finnish, textile and handicraft courses for the women," she said.

Kytö says that the organisation has contacted local sports clubs to arrange athletic activities for the men, and drawing courses for children.

"I think that everyone who comes here appreciates what we do and that means very much to me," Kytö says. "This is my life. I enjoy seeing people smile – there is simply nothing better than to make people happy."

A young girl named Maria and the rest of her Iraqi family, are being helped by Kytö at a Finnish grocery store. The family has been in Turku for the past four days, but Maria appears to have already made a friend.

"'Hissu' and her friends are very nice to us," Maria says. "They give us clothes and shoes and today we get help food shopping. 'Hissu' is very kind.”

There are several branches of the Daisy Ladies volunteer organisation in Turku that address other immigrant demographics: Daisy Pensioners, Daisy Gentlemen and Daisy Youngclub.

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