The European Refugee "Crisis" and Cultural Enrichment Thread


Co ja kurwa czytam!
Senior Member
Sep 6, 2014
which video are u talking about?

regarding 84, most of the sikhs(except the khalistani bigots) dont blame the hindus but the govt for it. it was the congress goons gone mad over an old hag's death , indians or hindus got nothing to do with it.
84 was mostly a north india phenomena AFAIK, i wasnt born then, but my mom and grandparents who lived in mumbai that time told me that nothing of it happened there and the mumbai sikhs were very well protected by the mumbai police.
my hairdresser in melbourne who is a sikh from delhi narrated her story as how her family was saved by their hindu neighbors who hid them for 3 days in their house.

i personally view 1984 and prior and following period in punjab as powerplay between congress and akalis where ordinary sikhs and hindus and primarily punjab had to suffer where all this could have been avoided.
Long time no see....
Yeah only moron journalists who are disconnected with ground realities would say that Sikhs are being "persecuted" :lol: . Or maybe P0rkis as well. ;)
Funny thing is many of the "staunch" hindus and Sikhs have sisters/daughters married into each others families .... I know a few such families.
BTW happy janmashtami ...
@jouni please link the video here


Regular Member
Jul 10, 2015
From the link:
AP reports on one baptism where Martens asked Iranian refugee Mohammed Ali Zonoobi: “Will you break away from Satan and his evil deeds? Will you break away from Islam?” To which Zonoobi fervently responded: “Yes”.

Martens then baptised him “In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.” Mohammed renamed himself Martin.
:biggrin2: utterly crazy.

kafir kaur

Regular Member
Jul 27, 2013
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Long time no see....
Yeah only moron journalists who are disconnected with ground realities would say that Sikhs are being "persecuted" :lol: . Or maybe P0rkis as well. ;)
Funny thing is many of the "staunch" hindus and Sikhs have sisters/daughters married into each others families .... I know a few such families.
BTW happy janmashtami ...
@jouni please link the video here
was busy with office work,
yeah, even one of my cousin sister is married into a hindu family and it was an arrange marriage, arranged by both families and relatives.
same to you,
jai shree krishna
jai shree ram.


Senior Member
Apr 5, 2010
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which video are u talking about?

regarding 84, most of the sikhs(except the khalistani bigots) dont blame the hindus but the govt for it. it was the congress goons gone mad over an old hag's death , indians or hindus got nothing to do with it.
84 was mostly a north india phenomena AFAIK, i wasnt born then, but my mom and grandparents who lived in mumbai that time told me that nothing of it happened there and the mumbai sikhs were very well protected by the mumbai police.
my hairdresser in melbourne who is a sikh from delhi narrated her story as how her family was saved by their hindu neighbors who hid them for 3 days in their house.

i personally view 1984 and prior and following period in punjab as powerplay between congress and akalis where ordinary sikhs and hindus and primarily punjab had to suffer where all this could have been avoided.
Hindus and Sikhs are Sons & Daughters from same mother... Sikhs have un parallel sacrifices for Mother India...

It was the Congress thugs who carried out the killings in 84...


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2015


Turning into a frog
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Mar 30, 2009
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European migrant crisis: Austria suspends cross-border trains as record number of asylum seekers head to Europe

Updated about 9 hours ago

PHOTO: Asylum seekers packed the Keleti station in Budapest, Hungary, after Austria suspended its train services.(Reuters: Bernadett Szabo)
RELATED STORY: EU Parliament backs plan to relocate 160,000 asylum seekers
RELATED STORY: EU states to be forced to take in 160,000 refugees
MAP: HungaryEuropean Union plan to distribute 160,000 new arrivals among member states was a mere "drop in the ocean".

Hungarian police said 3,321 people had entered in just 24 hours, hurrying to cross before harsh new anti-migrant laws take effect, an imposing new fence is completed, and the weather worsens.

The United Nation's refugee agency on Tuesday warned at least 42,000 were expected to enter Hungary by next week.

Many have endured treacherous sea journeys across the Mediterranean - most fleeing war and poverty in Syria, Afghanistan or Pakistan and hoping to reach Germany.

Call to stop bringing asylum seekers to train stations
Once inside Hungary, overstretched police have struggled to control and register the new arrivals, who mostly board trains and buses bound for the border with Austria.

Hundreds have broken through Hungarian police lines in recent days near the flashpoint border village of Roszke after waiting for hours to get on buses.

PHOTO: An elated asylum seeker crosses the border between Hungary and Austria. (Reuters: Leonhard Foeger)

But Austria's train operator on Thursday suspended services with Hungary because of "massive overcrowding", calling on bus companies and volunteers to stop bringing asylum seekers to stations.

At the time of the announcement, about 500 asylum seekers were held back by police at Budapest's Keleti main station.

Earlier, police reported around 2,000 people were in Keleti trying to board trains to the Austrian capital.

Austrian rail company OeBB said services were halted because it could not handle the volume of people crossing its border.

"It would be irresponsible to simply let people keep streaming in and spend the night at train stations," a spokesman said.

"Ever more people are arriving daily. It far exceeds our capacity."

It was too soon to tell whether the services would resume on Friday, he said.

He also said, unlike last weekend when some 15,000 passed through bound for Germany, no special trains for Germany were planned, and that in regular trains to Germany only a limited number of asylum seekers were allowed to board.

The announcement came after 3,700 people crossed the border on foot from Hungary overnight, many of whom were then taken to stations in Vienna on trains and buses to board trains to Germany.

Hundreds of people continued to line up at the Austrian border on Thursday afternoon, where there is no formal frontier post as both countries are members of the European Union's open-borders Schengen agreement.

Eastern EU states oppose binding quotas
In an effort to control the crisis, European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker on Wednesday unveiled a new plan for the bloc to share out 160,000 asylum seekers to ease the burden on frontline states.

The plan was backed by the EU Parliament on Thursday and will be considered at an emergency meeting on Monday.

Members of the European Parliament also voted in favour of a permanent mechanism of binding quotas to deal with future emergencies, a measure supported by Germany.

Europe's biggest economy wants compulsory long-term EU quotas with no limits on numbers, with deputy chancellor Sigmar Gabriel on Thursday likening Mr Juncker's proposals to "a drop in the ocean".

"The distribution of 160,000 refugees across Europe is a first step, if one wants to be polite," he said.

Asylum seekers as Germany's saviour

Germany may have found a solution to the problem of its ageing population as asylum seekers continue to arrive, writes Andrew McCathie in Berlin.

But binding quotas are already facing fierce resistance from eastern members of the EU, with Slovakian prime minister Robert Fico saying his country would not "bow down" to Berlin.

"We say no to mandatory quotas. I don't want to wake up one day and have 50,000 people here about whom we know nothing," Mr Fico said on Wednesday.

The EU quota plans must be approved by a majority of EU states, and Berlin said it was open to a special EU refugee summit ahead of the next scheduled summit on October 14.

Mr Juncker's proposals also include a possible revision of the EU's much-criticised Dublin Treaty, under which asylum claims must be processed by the country of arrival.

At the same time, Hungary has backtracked on its proposal to establish controversial "transit zones" at its Serbian border, opting rather to provide numerous outlets for processing asylum seekers.

The US has also reached out its hand to help relieve the ongoing crisis, with president Barack Obama stating in a speech at the White House that the US will admit at least 10,000 refugees from Syria over the next year.

Meanwhile, on the Greek island of Lesbos, boats full of migrants and refugees continue to arrive.

Hundreds, perhaps thousands, were making a gruelling 50-60 kilometre walk from their landing place to the main town where they must go to receive registration papers.

"We have been walking for four hours. There is no bus, no taxi, no water, no anything," said Mohammed Yassin al-Jahabra, a 23-year-old English literature student, surrounded by a crowd of anxious and exhausted friends and family.

Earlier this week, officials on Lesbos registered a staggering 15,000 refugees in just over 24 hours after a huge backlog had built up, leaving people stranded on the island for days in filthy conditions.


Turning into a frog
Senior Member
Mar 30, 2009
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Migrant crisis: Key talks in Prague amid quota row

  • 1 hour ago
  • From the sectionEurope
Image copyrightAFP
Image captionThe authorities in Hungary have been warned to expect 40,000 more migrants by next week
Migrant crisis: Can EU overcome its rifts?
The foreign ministers of four Central European nations are to meet their counterparts from Germany and current EU presidency holder Luxembourg, amid a growing row over migrant quotas.

The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia reject quotas proposed by the EU Commission and backed by Germany.

The talks in Prague are expected to focus on this issue.

The Commission wants 120,000 additional asylum seekers per year to be shared out between 28 members.

This would be a sharp increase from the current 40,000.

In recent weeks, tens of thousands of migrants have been desperately trying to flee conflicts in countries like Syria and Libya. Many of them travel through Hungary to Germany, Austria and Sweden - wealthier EU nations with more liberal asylum laws.

Europe migrant crisis: Are you affected?

Can the EU overcome rifts?

What next for Germany's asylum seekers?

What can the EU do to solve the crisis?

Nine key moments in crisis

'Differing views'
The Central European nations - the so-called Visegrad-four - have all rejected the proposed compulsory quotas.

Image copyrightAP
Image captionHungary's razor-wire fence has so far failed to stop thousands of people getting through from Serbia
Image copyrightAFP
Image captionMany migrants start they perilous journey from Turkey - crossing the sea to Greek islands
This is despite the fact that each of them would take in far fewer refugees than Germany if the EU backs the proposals.

Ahead of the Prague meeting, the Czech Foreign Ministry said it was aimed at improving "better mutual understanding among EU member states... [in light of] some differing views".

Hungary in particular has become a key point on the journey north for the migrants, with more than 150,000 people arriving this year.

On Wednesday, the Hungarian army started military exercises to prepare for a possible future role in guarding the border and stemming the flow of people - a move criticised by human rights groups.

A new razor-wire barrier is also being built along the country's border with Serbia.

The authorities in Hungary have been told to expect 40,000 more migrants by next week.

In other developments:

  • President Barack Obama's spokesman has confirmed the US will increase its refugee intake from Syria to at least 10,000 in 2016. America has so far accepted 1,500
  • Ireland says it will take in 4,000 refugees, including 1,120 people it had already agreed to receive
  • The UK says it will resettle 20,000 Syrian refugees from camps surrounding Syria by 2020
Syrian criticism
On Wednesday, European Commission President Jean-Claude Junckerannounced plans to distribute 120,000 refugees from Greece, Italy and Hungary among member states via binding quotas.

This would be on top of a proposal in May to share 40,000 refugees from just Greece and Italy.

The European parliament backed Mr Juncker's plans on Thursday and they will now have to get the go-ahead from member states.

Meanwhile, Syria's Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi said in rare comments on the issue that Europe should bear full responsibility for the crisis, adding that most Syrians who had left were fleeing areas held by the government's rivals, including Islamic State (IS).

He criticised European countries for sending "terrorists" to his country, referring to the thousands of Europeans who have travelled to Syria and Iraq to fight with IS.

BBC correspondents covering the migrant crisis on Twitter
  • Lyse Doucet at the Macedonia-Greece border: "Ahmed & cousins from #Aleppo hoping to find body of brother who drowned in #Greece."
  • Anna Holligan at Roszke on the Hungarian border: "Relentless flow of people.. #Hungary's response, send in the troops"
  • Bethany Bell in Nickelsdorf, Austria: "Bottleneck to get on buses at Austrian border. Families trying not to get separated. Buses all going to train station"


Turning into a frog
Senior Member
Mar 30, 2009
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Btw, there're some bleeding hearts in India who have already started murmuring about supporting/saving the refugees. I guess, it wouldn't be much later when they will raise their voices to crescendo calling for active support of Indian govt. or even asylum to migrants down the road, when EU finally closes its borders after a year or so. May be rational people need to counter them early on?


Regular Member
May 20, 2015
And now this :doh:

These @$$#0LE Saudi Barbarians are ready to construct mosques for refugees in Germany! but are not willing to take in the refugees! Hypocrisy at it's best:clap2:

Saudi Arabia offers Germany 200 mosques — one for every 100 refugees who arrived last weekend

Saudi Arabia has reportedly responded to the growing number of people fleeing the Middle East for western Europe - by offering to build 200 mosques in Germany.

Syria's richer Gulf neighbours have been accused of not doing their fair share in the humanitarian crisis, with Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman and the UAE also keeping their doors firmly shut to asylum-seekers.

According to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, which quoted a report in the Lebanese newspaper Al Diyar, Saudi Arabia would build one mosque for every 100 refugees who entered Germany in extraordinary numbers last weekend.

It would be unfair to suggest that the Gulf Arab states have done nothing to help the estimated four million Syrians who have fled their country since the start of the conflict in 2011.

Just this week, the Al-Hayat newspaper reported that 500,000 Syrians had found homes in Saudi Arabia since the civil war began - as workers, not refugees.

A refugee from Syria prays after arriving on the shores of the Greek island of Lesbos. (Getty Images)

There have also been significant contributions from rich individuals towards the upkeep of refugee camps round the Syrian border, estimated by the BBC to total around $900 million (£600 million).

But amid a history of competition between the Gulf states and Iranian-allied nations, there is a deep fear that allowing an influx of Syrian refugees could also let in Syrians loyal to Bashar al-Assad.

There also exists a more general concern about demographic change, leaving the states opposed to the idea of welcoming refugees. In the UAE, foreign nationals already outnumber citizens by more than five to one.

Back in Germany, Angela Merkel welcomed two refugee families at a home for asylum-seekers in the Berlin suburb of Spandau on Thursday.

She told reporters after the visit: "Their integration will certainly take place in part via the children, who will learn German very quickly in kindergarten. And I hope and believe that the great majority will want to learn our language very quickly."

Whether she will welcome Saudi Arabia's reported offer, which Al Diyar noted would "have to go through the federal authorities", remains to be seen.


Co ja kurwa czytam!
Senior Member
Sep 6, 2014
@Neo @rockey 71 @Zarvan

watch at 2:38 what this syrian girl has to say about pakis and bangladeshis.
Damn............. that girl has the perfect lips for .......... ohhhh i don't waanaa get banned
BTW She can get all the asylum she wants in my heart.
nom nom nom.
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Co ja kurwa czytam!
Senior Member
Sep 6, 2014

Mit diesem Selfie freue ich mich sehr........... Extraaaa Geil

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