The Atheism/Agnosticism Thread

Do you think God exists?

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Senior Member
Jul 17, 2009
I am not sure, so I don't visit temples. I don't even remember when was the last time. I cannot find peace at that place if I don't have faith.
Besides, I have experienced that criminals have more faith in god than commoners like me, may be they think that their sins will be washed away by god if they show too much devotion, I seriously doubt that.

From cultural point of view, I am a devout and proud Hindu.


Senior Member
Sep 29, 2010
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I believe in existence of god but i do not believe that god is in idols or in temples...

pankaj nema

Senior Member
Oct 1, 2009
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GOD does exist And the funny thing is that even Atheists at some stage of their lives
have some experiences which WILL make them believe in GOD

God's power is simply Infinite

Has this whole universe come into existence "just like that " Mere BIG BANG Theory

The living creatures on earth ; are they just products of evolution ; NO .

The hand of God is there in all such things
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Regular Member
Apr 7, 2012
NOBODY can prove it exit & NOBODY can prove it doesn't exit.

Human being is very week when can't agree any mistake happens bcoz of us.we need somebody to blame and may be it god.

& i don't believe this king of thinks ?


DFI Buddha
Senior Member
Aug 21, 2010
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God is your escape from your stupid,cruel and monotonous life. Whether you go to the local pub or to your place of worship it is all the same you want a quick fix to all your problems.

We invented God so we can validate all our greed and possessions and take it to another world, after all you live for 70 or 90years and you dont want to see that all you have done is meaningless and your not takeing anything with you, So you invent an after life where you can continue your greedy pleasures of women, gold and luxury.

We made God and Heaven to give meaning to our life apparently you dont see any meaning to it and then you search for a brief while. Then someone come along and sells you his story of Adam and Eve or Karma or Crocodile that pulled the world out of the water and you suddenly have a purpose and meaning to your life and that puts you in a comfort zone and you will die defending it because after all you did know that you had no purpose and that silly story is all that you have now.

You dont dare question the story, the God who gave you purpose should also have some purpose right? What is it? You dont want to know because it leads you back to the same purposelessness. He has no purpose and if your not their to worship him he is a pointless and meaningless blob of ordinariness, just as the saying goes "Pearls are worth what you give me or they shall be cast before swine" The value of God is like that of pearls, if there is no one to take them it lies meaningless and valueless in the sea floor.

It is your mind that gives value to the pearls just like it does for God. It is your mind you should know, as the saying goes kingdoom of heaven lies with in you, be still and know that "I"(your) am God.
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pankaj nema

Senior Member
Oct 1, 2009
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Why are SCIENTISTs still searching for the GOD particle in physics that will Unify all the theories of Physics
and tell us mortals how and from where matter gets its mass

pankaj nema

Senior Member
Oct 1, 2009
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You dont dare question the story, the God who gave you purpose should also have some purpose right? What is it? You dont want to know because it leads you back to the same purposelessness. He has no purpose and if your not their to worship him he is a pointless and meaningless blob of ordinariness, just as the saying goes "Pearls are worth what you give me or they shall be cast before swine" The value of God is like that of pearls, if there is no one to take them it lies meaningless and valueless in the sea floor.
That is right

God has made us humans so that wee can see this universe and appreciate the powers of God

Without Humans on earth nobody will worship or even care about God


Senior Member
May 23, 2011
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GOD particle in physics that will Unify all the theories of Physics
The Equation of Everything won't prove god exists...unless you believe God is a vibrating sub atomic particle.

tell us mortals how and from where matter gets its mass
There are theories...but seriously, is this the last refuge of all theists? One of the only things science is unable to find? Eventually they will find out how matter gets its mass, people would cling on to something else then.


DFI Buddha
Senior Member
Aug 21, 2010
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That is right

God has made us humans so that wee can see this universe and appreciate the powers of God

Without Humans on earth nobody will worship or even care about God
So your God is a lonely and depressed fellow who created people so he can feel good about himself? What a frail chap, he does not sound high and mighty at all. He needs people to appreciate
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Senior Member
Sep 29, 2010
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atma(soul) , parmatma(god) , prakriti(nature) has existed since beginning of time according to vedas..

Rigveda 10.129.3

Before this creation, everything was in dark like night and nothing was perceivable. Matter/ Energy or Nature was in its primordial or elementary form and restricted to a point compared to the infinite expanse of Ishwar. Then Ishwar created the impulse that transformed the Nature into the spatial world that we observe through His omnipotence.

pankaj nema

Senior Member
Oct 1, 2009
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Scriptures have various versions of Creation

But that is all religion

We are only talking of God and his powers

The sheer size and diversity of our universe ie both this earth and the big universe beyond
makes one wonder " Where did all this stuff come from "

How could such a complex world and universe arise SPONTANEOUSLY


DFI Buddha
Senior Member
Aug 21, 2010
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Scriptures have various versions of Creation

But that is all religion

We are only talking of God and his powers

The sheer size and diversity of our universe ie both this earth and the big universe beyond
makes one wonder " Where did all this stuff come from "

How could such a complex world and universe arise SPONTANEOUSLY
Right, So everything came from Gods creation? Then who created god? If you say he alone exists spontaneously then why could the Universe not have come into existence spontaneously? Your argument that a primate brian created all this with "wants" to be glorified or worshiped is very superficial explication to all the complexities.

Universe neither has an end or beginning nor does anything come from something, all this has always been there, it changes all the time and change is the only constant.

Nothing can be created or destroyed it simply changes either to matter or energy. Matter itself is nothing more than energy in a higher state of excitement.


Senior Member
Sep 29, 2010
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vedic sidhanta of traitvaad states that atma,parmatma,prakriti has always existed...
prakriti or matter which can neither be created or destroyed was used by parmatma(parmeshawar) to create this universe..

Rigveda 10.129.3

Before this creation, everything was in dark like night and nothing was perceivable. Matter/ Energy or Nature was in its primordial or elementary form and restricted to a point compared to the infinite expanse of Ishwar. Then Ishwar created the impulse that transformed the Nature into the spatial world that we observe through His omnipotence.

Then why ishwar created this world?

Srishti is merely integration of atma and prakriti so that atma can use prakriti to elevate itself towards Moksha. For example, you are a soul. But to elevate yourself to Moksha, you need to put efforts. to put efforts, you need tools to put efforts - mind, hands, legs, memory, etc etc. So Paramatma integrated you with Prakriti to bring you all this. SO the entire Srishti was made beautifully and intelligently to provide the full-facility practice-ground for atmans.

Yajurveda 40.8

Ishwar gave his knowledge to its eternal subjects – souls – to utilize world (Nature) in best possible manner.


Senior Member
Sep 7, 2010
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GOD does exist And the funny thing is that even Atheists at some stage of their lives
have some experiences which WILL make them believe in GOD

God's power is simply Infinite

Has this whole universe come into existence "just like that " Mere BIG BANG Theory

The living creatures on earth ; are they just products of evolution ; NO .

The hand of God is there in all such things
For atheist God exists when they land themselves in trouble. In my own life time I have seen people begging for Gods help when they are lying in hospital bed.
I do not wish bad times under any circumstances. I wish all of you on DFI a very healthy life and peace.
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