The Atheism/Agnosticism Thread

Do you think God exists?

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Senior Member
Jul 8, 2011
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mostly you have said is true. but don't forget that the first type of athiest is a one that used to be a theist , but latter rejected it.

so he is peaceful, because of all the moral values he gained through theism and finally rejected theism.
Total rubbish. Whatever the generation, an atheist is almost always more altruistic and less prejudiced than his religious counterpart. Science has proven it.
i call them 1st generation of theists. they grew in a moral theists household and later became atheist.
It's of no consequence how a dimwitted religious bigot decides to profile us.
the second type of atheists are born atheists. in other words, children of first generation of atheists.
these people already grow in atheist house hold.
what about their morals? they can only fear a fellow person or law enforcement. what happens when those things collapse? you would see brutal savagery, barbarianism, dishonour & wickedness everywhere etc.
Spoken like a true bigot. Presumptions much??
so when society is about to collapse, theists once again try to build it. atheists take advantage & go berserk.

note : now i am not propagating either theism, atheism, agnosticism. none of those 3.
leaving my personal opinions behind & creating a case for why morally theists are better than 2nd gen atheists.
Religious folks are the most prejudiced and opinionated bigots guys to be around, you are a perfect example of that quintessential theist.


Senior Member
Jul 8, 2011
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Oh boy Mao Zedong killed many people in name of cultural revolution because supposedly those culture, religion were reason of China's downfall.
So?? What's it got to do with atheists who aren't communists?? And clearly, you have got no idea what you are talking about if that's your understanding of the reasons behind that so-called cultural revolution crap.
You can't hide behind communism. At the end marxism is a type of atheist ideology as well.
Didn't know Marxism was any different than communism.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2020
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So?? What's it got to do with atheists who aren't communists?? And clearly, you have got no idea what you are talking about if that's your understanding of the reasons behind that so-called cultural revolution crap.

Didn't know Marxism was any different than communism.
Classic. Atheist denying role of atheism or trying to minimise its effect. Atheism was integral part of communism/Marxism/Maoism nobody can deny that.


Senior Member
Jul 8, 2011
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Atheists are triggered because atheism is questioned.
Now, where have we seen this before?
So calling out bigots is now considered to be getting triggered around here?? Well, why am I not surprised??

These guy just need a prophet and they're set to establish a Khalifa better than Mia.
Wow, didn't realize you like Mia Khalifa that much!!


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2019
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So calling out bigots is now considered to be getting triggered around here?? Well, why am I not surprised??

Wow, didn't realize you like Mia Khalifa that much!!
What's the bigoted view people are expressing here lol?


Senior Member
Jul 8, 2011
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Classic. Atheist denying role of atheism or trying to minimise its effect. Atheism was integral part of communism/Marxism/Maoism nobody can deny that.
No one is denying that. But to say that they did it in the name of atheism is giving a whole new meaning to the expression - twisting the facts. But then again, what better can be expected from your ilk??


Laughing member
Senior Member
Nov 23, 2017
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MUh ekWAlIty muH.., bUddHA.
I didn't imply that dumbass... Just that I'd personally like more variety & conversion will put pressure on the upper castes.

Go read the actual posts I made.


Laughing member
Senior Member
Nov 23, 2017
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Personally I am an agnostic right now, but I was an edgy atheist once upon a time, this video is the only good criticism of atheism that I have seen, all the rest are evangelicals christians acting comical or the regular anti-atheism talking point.
That goes for most "atheists" like you too.
So you have an imaginary friend now, but it's not like you attained moksha & had a sighting of the divine. You were just a poser.. So speak for yourself please 🙃.


Senior Member
Feb 14, 2021
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Bullshit!! Morality predates religion. It's a learned behavior, I scratch your back you scratch mine kinda deal - nothing more and nothing less. Religion has got absolutely nothing to do with it. And if you need a holy book to know that raping, pillaging, murdering, stealing, etc are wrong, then you are seriously fucked in your head, sonny. You should seek help.

One word - Crusades.

We do not need any authority to keep ourselves in control. We are men, not sheep, unlike your lot.

That's what describes the religions and their followers the best, not the atheists.

Nope, that's the textbook definition of theism.

Neither did the religions. These are learned behaviors, senses which we developed over millions of years through evolution!!

And all you know is to dabble in the sort of bullshit that's your philosophy and tattva gyana!! The later sounds too much like tatti anyway.

We don't need to differentiate shit!! First get some evidence in support of your wild claims you fucking bigot!!

Nope, it's quite a definitive and straightforward question.

Who cares?? No evidence one way or the other. So the position is still valid and for the time being, the only valid position there is.
what factors/features could be called as a god? what is "not-god"

Yeah, keep try to muddy the water, as if that's gonna help your cause. But try away anyway.

You do not appear prepared at all, kid.
I scratch your back you scratch mine kinda deal - nothing more and nothing less.
you scratch my back and i backstab you. cause there is no one watching me from some made up stories of heavens.

And if you need a holy book to know that raping, pillaging, murdering, stealing, etc are wrong
i didn't know early men used to date women and ask for consent. i thought they would go for it through force and early women used to surrender. :megusta:

And if you need a holy book to know
not all religions in the world have holy books. most of them have history books. more like history rocks on which stories were carved. many were extinct tho.

One word - Crusades.
elaborate yourself idiot.

We do not need any authority to keep ourselves in control. We are men, not sheep, unlike your lot.
instead of some godlike concept to keep you in check, you tribal soldiers have a tribe leader that keeps you check. primitivism, with or without accelarationism.
the tribe leader can be elected democratically or through force.
the people will only praise the tribe leader like sheep nothing much different from atheism.
the tribe leader will make rules to stop you from being savages.

That's what describes the religions and their followers the best, not the atheists.
no.. because religions don't like to accelarate into degeneracy. they also don't want to live like early savages because "they" think both are bad according to some godlike.etc etc(that's their claim)

Neither did the religions. These are learned behaviors, senses which we developed over millions of years through evolution!!
can't explain anything ... then resort to" MUh EVoluTION". there is no proof for your claim.

And all you know is to dabble in the sort of bullshit that's your philosophy and tattva gyana!! The later sounds too much like tatti anyway.
tattva gyana is the sanskrit word for philosophical knowledge.
if everthing sounds like tatti, then clean your ears and brain. they are filled with tatti.

if you hate the indo-european anceint language sanskrit for what it is, there is no reason to love indo-european modern language english. that is if you hate.

We don't need to differentiate shit!! First get some evidence in support of your wild claims you fucking bigot!!

GTFO from here.

Nope, it's quite a definitive and straightforward question.
Who cares?? No evidence one way or the other. So the position is still valid and for the time being, the only valid position there is.
what factors/features could be called as a god? what is "not-god"
i just copied my argument and pasted it as your argument.
without the authority of examiner, you would like to copy and cheat in exams. because you do not fear any godlike concept that the theists follow( i did not take any position as theist or atheist or agnostic)

Yeah, keep try to muddy the water, as if that's gonna help your cause. But try away anyway.
as if that's gonna help your cause
my cause ...????

You do not appear prepared at all, kid.
appearances can be misleading.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2020
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No one is denying that. But to say that they did it in the name of atheism is giving a whole new meaning to the expression - twisting the facts. But then again, what better can be expected from your ilk??
Lol what i did is just playing the same cards atheist play at theist. I'm an agnostic but culturally I'm Hindu. What athiest like you suffer from is a high does of overconfidence. Ignorant about the world limiting themselves in a cacoon of science and rationalism. My point is in my years of observation what i see is the zealous type atheists act no different compared the religious people they hate so much. Even i was once an edgy atheist so i don't need to be taught about this.


Senior Member
Sep 29, 2010
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I didn't imply that dumbass... Just that I'd personally like more variety & conversion will put pressure on the upper castes.

Go read the actual posts I made.



Laughing member
Senior Member
Nov 23, 2017
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Oh so now you agree that opression exists among castes?.. When it's continued even after conversion?

Again dumbass, I'm aware that this stuff just won't vanish away, but because it'll create pressure on hindi uppers & create religious variety in Indian society (personal preference). Go check the original post. You lot keep giving examples of you dumbassery & expect to be taken seriously.


Senior Member
Feb 14, 2021
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Total rubbish. Whatever the generation, an atheist is almost always more altruistic and less prejudiced than his religious counterpart. Science has proven it.

It's of no consequence how a dimwitted religious bigot decides to profile us.

Spoken like a true bigot. Presumptions much??
so when society is about to collapse, theists once again try to build it. atheists take advantage & go berserk.

Religious folks are the most prejudiced and opinionated bigots guys to be around, you are a perfect example of that quintessential theist.


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2019
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View attachment 91984
Bigoted enough for ya??
You're grouping Hindus up with Christians and Muslims and crusades and whatnot to give some weight to your argument that somehow their actions have a bearing on our religion. Not to mention the constant attack on other people's sentiments.
Grow a thick skin and take it back in kind, heathen.😊
Call other "religitards", then gets hurt when attacked himself, such is the sad life of an atheist.

Better yet, go and read about wars with most loss of life, even in percentage of the population during that time.
Crusades are but a minor tremor compared to the earthquakes that were Chengiz Khan's sacking of the Middle East, the two world wars (purely political) or the rather sublime civil wars triggered by atheism byproducts (communism being the most significant), but you can also read about the babies being aborted literally after birth in America, organ and slave trade in China (which is a capitalist authoritarian regime rather than a communist one, even though it may fly it's banner) etc.
Godlessness is easy to brag about in a civil environment, but even the most moral person will break away from civility in societal breakdown, and the lesser the barriers to, the faster the decay.

Morality doesn't predate religion btw.
Murder, rape, pillage and literally genociding other tribes predates religion. The back scratching act was limited to members of one tribe competing for territory to hunt and gather with another. If morality predated religion, we'd have a global government and union by the time stone age ended lol.
I don't even know why I'm arguing with you sloths. I'm not even that religious.

I'm merely irked by the false sense of belief you people have in your disbelief (the irony)....
Carry on though.
If you ever feel insecure, repeat this poem to yourself-

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Everyone's gone nuts,
The only one with a brain is you.
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