Taiwan upgrades fighter jets

huaxia rox

Senior Member
Apr 4, 2011

1 tibet already in control.....no matter how legimate we r would not add more scores.....this is like sikkim or nagaland to india.......maybe with potential independence factors but just minor.

2 there r some taiwanese support taiwan independence factually.....but we also have kashmiris seeking independence (opposite to either joinning india or pakistan)........time will tell the results.

huaxia rox

Senior Member
Apr 4, 2011

i really know what i was talking about.....maybe just u dont know.


Regular Member
Oct 14, 2009
For me , Mainland is a part of Taiwan , is more logic !!!!


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
Country flag

1 tibet already in control.....no matter how legimate we r would not add more scores.....this is like sikkim or nagaland to india.......maybe with potential independence factors but just minor.
Are you seriously that ignorant or is it just because PLA has a gun pointed at you from behind? Unlike Tibetans fleeing, we Sikkimese don't flee to China or other countries, seeking refuge from persecution. Gain some knowledge before talking about my state, will you? Sikkim fully and willingly accepted India. The problem was our chogyal was worried about losing his "godliness" and wealth hence we needed to call Indian Army. 99% of Sikkimese voted to join India while 1% royalists didn't vote because they were filthy rich for nothing.

Or are you telling me that 75-100 soldiers of Indian Army holding royalist palace guards off were enough to threaten the entire state of Sikkim into surrendering? :lol:

1961 and 1975 are not the first times Sikkim has opted to join India. Earlier we were tributary states to many ancient empires of India as well including the Mauryan Empire. So we are ancestrally Indians.

2 there r some taiwanese support taiwan independence factually.....but we also have kashmiris seeking independence (opposite to either joinning india or pakistan)........time will tell the results.
Only Islamized Kashmiris. The native Buddhists, mainstream Hindus and Sikhs were kicked out for being peaceful by lunatics of someone called Geelani and his 80,000 odd zombies a.k.a Pakistan's stooges. We already distributed a part of the country for "Muslims of south Asia" in 1947, as Pakistanis say and we fully accept if those Kashmiris who don't want to live with India to freely migrate to Pakistan. We are not stopping them and they have full freedom to leave. But the land stays with us.

For example, you stay in a joint family house, but are not comfortable with your cousins. So what would you do? Move out of that house and choose another location or break that house that is equal to all of you (leave aside court cases and all that)?.


Freakin' Fighter fan
Senior Member
Sep 15, 2010
1 didnt GoI support tebetans losers to form some clown SFF and the likes??

2 taiwan to PRC is by and large like kashmir to india.....now do u understand what i mean?

3 pakistan to china is a nation to china....pakistan is a nation..... PRC thinks pakistan a ntion...so does india....so does any country in the world.........but who thinks taiwan a nation?? no more than 30 banana republics.....

4 we ve kept doing what we need to do to cooperate with pakistan since 1963.......we have a tradition of 'do the thing then say it'......so when u gonna cooperate with taiwan.....when excatly?

if u ask me how all the govments think.....very opposite........more than 100 nations through out the world agree that taiwan is a part of china. is that offical?? apparently much more than the numbers of gov who might think kashmir a part of india (may be only 1 gov in the world).

u ask different people u get different answers....so what?? ever tried to ask a punjabi if punjab a part of india???

u completely wrong.......

1 taiwan was divided from mainland simply becoz ideology.....we dont have religion or racial or caste problems btw us..........mainlanders and taiwanese can go alone very well in mainland...taiwan...or oversea nations....ideology can never divide a nation in the long run.......

2 not only we claim taiwan part of china.....very often some taiwanese esp KMT claim mainland a part of ROC (zangnan included)........what else can i say then???
In reply to your long harangue - let me point this out - India NEVER had a civil war - Kashmir never was a civil war, it was a war between Pakistan and India - as you mentioned - two different states. Indian Kashmir has a democratic government with elections and accepted the Indian constitution as far back as 1952. As for PoK, go and see how THAT part is doing. No government, no development, no rule of law - it is essentially a large prison camp. Pakistan claims that India has more soldiers in IOK than Pakistan has in PoK, but the numbers tell the truth. Kashmir was, is and always will be a part of India.
Taiwan on the other hand is a separate GOVERNMENT, that never accepted CCP, has maintained a separate existance and is in a state of war with PRC. You know what it is called? A separate country, by all means. If the taiwanese had the military strength, they would be a separate country in the UN.

huaxia rox

Senior Member
Apr 4, 2011
Are you seriously that ignorant or is it just because PLA has a gun pointed at you from behind? Unlike Tibetans fleeing, we Sikkimese don't flee to China or other countries, seeking refuge from persecution. Gain some knowledge before talking about my state, will you? Sikkim fully and willingly accepted India. The problem was our chogyal was worried about losing his "godliness" and wealth hence we needed to call Indian Army. 99% of Sikkimese voted to join India while 1% royalists didn't vote because they were filthy rich for nothing.

Or are you telling me that 75-100 soldiers of Indian Army holding royalist palace guards off were enough to threaten the entire state of Sikkim into surrendering? :lol:

1961 and 1975 are not the first times Sikkim has opted to join India. Earlier we were tributary states to many ancient empires of India as well including the Mauryan Empire. So we are ancestrally Indians.

Only Islamized Kashmiris. The native Buddhists, mainstream Hindus and Sikhs were kicked out for being peaceful by lunatics of someone called Geelani and his 80,000 odd zombies a.k.a Pakistan's stooges. We already distributed a part of the country for "Muslims of south Asia" in 1947, as Pakistanis say and we fully accept if those Kashmiris who don't want to live with India to freely migrate to Pakistan. We are not stopping them and they have full freedom to leave. But the land stays with us.

For example, you stay in a joint family house, but are not comfortable with your cousins. So what would you do? Move out of that house and choose another location or break that house that is equal to all of you (leave aside court cases and all that)?.
1 sikkim was too small compared to india....too few people there.....when the US took over north america can u see american indians flee to mexico.......and of course india got what they wanted in the vote.......again sikkim was too small to be against india........indians sent some troops and tanks and no resistences.......but dare u not send those???

2 while tibetans in india r/were backed by some of these elements: india.... the US....although not offically some times.........tibetans have more people. some of them fought ok.......different story with similar characteristics.......but when it comes to nagaland or assam and the likes.....where more people there.....things can go different.

3 kashmir is ur problem.......lecture the muslims there.......and good luck.......on the other hand we will deal with our taiwan problem.....which is our problem.........lets see who can handle his issues better and who can finally get what he wants.

huaxia rox

Senior Member
Apr 4, 2011
In reply to your long harangue - let me point this out - India NEVER had a civil war - Kashmir never was a civil war, it was a war between Pakistan and India - as you mentioned - two different states. Indian Kashmir has a democratic government with elections and accepted the Indian constitution as far back as 1952. As for PoK, go and see how THAT part is doing. No government, no development, no rule of law - it is essentially a large prison camp. Pakistan claims that India has more soldiers in IOK than Pakistan has in PoK, but the numbers tell the truth. Kashmir was, is and always will be a part of India.
Taiwan on the other hand is a separate GOVERNMENT, that never accepted CCP, has maintained a separate existance and is in a state of war with PRC. You know what it is called? A separate country, by all means. If the taiwanese had the military strength, they would be a separate country in the UN.
1 taiwan...a separate country.....is offcially accepted by whom????which gov??? sepicifily.......

2 if kashmiri muslims had the military strength...............they would.............

3 the same 3 in the above post.


Senior Member
Mar 8, 2011
1 sikkim was too small compared to india....too few people there.....when the US took over north america can u see american indians flee to mexico.......and of course india got what they wanted in the vote.......again sikkim was too small to be against india........indians sent some troops and tanks and no resistences.......but dare u not send those???

2 while tibetans in india r/were backed by some of these elements: india.... the US....although not offically some times.........tibetans have more people. some of them fought ok.......different story with similar characteristics.......but when it comes to nagaland or assam and the likes.....where more people there.....things can go different.

3 kashmir is ur problem.......lecture the muslims there.......and good luck.......on the other hand we will deal with our taiwan problem.....which is our problem.........lets see who can handle his issues better and who can finally get what he wants.
friend, huaxia...if beijing, hainan and shanghai etc. are/will be in china, then sikkim, AP, assam, every north india, etc. are/will be in india...

its childish to point to these states.....how long will you say us, africa, europe, korea, japan "were once" not their own lands?..

Stick to present..gone is gone....
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huaxia rox

Senior Member
Apr 4, 2011
friend, huaxia...if beijing, hainan and shanghai etc. are/will be in china, then sikkim, AP, assam, every north india, etc. are/will be in india...

its childish to point to these states.....how long will you say us, africa, europe, korea, japan "were once" not their own lands?..

Stick to present..gone is gone....
i by and large agree with u.....even parts of beijing didnt belong to us if we have to look into history. the great wall actually goes through beijing indicating that only the parts south to the wall were chinese...at least han chinese.......

however when we talking about if its rite for PRC to take back tibet........we argue this and that but the most important thing is tibet is in full control just like white people have controlled north america.....rite or wrong they have..........if some think u can challenge tibet being a part of china be my guest.......

taiwan of coz another story....this needs time to tell....just i m confident of taking taiwan back 1day.....(or POC taking back mainland)

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