Russian Military Pictures and Videos


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Mar 21, 2009
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Russian military to be equipped with modern weapons - Putin

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin demanded the Russian armed forces be equipped with modern weapons during a government meeting to discuss Russia's 2011-2020 military program late on Tuesday.
"The Army should have at least 30% modern weapons by 2015, and at least 70% by 2020. We are going to put the necessary finances behind this," Putin said, adding that "ineffective expenses" would not be tolerated.

Putin's statement comes after Russian military officials last week revealed plans to bring into service the first batch of its new fifth-generation stealth fighters in 2015.

Russia is currently in talks with France on the possible purchase of a Mistral-class warship, worth 400-500 million euros (around $600-$750 million).

"Essentially, we are talking about the timeframe, and what systems we should use to strengthen the Army and the Navy," Putin said.

"In line with the plan to develop the armed forces, the main emphasis will be laid on nuclear deterrence, space and air defense systems," he added.
MOSCOW, February 17 (RIA Novosti)


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Sep 3, 2009
With new fighter in hand, Putin wants modern bombers

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Once it has completed work on its own fifth-generation fighter, Russia must proceed with designing a brand-new nuclear-capable strategic bomber, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said on Monday.

"Certainly, we should not confine ourselves to developing just one new model. After the fifth-generation fighter jet, we must think and get down to work on a next-generation, long-range aviation complex -- our new strategic missile carrier," Putin told a cabinet meeting on Russia's military-industrial complex. After the demise of the Soviet Union, Russia inherited a fleet of the still formidable but fast-aging Tupolev Tu-95MS turbo-prop strategic bombers and missile platforms codenamed "Bears" by NATO.

It also has a much smaller fleet of the more modern, supersonic Tupolev Tu-160 "Blackjack" jet bombers, the world's biggest warplanes built so far.

Russia test-flew its long-awaited stealth fighter at the end of January, presenting it as Moscow's first all-new warplane since the 1991 Soviet collapse and a challenge to the technological supremacy of Cold War foe the United States which rolled out its fifth-generation fighter more than a decade ago.

Putin, then president, ordered in 2007 to resume Soviet-style patrols of Russian bombers around the globe, seeing it as a way of boosting Moscow's stature in the world.

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Oct 5, 2009
Russia launches Proton-M carrier rocket with 3 Glonass satellites

A Proton-M carrier rocket bearing three Glonass satellites was launched from the Baikonur space center in Kazakhstan early on Tuesday, a spokesman for the Space Forces said.
"A Proton-M carrier rocket with three Glonass satellites was successfully launched from a launching pad at the Baikonur space center on March 2 at 0:19 Moscow time [22:19 GMT, March 1]," Alexei Zolotukhin said.
Glonass - the Global Navigation Satellite System - is the Russian equivalent of the U.S. Global Positioning System, or GPS, and is designed for both military and civilian use. Both systems allow users to determine their positions to within a few meters.
Russia currently has a total of 22 Glonass satellites in orbit, but only 16 of them are operational. The system requires 18 operational satellites for continuous navigation services covering the entire territory of Russia and at least 24 satellites to provide navigation services worldwide.

Source:RIA Novosti


New Member
Feb 16, 2009

Sukhoi fighter aborted a carrier landing

amazing watch

same video as 2 posts above by manc for those who cant view that video
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Oct 5, 2009
NATO commander backs cooperation with Russia on missile defense

The new U.S. adoptive approach for European missile defense includes the possibility of using a Russian radar system as part of an integrated system, NATO's top military officer has said.
Adm. James G. Stavridis, NATO's supreme allied commander for Europe and commander of U.S. European Command, told the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday that he supported the idea of partnering with Russia as a way to enhance security against shared missile threats.
"First, it would create a zone of cooperation with Russia [from a military standpoint]; secondly, it could technically add to the early warning time because of the location of the system; and thirdly, it creates confidence-building measures between ourselves and the Russians," the admiral said.
Moscow has earlier offered the use of the Gabala radar station in Azerbaijan and the Armavir radar station in Russia's Krasnodar Territory as alternatives to previous U.S. plans for a missile shield in Central Europe, but Washington has been reluctant so far to accept the proposal.
Stavridis called the new phased-in approach for European missile defense "timely and flexible," and said it will provide "capability that we can step up and be adaptive."
In his prepared statement for the Armed Services Committee the admiral also outlined NATO's view on overall military cooperation with Russia.
"Working with Russia is about balance and seeking to find the potential for cooperation, while maintaining an honest and open dialogue about all aspects of our relationship, including where we disagree," the statement said.
"We at European Command are ready to pursue military-to-military communication, engagement, and even training and operations with Russia where and when appropriate."

WASHINGTON, March 10 (RIA Novosti)


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Oct 5, 2009
Kiev wants to host signing of historic Russia-U.S. arms cuts deal
Kiev is seeking to be the venue for the signing of a new nuclear arms reduction treaty between Russia and the United States, a respected Russian business daily reported on Tuesday.
According to Kommersant, new Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych made the suggestion to his Russian counterpart, Dmitry Medvedev, during his visit to Moscow on March 5.
The deputy head of the Ukrainian presidential administration, Anna German, told Kommersant on Monday that Moscow showed interest in Ukraine's initiative. This issue will also be discussed on Tuesday in Moscow between the countries' foreign ministers, Sergei Lavrov and Kostyantyn Hryshchenko.
The talks will be held ahead of the upcoming visit by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to Moscow, during which she and Lavrov are expected to coordinate the final details of the replacement to the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START 1), the paper said.
German said the bid to host the signing ceremony was part of Yanukovych's efforts to position his country as a link between Russia and the West.
"I believe this is a very interesting idea," Kommersant quoted German as saying. "The Russian side responded with interest to it. If the Americans are not against it, Ukraine will finally become the bridge between the East and the West that our leader always speaks about."
Russia and the United States have been negotiating the arms reduction pact since the two countries' presidents met in April last year, but finalizing a document has dragged on, with U.S. plans for missile defense in Europe a particular sticking point.
Moscow wants to include a link between missile defenses and cuts in offensive weapons, but the U.S. Senate is unlikely to ratify any document formally linking the two issues.
START 1 the cornerstone of post-Cold War arms control, expired on December 5.

MOSCOW, March 16 (RIA Novosti)


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Oct 5, 2009
The future of the Russian Air Force: 10 years on

The Russian Defense Ministry plans to overhaul its air force fleet.

According to various media reports, the Ministry wants to buy at least 1,500 aircraft, including 350 new warplanes, by 2020. The fleet would include 70% new equipment at that point, said Air Force Commander-in-Chief Colonel General Alexander Zelin.
The state of the warplane fleet which forms the backbone of the Russian Air Force's combat potential remains a major military problem. Russian military aircraft are 25-plus years old, on the average. Consequently, the warplane fleet may shrink considerably in the next 10-15 years. What aircraft will the Air Force wield by 2020, and will the number of planes be enough for national defense needs?
The Defense Ministry has now signed contracts for the purchase of 32 Su-34 Fullback advanced fighter-bombers to be delivered by 2013, 48 Su-35 Flanker-E fighters by 2015, 12 Su-27SM Flanker-B Mod. 1 fighters by 2011, 4 Su-30M2 Flanker-C planes by 2011 and 12 Su-25UBM Frogfoot combat trainers.
This year, the Defense Ministry intends to sign a contract for the delivery of 26 MiG-29K Fulcrum-D fighters by 2015. Additional contracts for the delivery of at least 80 Su-34s and 24-48 Su-35s are expected to be signed. In all, the Russian Air Force is to receive 240-260 new aircraft of these types.
It is hard to say much about the specifications of another 100-110 aircraft, due to be manufactured primarily after 2015. They will probably include 25-30 MiG-35 fighters, another 12-16 Su-30 combat trainers for Su-35 squadrons and 40-60 Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA (Advanced Frontline Aviation Aircraft System) fifth-generation fighters. The T-50's subsequent official designation remains unclear.
Naturally, these 350 fixed-wing aircraft cannot completely meet Air Force demand for new equipment. Operational warplanes will therefore have to be upgraded in order to maintain air force combat capability and adequate air fleet standards.
Speaking of revamped aircraft, by 2020 the Air Force will have about 100 Su-27SM/SM2 fighters (now about 50 in service), approximately 80 MiG-31BM Foxhound fighters (now about 10 in service) and approximately 100 MiG-29SM2/SMT fighters (now about 30 in service). Moreover, the Air Force will operate almost 150 upgraded Su-25SM ground-attack aircraft and probably 50-60 Su-24M2 Fencer-D tactical attack aircraft.
The range of strategic bombers will remain the same. The Air Force will continue to operate 16-17 Tu-160 Blackjacks, 60-64 Tu-95MS Bear-Hs and 60-70 Tu-22M Backfires. Virtually all of them will be overhauled.
The Russian Air Force now has about 2,800 aircraft, including nearly 1,500 warplanes. The air fleet is expected to decline still further. Virtually all un-modernized aircraft will be scrapped at the end of their service life.
Consequently, the Air Force will have some 1,500-1,700 fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters, including only about 800 combat-ready warplanes. The number could increase if additional state defense contracts are awarded. Options are currently being considered.
Is this enough or not? The industrial world, including Russia, the NATO countries and the United States, continues to scale down its air forces. This is an objective process. The number of newly procured aircraft does not equal the number of planes currently being decommissioned, most of which were built in the 1960s, the 1970s and the 1980s.
Such reductions are motivated by some objective factors, including the end of the Cold War and plunging industrial world defense spending (relative to GDP), and subjective factors, including vastly superior modern combat equipment efficiency rendering it unnecessary to replace older aircraft one for one.
A comparison of these statistics with foreign air force modernization data shows that Russia will retain the world's second-largest air force after the United States in the next 10 years. Due to slow air fleet renewal rates and the delayed adoption of fifth-generation fighters, the U.S. Air Force will have to reduce the number of its fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters from 5,000 to 3,000-3,500, including 1,700-2,000 warplanes.
At the same time, we should not forget that unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) will supersede warplanes in some spheres, primarily reconnaissance missions, in the foreseeable future. However, this is an entirely different story.

Source: RIA Novosti


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Dec 17, 2009
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250 new aircraft by 2020... that is pathetic. France will have 230 Rafale F4 and 100 Mirage-2000-5 Mk2 by then and a country like Russia needs three times as many aircraft as we do. Their production is bound to face delays for several years considering their track record so they might not even get that. Those 100 Su-27SM and 80 MiG-31BMs will be a couple years from retirement in 2020. Not looking good for VVS, not at all!


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Oct 5, 2009
Russian strategic bombers complete 3-day efficiency drills

Russian Tu-95MS Bear strategic bombers have completed a series of efficiency drills, an Air Force spokesman said on Friday.
"During three-day exercises, Tu-95MS Bear strategic bombers and Il-78 aerial tankers practiced various types of flight drills, including in-flight refueling," Lt. Col. Vladimir Drik said.
The flights were conducted in poor weather conditions over the Arctic from air bases in Engels in the Volga region and Ryazan located in central Russia.
Russia resumed strategic bomber patrol flights over the Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic oceans in August 2007, following an order from then-President Vladimir Putin.

Source:RIA Novosti


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Oct 5, 2009
Black Sea Fleet future in Ukraine may become clear in few years

Russia and Ukraine could agree on the extension of the Black Sea Fleet's presence in the Crimea while Viktor Yanukovich serves his first term as Ukrainian president, a Russian lawmaker said.
Russia's lease on the Black Sea Fleet's base of Sevastopol is due to expire in 2017, but the new president may look to step back from his predecessor Viktor Yushchenko's strict insistence that the foreign forces leave.
"I do not see why we would not be able to agree and sign documents during Viktor Yanukovich's first term [as president] on the extension of the Black Sea Fleet's presence in Ukraine, in the Crimea and Sevastopol after 2017," Ukraine's UNIAN news agency quoted Russian MP Konstantin Zatulin as saying on Saturday.
"As far as I know, over 70% of Ukrainians believe that the Russian fleet will not leave Sevastopol in 2017," Zatulin told a news conference in Sevastopol.
He also said the issue could be linked with a new natural gas price agreement between Russia and Ukraine.
During his meeting with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on March 5, Viktor Yanukovych, who was sworn in on February 25 , pledged to steer a more balanced policy towards Russia and to continue discussions on the future of the Black Sea Fleet bases in Crimea.
Russia's Black Sea Fleet uses a range of naval facilities in the Crimea, including the Sevastopol base, as part of a 10-year lease agreement signed in 1997.
A Russian-Ukrainian subcommittee on the Black Sea Fleet at the level of deputy foreign ministers holds regular meetings to discuss the implementation of 1997 agreement.


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Oct 5, 2009
Ukraine sub to be maintained with Russian help

MOSCOW :Russia will help Ukraine to ensure the technical maintenance of the Zaporozhye submarine, the only one Ukraine has, a top Russian navy official has said.

"We are stepping up our work. We received an application of our Ukrainian partners on the technical maintenance of the submarine, which they repaired and which is going to be put to use," Vice Admiral Oleg Burtsev, first deputy chief of the staff of the Russian Navy, said here on Sunday.

Relations between the Russian and Ukrainian Navies "are becoming reasonable and humane," he said.

The Zaporozhye diesel electric submarine is the only submarine possessed by the Ukrainian Navy.

It was built in 1972 under Project No. 641 (Foxtrot, under the NATO classification). Its surface speed is 16.4 knots, and the submerged speed is 16 knots. The length of the hull is 91 metres.

Previously the submarine was part of the USSR Northern Fleet, and its tactical number was B-435.

In 1990 the submarine was turned over to the Black Sea Fleet. It was adopted by the Ukrainian Navy in 1997.


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Oct 5, 2009
Russian military gets ready for large-scale drills in Far East

The commander of the Russian Ground Forces has arrived in Russia's Far East to inspect the preparation for upcoming strategic military exercises in the region.
The Russian Armed Forces will conduct large-scale Vostok-2010 military exercises in Siberia and the country's Far East in June-July.
"Col. Gen. Alexander Postnikov will focus on practical details of the exercises while visiting the locations where the drills will take place," the Ground Forces press service said in a statement.
The upcoming drills will involve units from the Far Eastern, the Siberian and the Volga-Urals military districts, as well as the Pacific Fleet.
As part of the drills, the Armed Forces will practice the deployment of additional troops in Siberia and the Far East to strengthen the existing military contingent in the region in case of a potential military conflict.
Russia holds Vostok strategic command-and-staff exercises every two years. More than 8,000 troops took part in Vostok-2008.
The Russian military conducted the Caucasus 2009, Zapad 2009 and Ladoga 2009 strategic exercises, and 15 brigade-level and 161 battalion-level drills last year.


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Dec 17, 2009
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Hazing in the armed forces remains high
12:05 23.03.10 Russia, Moscow

The number of crimes in Russia's army, including those associated with hazing, not decreasing, despite reducing both the number of contractors, and timing of military service. This March 23 Interfax news agency reported, citing a statement Chairman of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the RF Vladimir Khomchik.

"If in 2008 for all crimes in the army and navy servicemen were convicted 9310, then in 2009 the figure was 9232. Reduction as seen at minus 0.8%", - said Khomchik. However, he said, despite a significant reduction in officers and contractors in the reform of the Armed Forces, the number of crimes in the army is not reduced.


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Oct 5, 2009
Russia conducts Navy anti-submarine drills in Sea of Japan

A mixed task force from the Russian Pacific Fleet started on Wednesday a series of anti-submarine warfare (ASW) drills in the Sea of Japan, a fleet spokesman said.
"Two task forces comprising missile destroyers and diesel-powered submarines are taking part in the drills in line with a regular training program," Capt. 1st Rank Roman Martov said.
The exercises involve a number of search-and-destroy missions, simulated torpedo attacks and live-fire drills with on-board artillery and air defense systems.
The Admiral Tributs and Admiral Vinogradov destroyers, which carried out patrol missions in the Gulf of Aden as part of international efforts to fight sea piracy, will take part in the drills.
According to Martov, the exercises will culminate with a "battle" between the destroyers and submarines, when the surface ships attempt to thwart "a surprise attack from the deep."
Russia's Pacific Fleet has a missile cruiser, five destroyers and a large number of submarines in service. Its anti-submarine warfare aircraft include Tu-142 Bear F and Il-38 May planes, and Ka-27 Helix D helicopters.


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May 6, 2009
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Russia To Test New Unique Project 855 Yasen Nuclear Submarine


Russia will begin tests of its new state-of-the-art multi-purpose nuclear submarine Yasen, Project 855, already in 2010. The unique submarine qualitatively differs from all of its predecessors. Moreover, Yasen will become the first submarine, which was entirely built in Russia during the post-Soviet period, Oleg Burtsev, a senior spokesman for the command of the Russian Navy saidThe new submarine is to be launched in the beginning of May. JSC Sevmash, the company that builds all Russian submarines, is currently busy with making preparations to the landmark moment.

The submarine was named Severodvinsk. Engineers of the company said that it would be quieter and much more powerful than the USA’s Sea Wolf.

Severodvinsk is a twin-hull nuclear submarine with decreased level of acoustic field. The submarine has ten compartments. The cruiser carries an extraordinarily strong complex of arms capable of solving combat tasks with practically any type of modern surface vessels and submarines. For the first time in the history of domestic ship-building, torpedo-launching systems are located behind the compartment of the central station. The new sonar complex Irtysh was installed in the fore end of the sub. Severodvinsk has eight vertical missile-launching systems: each of the systems houses three missiles.

Anti-vessel 3M55 Onix missiles will reportedly become the basic attack weapon of the new submarine. The missile was designed to strike targets at a distance of up to 300 kilometers under the condition of radio-electronic and combat resistance. The missiles are equipped with the system of artificial intelligence and can recognize all electronic images of surface vessels. They destroy the central target in a group, change their tactics and continue to destroy targets on the principle of their importance.

The new submarine will become the perfect weapon for military actions in the distant ocean zone. Official spokespeople for the Russian Navy said that the Severodvinsk would be passed into service in 2011.

Russia also plans to launch the serial production and put into service eight strategic submarines of Project 955, Borei class. The submarines will make the basis of Russia’s strategic nuclear forces after 2018. The Yury Dolgoruky submarine is currently being tested in the White Sea. JSC Sevmash is currently building three nuclear submarines. Each of them will carry up to 20 intercontinental ballistic missiles.

The Russian Navy should have 50 nuclear submarines, Oleg Burtsev believes. Russia now has about 60 strategic, multi-purpose and diesel submarines. The navies of France, Britain and the USA have nine nuclear submarines on constant combat duty.

“We should have two or three nuclear cruisers at sea as deterrent weapon. Other countries must know that Russia is always ready to respond to any attack,” Burtsev said.


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Oct 5, 2009
Russian bombers fly near U.S. Aleutian Islands during Pacific patrol

Two Russian Tu-95MS Bear strategic bombers have carried out a 15-hour routine patrol mission over the Pacific, including near the U.S. Aleutian Islands, an Air Force spokesman said on Wednesday.
"The Tu-95MS bombers left the Ukrainka air base [in the Amur region in Russia's Far East] on March 24 and successfully completed the air patrol mission," Lt. Col. Vladimir Drik said.
"The flight took place in the region of the Aleutian Islands," he added.
The strategic bombers practiced various types of flight drills, including in-flight refueling, he also said.

Earlier this month, the commander of U.S. Northern Command and North American Aerospace Defense Command Air Force Gen. Victor E. Renuart told the Senate Armed Services Committee that “We’ve had a couple instances in the past year where Russian planes flew too close to the Aleutian Islands.”
However, he also said the planes were not a threat.

Russian strategic bombers resumed patrol flights over the Pacific, Atlantic, and Arctic oceans in August 2007, following an order from then-President Vladimir Putin.
All flights by Russian aircraft are performed in strict compliance with international law on the use of airspace over neutral waters, without intruding in the airspace of other states.


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Oct 5, 2009
Russian Air Force receives Pantsir-S1 missile systems

The Russian Air Force has received the first batch of ten Pantsir-S1 anti-aircraft missile and gun systems, the Defence Ministry has said.

The missile systems, designed to protect civilian and military targets from aerial attacks, were delivered to the Air Force by the KBP Instrument Design Bureau during a ceremony held in the city of Tula on March 18, 2010, RIA Novosti reported.

The addition of the new weapon system will increase the Russian Air Force's effectiveness and sustainability in air defence, Defence Ministry spokesperson Lt. Col. Vladimir Drik told the news agency.

The Pantsir-S1 (NATO name SA-22 Greyhound) is a short-range surface-to-air missile system that also features gun armaments which allows it to hit at high altitude, long range aerial targets as well as very small objects flying at extremely low heights. The missile can take on targets like helicopters, cruise missiles, drones and also precision bombs.

The fire control system of Pantsir-S1 includes a detection and tracking radar.

Weapons installed in the complex include two double-barreled 2A38M caliber 30 millimeter auto cannon anti-aircraft guns having a range of 4 kilometers and 12 57E6-E ground-to-air hypersonic missiles.


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Oct 5, 2009
Russian warship to take part in Blackseafor naval drills

The Caesar Kunikov large amphibious landing ship from Russia's Black Sea Fleet will take part in regular Blackseafor naval drills in April, the fleet's press office said on Thursday.
Blackseafor was formally established in 2001 on Turkey's initiative and comprises Turkey, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Romania, Georgia and Russia. It conducts search and rescue operations and environmental monitoring, and organizes goodwill visits to Black Sea countries.
Its charter says Blackseafor can also be deployed for peacekeeping operations under a UN or OSCE mandate.
This year's drills will be conducted under the command of the Bulgarian Navy.
The Blackseafor warships will practice tactical maneuvers, the conduct of combat operations against surface ships, air defense and communications, the press office said.
The warships will also practice assisting distressed ships, naval isolation, ship inspection and provision replenishing at sea. Special attention will be paid to anti-terror exercises.
Georgian warships have not participated in the Blackseafor exercises for a number of years.
Russia has said it will not take part in any naval exercises involving Georgian warships.
Diplomatic ties were cut off between Russia and Georgia in August 2008 after a five-day war over the former Georgian republic of South Ossetia.
The Caesar Kunikov is a Ropucha-I class large landing ship. It was involved in the conflict between Russia and Georgia in August 2008.

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