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Mar 21, 2009
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Russia to start research into spacecraft nuclear engines in 2010

Russia will launch research into nuclear engines for spaceships from 2010, the head of the Federal Space Agency said on Sunday.
"Nuclear engines for spaceships are a very promising area. Such engines should be created to make flights to Mars and other planets, for example," Anatoly Perminov said.
Perminov earlier said that the development of Megawatt-class nuclear space power systems (MCNSPS) for manned spacecraft was crucial for Russia if the country wanted to maintain a competitive edge in the space race, including the exploration of the Moon and Mars.
Perminov said that the draft design of spacecraft powered by a nuclear engine would be finalized by 2012, and the financing for further development in the next nine years would require an investment of at least 17 billion rubles (over $580 million).
Anatoly Koroteyev, president of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics and head of the Keldysh research center, earlier said that the key scientific and technical problem in sending manned missions to the Moon and Mars was the development of new propulsion systems and energy supplies with a high degree of energy-mass efficiency.
The current capabilities of the Russian space industry are clearly insufficient either to set up a permanent base on the Moon or accomplish an independent manned mission to Mars, he said.

Russia to start research into spacecraft nuclear engines in 2010 | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire


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Mar 21, 2009
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Russia, U.S. close to finalizing new nuclear arms reduction deal

Russia and the United States have finalized a new strategic arms reduction treaty, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Monday.
During the eighth round of Russia-U.S. talks on a new deal to replace the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START I) which expired on December 5, "the delegations resolved most of the issues that had been discussed in recent months, and reached coordinated positions," a statement on the ministry's website said.
The eighth round of Russia-U.S. nuclear arms talks was held in Geneva on November 9 - December 19. The new treaty is expected to be signed early next year.
"Several problems remain to be settled for final approval of the treaty and its submission to the presidents of Russia and the U.S. for signing, which is intended to take place in the near future. The negotiations will be continued in January 2010," the document said.
The statement said negotiations are being held in a constructive and businesslike manner, reflecting the spirit of partnership and mutual respect.
Russian Prescient Dmitry Medvedev and his U.S. counterpart Barack Obama announced at their first meeting in April that the countries would replace the START 1 treaty as part of their efforts to "reset" bilateral ties.
The treaty's outline agreed by the presidents included cutting nuclear arsenals to 1,500-1,675 operational warheads and delivery vehicles to 500-1,000.
MOSCOW, December 21 (RIA Novosti)

Russia, U.S. close to finalizing new nuclear arms reduction deal | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire


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Aug 28, 2009
Buran Space Shuttle
The Buran spacecraft (Russian: Буран, Snowstorm or Blizzard), GRAU index 11F35 K1, was the only completed and operational space shuttle vehicle from the Soviet Buran program. Clearly influenced by the earlier American Space Shuttle design[citation needed] , the Buran completed one unmanned spaceflight in 1988 before the cancellation of the Soviet shuttle program in 1993. The Buran was subsequently destroyed by a hangar collapse in 2002.

The Buran spacecraft was designed for the delivery to orbit and return to Earth of spacecraft, cosmonauts, and supplies. Like its American counterpart, the Buran, when in transit from its landing sites back to the launch complex, was transported on the back of a large jet aeroplane. It was piggy-backed on the Antonov An-225 Mriya aircraft, which was designed for this task and remains the largest aircraft in the world, based on length.

[edit] First flight
The only orbital launch of Buran occurred at 3:00 UTC on 15 November 1988 from Baikonur Cosmodrome Site 110/37. It was lifted into orbit unmanned by the specially designed Energia booster rocket. The life support system was partially installed and no software was installed to run the computer display screens.[1]

The shuttle orbited the Earth twice in 206 minutes of flight.[2] It performed an automated landing on the shuttle runway at Baikonur Cosmodrome where, despite a lateral wind speed of 61.2 kilometres per hour (38.0 mph), it landed only 3 metres (9.8 ft) laterally and 10 metres (33 ft) longitudinally from the target.[2]

Part of the launch was televised but the actual lift-off was not shown. This led to some speculation that the mission may have been fabricated, and that the subsequent landing may not have been from orbit but from a shuttle-carrying aircraft, as with the Space Shuttle Enterprise. The launch video has since been released to the public, confirming that the shuttle did indeed lift off with the poor weather conditions described by the Soviet media at the time easily seen.[3]
Buran space shuttle and the Energia launcherThe Buran-Energia project was created at the beginning of the seventies to counter the American shuttle. Indeed, the american shuttle was seen by the Soviet leaders as a formidable military asset, so they decided to create one. This program was the most ambitious project of the history of the Soviet space conquest. During 18 years, more than 1 million people in 1286 companies and 86 ministries and departments directly worked on the project. The greatest scientific and industrial centers of the country took part in it. Unfortunately, the total cost of the program (16.4 billion roubles in 1992) definitely ran out of steam the wavering economy of the USSR, the project was finally stopped in 1993 due to lack of credit.

Although very similar by its appearance with the American shuttle, the laws of physics are the same ones for all, the space shuttle Buran ("Буран" in Russian means "Snowstorm") is entirely of Soviet design, from the mechanics to the electronics. Thus, many differences separate this 2 orbitors, here are some: the Buran shuttle have a higher orbital and deorbital carrying capacity, its 2 engines at the rear enables it to fly during the re-entry in the atmosphere, it is equipped with a more powerful heat shield, but the main difference is that Buran can fly in automatic mode without any pilot on-board, from the takeoff of the rocket to its landing on the tarmac.

The launcher Energia ("Энергия" in Russian means "Energy") whose development started with the Buran project was not conceived only for it. It was planned to be used, with the shuttle, or with other loads, placed on the side (like Polious) or in the nose cone. Energia is part of a very modular launcher family based on same technicals characteristics wich allow them to be complementary. This modularity was made possible by the addition of auxiliary booster rocket from 4 to 8 all around the rocket, and by a more powerful and ecological liquid propellant (oxygen and hydrogen) instead of LOX/UDMH as it is used on Proton launchers. In its maximum configuration (8 booster rockets), the payload that can be put into orbit could reach the 200 tons.

Certainly the 'Buran-Energiya' system is the more effective space complex. But it is necessary to remember that "Buran" was created after 'Space-Shuttle' with a break of more than 5 years. It has allowed on one hand to apply more modern methods of designing, materials, manufacturing technologies, test methods etc. and to another - has enabled our designers to take into account all foreign miscalculations and mistakes.
The on-board system was also created as an improved in comparison with the existing American shuttle.
Certainly for past years 'Space-Shuttle' has been exposed to numerous updates but it has a main advantage compared to 'Buran': it flies.
It was the first and until now the only landing in automatic mode of a shuttle in the aerospacev history. This new and outstanding fact in the space exploration was gained brilliantly by the science and the Soviet technology.
Buran Space Shuttle - Energia Rocket Launcher


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Aug 13, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Project 855 'Yasen' SSN

Due to a great interest of the readers for prospective Russian submarine projects and repeated questions, I put here the essential from the article about Pr. 855 'Yasen' SSN. In general, two pr. 855 subs are under building in Russian 'Sevmash' plant on White Sea. One - 'Severodvinsk' - is in advance stage of building. Additional one - 'Kazan' - is only started in July 2009, and is made by modified 'Yasen-M' project with some advance features.

The specs of pr.855:

- full underwater displacement , t 13,800
- lenght, m 119
- reactors water-water OK-650B
- reactor life (without reload), years 25-30
- speed underwater , knots 31
- max deepness, m 600
- autonomity , days 100
- crew 90 (Seawolf, Virginia - 134)
- officers number 32 (Seawolf, Virginia - 14)
- acoustic Irtysh-Amphora
- FCS "Morinformsystema-Agat", NPO 'Aurora'
- EW 5th gen on 'Yasen'-M', domestically made only.
- main caliber 8 triple=24 P-800 'Onyx'
- guiding submarine+satelite based MKRTs 'Legenda' + self guiding
- missile seeker active/passive
- range of lock-on , km 70-90 depending on target RCS
- torpedo apparata 533 mm
- mines
- imitation measures

- All kind of domestic torpedos and missile-torpedos can be used, with conventional and nuclear warheads, torpedo-launches 'Caliber-PL' (domestic 'Club' analog) for hitting surface target on distance up to 300 km, enemy subs on 40 km distance.

- Nuclear cruise missiles: the old 'Granat' - 3000 km range, a prospective one 'Grom' with 5000 km range.

Defunct Humanity


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Mar 21, 2009
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Russia Discussing Amphib Deal With 3 Nations

MOSCOW - Russia is in talks with Western countries other than France as it seeks to purchase an advanced helicopter-carrier assault ship, the head of the Russian Navy was quoted as saying Dec. 21.

"Yes, we are holding talks, and not just with the French, but with the Netherlands and Spain, about the acquisition of a ship of this class," said Russian Navy chief Vladimir Vysotsky, quoted by Russian news agencies.

Russia has been in talks with France about the purchase of a Mistral-class warship aimed at helping modernize the ageing Russian navy, despite criticism of the deal from Russia's East European neighbors and Georgia.

A Mistral-class ship, which can carry about a dozen heavy helicopters along with various types of beach-landing craft, can be used to land special forces onshore and other operations in local conflicts.

Last month, a Mistral docked in St. Petersburg for inspection by Russian officials. Under the terms of the deal being discussed, Russia would buy one ship along with a license to produce at least four itself.

A source close to the negotiations said earlier that Moscow was also in talks with the Damen Schelde shipyard in the Netherlands and with Spanish shipbuilder Navantia about buying amphibious assault ships.

For Russia, which has insisted for decades on producing all of its military hardware itself, any such deal with a NATO member country would be unprecedented.

Moscow would make a decision on the purchase by the end of the year, Nikolai Makarov, the top commander of the Russian armed forces, said in early December.

Russia Discussing Amphib Deal With 3 Nations - Defense News


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Mar 21, 2009
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Russia Discussing Amphib Deal With 3 Nations

MOSCOW - Russia is in talks with Western countries other than France as it seeks to purchase an advanced helicopter-carrier assault ship, the head of the Russian Navy was quoted as saying Dec. 21.

"Yes, we are holding talks, and not just with the French, but with the Netherlands and Spain, about the acquisition of a ship of this class," said Russian Navy chief Vladimir Vysotsky, quoted by Russian news agencies.

Russia has been in talks with France about the purchase of a Mistral-class warship aimed at helping modernize the ageing Russian navy, despite criticism of the deal from Russia's East European neighbors and Georgia.

A Mistral-class ship, which can carry about a dozen heavy helicopters along with various types of beach-landing craft, can be used to land special forces onshore and other operations in local conflicts.

Last month, a Mistral docked in St. Petersburg for inspection by Russian officials. Under the terms of the deal being discussed, Russia would buy one ship along with a license to produce at least four itself.

A source close to the negotiations said earlier that Moscow was also in talks with the Damen Schelde shipyard in the Netherlands and with Spanish shipbuilder Navantia about buying amphibious assault ships.

For Russia, which has insisted for decades on producing all of its military hardware itself, any such deal with a NATO member country would be unprecedented.

Moscow would make a decision on the purchase by the end of the year, Nikolai Makarov, the top commander of the Russian armed forces, said in early December.

Russia Discussing Amphib Deal With 3 Nations - Defense News


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Mar 21, 2009
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Russia, China Agree on New Sanctions for Iran

PARIS - Russia has agreed to prospective new sanctions, which China will also adopt eventually, to punish Iran's failure to accept foreign scrutiny of its nuclear program, French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said Dec. 21.

Asked about imposing fresh punitive measures, Kouchner said: "Anyone who knows another way, don't hesitate to raise your hand. The Russians are already on board; the Chinese will follow."

The planned sanctions would be "precise," and include banking and insurance activities, Kouchner told the European American Press Club.

Europe has been working with Russia in drawing up the sanctions package and is waiting for the end of the year as requested by the U.S. government, he said. "The Chinese have been dragging their feet while signing enormous contracts, alongside some European countries."

A sanctions package requires approval by the U.N. Security Council, on which Russia and China are permanent members. Iran has long held close bilateral ties with China to counter Russian influence in the region. China is reported to have invested 20 billion yuan ($2.9 billion) on a new sea oil project in Iran.

The sanctions should avoid hurting ordinary Iranian people, Kouchner said, particularly those in the broad-based opposition Green Movement.

Among measures that have been considered are sanctions aimed at the Iranian oil sector. Iran has large reserves but limited refining resources, requiring imports to meet domestic demand.

The Green Movement is highly democratic, spanning opposition on the left to religious leaders who contest president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's interpretation of the Koran, Kouchner said. The movement does not support the government's nuclear policy, he said.

The four key parts of Iranian foreign policy are security, dignity, prestige through mastery of nuclear technology, and flexibility, said a report from the Rome-based NATO Defense College on a Dec. 2-3 international research seminar titled "NATO and Gulf security."

The seminar report said Iran's three main foreign policy aims are:

* Acceptance of its nuclear program, on which there is consensus among domestic politicians and which is seen as a powerful factor in national cohesion.

* Guarantees of non-aggression.

* Recognition of a regional role for Iran, particularly in the energy sector.

"The Iranian regime is realistic and does not oppose the American military presence in the Gulf, but it wants to shift Iranian-U.S. relations toward a 'win-win' situation," The report said. "Iran would be favorable to a regional security architecture based on four main actors: Iran, Iraq, the United States and Saudi Arabia."

Iran, which claims its nuclear efforts are driven by civil energy needs, has rejected an offer to process nuclear material in the West and recently test-fired its Sajjil 2 missile, an advanced solid-fuel weapon with a claimed range of 1,900 kilometers

Russia, China Agree on New Sanctions for Iran - Defense News


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Mar 21, 2009
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Russia, China Agree on New Sanctions for Iran

PARIS - Russia has agreed to prospective new sanctions, which China will also adopt eventually, to punish Iran's failure to accept foreign scrutiny of its nuclear program, French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said Dec. 21.

Asked about imposing fresh punitive measures, Kouchner said: "Anyone who knows another way, don't hesitate to raise your hand. The Russians are already on board; the Chinese will follow."

The planned sanctions would be "precise," and include banking and insurance activities, Kouchner told the European American Press Club.

Europe has been working with Russia in drawing up the sanctions package and is waiting for the end of the year as requested by the U.S. government, he said. "The Chinese have been dragging their feet while signing enormous contracts, alongside some European countries."

A sanctions package requires approval by the U.N. Security Council, on which Russia and China are permanent members. Iran has long held close bilateral ties with China to counter Russian influence in the region. China is reported to have invested 20 billion yuan ($2.9 billion) on a new sea oil project in Iran.

The sanctions should avoid hurting ordinary Iranian people, Kouchner said, particularly those in the broad-based opposition Green Movement.

Among measures that have been considered are sanctions aimed at the Iranian oil sector. Iran has large reserves but limited refining resources, requiring imports to meet domestic demand.

The Green Movement is highly democratic, spanning opposition on the left to religious leaders who contest president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's interpretation of the Koran, Kouchner said. The movement does not support the government's nuclear policy, he said.

The four key parts of Iranian foreign policy are security, dignity, prestige through mastery of nuclear technology, and flexibility, said a report from the Rome-based NATO Defense College on a Dec. 2-3 international research seminar titled "NATO and Gulf security."

The seminar report said Iran's three main foreign policy aims are:

* Acceptance of its nuclear program, on which there is consensus among domestic politicians and which is seen as a powerful factor in national cohesion.

* Guarantees of non-aggression.

* Recognition of a regional role for Iran, particularly in the energy sector.

"The Iranian regime is realistic and does not oppose the American military presence in the Gulf, but it wants to shift Iranian-U.S. relations toward a 'win-win' situation," The report said. "Iran would be favorable to a regional security architecture based on four main actors: Iran, Iraq, the United States and Saudi Arabia."

Iran, which claims its nuclear efforts are driven by civil energy needs, has rejected an offer to process nuclear material in the West and recently test-fired its Sajjil 2 missile, an advanced solid-fuel weapon with a claimed range of 1,900 kilometers

Russia, China Agree on New Sanctions for Iran - Defense News


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Mar 21, 2009
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Russian soldier served 12 days only before fleeing to Georgia

Vitali Khripun, a Russian border guard who crossed into Georgia and asked for political asylum, told RIA Novosti he served in the army for less than two weeks.
Khripun, 25, left his unit in the former Georgian republic of South Ossetia on Monday citing "intolerable conditions in the armed forces" as the reason for his move.
He said that Georgia met him in a "friendly and hospitable manner," and did not rule out that he might stay to live in Georgia and bring his family there.
However, he added that he did not tell neither his family nor his fellow soldiers in the unit of his intention to ask for the political asylum in Georgia.
This is not the first time a Russian soldier has deserted to Georgia. Jr. Sgt. Alexander Glukhov was given refugee status and a job in Georgia in late June.
Another soldier, Dmitry Artemyev, who left his post at a Russian base in the South Ossetian controlled village of Perevi near the Georgian town of Sachkhere, after claiming he was "treated badly," was given refugee status in August.
Moscow recognized South Ossetia, and another former Georgian republic, Abkhazia, as independent after a five-day military conflict with Tbilisi over the former in August 2008.
TBILISI, December 22 (RIA Novosti)

Russian soldier served 12 days only before fleeing to Georgia | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire


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Mar 21, 2009
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MP says Germany ready to discuss Russian security proposals

The German government and parliament are ready to discuss Russia's proposals on European security, a German MP said Monday.
Karl-Georg Wellmann, a member of Bundestag's international affairs committee from the ruling CDU/CSU faction, who heads the Russia group, held a series of meetings in Moscow on Monday to discuss Russia's recent European security initiative.
"This was very substantial, very interesting and the position of the German government and German parliament is: let's seriously discuss these proposals," said Wellmann, who met with the Russian lower house's international affairs committee chairman Konstantin Kosachyov and other politicians and diplomats.
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev proposed drawing up a new pan-European security pact in June 2008, and Russia published a draft of the treaty on November 29, sending copies to heads of state and international organizations, including NATO.
Wellmann said Germany treated the Valdai International Discussion Club's report entitled "Towards a New Euroatlantic Security Architecture" at a London conference organized by RIA Novosti and the International Institute for Strategic Studies on December 8-9 as a partial explanation of Russia's security proposals.
"There is no alternative to very deep cooperation within the European continent - and Russia belongs to the European continent. Beginning with security, disarmament, nuclear disarmament, and all the other fields - energy policy, human rights, economy - you really need modernization partnership with Germany and with the EU," he said.
Wellmann said Germany could help the EU work out a new attitude toward Russia.
"The EU was split concerning Russian policy and that doesn't help. That is a real obstacle to cooperation with modern Europe. That is good neither for Russia nor for the European Union," Wellmann said.
"So, our chance is now - and that maybe the role for Germany, France, maybe Poland lately - to unite within the EU, make a common policy on Russia. That's why we need some signals from Russia to build confidence within these small countries - like, for instance, the Baltic countries," he said.
MOSCOW, December 21 (RIA Novosti)

MP says Germany ready to discuss Russian security proposals | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire


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Aug 13, 2009
Russian Air Force Backing Plan to Restart Production of Upgraded An-124


Russia’s big An-124-100 Ruslan freighter appears closer to a new lease on life, provided promised funding and commitments are forthcoming.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev recently approved a plan to restart production of an upgraded An-124 version at the Aviastar-SP plant in Ulyanovsk, under the responsibility of United Aircraft Corp. (UAC). Known as the An-124-500, it would feature a glass cockpit for four crewmembers and enhancements to the aircraft’s Motor Sich D18-T powerplant that would boost range and payload and double the aircraft’s operating life to 50,000 hr. Deliveries would begin by 2014-15.Schemes to reinstate An-124 pro*duction have been kicking around for a while but began to take shape with the emergence of UAC, which devised a business plan acceptable to the Russian and Ukrainian governments. The resurgence in government aerospace and defense spending also played a crucial role.
Volga-Dnepr Group–which with UAC and the Antonov design bureau has led the fight to restart production–says the upgrade was recently validated by Russia’s Central Aerohydrodyamics Institute (TsAGI) and the State Research Institue of Civil Aviation. However, for the new plan to go forward, Moscow must agree to invest $500 million to retool the plant and refurbish the assembly line, and launch customers must come forward with firm commitments.
VolgaDnepr says it is ready to commit to 20 of the new An-124s during 2011-20 and another 20 during 2021-27.
According to the air cargo operator, studies show the outsize freight service market has grown 30% annually during the past five years, to more than $1.1 billion, and will reach $7 billion by 2030. Consulting company SH&E predicts this will translate into a need for 70 An-124s.

However, it is not yet clear if the defense ministry, which already has a long list of hardware purchases on its wish list, is interested in a new An-124 acquisition just now. The ministry may place higher priority on renovating the 24 An-124s currently listed in the Russian air force inventory, most of which require a major overhaul.

Russian Air Force Backing Plan to Restart Production of Upgraded An-124 IDRW.ORG


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Mar 21, 2009
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Is This New Buran Transport Plane???

What is its name?


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Oct 27, 2009
Russia to commission new stealth bomber in 2025-2030

Russia’s new strategic bomber will use stealth technologies and is expected to enter service in 2025-2030, the commander of Russia’s strategic aviation said on Tuesday.

According to Maj. Gen. Anatoly Zhikharev, the stealth technology will make "the new aircraft difficult to detect by radar, although it is impossible to make airplanes of this type completely invisible.”

"However, new technologies and materials will help reduce the possibility of detection,” Zhikarev said, adding that the new airplane was expected to enter service in 2025-2030.

The new strategic bomber will replace the Tu-95MC Bear and Tu-160 Blackjack strategic bombers, and Tu-22M3 Backfire long-range bombers currently in service with Russia’s strategic aviation.

According to various sources, in addition to 16 Tu-160 bombers, the Russian Air Force currently has 40 Tu-95MS bombers and 141 Tu-22M3 bombers in service.

These aircraft will form the backbone of the Russian strategic aviation in the next decade following extensive modernization.

“We expect to receive two upgraded Tu-160 planes from the Kazan plant and to have two more aircraft in for repair by the end of December, so this process is continuous,” Zhikharev said.

The general said the modernization included the overhaul of obsolete communications, electronic warfare, targeting, and fire-control systems.

“We are planning to complete this modernization by 2015,” he added.

MOSCOW, December 22 (RIA Novosti)

Russia to commission new stealth bomber in 2025-2030 | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire


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Mar 21, 2009
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The Strategic Rocket Forces at 50

Today the Strategic Rocket Forces celebrate their 50th anniversary. To mark the occasion, Kommersant-Vlast published a very nice overview of the current status of the Russian missile force (with my introduction).

As an anniversary gift to his service, the commander of the Rocket Forces, Lt.-General Andrei Shvaichenko announced that RVSN is expected to receive a new "heavy missile" by 2016. As far as I know, nothing has started yet, but the Rocket Forces has indeed issued a call for proposals for a new missile. It is hard to say at this point what kind of project will emerge out of this effort, but most likely it is going to be a silo-based MIRVed missile. The SS-19 follow-on discussed earlier is the obvious candidate, but other options are possible as well.

This is not an unexpected development - it is clear that the Rocket Forces want to preserve their position as the dominant leg of the Russian strategic triad and to do so they would need a new MIRVed missile. Of course, if the disarmament momentum is preserved, a new missile would not be necessary. But if it is not, then the new missile may well materialize.

The Strategic Rocket Forces at 50 - Blog - Russian strategic nuclear forces


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Mar 21, 2009
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Russians rebuff NATO's call for Afghan helicopter support

Russia has apparently rejected a NATO request for the provision of helicopters for the war in Afghanistan.

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen made the request during a visit to Moscow on 16 December. He also asked for aid in training the Afghan air force.

Rasmussen said that while he had presented the Russian government with a list of "concrete proposals" he had received no positive response. The requests – referred to in the Russian media as 'Rasmussen's List' – included the delivery of a number of helicopters to the Afghan National Army, the deployment of experts to train helicopter pilots for the air force and anti-drug officers for the police. He also advocated the expansion of transit rights for NATO supplies, including military hardware, via Russia to Afghanistan.

Rasmussen insisted that Russia was a strong partner of NATO in the war effort, despite a lack of concrete agreements secured on his visit.

"The Russians do realise that if we left Afghanistan behind and if Afghanistan once again became a safe haven for terrorism then they could suffer from it because terrorists would spread from Afghanistan through Central Asia to Russia," he said.

Russians rebuff NATO's call for Afghan helicopter support


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Mar 21, 2009
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Russian defense minister insists on Bulava missile development

The Russian military will not abandon plans to develop the troubled Bulava submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM), the defense minister has said.
The latest launch of the missile, which Russia hopes will be a key element of its nuclear forces, from the Dmitry Donskoy nuclear submarine in the White Sea ended in failure on December 9. Only five of 12 Bulava launches have been officially reported as being successful.
"We will certainly not give up the Bulava. I think that despite all the failures, the missile will fly," Anatoly Serdyukov said in an interview with the Rossiiskaya Gazeta published on Thursday.
The minister cited a number of reasons for the failures of Bulava tests, including attempts to replace specific materials with cheaper substitutes and obsolete manufacturing equipment.
"Overall, there are a number of problems and, unfortunately, they cannot be solved as quickly as we would want," Serdyukov said.
The further development of the Bulava has been questioned by some lawmakers and defense industry experts, who have suggested that all efforts should be focused on the existing Sineva SLBM.
But the military has insisted there is no alternative to the Bulava and said the next test launch of the missile could be carried out as early as in January.
The Bulava (SS-NX-30) SLBM carries up to 10 MIRV warheads and has a range of over 8,000 kilometers (5,000 miles). The three-stage solid-propellant ballistic missile is designed for deployment on Borey class nuclear-powered submarines.
The Bulava, along with Topol-M land-based ballistic missiles, is expected to become the core of Russia's nuclear triad.
Russian defense minister insists on Bulava missile development | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire


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Mar 21, 2009
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Russia could double number of bombers on strategic patrols - general

The number of strategic bombers performing routine patrols could be doubled if the Russian General Staff makes such a decision, the commander of Russia's strategic aviation said Tuesday.
Russia resumed strategic bomber patrol flights over the Pacific, Atlantic, and Arctic oceans, the Black Sea and along the borders of the Commonwealth of Independent States in August 2007, following an order from then-president Vladimir Putin.
"As a rule, up to four strategic bombers perform patrol flights simultaneously. However, under specific circumstances and on orders from the General Staff, their number could be increased to up to eight aircraft," Maj. Gen. Anatoly Zhikharev said at a news conference in Moscow.
According to the general, the bombers can continuously patrol the skies for up to 22 hours with in-flight refueling provided by Il-78 Midas aerial tankers.
"Our planes also carry out missions to detect and pinpoint the location of foreign aircraft carriers, as well as to supply missions to support the activities of [Russian] polar stations in line with the concept of the development of our Arctic zone," Zhikarev said.
All flights by Russian aircraft are performed in strict compliance with international law on the use of airspace over neutral waters, without intruding the airspace of other states, the general reiterated.
According to various sources, in addition to 16 Tu-160 bombers, the Russian Air Force currently has 40 Tu-95MS bombers and 141 Tu-22M3 bombers in service.
Russia could double number of bombers on strategic patrols - general | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire


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Oct 27, 2009
Black Sea Fleet ships worked the problem in the sea

MOSCOW, December 24 - RIA Novosti. Ship Task Force consisting of a large anti-submarine ship (BPK), "Kerch", and the patrol ship (SKR) "inquisitive" under the overall supervision brigade commander, anti-submarine ships of the Black Sea Fleet (BSF) Captain 1 rank Oleg Krivoroga worked out the problem on the sea-Range Black Sea Fleet, said on Thursday Service of Information and Public Relations of the fleet.

"In particular, as part of Task Force ships worked together maneuvering, conducted exercises on radiological and biological protection. The ships made together artillery fire on marine towed shield" - said the report.

In addition, according to the plan output BOD "Kerch" and MRS "inquisitive" of the crew worked on the introduction in the organization of air defense of ships and antiaircraft artillery to shoot the parachute dropped on the target, which simulated aerial target. To ensure the activities of ships in the sea brought two anti-aircraft Be-12 Black Sea Fleet Naval Aviation.

As noted by the Acting Head of the combat training of the Black Sea Fleet Captain 1 rank Alexander Chesnokov, all tasks that were set out in the sea, fully implemented.

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Oct 27, 2009
Russia is preparing a response "stealth"

Russia is preparing a response "stealth"

Russia is developing a new strategic bomber, which will be used invisibility technology, said Tuesday the commander of long-range strategic air force, Major-General Anatoly Zhikharev.

According to him, "Interfax new aircraft would replace" and distant, and strategic bombers, and submarines. " As expected, developed bomber would replace the Tu-160, Tu-95MS and Tu-22M3. According to preliminary estimates, the new bomber entered service in the 2025-2030 year. According to preliminary data, the new aircraft will be created on the basis of a supersonic bomber Tu-160, and its first flight will take place in 2015.

We fly on paper

However, the strategic bomber of the future looks even less real than his fellow-fighter of the fifth generation. Earlier, Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov said that the test fifth-generation fighter will begin in 2010. Prior to that, officials promised that the trials would begin before the end of this year. As RIA Novosti reports, Deputy Defense Minister Vladimir Popovkin stated that the fifth-generation fighter will begin to act in Russia's troops in 2015.

Fifth-generation fighter, which in Russia is also called a promising aviation systems Frontal Aviation (PAKFA), developed with the 1990's. PAKFA goes to flight-test in the coming years, the Air Force will get it on weapons, said this year's Air Force Commander Alexander Zelin. As part of the state defense order in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, there are three models of military aircraft of the fifth generation.

Russia attack will have characteristics similar to the American F-22 «Raptor»: a supersonic speed (more than 1200 km / h), maneuverability, low visibility in the infrared and radar fields. In addition, special requirements apply to "intelligence" machines. The aircraft must be able to create around himself a circular information field, while aiming at air and ground targets, enemy fire from all angles: forward, sideways and even backward. This is one of the main objectives - to reduce time and cost of maintenance. The cost of the flight should be reduced in comparison with existing models. Hour flight of Su-27 costs about $ 10 thousand, while the American F-22 burns per hour is only $ 1,5 thousand.

Hardware wearily tolerate

Waiting domestic "stealth", Russia's aces continue to fly the "iron" the 60-ies. More recently, there was a crash of the Tu-142, developed on the basis of the Tu-95. November 6 in the waters of the Tatar Strait plane crashed Pacific Fleet (TOF) Tu-142M3. On board were 11 people. According to preliminary data, said Armed Forces Chief of Staff, Army General Nikolai Makarov, cause of the accident was engine failure. Earlier it was reported that the investigation deals with three main causes of the accident Tu-142M3 - equipment failure, human factors and the impact of the environment (hitting a bird in the engine).

Military Investigations Department of the Investigative Committee of the Federal Procurator for the Pacific Fleet launched a criminal case under article 351 of the Criminal Code ( "Violation of safety rules and prepare for them"). The flights of Tu-142 maritime aircraft of the Pacific and Northern fleets suspended.

In the waters of the Tatar Strait have been searching activities. Search and rescue vessel Alagez "TOF using underwater vehicle" Tiger "has surveyed the ground in certain areas where there might be fragments of the crashed plane. During the search operation found fragments of the bodies of the pilots and more than 100 fragments of the aircraft, including large pieces of fuselage.

Tu-142 (NATO classification - Bear-F, "The Bear") - long-range anti-aircraft, entering service with the Navy in 1971. Constructed in 1968 to search for, locate and destroy enemy submarines. Designed on the basis of long-range bomber aircraft Tu-95 RC. The first modernized Tu-142M3 released in 1975, the last - in 1994. Modification of M3 differs from the usual advanced Tu-142 NK-12MP, the presence of radiogidroakusticheskoy subsystem "Zarechie, coupled with the installation of gun sighting station and other changes in the structure, including an improved cabin design and the suspension provided for educational UPLAB bombs and torpedoes instead of AT - 2M torpedoes UMGT-1 and APR-2 missiles.

In 2004, in the Novgorod region crashed Tu-22M3, four crew were killed. The crash occurred about five kilometers from a settlement near the town Velebitsy Soltsy. The aircraft perform scheduled flights during the night. On board there was no weapons.

According to a source in the Defense Ministry, the plane crashed while landing after a training flight. Eyewitnesses said the disaster that before the fall of strategic aviation aircraft Tu-22M3 caught fire in the air. PE Witnesses claim that heard the cotton, when the bomber was in the air above the municipality conifers, after which the Tu-22M3 flew for about 1 km, and crashed into a forest about 2 km from the settlement Velebitsy. According to preliminary data, the Federal Office of Aerospace Search and Rescue, the cause of the disaster supersonic bomber in the Novgorod region is likely to become, an error in piloting.

Another Tu-22M3 was lost Russia during the war with Georgia. According to an anonymous source of Kommersant, the long-range bomber Tu-22M3 was shot down by Russia's air defense, since returning to the job, "did not go to the designated him an air corridor" and was adopted for the enemy.

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Senior Member
Oct 27, 2009
Achtung, in the air "Five"

Achtung, in the air "Five"
Dmitry Litovkin

In late December - early January for the first time Russia will lift into the sky its fifth-generation fighter. Perhaps in the foreseeable future, will add a new strategic bomber, which will replace the famous "white swan" and "Bear". Does this mean that the military aircraft industry, which is very long lived at the expense of another Soviet hurt, still managed to make a new technological breakthrough?

Fifth-generation fighter aircraft called a promising set of Frontal Aviation (PAKFA). This machine should become a technological answer to the American F-22 Raptor ( "Predator") - the world's only mass production aircraft, which belongs to an entirely new class of destroyers.

- No gift for the New Year we do not, but soon it will rise into the air and begin flight testing period, - said on Wednesday in charge of the defense industry, Vice-Premier Sergei Ivanov.

Officially, the development of fifth-generation fighter began in 2002, now expected the first flight, and production is expected to begin in 2015. For comparison: the Americans from the first flight of the prototype F-22 to exit the series lasted 11 years.

The reason for a fairly rapid progress on this path that the company "Sukhoi", which once won a competition to develop a new fighter, the structural elements and equipment of the future aircraft had already tested on existing machines. Su-47 Berkut - extremely strong composite materials, the Su-35 - digital cab, new engine, radar-based active phased array. But each of these machines still belongs to the fourth generation, although it has gone far from its predecessor, the Su-27. Specialists even introduced the term to describe their differences: "4 +" for Su-30 or "4 + +" for Su-35. A new fighter - the technical documentation, he goes as T-50 - will be radically different.

Aerodynamic configuration (ie its appearance), yet kept secret.

- PAKFA similar to the F-22 - hinted "Izvestia" in the company "Sukhoi". - But crushed, like a frog, and has a more streamlined shape than the American.

The new bomber to replace the current strategic bombers: the Tu-160, also known as "White Swan", made its maiden flight back in 1981

And on what will be another new car - a strategic bomber, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Wednesday reported to the President of JSC "Tupolev" Alexander Bobryshev. Now comes another phase of research, from 47 to develop options for further consideration and analysis by four. As fifth-generation fighter, the machine must be made of new composite materials, have modern engines and onboard electronics. And unlike his predecessors, to be able to use both nuclear and conventional precision weapons. The new bomber to replace the current strategic bombers: the Tu-160, also known as "White Swan", made its maiden flight back in 1981.

Strangely enough, but is ready and the base for training pilots. Air Force Commander Alexander Zelin signed a certificate of completion of state testing training and combat aircraft Yak-130. In the near future the Air Force will have 12 such machines, but in the long term order can be extended up to 60 aircraft.

- Yak-130 is easy to operate and equipped with armament, which has no aircraft of this class, - stated Zelin. - Young pilots forth to this machine, will feel confident in the cockpits of combat aircraft.

New combat trainer Yak-130 - almost a robot safely simulating the flight characteristics of modern fighter generation "4 +" and "5". The car directly in flight can be reprogrammed for different weather conditions, or aerobatics. Depending on which aircraft are preparing a pilot, Yak-130 can fly and how the Su-30, and a new American light fighter F-35.

This Yak-130 - still one of the safest training aircraft. The high automation of the board, multiple overlapping systems allow not only to quickly correct mistakes trainee pilot, but if necessary, if the pilot lost control of his vehicle, the radio signals from land to land the plane.

"Flying desk" can be easily converted into a lightweight fighter. Plane at a time raise the air up to three tons of precision missiles and bombs corrected. Specialists say that the Air Force, the use of the Yak-130 to perform local tasks (eg, for the destruction of terrorist camps, border protection, including marine) cost an order of magnitude cheaper than if the combat mission will send the "MiG" or "Su". In addition, Yakovlevskij car anyway, the base - on a concrete airfield with normal system maintenance or in the dirt. This unpretentiousness allows for the aircraft in areas not too equipped in aviation terms.

- Yak-130 - the first airplane, fully designed and built in the post-Soviet period, - the "Izvestia" the head of the corporation Irkut Oleg Demchenko. - We created the first military aircraft, using digital technology at all stages of design and production preparation. It is possible to reduce complexity, reduce cycle times, improve product quality and create a modern framework for large-scale production Yak-130. I am particularly pleased that the first customer cars are exactly Russia's Air Force.

- Aviation began to rise, there is understanding, how and what to do, - said "Izvestia", Deputy General Director of the United Aircraft Corporation, Vladimir Mikhailov. - But to say that all very well, too early. I am glad, for example, that we managed to bring to the series of new Sukhoi Su-34, Air Force received the first lead-in trainer Yak-130. But we must remember how many years passed before this moment. I hope that in future such issues will not be.

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