Russian involvement in Syrian crisis


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
BREAKING: Syrian Army Has Reached the Iraqi Border, Cutting off the Americans at al-Tanf -- Russian MoD
A major move to cut off the US in southern Syria from taking more territory

RI Staff | [SOURCE]

The Syrian Army has reached the Iraqi border, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense.

While we don't have a lot of details yet, here's what we can say: this is a brilliant move if true. Not exactly a checkmate yet, but definitely a check on US ambitions in southern Syria.

In essence, as Americans were busy bombing small Syrian groups entering their declared exclusion zone via the main road, a separate Syrian force staged a lightning-quick advance through roadless desert, well to the east of the “deconfliction” zone enveloping the Americans.

The Syrians drove eastwards towards al-Bawda, then cut south to the border

If the US forces are not cut off from ISIS they no longer have an excuse to continue occupying this part of Syria. (Or will they insist they get to leapfrog over the Syrian army?)

Russians are saying it will be them and the Syrians -- rather than the Americans -- who will be advancing along the Iraqi border towards al-Bukamal (the major border crossing in the Euphrates valley coveted by the Pentagon):

Russian officers also accused the US of hindering the Syrian war effort against ISIS, by blocking its military from opening a new front against the group:

“The coalition air forces and the strongholds of the forces of New Syrian Army have blocked the way of the government forces, tasked with defeating IS groups.

“This is a violation of the sovereign right of Syria to protect it borders."

The new, and improved, map with the Americans and dependent forces (green) now boxed-in by the Syrian army (red)


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
US officials credit Russia for calming tense situation in Southern Syria

US officials are crediting Russia with helping calm the situation in southern Syria, where the US has had to launch several airstrikes against Iranian backed Shia militias and pro-regime fighters in recent days.
Pentagon spokesman US Navy Captain Jeff Davis stated: "Russia has been very helpful and I think the calm that we see today is largely due to their efforts."
The incidents marked an escalation in the area around Al-Tanf, a garrison on the Syrian-Jordanian border manned by US and British Special Forces that are advising an anti-ISIS Syrian rebel group known as Maghawir al-Thawra, or the Commandos of the Revolution.
But the Pentagon is also stressing that it wants to remain focused on defeating ISIS and doesn't want to be diverted from its primary mission. "We are in Syria to defeat ISIS full-stop, anything else we do there is in self-defense only. We do not seek conflict with the Syrian regime or with these pro-regime militias or Iranian proxy forces," Davis said.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
‘Media used my son for their purposes’: CNN’s Amanpour challenged to go talk to ‘Aleppo boy’

CNN anchor Christiane Amanpour, who challenged the Russian foreign minister with a photo of ‘Aleppo boy’, should go and ask the child and his family for the real story behind the iconic picture, the spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry said.


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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Exclusive from ANNA NEWS: Group "Shield"

Report ANNA NEWS c forward positions of the "Shield".

The "Shield" began its history 10 February 2015. Fighters division had taken part in the fighting in the north of Latakia, Rabia, was one of those who discourage LIH Palmyra.
Now, apart from Palmyra soldiers "Shield" are located in Salama, of Aleppo, Latakia.
Division is actively involved in the fight against terrorist groups, ruthlessly destroying them.



Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
SO, here is the latest situation in eastern Syria.

The Syrian Army and its allies have bypassed the US/UK base at al-Tanf (at-Tanf) and darted towards the Syria-Iraq border.

Now, they are moving towards Arak.

Syria-Iraq linkup was necessary for the Shia crescent.

On the other hand, the US-led Coalition has denied bombing the Syrian Army west of Raqqa. This is probably plausible deniability.

This is what a desert resort looks like. This must have been a good place to relax back in the days when Syria was peaceful.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009

Click to see the full-size map

On June 9, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allied militia groups reached the border with Iraq in the area north of the US-led coalition garrison at the village of At Tanf. This advance dramatically changed the strategic situation in southeastern Syria and de-facto allowed the Syrian-Iranian-Russian alliance to win the race for the border with Iraq.

The key goal of the US-led coalition actions near At Tanf was to prevent the SAA from linking up with the allied Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) operating in Iraq and to build a buffer zone controlled by Western-backed militant groups between the two countries.

The PMU is a major power in Iraq and an official part of the Iraqi Armed Forces. It’s currently conducting a large-scale operating against ISIS terrorists at own side of the border. The June 9 advance destroyed the US-led coalition’s plans.

The government forces deployed north of At Tanf also prevent US-backed proxies from advancing on the ISIS-held border town of al-Bukamal. While the US-led forces in southeastern Syria have never had enough manpower and capabilities to do this, the declared aim to retake al-Bukamal from ISIS was an important part of the US propaganda campaign to justify its illegal presence in the area.

The government deployment north of At Tan may also be described as a response to actions of another US-backed force, the so-called Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the province of Raqqah. The SDF had made a number of steps near Tabqah blocking the SAA from reaching the Raqqah provincial capital.

Now, government forces in southeastern Syrian forces will likely coordinate its efforts with the PMU in order to clear the Syrian-Iraqi border area and to move to al-Bukamal and Qaim. Iran will also be able to incease supplies to the Syrian government via the opened land route.

Some PMU member groups are already participating in the operations in Syria on the side of the SAA. Now, this number will likely be increased.


Commentary: This is a grand chess game going on. The question is, who can outwit the opponent? The aim is to win the war, not every battle. The objective of victory, for many military experts, is conquest of territory. The objective of victory in this case, would be to prevent any possibility of a land bridge from Saudi Arabia to Turkey, and thereafter, to Europe.

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