Russian involvement in Syrian crisis

Modern Patriot

Regular Member
Apr 7, 2017

SDF ultimately decided to exclude Jabhat Thuwar al-Raqqa from joining Raqqa Battle, but offered their fighters to join other (Arab) groups.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Islamists attack attempt made today at the positions of pro-government forces at a roadblock, Zaza, and some other areas adjacent to the road to Damascus - Baghdad fell. After that pro-government forces launched a counterattack, but after some time it was hit by the international coalition, bringing the two artillery pieces were destroyed, one anti-aircraft gun, and one tank damaged.

Yep, just as I had predicted.

BTW, they created yet another outpost for training the so called "rebels." I see why a Shia Crescent may not be easily achievable.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
US Praises Iran-Backed Forces in Iraq, Promises to Bomb Them in Syria
The schizophrenic empire

RI Staff | [SOURCE]

Last week the US military spokesman for the war on ISIS was full of praise for Iraqi militias, detailing their support role in the battle of Mosul, and their independent push towards the Syrian border:

I know that the Hashd Al-Shaabi, or, as we call them, the Popular Mobilization Forces -- they have, under the direction of the government of Iraq, been largely successful in their -- in their initial isolation phases of Mosul, to prevent fighters -- ISIS fighters getting into or coming out of Mosul -- between Mosul and Tal Afar.

They have since been able to conduct offensive operations around Tal Afar. In the last week alone, they have been able to take more than 600 square kilometers of area back from ISIS, largely around Tal Afar, all the way out to the Syrian border.

The PMF and Hashd Al-Shaabi -- they are under the direction of the government of Iraq, and they’ve been largely successful in those types of -- the responsibilities that have been given to them.​

That is rather curious since the very same militias operate in Syria where they are derided and threatened by the US:

The U.S. military said on Thursday it had bolstered its “combat power” in southern Syria, warning that it viewed Iran-backed fighters in the area as a threat to nearby coalition troops fighting Islamic State.

“We have increased our presence and our footprint and prepared for any threat that is presented by the pro-regime forces,” said the spokesman, U.S. Army Colonel Ryan Dillon, referring to Iran-backed forces supporting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Truth is that in Iraq the US fights on the side of Iran-backed Iraqi militias but then in Syria—where these militias are fighting the same fight against ISIS and al-Qaeda and its battlefield allies—the US instead backs a wide assortment of Saudi-sponsored groups many of them fiercely sectarian Sunnis.

This very moment the Pentagon is threatening some of the very same militias it works with in Iraq, with being bombed should they cross an arbitrary line in southern Syria, close to the Syrian-Iraqi border at al-Tanf.

The Iraqi PMU militias sprung into existence in mid-2014 when the regular Iraqi army fled and let ISIS capture wide swathes of Iraq without a real fight.

Many of the militias have received Iranian arms, training and leadership and are in communication with Iranian military strategists which often time help coordinate their actions.

The militias are part of Iraq’s official armed forces and their fighters receive some –but not all– government benefits enjoyed by regular soldiers.

Thanks for the Abrams!



Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009

Russia considers the US-led coalition actions against pro-government forces in Syria an act of aggression and rejects the justification for the Tuesday attack issued by the Pentagon, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Wednesday.

“Of course, this is an aggressive act, which violates the sovereignty and the territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic and which voluntarily or involuntarily targeted those forces that represent the most effective forces struggling with terrorists on the ground. This causes our concern,” the Russian state-run news agency quoted Lavrov as saying. “There was information and I believe that it was close to reality that these pro-government forces were advancing to the relevant area to prevent the destruction of two bridges linking Syria with Iraq.“​

The Pentagon justified the attack on government forces saying that they were advancing inside some kind of de-confliction zone.

Lavrov rejected this claim.

“I don’t know anything about such zones. This must be some territory, which the coalition unilaterally declared [de-confliction zone] and where it probably believes to have a sole right to take action. We cannot recognize such zones,” the minister said.​

Earlier this year, Russia, Turkey and Iran signed a deal to establish de-confliction zones in several parts of Syria. This effort was coordinated with the Syrian government. However, no de-confliction zone was establsihed in the area claimed by the US.

Commentary: So far, Russia has only protested. Unfortunately, this is only going to embolden the US to gobble up more territory in Syria.

Modern Patriot

Regular Member
Apr 7, 2017
This area is close to Israel. I wonder what the Israelis are thinking now.
Israel covertly helping rebel in that area they dont want assad army and Russia to take control the areas bordering golan heights
jordan border golan height border will be a tough fight for SAA and friends
i think whatever happens usa and israel will surely poke their nose in syria military intervention by them cannot be ruled out

Modern Patriot

Regular Member
Apr 7, 2017
Escalation Now start between Kurds and SAA forces
Yesterday some unknown Aircraft Bombed SDF positions in Abu Asi - west of Tabqa
Actually it was Syrian government warplanes striking Islamic State near Raqqa countryside but they bomb a village which was taken under control by SDF yesterday i dont think it was a mistake but a warning to SDF that not to advance any further and let SAA take everything left west of Tabqah and Maskanah.


Modern Patriot

Regular Member
Apr 7, 2017
IS claims the US-led coalition with 20 air raids bombed the western neighbourhoods of Raqqa city with white phosphorus.

SDF fighters captured the Division 17 army base located 17 km north of Raqqa and the nearby sugar factory

rockets fired from Kharab alIshiq towards Raqqa city

Red dot marks first SVBIED launched by #ISIS in the city.


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