Russia Ukraine War 2022

Who will win this war?.

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Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
Russians are civil? What a twisted humor.
So I take it that you conveniently ignore the videos and pictures of neoNazis stringing civilians up and tying them around the trees and switching them? Or that video where they burned a Russian soldier alive? What about that published video of that head doctor who wanted to castrate every Russian man found?

French journalist Anne-Laure Bonnelle was invited to the CNews channel to tell what is happening in Ukraine and about Russia's ongoing military operation in this country. But something unplanned happened.
Bonnel has been shooting reports from Donbass since 2015 and tells them about the hard life of local residents. And she started telling the truth. The presenters in the studio did not believe her words that the Donbass was being shelled by the Ukrainian military.

Part of the broadcast, where Bonnel shows photos of the dead residents of the DPR, was then cut from the online version of the program. The presenters decided to ignore the evidence of the journalist about the shelling of the territory of Donbass by Ukraine, to retouch the facts that she presented.

Bonnelle is a smart girl. Not even OBSE. A real journalist is especially surprised by the reaction of French TV people who express themselves in the style of "what are you saying!". She shoves a photo of a teacher torn in half, unhappy grandmothers and children under their noses - "Look!" And they are sitting like this in the studio, leading a discussion, starting it with their French Je ne suis pas d'accord...("I disagree" interlocutor in the lower corner).

In July 2014, the war in Ukraine was in full swing, however, the fighting and clashes were mostly local in nature, there were few direct participants on both sides, and even the battles for relatively large settlements (Mariupol, Slavyansk, Kharkiv) were spot-on, everything ended with a relatively small number of victims on both sides.

On July 27, the Ukrainian army began shelling the city of Horlivka. For the first time since the beginning of the conflict, Ukrainian troops used weapons of indiscriminate destruction within a large settlement.

Kristina Zhuk was 27 years old at the time of her death, she graduated from the Gorlovka Institute of Foreign Languages. Kristina had a ten-month-old daughter named Kira. She and her daughter loved to walk in the park.


Everyone who was on the square during the shelling was killed, only one woman miraculously survived. Later she described what was happening as follows: "At 13.00 the first explosion was heard. And then another and another. The ground trembled beneath us. Gorlovka was shelled from Dzerzhinsk, where the Ukrainian army was stationed. We jumped up from the bench and ran, as it turned out, right into the explosions… It was one of the first attacks on Gorlovka, we did not know that in such cases it was necessary to fall to the ground. At that moment, Kristina ran out to meet us with the girl in her arms. Suddenly, a bright flash hit me in the eyes, and I was thrown two meters into the air. I fell on my left side, and there was a terrible hum above me... I saw Christina in front of me… Her leg was torn to shreds. But she was still alive. And she kept repeating: "Kira, daughter, Kira, daughter!" And she also whispered curses at the murderers."

During the shelling, Ukrainian journalist Oleg Zhelyabin-Nezhinsky was in Gorlovka, he captured on camera the consequences of the shelling, including the bodies of Kristina and Kira Zhuk. The photo of Christina, who died with her daughter in her arms, quickly spread in the media and became known as the "Gorlovka Madonna" because "they reminded any Christian of the image of the Mother of God with a baby, which is painfully familiar to any Christian.


Since the shelling of Gorlovka on July 27, 2014 was the first mass case of the use of weapons of indiscriminate destruction on residential areas and as a result of it many civilians were killed, such brutality shocked the Donbass militia. Subsequently, this led to an unpleasant incident.

Soon the militia captured Ukrainian gunners, who, by their own admission, took part in the shelling of Gorlovka on July 27, 2014. When this became known, the outraged militia literally snatched them from the guards and shot them.

Western journalists learned about the shooting of captured soldiers of the Ukrainian army. The BBC called the militias beasts, terrorists.


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2022
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I do not know if God exists or not. But I am beginning to believe that Satan exists. Also, I think Satan perhaps is the strongest force at least on this plant. It is a very sobering thought to come to terms with.
Speaking of Satan and geopolitics I am always reminded of this :



Senior Member
Jun 25, 2020
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Abey Chadarmod, that's the man's woman and his children. You want her and her children to be deported to the city filled with Nazis who hate Russians enough to crucify them and burn them alive. Have some fkij decency you bloody pinoy Yankee c**ksucker.

I don't think Swiss will dare to do this. Because then, it is game over for their " neutrality "

And the source is Ukrainian. My strategy to deal with Ukronazi propaganda is simple.

" Ukrainian detected, Propaganda rejected. "
And Xinnie the poo's daughter is still in USA living the amrikan dream.

Both bullies accused each other of spreading the Corona and killing millions around the world. All that's just water under the bridge now apparently. No sanctions on China for killing hundreds of thousands of Americans, while Russia's gonna pay for what they have done to the 'Uranians'. Pure 24 carat gilted BS.


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
russia IMO is a one man show (Any case with a single command control a.k.a dictatorship) and their strength will last only as long as putin is in power, if putin cannot find a definitive diplomatic solution to this, this war is futile and West will over run russia post putin era...which is not far.
🙄 :facepalm:


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
Ya'll Nibbiars The United States is sending some of the Soviet made air defense systems, which it acquired as part of a clandestine program decades ago, to Ukraine to help it fight Russia. The weapons are decades old and include the SA 8. The US obtained them to examine the technology used by the Russian military and help with training American forces.
I would find it surprising if they can get it to work right.


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Feb 26, 2022
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Biden tells Xi "US does not seek a new Cold War with China; does not aim to change China’s system; the revitalization of its alliances is not targeted at China; US does not support 'Taiwan independence'; and has no intention to seek a conflict with China."

US effectively is ready to sell out Taiwan. Why US has 5 battle groups in the region :confused1: , nothing makes sense. CCP is having its way though from the look of it.
If war with china happened US would use India and Jap as condoms and wont attack directly


Senior Member
Jul 20, 2013
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Most of soldiers US lost was during insurgency after the main war, I was just quoting the figure of main invasion in 2003 and not insurgency after it. That phase has not even started in Ukraine yet, wait till insurgency starts. Its going to be even bloodier.
US and NATO had a BIG BIG BIG advantage in Iraq... Just imagine if EU was helping the Russians instead of the Ukrainians... Zelensky would have been doing comedy skits in a Siberian gulag by the third day of the invasion.

I remember how the Allies and their lapdog media, during the Afghan and Iraqi invasions, would get post menstrual syndrome whenever a Russian official was found anywhere near the middle-east.

Russia made several mistakes and is paying the price for it:
1. It grossly underestimated the EU's involvement, mostly the feeds from US intelligence to the Ukrainians
2. They hoped the Ukrainians to fold like they did in Crimea, and did not count on the stronger Ukrainian resolve post Crimea
3. They continue their Stalingrad type strategy of blindly throwing men and equipment till the enemy is worn out, while the west adopts the principle of no-man-left-behind. The Chinese too are practitioners of this strategy, and it remains to be seen if Winnie's war doctrine has changed.
4. Russia lost an excellent PR opportunity, if, instead of invading, they had opened a corridor to allow Russian speaking population in Donbas to migrate over to Russia and had these people put up their horror stories on the internet. If not anything, the idealists at Wikileaks would have caught on.


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
Russia's economy will shrink a huge 10% this year, Goldman Sachs says — its worst contraction since the dark days of the 1990s
based on what metric? If its based on the dollar yeah sure but if it is based on productivity not by a long shot. It's highly misleading.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Biz as usual for Indian pharma cos despite Russia-Ukraine war

“We have been directed by the (Indian) government to continue supplying medicines to Russia and Ukraine, and we are following that order. But our priority remains the safety of our employees," the official said, requesting anonymity.

According to Pharmaceutical Export Promotion Council of India director general Ravi Uday Bhaskar, Indian companies are continuing to export since pharmaceutical products are exempted from the sanctions.



Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Why Imran Khan lauded Narendra Modi’s Russia-Ukraine policy

All ‘powerful’ prime ministers Nawaz Sharif, Benazir Bhutto, Yousaf Raza Gilani and Imran Khan of Pakistan in recent times have sought friendship with India or praised an Indian government when their equation with the Pakistan Army was perceived strained.


Senior Member
Mar 30, 2021
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It really looks like there will be power sharing. However CCP ambitions will not stop at that. This looks like clear indication of power sharing which is bad for us.

Fauci case is bit different, whatever the pharmas find it difficult to do in US they do those research somewhere else having lesser regulations and cost. So in fact fauci was saving his own a** and preserving interest of big US pharma for couple of years.
Yesterday I was watching Whitehouse presser. On question of militarizing islands in South China Sea by China, Psaki said she doesn't have any information regarding this.

Maybe Biden is trying to give Taiwan to China in return for Chinese backstabbing of Russia. US can pressure Taiwan government to accept some Chinese authority without going to war. A one nation 2 system kind of arrangement like they did in Hongkong. In future china can get rid of such system and takeover Taiwan fully. If a lucrative offer like this is given, China would be stupid not to take it.

A full blown invasion of Taiwan would be hard to defend by US after condemning Russia for the same thing in Ukraine but never underestimate western hypocrisy and their media manipulation.

One thing is sure, by not supporting Taiwan independence at this important junction of time, they have emboldened Chinese, either willingly or unwillingly.

Super Flanker

Aviation and Defence Enthusiast
Senior Member
Nov 9, 2021
Russia is winning simply by the sheer number of soldiers and weapons (WW1 & WW2 Russian meat drinder technique), and even then Russia's progress is so slow which until now not even Mariupol is fully conquered. In the meantime, 5 Russians generals are liquidated
Russia is winning at the end of the day right? Ukraine Military can only try and bleed Russian Advancements by using their urban warfare etc. Ukraine has the home-field advantage here. Even If NATO countries like the US tried to conduct an Invasion like how Russia is doing, you would expect Similar results too. By the way coming to Mariupol, yes agreed that as of now it is still not under Russian Control but the airport is:-


(I haven't heard of a major power since I can remember losing a general in combat), and even by official Russian data it has lost 10,000 soldiers (the reality of course is definitely much higher).
The reason you haven't heard of a major power losing a general in combat is because you don't want to hear about your it as you are Blinded by Western Propoganda. Here is 1 example I am giving of a US general killed in combat:

Harold Joseph "Harry" Greene (February 11, 1959 – August 5, 2014) was a United States Army general who was killed during the War in Afghanistan.

And yes coming to casualities, I accept that the Exact casualities are not known, the casualties Maybe higher.

Having said that, Russia cannot even install an effective puppet in Kherson where everyday Ukrainians are protesting and chanting "Go home! to the Russians" Just the other day a Ukrainian collaborator was liquidated in Kherson. That's just the start. So most military analysts at the start of the Russian invasion are right that even if Russia can conquer major Ukrainian cities they cannot hold it.
Which Military Analysts are you talking about here? Could you kindly share the sources here? I am pretty sure that your sources will be Western Defence Analysts who are biased as heck towards Russia.

Don't Worry about Kherson buddy, soon Russia will have Kherson under its control too very soon.

Rassil Krishnan

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2019
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Yesterday I was watching Whitehouse presser. On question of militarizing islands in South China Sea by China, Psaki said she doesn't have any information regarding this.

Maybe Biden is trying to give Taiwan to China in return for Chinese backstabbing of Russia. US can pressure Taiwan government to accept some Chinese authority without going to war. A one nation 2 system kind of arrangement like they did in Hongkong. In future china can get rid of such system and takeover Taiwan fully. If a lucrative offer like this is given, China would be stupid not to take it.

A full blown invasion of Taiwan would be hard to defend by US after condemning Russia for the same thing in Ukraine but never underestimate western hypocrisy and their media manipulation.

One thing is sure, by not supporting Taiwan independence at this important junction of time, they have emboldened Chinese, either willingly or unwillingly.
How can they garantee china that deal,they can always deny it happened later to the public.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Indian Potash signs five-year purchase deal with Israel Chemicals
Amid the ongoing Russia-Ukraine crisis, Indian Potash Ltd has signed a five-year deal to import 0.6-0.65 million tonnes of muriate of potash per year from Israel Chemical Ltd.

According to an official statement, the agreement runs from 2022 to 2027.



Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Gobar Times is using the new international situation to pursue their push for India joining RCEP.

well! Self interest matters for china as well as India

not: since its a Gobar Times not posting the link here..
anyone can google.


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
Biden is even more senile than I thought. That wasn't smart of him. Now he is pissing off another ally. At the rate he is going, he is losing the entire Asia continent and Russia may just gain the entire Asia continent. At this point, Putin is coming out even a bigger winner than Biden. US and NATO cannot compete with an alliance of Russia, India, and China. No way in hell. They'd be shaking in their boots.

Rassil Krishnan

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2019
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Russia is winning at the end of the day right? Ukraine Military can only try and bleed Russian Advancements by using their urban warfare etc. Ukraine has the home-field advantage here. Even If NATO countries like the US tried to conduct an Invasion like how Russia is doing, you would expect Similar results too. By the way coming to Mariupol, yes agreed that as of now it is still not under Russian Control but the airport is:-


The reason you haven't heard of a major power losing a general in combat is because you don't want to hear about your it as you are Blinded by Western Propoganda. Here is 1 example I am giving of a US general killed in combat:

Harold Joseph "Harry" Greene (February 11, 1959 – August 5, 2014) was a United States Army general who was killed during the War in Afghanistan.

And yes coming to casualities, I accept that the Exact casualities are not known, the casualties Maybe higher.

Which Military Analysts are you talking about here? Could you kindly share the sources here? I am pretty sure that your sources will be Western Defence Analysts who are biased as heck towards Russia.

Don't Worry about Kherson buddy, soon Russia will have Kherson under its control too very soon.
The Russians are doing more than just destroying Ukrainian military and armed militia.they are securing and licking down areas which can be directly controlled by Russia as they also have major Russian population and they have also caused depopulation of some parts of Ukraine who I suppose are mostly non Russian speaking people to other eu countries.receiving casualties for such an operation is normal.

Usa was only trying to destroy the military and did not want to occupy Iraq as a part of its country.


Senior Member
Mar 30, 2021
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The problem with current US administration is that there are no adults in the room. They are making decisions based on emotions and not long term geopolitical realities. Their actions are just reactions towards current events. Russia will invade Ukraine. Russian forces are uncoiling. They have started missile attacks. Meanwhile Biden administration was giving a live commentary of events. They didn't diffuse the situation behind the scenes by giving some concessions to Russia. Instead they made things worse by giving stupid statements in public.

Today Biden administration seems surprised by Indian neutrality on Russia. They are releasing stupid statements on India. What were they expecting? Are they not aware of history between India and Russia? Did they not consult strategic partner India before taking actions on Russia? If they did, why they are surprised? If not, who is running their foreign affairs?

Not just India, just look how Saudis are behaving. Did Biden administration not thought about impacts of sanctions on oil prices? Did they not consult with their ally Saudi Arabia before announcing sanctions? What were they thinking?

Same with Pakistan. A poor, bankrupt country that survives on IMF loans couldn't have been made to support American stand beforehand? They didn't even press to cancel Imran's Russia visit when IMF fully controls Paki reserve bank.

Even their own puppet Zelensky is making wild speeches and Whitehouse has to rationalise their stand on it.

Now in their desperation they are begging support from Iran, China and Venezuela. Next what? will they beg North Korea to condemn Russia in exchange for nuclear deal?

Trump with all his flaws and inexperience had much better foreign policy than current clown show.
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