Remembering 9-11


Regular Member
Apr 1, 2010
Do you all remember what you were doing on 9-11 when the planes struck the towers?

I was online, in an internet chatroom #politics from EFnet, on Internet Relay Chat using the handle sanman, when word came of the first plane hitting one of the towers. I immediately went to the news sites and began reading and watching live video feeds, while avidly discussing everything with fellow chatters in the chatroom, right while the events were unfolding before our very eyes..

So tonight, on the eve of the 10th anniversary, I decided to visit that chatroom see if anyone there remembered me, or that event-filled discussion from 10 years ago:

September 10, 2011 9:23:08 PM
moderatwo Greetings sanman, #politics is currently moderated. If you wait 30 seconds without changing your nickname you can take part in the discussion (mode +v).
moderatwo Welcome! NOTE: As of late some rascals have spammed this channel in an attempt to get us in trouble! Our apologies if you're here because of that -- #politics has nothing to do with it! Thank you for your understanding, and sorry again
=-= Mode #politics +v sanman by moderatwo
sanman hi, everyone
sanman I was in this chatroom 10 years ago, exactly when the 9/11 attacks happened
sanman so I thought I'd come back for old time's sake
dehuman so i might chop someone up with a machete tonight
sanman is there anybody here today, who was in this chatroom when the planes struck the towers?
dehuman someone tried to steal my scooter last night
dehuman got the webam with motion detection alarm going
englandme sanman - Welcome back.
dehuman awesome machete a knife nut buddy loaned me
englandme sanman - You might be interested to read through this - .. 9/11 Logs .. Chat in #politics on 9/11/01 as Terrorist attacks unfolded
sanman thanks
englandme [08:08] <sanman> Kamakize, was that you?
englandme [08:08] <sanman> well, the top of the WTC has smoke pouring out of it
englandme [08:08] <sanman> big gash in the side
dehuman its sweet, its all curved and looks more like a sword than machete with awesome grip and plastic belt holster
dehuman its got a wicked fierce edge on it that glimmers on an otherwise flat black machete
sanman OMG - thanks for that - brings back memories
dehuman so now i just gotta lurk
dehuman and wait for the alarm
englandme sanman - I thought you might find it interesting.
sanman thank you, it is
englandme Comet generally posts that link every 9/11...and this line has always stuck out for me (considering the timing)
englandme [08:41] <sanman> this was Osama Bin Laden
englandme In fact, we were discussing it in channel here a few hours ago.
englandme So, pleased to meet you.
sanman pleased to meet you too
sanman when the planes struck, I knew it was Bin Laden right away
gjvc [08:21] <CometBaby> this is going to be a major catastophe for the Bush admin .. lets see what they do about
gjvc this.
gjvc ha
englandme sanman - Yes, your analysis was spot on. I wasn't in this channel then, but I've joked about you before with other users (not knowing you at all) saying the CIA should hire you as a consultant or something...
englandme gjvc - we know. <sigh>
Hah - they even kept a transcript of our chat from 10 years ago, which I'll post.


Regular Member
Apr 1, 2010
This is literally the transcript of our initial reactions as we learned of the 9-11 terror attacks 10 years ago:

[08:01] <Vinny> A plane just crashed into the World Trade Center
[08:04] <draco\> no joke
[08:04] <draco\> where?
[08:04] <Vinny> NYC
[08:04] <Sting9wrk> wow
[08:05] <Vinny> my tv just died
[08:05] <Vinny> because I use an Aerial Antenna.... and the signal is broadcast from there
[08:06] <Sting9wrk> FIRE!!!
[08:06] <Kamakize> Hrrrm ok I just heard a plane hit the World Trade Center..
[08:07] <Kamakize> but at work no cable tv.
[08:07] <Verbal> On live TV, a second plane hit the twin tower
[08:07] <Verbal> Major tech glitch or intentional?
[08:08] <sanman> Kamakize, was that you?
[08:08] <sanman> well, the top of the WTC has smoke pouring out of it
[08:08] <sanman> big gash in the side
[08:09] <Vinny> but the plane went right into the building near the top 1/4 and it was burning for a few minutes
then it exploded...
[08:09] <Verbal> I have to think this is intentional - a second plane smashing into the side of the second tower a
few minutes later is the biggest coincidence possible
[08:09] <Vinny> now another plane just hit it
[08:09] <Sting9wrk> holy shit
[08:10] <zafron> holy plane crash!
[08:13] <^rcane> its horrible
[08:14] <^rcane> verbal:two planes commited terrorism on the two world trad center towers, they went right
into them
[08:15] <^rcane> its a little too early to tell
[08:15] <^rcane> but i am telling you its arabs
[08:15] <Verbal> rcane: why not americans?
[08:16] <TheTruth> You know in your heart that it's the Arabs.
[08:16] <MaestroD> terrorist attack?
[08:16] <^rcane> yes
[08:16] <Verbal> I don't know anything in my heart other than this is horrible. Give me some info.
[08:16] <TheTruth> We should just nuke them all. Posterity will thank us.
[08:16] <^rcane> thetruth:I know its the arabs, like the arabs helped mcveigh
[08:17] <MaestroD> is there any possibility that it might've been an accident
[08:17] <TheTruth> 2 planes?
[08:17] <Sting9wrk> no way
[08:17] <^rcane> yea
[08:17] <^rcane> 2 planes
[08:17] <^rcane> yes way
[08:17] <Sting9wrk> fire up the ICBM's
[08:17] <MaestroD> helluwa lot of smoke there :)
[08:17] <Sting9wrk> lets get some payback
[08:17] <^rcane> i aint joking
[08:17] <^rcane> i was like wtf happened
[08:17] <^rcane> and i was up when it happened
[08:18] <^rcane> i turn on the tv at 9:00 when i woke up
[08:18] <^rcane> and...
[08:18] <MaestroD> CNN are still calling it an accident
[08:18] <^rcane> screw cnn
[08:18] <Sting9wrk> hey look at the bright side.. think of the economic impact this will have on some
[08:18] <^rcane> abc is saying they were told its terrorism
[08:19] <TheTruth> hundreds of people are certainly dead. very funny.
[08:20] <h0mi> un fucking believeable
[08:20] <CometBaby> they hijacked an Amer. Airline and flew it into one of the bldgs .. the plane was full of
[08:20] <^rcane> oh shit
[08:20] <^rcane> i thought that was a rumor
[08:21] <CometBaby> this is going to be a major catastophe for the Bush admin .. lets see what they do about
[08:21] <surly> Ok, what are the details? I cant load any news stations
[08:21] <MaestroD> i know iraqis are probably laughing
[08:23] <CometBaby> I would like to know how in the hell you could MAKE a pilot do this. If he was going to
die anyway .. you would think that he would try to divert the plane. They must have comandeered the plane!
[08:23] <TheTruth> a largish plane hit one tower at about 5 to 9, then it exploded inside a few minutes later,
then a second plane hit both towers about 18 minutes later.
[08:24] <h0mi> drudge drops the ball
[08:24] <h0mi> his web site doesnt mention this yet
[08:25] <StingRay^> about time we bomb afganistan and iraq and iran
[08:26] <Logomancr> if it is the PLO, the palestinians are fucked
[08:26] <StingRay^> Logo dont think it was
[08:26] <Logomancr> any nation that promotes and endorses suicide bombers needs to be summarily ended.
[08:26] <^rcane> about time we syria and lybia too
[08:26] <^rcane> and egypt
[08:26] <MannyL> Has anyone heard if the two crashes in NY were terrorist attacks?
[08:26] <TheTruth> use your head
[08:27] <^rcane> and let israel take out the plo and pa
[08:27] <Logomancr> no official statement, but it's pretty damned obvious
[08:27] <Logomancr> look at the footage of the plane
[08:27] <MannyL> Logomancr thats what I was thinking. I don't have a TV here and can't get to or
[08:27] <^rcane> that is a commercial plane alright
[08:28] <Logomancr> yeah
[08:28] <^rcane> i wonder if college is cancelled.. since its a national tradgedy :)
[08:28] <^rcane> better start getting ready
[08:28] <^rcane> afk
[08:28] <Logomancr> whoever did this is going to feel the pain...and like I said, if it is the PLO, no one will be
courting Arafat's terrorist ass anymore.
[08:28] <Logomancr> heh
[08:28] <MaestroD> the siege
[08:29] <draco\> that is unbelievable
[08:29] <Logomancr> a terrorist who won the nobel peace prize....
[08:29] <draco\> they say it could be a hijacked second plane
[08:29] <draco\> just taken off
[08:29] <Logomancr> yeah
[08:29] <Logomancr> but the attacks were 18 minutes appart
[08:29] <draco\> i'm waiting for a third
[08:29] <draco\> the first was a smaller plane
[08:29] <draco\> not a passenger plane
[08:30] <Verbal> the 18 minutes is intentional, I think - time for networks to put the WTC on live TV for the
second crash.
[08:30] <exnihilo> holy shit
[08:30] <Verbal> Let's hold up and wait for some information on all of this.
[08:30] <cliffster> nobody said it was an attack
[08:31] <^rcane> lets send a pilotless plane to blow up the muslim piece of shit on top of the Temple Mount
[08:31] <TheTruth> we know who did it. it's time to act.
[08:31] <draco\> lol
[08:31] <exnihilo> it's pretty obvious it was terrorist
[08:31] <^rcane> and rebuld The Temple
[08:31] <cliffster> it could have been a bad accident
[08:31] <cliffster> pilot had a aheart attack
[08:31] <draco\> don't think so cliffster
[08:31] <Verbal> Truth: please tell us
[08:31] <cliffster> smashed into the building
[08:31] <draco\> not two bad accidents 18 min apart
[08:31] <StingRay^> cliff 2 planes give me a break
[08:31] <cliffster> the other one was probably a news plane
[08:31] <exnihilo> osama bin laden did it.
[08:31] <draco\> lol
[08:31] <exnihilo> that's pretty clear.
[08:31] <cliffster> trying to get a jump on the story and fucked up
[08:31] <draco\> stfu exnihilo
[08:31] <TheTruth> happens in sim city all the time
[08:31] <exnihilo> those are 'symbols of capitalism'
[08:31] <draco\> as if yew work for the fbi
[08:32] <MannyL> cliffster From what I heard the second plane changed it
[08:32] <draco\> wait and see who says what
[08:32] <exnihilo> draco, just wait and see.
[08:32] <MannyL> cliffster From what I heard the second plane changed it's course to fly head on in
[08:32] <Verbal> exnihilo: Sorry if I'm a little dense. What info has come out to indicate it was him?
[08:32] <draco\> a 767 from boston was the second plane
[08:32] <Kamakize> can someone stream me video?
[08:32] <MannyL> I heard on the radio the second place was a 767 that took off from boston
[08:32] <exnihilo> verbal, nothing. only every single news station is speculating it is him
[08:32] <draco\> hijacked
[08:32] <Vinny> I have a roof top antenna.... and all my tv channels went off because almost all broadcast came
off the WTC antenna... I do have channel two because it is broadcast from the Empire State Building
[08:32] <exnihilo> and i would not be surprised
[08:32] <exnihilo> where's trapezoid?
[08:32] <exnihilo> he's in nyc
[08:33] <MaestroD> honestly, america cannot bomb the shit out of other countries, and expect no retaliation
[08:33] <exnihilo> maestro, fuck you
[08:33] <Vinny> I'm in New York
[08:34] <StingRay^> wow they showed the 2nd plane flying into the center
[08:34] <MaestroD> exnihilo same to you man
[08:34] <CometBaby> this is too horrible to contemplate .. the other tower has been hit!!! GAWD HELP
NYC!!! Those poor poor people!!!
[08:34] <exnihilo> You dirty austrailian.
[08:34] <sanman> anyone claimed responsability?
[08:34] <sanman> you know that for the big attacks, nobody claims responsability
[08:34] <StingRay^> i dont think it ws arafat i thin bin laden
[08:34] <MaestroD> :)
[08:34] <sanman> otherwise they know they'll get pounded to shit
[08:34] <^rcane> sanman:arabs, arabs did it
[08:34] <sanman> it's Bin Laden
[08:34] <sanman> he never really admits to anything directly, tho
[08:34] <MannyL> Excuse me for the rude remark I'm going to make. This is really going to mess up internet
[08:34] <exnihilo> Sting, exactly
[08:35] <^rcane> and palestinians
[08:35] <StingRay^> ex yep
[08:35] <StingRay^> rcane nope
[08:35] <exnihilo> what is the stock market doing?
[08:35] <StingRay^> ex still working
[08:35] <exnihilo> this is a direct attempt to disrupt world economies
[08:35] <^rcane> the stock market is opening?
[08:35] <MannyL> Stock market is not opening
[08:35] <^rcane> wow
[08:35] <StingRay^> mann ya really its open
[08:35] <sanman> well, what building is the New York Stock Exchange in?
[08:35] <MannyL> They said the opening is delayed
[08:35] <exnihilo> the internet is SLOW
[08:35] <StingRay^> mann just saw yahoo go buy at open
[08:35] <exnihilo> everyone is on right now it seems
[08:36] <StingRay^> this is allmost like pear harbour alot of people are gonna call for war
[08:36] <StingRay^> pearl
[08:36] <exnihilo> Sting, as they should.
[08:36] <StingRay^> ex yep
[08:36] <Sting9wrk> right
[08:36] <exnihilo> It's time to kill bin laden once and for all
[08:36] * draco\ is away! afk [Log:On]
[08:36] <StingRay^> wish i was back in miltary go kick some ass
[08:36] <MaestroD> 6 ppl dead
[08:36] <MannyL> We don't know it is bin laden
[08:37] <MaestroD> 1000 injured
[08:37] <exnihilo> There will be WAY more than 6 dead when this is over
[08:37] <StingRay^> yep
[08:37] <MannyL> If only 6 people die that will be a mircale
[08:37] <TheTruth> who is this bin laden? it's the violent, despicable arab culture that is responsible.
[08:37] <exnihilo> I'm guessing up near 100 at least.
[08:37] <exnihilo> 50,000 people work in those buildings
[08:37] <TheTruth> it has to be put down.
[08:37] <StingRay^> truth not all arabs are terrorists though
[08:37] <h0mi> the WTC looks like 2 smokestacks
[08:37] <exnihilo> they said bodies were dropping
[08:37] <exnihilo> and hitting the pavement
[08:38] <TheTruth> too bad. posterity will thank us.
[08:38] <cliffster> hmmm
[08:38] <cliffster> they are closing down new york
[08:38] <exnihilo> this is surreal
[08:38] <exnihilo> i bet I'm still asleep in my bed right now.
[08:38] <^rcane> cliffster:are they closing educational institutions across america?
[08:39] <StingRay^> market not delayed another trade just went bthrough
[08:39] <exnihilo> all of manhattan is sealed off
[08:39] <TheTruth> nyse trade or offline nasdaq?
[08:39] <exnihilo> they are evacuating all surrounding buildings and neighborhoods
[08:40] <Vinny> Market is closed
[08:40] <exnihilo> Sting, are you sure..
[08:40] <exnihilo> it looks like the markets are closed
[08:40] <Sting9wrk> jesus
[08:41] <^rcane> time to send americans to kill some palestinians
[08:41] <Sting9wrk> they got the pentagon
[08:41] <^rcane> what sting?
[08:41] <^rcane> what?
[08:41] <sanman> this was Osama Bin Laden
[08:41] <debauched> do you people know anout the WTC?
[08:41] <sanman> most likely
[08:41] <exnihilo> sting, what??
[08:41] <TheTruth> drudge finally has it
[08:41] <debauched> k
[08:41] <sanman> that is one tough building, tho
[08:42] <StingRay^> bush is in my home town. saw his motorcade
[08:42] <^rcane> fuck
[08:42] <^rcane> they did get the pentagon
[08:42] <^rcane> holy shit
[08:42] <StingRay^> ex yes
[08:42] <^rcane> holy shit
[08:42] <exnihilo> they did???
[08:42] <TheTruth> SNL said it best 25 years ago. Lets kill the arabs and take their oil.
[08:42] <exnihilo> wtf
[08:42] <exnihilo> fnc isn't talking about it
[08:43] <TheTruth> they just mentioned the pentagon on cnn
[08:43] <^rcane> holy shit
[08:43] <draco\> YES
[08:43] <draco\> fuck me drunk
[08:43] <draco\> the pentagon has been hit
[08:43] <^rcane> they have to be cancelling businesses and shit today....
[08:43] <draco\> it's billowing smoke
[08:43] <^rcane> wtf is goin on?
[08:43] <exnihilo> this is fucked up
[08:43] <draco\> washington's pentagon is hit
[08:43] <draco\> and burning
[08:44] <^rcane> doesnt the pentagon have planes protecting it?
[08:44] <TheTruth> they're evacuating the white house
[08:44] <Sting9wrk> was a bomb
[08:44] <TheTruth> how do you really stop a plane without warning?
[08:44] <^rcane> how the hell did a bomb get in the pentagon?
[08:44] <^rcane> ok
[08:44] <exnihilo> bush has a chance to be a hero
[08:44] <^rcane> this means death to all arabs
[08:44] <^rcane> die arabs die
[08:44] <TheTruth> no footage though
[08:44] <Sting9wrk> it was at the heliport
[08:45] <Sting9wrk> NBC is on it
[08:45] <^rcane> next step arabs nuke
[08:45] <MannyL> Can anyone confirm this? Palestinian DFLP on Abu Dhabi tv is claiming responsibility
[08:45] <exnihilo> Manny, i haven't heard that.
[08:45] <^rcane> just kill em all
[08:45] <exnihilo> nobody would be crazy enough to admit to this
[08:45] <Monty3> wtf
[08:45] <MaestroD> pentagon is hit by third plane
[08:46] <Sting9wrk> no
[08:46] <exnihilo> plane crashed into pentago
[08:46] <Sting9wrk> a bomb
[08:46] <^rcane> wasnt it a bomb?
[08:46] <exnihilo> yep
[08:46] <exnihilo> no a plane
[08:46] <MannyL> I got that off another message board
[08:46] <exnihilo> crashed
[08:46] <^rcane> you think schools are open?
[08:46] <exnihilo> this reminds me of a tom clancey novel
[08:46] <exnihilo> executive order i think
[08:46] * MannyL is glad he does not live in a major airport
[08:46] <MaestroD> hmmmm, how could they bomb the pentagon
[08:46] <Vinny> another plane
[08:47] <exnihilo> plane crashed into pentagon
[08:47] <exnihilo> plane crashed into pentagon
[08:47] <Today> what is going on?
[08:47] <TheTruth> nobody is saying it was a plane
[08:47] <Today> terrorist attack on American soil?
[08:47] <Sting9wrk> NBC reporting it as a bomb
[08:47] <^rcane> all arabs are going to die
[08:47] <^rcane> they will all die
[08:47] <MannyL> AP reports it as a plane crashing at Pentagon according to CNN
[08:47] <exnihilo> fnc reports it is a plane
[08:47] <exnihilo> plane crashed into pentagon
[08:47] <MannyL> The Mall is on file in Washington also
[08:47] <MaestroD> white house evacuated
[08:47] <TheTruth> i'm watching cnn, and they haven't said that it was a plane
[08:48] <exnihilo> cnn is slow :)
[08:48] <^rcane> damn
[08:48] <^rcane> evacuating the treasury?
[08:48] <^rcane> let all the arabs steal more money?
[08:48] <TheTruth> us military helicopter?
[08:48] <MaestroD> us military helicopter :)
[08:49] <sanman> at times like these, the internet just doesn't fucking work
[08:49] <TheTruth> just the news sites, others are actually faster
[08:49] <sanman> exnihilo, are you serious?
[08:49] <MannyL> Well gee the WTC is a major channel for the internet
[08:49] <sanman> an attack on the pentagon???
[08:49] <exnihilo> sanman yes
[08:49] <sanman> really, or are you shitting me?
[08:49] <sanman> dammit
[08:49] <debauched> fucking airline pilots should carry .38s and stop hijackers d0h
[08:49] <exnihilo> another airplane hit
[08:49] <exnihilo> very serious
[08:50] <wade> They don't know if it's the Pentagon yet...
[08:50] <debauched> where?
[08:50] <Monty2> Whoever did this is gonna be destroyed.
[08:50] <Monty2> So bad
[08:50] <exnihilo> wade, yes they do
[08:50] <exnihilo> i've seen footage
[08:50] <TheTruth> faster out here anyway
[08:50] <exnihilo> a plane hit the pentagon, that is a fact.
[08:50] <MannyL> All airports have been closed
[08:50] <TDurden> holy crap
[08:50] <Today> good grief
[08:51] <debauched> they reported a mil helicopter exploded
[08:51] <debauched> at the Pentagon
[08:51] <exnihilo> well fnc is reporting that it was a plane hit
[08:51] <exnihilo> who knows
[08:51] <exnihilo> they showed footage
[08:51] <debauched> all flights are stopped by FAA in the US
[08:52] <^rcane> how the fuck did we let a plane hit the pentagon
[08:52] <FreeTrade> Im having trouble getting on any news sites, but I heard the World Trade Center.
[08:52] <^rcane> we should of had arrow missles there
[08:52] <FreeTrade> Im also about late for work..
[08:52] <^rcane> this is gunna provoke a mad rush for the mds
[08:52] <sanman> that's ok Free
[08:52] <FreeTrade> So Later... The truth will come out during the day.
[08:52] <StingRay^> it would not surprise me if they try to hit bushes plane on way back. but we have af jets
with his plane
[08:53] <exnihilo> PALESTINIAN FRONT is claiming responsibilty according to Iraqi TV
[08:53] <sanman> yeah, but the whole criticism against mds is that it can't defend against a suitcase bomb or a
[08:53] <exnihilo> Free Republic has the most information right now
[08:53] <^rcane> exnihilo:so kill the fuckers
[08:53] <exnihilo> rcane, no shit!!
[08:53] <exnihilo> WAR
[08:53] <Radiate> 3 plane crashes!
[08:53] <Radiate> omg
[08:53] <Radiate> it's raining planes
[08:53] <exnihilo> PALESTINIAN FRONT is claiming responsibilty according to Iraqi TV
[08:53] <FreeTrade> suitcase bomb or cessna wont take out a whole city..
[08:53] * FreeTrade away
[08:53] <^rcane> sanman:well, it could of shot the planes down
[08:53] <Monty2> This time it's war time so bad.
[08:54] <^rcane> Israel will gain land in this war
[08:54] <MannyL> War is good for the ecoenmy
[08:54] <debauched> shit happens, people
[08:54] <debauched> IMI makes good equipment
[08:54] <|T|> so how many attacks is this today?
[08:54] <Sage> hols shit!! code red!!
[08:54] <Sage> everyone turn on CNN
[08:54] <Today> the white house evacuated
[08:55] <Today> good grief
[08:55] <Sage> the pentagon was bombed!!!!!!
[08:55] <TheTruth> capitol also
[08:55] <TheTruth> evacuated, that is
[08:55] <Radiate> oh okay
[08:55] <Sage> planes also hit the world trade centers in NY!!!!
[08:55] <mel|actua> these are things much worse then shit
[08:55] <Monty2> I expect nuclear retaliation in a bit.
[08:55] <Sage> this is hardcore
[08:55] <Sting9wrk> god I hope so
[08:55] <MaestroD> it could be a government conspiracy
[08:55] <exnihilo> <-- TONS of photos here from all
kinds of angles and locations of the buildings
[08:55] <Sage> Comercial Airliners got taken over and crashed
[08:55] <Monty2> This isn't terrorism..
[08:55] <Monty2> This is beyond it.
[08:56] <^rcane> well
[08:56] <^rcane> bush doesnt have to worry about the economy
[08:56] <^rcane> we have a war now
[08:56] <^rcane> israel is our partner
[08:56] <Radiate> hmm
[08:56] <^rcane> and we will take over the middle east
[08:56] <Radiate> what if the israelis did it to fake it?
[08:56] <Radiate> how can you tell
[08:56] <Monty2> This will boost Bush's rating..
[08:56] <exnihilo> Monty, yes
[08:56] <exnihilo> Bush can be a big hero.
[08:56] <Monty2> He's gonna kick some ass now.
[08:56] <TheTruth> ridiculous
[08:56] <^rcane> israel wouldnt fly planes into the damn trade center and the pentagon
[08:56] <lentils> Air travel is suspended.
[08:57] <exnihilo> the dimocrats will say the GOP knew about the bombings and didn't do anything
[08:57] <exnihilo> haha
[08:57] <Radiate> ^rcane: well, obviously they make propaganda sites, so why not?
[08:57] <h0mi> daschle will blame republican energy companies for the crash
[08:57] <Radiate> ^rcane: well everyone does that.
[08:57] <wade> This is different than past terrorist attacks.
[08:57] <wade> It's big... and organized.
[08:57] <wade> We've never seen anything like it.
[08:57] <exnihilo> Nothing will ever be the same.
[08:57] <Monty2> Yeah, this is totally different.
[08:57] <exnihilo> Things are going to change.
[08:57] <Carious> and not over
[08:57] <Radiate> change?
[08:57] <Vinny> Astonishing
[08:57] <TheTruth> this is bad news all around. but at least we can eliminate the arabs finally.
[08:58] <MaestroD> some images...
[08:58] <Monty2> Unbelievable.
[08:58] <MannyL> Why can we eliminate the arabs?
[08:58] <Radiate> life will go on one way or the other
[08:58] <Carious> life will go on for some of us-not all
[08:58] <Sting9wrk> right
[08:58] <Sting9wrk> it will
[08:58] <Radiate> life will find it's way
[08:58] <Sting9wrk> in 2 months everything will be repaired
[08:58] <lentils> is someone claiming responsibility for the attacks?
[08:59] <Monty2> Whoever did this won't go on.
[08:59] <Sting9wrk> just like when they bombed the wtc a few years back
[08:59] <Radiate> lentils: rumors are the palestininas
[08:59] <Carious> tell the ppl in the trade center that jumped that
[08:59] <Monty2> They'll find out.
[08:59] <wade> We've been threatened from a number of sources recently.
[08:59] <MannyL> two months? it will take more that two months
[08:59] <Monty2> Another explosion?
[08:59] <Monty2> Just now
[08:59] <TheTruth> huge explosion in wtc
[08:59] <Vinny> it's collapsing
[08:59] <^rcane> no way
[08:59] <^rcane> did one tower fall?
[08:59] <^rcane> no fucking way
[08:59] <Monty2> OMG
[09:00] <Radiate> those towers never fall
[09:00] <^rcane> i never thought that would ever happen
[09:00] <^rcane> fuck
[09:00] <Radiate> it happened.
[09:00] <^rcane> shit
[09:00] <^rcane> fucking arabs!
[09:00] <MaestroD> the palestinians are claiming responsobility
[09:00] <MaestroD> some "democratic liberation front" or some shit
[09:00] <Radiate> ya, blame the arabs.
[09:00] <exnihilo> THE WORLD TRADE CENTER IS FALLING APART!!!!!!!!!!!
[09:00] <exnihilo> THE WORLD TRADE CENTER IS FALLING APART!!!!!!!!!!!
[09:00] <NetW3rk> shit!
[09:00] <NetW3rk> its gone
[09:00] <Mentor_> yes
[09:00] <NetW3rk> shit@
[09:00] <NetW3rk> this is crazy
[09:00] <Radiate> is slashdotted
[09:00] <MaestroD> it has collapsed!
[09:00] <Carious> 1 tower GONE
[09:00] <Mentor_> hey
[09:00] <NetW3rk> god help us
[09:00] <exnihilo> i am actually afraid
[09:00] <exnihilo> this is totally beyond fucked up
[09:01] <^rcane> fuck
[09:01] <CometBaby> I can't believe my eyes!! All those people .. all murdered!!! Just think of the lives that
are being destroyed. This is like Pearl Harbor!!
[09:01] <^rcane> i aint going to skewl today
[09:01] <Mentor_> the pentagon is on fire
[09:01] <NetW3rk> the airport here is under attack!
[09:01] <Monty2> We're fucking under attack.
[09:01] <NetW3rk> hartsfield has a gang of terorists here
[09:01] <Monty2> I'm not going in.
[09:01] <NetW3rk> its shut down
[09:01] <Mentor_> the airports are stopped
[09:01] <Khomeini> This is a glorious morning. Death to America
[09:01] <draco\> the 2nd Sears Tower has just collapsed.
[09:01] <MaestroD> what airport?
[09:01] <NetW3rk> hartsfield is under attack too
[09:01] <draco\> the 2nd Sears Tower has just collapsed.
[09:01] <NetW3rk> atl here!
[09:01] <Sage> someone change the topic
[09:01] <sanman> what?
[09:01] <NetW3rk> there are terorists busses here
[09:01] <Sting9wrk> ???
[09:01] <sanman> I hope you're joking
[09:01] <Mentor_> yep the day of recogning has come
[09:01] <draco\> no man
[09:01] <NetW3rk> they are getting off w/ guns
[09:01] <draco\> just saw it
[09:02] <draco\> the fuckin whole tower
[09:02] <sanman> are you talking about Sears Tower in Chicago?
[09:02] <draco\> has just collapsed
[09:02] <draco\> the 2nd Sears Tower has just collapsed.
[09:02] <Sage> not sears, world trade
[09:02] <sanman> are you saying the Sears Tower in Chicago was attacked?
[09:02] <draco\> world trade
[09:02] <Khomeini> impeach Bush for gross national security negligence obviouslY
[09:02] <draco\> sorry1
[09:02] <draco\> NO NO NO
[09:02] <Today> oh man....they showed it on tv...crumbling
[09:02] <debauched> the tower collapsed th
[09:02] <sanman> hey, don't start rumors man
[09:02] <draco\> WORLD TRADE TOWER
[09:02] <TheTruth> the wtc tower, not sears. they are evacuating the sears also though
[09:02] <debauched> sear is ok you momo :p
[09:02] <draco\> sorry
[09:02] <draco\> fuck yew i'm an aussie
[09:02] <sanman> you should be accurate
[09:02] <draco\> ;)
[09:02] <Carious> only one tower left
[09:02] <Iconman> two towns, pentagon...... what's next?
[09:02] <NetW3rk> someone goto hartsfield .com its under attack
[09:02] <draco\> the tower is down
[09:02] <Iconman> err towers
[09:02] <Today> how many people were in those towers?
[09:02] <sanman> otherwise, then you're naming every friggin building in the country
[09:02] <lentils> Oh God
[09:03] <Khomeini> IMPEACH BUSH
[09:03] <Mentor_> the mall in washington is on fire
[09:03] <exnihilo> The American people will demand war.
[09:03] <sanman> I read that the some plane was crashed near the Pentagon
[09:03] <exnihilo> Khomeini, don't be an idiot.
[09:03] <sanman> the whitehouse is being evacuated
[09:03] <Carious> Today-thousands
[09:03] <debauched> all the fiore vehicles would have been at the base, like when the truck bomb went off
[09:03] <Iconman> the pentagon is on fire
[09:03] <TDurden> god I hope they evacuated most ppl
[09:03] <sanman> nah, Osama Bin Laden did this, most likely
[09:03] <Monty2> Time to DESTROY who did this.
[09:03] <Khomeini> the American people will demand the impeachment and removal of Bush
[09:03] <Mentor_> they cant go to war
[09:03] <Mentor_> who are they gonna fight
[09:03] <Khomeini> Bush probably did it to further his agenda
[09:03] <^rcane> mentor:the arabs
[09:03] <TDurden> blow up fucking mekka
[09:03] <sanman> Osama never admits openly to his attacks
[09:03] <^rcane> mentor:damn ur slow
[09:03] <Carious> Khomeini-fuck you!!
[09:04] <Khomeini> Bush is a murderer traitor just like Reagan
[09:04] <sanman> I'm sure this was Osama Bin laden
[09:04] <MaestroD> this is looking more and more like that movie "the siege"
[09:04] <sanman> he's the only one daring enough
[09:04] <MannyL> Sears tower is being evaucated
[09:04] <Mentor_> they can only declare ar on a country and since it wasnt a country that did this th US will just
blame the ARAB states
[09:04] <sanman> "the siege" -- hmm, sounds familiar
[09:04] <^rcane> i dont care
[09:04] <Khomeini> This has Bush's alcoholic frat boy date rape smirk written all over it.
[09:04] <sanman> nah, Saddam has an address that can be hit
[09:04] <sanman> this is Osama Bin Laden
[09:04] <sanman> he's the one who blasted the USS Cole
[09:04] <Radiate> hmm
[09:05] <Radiate> the tower is gone
[09:05] <Monty2> It collapsed on itself.
[09:05] <sanman> he's the most daring and arrogant
[09:05] <exnihilo> Khomeini, get lost you fucking loser.
[09:05] <^rcane> well lets drop concrete bombs all over afganistan
[09:05] <Radiate> that'd would be the effect of one cruise missile
[09:05] <exnihilo> what if the second one falls..
[09:05] <|T|> cnn is reporting that the national mall in wash dc is on fire, anyone hear that?
[09:05] <^rcane> turn it all below sea level
[09:05] <Khomeini> Bush has the address that he can be impeached and removed from, 1600 Pennsylvania
[09:05] <Mentor_> no way just cause the US doesnt like ARABS they cant just blame Osama
[09:05] <sanman> what? you mean one of the WTC towers collapsed??
[09:05] <sanman> holy shit
[09:05] <^rcane> sanman:yes
[09:05] <Mentor_> ya i heard about the mall
[09:05] <Radiate> sanman: yes indeed.
[09:05] <lentils> sanman, it happened
[09:05] <exnihilo> khomeini, fuck you
[09:05] <^rcane> sanman:i cant believ it
[09:05] <Hierofant> does anyone have a valid URL for any images? No news site is working for me
[09:05] <Khomeini> This is at Bush's door. Its Bush's fault.
[09:05] <sanman> any word on whether the collapse hurt people?
[09:05] <Carious> Khomeini-fuck you!!
[09:05] <^rcane> i would say it did
[09:05] <Carious> sanman-it had to!!
[09:06] <Mentor_> it doesnt matter
[09:06] <lentils> Khomeini, you should be kicked for disrespect.
[09:06] <Hierofant> Any word on the other hijacked planes in the air? Is that a confirmed report?
[09:06] <TheTruth> people are jumping out of the tower
[09:06] <exnihilo> I can't believe the tower fell apart!!!!!!!
[09:06] <sanman> yeah, but were people evacuated away before the collapse, or did they gather around and get
hit by the collapse?
[09:06] <^rcane> looks like ramsy usef got more money
[09:06] <^rcane> who knows...
[09:06] <Mentor_> the american state is under fire and today seems to be the last ay of recogning
[09:06] <Khomeini> lentils, disrespect any greater than what Bush has shown United States national security,
Impeach Bush, Remove Bush
[09:07] <Khomeini> This is what the Republican Party has brought the United States to
[09:07] <^rcane> i thought we shoot down planes flying over the pentagon....
[09:07] <Carious> I hope Bush has a major escort to DC
[09:07] <Khomeini> traitors
[09:07] <Mentor_> if they dont start agreeing to liberate palestine the attacks will get worse
[09:07] <wade> I don't think we had time.
[09:07] <Khomeini> I hope Bush goes down over DC
[09:07] <Carious> nuke palestine
[09:07] <wade> Besides... shooting at an airliner isn't going to stop it.
[09:07] <Carious> make it a parking lot
[09:07] <^rcane> mentor:no, dont liberate palestine, kill the palestinians
[09:07] <NetW3rk> back! they want us to leave
[09:07] <NetW3rk> !
[09:07] <MannyL> Would someone kick Khomeini
[09:08] <Today> somebody toos Khomeini
[09:08] <Hierofant> does anyone have a valid URL for any images? No news site is working for me
[09:08] <Khomeini> Bush traded NYC and DC for Tel Aviv, traitor
[09:08] <Mentor_> you cant kill them all
[09:08] <^rcane> mentor:put em on a plane and fly em into the fucking piece of shit the built on the Temple
[09:08] <NetW3rk> i just heard the pentagon went down by a c-5a into the pentagon
[09:08] <sanman> holy crap, so the damn WTC collapsed?
[09:08] <sanman> shit
[09:08] <sanman> what?
[09:08] <^rcane> sanman:yes, one south building
[09:08] <MannyL> sanman Part of the south tower
[09:08] <lentils> put Khomeini on ignore.
[09:08] <sanman> I thought they missed the pentagon
[09:08] <NetW3rk> pentagon is under attack
[09:08] <NetW3rk> look!1
[09:08] <NetW3rk> at the news
[09:08] <TDurden> how many ppl work in one tower?
[09:08] <NetW3rk> thousands
[09:08] <sanman> I thought they didn't hit the pentagon coz they missed
[09:08] <lentils> thousands
[09:08] <MaestroD> 40,000
[09:08] <NetW3rk> the news
[09:09] <Mentor_> the US brought this upon themselves cause Bush is scared of the Jews he sacrificed the US
for Isreal
[09:09] <^rcane> now they have aircraft wtf?
[09:09] <sanman> stats say 150,000 visitors per day
[09:09] <Radiate> that'll take more than 2 months to rebuildd
[09:09] <^rcane> its kind of late
[09:09] <sanman> for the whole place
[09:09] <debauched> they set off a bomb on the outside of the pentagon, it's trivial compared to the NY shit
[09:09] <Mentor_> they hit the pentagon
[09:09] <NetW3rk> im looking out my window and hundreds of swats are swarming our lot!
[09:09] <sanman> they didn't miss the pentagon?
[09:09] <NetW3rk> y god
[09:09] <sanman> shit
[09:09] <NetW3rk> w/t/f is going on!
[09:09] <debauched> the POTUS should go to thunder mountain
[09:09] <Mentor_> no way
[09:09] <sanman> NetW3rk, where r u?
[09:09] <Mentor_> they hit em
[09:09] <sanman> in NYC?
[09:09] <Mentor_> its on fire
[09:09] <NetW3rk> hartsfield airport atlanta
[09:09] <wade> They hit right in the middle of the pentagon.
[09:09] * NetW3rk is getting scared
[09:10] <wade> It's designed to handle that sort of thing pretty well.
[09:10] <debauched> dont shoot, G Man!
[09:10] <NetW3rk> two guys just came in and told us to EVAC
[09:10] <SweetLeaf> God this is unreal
[09:10] <Mentor_> the US national security is bad
[09:10] <wade> ...but nonetheless. This is fantastically well-organized.
[09:10] <sanman> shit, I'll just stay indoors
9:10] * NetW3rk phears this
[09:10] <wade> No terrorist group has ever done ANYTHING like this.
[09:10] <sanman> fuck, they certainly kept it a secret
[09:10] <Mentor_> i know its scary and i'm not even in the states
[09:10] <MaestroD> it can't be the arabs, they're never this organised
[09:10] <wade> Three separate planes, nearly simultaneously?
[09:10] <sanman> this is Osama
9:10] <Mentor_> this is even bigger than Osama
[09:10] <debauched> yes, this has to be the finest terrorist attack in the history of unconvential warfare
[09:11] <debauched> unconvential
[09:11] <MaestroD>
[09:11] <exnihilo> second explosion at the pentagon!!!
[09:11] <exnihilo> second explosion at the pentagon!!!
[09:11] <debauched> unconventional d0h
[09:11] <exnihilo> PALESTINIAN FRONT is claiming responsibilty according to Iraqi TV
[09:11] <Mentor_> it must have been planned so well even the US army couldnt do this
[09:11] <exnihilo> second explosion at the pentagon!!!
[09:11] <Mentor_> ya i know i just heard
[09:11] <SweetLeaf> Mil Jet's are patrolling the capatol
[09:12] <debauched> well, they should kiss Bagdad goodbye
[09:12] <wade> However, the same Palestinian Front is also denying it...
[09:12] <Mentor_> no the US cant bomb a country
[09:12] <Arrgh2> who is stupid enough to claim responsibility for this?
[09:12] <Monty2> Uh, yes the US will bomb a country.
[09:13] <Mentor_> they can take out individual PF operatives
[09:13] <debauched> Reuters quotes Abu dabi (sp) TV that PFLP takes responsibility
[09:13] <MaestroD> i don't think any country will be bombed
[09:13] <Mentor_> it will be against UN legeslation
[09:13] <Arrgh2> only people who would do this are people that would try to make some group look bad... in
my opinion... Most terrorists know that this would be major bad PR for them...
[09:14] <sanman> this is Osama Bin Laden
[09:14] <Arrgh2> unless it's Osama... who doesn't care about PR apparently...
[09:14] <sanman> Osama never admits to anything
[09:14] <Mentor_> The US will provide Isreal with weapons
[09:14] <sanman> he's a quiet little bastard
[09:14] <wade> Osama did manage coordinated embassy bombings.
[09:14] <debauched> Mentor: the US does a lot of things against the laws and customs of war
[09:14] <MaestroD> so, what's gonna be hit next
[09:14] <Mentor_> but you cant always win
[09:14] <sanman> he doesn't care about public announcements, he just likes to get the job done
[09:14] <MaestroD> ?
[09:14] <Mentor_> the Palestines have friends
[09:14] <sanman> Osama managed to hit the USS Cole
[09:15] <wade> There's no proof that was Osama.
[09:15] <MannyL> Will we rebuild the WTC?
[09:15] <sanman> and remember, he's in Afghanistan, and there was a suicide bombing there against Ahmad
Shah Masood
[09:15] <Mentor_> Osama is one of the best military cocordinators of all time
[09:15] <sanman> I feel that Osama made a tradeoff deal with Taliban
[09:15] <Mentor_> *coordinators
[09:16] <sanman> Osama promised to send some arabs to blow up Taliban's enemy Masood, in exchange for
permission to blow up WTC and Pentagon
[09:16] <sanman> that's my opinion
[09:16] <Mentor_> explosion on capitol hill
[09:16] <MaestroD> the white house has been hit?
[09:16] <h0mi> masood?
[09:16] <Mentor_> explosion on capitol hill!!!!
[09:16] <Arrgh2> speculation or proof?
[09:16] <Radiate> huh?
[09:16] <Radiate> capitol hill?
[09:16] <Mentor_> watch CNN
[09:17] <Radiate> ANOTHER explosion?
[09:17] <wade> spculation... it's being reported but they haven't showed anything
[09:17] <Mentor_> they are reporting it
[09:17] <Xaphoo> heh no explosion on the capitol
[09:17] <Carious> no explosion on cap. hill!
[09:17] <NetW3rk> look@640 wgst
[09:17] <NetW3rk> look
[09:17] <wade> The Pentagon is full of paper.
[09:17] <Xaphoo> "I'm hearing rumors of an explosion on capitol hill" "no, Capitol hill looks fine"
[09:17] <Mentor_> oh mybad
[09:17] <NetW3rk> cnn
[09:18] <Arrgh2> well, time to check out the David Icke site to see if he knows anything.. ;)
[09:18] <Vinny> telephone lines are erratic in NYC
[09:18] <Carious> you kids really need to go to school :<
[09:18] <sanman> hey no rumors ok
[09:18] <sanman> just report facts
[09:18] <sanman> don't start saying that Disneyland got hit and stuff, if it didn't happen
[09:18] <Mentor_> but the instigator of the cleansing will go to the hague
[09:19] <^rcane> lets drop hcl bombs on the arabs
[09:19] <Mentor_> so theres nothing the US can do
[09:19] <Mentor_> teh ARABS have friends
[09:19] <DrovZilla> To all you fucking assholes who called me heartless and/or paranoid, when I said we should
not get involved in Middle East affairs... fuck you and eat your lunch.
[09:19] <Mentor_> *the
[09:19] <Xaphoo> "Arabs" are not just one people, they are many. Terrorists are very few among them
[09:19] <^rcane> so we can hcl bomb thos fucker too
[09:19] <exabyte> Anyone else expect a turn to the far left swing as a result of this?
[09:19] <spdy_D> chances of a world war? possible? or not happening
[09:20] <Arrgh2> Yeah, I agree, we should not get involved in Middle East affairs...
[09:20] <wade> This could have been anyone... we've been threatened by east asia recently as well.
[09:20] <Arrgh2> none of our business except for oil...
[09:20] <Mentor_> the US thinks it controls the world ... Guess whos in control now
[09:20] <^rcane> arrgh2:i hate to tell you, but the middle east landed in our buildings
[09:20] <Carious> swing to the LEFT?????????/
[09:20] <^rcane> so we are involved in the middle east
[09:20] <wade> there's no world war, there can't be... no country was responsible
[09:20] <Arrgh2> rcane; yeah because we activily support certain sides in the middle east...
[09:21] <Mentor_> exactly
[09:21] <Xaphoo> they wouldn't hate us if we hadn't messed in the stupid state of Israel
[09:21] <Mentor_> theres nothing the US can do
[09:21] <Kamakize> we are in with the mess now..
[09:21] <Carious> Mentor-you obviously are not aware
[09:21] <Kamakize> We were attacked.. an act of war
[09:21] <Xaphoo> Arafat spokesman: Aratfat condemns this act. Says PLO has no involvement.
[09:21] <Kamakize> this IS an act of war.
[09:21] <Arrgh2> another pearl harbor.
[09:21] <wade> Yes, but we weren't attacked by a country.
[09:21] <TDurden> someone wanted to convey a message, someone will take responsibility
[09:21] <Mentor_> the arabs are on fire and nonone will put them out
[09:21] <wade> We can't declare war on a terrorist group.
[09:21] <Monty2> This is certainly another PH
[09:21] <Mentor_> today is te day of recogning
[09:21] <dabods> wow
[09:22] <dabods> what a way to wke op
[09:22] <Mentor_> *the
[09:22] <MannyL> We can't handle a war on drugs how can we declare ware on terrorist groups?
[09:22] <Arrgh2> we should stop meddling in areas where we don't belong and just send our troops home...
[09:22] <TDurden> one was a 767 from Boston
[09:22] <Mentor_> exaclty the UIS is defenceless
[09:22] <Today> Arrgh, that's not what this is about
[09:22] <Mentor_> *US
[09:22] <spdy_D> 767 holy fuck
[09:22] <Today> this is about the US supporting Israel
[09:22] <Arrgh2> Today: I disagree....
[09:23] <h0mi> 3 plane crashes
[09:23] <h0mi> goddamn
[09:23] <spdy_D> tdruden is the 767 part fact?
[09:23] <Arrgh2> Today: Oh.. yeah.. I agree with thtat..
[09:23] <Today> homi, hi
[09:23] <Mentor_> the US should stop supplying Usreal with weapons and try stop the violence in the Middle
[09:23] <h0mi> hi today
[09:23] <TDurden> cnn says so
[09:23] <CometBaby> I think it could be about TOO MUCH supporting of Israel .. but now is not the time for
that debate.
[09:23] <Xaphoo> Agreed, Mentor
[09:23] <Today> Mentor, the US doesn't bow to terrorists
[09:23] <Hierofant> Mentor, true; but not in this administration
[09:23] <wade> They were both BIG planes.
[09:23] <spdy_D> heh must be getting the most site hits in the history of the internet
[09:23] <satyrius> lol
[09:23] <TheTruth> the us is the only thing holding israel back. we should just let them defend themselves.
[09:23] <Xaphoo> heh I can't get to
[09:23] <wade> I'm not sure about the one that hit the Pentagon.
[09:23] <Arrgh2> I know.. I can't even reach that site...
[09:23] <Today> the US will support Israel more than ever now...we are full allies under attack now
[09:23] <Mentor_> If they want more people to die
[09:24] <dabods> is down
[09:24] <spdy_D> dabods yep
[09:24] <chirogrl> cbs says there is a report that another plane has been highjacked and is somewhere in
[09:24] <Hierofant> nothing works! abcnews nbcnews bbcnews NOTHING all sites down
[09:24] <|T|> cnn is just slow, its up
[09:24] <Mentor_> then they wont bow
[09:24] <spdy_D> prolly crashed their servers or they all just shut em down
[09:24] <spdy_D> or reallllly slow
[09:24] <satyrius> isnt pentagon also hitted?
[09:24] <Arrgh2> Oh, and what benefit will the US have by supporting Israel? more terrorist attacks?
[09:24] <Today> Arrgh, would have the USA bow down to terrorists?
[09:24] <Hierofant> Someone in another chat net said there were still SEVEN HIJACKED PLANES in the
air... anyone watching cable can confirm this?
[09:24] <Today> you coward
[09:25] <Warufiizz> probably it was agents hired by cnn shareholders who flew the planes.
[09:25] <TheTruth> the arabs won't scare us.
[09:25] <Arrgh2> Today: I'd rather be a live chicken then a dead duck...
[09:25] <Xaphoo> the shit is really hitting the fan
[09:25] <Xaphoo> haha Waru
[09:25] <dk69> the world is coming to an end
[09:25] <Today> Arrgh, you lousey coward
[09:25] <Mentor_> the US supports Isreal cause when Bush was campaining the Jews gave him money to
finance his ralliesin exchange for him to protect Isreal
[09:25] <Mentor_> *rallies in
[09:25] <Arrgh2> I don't consider it cowardess anyway.. I consider it "practical"....
[09:25] <Today> Mentor, you idiot.
[09:25] <ssss> and because they're fighting those muslim motherfucks
[09:26] <Mentor_> thats how the world works
[09:26] <spdy_D> were most of the people evacuated from the collapsed tower? or were most still inside?
[09:26] <Mentor_> anyway think about it
[09:26] <Hierofant> Dont forget, Islamophobia is still racism
[09:26] <TheTruth> people like you have no values Mentor.
[09:26] <CometBaby> hiero .. oh PLEASE!!!! Spare us your newly invented PC words .. this is not the time or
the place for you to start lecturing us on reasons we should not criticize Islam! AMericans are dying!!! Knock
that crap off or I'll ban your lame ass!
[09:26] <aphex-> osama bin laden is responsible
[09:26] <TheTruth> you would have appeased Hitler into France.
[09:26] <Warufiizz> but it's a very well organized attack. i wonder if the palestinians really pulled this one off.
[09:26] <Today> it's not a phobia...phobias are irrational fears without basis
[09:26] <Mentor_> the biggest companies in the US are owned by Jews
[09:26] <Arrgh2> comparing apples with oranges...
[09:27] <Hierofant> Today: To fear all of Islam is irrational and without basis.
[09:27] <wade> The Palestinians are a tiny, disorganized group.
[09:27] <^rcane> car bomb went off outside state deparment
[09:27] <spdy_D> this must have been planned for years
[09:27] <Arrgh2> In the case where poeple are trying to take over the world, then yes, the US does have an
interest..., Here, we don't have much of an interest except for oil...
[09:27] <^rcane> fucking dirty palestinans and arabs
[09:27] <wade> This was delicately and intelligently organized.
[09:27] <^rcane> everyone hates palestinians
[09:27] <afu> perhaps now Bush will get rid of the Clinon Holdovers, where the lowest of the low got the high
offices ,,, where the best qualification was to be a Marxocrat Sociopath Faxosexual Communist Party USA
memeber with an eating disorder
[09:27] <TheTruth> don't fear the arabs. kill them. posterity will thank us for eliminating the problem. in the end,
it's them or us.
[09:27] <Mentor_> the US asked for it ... why did teh US boycot the Racism conference
[09:27] <^rcane> and israel is nice enough to let them in
[09:27] <^rcane> and this is what those cocksuckers do
[09:27] <^rcane> kill the arabs
[09:28] <^rcane> literally
[09:28] <Arrgh2> nobody has claimed responsibility yet.. we don't know if the arabs did this or not..
[09:28] <B_L_Zebub> israel has been restrained by the US - let them loose
[09:28] <Today> Mentor, you slime...the US didn't ask for it by boycotting a bunch of racists
[09:28] <lentils> This was delicately and intelligently and viscously organized.
[09:28] <TDurden> how come there was NO WARNING from CIA FBI Mossad etc
[09:28] <afu> Mentor im aftrad the payback could be 10,000 times worse
[09:28] <ssss> a carbomb has gone off
[09:28] <Mobsta> JEUSS
[09:28] <CometBaby> TD .. clinton was too busy with bimbos to worry about terrorism in America. He has
more important things on his .. ummmmm .... mind.
[09:28] <^rcane> mentor:cause the racism conference was a blame israel conference, slapnuts
[09:28] <wade> Honestly, this could be east Asia... they've been threatening us lately as well.
[09:28] <Mentor_> the conference is against racism you fool
[09:28] <^rcane> tdurden:eek:h, they knew...
[09:28] <lentils> car bomb, where?
[09:28] <ssss> outside the state building
[09:28] <^rcane> mentor:no it wasnt ball sucker
[09:28] <ssss> the second building is collapsing
[09:28] <Sting9wrk> oh shit
[09:29] <spdy_D> is it
[09:29] <spdy_D> holy shit
[09:29] <Verbal> CNN has a reverse angle of the collapse
[09:29] <afu> yup sometimes its time to staop talike peace and start dropping bombs ...
[09:29] <Today> good grief..the other tower collapsed
[09:29] <Mentor_> please i was there
[09:29] <ssss> this looks amaizing
[09:29] <Xaphoo> second tower fell!
[09:29] <TheTruth> the tower just collapsed completely
[09:29] <debauched> the other tower just collapsed
[09:29] <Carious> 2nd tower collapsed!!
[09:29] <Arrgh2> serious?
[09:29] <TDurden> yes
[09:29] <wade> mother of god
[09:29] <Sting9wrk> damn
[09:29] <Today> american airlines from boston to LA or vice versa was hijakced
[09:29] <Verbal> both towers are down
[09:29] <|T|> american airlines filght 11 from boston confirmed hijacked
[09:29] <Mentor_> anyway why aould there be a pro racism conference in south africa fo all places
[09:30] <Arrgh2> they should just start designing buildings to look like pyramids... much more stable design...
[09:30] <MannyL> How many people on flight 11?
[09:30] <Verbal> Today: 7:45 am AA flight from Logan was hijacked
[09:30] <Phynny> AAHHH
[09:30] <Carious> world trade center is totally gone
[09:30] <Carious> hijacked plane headed to DC!!!!!!!!!!
[09:30] <Today> hijacked plane headed toward washington
[09:30] <Mentor_> are you serious a fliight was hijacked??????
[09:30] <|T|> current: reports of another airliner headed for wash dc
[09:30] <Monty2> Second one gone.
[09:30] <Carious> just on CNN
[09:30] <Today> hijacked plane in the air
[09:30] <afu> perhaps now Bush will get rid of the Clinton Holdovers, total nincompoops, where the lowest of
the low got the high offices ,,, where the best qualification was to be a Marxocrat Sociopath Faxosexual
Communist Party USA member with an eating disorder
[09:30] <Today> jets the overhead washington
[09:30] <^rcane> carious:no.. not totally.. the towers are only one part of it
[09:30] <SweetLeaf> There is another plain in the air heading for Washington
[09:30] <DertyWerd> damn!
[09:30] <TheTruth> none anymore
[09:30] <SweetLeaf> hijacked
[09:30] <exnihilo> there is a HIJAKCED PLANE GOING TO WASHINGTON
[09:30] <exnihilo> Oh my god
[09:30] <Monty2> Both are totally gone.
[09:30] <TDurden> pray for the passengers
[09:30] <TheTruth> do we have the same cnn?
[09:30] <MannyL> I thought the Hijacked plane hit the Twin Towers
[09:30] <Today> american aircraft
[09:30] <Mentor_> this is getting serious
[09:30] <Sting9wrk> shoot it down
[09:30] <TheTruth> jeez, can we ever get off of Clinton?
[09:30] <TDurden> they'll have to shoot it down
[09:31] <Hierofant> Shoot the fucking thing down
[09:31] <Today> TD, yea, and they will shoot it down
[09:31] <^rcane> i am not sure if i am going to school today :)
[09:31] <Today> all US airlines have grounded thier planes
[09:31] <^rcane> hmmm
[09:31] * Phynny is playing Eric Serra - Badaboom
[09:31] <Today> rcane, you're watching history...stay home
[09:31] <exnihilo> did both buildings collapse???
[09:31] <exnihilo> or just one???
[09:31] <StingRay^> bush plane being held on ground
[09:31] <^rcane> today:yea, true, screw western civ 2
[09:31] <Today> yes, both collapsed
[09:31] <Carious> BOTH
[09:32] <Today> the other one just collapsed a few minutes ago
[09:32] <afu> Fucking Clintoncrat military Hazal O Leary at the DOE ... but blame it all on Wen Ho Lee ....
[09:32] <Infiltr8> Both have collapsed now?
[09:32] <StingRay^> today hello
[09:32] <Today> hi Sting
[09:32] <exnihilo> God help us.
[09:32] <Verbal> FAA has canceled all flights. Presumably all flights in air are supposed to land ASAP
[09:32] <Mentor_> the other tower fell too????
[09:32] <TDurden> both down
[09:32] <^rcane> infilt:yep the arabs did do that
[09:32] <StingRay^> afu clinton was guttless he would use this just to get votes and say i feel your pain
[09:32] <Infiltr8> Oh my god.
[09:32] <Verbal> afu: grow the hell up.
[09:32] <Today> hi Temp
[09:32] <`Tempesta> Howdy from New Jersey...
[09:32] * Phynny is playing Tonic - Open Up Your Eyes
[09:32] <Infiltr8> Where's Joe Biden at?
[09:32] <wade> Yes, essentially the middles burned out and the tops of each tower fell onto the parts below.
[09:32] <Mentor_> hey who watched the movie "Seige"
[09:32] <`Tempesta> hi's a war zone here.
[09:32] <ON|AcidBu> NY is one big smoke
[09:32] <Phynny> oops, sorry
[09:33] <Infiltr8> I want to see Joe Biden saying we have all the defense we need.
[09:33] <Today> Infil, somewhere jumping with joy
[09:33] <exnihilo> i can't even believe this is happening!!!
[09:33] <Phynny> i saw a guy jumping of one of the towers
[09:33] <StingRay^> biden a nother coward like gephard
[09:33] <AcidBurnZ> :|
[09:33] <afu> Sting yeah he would even hijack our own planes .. if he thought it had upside in it for him
[09:33] <Xaphoo> don't make this shit political, guys
[09:33] <TDurden> exnihilo me neither
[09:33] <Redshoe> this is bad
[09:33] <StingRay^> afu yep
[09:33] <DertyWerd> i can, we have been leaving ourselves wide open for this sort of thing
[09:33] <Mentor_> i think its gonna be the "seige"
[09:33] <Vinny> this is what hatred creates
[09:33] <Redshoe> and now another hijacked plane in the air
[09:33] <Redshoe> heading towards washington
[09:33] <Infiltr8> My wife's uncle works at the Pentagon. We are very upset. She was on her way into work
and went to my Dad's house (which was on the way) instead. I'm sitting here with a 9 month old baby. :(
[09:34] <AcidBurnZ> mankind builds, also destructs
[09:34] <DrovZilla> RedShoe: if the pilot is smart, he'll dump the fucking thing into the ocean right now.
[09:34] <afu> Leftist have Butchered 200 Million for utopia .. whats a few more
[09:34] <TheTruth> wide open as we have a free, civilized society where few people really have reason to do
things like this. the arabs are barbarians.
[09:34] <Redshoe> DrovZilla i agree
[09:34] <Mentor_> i feel sorry for any Arabs in the US now
[09:34] <Phynny> how many people died???
[09:34] <Redshoe> man, that footage of the 2nd plane crashing..sheesh like a movie or something
[09:34] <StingRay^> mentor dont blame all arabs
[09:34] <lentils> strong
[09:34] <Infiltr8> Yeah, absolutely amazing. I was still entertaining the idea that it was an accident.
[09:34] <krum> has anyone noticed the similarity between this and the bin Laden African embassies strike?
[09:34] <Redshoe> yah.. can't blame the inncent till proven
[09:34] <Xaphoo> I'd better rethink my planned Middle Eastern Studies in college... this many not be a good
[09:34] <TheTruth> arabs are responsible for their culture of death.
[09:34] <^rcane> infiltr8:got status on him?
[09:34] <TDurden> this is unparalleled in history
[09:34] <Today> 50,000 people work in those towers on any given day
[09:34] <Redshoe> Infiltr8: i thought so too, until the 2nd plane
[09:34] <Mentor_> i'm not blaming them i'm just saying being an Arab in the US is gonna suck
[09:34] <DertyWerd> DrovZilla: I guarantee you the pilots died and train terrorists took over, no pilot would do
[09:35] <Today> 50,000 people attacked on American soil
[09:35] <Infiltr8> rcane - No status and the Pentagon would be saying NOTHING right now, I am sure.
[09:35] <ssss> the buildings were evacuated though
[09:35] <Xaphoo> just like being a German-American during WW1
[09:35] <StingRay^> well just like pearl harbor they will feel our rath fast
[09:35] <Redshoe> just like okc bombing..we wrongly blamed the arabs at first
[09:35] <Mentor_> the US is gonna consider them all suspects
[09:35] <StingRay^> red fuck considering go after all of them now
[09:35] <Phynny> this is ww3 man
[09:35] <dertx> wait wait so what's the news in DC
[09:35] <TheTruth> wtc is a private building, it's not a target for internal extremists
[09:35] <Redshoe> fox news is saying a current hijacked plane heading towards washington
[09:35] <Today> Drover, don't leave...we need on op on the channel...please try to stay on the channel
[09:35] <Xaphoo> WW3 against who?
[09:35] <Redshoe> sheet, this is madness
[09:35] <Infiltr8> Yeah, reports of that.
[09:35] <Hierofant> dertx, plane or helicopter hit the Pentagon.
[09:36] <wade> We can't attack anyone!
[09:36] <debauched> Fox news reports the Capitol Hill Police say a hijacked plane is enroute to Washington
[09:36] <AcidBurnZ> WW3 will be nukewar though
[09:36] <Mentor_> fuck this is scary
[09:36] <afu> Yup the Marxocrats bloodstained leftist democrats better just shut the fuck up ... cause its time to
kick some ass
[09:36] <AcidBurnZ> unfortunately
[09:36] <TDurden> muslim fundamentalism at its best, know them by their fruits
[09:36] <Redshoe> Hierofant: fox is now saying is was a plane in pentegon..hijacked commercial plane as well
as the other two
[09:36] <Xaphoo> Who knows who did this... I wouldn't be so quick to blame "Arabs"
[09:36] <Hierofant> Also the state dept. had a carbomb. And the Mall appears to be on fire, across the street
from White House at the OEM
[09:36] <Infiltr8> The hijackers better be the ones that were piloting the planes. If it was me that was a pilot,
they'd have to kill me to make me fly my plane into a building.
[09:36] <Verbal> CBS had some groundshots from the pentaground: didn't look like building was too damaged
[09:36] <wade> If the United States goes and attacks anyone proactively they'll be pilloried by the world
[09:36] <Phynny> a car bomb exploded in the ministery of justice!!
[09:36] <AcidBurnZ> Russians couldn't have done this
[09:36] <krum> TDurden, ironic choice of nicks
[09:36] <spdy_D> wow here comes bush's genius insight
[09:36] <Today> Xaphoo, it was terrorists who are already known to be enemies of the USA
[09:36] <Hierofant> Russians have no desire to do this
[09:36] <TDurden> Infiltr8: the pilots were surely dead before the cras
[09:36] <AcidBurnZ> idd
[09:36] <aphex-> i watched fight club last night
[09:37] <spdy_D> were teh planes full of people?
[09:37] <Today> was it bin laden that attacked the wtc a few years back?
[09:37] <aphex-> yep
[09:37] <Infiltr8> Somebody was piloting those things, that second one flew in, and turned straight into the
[09:37] <DrovZilla> spdy_D, yes, 150 total
[09:37] <Mentor_> if the Pentagon burns down the US defence force will be in a fix ...all the documents
[09:37] <DertyWerd> if it were domestic terrorists targets like the state department would be stupid
[09:37] <Infiltr8> I bet Air Force One isn't landing anytime soon.
[09:37] <aphex-> i wonder if they killed the pilots or made them fly into the buildings
[09:37] <afu> Yup the Marxocrats bloodstained leftist democrats better just shut the fuck up ... cause its time to
kick some ass .. the Sociopath demegods of the bloodstained democratic party that ran out military into the dirt
... need to shut the fuck up
[09:37] <aphex-> i wonder if they radioed in...
[09:37] <TDurden> I bet the terrorists were trained to fly them
[09:37] <Arrgh2> I wonder if terrorists are going to hijack air force one..
[09:37] <aphex-> fucking crazy!
[09:37] <wade> The Pentagon isn't going to burn down... it's designed to handle this sort of thing. Firewalls all
through it.
[09:37] <Today> INfilt, I would keep it in the air surrounded by fighting jets
[09:37] <Infiltr8> Any pilot that would willingly do that is worthless. They'd have to move my dead body to do
[09:37] <DrovZilla> Mentor_: i'm quite sure there are duplicates of those documents all over.
[09:38] <Phynny> white house has been evacuated
[09:38] <Mentor_> the pentagon collapsed
[09:38] <satyrius> i need a stress pill
[09:38] <Infiltr8> Not the whole thing.
[09:38] <Xaphoo> the pentagon is fine
[09:38] <wade> The pentagon can't collapse, it's the size of a small town.
[09:38] <Redshoe> wow
[09:38] <Redshoe> what the hell
[09:38] <Redshoe> a nation under siege
[09:38] <exnihilo> 80 miles south
[09:39] <Redshoe> exnihilo: gotta be that one plane
[09:39] <exnihilo> another plane heading to washington!!!!
[09:39] <dabods> where are you getting info?
[09:39] <exnihilo> fox news
[09:39] <Phynny> ?????
[09:39] <TheTruth> yeah
[09:39] <Arrgh2> those pesky airplanes..
[09:39] <LizBabe> when did this happen guys?
[09:39] <AcidBurnZ> new plane crash ?
[09:39] <Mentor_> what
[09:39] <TDurden> from freerepublic: Channel 4 in Pittsburgh reporting that 747 has crashed in Sommerset
[09:39] <draco\> wake up LizBabe!
[09:39] <Phynny> a car bomb exploded in the ministery of justice
[09:39] <exnihilo> 80 miles south
[09:39] <exnihilo> YES
[09:39] <Mentor_> Pittsburgh
[09:39] <exnihilo> that's true
[09:39] <exnihilo> Phynny, source
[09:39] <lentils> exnihilo, where are you getting this info?
[09:39] <exnihilo> Please folks, GIVE YOUR SOURCE
[09:40] <Phynny> it was confirmed on tv
[09:40] <exnihilo> FOX NEWS
[09:40] <Verbal> 8:45 first crash, 18 minutes later for second crash. about 10 minutes for Pentagon reports.
about 10:00 South Tower collapsed, 10:30 second tower collapsed
[09:40] <Mentor_> please dont start rumours
[09:40] <lentils> thanks exnihilo
[09:40] <LizBabe> draco: just got home from work
[09:40] <TheTruth> now they're saying that part of the pentagon has collapsed
[09:40] <MannyL> Confirmed off CNN part of it has collapsed
[09:40] <exnihilo> AMERICAN AIRLINES
[09:40] <exnihilo> AMERICAN AIRLINES
[09:40] <TheTruth> it goes for miles underground though
[09:40] <debauched> large plane crashes in western PA
[09:40] <Today> the pentagon has not collapsed
[09:41] <exnihilo> that was one of the planes
[09:41] <Phynny> ONLY REAL NEWS PLEASE
[09:41] <exnihilo> used to hit the building
[09:41] <exnihilo> All my news is coming from FOX NEWS TV
[09:41] <Redshoe> us air flight crashed into pentegon..not helicpoter
[09:41] <debauched> that report was from MSNBC quoting ?
[09:41] <Mentor_> part of the pentagon
[09:41] <Xaphoo> the limits of the internet
[09:41] <Today> national military command center is intact within the pentagon
[09:41] <Infiltr8> Oh my.
[09:41] <Today> it's bunkered in the basement
[09:41] <TDurden> cnn: pentagon monitoring two suspected hijacked airplanes
[09:41] <Redshoe> man, how many will be just the hijacked flights alone ;(
[09:42] <Redshoe> damn, this is way scary
[09:42] <Carious> 2-400
[09:42] <debauched> local NPR news in Chicago reports Sears Tower has been evacuated
[09:42] <Infiltr8> Around 300 or so, by now, I bet...just from the planes and their passengers.
[09:42] <Today> Redshoe, the wto towers have as many as 50,000 people in them on any given day
[09:42] <Redshoe> fox news has the best updates imo
[09:42] <DertyWerd> i'm not scared, i' am seriosly pissed off!
[09:42] <Mentor_> Apocalpse now
[09:42] <Infiltr8> They finally brought them down. Did what they wanted to do last time.
[09:42] <TheTruth> cnn is pretty useless.
[09:42] <Mentor_> your not scared
[09:42] <Redshoe> damn, worst day ever
[09:43] <laules> Now there are car bombs and planes crashed in PA
[09:43] <Redshoe> my heart goes out to everyone
[09:43] <Redshoe> car bombs?
[09:43] <TheTruth> they even have a graphic now covering what would happen if a plane crashed into the
[09:43] <exnihilo> wow.. 95 people in here!!
[09:43] <laules> There was a car bomb in Washington also
[09:43] <Redshoe> gawd, the whole end of the island is hidden in dust
[09:43] <Redshoe> you cant see anything
[09:43] <dk69> go to #cnn
[09:43] <Vinny> I fear the beginning of Armageddon
[09:43] <dk69> its the most people
[09:43] <dk69> i have ever seen
[09:43] <dk69> in an IRC channel
[09:43] <Mentor_> they'll start with large buildings to get coverage but they'll do houses and schools for the real
[09:43] <laules> I have three different channels on in my house
[09:43] <Infiltr8> With the WTC towers destroyed, does this kill a few more companies since they can't raise
capital? Will the market be down for days/weeks/months?
[09:43] <laules> cnn, msnbc and cbs
[09:44] <Phynny> fucking hell, how am i supposed to read there?
[09:44] <laules> What about all the loss of life
[09:44] <Redshoe> good god, this is horrible
[09:44] <Infiltr8> Just wondering. Now was the time, economic wise, to make a few hits like this.
[09:44] <laules> I am a bit frightened myself. I live near Oak Ridge TN
[09:44] <Infiltr8> Further weaken and frighten people.
[09:44] <AcidBurnZ> the worst of this is the economy
[09:44] <DrovZilla> I guess this is what $6.50/hr airport security buys you.
[09:44] <Redshoe> worse than okc
[09:44] <ssss> has a fourth plane crashed in Pennsylvania?
[09:45] <Infiltr8> Apparently.
[09:45] <Today> I live beside an airforce hickjacked plane is going to get near it
[09:45] <AcidBurnZ> source ?
[09:45] <laules> There are crashes in PA and car bombs
[09:45] <ssss> BBC world
[09:45] <Infiltr8> It's starting to be reported by more people. FNC mentioned it.
[09:45] <Verbal> sss: yes, 80 mi. south of pitt.
[09:45] <DrovZilla> laules: consider yourself lucky. i'm 4 blocks from the Chicago Board of Exchange.
[09:45] <StingRay^> we should patrol our boarders now and stop listening to bleeding heart libs and letting
everyone into teh country
[09:45] <laules> Oak Ridge is where most of the nucs are made
[09:45] <Xaphoo> heh I'm moving to Chicago on Wednesday for college...
[09:45] <AcidBurnZ> website is overloaded
[09:45] <Today> Stingray, the murderers could have been here for years
[09:46] <Verbal> Sting: yes, this is the time to score political points.
[09:46] <AcidBurnZ> 2nd plane to pentagon ?
[09:46] <laules> If they hit it the eastern half of the US will be gone
[09:46] <Arrgh2> too many people on that channel..
[09:46] <dertx> the most scary part of all this is the possibility that the people who did this only did so because
they had the support of a country like china behind them
[09:46] <DrovZilla> Oh come on. Do we have to use this incident as a platform of partisan bickering?
[09:46] <StingRay^> today i dont care. i want boarder patrolled and the liberals to stop pandering
[09:46] <DrovZilla> Xaphoo, which college?
[09:46] <|T|> i'm ill informed about economics, but... isnt nasdaq and dow jones in wtc?
[09:46] <CometBaby> Sting .. our country is under attack and innocent Americans are dying .. and in the midst
of this you want to start bitching about liberalism???? This isn't about left or right .. its about Americans!! All of
us are suffering.
[09:46] <Xaphoo> University of Chicago... a great place, it seems
[09:46] <ssss> that fourth one was actually brought down?
[09:46] <Carious> no!!!!!!
[09:46] <Redshoe> thanks comet!!
[09:46] <StingRay^> sorry comet
[09:46] <laules> It is most likely an act by the same guy that was behind the bombing of the trade centers before
[09:46] <dertx> laules: how stupid is he
[09:46] <Mentor_> the only way the US can stop this is by asking Isreal to surrender to the Palestinians
[09:46] <Today> laules, I think that very likely
[09:46] <StingRay^> BIN LADEN
[09:46] <Infiltr8> I don't know about NASDAQ, but NYSE was.
[09:46] <dertx> laules: does he understand what will happen to afghanistan ?
[09:46] <Redshoe> sheesh, how many planes have been hijacked?
[09:47] <_MAGNUM_> woohoo, i think this is some funny shit
[09:47] <laules> They said that he had actually mapped out this scenerio
[09:47] <Today> Mentor, shut up
[09:47] <dertx> laules: we are going to FLATTEN the middle east if we think they're responsible for it
[09:47] <Today> Mentor, you coward
[09:47] <Infiltr8> At least one Palestinian group has denied any responsibility.
[09:47] <Phynny> FUNNY SHIT??
[09:47] <laules> They know of two and think a third plane has been hijacked
[09:47] <Carious> NYSE IS NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[09:47] <Phynny> sucker
[09:47] <StingRay^> dertx bomb the country but that wont happen
[09:47] <dertx> Sting9Zzz: not bomb
[09:47] <Infiltr8> NYSE is not at WTC?
[09:47] <dertx> StingRay^: we aren't going to bomb it .w e're going to fucking invade
[09:47] <Xaphoo> Arafat says that no organization related to the PLO was responsible
[09:47] <dertx> Infiltr8: no
[09:47] <dertx> Infiltr8: it's on wall street , south
[09:47] <Infiltr8> Ok, good, either way it was closed down.
[09:47] <AcidBurnZ>
[09:47] <Beige> Unbelievable stuff.
[09:47] <Xaphoo> dertx: It sucks when no one country is responsible for this.
[09:48] <Phynny> topic cnn: WTC / State Dept / Pentagon / DCMall / PA - and another plane on its way
[09:48] <TDurden> celebrations in palestinian refugee camps
[09:48] <dubie0r> hope bush smacks wo ever is responsible
[09:48] <Xaphoo> DC Mall?
[09:48] <laules> There are all kinds of rumors of who is behind this. On CBS they are talking about a plane
crash in PA
[09:48] <Phynny> cnn news
[09:48] <Carious> london just got hit!!!
[09:48] <dubie0r> faa has just said there are more hijacked planes
[09:48] <ssss> this is an attack from within
[09:48] <ssss> don't be fooled
[09:48] <Today> Carious, what?
[09:48] <Phynny> LONDON? Carious: SOURCE??
[09:48] <laules> Did London really get hit?
[09:48] <Carious> car bomb
[09:48] <TDurden> Carious no shit??
[09:48] <Mentor_> they cant escape it unless they ask isreal to surrend er
[09:48] <Verbal> ssss: no evidence either way.
[09:48] <Carious>
[09:48] <Infiltr8> BBC says the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania was a 767.
[09:48] <Mentor_> thats if ti is Palestine
[09:48] <laules> Where did you here that London was hit
[09:48] <Phynny> OMG, this is not happening
[09:48] <AcidBurnZ> london ?
[09:48] <spdy_D> pfft
[09:48] <Today> Mentor, you want the US attacked?
[09:49] <Carious>
[09:49] <ssss> London?
[09:49] <spdy_D> if they hit canada then im gonna get scared
[09:49] <Mentor_> if its Osama theres nothing the US can do
[09:49] <laules> Who is Osama
[09:49] <ssss> no unconfirmed news pls
[09:49] <Infiltr8> This will affect Canada, though.
[09:49] <Mentor_> Osama bin Laden
[09:49] <Today> Mentor, yes there is...we will bomb the countries that harbor him
[09:49] <spdy_D> infil i know
[09:49] <spdy_D> indirectly
[09:49] <Mentor_> but do you know where he is
[09:49] <spdy_D> well directly in some ways
[09:49] <laules> Why was that fanaic not executed, too inhuman I suppose
[09:49] <spdy_D> but i mean.. not physically
[09:50] <TDurden> fighter jets scramble for hijacked plane
[09:50] <Swigert> hi
[09:50] <spdy_D> this must have been planned for years
[09:50] <AcidBurnZ> yeah
[09:50] <Verbal> Today: what do you bomb? What's an appropriate target?
[09:50] <Today> TD, do they have visual of it?
[09:50] <Mentor_> i know this is to plannee
[09:50] <AcidBurnZ> but how has it been kep so secret ?
[09:50] <laules> There are fighter planes take off from the base near here
[09:50] <Mentor_> planned
[09:50] <TDurden> drop a nuke in bin ladin's general direction
[09:50] <AcidBurnZ> so secretly ?
[09:50] <Beige> I never thought I'd hear news bad enough to render me unable to work, but I just can't focus
on my deadline at the moment. There's 50K people working in the WTC building.
[09:50] <Today> Verbal, the closest place to his last known location
[09:50] <Sting9wrk> same here
[09:50] <Swigert> murderers
[09:50] <Xaphoo> Most would have been evacuated by then, right Beige?
[09:51] <laules> I am supposed to be on vacation and resting.
[09:51] <Phynny> a 767 is on it's way to the pentagon and a F16 is following it! dutch tv
[09:51] <Verbal> Today: he has camps out in the dessert: if you cannot find him, what do you attacks?
[09:51] <Today> Beige, stay with us...we can't either...I've slept one daughter woke me up
[09:51] <CometBaby> yeah .. I keep thinking about all the innocent people who commited no crime against
Muslims. All they did was get up and go to work .. and now they are dying.
[09:51] <Redshoe> Infiltr8: what you mean?
[09:51] <Sting9wrk> nuke the whole fucking desert then
[09:51] <Sting9wrk> to glass
[09:51] <Today> thanks Sting:) answered for me
[09:51] <sda> Is there another plane on it`s way ????
[09:51] <AcidBurnZ> 767 is being followed idd
[09:51] <laules> This is an attack that will not go unpunished. G Bush will attack
[09:51] <Mr-X> that 767 has americans in it though
[09:51] <AcidBurnZ> plane to pentagon
[09:52] <Today> sda, another hijacked plane is in the air
[09:52] <Mr-X> will they really shoot it down?
[09:52] <Xaphoo> attack who?
[09:52] <Phynny> 767 is being followed by a US F16
[09:52] <Sting9wrk> you kill them until they are deader than hell then you kill them some more
[09:52] <AcidBurnZ> they arent just gonna shoot it
[09:52] <Beige> Xaphoo, I don't think so. The second tower collapsed less than 30 minutes after the initial hit.
[09:52] <Mr-X> laules: rumors are we're pulling our reps from pakistan
[09:52] <Mr-X> but that's bad because pakistan has the bomb
[09:52] <ssss> how many people have been killed in total so far, an estimate?
[09:52] <|T|> following confirmed, west penn plane was a 767, 737 hit pentagon
[09:52] <laules> There were probably Americans on the two planes that crashed intp the world trade center
[09:52] <Today> they will shoot it down if it gets near a populated area
[09:52] <Verbal> any US news agencies reporting the plane being followed by f16?
[09:52] <TDurden> imagine having to shoot a civilian plane, unreal
[09:52] <Xaphoo> damn Beige... I didn't know that. A whole new side to the tragedy
[09:52] <laules> Hijackers do not care.
[09:52] <Phynny> ssss: prolly hundreds
[09:52] <Xaphoo> Mr X: Why Pakistan?
[09:52] <ssss> so we are not talking thousands?
[09:52] <DrovZilla> Verbal, ABC Radio News
[09:52] <Beige> Xaphoo, so the death toll is going to be massive, even if it's over at this point.
[09:52] <Phynny> they clamed they did this
[09:52] <laules> This will all be realted to the middle east
[09:53] <Phynny> they claimed they did this
[09:53] <Mr-X> Xaphoo: That's just what I've been hearing, we're pulling our ambassadors
[09:53] <Today> sss, considering 50,000 can be in those towers and some escaped from the first, I'd guess at
least one fourth of 50k
[09:53] <TDurden> pakistan takes responsibility? are you kidding?
[09:53] <Xaphoo> Strange... Pakistan is a pro-American country, it has been one for years and years and years
[09:53] <spdy_D> the us will have to shoot down their own people
[09:53] <Drover-> Phynny, who's "they" ?
[09:53] <ssss> gods
[09:53] <spdy_D> thats what the terrorists want
[09:53] <Mr-X> Xaphoo: shrug...just what i'ev heard
[09:53] <laules> The death count will be up into the 1000's without a doubt
[09:53] <Today> spdy, yes
[09:53] <Warufiizz> so this is what the people in baghdad and belgrade must have felt like.
[09:53] <Drover-> Xaphoo: not exactly pro-American, but not anti-American either.
[09:54] <Drover-> if this incident originated in Pakistan, the government there was not involved.
[09:54] <Xaphoo> Pakistan has been a NATO ally for a long time, to counterbalance Socialist India
[09:54] <Carious> I apologize-could not confirm London attack
[09:54] <Mentor_> is the US willing to sacrifice human lives for a building
[09:54] <Olds> This is not a terrorist attack. This is an act of WAR.
[09:54] <Today> Drover, not directly..but if they harbor terrorists, they are at fault
[09:54] <Infiltr8> True, an act of war indeed.
[09:54] <AcidBurnZ> it will lead to war yes
[09:54] <Xaphoo> does anyone know any news sites that WORK right now?
[09:54] <ssss> it's not an act of war
[09:54] <spdy_D> heh 2600 ppl in #cnn
[09:54] <spdy_D> insane
[09:54] <Mr-X> Terrorist attacks are acts of war
[09:55] <Mr-X> That's the point
[09:55] <laules> Yes the US will use force and human life. But in defense of the governement they know the
plane is going to crash anyway
[09:55] <Today> ssss, of course it is
[09:55] <Infiltr8> Bullshit. Kill that many people and it is an act of war.
[09:55] <Mr-X> They're just impossible to respond to
[09:55] <Beige> works here.
[09:55] <ssss> as no one has declared war
[09:55] <laules> How can they save these people
[09:55] <Mr-X> schwaboy: That's awesome, I used to own
[09:55] <AcidBurnZ> the act of war would be: destroy communication
[09:55] <schwaboy> haha
[09:55] <AcidBurnZ> this is not
[09:55] <schwaboy> really?
[09:55] <Mr-X> schwaboy: You're probably the guy who regged it after I let it lapse
[09:55] <Mr-X> yeah
[09:55] <schwaboy> I had, then let it expire, then someone else got it, and let it expire
[09:55] <Mr-X> I owned it years ago
[09:55] <schwaboy> and then I got it back
[09:55] <Phynny> destroy capitalism prolly
[09:55] <ssss> this is just terrorism
[09:55] <Vinny> 8 american plane have been hijacked.... 3 are accounted for,,,, 5 are still in the air..... CBS
[09:55] <laules> This is an anct of war. This is far worse than Pearl Harbor
[09:55] <|T|> BREAKING NEWS from
[09:55] <|T|> -- Pentagon monitoring second suspected hijacked plane.
[09:55] <schwaboy> hehe
[09:55] <Infiltr8> WTC is a symbol of a lot.
[09:55] <Xaphoo> ah I think I know. Pakistan, though it is a US friend, is the government that is propping up
the Taliban, who is protecting Bin Laden
[09:55] <Mentor_> war cannot be declared on a NGO unless a cival war
Last edited:


Regular Member
Apr 1, 2010
continued from previous post:

[09:55] <Infiltr8> Hitting the Pentagon is an act of war.\
[09:56] <aphex-> i wonder if bush is under that mountain in colorado
[09:56] <Today> Infitr, no doubt, an act of war
[09:56] <|3CLipZ|> hiero
[09:56] <schwaboy> whoever did this WILL die
[09:56] <lentils> eeee...OakRidge
[09:56] <Drover-> Infiltr8, the economic disruption alone from the collapse of a major financial center may result
in as many deaths as the collapse itself.
[09:56] <laules> I live near Oak Ridge
[09:56] <DoctorBob> hey
[09:56] <lentils> I am close to Los Alamos
[09:56] <Infiltr8> Taking out financial/economical HQ like the WTC is regarded as, is an act of war. They knew
what it was and what it did. They didn't just think it was some random building with people in it.
[09:56] <Mentor_> War cannot be declared on an NGO
[09:56] <Phynny> we all think he's in af1
[09:56] <Redshoe> or it could do the opposite and pull us together as a nation
[09:56] <|3CLipZ|> omg... another plane heading for washington now!!
[09:57] <DoctorBob> But F16 chacing him !
[09:57] <ssss> this will definetely isolate the american muslims
[09:57] <Phynny> yes, a F16 is following it... it'll prolly be taken down
[09:57] <Infiltr8> I am worried about the economical impact.
[09:57] <CometBaby> this crisis is unprecedented
[09:57] <CometBaby> for America
[09:57] <Mr-X> I'm a few minutes from Battelle, and a few miles from DCS
[09:57] <DoctorBob> ecomicval the world will go down
[09:57] <Phynny> but if it gets shot down, it'll still crash!
[09:57] <Today> hi Comet, I'm glad you're here
[09:57] <|3CLipZ|> still.. i think a lot of civilians are in that plane :(
[09:57] <Mr-X> Columbus is unfortuantely a primary target. =\
[09:57] <CometBaby> Today thanks :)
[09:57] <Mentor_> the muslims in the US will be suspects no doubt
[09:57] <CometBaby> dk69 .. don't panic
[09:57] <laules> American Airlines flight 11 was one of the planes that hit one of the trade center buildings. It
has been comfirmed by the airlines. But they will not confirm the number of passengers
[09:57] <CometBaby> try to remail calm .. its a vendetta against the freedom and democracy that America
stands for .. and it is brutal murder hiding behind religion. I am just amazed at people who want to politicize this.
[09:58] <Carious> Comet
[09:58] <Today> I want all my irc friends here right now
[09:58] <DoctorBob> Yu, U are right, when U shoot it, is wil still crash
[09:58] <|3CLipZ|> they started to secure buildings here in amsterdam |:(
[09:58] <Monty4> sigh
[09:58] <CometBaby> dk69 .. I guess you are here to spew hate .. you need banning
[09:58] <DoctorBob> yeah I know,
[09:58] <laules> A united airlines flight has crashed at camp david
[09:58] <laules> This is just reported on cbs
[09:58] <Monty4> laules, what?
[09:58] <Redshoe> so an american airlines flight and a us air flight
[09:58] <Mentor_> all Isreali represantatives have been evacuated to Isreal
[09:59] <Xaphoo> Pakistan is the Taliban's only friend, who in turn is Bin Laden's only friend
[09:59] <Phynny> spdy_D: it isn't moderated for nothing
[09:59] <laules> Cbs just reported a United Airlines flight has just crashed into camp David
[09:59] <Mr-X> laules: Shit
[09:59] <TDurden> I can't reach a single news site
[09:59] <Carious> plane apparently crashed outside the wall of the pentagon
[09:59] <laules> They are also reporting that they are trying to figure out what to do with Bush when he lands in
Washington and what to do with congress
[09:59] <Carious> no crash reported on TV yet
[09:59] <Mentor_> i just got ot CNN
[09:59] <spdy_D> thats not police radio
[10:00] <CometBaby> Carious .. its on Fox
[10:00] <spdy_D> its god damn railroad scan
[10:00] <spdy_D> still cool tho
[10:00] <Xaphoo> I wonder if they are gonna rebuild the World Trade Center
[10:00] <laules> They are removing all heads of state from DC
[10:00] <Verbal> laules: why land him right now?
[10:00] <Carious> thanks Comet
[10:00] <Guest1> WHAT WE ARE GOING TO DO?????
[10:00] <ssss> why bother
[10:00] <laules> They were going to send Bush back to camp david, now they do not know what to do with him
[10:00] <AcidBurnZ> what will this lead to ?
[10:00] <|3CLipZ|> war
[10:00] <AcidBurnZ> maybe
[10:00] <laules> We are under a full blown terroist attack now
[10:00] <AcidBurnZ> lets hope not
[10:00] <CometBaby> Guest .. there is going to be hell to pay.
[10:00] <Mr-X> congress and the president are all headed for secret locations
[10:00] <TDurden> war against whom?
[10:00] <CometBaby> Who do we attack? All terrorists.
[10:00] <Mr-X> there are plans for them to operate
[10:00] <CometBaby> Where is bin ladin? Lets start with him.
[10:00] <ssss> i don't think so, they will find the organizers of this
[10:00] <AcidBurnZ> someone has USA pinned down
[10:01] <ssss> and execute them
[10:01] <Mr-X> the government can go completely underground if neccesary
[10:01] <Name\_ess> i heard afgahnistan
[10:01] <AcidBurnZ> economically
[10:01] <|T|> BREAKING NEWS from
[10:01] <|T|> -- Fighter scrambled amid reports of second plane headed for Pentagon.
[10:01] <Name\_ess> but it's not credible
[10:01] <Mentor_> is bush goin to his bomb shelter?????
[10:01] <Name\_ess> i dont think
[10:01] <Phynny> the enemy is unknown
[10:01] <laules> I thought ben lauden was in prison
[10:01] <|3CLipZ|> palestina ?
[10:01] <Mr-X> Mentor_: probably
[10:01] <Mentor_> Bin Laden in prison
[10:01] <laules> The gov is trying to decide what to do with him as we speak
[10:01] <Mentor_> if he was the US would be celebrating
[10:01] <sanman> Bin Laden is in Afghanistan
[10:01] <CometBaby> T .. I was wondering why we didn't have a fighter scrambled before that 3rd plane flew
into the Pentagon .. but then .. its easy to have 20/20 hindsight.
[10:01] <|3CLipZ|> i don't have CNN over here :\
[10:01] <DertyWerd> fear is the goal here people, don't let it get you
[10:01] <Timur-> re
[10:01] <marcellus> I heard one "expert" talking about a cordinated attack with the Russians against the Talibans
[10:01] <Today> anybody heard about 2 more unaccounted for hijacked planes?
[10:01] <Redshoe> DrovZilla: im in suburbs of chicago
[10:01] <|3CLipZ|> have to do it with BBC
[10:01] <MannyL> I have an aunt in Brooklyn. I'm hoping she is ok there
[10:02] <debauched> it's interesting that these momos attacked the towers. Did Freud have a theory?
[10:02] <dabods> in 2 weeks i'd be in center city philly
[10:02] <Redshoe> so cnn is saying ANOTHER hijacked plane is being monitored
[10:02] <CometBaby> And I would like to know how you force a pilot to fly into the building. If the pilot is
going to die anyway .. he would divert it to the ocean. They must have taken over the controls
[10:02] <Today> Guest1, stop
[10:02] <aphex-> freud is bullshit
[10:02] <LizBabe> Geust: go away. i'm half arab am i resonsible?
[10:02] <CometBaby> I wish these trolls could find it in their hearts to stop for just this one day. I am going to
start banning left and right. Trolls .. you can consider yourselves warned.
[10:02] <Mentor_> Guest1 you are a fuckin fool
[10:02] <Timur-> dabods: Christ,if Pittsb. is a target, then Philly sure is
[10:02] <Arquitect> comet, you kill the pilot and fly it yourself
[10:02] <Timur-> hi CB and thanks.
[10:02] <Guest1> YES
[10:02] <laules> As far as forcing a pilot at that point the pilot was most likely dead
[10:02] <Today> hi Arquitect
[10:02] <Drover-> Comet: Chances are the pilots were killed first and people trained to fly took over.
[10:02] <DoctorBob> ywah
[10:03] <CometBaby> ARch .. yes .. thats what theymust have done .. taken over the controls
[10:03] <Phynny> please stop using colors
[10:03] <Arquitect> hello today
[10:03] <Arquitect> The world needs to brace itself
[10:03] <wen973> anybody has the latest?
[10:03] <Arquitect> the world is about to get a rude awakening
[10:03] <X_5mil3> Attack against Capitalism
[10:03] <Drover-> Arquitect: oh yes indeed. the Dragon has been poked in the eye. *sigh8
[10:03] <Redshoe> Xaphoo good school
[10:03] <chirogrl> photos photos photos
[10:03] <Redshoe> who do you think is behind this?
[10:03] <TDurden> have the russians made a comment so far?
[10:03] <debauched> they shouyld shoot down all hijacks over low population areas, these dudes know how to
fly them
[10:03] <Carious> Comet-new news on camp david?
[10:03] <X_5mil3> I just hope these people are not Americans.
[10:03] <laules> This is not an attact against capitalism this is an attack on america
[10:03] <CometBaby> Redshoe .. bin laden
[10:04] <Arquitect> when the u.s. finds out who did this, if it was a foreign attack, that part of the world is about
to disappear and be paved over for overflow parking.
[10:04] <CometBaby> Carious .. I haven't heard anything to confirm that. I think it was a false report.
[10:04] <TheTruth> it's really not that hard to get a gun onto a plane, even with the recent additional security
[10:04] <MannyL> I can't believe this they are telling people to leave Kennedy Airport. If the bridges and
tunnels are shut down how can they go anywhere?
[10:04] <laules> The people on the planes were americans
[10:04] <Redshoe> how do these hijackers get past security etc?
[10:04] <Timur-> any idea of total casualty figures?
[10:04] <Arquitect> this was PEARL HARBOR TWO
[10:04] <Arquitect> folks, we are now at WAR
[10:04] <laules> You would not believe the number of fighter planes flying over us right now
[10:04] <Redshoe> no one has claiemd responability yet
[10:04] <B_L_Zebub> Arafat has to deny it - if he doesn't the US is done in its dealings with him
[10:04] <TheTruth> we should take action against our enemies before they strike again with more devastating
[10:04] <wade> The headquarters of a few banks and brokerage groups were in the WTC, but no exchanges.
[10:04] <X_5mil3> Would the President got to Camp David?
[10:04] <laules> I guess that is to protect Oak Ridge
[10:04] <Timur-> agreed
[10:04] <schwaboy> I keep hearing that some Palestinian Liberation group claimed it
[10:04] <X_5mil3> go
[10:05] <DoctorBob> They Don;'t know the enemy
[10:05] <laules> Bush was headed to camp David but because of the crash there now, he is being deverted
[10:05] <TDurden> A senior official from the radical Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine denied on
Tuesday the group had any connection to a double plane crash onto New York City's World Trade Center
[10:05] <Arquitect> Bush is now preparing for war. Rest assured.
[10:05] <Redshoe> hmm..plane in the air... f16 fighter jet heading that way
[10:05] <Phynny> schwaboy: yes that's true. the Palestinian Liberation Front claimed they did all this
[10:05] <TDurden> An anonymous caller had told Abu Dhabi television the DFLP was behind the crash.
[10:05] <Arquitect> good day
[10:06] <Autono> I don't think the palestinians would do this
[10:06] <Carious> we wait
[10:06] <Redshoe> Carious: are you sure?
[10:06] <MannyL> Carious Cite please
[10:06] <Autono> they have nothing to gain from it
[10:06] <laules> It will be against someone in the middle east, guaranteed
[10:06] <Carious> we gathewr information
[10:06] <CometBaby> This is a MAJOR security failure .. I suppose any warnings we had were vague. A lot to
learn from this.
[10:06] <MIGkiller> good liklihood, CometBaby
[10:06] <Today> I don't think the palestinians "could" do this
[10:06] <Phynny> Autono: they cant even place a carbomb decently
[10:06] <TDurden> Gunman in Portland, state offices evacuating in Maine
[10:07] <CometBaby> How could this all be so well coordinated and nobody know a single thing?
[10:07] <CometBaby> Major security failure
[10:07] <X_5mil3> We don't even know if this is a foreign attack yet.
[10:07] <Mr-X> those f-16s can't shoot down civilian planes
[10:07] <Infiltr8> It was obviously coordinated. At least 3 different teams.
[10:07] <Carious> Comet-the US does not possess all the brains in the world I guess
[10:07] <Timur-> yes
[10:07] <spdy_D> its probably been planned for a year
[10:07] <Vinny> 8 american plane have been hijacked.... 3 are accounted for,,,, 5 are still in the air..... CBS
[10:07] <Timur-> that takes planning, money etc
[10:07] <CometBaby> carious .. yeah ..
[10:07] <Infiltr8> They damn sure better shoot a civilian plane down if it will save more lives than are in that
[10:07] <debauched> World Trade Center 2011 bwahahah
[10:07] <AcidBurnZ> which terrorist group could plan this ? so secretly .. so well performed .. i think it are
more groups
[10:07] <dabods> heh, probably non-related
[10:07] <laules> They said on CNN that the guy responsible for the last trade center bombing had this this
mapped out...exactly
[10:07] <Redshoe> i cannot believe that 5 pluse planes have been hijacked
[10:07] <Carious> It's just sickening
[10:07] <Redshoe> ill never fly again
[10:08] <AcidBurnZ> idd
[10:08] <Timur-> this is what Israel deals with daily
[10:08] <Timur-> but on a smaller scale
[10:08] <Phynny> 8 hijacks, 5 still in the air
[10:08] <Mr-X> psssh
[10:08] <Today> acid, the same one that attacke the world trade center in the past
[10:08] <CometBaby> Timur .. no it is not.
[10:08] <|3CLipZ|> a gap of 20 metres collapsed in the pentagon..
[10:08] <AcidBurnZ> yes
[10:08] <CometBaby> Lets compare apples to apples
[10:08] <spdy_D> the pentagon is collapseD?
[10:08] <spdy_D> confirmation?
[10:08] <Mr-X> Timur-: israel doesn't go to the brink of nuclear war every day
[10:08] <CometBaby> they are saying there could have been 10, 000 + in those two buildings
[10:08] <X_5mil3> They were saying Bin Ladin for Oklahoma
[10:08] <schwaboy> not al lof it
[10:08] <Mr-X> do you realize how close we are?
[10:08] <|3CLipZ|> west wall -> BBC
[10:08] <Drover-> Redshoe: I guess this is what $6.50/hr airport security buys you.
[10:08] <MIGkiller> are the US expected to use nukes on the Middle East now?
[10:08] <Infiltr8> A co-worker couldn't even take a swiss knife on their recent flight, how did these guys get
enough firepower to force pilots into this situation?
[10:08] <CometBaby> so don't tell me this is the same as what happens in Israel, please.
[10:08] <Today> Comet, up to 50k are in them on any given day
[10:08] <Timur-> CB: why not?
[10:08] <classwar1> how many bus bombings over 60 years total 10,000 ?
[10:09] <schwaboy> is not that hard to sneak past airport security
[10:09] <Timur-> this is merely larger-scale terrorism against civilians.
[10:09] <CometBaby> Timur .. simple math
[10:09] <Timur-> I stated on a smaller scale
[10:09] <X_5mil3> Timur-: This is terrorism against CAPITALISM
[10:09] <Timur-> simple math? ok, we lost several hundred people just now
[10:09] <AcidBurnZ> omg, you must be terrified, standing under a collaping building
[10:09] <|3CLipZ|> try thousand
[10:09] <Carious> source?
[10:09] <Today> Timur, thousands
[10:09] <CometBaby> Timur .. "on a smaller scale" .. that's the understatement of the year. I guess I just don't
like the idea of someone comparing our suffering today with anyone else's. Particularly Israel which presents
itself as the eternal victim.
[10:09] <spdy_D> several HUNDRED?
[10:09] <spdy_D> hellloooo
[10:09] <|3CLipZ|> moooore
[10:09] <spdy_D> one wtc building held about 50,000 people
[10:09] <Timur-> X_5: then it would seem the DFLP would be a likely doer
[10:10] <laules> Secret Service told CBS reported that there is not damage to camp david, the plane crashed
near there, but it was the target. There have been four confirmed hijackings
[10:10] <spdy_D> think about it
[10:10] <Timur-> spdy: they evacuated them I thought
[10:10] <|3CLipZ|> plane circling above the whitehouse??
[10:10] <spdy_D> completely?
[10:10] <laules> They are giving the plane numbers now.
[10:10] <spdy_D> i doubt it
[10:10] <spdy_D> im not saying there are 50,000 people dead
[10:10] <CometBaby> We have fighters scrambled in DC
[10:10] <spdy_D> but i mean.. at least a few thousand
[10:10] <Phynny> spdy_D: where did you get those numbers?
[10:10] <Today> 3clip, US fighter planes
[10:10] <Byll-> Canada has shut down air traffic
[10:10] <ssss> this is the islamic scum, surely
[10:10] <CometBaby> And fighters are now circling Manhattan
[10:10] <Timur-> ssss: I'd bet
[10:10] <laules> I would venture to guess that there are more than 50 k dead
[10:10] <CometBaby> ssss only the ones doing this. Not all Islamists. The people doing this are hiding behind
[10:10] <X_5mil3> Timur-How many DFLP riot during free trade summits?
[10:10] <AcidBurnZ> per plane also several hundreds of ppl dead
[10:10] <|3CLipZ|> today -> BBC says an unidentified one
[10:10] <Phynny> 3000 deaths!
[10:10] <spdy_D> phynny it's known (its been stated on several news as well as people ive heard from) that the
WTC together hold about 100,000 people
[10:11] <|3CLipZ|> ph -> at least
[10:11] <Byll> Life in the United States of America may never be the same. Our civil liberties are at stake here.
[10:11] <spdy_D> i dont think that many died.. not even close
[10:11] <spdy_D> but i mean
[10:11] <spdy_D> 'may' ?
[10:11] <CometBaby> Well byll .. you have to be alive to enjoy civil liberties. I dont think those ppl inside the
WTC were worried about their ciliv liberties today.
[10:11] <Timur-> X_5: well, a lot were at the Durban summit
[10:11] <Warufiizz> we're not close to war. war is between nations.
[10:11] <spdy_D> dude
[10:11] <Phynny> [17:09] <levi-> 3000 (#cnn)
[10:11] <AcidBurnZ> its not about how many ppl die, its about whats gonna happen next
[10:11] <Timur-> I think it's about both
[10:11] <dabods> osama bin laden
[10:11] <Redshoe> boeing 767 that hit pentagon earlier
[10:11] <Byll> You guys this is perhaps the worst day in the history of the USA security-wise, even worse than
Pearl Harbor
[10:11] <Timur-> American Airlines has crashed at Camp David
[10:11] <Phynny> yes, if this leads to a nuclear war, 3000 is nothing
[10:11] <|3CLipZ|> osama is not conifrmed
[10:11] <Infiltr8> Now it's time to find out if the government will protect us, just like they always said they could.
[10:12] <CometBaby> Byll .. I agree .. and that is exactly what I have been saying
[10:12] <Logomancr> It's the anniversary of the Camp David Accords
[10:12] <CometBaby> Its a major security failure .. this will be investigted to the ends of the earth.
[10:12] <marcellus> AcidBurnZ: something like what happened in Libya or Sudan, but of a larger scale
[10:12] <PhatDan> LONDON, Sept 11 (Reuters) - Saudi dissident Osama bin Laden warned three weeks ago
that he and his followers would carry out an unprecedented attack on U.S. interests for its support of Israel, an
Arab journalist with access to him said on Tuesday.
[10:12] <AcidBurnZ> idd
[10:12] <MIGkiller> is it true that the Sears Tower in Chicago was destryed?
[10:12] <Phynny> any news on the 767 on its way?? (with the F16)??
[10:12] <Logomancr> I say the US backs israeli efforts to "control" palestinian threats...
[10:12] <ssss> the palestinians on BBC at the moment
[10:12] <ssss> denying the responsibility
[10:12] <Timur-> sss: saying what? :)
[10:12] <Byll> japanese financial center tokyo has been hit by gas
[10:12] <Timur-> of course
[10:12] <Logomancr> that's laughable
[10:12] <AcidBurnZ> damnit, gotta pee
[10:12] <Infiltr8> You know what? This *does* give some legitimacy to the shooting down of the civilian plane
in the Persian Gulf all those years ago. Everyone said "civilian planes aren't used as suicide bombers." Yeah,
right, it does happen!
[10:12] <|3CLipZ|> byll -> wtf?
[10:13] <Xaphoo> Infiltr8: that one was really an accident though
[10:13] <Byll> abc apparently says f16s are surrounding an airborne jet
[10:13] <Phynny> F16 Just shot down a plane headed Towards washington, confirmed says CNN
[10:13] <|3CLipZ|> :(... more casualties
[10:13] <Infiltr8> But you could see how sonebody could fear it now.
[10:13] <Timur-> I feel sick
[10:13] <Monty4> I'm sick too
[10:13] <|3CLipZ|> SICK ->
[10:13] <Byll> This is perhaps one of the worst days in the USA
[10:14] <Infiltr8> F16 shot a plane down? I hope it really was in peril.
[10:14] <CometBaby> They are asking people NOT TO CALL INTO NY... they said the rescue facilities need
all the phone lines. Thought I would pass that info along inhere.
[10:14] <Phynny> i need a serious drink
[10:14] <laules> I just took a valium
[10:14] <dertx> |3CLipZ|: dude
[10:14] <Infiltr8> BBC is saying now it wa a 747 downed in Pennsylvania?
[10:14] <|3CLipZ|> i know ... thats why i said -> sick
[10:14] <Today> booze and valium isn't what you need
[10:14] <Infiltr8> I don't believe it.
[10:14] <|3CLipZ|> long time ago
[10:14] <Phynny> if the plane wasn't shot down, way more people would have died
[10:15] <Phynny> those people would have died anyway
[10:15] <Infiltr8> I know, but I just hope there was no other way.
[10:15] <Drover-> Infiltr8, ABC Radio News says the Pittsburgh plane crash was a 767
[10:15] <schwaboy> they shot down a 747 80 miles away from pittsburgh
[10:15] <Drover-> Infiltr8, a big-ass plane either way.
[10:15] <Infiltr8> That's what I heard, but now seeing 747.
[10:15] <dertx> scw- do we know it was shot down
[10:15] <dertx> er
[10:15] <Infiltr8> 747 is WAY larger than a 767.
[10:15] <dertx> schwaboy: do we know it was shot down
[10:15] <|3CLipZ|> confirmed by CNN
[10:15] <Phynny> 767 is a smaller version of a 747
[10:15] <Byll> MSNBC, part of the Pentagon has COLLAPSED
[10:15] <Today> hi aharon...come keep us company
[10:15] <laules> This is unbelivable
[10:15] <Byll> Lower Manhattan is engulfed in smoke
[10:16] <aharon> Byll: The whole thing has collapsed
[10:16] <Drover-> Infiltr8, they both hold an assload of people. no sense in arguing exact figures, eh?
[10:16] <Infiltr8> 747 is the largest commercial jetliner, especially in terms of number of passengers it can carry,
in the world.
[10:16] <|3CLipZ|> byll -> i just said that :p
[10:16] <Timur-> hey aharon
[10:16] * aharon wishes his condolences to the people of America
[10:16] <Today> aharon, thank you
[10:16] * AcidBurnZ agrees
[10:16] <Phynny> Infiltr8: true
[10:16] <Infiltr8> If a 747 hit the world trade center, it goes down much faster.
[10:16] <Timur-> thanks
[10:16] <Today> Acidburnz, thank you
[10:16] <CometBaby> Aharon .. thanks .. it means a lot
[10:16] <ssss> Canada has shut all airports too
[10:16] <wade> Talibahn denies responsibility.
[10:16] <Infiltr8> A 747 will do serious damage.
[10:16] <Phynny> if a 747 hits wtc it vanishes
[10:16] <AcidBurnZ> i really feel sick about this
[10:16] <wade> Fox News
[10:16] <aphex-> whats this about camp david being hit
[10:17] <|3CLipZ|> yes... im afraid of WW3 :(
[10:17] <aphex-> and why would they hit it
[10:17] <Sting9wrk> no aphex-
[10:17] <Drover-> aharon: forgive my crassness, but chances are, this is what we get for looking after your
asses. Hope the price is worth it.
[10:17] <Redshoe> all those poor ppl on the planes
[10:17] <Redshoe> and in the bldgs
[10:17] <Sting9wrk> outside Camp David
[10:17] <AcidBurnZ> [17:16:55] <@kris-> There is NO WAR AS OF NOW .. if you heard that its FALSE
[10:17] <CometBaby> Osama warned 3 weeks ago that he would have a big one against american interests
[10:17] <Redshoe> damn, how can i go to school now today?
[10:17] <Drover-> Phynny: guess what: it HAS vanished.
[10:17] <|3CLipZ|> will be..
[10:17] <aphex-> fuck israel fuck the jews this is their fault
[10:17] <AcidBurnZ> from #cnn
[10:17] <CometBaby> that just came out
[10:17] <DertyWerd> anything special about this date?
[10:17] <ssss> this is terrorism!
[10:17] <ssss> not war!
[10:17] <X_5mil3> Bin Ladin always says shit.
[10:17] <Sting9wrk> no
[10:17] <Xaphoo> Pakistan must stop supporting the Taliban
[10:17] <X_5mil3> is
[10:17] <Sting9wrk> this is our fault for being international wussies
[10:17] <Today> aphex, hush up
[10:17] <laules> Bin Ladin will burn in hell
[10:17] <aharon> aphex: This is my fault? Fuck you.
[10:18] <Today> aphes, the USA will choose it's friend and allies
[10:18] <MIGkiller> ok, Afghanistan is the target
[10:18] <mel|actua> huh?
[10:18] <Today> terrorist will not dictate to the United States of American who it will ally with and be friends
[10:18] <schwaboy> aphex, this is not the Jews fault
[10:18] <laules> Look it is useless to argue with each other. Now is the time to pull together
[10:18] <Byll> Confirmed Hijacked plane out of Pittsburgh
[10:19] <CometBaby> Today no .. they won't dictate to us. But I suspect that this is going to change the way
we view the situation in the middle east. Our unquestioning support of Israel (if it is right or wrong) has to be
[10:18] <Timur-> how about that novel idea
[10:18] <wen973> this is sickening
[10:19] <LizBabe> enough.
[10:19] <Xaphoo> Today: No, but logic and the interests of survival may do that dictating.
[10:19] <Timur-> Liz: look at the record
[10:19] <Kooch> Timur: you're talking crazy ;-)
[10:19] <CycloneT> is there a posiibility to listen to the police radio?
[10:19] <LizBabe> hm comet
[10:19] <PhatDan> News conference in 10 minutes
[10:19] <X_5mil3> Individuals working under their own volition, think of them; think of capitalism.
[10:19] <laules> I know that there is more to come
[10:19] <laules> Loss of life is not over. We are all under attack
[10:19] <CycloneT> is there a posiibility to listen to the police radio??
[10:20] <Timur-> Kooch: yeah, observed reality is nuts, alas.
[10:20] <CometBaby> I have heard a report that the US fighters have shot down a commericial airline .. but it is
not confirmed.
[10:20] <Byll> Several unaccounted flights still in the air
[10:20] <|3CLipZ|a> yea... its still a mess..
[10:20] <TDurden> second wtc plane was flight 77 from Dulles
[10:20] <Infiltr8> USAir says all of their planes have been accounted for. It wasn't a USAir then, if they are
right, that hit the Pentagon.
[10:21] <Drover-> Kooch, yes
[10:21] <|3CLipZ|a> yes
[10:21] <Infiltr8> Unfortunately, it might be a wise idea to change that one given the events of the day.
[10:21] <TDurden> hey CometBaby that was my brother
[10:21] <Byll> Bomb in a school in Lower Manhattan
[10:21] <Drover-> Kooch, chock-full of folk.
[10:21] <Xaphoo> where are you all getting your news?
[10:21] <Sp00k> this govt is still 100% clinton all appontments below cabinet have been held up
[10:21] <Kooch> oh geez.
[10:21] <|3CLipZ|a> could u kick my double: |3CLipZ| ?
[10:22] <laules> If you are not getting confirmed reports please do not post things that are untrue
[10:22] <Sp00k> perhaps now they will get rid of all the surviving clinton holdovers
[10:22] <Drover-> Oh come on. Do we have to use this incident as a platform of partisan finger-pointing?
[10:22] <farleft> there no more jets for a whole now
[10:22] <Sp00k> he put the lowest of the low in the most high offices
[10:22] <farleft> they closed down the airports
[10:22] <wade> The United States cannot attack proactively. They're on thin ice with the world community as it
[10:22] <Sp00k> all you needed to qualify is to be a leftist sociopath faxosexual manic depressive egalitarina
with an eating disorder ...
[10:22] <Infiltr8> I can't believe what it must have been like on those planes for the passengers. People just
going home to see their children, visit friends, etc.
[10:22] <meow> wade bullshit
[10:22] <Redshoe> ny is going crazy
[10:22] <meow> the hell they cant
[10:22] <|3CLipZ|a> infil -> yea...
[10:22] <meow> this is worse than pearl harbor
[10:22] <meow> ww3
[10:22] <Kooch> Infiltr8: yes I've been thinking of those poor ppl on the planes too
[10:22] <|3CLipZ|a> or knowing that the plane is hijacked and ur gonna die
[10:23] <CycloneT> is there a posiibility to listen to the police radio??
[10:23] <Infiltr8> You are supposed to be able to "trust" the security. The FAA and such have gone to such
great lengths to say they are secure.
[10:23] <|3CLipZ|a> way too crowded now i think
[10:23] <farleft> its americas interfering policies all over the world that caused this mess, america needs to beef
up on its own security and forget about the rest of the wrold
[10:23] <ssss> BBC news is showing scenes of the palestinians celebrating in the streets
[10:23] <|3CLipZ|a> omg.. carbomb in london as well..
[10:23] <Byll> Four planes hijacked
[10:23] <meow> <farleft> its americas interfering policies all over the world that caused this mess, america
needs to beef up on its own security and forget about the rest of the wrold
[10:23] <farleft> americas support of israel almost certainly caused this mess
[10:23] <meow> exactly
[10:23] <Infiltr8> Just knowing it was hijacked doesn't mean you're going to die. Many have been hijacked in
the past and almost all passengers survived.
[10:23] <Ray> Fucking bloodstained Marxocrats
[10:23] <meow> im 100% with you
[10:23] <X_5mil3> farleft: no its commie idiots like you that are responsible for this.
[10:23] <LizBabe> meow i agree too
[10:24] <LizBabe> it isn't about wheater it's wrong or right it's facts
[10:24] <Kooch> Is there anyone who thinks this isn't done by Usama Bin Laden? I don't know who else could
organize something like this
[10:24] <schwaboy> America needs to mount up, occupy the west bank, and show them that we won't be
pushed around
[10:24] <Byll> farleft, support for Israel is not the cause. That is even stupid to consider
[10:24] <TDurden> celebrations in palestine says german tv
[10:24] <meow> bin laden has nukes
[10:24] <Beige> Kooch, rumour has it bin Laden had threatened an "unprecedented attack" just 3 weeks ago.
[10:24] <|T|> american airlines just confirmed two of their planes were the ones that hit the wtc
[10:24] <Byll> Taliban news conference soon!
[10:24] <|3CLipZ|a> true... but i'm 90% sure that after the first plane crashed, they'd say it on the now hijacked
[10:24] <CometBaby> Byll certainly not the total cause, but it will be used as an excuse. After all, Israel and the
Pals have been arguing since forever .. and we ARE supplying one side with weapons. I don't think that is
something they take lightly.
[10:24] <Ray> BloodStained massmudering Marxocrats better just shut the fuck up ...
[10:24] <L0c0> TDurden: not surprising
[10:24] <LizBabe> u.s are very internationally focused and are involved in many arguments
[10:24] <|T|> 90 on one plane, 54 on the other
[10:24] <Infiltr8> Strange for them to celebrate. We don't dance in the streets when Palestinians are killed.
[10:24] <Ray> time to kick some ass
[10:24] <Byll> plane that crashed in Pitt passenger on board used cell phone and called someone stateing plane
was hijacked before it went down
[10:25] <X_5mil3> farleft: this is an attack against Capitalism. You should be for that right?
[10:25] <Sepesepe> us should have a kinder and more understanding attitude, like the eu has, in israel/palestine,
north/south korea and so on, these things wont happen
[10:25] <farleft> reason why america is so hated in the mid east and africa is becaue it is seen as a bully and a
impealist state. America needs to use its military to protect its own citizens and stop worrying about communism
or whatever
[10:25] <ssss> not many arabs LIKE America infiltr8
[10:25] <Kooch> Infliltr8: yes, that's not right for them to do that
[10:25] <Mentor_> capitalism sux but it doesnt suck enough to do this
[10:25] <L0c0> i mean, i was just in my english class...i walk out, get in the truck, turn on AM radio and hear
"Both Trace Center towers have collapesed"
[10:25] <schwaboy> the US will use its military power to not only protect itself, but roll into the place where the
terrorists live and own them all
[10:25] <|3CLipZ|a> 156 in first 2 us airlines plane :\
[10:25] <Infiltr8> If they are dancing, that means they approve of it, and any number of them may be behind it in
some way. They are targets for the reprisal by their very actions today.
[10:25] <Byll> Remember that 11 September is the anniversary of the Camp David Accords
[10:25] <|3CLipZ|a> 156 ppl
[10:25] <Kooch> L0c0: surreal is an understatement
[10:25] <L0c0> dude...there were ppl huddling around cars listening to radios
[10:26] <X_5mil3> farleft: the reason why American is hated, is because there are a lot of collectivist morons in
the mid-east and africa.
[10:26] <Redshoe> man, i can't get over that footage of the 2nd plane in wt
[10:26] <meow> i was going to go to dc next week
[10:26] <schwaboy> fuck the haters of America
[10:26] <meow> have the plane tickets still
[10:26] <meow> im not going
[10:26] <farleft> if people in the middle east dont wont US troops in there countries, pull the troops out and use
them to police the airports
[10:26] <|3CLipZ|a> finally
[10:26] <CometBaby> X5 .. no it's not. The reason america is hated is 1) capitalism and political freedom .. 2)
because of us communism was stopped dead in its tracks.
[10:26] <ssss> this was not done by some leftists or whatever, don't be stupid
[10:26] <Byll> Two planes still unaccounted for.
[10:26] <TDurden> 50000 ppl worked in wtc, 200000 visitors daily
[10:26] <farleft> there should be security on every plane anyway
[10:26] <CometBaby> Who is dancing over this? I missed that.
[10:26] <ssss> cometbaby, palestinians
[10:26] <L0c0> Kooch: worse yet, i'm driving home and they say that ALL US borders are closed...this as i'm
driving underneith one of the largest border crossings from US-Mexico hehe...sorta freaked me out
[10:26] <Mentor_> excuse me what was that about morons in Mid-east and Africa????
[10:26] <CometBaby> That is morose
[10:26] <Infiltr8> Somebody is saying the Palestinians are dancing in the streets.
[10:26] <ON|AcidBu> 93 crashed in Pennsylvania
[10:26] <farleft> if there were 2 or 3 US soldiers or police in the plane this sort of thing wouldnt happen
[10:26] <MannyL> My mother woke me up so I could let my grandmother know her Son is alright he was off
[10:26] <Redshoe> yah, they can't just shoot it down
[10:26] <MannyL> UN has been evaucated
[10:27] <Xaphoo> wait ANOTHER crash in Pennsylvania?
[10:27] <MIGkiller> US haters will dance everywhere in the world
[10:27] <|3CLipZ|> farleft -> u don;t know
[10:27] <farleft> only one
[10:27] <farleft> 4 so fat
[10:27] * dertx is away, campus [log:OFF] [page:OFF]
[10:27] <ssss> BBC was just showing people celebrating in Palestine
[10:27] <ON|AcidBu> not ANOTHER
[10:27] <StingRay^> time to KICK ASS
[10:27] <meow> yankees game cancelled
[10:27] <MIGkiller> it doesn't mean anything
[10:27] <ON|AcidBu> confirm of first one
[10:27] <Xaphoo> ok
[10:27] <X_5mil3> Mentor_: I said "collectivist" (adding whim-worshiping) MORONS, in the mid-east and
[10:27] <farleft> 2 hit the wto
[10:27] <Infiltr8> No doubt this will be used as a means to do away with more of the Bill of Rights.
[10:27] <TDurden> plane on way to SF has crashed
[10:27] <farleft> one hit the pentagon
[10:27] <Beige> '"Hundreds of people are burned from head to toe," New York doctor says' according to the
[10:27] <L0c0> xaphoo: ANOTHER ONE!? aside from the one in western PA?
[10:27] <Mentor_> the US cant shoot down any of the planes
[10:27] <|3CLipZ|> 156 ppl died only from us airlines
[10:27] <Xaphoo> Loco: no, never mind
[10:27] <StingRay^> i wonder know what biden and all the libs are thinking?
[10:27] <dubie0r> #cnn is packed
[10:28] <TDurden> 3 planes shot down by now says cnn
[10:28] <farleft> were these planes all full
[10:28] <Infiltr8> USAir says none of their planes were used.
[10:28] <farleft> ?
[10:28] <|T|> - Terror attacks hit U.S. - September 11, 2001
[10:28] <CometBaby> Mentor .. the US has already shot down one of the planes
[10:28] <Kooch> Xaphoo: CNN just said that so far 2 planes have crash. (other than the WTC ones)
[10:28] <wade> I'm guessing at least ten thousand are dead right now.
[10:28] <Xaphoo> I hate how some of you insist on making this political.
[10:28] <MannyL> Is it me, or does it seem they are trying to cut off our communications with their attacks
[10:28] <Xaphoo> Kooch: does that count the Pentagon one?
[10:28] <L0c0> Xaphoo: ok
[10:28] <farleft> were these planes carrying passangers
[10:28] <west0r> #nuke-the-arabs
[10:28] <farleft> ???
[10:28] <CometBaby> Xaphoo .. it IS political
[10:28] <Mentor_> are you serious
[10:28] <west0r> yes far
[10:28] <X_5mil3> THIS IS POLITICAL
[10:28] <Timur-> Manny: I'm sure they'd be happy to do so
[10:28] <L0c0> dude
[10:28] <Kooch> MannyL: if not political, what is it then?
[10:28] <Mentor_> that means that the US is scared
[10:28] <west0r> american airlines reported thweyve lost 450+ on their planes
[10:28] <L0c0> this is friggin' wierder than being line during the gulf war/post gulf war
[10:28] <ssss> yasser arrafat (sp?) on BBC
[10:28] <Darios> anyone here from NY?
[10:28] <Kooch> farleft: yes I think passengers were on those flights
[10:28] <TDurden> general clarke on cnn
[10:28] <L0c0> this is weirder than after OKC
[10:28] <Name\_ess> 2 us air crafts
[10:28] <Name\_ess> one with 81 passengers
[10:28] <Name\_ess> one with 58 passegners
[10:29] <Xaphoo> Blaming this on "liberals" and similar partisan bickering is not where the blame lies... it's
because of fanatics
[10:29] <Xaphoo> and flawed foreign policy
[10:29] <meow> where is bush at?
[10:29] <Vinny> irrational hatered
[10:29] <L0c0> Did you guys see the film of the 2nd plane crashing?
[10:29] <meow> put it on cbs
[10:29] <Chalked_B> bush is still in the air
[10:29] <meow> bush is talking
[10:29] <Kooch> meow: he's on Airforce One
[10:29] <Today> loco, yes
[10:29] <Darios> London Stock Exchange has been closed down and evacuated
[10:29] <ssss> E. Barak on BBC now
[10:29] <L0c0> Vinny: in the shitter
[10:29] <Mentor_> The US are pissing in their pants they must be frigging scared to kill their own
[10:29] <Kooch> he was in Florida I think at a school
[10:29] <CometBaby> Mentor .. no it means that the US is doing what it has to do. You don't just sit and watch
a hijacked plane fly into buildings if you can stop it. It is not a question of being scared .. it is a question of doing
what you have to do. Nobody rejoices in killing their own.
[10:29] <meow> is this old then?
[10:29] <L0c0> UNLEASE HELL!
[10:29] <Xaphoo> Was the first plane caught on video?
[10:29] <ssss> no
[10:29] <Chalked_B> bush is still in the air
[10:29] <L0c0> xaphoo: not that i know of...i jut got home
[10:29] <ON|AcidBu> nope
[10:29] <L0c0> he's flying from FLA to DC
[10:30] <farleft> did america shoot down these crashed planes
[10:30] <farleft> with SAMS
[10:30] <farleft> ?
[10:30] <farleft> or fighters
[10:30] <CometBaby> farleft nobody knows. Reports and rumors are flying around. Seems like all the
reporters are eager to *break* a story and are reporting things that are unconfirmed. Lets wait and see what
happened. The truth is .. we don't know yet.
[10:30] <L0c0> CometBaby: hope it makes congress and bush re-think those military cutbacks
[10:30] <Darios> because LSE has closed ppl in the UK think that London may be next target
[10:30] <ON|AcidBu> f16's
[10:30] <CometBaby> loco it was not Bush .. but the Clinton administration that cut the military by 40%. And yes, it was a very bad thing for this country.
[10:30] <Kooch> Xaphoo: not that we know of yet. perhaps there was a security cam or something somewhere
cause that first plane. we'll have to wait on that.
[10:30] <|T|> brit hume, fox, reports plane flying up the potomac at high speed
[10:30] <Today> I hope the keep Bush in the air surrounded by fighter jets a while longer
[10:30] <Byll> Flight 93 from Newark to LA? was hijacked
[10:30] <farleft> the ones that didnt make it to there targets
[10:30] <Mentor_> not really cause technicly they are protecting lives by killing lives is that something you
normally do
[10:30] <Carious> Comet-lets find out who did it first
[10:30] <L0c0> OHG
[10:30] <Beige> It's just insane. I mean, surely bin Laden can't think the Palestinians are going to be better off
after this?
[10:30] <CometBaby> Carious .. of course
[10:30] <meow> if they were smart they would hit the hoover dam and other big damns
[10:30] <meow> dams
[10:30] <L0c0> VIDEO on MSNBC
[10:30] <Mentor_> i think if Bush wasnt such a idiot this wouldnt happen
[10:30] <CometBaby> beige I guess we cannot apply logic to fanaticism .. this will be the end of osamas career
as a free wheeling terrorist, in any case.
[10:31] <L0c0> god
[10:31] <Sepesepe> mentor, true
[10:31] <L0c0> i just saw the video of the hole in the 1st tower
[10:31] <|3CLipZ|> mentor, very true
[10:31] <Infiltr8> Bush should stay in the air for an indefinite amount of time, maybe not even anywhere around
the US. Who knows where that plane has gone by now, it is an airborne command center, they can do
everything they need to do from the air.
[10:31] <Today> Beige, bin laden acts out of hate.
[10:31] <Kooch> a Cdn tv station just reported that a plane crashed into Camp David
[10:31] <CometBaby> mentor .. I've had enough of your hatefulness .. you're banned!
[10:31] <L0c0> this is friggi'n scary
[10:31] <L0c0> hey Rod
[10:32] <L0c0> CometBaby: what's odd is that just recently there was a gov't report of the gov'ts
unpreparedness to cope w/ just this sort of thing
[10:32] <Infiltr8> I bet all hell is breaking loose in airports around the country.
[10:32] <ON|AcidBu> yeah
[10:32] <L0c0> FOX just showed the video of the tower collapsing
[10:32] <CometBaby> Loco .. apparently a report that osama warned he was planning "something big" against
the US. But isn't that rather vague?
[10:32] <TDurden> Palestinians in Lebanon fire with joy at anti-US attacks (AFP)
[10:32] <Infiltr8> Police, maybe even military, all over the place, upset people, no planes going anywhere.
[10:32] <Chalked_B> 2 flights were high jacked out of PGH
[10:33] <Sepesepe> laden warned 3 weeks ago somethin was up it seems
[10:33] <prostheta> hey all
[10:33] <L0c0> i can't describe that image of the towers collapsing
[10:33] <CometBaby> Beige .. how many .. and do they know where they are?
[10:33] <TDurden>
[10:33] <farleft> people jumping of the towers was sick
[10:33] <Carious> FOX021st cent pearl harbor
[10:33] <Today> my husband just pointed out it's just now 8:30 on the west coast...when everybody is getting
to work
[10:33] <prostheta> is it true that the ex-sec of state called for war?
[10:33] <meow> im on the west coast
[10:33] <KK> War against who?
[10:33] <AcidBurnZ> idd
[10:33] <meow> like 6 people called me at 6:30 am
[10:33] <farleft> america needs to get out of the mid east
[10:33] <Daon151dh> I'd rather the instant death of hitting the ground to burning or being crushed thank you
[10:33] <MrNatural> pearl harbor was a tea ceremony next to this
[10:33] <Xaphoo> I wonder what this tragedy is gonna be called in the history books... World Trade Center
Crash just doesn't seem right
[10:34] <farleft> or these things will keep happening
[10:34] <TheTruth> pakistan is an unstable country infested with Islam. they could turn in a second just like Iran.
[10:34] <L0c0> hmm
[10:34] <prostheta> KK: not sure....i heard the words bandied
[10:34] <farleft> israelcan handle itself
[10:34] <Today> farleft, we don't want to...we will chose where we go and who we are friends with.
[10:34] <L0c0> US Bridges to/from Mexico are still OPEN
[10:34] <Daon151dh> who says it's the middle east like...remember Oaklahoma ?...that was 1 of your own !!!
[10:34] <TDurden> Xaphoo: bloody september
[10:34] <L0c0> 164ppl on the 2 planes
[10:34] <L0c0> according to AA
[10:34] <MrNatural> world trade harbor
[10:34] <Sepesepe> seems ppl n iran are atleast tryin to make ir more western, but they hafta do it slow cos
theres still lotsa religions fleaders in too much power
[10:34] <Daon151dh> pakistan fuck all....look @ the targets
[10:34] * MannyL agrees with WAR
[10:34] <meow> they planned this on a geocities site
[10:35] <farleft> today its peop'le like you who caused this mess
[10:35] <farleft> just nuke the entire mid east
[10:35] <wen973> whoever's responsible is out of his mind
[10:35] <Warufiizz> there are many people inside and outside of the US who would like to do such a thing. no
early judgements.
[10:35] <Daon151dh> world trade centres and the USA defense network
[10:35] <farleft> from morocco to pakistan
[10:35] <Daon151dh> finance & defense
[10:35] <AcidBurnZ> DEFCON 2 confirmed
[10:35] <Chalked_B> it looks like rush hour here in pgh
[10:35] <L0c0> Flight 93 from Newark to SFO crashed in western PA
[10:35] <TDurden> "Iraqi anti-aircraft fire in the region of Basra on Tuesday brought down an American spy
plane," INA reported
[10:35] <L0c0> dont know the company
[10:35] <Byll> There could be an many of 40 K dead
[10:35] <Chalked_B> the plane in western pa is only 50 miles from me
[10:36] <Daon151dh> I have hard cash that says it was home grown US terrorists
[10:36] <Kooch> AcidBurn: confirmed where?
[10:36] <Phynny> Byll: 3000 caualties confirmed
[10:36] <Infiltr8> If they are so unhappy with the US government, attack US government buildings,
establishments. Not a building full of civilians, using planes full of civilians. That's a pussy way out of a "war."
These aren't honorable men or soldiers that would do such things. They are a bunch of losers that have to prey
on civilians because they are militarily inept.
[10:36] <Xaphoo> Osama Bin Laden does not represent all Arabs. He represents Arabs the same way the
Aryan Nation represents white Americans.
[10:36] <Daon151dh> or western anti-capitalists....Genoa ?
[10:36] <|T|> this should cinch the us putting troops in plaestine
[10:36] <Phynny> 3000 casualties confirmed
[10:36] <L0c0> American Airlines Flight 11 LOG-LAX Flight 77
[10:36] <Sepesepe> infiltr8, damn rite
[10:36] <sanman> no way that it was domestic terrorists! they don't hate the pentagon or the state dept!
[10:36] <Xaphoo> Osama Bin Laden does not represent all Arabs. He represents Arabs the same way the
KKK represents white Americans.
[10:36] <L0c0> American Airlines Flight 11 LOG-LAX Flight 77 Combined 156ppl (crew and passangers)
[10:36] <Sepesepe> theres no honor in such attacks
[10:36] <Daon151dh> 3000 ? that's lucky
[10:36] <Phynny> 156 deaths in crashed plane
[10:36] <L0c0> Xaphoo: yup
[10:36] <sanman> yeah, well 50,000 people work in the WTC
[10:36] <Phynny> yes, 3000 till now
[10:37] <Today> Xaphoo, thanks for saying might periodically remind us all of that
[10:37] <Monty4> It'll go to 10x 3000
[10:37] <sanman> that's a lot more than the planes
[10:37] <Phynny> AT LEAST 3000
[10:37] <L0c0> CNN has the Pentagon footage
[10:37] <Daon151dh> oh yeah 30,000+ easy like
[10:37] <sanman> this is the worst attack in US history and world history
[10:37] <|T|> by percentage, bin laden represents more
arabs than the kkk represents whites
[10:37] <L0c0> yup
[10:37] <|T|> much more
[10:37] <StingRay^> time to nuke aftganistan
[10:37] <Xaphoo> T, I really doubt that. Got any statistics?
[10:37] <sanman> how long until Afghanistan gets bombed?
[10:37] <|T|> i went to school with a bunch of palestinians in el paso texas
[10:37] <Infiltr8> If the reports are true of Palestinians celebrating, he obviously represents enough people.
[10:37] <Today> sanman, a few days or weeks
[10:37] <Daon151dh> fuck the middle east....I don't think it was them
[10:38] <|T|> all of them were sympathetic to bin laden
[10:38] <Today> before anybody is bombed...the US will want to be sure of the target
[10:38] <schwaboy> who the fuck else could it be
[10:38] <sanman> I hope the Afghans don't have too many Stinger missiles left
[10:38] <Phynny> all airplanes must land (bcc news)
[10:38] <Tim-phone> I don't care if they do
[10:38] <StingRay^> write the embasys in the middle east. thats what i am doing
[10:38] *** Tim-phone is now known as Timur-
[10:38] <Carious> bin laden is a SURE target
[10:38] <Infiltr8> Airline industry will be hit hard. Some airlines will go out of business over the next several
[10:38] <Warufiizz> what is all this nuke this nuke that talk about? kill more innocents because innocents were
killed? what if it were homegrown terrorists? nuke their american home towns?
[10:38] <Kooch> it's got to be Usama Bin Laden
[10:38] <|3CLipZ|> whoa.. efnet sweden is out
[10:38] <Xaphoo> Palestinians are not a good cross-section of Arabs or Muslims in general. Naturally, if your
parents had been uprooted by a foreign invader, that may make you a bit more radical than the average peasant
[10:38] <Byll> The Maryland State Police has asked people to refrain from using all phones cell and landline
[10:38] <CometBaby> well the net is getting flaky now
[10:39] <sanman> I dunno if it will be a cruise missile attack on Afghanistan
[10:39] <sanman> because if you send planes, then they could get shot down
[10:39] <StingRay^> war ya must be a liberal
[10:39] <aharon> xaphoo: Go away.
[10:39] <pilgrim_> I say this with all feeling and fervor: GOD DAMN SON OF A BITCH!!!!!!!!!
[10:39] <Monty4> pilgrim_, hear hear
[10:39] <wen973> can't think of anybody else but Usama
[10:39] <Timur-> pilg: amen
[10:39] <pilgrim_> Byll you ok bud?
[10:39] <Infiltr8> AA11 from Boston to LA was the first hit on WTC.
[10:39] <sanman> it's Bin Laden
[10:39] <Phynny> HUGE netsplit on efnet
[10:39] <Timur-> wen: any of a dozen Muslim groups
[10:39] <pilgrim_> yeah it is Ben Laden
[10:39] <pilgrim_> Bin
[10:39] <Xaphoo> aharon, I'm sorry if I offended you. I think terrorism is pure evil, don't misunderstand me.
[10:39] <Byll> pilgrim_, yeah. I was one of the workers sent home
[10:39] <Timur-> Osama often works in collusion with other groups
[10:39] <Kooch> the Palestinians just don't have the resources to pull this off
[10:39] <pilgrim_> aharon how are things there?
[10:40] <Today> pilgrim, hi
[10:40] <pilgrim_> Hi Today
[10:40] <Timur-> Xaphoo: most Israelis are Sephardic and from Arab lands originally
[10:40] <sanman> yesterday there was a suicide bombing attack by Arabs against Afghan opposition leader
Ahmad Shah Masood who is fighting the Taliban
[10:40] <pilgrim_> I do not swear normally
[10:40] <Infiltr8> United 757 crashed in Pittsburgh, according to Fox News Channel. That conflicts with some
previous reports.
[10:40] <Phynny> Xaphoo: if you dont think that you're sick
[10:40] <Autono> palestinians wouldn't do this
[10:40] <aharon> Pilgrim: Red alert, here.
[10:40] <sanman> I'm sure that Bin Laden helped bomb Masood, in exchange for Taliban's green light on
bombing the USA
[10:40] <aharon> Pilgrim: Red alert, here.
[10:40] <Monty4> It is time for us to use our expensive weapons now.
[10:40] <aharon> Pilgrim: Red alert, here.
[10:40] <aharon> Pilgrim: Israel on RED ALERT.
[10:40] <Today> I hope we have fighters in the air all over the west coast
[10:40] <Autono> unless it was some fringe ground
[10:40] <Daon151dh> Middle east middle east that the extent of your imaginations/intteligence ?
has claimed squat...look closer to home
[10:40] <pilgrim_> sanman oh yeah, It didn't click. yer right
[10:40] <Phynny> red alert?
[10:40] <Monty4> Israel should attack immediately.
[10:40] <MannyL> I mean Olds
[10:40] <Today> Daon, this isn't another OKC
[10:40] <Xaphoo> any news on the last hijacked plane?
[10:40] <wade> It doesn't matter if it's an act of war, it can't be a war... we have no country to declare war on.
[10:41] <sanman> I'm positive that's what's happened
[10:41] <`006> What's the DEFCON status?
[10:41] <AcidBurnZ> 2
[10:41] <AcidBurnZ> DEFCON 2
[10:41] <pilgrim_> aharon understood
[10:41] <Monty4> It's gotta be 2
[10:41] <Autono> group even
[10:41] <AcidBurnZ> yeah
[10:41] <prostheta> who said "DEFCON 2 confirmed"?
[10:41] <prostheta> is that a fact?
[10:41] <Timur-> this is many factors larger than OKC
[10:41] <aharon> Monty: You give us the green light? :)
[10:41] <Daon151dh> Monty4 stfu
[10:41] <pilgrim_> all panes down. that is gonna effect the US more then the bombs
[10:41] <`006> i thought so
[10:41] <Infiltr8> Hijackers sitting on grounded planes are bound to get a little crazy and paranoid over the next
few hours.
[10:41] <CometBaby> Fire at the Pentagon has spread
[10:41] <draco\> the US is fucked.
[10:41] <Kooch> And what does 2 mean on the DEFCON scale?
[10:41] <draco\> good luck.
[10:41] <Infiltr8> Well, essentially all business is off for the day anyways.
[10:41] <sanman> Osama's hiding in the Afghan mountains
[10:41] <Byll> Rail traffic between DC and NYC has been shut down
[10:41] <pilgrim_> you do not wanna know
[10:41] <AcidBurnZ> DEFCON 2 Further Increase in force readiness, but less than maximum readiness
[10:41] <StingRay^> got to figure why they attacked on this day. is there significance about this day to bi ladin
[10:41] <sanman> how the fuck is anyone gonna bomb him?
[10:41] <aharon> Pilgrim: My sister is somewhere in NYC....We haven't been able to reach her....:(
[10:41] <aharon> Pilgrim: My sister is somewhere in NYC....We haven't been able to reach her....:(
[10:41] <CometBaby> Five floors of the Pentagon have collapsed
[10:41] <sanman> especially with all those stinger missiles still in Afghanistan?
[10:41] <Infiltr8> I would have a hard time finding the motivation to work today.
[10:41] <Kooch> sanman: nuke those mountains to dust then
[10:42] <Sepesepe> whats the meanin of rattling nukes, gonna precision nuke the guilty? n take his country
down wif him
[10:42] <pilgrim_> aharon prayers are with your family friend
[10:42] <AcidBurnZ> nuke won't do the work
[10:42] <Timur-> aharon: I haven't been able to reach NYC via phone from Philly either
[10:42] <sanman> Kooch, well, nuking isn't a realistic option
[10:42] <Daon151dh> defcon 2 is weapons armed but only shoot in retaliation unless your SIOP'ed like US
Carrier fleet
[10:42] <Xaphoo> We know what happens when you invade Afghanistan, too... the biggest army in the world
tried it in the 80's
[10:42] <Sepesepe> nukes solve nuffin
[10:42] <Byll> Chicago's Sears Tower has been evacuated
[10:42] <Monty4> Someone just said a jihad person said this was from US policy in middle east.
[10:42] <Sepesepe> since they always target civilians
[10:42] <Monty4> On cnn
[10:42] <|3CLipZ|> ..
[10:42] <Kooch> sanman: true. I'm just spouting off
[10:42] <Sting9wrk> they are asking that people not call into NYC
[10:42] <sanman> nobody nukes in response to non-nuclear terrorism
[10:42] <StingRay^> aharon whats teh reaction ot arabs living in your city?
[10:42] <AcidBurnZ> yes DEFCON 2 is a fact
[10:42] <Infiltr8> "nuke" - take them out. It's kinda slang these days.
[10:42] <Daon151dh> SIOP'ed units are Defcon 1
[10:42] <Sting9wrk> the rescue workers need the lines
[10:42] <Phynny> defcon 2 is confirmed
[10:42] <Beige> Aharon, supposedly a lot of the mobile phone grid is out, since the WTC hosted antennas.
[10:42] <CometBaby> aharon .. its too soon to panic. The phone lines are being diverted for emergency use
only. The fact that you have not talked to her does not mean she is not okay.
[10:42] <sanman> any hijackers would be committed to die
[10:42] <Byll> Attack in San Francisco
[10:42] <CometBaby> Byll huh? Are you sure?
[10:42] <Autono> by11: what?
[10:43] <sanman> it's not like they expect to survive crashing an airliner like that
[10:43] <`006> lol, did anyone hear the guy that shouted "Holy Macaroni!" when the WTC collapsed?
[10:43] <Phynny> 4 airplaines still out there!
[10:43] <Byll> No confirmation yet
[10:43] <aharon> Comet: She wasn't near the WTC....But near Mt. Sinai hospital. But that;s gotta be a mob
[10:43] <Daon151dh> I would like to offer my condolences to all who have lost relatives friends lovers etc
[10:43] <CometBaby> aharon .. I am sure she is fine.
[10:43] <Phynny> 8 plaines were hijacked, 3 crashed, one shot down
[10:43] <Timur-> Daon: I donno if my relatives are ok or not in NY.. thanks though
[10:43] <Byll> This would be a good time for a chemical or biological attack
[10:43] <Today> PHynny, and office building on the west coast just now beginning to fill with daily workers
[10:43] <sanman> I'm gonna stay indoors
[10:43] <Xaphoo> likewise, Daon. This is the most horrible thing I have witnessed in my life
[10:44] <Daon151dh> anyone heard about Pennsylvania ?...I have relatives out their & Chicago
[10:44] <Phynny> Byll: SHUT THE FUCK UP, if that happens we're all fucked
[10:44] <AcidBurnZ> idd
[10:44] <sanman> this is worse than the Hindenberg
[10:44] <Daon151dh> u said it Xaphoo
[10:44] <StingRay^> byll i have allready gotten gas masks had em for along time. never ever take chances
[10:44] <meow> worse than pearl harbor
[10:44] <classwar1> Daon151dh - where in PA?
[10:44] <CometBaby> lets be careful about repeating unconfirmed reports in here .. I've been guilty myself. But
its gonna create panic. Lets wait for the facts.
[10:44] <Byll> Thousands of Palestineans celebrating in the Streets in the West Bank.
[10:44] <AcidBurnZ> omg
[10:44] <AcidBurnZ> the collapse
[10:44] <Daon151dh> not sure classwar
[10:44] <NeoHubris> gas mask isnt 100% protection
[10:44] <|T|> Tuesday, September 11 10:10 PM SGT
[10:44] <|T|> Palestinians in Lebanon fire with joy at anti-US attacks
[10:44] <|T|> AIN AL-HELWEH, Lebanon, Sept 11 (AFP) -
[10:44] <|T|> Dozens of Palestinian refugees fired into the air with joy Tuesday at news of apparent anti-US
terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, AFP correspondents witnessed.
[10:44] <AcidBurnZ> never seeen anything like that
[10:44] <|T|> Guerrillas in military fatigues from various factions fired assault rifles and rocket-propelled
grenades into the air in the Ain al-Helweh refugee camp at the outskirts of the southern port city of Sidon, one
correspondent said.
[10:44] <schwaboy> that's how fucked up palestinians are
[10:44] <|T|> Camp residents, some still in pyjamas, interrupted afternoon rests to rush down to the streets and
fire assault rifles into the air, they said.
[10:44] <schwaboy> that they would celebrate this
[10:44] <|T|> At the Shatila refugee camp in Beirut, Palestinian fighters also went out to the streets as soon as
they heard the news from their television sets to fire into the air with joy, an AFP correspondent said.
[10:45] <LizBabe> The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta was evacuated. CDC was
preparing bioterrorism teams in case they become necessary.
[10:45] <|T|> oops
[10:45] <|T|> sorry
[10:45] <Byll> God is great! Down with the devil USA
[10:45] <Xaphoo> T, that's not necessary
[10:45] <classwar1> Daon151dh - so far nothing has happened in PA, Philadelphia is being shut down.
[10:45] <AcidBurnZ> please refer to websites
[10:45] <CometBaby> All those people celebrating this .. and dancing in the streets .. its really sick.
[10:45] <Daon151dh> Chicago relatives are big in uncle john is a director of Chase Manhattan,
1st National and Banque du Suisse
[10:45] <Daon151dh> thanx classwar
[10:45] <sanman> Osama is in Afghanistan
[10:45] <Daon151dh> good to hear like
[10:45] <pilgrim_> phone
[10:45] <|T|> Xaphoo: yup wrong window
[10:45] <sanman> there's no way to retaliate against Afghanistan
[10:45] <LizBabe> How can you say that god is great? this is a human action against civilians
[10:46] <sanman> the problem is that if the Afghans get riled, they keep fighting more
[10:46] <Xaphoo> ok
[10:46] <Drover-> Daon151dh, I'm in Chicago... trade buildings were shut down before trading even began.
[10:46] <sanman> so retaliatory bombing can't work on them
[10:46] <CometBaby> Drover .. thanks for that report. Its good to know they were thinking ahead.
[10:46] <Daon151dh> Taliban don't have the brains for this...religious fanatisism breeds stupidity
[10:46] <pilgrim_> this is the 1st move. what will the next be?
[10:46] <`006> Did anyone hear the guy that shouted "Holy Macaroni!" on CNN when the WTC collapsed?
[10:46] <|3CLipZ|> :)
[10:46] <Martmart> haha
[10:46] <sanman> no, didn't hear that
[10:46] <Xaphoo> sanman: The largest army in the world couldn't conquer Afghanistan in the 1980's
[10:46] <CometBaby> Offutt SAC AFB in Omaha is on alert .. also the airport in Omaha is shut down.
[10:46] <MannyL> Isreal is evaucationg all their diplomatic missions
[10:46] <Timur-> Daon: disagree. Osama at least has a lot of expert terrorists with him from all over the worlkd
[10:46] <Today> airforce base here putting A10's in the air now
[10:46] <TheTruth> we know who is responsible
[10:46] <pilgrim_> Comet all are on alaert
[10:46] <Xaphoo> Afghanistan is a real mess, ethnically and politically...
[10:46] <AcidBurnZ> a10 ?
[10:46] <sanman> exactly, the Afghans are too well-armed to be attacked
[10:46] <Phynny> what's with the israelian code red??
[10:47] <De-Talon>
[10:47] <pilgrim_> Offut is old SAC HQ
[10:47] <Carious> Defcon 2??
[10:47] <CometBaby> Today .. we are on the airports flight path .. and jets everywhere
[10:47] <Drover-> Comet, commercial aviation has been shut down at every airport in the US and Canada.
[10:47] <Martmart> What's with all the yank flights being rerouted to canada?
[10:47] <AcidBurnZ> wrong links
[10:47] <Today> Comet, I live at the end of the airforce flight line
[10:47] <De-Talon>
[10:47] <CometBaby> Mart .. planes that were already in the air have been diverted.
[10:47] <marcellus> `006: yeah, that is really something to focus on when thousands of people are dying..
[10:47] <sanman> well, let the Canadians take the suicide bombers then
[10:47] <CometBaby> Nothing is coming in or out of the US right now.
[10:47] <sanman> that's what allies are for
[10:47] <Kooch> Martmart: because all us airspace has been closed
[10:47] <Xaphoo> was the State Department really bombed?
[10:47] <AcidBurnZ> not yet confirmed
[10:47] <sanman> US State Dept was carbombed
[10:47] <Martmart> they should go to mexico.
[10:47] <sanman> a carbomb went off outside the building
[10:47] <Drover-> Martmart: we figure it's a lot less likely your airports are rigged than ours.
[10:47] <Kooch> sanamn: I'm Canadian. not funny
[10:47] <|T|> Xaphoo: that is now being reported as false
[10:48] <Today> don't you know those pilots are of few planes allowed to take over right now...I
bet they are wound up
[10:48] <Drover-> sanman, the state dept. car bomb story has been retracted.
[10:48] <sanman> Drover, thanks
[10:48] <TheTruth> it's time to take the gloves off
[10:48] <`006> use NetSurveillance WEB in winamp.. NYC police radio
[10:48] <Xaphoo> alright thank you
[10:48] <sanman> I don't wanna spread false rumors
[10:48] <Carious> please confirm defcon 2.........
[10:48] <Today> planes circling around the base here
[10:48] <Martmart> Bush cold-sholdered our country a couple weeks ago, now he needs our airports
[10:48] <StingRay^> martmart up yours
[10:48] <Byll> Officials are stating that bin Ladin is the only person capable of such an attack and that the USA
would hold the government responsible if the USA is ever attacked.
[10:48] <AcidBurnZ> all sites are overloaded
[10:49] <sanman> Martmart, bah, we should close the borders
[10:49] <Martmart> we better be getting a cheque
[10:49] <Drover-> Martmart: oh fuck you.
[10:49] <Today> Byll, yep..bin ladin
[10:49] <PhatDan> This is worse than Pearl Harbor
[10:49] <StingRay^> sanman ya but the liberals like biden would never do that
[10:49] <AcidBurnZ> DEFCON 2 was confirmed by CNN
[10:49] <Byll> There is a report that there's another hijacked plane in Virginia airspace surrounded by Air Force
[10:49] <sanman> the US will lose credibility if it doesn't retaliate for this soon
[10:49] <debauched> truth: bwahahah
[10:49] <Today> somebody explain defcon levels to me please
[10:49] <CometBaby> Byll ... what government would we hold responsible? Palestine? Afghanistan for
harboring him? Who?
[10:49] <Xaphoo> I'd hold the Taliban most responsible
[10:49] <Martmart> So did the US military shoot down a civilian plane?
[10:49] <De-Talon> hacked
[10:49] <De-Talon> hacked
[10:49] <De-Talon> hacked
[10:49] <Byll> CometBaby, the Talabin (spelling?)
[10:49] <CometBaby> Mart .. yes .. I have hard more than one
[10:49] <Daon151dh> taliban my ass !!!
[10:50] <AcidBurnZ> hacked ?
[10:50] <Daon151dh> religious fanatics no chance like
[10:50] <wade> Bush is in midair over the south.
[10:50] <Phynny> hacked??
[10:50] <Daon151dh> no trained pilots
[10:50] <Carious> Defcon 5-1
[10:50] <Martmart> really? wow. this is big
[10:50] <sanman> Taliban should be held responsible
[10:50] <|T|>
[10:50] <Xaphoo> Arafat said that none of the PLO organizations are part of this
[10:50] <Carious> peaceto war
[10:50] <Xaphoo> but let's not jump ahead of ourselves, we don't know that this was MIddle Eastern in the first
[10:50] <Phynny> De-Talon: real news!
[10:50] <sanman> Taliban is shielding Osama Bin laden
[10:50] <Phynny> real news only!
[10:50] <Drover-> hacked shmacked. NATO's web site is NATO - Homepage not
[10:50] <StingRay^> xaphoo bullshit
[10:50] <Daon151dh> well done Xaphoo
[10:50] <De-Talon>
[10:50] <David1> thats quite right xaphoo
[10:50] <Martmart> Usually this kind of disaster is caused by the US in a east indian country
[10:50] <CometBaby> The communications infrastructure is shaky right now
[10:51] <AcidBurnZ> hacked idd
[10:51] <pilgrim_> the net may go down btw
[10:51] <Byll> Phone lines in New Jersey are down
[10:51] <Phynny> AcidBurnZ: that's not the real nato site
[10:51] <Byll> Long distance
[10:51] <AcidBurnZ> ?
[10:51] <Drover-> hacked shmacked. NATO's web site is NATO - Homepage not
[10:51] <Phynny> NATO - Homepage
[10:51] <sanman> any incidents in Europe?
[10:51] <AcidBurnZ> lol :)
[10:51] <sanman> or were they spared?
[10:51] <Daon151dh> none
[10:51] <Daon151dh> london financial sector is evaced
[10:51] <Phynny> i heared about an attack in london, unconfirmed
[10:51] <Martmart> I think there was a pubscrap in Derry
[10:52] <sanman> any incidents anywhere internationally?
[10:52] <pilgrim_> Regulars: if you are on channel STAY ON CHANNEL. we are basically a international
communication link right now
[10:52] <David1> yes im in UK Daon
[10:52] <Daon151dh> and planes are coming past me into glasgow ok & regular
[10:52] <AcidBurnZ> only USA confirmed
[10:52] <StingRay^> aharon check msg
[10:52] <pilgrim_> what in UK?
[10:52] <AcidBurnZ> carbomb in London, unconfirmed
[10:52] <L0c0> Tom Clansy on CNN
[10:52] <Phynny> no confirmed attacks outside US!
[10:52] <sanman> what? London?
[10:52] <David1> just living here daon
[10:52] <Daon151dh> nothing in london
[10:52] <|3CLipZ|> i heard a hijacked plane is heading for london now.. still unconfirmed
[10:52] <`006> Tom Clancy
[10:52] <pilgrim_> L0c0 border open?
[10:52] <Warufiizz> nothing in europe so far
[10:52] <StingRay^> we know who did it end of story
[10:53] <Phynny> 8 planes were hijacked, 4 left
[10:53] <StingRay^> now go after his ass like clkint9n should have done
[10:53] <StingRay^> clinton
[10:53] <Warufiizz> i actually think there won't be anything like this in europe.
[10:53] <David1> were any hijacked on the ground or were they all in middair??
[10:53] <exabyte> Phynny: where'd u hear this
[10:53] <Byll> NEW YORK –– In a horrific sequence of destruction, terrorists crashed two planes into the
World Trade Center, and the twin 110-story towers collapsed Tuesday morning. An aircraft also crashed at the
Pentagon in apparent coordinated series of attacks that spread fear across the nation.
[10:53] <Phynny> i hope not
[10:53] <Phynny> it'd be ww3
[10:53] <Byll> "I have a sense it's a horrendous number of lives lost," Mayor Rudolph Giuliani said. "I don't
know yet. Right now we have to focus on saving as many lives as possible."
[10:53] <exabyte> this is the second Pearl Harbor =(
[10:53] <red_aktor> US Embassy evacuated here in Warsaw / Poland, all flights to US cancelled
[10:53] <Kooch> Disney is closing their parks.
[10:53] <exabyte> say good bye to our right of privacy
[10:54] <`006> This is FUBR
[10:54] <Byll> Authorities had been trying to evacuate those who work in the twin towers, but many were
thought to have been trapped. About 50,000 people work at the Trade Center.
[10:54] <exabyte> there's gonna be a left wing swing
[10:54] <Phynny> yes, shooting down that airplane was also saving lifes
[10:54] <David1> that may be true exabyte
[10:54] <De-Talon>
[10:54] <Daon151dh> not middle east easier for them
[10:54] <StingRay^> maybe now liberals will wake up from their sleep
[10:54] <Byll> "This is perhaps the most audacious terrorist attack that's ever taken place in the world," said
Chris Yates, an aviation expert at Jane's Transport in London. "It takes a logistics operation from the terror
group involved that is second to none. Only a very small handful of terror groups is on that list. ... I would name
at the top of the list Osama bin Laden."
[10:54] <TheTruth> which channel has the new plane?
[10:54] <L0c0> my god
[10:54] <|T|> anyone have any hard news on a commercial plane shot down?
[10:54] <David1> they say it has takenyears to organise too
[10:55] <L0c0> i can't believe that when I see that plane hit the building that people are dying in an instant
[10:55] <L0c0> just so fucking surreal
[10:55] <fabster> whom else, but religius s would steer an aircraft into suicide ?
[10:55] <TDurden_> hijacked plane on way to london, unconfirmed
[10:55] <Timur-> later
[10:55] <AcidBurnZ> but howcome something this big gets organised so secretly ?
[10:55] <Timur-> closing here
[10:55] <classwar1> T - only reports that I've seen domestically is that the plane 'crashed'
[10:55] <fabster> whom else, but religius s would steer an aircraft into suicide .. ?
[10:55] <CometBaby> DAvid .. its well organized but probably not years in planning except in general terms.
[10:55] * LizBabe nods to acid
[10:55] <Martmart> Driving oil was the primary concern for the US government. It became an obsession. They
took innocent lives.
[10:55] <Byll> The US military Forces are at DEFCON level Delta (full alert). All US facilities will be guarded
by armed personnel
[10:55] <L0c0> Fabster: well, religion is the basis of most major conflicts in history
[10:55] <Warufiizz> l0c0: just like the fancy video presentations back in the gulf war - you saw people dying
there too
[10:55] <Phynny> all flights canceled, stock market stopped
[10:55] <Daon151dh> not need to be religious......the european revolutions seen many suicide attacks
[10:55] <AcidBurnZ> i don't think this was planned years ago
[10:55] <CometBaby> they have been trying a big act of terrorism here for a long time. This time they were
[10:55] <|3CLipZ|> 767 crashed near pittsburgh?\
[10:55] <Kooch> I"m in Canada. I'm trying to find out what the Cdn gov/military is doing
[10:55] <Kooch> no luck so far
[10:56] <TDurden_> the japanese had kamikazes
[10:56] <AcidBurnZ> this was planned fast and several months ago
[10:56] <Carious> exactly Comet
[10:56] <ragman> kooch: apparently the cn tower is locked down
[10:56] <Infiltr8> I'm sure the Canadian military is on high alert.
[10:56] <L0c0> Warufiizz: yup
[10:56] <Daon151dh> UK will be on a similar status to US........US Govt says jump & UK Govt says how high
[10:56] <Phynny> TDurden_: this is the same
[10:56] <AcidBurnZ> men's wordt enemy: an enemy who has nothing to lose (Palestina)
[10:56] <exabyte>
[10:56] <Sepesepe> iraq was about to become one of the worlds richest nations before the kuwait war, wonder
if saddam got enuff $ to make up such a thing
[10:56] <Kooch> ragman; the TSE is closed too
[10:56] <L0c0> i mean...this shit doesn't happen here (well, at least i thought)
[10:56] <AcidBurnZ> worst
[10:56] <David1> thats true daon
[10:56] <L0c0> i'm watching german tv to see if they show anything
[10:57] <Sting9wrk> 175 boston to la is down
[10:57] <Infiltr8> While this was obviously directed at the US, and at us as people living in the US, Canada is a
neighbor with a friendly border and they have to have a lot of concern as well.
[10:57] <AcidBurnZ> where did 175 crash ?
[10:57] <Daon151dh> you know what I'm saying David way will I fight for Mr Bush
[10:57] <`006> This isn't Middle East Terrorists, it's aliens from another dimension. They want our cows.
[10:57] <AcidBurnZ> *sigh*
[10:57] <Byll> Secondary incidenary devices places in the WTC to go off after the crashes.
[10:57] <L0c0> fuck
[10:57] <Daon151dh> lol 006
[10:57] <L0c0> i wish i'd learned more in that stupid german class
[10:57] <Phynny> Sting9wrk: was it shot down?? news?? source??
[10:57] <Sepesepe> byll, true?
[10:57] <exabyte> it seems like it
[10:58] <Byll> Sepesepe, yes, that is what is looks like
[10:58] <exnihilo> I got the day off from work to follow this
[10:58] <DertyWerd> unprecedented, period.
[10:58] <exnihilo> i've been pretty freaked out all day
[10:58] <exabyte> i don't see how the plane alone could do it
[10:58] <FreeTrade> spdy_D kicked and recorded
[10:58] <Arrgh2> yeah..., I wonder about all the babes lost in that building..
[10:58] <DertyWerd> this will go down as the bloodiest terrorist act ever
[10:58] <Warufiizz> l0c0: want me to take a look at german news for a moment? i speak german
[10:58] <L0c0> Has anybody made the Nostradamus connection yet?
[10:58] <pilgrim_> 50 thousand
[10:58] <TheTruth> This is only the beginning
[10:58] <TheTruth> The bloodiest act yet... but not for long.
[10:58] <L0c0> Warufiizz: well, somebody had said that german news was reporting mass celebrations in
[10:58] <Daon151dh> L0co YES
[10:58] <L0c0> just wondering about it
[10:58] <Martmart> this was well-planned
[10:58] <Martmart> there must have been loopholes in the airports in Boston.
[10:59] <kiteman1> my mate works in the trades center i havent heard from him yet
[10:59] <Phynny> A further increase in force readiness but less than maximum readiness, All members are
alerted to the possibility
[10:59] <Phynny> that war is eminent. VFAS-524 has received or issued a challenge for combat. A date and
time has been set.
[10:59] <L0c0> Daon15dh: well, he did say he was a rogue figure, of mid-eastern origin...Bin Laden fits the bill
[10:59] <exnihilo> laules, Bullshit
[10:59] <exnihilo> you serious??
[10:59] <Daon151dh> the financial shit to "collapse" circa 1999-2002 ?
[10:59] <Xaphoo> heh what is the Nostradamus connection?
[10:59] <Byll> Standby for possible Chemical or biological attacks.
[10:59] <Martmart> someone's not doing there job, or maybe it's an inside job
[10:59] <Martmart> their
[10:59] <Drover-> well I guess this is going to put a dent in NYC's erstwhile falling murder rate.... *sigh*
[10:59] <MannyL> Xaphoo They have to. If we don't rebuild they won. Plus do you know how much that land
is worth in NY?
[10:59] <exnihilo> laules you'
[10:59] <exnihilo> you are full of shit
[10:59] <Martmart> hehe
[10:59] <exabyte> how's this gonna affect the economy
[10:59] <exnihilo> nobody is reporting on camp david.
[10:59] <Arrgh2> Bush will probably ask **** Cheney what to do...
[10:59] <exnihilo> The Mall of America was evacuated.. all major landmarks are being evacuated.
[10:59] <Byll> The US-Mexico border is closed.
[10:59] <|3CLipZ|> hmm.. #CNN is now invite-only
[10:59] <Daon151dh> he said "a man in blue who shall unit the poles and the arabs"
[10:59] <dabods> Timur-: yeah, i wouldn't be surprised
[10:59] <Byll> We are entering a seige
[10:59] <TheTruth> it's not genetic Liz, do you support arab society?
[10:59] <Martmart> US-CA border is closed too
[10:59] <dabods> although right now i'm about 50 miles west
[10:59] <L0c0> the military base here is on Charlie (C) Alert. Ft. Bliss is the army's air-defense center
[10:59] <Xaphoo> US Embassy in Oslo evacuated
[10:59] <CometBaby> Byll .. it seems to be over now
[10:59] <CometBaby> the worst of it
[10:59] <Daon151dh> will arise and we shall know 50 years of war followed by 2000 of peace
[11:00] <TheTruth> if we don't show strength now, then it's all over.
[11:00] <Monty4> US/Mexico border sealed off.
[11:00] <|T|>
[11:00] <Kooch> Martman: I"m not surprised. I'm sure the Mexican/US border is or will be closed too
[11:00] <|T|> bin laden warned he would attack us
[11:00] <Monty4> We have to respond 5000x to whoever did this.
[11:00] <L0c0> Poor Bush man... 8 months, a flailing economy and now this
[11:00] <prostheta> did they shoot one of the jumbos down? (in UK...last to know)
[11:00] <L0c0> i wouldn't be able to cope w/ it
[11:00] <Martmart> Bush is mental
[11:00] <Byll> LONDON (Reuters) - Saudi dissident Osama bin Laden (news - web sites) warned three
[11:00] <Byll> ago that he and his followers would carry out an unprecedented attack on U.S. interests for its
[11:00] <Byll> support of Israel, an Arab journalist with access to him said Tuesday.
[11:00] <TDurden_> russian air defense on alert
[11:01] <Xaphoo> US Embassy in Oslo evacuated, all israeli embassies evacuated. 2 Flights to LAX lost radio
contact. 3 other planes down. Camp David crash is false
[11:01] <L0c0> 50000 workers, 150,000 visitors daily
[11:01] <Byll> Abdel-Bari Atwan, editor of the London-based al-Quds al-Arabi, an Arabic-language weekly
news magazine, said Islamic fundamentalists led by bin Laden were ``almost certainly'' behind the attack of the
World Trade Center in New York.
[11:01] * neospice is away.. autoaway/10m [lp!on]
[11:01] <exnihilo> Palestinian DFLP denies World Trade Center crash
[11:01] <exnihilo> JERUSALEM, Sept 11 (Reuters) - A senior official from the radical Democratic Front for
the Liberation of Palestine denied on Tuesday the group had any connection to a double plane crash onto New
York City's World Trade Center.
[11:01] <exnihilo> An anonymous caller had told Abu Dhabi television the DFLP was behind the crash.
[11:01] <exnihilo> "I emphasise that the story released on Abu Dhabi TV by an anonymous person is totally
incorrect," Tayseer Khaled, a senior official from the DFLP politburo in the Palestinian territories, told Reuters.
[11:01] <exnihilo> "The DFLP is against hijacking planes and against endangering the lives of civilians who are
not connected with the struggle of this region," he said.
[11:01] <|T|> PhatDan:
[11:01] <Arrgh2> let'
[11:01] <StingRay^> - governmenrt mail Resources and Information. This website is for sale! start writing thses embasys
[11:01] <Martmart> This is clearly a response to US consumption and economic corruption
[11:01] <Arrgh2> What would palestinians gain by terrorizing us?
[11:01] * TheTailor dons his soldier hat


Regular Member
Apr 1, 2010
Ah, the memories of that terrifying and awful day :(
Last edited:


Super Mod
Mar 24, 2009
Country flag
I was in last year of my engineering, exams going on. Got a call from my friend saying planes have hit WTC. followed it up on the news. Yeah it was horrifying and suspicion was on OBL immediately.


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2010
I was in last year of my engineering, exams going on. Got a call from my friend saying planes have hit WTC. followed it up on the news. Yeah it was horrifying and suspicion was on OBL immediately.
Wow, how did you know that it was OBL immediately?:p


Super Mod
Mar 24, 2009
Country flag
Wow, how did you know that it was OBL immediately?:p
WTC attack 1 in 1993, USS Cole. Attacks in Kenya and Tanzania, Saudi military base attack. Large and daring attacks all point at him.


Super Mod
Mar 24, 2009
Country flag
The US was after him always. Bill Clinton missed him by a whisker in the Tomahawk strike. Thanks to the pukis. That's the strike from which they recovered tomahawks and reversed it to make Babur.


DFI Technocrat
Oct 10, 2009
Country flag
I was in Class 11 , reading some stuff i cannot remember! mom and dad were watching the Salman Khan movie "Suryavanshi", all of a sudden mom comes into the room telling me that someone has shot a missile into New York well that was the end of reading for me that day. Only when i watched the TV(BBC WORLD) did i find out that it wasn't missiles but aircraft that had hit New York.


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
I was in my office and I thought that the news was a practical joke, till I saw it on TV at home!

But, while the WTC attack and the Holocaust are the two issues that grip the world, and newspapers around the world is cramped with memorabilia to include even today's Indian newspapers, I wonder why it does not evoke the same horror in Indian newspapers at least to remember the Mumbai carnage perpetuated by Pakistani terrorists and the other terrorists attacks. The simultaneous attacks on the trains in Bombay come to mind!

Maybe it is easier to copy and paste foreign news from the international wire services than writing up stories of the Indian horror accounts for the next day's new columns.


Senior Member
Apr 1, 2009
That transcript posted by Sanjay, what is interesting is how quickly the US knew it was Osama. How is that possible? When was it officially confirmed that Osama was the mastermind?


DFI Buddha
Senior Member
Aug 21, 2010
Country flag
Where were you on 9/11?

This thread is basically to say how you remember it and where were you when this happened and what you thought of it.

The Truth is, i felt no remorse over the attacks, i was surprised, trilled and happy, like watching an Hollywood Disaster Movie unveil. :rolleyes:

I first saw the glimpse of that attack on a small TV on the road side, i think it was a barber shop! I was actually happy that it happened that America the great ego manic had a bloody nose, i was thrilled that USA which looks down on us was shown its own fragility in this mortal world. I did not know the cost of human life's and i neither did care about it. Although i disliked Islamist fanatics, i was no fan of arrogance and the West either.

Back then I was in my teens and they put me in a collage in bangalore and everything was new, i had no TV no home comforts and i shared a room with a Sardarji boy but since i was a BRite since 1998, i was very aware of what was happening in the world even when all this knowledge that comes to us through the net was very limited back then.

Today looking back the whole Iraq thing looks meaningless and we all have seen the competence and incompetence of USA, its limitations to fight an grueling guerrilla war and sustain its popularity back home. It looks like US has not learnt much about Guerrilla war since the Vietnam days. Today the Libya conflict shows how you should have delta with Dictators by merely supporting the Anti-Government forces inside a Nation, which seems the best option. That system does not bruise Egos or hurt the self-respect of the people and also seems to give an sense of ownership and accomplishment to the rebels who win the war against the Dictators.
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Senior Member
Jun 9, 2010
WTC attack 1 in 1993, USS Cole. Attacks in Kenya and Tanzania, Saudi military base attack. Large and daring attacks all point at him.
Actually when I was watching those 2 planes hit the buildings successively, I too suspected his group. But I got the name wrong. I thought it was Al Badr, until the Anchor started taking a bout Al Qaeda. I also remember it was only 2 days after the Assasination of Ahmed shah Masood.

Btw I think 1993 WTC was done by a Harkat Ul Ansar guy.


Super Mod
Mar 24, 2009
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Actually when I was watching those 2 planes hit the buildings successively, I too suspected his group. But I got the name wrong. I thought it was Al Badr, until the Anchor started taking a bout Al Qaeda. I also remember it was only 2 days after the Assasination of Ahmed shah Masood.

Btw I think 1993 WTC was done by a Harkat Ul Ansar guy.
Ramzi Yousef carried out the attack. Al Qaeda guy. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed planned it and funded it. Khalid is the guy critically involved in planning in execution of 9/11.


Super Mod
Mar 24, 2009
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And yes Harkat was a group formed to fight against India in Kashmir. Nothing to do with terror against the US.


Sanathan Pepe
Sep 18, 2009
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I remember taking my date to Lagaan that day. Later that day (night) there was news on TV that there was a terrorist attack in New York. A video clip of the planes ramming into the buildings spread on Realplayer.

That's about as much as I remember.


Senior Member
Dec 21, 2009
I might have been getting a spanking that day .I was a 14 year old pimply at that time


Zandu Balm all day
Aug 3, 2010
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I was in third grade, in class.. All of a sudden my teacher's assistant talks to my teacher(about what happened). My teacher starts crying like crazy, she brings in a TV and sets it in the class. We all watched what happened and I think we watched the second plane hit the tower. All of us(students) didn't comprehend what was going on.. Everyone else was crying.:(


Super Mod
Mar 24, 2009
Country flag
I remember taking my date to Lagaan that day. Later that day (night) there was news on TV that there was a terrorist attack in New York. A video clip of the planes ramming into the buildings spread on Realplayer.

That's about as much as I remember.
What did you do with that date? Hope you remember that!!

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