Prophesy corner !!


Strategic Issues
Senior Member
Oct 28, 2016
Serious discussion about prophecy !! That a user needs to be banned from this thread ? Wow !
I consider Nostredamas a hoax !!
a hoax.......???

century 1 ,quatrain 63.

Pestilences extinguished, the world becomes smaller,
for a long time the lands will be inhabited peacefully.
People will travel safely through the sky (over) land and seas:
then wars will start up again.

500 years ago , he wrote that there will be a period of peace in between two wars when people will travel by air.....

when did first passanger airliner started ?

1949 , the comet !!!


Senior Member
May 18, 2015
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Devraha Baba was a Yogi. he never used to sit on a ground but on a raised platform/pedestal. even used to give blessings to people from there using hands or feet. there was one Hans Devraha Baba too after him. some say he was the former's disciple and not so spiritually powerful. but had some political acquaintances. not all have good opinion of the latter. but the former was an undisputed saint.

Bharat Ek Khoj

Senior Member
Apr 21, 2016
a hoax.......???

century 1 ,quatrain 63.

Pestilences extinguished, the world becomes smaller,
for a long time the lands will be inhabited peacefully.
People will travel safely through the sky (over) land and seas:
then wars will start up again.

500 years ago , he wrote that there will be a period of peace in between two wars when people will travel by air.....

when did first passanger airliner started ?

1949 , the comet !!!
Do you have original copy of his writings ? When I said he is hoax, it means he was created.
Recently Stephen hawking said we have 100 years left on earth. Every few years, someone(propagandist) from western country makes prophecy about end of the world.
They see east as superstitious but they themselves have research center for such prophecies.


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Nov 1, 2016
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Queen Elizabeth: World War III Must Break Out This Year(2017)… 2017-06-12..

14 juni, 2017 Prophecy 1

Expandourmind has predicted for a long time that 2017 will be the cataclysmic year when the whole world will change in a moment due to the first resurrection. This is in line with Buddha and other great prophets. Not only that, the stars and planets will align in a miraculous way around Sept. 22-23 2017 when the Feast Of Trumpets starts in Israel. This is the great moment we are waiting for.

Buddha, Judaism And Christians Prophecied 2017 To Be The Start of The Golden Era

Stars And Planets Show Us First Resurrection In 2017?

Below the predictions of Queen Elizabeth. The interesting difference between her prediction and ours is that we believe Gods are in charge of mankind´s destiny while she seems to believe that human beings are in charge. Time wise we agree perfectly and we believe that while they try to start WW III Gods will intervene to stop the destruction. We also believe that the NWO will be eliminated during the next few years as mankind will learn from the Gods about how to live well as human beings.

Below the article about the Queen´s prediction.


Queen Elizabeth celebrated her birthday on April 22nd at Windsor Castle with a private gathering. She shocked the guest by announcing the following:

2017 is a very special year. It will go down in history as the start of World War 3,” the Queen said with an evil smile, according to a Windsor Castle insider.

Queen Elizabeth has an official birthday party celebrated by the British nation in June — when the weather is better — featuring the “Trooping the Color” military parade. April 22, her real birthday, is also celebrated, but it’s a more intimate occasion, featuring only family and invited guests.

The Queen was speaking as though she knows the Illuminati’s plans inside out,” the Windsor Castle insider said, speaking on the strict condition of anonymity. “To make matters worse she seemed turned on by the thrill of a new world war.

The Queen said: “One must prepare for the new dawn humanity will soon wake up to, which cannot come into being without a period of complete darkness, the blackest of nights, the likes of which we have never experienced.”

It is understood the “period of complete darkness” refers to World War 3. The “new dawn” that humanity will soon wake up was explained to be the New World Order.

LOL, that Budhia barely knows what's going on in her own palace nowadays, and can't really speak more than 3 sentences a minute. I don't know who comes up with this kind of news.

Tarun Kumar

Regular Member
Dec 12, 2016
I am writing on this post despite all the fun made of me by members. Firstly let us look at Hindu prophecies. The time scale described of end of Kali yuga is huge but conditions of Kali yuga endphase are occurring now so where is the discrepancy. The discrepancy is in the fact that time does not flow in straight line. Our seers 3000 years ago saw time flowing in much slower fashion than it does now. Over last 500 years humans have evolved upto thousands of years due to rapid development in science and technology. Similarly mayans had pretty accurate prophecy on end times and so did Christians. Personally I favor Nostradamus as he has described in pretty accurate terms what will happen.


Strategic Issues
Senior Member
Oct 28, 2016
I am writing on this post despite all the fun made of me by members. Firstly let us look at Hindu prophecies. The time scale described of end of Kali yuga is huge but conditions of Kali yuga endphase are occurring now so where is the discrepancy. The discrepancy is in the fact that time does not flow in straight line. Our seers 3000 years ago saw time flowing in much slower fashion than it does now. Over last 500 years humans have evolved upto thousands of years due to rapid development in science and technology. Similarly mayans had pretty accurate prophecy on end times and so did Christians. Personally I favor Nostradamus as he has described in pretty accurate terms what will happen.
you had subjected yourself for that fun , basically for the reason that you was wrongly proclaming bhavishya puran and others but the fact is you was actually directly quoting predictions from the book resently publish in pakistan claiming poitries of hazzrat wali shah , who died some 500 years ago . isi had distributed the book among the armymen , right....

it was like having breakfast in bekaner and lunch at delhi , so is written there in that book , islamic invasion in isreal and islamic flag on rome ......

next time you quote any prediction , do not forget to mention the chapter numbet ,bpage number , doha number , sloke etc , so members can counter check ...ok ?

Project Dharma

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Oct 4, 2016
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The discrepancy is in the fact that time does not flow in straight line. Our seers 3000 years ago saw time flowing in much slower fashion than it does now.
What does time have to do with human evolution bro? The only thing that can change time wrt earth is your motion relative to it.


Regular Member
Nov 6, 2015
I am writing on this post despite all the fun made of me by members. Firstly let us look at Hindu prophecies. The time scale described of end of Kali yuga is huge but conditions of Kali yuga endphase are occurring now so where is the discrepancy. The discrepancy is in the fact that time does not flow in straight line. Our seers 3000 years ago saw time flowing in much slower fashion than it does now. Over last 500 years humans have evolved upto thousands of years due to rapid development in science and technology. Similarly mayans had pretty accurate prophecy on end times and so did Christians. Personally I favor Nostradamus as he has described in pretty accurate terms what will happen.
This is not the time for Kalki Avatar. End of the Kalyuga is very far. As far as i know Kalki avatar will happen when it will be whole world full of Rakshasa type peoples. He will come to destroy all the evils. Right now it is the golden period of Kalyuga, which will come and world will go towards spirituality.


Strategic Issues
Senior Member
Oct 28, 2016
This is not the time for Kalki Avatar. End of the Kalyuga is very far. As far as i know Kalki avatar will happen when it will be whole world full of Rakshasa type peoples. He will come to destroy all the evils. Right now it is the golden period of Kalyuga, which will come and world will go towards spirituality.
kalki avtar is mention in ' shri madbhagwat puran' ....
the mentioned indications of arrival of kalki avatar are like maximun age of human bring down to 20 to 30 years ,....
( skand (section) 12 , adyaye(chaptet) 2 , sloke 11)

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Strategic Issues
Senior Member
Oct 28, 2016

Tarun Kumar

Regular Member
Dec 12, 2016
What does time have to do with human evolution bro? The only thing that can change time wrt earth is your motion relative to it.
Not true, as per theory of relativity, time itself is relative. Unit of time indeed is 1 year which is rate at which earth revolves around sun, but time itself is rate at which creation and destruction takes place. Today so many things happen in a person's life in 1 year which would make people in ancient time giddy with vertigo. The Hindu seers saw through cyclical nature of time but could not understand the relative concept of time. I am convinced that this is final period of kaliyuga and kalki avatar will appear in India in this century to end global strife and create a new age.

A chauhan

"अहिंसा परमो धर्मः धर्म हिंसा तथैव च: l"
Senior Member
Oct 10, 2009
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Ghajwa e hind is not a prophecy but a wet dream of Islamic nut job who was on weed, which has now become a "plan" for the followers of that nut job...

Btw what Nostradamus prophesized about India and Hindus ?


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2016
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People’s Republic of China Horoscope and Future

People’s Republic of China Horoscope formed on 1 October 1949 at 15:01:36 hours in Beijing with Makara (Capricorn) Lagna, Moon in Sravana Nakshatra.

China is the most populated country and its economy is next to USA.

Mao took on the ambitious project of the Great Leap Forward in 1958 and in its Mars dasa (1959-1966), China underwent many changes.

Before that, unfavourable Moon dasa during 1949-1959 has witnessed for over 70 million excessive deaths due to both executions and forced labour.

Because of Mao’s land reforms during the Great Leap Forward, which resulted in massive famines, thirty million perished between 1958 and 1961. By the end of 1961 the birth rate was nearly cut in half because of malnutrition

By the end of unfavorable Mars dasa and just before the partially favorable Rahu Dasa, Mao began the Cultural Revolution.

Retrograde Mercury brought a huge change during its Rahu-Mercury dasa, during 1976, with death of Mao.

Later part of Rahu dasa saw Rise of Deng Xiaoping and economic reforms.

During this period, Chinese government instituted a one child policy to try to control its rapidly increasing population. The controversial policy resulted in a dramatic decrease in child poverty.
During the most unfavorable Jupiter dasa (1984-2000), two foreign colonies returned to China, Hong Kong from Britain in 1997, and Macau from Portugal in 1999.

But Hong Kong and Macau mostly continued their own governance, retaining independence in their economic, social, and judicial systems.

Jiang and President Clinton exchanged state visits, but Sino-American relations took very sour turns by the end of the 90s.

In 1999 during the Kosovo War, US aircraft bombed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade. The U.S. government claimed the strike was due to bad intelligence and false target identification.

Inside the US, the Cox Report stated that China had been stealing various top US military secrets.

Rise in Chinese Economy after the year 2000

Most favorable dasa of Saturn started in the year 2000 and China picked up its economy since then.

Continued economic growth of the country as well as its sporting power status gained China the right to host the 2008 Summer Olympics.

During 2008, Natal Saturn return has caused a massive earthquake registering 8.0 on the Richter scale hit Sichuan province of China, exacting a death toll officially estimated at approximately 70,000.

In the same year, heavy rains in southern China caused severe flooding in the provinces of Anhui, Hunan, Jiangxi, Fujian and Guangdong, with dozens of fatalities and over a million people forced to evacuate.

Population explosion in China and its threat to neighbours

Population of China fluctuated between 37 and 60 million for a thousand years. In the period between 1749 and 1851, the population doubled in a century. After 1950, the population doubled from 600 to 1300 million in a half century.

People’s Republic of China conducted censuses in 1953, 1964, 1982, 2000, and 2010.

The 1982 census (which reported a total population of 1,008,180,738) is generally accepted as significantly more reliable, accurate, and thorough than the previous two.

The 2000-2001 population census was abandoned halfway through as the census takers could not obtain accurate responses, mainly because of distrust as to the actual purpose of the poll.

China’s population therefore continues to be based on the last complete census carried out in the country, which was 19 years ago in 1988/89. The 1.3 billion figure then, as far as we can ascertain, dates back from this census.

Taking the population figure of 1.3 billion, add in the growth since the last full census, plus the possible additional figures for unregistered children – then it could be possible that the population for China today could be anything between 1.8 to 2 billion people.

This explosion of population is making China try and claim territories from neighbourhood like Tibet etc.

During this favorable Saturn dasa so far, China’s GDP increased almost 9 times, from $1,211.35 in 2000 to $11,063.05 in 2015.

China will continue to grow till late 2019 and bully its neighbours.

Future of China from year 2020

China will experience Mercury dasa from september 2019. From January 2020, Saturn will transit its Lagna (Ascendant) and natal Moon.

Mercury is retrograde and combust, while being in close proximity with Ketu.
This Mercury(Rx)+Sun+Ketu combination does not favor growth in expected manner.
Also, Saturn transit in its 12th house can cause losses due to war like situation, exposure of lies (military, population etc.), loss of investments. Natural calamities can also cause loss of lives and properties.

Saturn transits in Capricorn (Makara) and Aquarius (Kumbha) during 2020-22 and 2023-25, will bring Chinese economy down. Change of governments, non-recovery of bad loans, Official or unofficial sanctions imposed by other countries can prove to be disastrous.
China will try to pickup from 2025-26, but it will struggle to reach its previous position attained during 2018-19.

Manipulation of maps, investments in foreign countries (like Pakistan) will backfire during that period.


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