PM Modi's US visit: India will lead 21st century world, says Modi


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Jun 17, 2009
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PM Modi's US visit: India will lead 21st century world, says Narendra Modi

NEW YORK: Addressing a rapturous crowd of NRIs here, Prime MINISTER Narendra Modi affirmed today that India will MOVE ahead at a rapid pace and lead the 21st century world.

At a unique event at the Madison Square Garden in the heart of Manhattan at which some 20,000 cheering NRIs were present, Modi said that his big win in the Lok Sabha elections had come with a big responsibility for him which he would fulfil.

Listing out India's advantages, the Prime Minister said that its three strengths were democracy, demographic dividend in which 65 per cent of its population was under 35 years, and the demand for India because it was a huge MARKET.

Clearly with an eye on the younger generation, Modi said, "We will not do anything which will let you down."

"My government will be 100 per cent successful in fulfilling the aspirations OF THE PEOPLE," he said, as the crowd repeatedly chanted 'Modi-Modi'.

Attired in a saffron Nehru jacket and yellow kurta, the prime MINISTER held the packed indoor stadium spellbound, asserting that "Our attempt is to make development a peoples' movement."

In his over hour-long speech in Hindi which he began with 'Bharat Mata Ki Jai' while extending greetings for Navratri festival, Modi promised good governance saying after a gap of 30 years India has got a government at the Centre with a clear majority.

He also had a jibe at poll predictions in the run up to the Lok Sabha elections. "No political pundit or opinion makers could fathom such a verdict," he said.

Winning elections brought with it a big responsibility, he said. "Ever since I took up this task (as Prime Minister), I have not taken even a 15-minute VACATION," he said.

In his over hour-long speech in Hindi which he began with 'Bharat Mata Ki Jai' while extending greetings for Navratri festival, Modi promised good governance saying after a gap of 30 years India has got a government at the Centre with a clear majority.

He also had a jibe at poll predictions in the run up to the Lok Sabha elections. "No political pundit or opinion makers could fathom such a verdict," he said.

Winning elections brought with it a big responsibility, he said. "Ever since I took up this task (as Prime Minister), I have not taken even a 15-minute VACATION," he said.

The Prime Minister said there was no need for any disillusionment. "India is going to march ahead at a very fast pace."

"The 21ST CENTURY will be that of India. By 2020, only India will be in a position to provide work force to the world," he said, while citing examples of growing global demand for NURSES and teacher."

He also said Americans nationals wanting to visit India for tourism purposes will get long-term visa.

"My effort is to make development a mass movement. I am confident is that we will succeed. There is cause for disappointment. This country is going to make rapid progress.

"There are many expectations from the new government. This government will be 100 percent successful in fulfilling the aspirations of people," he said amid loud cheers by the around 20,000 people.

"My dream is to see every Indian family has a home by 2022," he said.

PM Modi's US visit: India will lead 21st century world, says Narendra Modi - Economic Times

India will lead the world in 21st Century :thumb:
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Hari Sud

Senior Member
Mar 31, 2012
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Modi's New York visit followed by Washington sojourn with Obama and business leader has all the makings of below average success, hoopla aside. Reasons:

1. Timing is wrong as Obama is preoccupied with failed Iraq policy.

2. Modi is not well liked; rather all those who participated in Indian diplomats strip search in New York and and denying him Visa are still around in the Administration. They are generally hostile to India in all forms and shape.

3. Obama has ignored India for six years. In order to make a fundamental change in policy to invest in India, he has to put his mind around this subject and think about strategic partnership, a thorough review of policy within the Adminstration has to take place. I do not believe that is happening, lip service aside.

4. India and Modi has to show the world that he is serious as he says he is about fundamental directional changes of the Indian evonomy. Top of the priority is labor law changed, stress on accelrated development of infrastructure, ending highest level of corruption last of all ending some of the discriminatory trade practices etc. if he does these, then message will get to US that MODI is serious.

5. Some sort of arrangement has to be worked out in which, US military aid is obtained in the naval field while offering US something in return. US is not intrested in bases, but naval co-ordination to check Chinese influence in the Indian Ocean will go a long way.

6. US is not very clear that Modi has made up his mind that he will proceed to form triumverate grouping of Japan, India and US to check China in the bud before Chinese get too enthusiastic. If an arrangement could be worked out and US is convinced that India is dead serious abou it, then it will unlock hundreds of billions of investment provided movement on item numbers 1., 2., 3. is made in the earnest.

7. India has to stick with inward looking policy and not poke its nose in every international affair with former Prime Minister Nehru used to do and not definitely interfere in affairs which Indira Gandhi used to do often.


So far next six to twelve months will tell, what happens next. Immediately a few military supply contracts will be signed. These favor US suppliers. But unlocking US - India Nuclear deal is long way away. The nation will have to be taken into confidence to change one one or two items in the local ratification law before a go ahead signal is given by US for the nuclear deal to get implemented. The same holdup exists with Japan..

Democrats who are incharge in US are generally hostile to India. I do not expect much from them. But they are about loose the white house, the Republicans may look at India more favourably as an alternative source of supply in competetion to China.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Modi's US visit must be seen as a window to the Western world - a handshake that they can do business with him.

We must not see it as anything more.

USA has very different priorities compared to India. Pakistan (stability in middle-east) is more important to USA compared to India.

USA wants India to share some of its load (examples - Afghanistan, Indian ocean patrolling) which we can call common interests. However it is unclear how US will react as a greater role of India in Afghanistan will clearly cause conflict between Sunni extremists and Indian forces.

India has a very significant economic relationship with USA. India's services exports are primarily targeted at USA. USA also has a very large Indian community now.

So I think India and USA have become entwined due to fate rather than conscious action.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Are democrats hostile to India? I do not think so.

State policy in USA is institutionalized. There is very significant continuity from administration to administration.

The people of European descent have a general condescending attitude towards Indians, probably an outcome of two centuries of opinion building.

The relationship reflects this attitude despite the party in power.


Senior Member
Mar 18, 2011
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@Hari Sud, @sgarg,

This article (in post #1) said anything in context of India - US relations?
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