Pakistan's Ideology and Identity crisis


Regular Member
Jan 18, 2011
If Pakistan is a failed state, then the rest of the humanity is also failed

Sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet. I am here just to learn and not to discuss. I regularly visit all the political forum and found this on a Pakistani forum (think tank section). Have your daily dose of humor.

I am not sure, whether link to another forum is allowed or not, and hence I am not adding the link.

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Who we are, where we from, what is our purpose.

These questions have been asked many times but unfortunately, most of our historian, educationalist, religious sections of society, liberals, right/left wing, almost every section of society, has lost the plot. No one has ever bothered to look deep in our history, even before the advent of Islam.

They way I understand human history is as follows:
We being Muslims firmly believe in Allah and his messengers. From Adam (As) to present humanity, there is continuous evolution of human civilization. HOWEVER, there is one big event which shapes the humans as we know today. And that is the Tofan-e-Noh (AS) or tsunami of Noah (AS). Hence, from religious point of view and belief, human history is divided in two phases. Pre Noh (AS) and post Noh (AS). Only Allah knows what was there in pre Noh (AS) era but what happened afterwards, is a interesting riddle.

So who was on board the Ark of Noh (AS). We don't know but we can safely say that their number was 80. They were muslims. We can also say that they must have belonged to every race (black/yellow/caucisian/oriental etc), otherwise these races wouldn't have lasted after the tsunami as Allah perished everything. By going logic they , collectively, initially, must have settle on this planet, somewhere and then dispersed later on.
And that is where it gets really interesting.

I have heard Zaid Hamid said that Pakistan is Allah's secret. I would agree with him but I doubt he knows what really he means by that. General Gul described Pakistan as a "phenomena", an unfinished business. Again I would agree with him but as I said, in my humble opinion, there are lot deeper mechanics that describe us as Pakistanis and our country.

Archaeologist and historians, all agree, through their studies, which include carbon dating, that there are three distinct civilizations which make the humanity as we know today. Egyptian, Babylon (Iraq) and our very own, Indus. They haven't found other ancient civilizations which are older than these three and I doubt they ever will. Why? Because what was before, perished by Allah through the tsunami of Noh (AS). If we have any doubt, we just need to look at what is happening in Japan as I write this post. Towns/cities are perished as if they never existed. One can only imagine what it would be like when whole world was engulfed by oceans. We can safely say that these three civilizations/states were post Noah (AS).

Also, there is one very interesting fact here. Noad (AS) build the ark on a "DESERT", for which he was mocked by his people. It was not a cruiser that we build today, which could have gone on a voyage while earth was under water. Highly likely, it could have drifted around same land where the Noh (AS) was from. Once the water receded, those 80 may have rebuilt the humanity from more or less the same place where they were from, originally.

Having said that, in any eventuality, by going logic, out of the three civilizations/states (Egypt, Babylon and Indus), there got to one of them where it all began. So who sits on top of the time line. Now I am not saying this, but this has been proven but archaeologist by using scientific methods that our very own Indus was the oldest and biggest of the rest two.

I have no doubt in my mind, that our country, which we now call Pakistan, its building block was laid by those elite 80, those Muslims, who believed in Noh (AS). It is also highly likely, that Noh (AS) was infact could have been an ancient Pakistani building his ark in the desert of Sindh, Allah knows best. Those prophets, who came before Ibraheem (AS), most of them could have been ancient Pakistanis. Even today, Gujrat in Panjab is known for its ancient graves, which are huge, suggesting that people who are buried, were massive. Historians are "confused" about Indus beliefs, and even the rats on our east have failed miserably in labelling them as ancient hindus, no one has been able to tell for sure about the religion of Indus people. Why they are confused? Because they are trying to find some deities/temples in Indus valley, along the same line as Egypt. If we, the Pakistanis are to perish today, god forbid, people thousands years down the line, would they be able to find what religion we belong to? There are no deities here. Pakistan, as I mentioned, was created by Muslims. As the time passed by, it started to expand, and at its peak, from western/northern present day india to Persia, Afghanistan all the way upto Turkmenistan. Although the founding fathers were muslims, but as the country became stronger, with power, there is a strong possibility the people who came later, got corrupted. Hence my theory about nation of Aad being the ancient Pakistanis. Aad where the first people to indulge in shrik after Noh (AS), so in essence, were from the people of Noh (AS), and even at their lowest , believed in Allah but started to indulge in shrik.

When we look at the people of our country, why we find so much diversity in our appearance and behaviour? Those theories of Aryan invasion have long been discarded, and even though , turks and arabs have conqured these lands, their mingling if any , is insignificant and diluted with the passage of time. From white (north) to black (makrani down the costal line) we consist of all races. Only exception is the oriental features. But even that can be traced in the hazaras of Baluchistan and northern Afghanistan. Remember, Afghanistan was infact part of ancient greater Pakistan.
So if our country is the first state in modern human history, where arabs, jews, European came from? specially when nothing was left on earth apart from those 80. It is only logical to believe, that all these people, have actually came from the Indus. There are some people who believe that monolithism was introduced to Ibraheem (AS) by the tribes of Indus who left their homelands and moved to Babylon. Babylon, in all probability, could have, should have, created by people from Indus. With regards to Egypt, I have read somewhere that , northern kingdom, if I am not mistaken was build by an Indus tribe known as Minas.

Bottom line is, Pakistan is the starting point of the humanity as we know today. Not middle east, not the sacred lands of Jerusalem . So if "THEY" say that Pakistan is the failed state, then "THEY" should know the rest of humanity is FAILED as well.

Coming to the present day Pakistan and what lies in future, only Allah knows the future but we can only guess from the prophecies of our beloved prophet Mohammad (SAW). The mention of Gazwa-e-hind, is very very important factor who truly defines who we are. And within that prophecy, the mentioning of the fact that same people who will conquer india will head east towards isreal to find Eesa (AS). For me, personally, that is very important. Not just because the same people who will conquer india will fight dajjal along side Eesa (AS) but taking thing further, if they will be with Hazart Eesa (AS) what will be stopping them not to be with him, when yajooj majooj are relased? Why I am saying this? Because when they say history repeat itself, there is some weight to it. Everything revolves around Allah, things goes in circle. When I posted my theory about Zulqurnain being a ancient Pakistani, I was mocked by some members here. Here is why I believe Zulqurnain was an ancient Paksitani, because the people and their leader, who enslaved yajooj/majooj behind the wall, that is my believe, Allah will use them again to stand against this evil which will be unleash after Dajjal is slaughtered.

On 27 Ramadan 1366, we didn't get independence from brits. We "reclaimed" our lands, in the name of Allah. We cannot claim "independence" from no human race, we are by default a free nation, the first state on this god planet. And like every state/nation we have been through ups and downs. Our founding fathers, I believe were those first 80, the muslims, who were onboard the Ark of Noh (AS).

We must understand our second to none history, we must bring the way of Allah to these lands of ours, not for our sake, but for the sake humanity, for the glory of our people, our country and most importantly, for the glory of Allah.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Yesterday was spent on anxious moments. Today started on a funny note. Made my day! :pound:


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
/\/\/\ This thread belongs to the Jokes section. Seems like a piece right from OBLs cave diaries! :pound: :pound:
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Nov 16, 2009
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Oh dear!

They have completely lost their identity. They no longer know who or what they are.....


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2010
^^ Oh they very well know what they does the rest of the world...daft, delusional and desperate. To brush this under the carpet they have acquired a new trait to override all others- denial.


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
63,374 mean If Pakistan doesn't fail, it will be a failure of humanity?


Senior Member
Apr 11, 2010
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What a crap BS. My Gosh! these guys has nothing productive to do except producing more n more childrens & this kind of crap tantrums.


New Member
May 10, 2010
I agree to HR . If Pakistan doesnt fail its a failure to humanity. Beast and animals should never be allowed to succeed in their evil designs.


Regular Member
Sep 26, 2010
I just couldn't stop laughing at the comparison of the ancient Indus civilization to the relatively new Islam... the continual Allah hu Akbar whilst talking about Egyptians and the Indus!!!

Did they forget that Pakistan was carved out of India?


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2009
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General Gul described Pakistan as a "phenomena", an unfinished business.
yeh turely an unfinished business but once any indian political leadership get courage and decides to re-captures PoK ,then pakistan agenda would be solved for once and all


Regular Member
Feb 7, 2011
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Why take all humanity in hostage? Pak is a failed state & no body care its stay alive ornot.


Nov 28, 2010
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What a deluded set of people. Don't they know that people will ridicule them and laugh at them for this kind of nonsense? Never have I seen any country more expert than them, at scoring self-goals like this!


Regular Member
Mar 24, 2009
Its a thread from PDF & till no one of the members have made a single reply to this Topic. Anyhow , one can easily judge that why his History teacher is in state of coma by reading his examination


Veteran Hunter of Maleecha
Senior Member
Apr 7, 2010
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This is typical hilarious beggara@@ shameless pakistani deluded BS:

Tell me people, if a Duffer Fails in your class, that means a hardworking cent-percent scoring kid will also be considered failed? If a shameless man takes up beggary and crime as a profession, therefore all hardworking honest people around the world will also be considered the same........No doubt a kid who failed, a shameless beggar and a dumb criminal can only think on such lines! :D

By their Logic: Hindu-Vedic Indus valley polygamists = Islam......Now Beat this Logic of dumb fools LOL :becky:

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Oct 16, 2010
Country flag
Tell me people, if a Duffer Fails in your class, that means a hardworking cent-percent scoring kid will also be considered failed?
According to his logic, entire class would be considered failed .. lolzzz
I don't know what these people eat, drink and breathe .. sure is something !!! :D



Veteran Hunter of Maleecha
Senior Member
Apr 7, 2010
Country flag
According to his logic, entire class would be considered failed .. lolzzz
I don't know what these people eat, drink and breathe .. sure is something !!! :D

They are simply a land of bigoted, dumb, illiterate and deluded people; over and above they get daily dose on Islam and a subject called pakistan studies from genocidal mullahs and ISPR agents.....the whole country is like a "mental asylum" filled with mad barbarians and savages, with obviously islam being epicenter for all their activities be it daily beggary or shameless selling of their own people to different agencies of the world, and still claiming being "land of the pure" (pun intended) or some other BS they like inject into their vains!


Freakin' Fighter fan
Senior Member
Sep 15, 2010
Oh dear!

They have completely lost their identity. They no longer know who or what they are.....
Identity? They never had an identity except for being "anti-India". They have freaking lost their minds - oh wait that happened LONG time back - when they lost half their country!

Pakistan is a failed state - period.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
The national insecurity state

The national insecurity state

By S. Akbar Zaidi | From the Newspaper; Dawn

FOR many years some of us academics have heavily criticised the nature of the Pakistani state for being overly militarised and dominated by the military. While other social groups, entities and institutions have jostled for dominance over the state, there has been little disagreement that Pakistan's military determines key decisions related to the state.

Decades ago, when institutions and social categories such as the landowning class were also said to be one of the three main forces which controlled or determined power over the institutions and arrangements of the state, it was understood that the military — specifically the army and its elite — dominated the nature of Pakistan's state and was the more powerful of all social institutions and classes present at the time. There was little contention about this fact.

When the hold of the landowning classes began to fade on account of changes in the ownership of land and due to changes in the relations of production which determined the extent of economic and social extraction and coercion possible, the political power of the landowning elite also dwindled completely.

Despite the clichés parroted by most journalists that the 'feudals' control Pakistan — whatever that means — it has been many years now since that power shifted away towards urban and rural entrepreneurs and members of the services sectors. A business and service sector elite emerged in the 1980s for numerous reasons related to the structural change in economic and social relations of production, and has played a key role in determining the nature of Pakistan's state and its society.

The social conservatism one has seen growing over the last decades in Pakistan is also on account of the class characteristics of this new elite and the middle classes which have consolidated their presence in the power structure of Pakistan. Those who have no reading of history have blind faith in the middle classes as always being a revolutionary or progressive force.

The middle classes are equally likely to be reactionary, undemocratic, authoritarian and exceedingly religiously bigoted. The
changing nature of Pakistan's state reflects contestations and contradictions in its social formation.

The military is not a social class but an institution which reflects changes that take place in society and amongst social groups.

Hence, just as Pakistan has become more urban and more middle class, so has Pakistan's military leadership. However, despite the changes in the composition of Pakistan's military from the landowning classes to the more modern middle classes, its power as an institution, for the most part, has remained dominant and usually unchallenged. Not just under direct military rule, which has been the norm for most of Pakistan's existence, but also whenever there have been civilian interregnums, Pakistan's military has determined the nature and direction of Pakistan's state.

It has been the military's material might which has led to this domination which has given rise to the military reinventing itself as the sole guardian of Pakistan's many boundaries, frontiers and terrains. It has assumed the right to speak for the nation and its constituents and to even represent the nation. The justification for the national security state was created by Pakistan's military and the numerous civilians in positions of influence and power who have provided support to the military in one way or another. Whether using the threat from India, or more recently as the defenders of Pakistan in the war against terrorism and against militancy, the military in Pakistan used its power and position to create the narrative of the national security state, a state where the military defends the people, the frontiers and the interests of all Pakistan.

However, the abject and humiliating failures of the military have been well-documented by scholars and historians.

Most recently, the military's bluff has been called and it is clear that it has been unable to determine whose interests it serves, what those interests are and, hence, its inability to defend those interests. Moreover, this lack of clarity and ambiguity of what exactly Pakistan's interest ought to be has cost the military dear in terms of its reputation and image. It has, in fact, seen another layer being removed from the facade of what was justified as Pakistan's national security state. The falsity of the notion of the national security state has once again been laid bare.

Pakistan's state, in fact, is a national insecurity state and has been for some years now. The military's inability to protect anyone's interests other than its own narrow ones, in terms of economic and material privileges, underscores this impression.

However, an important point which needs to be highlighted is that the military's invention of itself as the saviour of Pakistan and as the defender of the land and the faith is completely justifiable when one examines the interplay and positioning of different social forces.

Why would the military not defend the interests of its large constituency and why should it not claim to speak as the nation itself? Institutions which are allowed to dominate will enforce that domination, and this should not come as a surprise.

However, the problem in this relationship of power between the military and civilian and (for once) democratically elected institutions is not so much the strength of the military, but more importantly, the cowardly, dithering and weak civilian elites and the compromises they make with military power. They are equally implicated in making Pakistan a national insecurity state.

The writer is a political economist.

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