Pakistan: News and Discussions


Senior Member
Oct 5, 2009
Pakistan laying 'honey trap'

Pakistan laying 'honey trap'

While Ajmal Kasab is on a death row on Indian soil, a 'battalion' of prospective Mata Haris is being raised in his home district of Faridkot in Pakistan's Punjab province to infiltrate Indian establishment for culling sensitive strategic information.

A contingent of 900-odd women is being trained by ISI, the Pakistan Intelligence agency, to "honey trap" Indian officials and politicians, intelligence sources here say.

These women are being trained in skills to collect sensitive strategic information after seducing officials in key positions in the Indian establishment, sources say.
The trained "Mata Haris" could also act as sleeping cells for executing terrorist activities in the country.

The intelligence agencies in Punjab are now on an alert to the women coming from across the border.

The agencies have already been alerted following information that the ISI could be attempting to revive militancy in the border district of Punjab.

Recently, two Pakistani intruders, who had sneaked into India, had shot dead two Punjab policemen in an encounter before being shot.

Punjab police suspect the two intruders to be a part of a group of about 10 who crossed into India after relentless shelling from across the border had blown off a portion of the barbed wire fence.

India had erected barbed wire fence along the 535 km Indo-Pak border in Gurdaspur district of Punjab, well within its territory. This was after the decade-long Sikh militancy in the state, well supported by the ISI.


Veteran Hunter of Maleecha
Senior Member
Apr 7, 2010
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Americans are the most Dumb people and demented policy makers in the World (many wud say they are not as they are world leaders and get what they want, but as the scenario changes and others progress) the fact of the matter is they are short sighted and can change their stand; and get away with it with ease, the main reason the world accepts their hypocrisy is their status as victors after WW2, with almost no impact on american main land due to being miles apart from Europe and Asia. The sudden industrialization during WW2, their economy grew like hell and they are reaping the benefits even today and being as ruthless and hypocrite as possible with no longterm strategy!

Trust a snake but not an opportunist/low on intellect american!


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2009
Terrorism the main threat to Indo-Pak peace: Blake

Asserting that terrorism poses the main threat to the Indo-Pak ties, the Obama Administration said Pakistan needs to expand its counter-terrorism operations from the Afghan border to Punjab, where most of anti-India terror groups like LeT are based.

"The principal problem (that prevents the two countries from holding peace talks) is that of terrorism," Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia, Robert Blake, told PTI here.

It is important for Pakistan to continue the important steps that they have taken against terrorism in Swat and South Waziristan and against some members of Taliban, he said.

They need to "extend that fight to the groups that are based in Punjab such as LeT that are attacking not only India, but also the United States, and potentially could attack Pakistan itself," Mr. Blake said.

This is the message that has been conveyed to Pakistan during Mr. Blake's recent visit to the country. "I think, it is the message that the Pakistanis themselves feel is important to do. They consistently said that they do not want to see terrorism emanating from their soil," he said.

"I think progress towards reining in the activities of the LeT and Jaish-e-Mohammed and other such groups, would have a very significant impact on bilateral, India and Pakistani ties," Mr. Blake said, strongly supporting the Indian stand that Pakistan needs to show its commitment on taking action against anti-India terrorist groups operating from within its border.

New Delhi says that Islamabad has been reluctant to take action against anti-India terrorist groups and their leaders, even though they are freely roaming around and holding public meetings, despite the fact that Pakistan has been provided ample evidence against them.

"We hope to see progress by Pakistan to address these things, which we think would be in Pakistan's own interests and it would also have great benefit to improve relationship between India and Pakistan," Mr. Blake said in response to a question.

Mr. Blake, the Obama Administration's pointsman for South Asia, also welcomed the recent meeting between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and his Pakistani counterpart Yousuf Raza Gillani in Thimphu on the margins of the SAARC Summit in Bhutan, wherein the two leaders agreed to resume peace talks at the level of Foreign Ministers.


Senior Member
Dec 21, 2009
well **** them and later cull them
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Veteran Hunter of Maleecha
Senior Member
Apr 7, 2010
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well **** them and later cull them

Hhahahahahah :) I 'll give you a better idea, **** these pakistani women and feed them wrong info and pakistan will make a sucker ass out of itself again (but firstly, we have to train our low-ranking staff to understand the ploy and dodge the motives of these women) :) :)
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Senior Member
Nov 1, 2009
Clinton to Pak: 'Severe consequences' in case of attack

NEW YORK: The United States has warned of "severe consequences" if a successful extremist attack in America were traced back to Pakistan, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Friday in an interview with CBS' "60 Minutes."

The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for a failed bid to bomb New York's Times Square last Saturday. If proven, it would be the group's first act in the United States.

Pakistani-American Faisal Shahzad has been charged with driving the crude homemade bomb into Midtown Manhattan and said he acted alone, according to authorities.

But investigators have uncovered possible links to the Pakistani Taliban and a Kashmiri Islamist group.

"We've gotten more cooperation. It's been a real sea change in the commitment we have seen from the Pakistani government. We want more, we expect more," Clinton said in the interview to be aired on Sunday.

Excerpts were released on Friday. "We've made it very clear that if -- heaven-forbid -- an attack like this that we can trace back to Pakistan were to have been successful, there would be very severe consequences," she said, without elaborating.

Shahzad, 30, who was born in Pakistan and became a US citizen last year, has admitted to the failed plot and to receiving bomb-making training in a Taliban and al-Qaida stronghold in Pakistan, prosecutors said.

He has been charged with attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction and trying to kill and maim people, as well as other counts.

Shahzad is yet to appear in court as he has waived his US legal rights and is talking to investigators.

Better relationship

Tension remained high in New York after Shahzad was plucked from an Emirates airline flight he boarded on Monday night even though he had been placed on a "no fly" list.

Several blocks of Times Square were shut down again on Friday for 90 minutes to investigate a suspicious package that turned out to be a lunch cooler.

Some analysts have speculated that if the Pakistani Taliban were involved in the Times Square plot, it could be responding to US drone attacks that have killed militants hiding in Pakistan as well as civilians.

The United States, which sees Pakistan's effort against militants as crucial to its fight against the Taliban in Afghanistan, has about 200 military personnel in Pakistan, including Special Operations forces on a training mission.

"We also have a much better relationship, military to military, intelligence to intelligence, government to government than we had before," Clinton said.

"I think that there was a double game going on in the previous years, where we got a lot of lip service but very little produced."

"We've got a lot produced. We have seen the killing or capturing of a great number of the leadership of significant terrorist groups and we're going (to) continue that," she said in the interview.

US defense secretary Robert Gates said on Friday the United States was prepared to provide more assistance to Pakistan if it wanted it in the wake of the attempted Times Square bombing.

Gates said that Pakistan recently stepped up efforts to root out extremist militants.

"The Pakistanis have been doing so much more than 18 months or two years ago any of us would have expected," Gates told reporters at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. He referred to Pakistani army offensives, dating to spring 2009, against Taliban extremists in areas near the Afghan border, including in south Waziristan.

Gates said the Obama administration is sticking to its policy of offering to do as much training and other military activity inside Pakistan as the Pakistan government is willing to accept.

"It's their country," Gates said. "They remain in the driver's seat, and they have their foot on the accelerator."


Tihar Jail
Mar 9, 2009
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clinton is pakistani puppet , she need to be harsh on terrorism and stop being two face.

it should be right time for india to covertly help TTP strike in us , loool - this would make sure the end of days of terrorists in paksitan.

even in the artical - its like 3 diffrent articals

1. where are scolding pakistan

2. where they praising them

3. go back to you room are grounded


Tihar Jail
Oct 2, 2009
Its actually good cop bad cop scenario with clinton playing bad cop and other white hose spokesperson playing good cop asking to tone down criticism of pakistan.


Tihar Jail
Oct 2, 2009
Pak successfully fires two missiles: ISPR

RAWALPINDI: Pakistan successfully test fired two missiles Ghaznavi and Shaheen I on Saturday.
Ah!! after so many years i have heard of any test-firing of missiles by pakistan.Iwas wondering if pakistan has exhausted all its missile stocks in test firing.but then with new infusion of funds from usa (recently it got $600 million and other kerry lugar aid amount of $ 7.5 billion and another $300 millions from friends of democratic pakistan) India can sure see some light s up in western skies and and with one test-firing 100 mock-ups of missiles coming up on the traffic junctions of pakistan and other 100 mock-ups will come up in kashmir solidarity day march and die america/zionis/danish marches=xD .I wonder why pakistan has not erected some mock-ups at wagha ?


Tihar Jail
Oct 2, 2009
Our secretive PM

Seema MustafaFirst Published : 04 May 2010 11:20:00 PM ISTLast Updated : 03 May 2010 11:43:32 PM IST
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has returned from the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) summit in Thimphu with ostensibly an agreement for peace with Pakistan in hand. At his meeting with Pakistan Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani, Singh negotiated a deal accommodating most of Pakistan's concerns. In that the two decided that the dialogue would be resumed after a meeting of the foreign secretaries and foreign ministers. That the initial eight issues identified for discussion in the composite dialogue would be expanded to cover Balochistan and water as areas of 'mutual concern' as Pakistan has been insisting. And that terrorism would, of course, remain on top of the agenda, but after Pakistan has recorded its inability because of 'legal problems' to take action against Hafiz Saeed.
The prime minister has always been uneasy, like a good bureaucrat, with transparency even when it works for the government. He likes to hide decisions from public view until he is in position to confront the people with the actual event. The meeting with Gilani had been decided weeks ago, a certain agenda had also been worked out (after all 50 minutes is not sufficient to chart out an entire course of action without preparatory work), but a decision had been taken by the PMO to keep it all under wraps for as long as possible. So the government remained in denial mode about the meeting with Gilani till almost the moment it took place, in what the bureaucrats led by Singh think is good policy.
The problem in this is that whatever is decided by the prime minister remains the decision of the PMO and not of the Congress, Parliament or for that matter even the government. Singh is a firm believer in keeping information hidden from those who believe could be detractors, and really demonstrated these skills during the discussions surrounding the Indo-US civilian nuclear energy agreement. Here the Opposition and Parliament got details from the American media, with an unwilling prime minister being dragged to the House to make statements as a consequence of information obtained from sources outside the country. Even then he kept his interventions short, stating only what was known and not letting on to what was already in the pipeline.
For instance, not even once during the prolonged debate on the very controversial agreement did Singh speak of the Nuclear Liability Bill as being essential to the entire contract. He even managed to get it introduced in Parliament and it is only after a vociferous Opposition took it up, that the Congress actually realised the repercussions. In that the rights of the Indian people were being signed away by the prime minister of India to US nuclear multinationals who under this ugly piece of legislation, were not required to pay any compensation in case of a nuclear accident. And that the compensation itself was capped regardless of the intensity of the nuclear accident. Many in the Congress can be heard wondering how the prime minister could actually push such a Bill which is totally detrimental to the interests of India and her people. Singh had not taken his party into confidence, believing as he always has, that he could push such issues with the usual bureaucratic sleight of hand.
The same has emerged from Thimphu. Singh has been so eager for talks to resume that as in Sharm el-Sheikh he has conceded some major points to Pakistan. The charge that he is under US pressure sticks, as again the pressure to restore peace at any cost is not coming from the Congress or for that matter from Parliament and the Cabinet to which he is accountable. As a result there was no need for him to make undue concessions as he has done yet again. And without taking his party or the country into confidence. It has now been decided by the prime minister and his team of bureaucrats that all areas of 'mutual concern' will be on the table for dialogue, including Balochistan and water that Indian diplomats over the decades had succeeded in keeping out of bilateral talks. Now each time India and Pakistan meet, the former has to reiterate as it did again this time in Thimphu, that it is not interested in meddling in the internal affairs of Pakistan. A reiteration which is immediately publicised by Pakistan, as it was again by their foreign minister at his press conference after the Thimphu meeting.
This absurd secrecy is raising unnecessary suspicions and controversies at home. As also the fact that this does not really help the peace process, in fact, it detracts from it, as piecemeal information creates opposition and hurdles at every step. Singh could have used Parliament as an opportunity to inform the country what he was preparing to do at Thimphu, even at the risk of opposition. For then what emerged would have been what he had the mandate to do, and even if the final brief was a little less substantive at least it would have been achievable.
Now everything is up for grabs and no one, not even Singh or Gilani can say with any certainty that it will work. Except for the fact that some kind of talks will begin, no one can say whether these will result in a substantive dialogue. For Balochistan and water are now two other contentious issues that have been added to Kashmir, and the Indian consensus still is against discussing these. Singh has not been able to shift that, nor has he tried to. And the Congress is not sufficiently on board to do the work for him.
The result is that even Pakistan has started doubting his ability to deliver, with its leaders maintaining that while he was willing his party was not backing him. In India, unfortunately for Pakistan, it has to be the other way around. The party has to be willing, and only then can a prime minister deliver. The bureaucrat in Singh has prevented him from recognising this fact, as well as the need for at least some level of transparency and accountability to make an agreement work.


Tihar Jail
Oct 2, 2009
After the nation accusing Preet Bharara, the India-born US Federal Attorney in Afia's case this is another gem from it full

Urdu Daily Sees Conspiracy, Says: Faisal Shahzad Arrested, Charged And Confessed In One Day, Too Good To Be True; U.S. Federal Attorney Is Hindu With A Jewish Wife

In Pakistan, a right-wing Urdu-language newspaper has alleged that there is a conspiracy behind the arrest of Pakistani-born U.S. citizen Faisal Shahzad in connection with the failed Times Square bombing.

The Urdu-language newspaper Roznama Nawa-i-Waqt noted that even under American laws, the suspect cannot be tried without proper investigations, which take time.

"The cases of Dr. Aafia [Siddiqui, who has been convicted in the U.S. of trying to kill American troops in Afghanistan] and other suspects took months to start, [but] Faisal Shahzad was arrested and confessed, and the case proceedings started in just a couple of days! These are question marks on the transparency of the procedure," the report noted.

"The facts that [U.S.] federal attorney [Preet Bharara] is a Hindu with a Jewish wife gives the story an air of a conspiracy against Pakistan jointly hatched by Indian and Israeli lobbies in the U.S.," the Urdu daily said.

The shifting of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammad's case to New York is also due to the efforts of the federal attorney, who is a personal friend and was a class fellow of President Barack Obama at Columbia Law School, the report noted.

According to some sources, conservative political forces that are against Obama's policies and want him to continue war against terrorism, a crusade to them, are behind this conspiracy, the Urdu daily alleged.

Questioning the theory behind sudden conversion of an upper class liberal youth like Faisal Shahzad into an Islamic militant, the report claimed that a number of Pakistani-American citizens are working as American agents and Faisal Shahzad could be one of them.

The report concluded with a claim that this conspiracy is aimed at pushing Pakistan Army toward another military operation in Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan, this time in North Waziristan.


Veteran Hunter of Maleecha
Senior Member
Apr 7, 2010
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video is saved and can be viewed on dfi youtube channel too

I never knew DFI had a Youtube Channel? Can you send me the link!
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On Vacation!
Super Mod
Apr 5, 2009
All latest Pakistan related threads and post moved here. Please don't open threads left and right, use the existing threads.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2009
Ahahaha, really very funny. They are like a mad man who ate a bunch of Bhot julkia. running for water here and there.



Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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video is saved and can be viewed on dfi youtube channel too
where and how to find DFI youtube channel.
nice video of Brave SSG soldiers.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Veteran Hunter of Maleecha
Senior Member
Apr 7, 2010
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prime quality export Jihadi Abduls all varities and types contact ISI and LeT & co for more details.Please take in the weekly auctions they have for good Abduls
I would prefer beggaristan or Bhikharistan! :)


Feb 22, 2009
Well the pot of Pakistani sins is filling to the brink. Paap kaa ghadaa bhar chukaa hai.

Its just like the proverbial 100 sins of Shishupal being forgiven by Lord Krishna, only to behead him when the count was up. Pakistan may have got away with much terror so far, doesn't mean it will never have to pay for all the sins.

Sadly it may also consume some innocents along with the guilty. That is how it works.


Senior Member
Dec 21, 2009
Well the pot of Pakistani sins is filling to the brink. Paap kaa ghadaa bhar chukaa hai.

Its just like the proverbial 100 sins of Shishupal being forgiven by Lord Krishna, only to behead him when the count was up. Pakistan may have got away with much terror so far, doesn't mean it will never have to pay for all the sins.

Sadly it may also consume some innocents along with the guilty. That is how it works.
Vinod I think this is a PR excercise for India's satisfaction


Feb 22, 2009
Vinod I think this is a PR excercise for India's satisfaction
I am not talking of USA only. In general terms, the sins will come back to bite. It may be external factors or internal factors as we see today.

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