Pakistan Economy: News & Discussion


Tihar Jail
Apr 27, 2017
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My dear google is a friend. I have been researching on this since mid nineties, now 34 years.

Arable area Pakistan % of total land - 39.7%
Arable area India % of total land - 52.65%

But land Pakistan has is 26% of India. Pakistan population 210 million compared to India 1.3 billion.
You can do the math.
Plus Pakistan has the best agricultural land in Punjab - of the entire South Asia.

Why are food prices lower in Pakistan - direct result of good crop.

However one variable which can hurt Pakistan is WATER.
India has more arable land per capita than Pakistan
And Arable land per capita measure is meaningless if the technique/methods of agriculture is backward.
India despite having the largest land under cultivation for any country in Rice and Wheat is still nowhere close to producing the level of yield produced by even China, let alone countries like USA, Japan etc. So comparing India with Pakistan is a joke.

And I dont know what you are talking about- improving trade with Pakis. Trade benefits both partners- smaller ones more than the bigger ones. Which is precisely why we should not trade with Pakis. They have a lot more to lose from not trading with India


Senior Member
Dec 12, 2015
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India has more arable land per capita than Pakistan
And Arable land per capita measure is meaningless if the technique/methods of agriculture is backward.
India despite having the largest land under cultivation for any country in Rice and Wheat is still nowhere close to producing the level of yield produced by even China, let alone countries like USA, Japan etc. So comparing India with Pakistan is a joke.

And I dont know what you are talking about- improving trade with Pakis. Trade benefits both partners- smaller ones more than the bigger ones. Which is precisely why we should not trade with Pakis. They have a lot more to lose from not trading with India
Your link does not work.
Quality of arable land is better in Pakistan. Only issue could be WATER which can affect yield, specially for vegetables.

Arable land per capita Pakistan 0.161 hectare
Arable land per capita India 0.120 hectare

Plus Pakistan has large amount of pastureland which gives it large amount of meat production.

I never said anything about trade. Not sure where you picked it up.

Advaidhya Tiwari

Senior Member
Aug 2, 2018
1. Pakistan has more agricultural land to population ratio compared to India.
Pakistan can grow anything. This issue is economics as agriculture is subsidized by State. So it is more a question of how much money Pakistan State has to subsidize. Practically Pakistan can grow timato and Aalu as much as it needs.

2. The cost of most foods (in USD) is lower in Pakistan compared to India.

3. India is not the only producer of cotton. Pakistan can import from other countries. There is no embargo on Pakistan.

4. FATF is an international reaction to misdeeds of Pakistan. India has been shouting before also but India was not taken seriously. Believe me USA is hurt in Afghan theater.

5. Bangladesh is a better competitor to Pakistan (compared to India) in garment export.

6. Pakistan is still getting aid and petroleum subsidy from Gulf States.

7. Water - yes; India controlling water does have an impact. This one I agree.
Agriculture land is useless without water. Otherwise, even Saudis have agriculture land


Regular Member
Dec 31, 2017
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Currently the Pakis are eating through $200mn every week. And this is noor counting the loans that Saudi & UAE has provided them to stall the collapse. In fact, if they had to pay for the Saudi oil on the spot instead of deferred payments, they round be spending $300 mn every week. The best part? The so called IMF bailout is barely "$6-8 bn". At the current rates the bailout package would last 10 months at best


Senior Member
Jan 2, 2018
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Currently the Pakis are eating through $200mn every week. And this is noor counting the loans that Saudi & UAE has provided them to stall the collapse. In fact, if they had to pay for the Saudi oil on the spot instead of deferred payments, they round be spending $300 mn every week. The best part? The so called IMF bailout is barely "$6-8 bn". At the current rates the bailout package would last 10 months at best
So, net net, Pakistan's economy only survives on Chinese and American money, and both of these countries have hurt each other's economies with a trade war, but they are faced with the obligation to keep their illegitimate child alive. It's like a bad case of divorce where the couple wants to hurt each other but can't kill the child.

Advaidhya Tiwari

Senior Member
Aug 2, 2018
So, net net, Pakistan's economy only survives on Chinese and American money, and both of these countries have hurt each other's economies with a trade war, but they are faced with the obligation to keep their illegitimate child alive. It's like a bad case of divorce where the couple wants to hurt each other but can't kill the child.
No, Pakistan economy survives on Arab money. Earlier, USA used to get petrodollar deal and petroleum sold in dollars and hence USA used to fund Pakistan. But now USA is not allowed to buy petroleum and hence Arabs fund Pakistan either directly or by acting as guarantor for Chinese loans. If you think China invested $60 billion in CPEC without any guarantees, then that is wrong


Senior Member
Dec 12, 2015
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Currently the Pakis are eating through $200mn every week. And this is noor counting the loans that Saudi & UAE has provided them to stall the collapse. In fact, if they had to pay for the Saudi oil on the spot instead of deferred payments, they round be spending $300 mn every week. The best part? The so called IMF bailout is barely "$6-8 bn". At the current rates the bailout package would last 10 months at best
I think Pakistan has a real 20 billion USD funding gap per year. The net forex liability is better data point.

Internal expenses can he met with printing money but external obligations still need dollars.

So far money has been loaned by Saudi, uae, China etc to keep Pakistan afloat.

Let us see how long this lasts.


Regular Member
Jan 15, 2014
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No, Pakistan economy survives on Arab money. Earlier, USA used to get petrodollar deal and petroleum sold in dollars and hence USA used to fund Pakistan. But now USA is not allowed to buy petroleum and hence Arabs fund Pakistan either directly or by acting as guarantor for Chinese loans. If you think China invested $60 billion in CPEC without any guarantees, then that is wrong
what ever may be the need of pak in arab world ??????????????

$60 billion ++++++++++++future & past will be well over $100 billion

for $6 billion the PM is a driver then what all have they done & sold for $60 billion

the pakis WANT to be super important where as they r nothing more than a slave (with limitless available ass) in the arab world

they have nothing to offer to arabs

IF a very big IF they were worth it : then y the arabs r not funding them in totality.

the Chinese r funding them because they know they can never pay & they can take over these areas from them.

they have already put in their own population so as to take over

next step will be to ask for security cover from pak army .............. then let them fail to do so ............then enter their own security personal ............ then security personal will increase in size deployment.

few months back Chinese army was down sized ......... no.......... that is what the world was given to digest.

all trained army talent wasted in China ? no way its not the Chinese way.

where r these men/women to be deployment (after learning paki languages) as civilians ?


pakistan the new China's Xinjiang
the end
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Advaidhya Tiwari

Senior Member
Aug 2, 2018
what ever may be the need of pak in arab world ??????????????

$60 billion ++++++++++++future & past will be well over $100 billion

for $6 billion the PM is a driver then what all have they done & sold for $60 billion
Pakistan provides many strategic advantages. Firstly, Pakistan acts as a mercenary of Islam and sends its soldiers to fight for Arabs whenever they ask. Most ex-soldiers of Pakistan work in Saudi Arabian army or under King's special units.In addition, Pakistan has nuclear and missile technology which it is ready to give to Arabs whenever demanded. Pakistan also has large population whic is loyal to Arabs and hence Aravbs get to maintain a big support base by funding.

The funding is not $60 billion a year but about $20 billion a year. This is a small amount to get the loyalty of such a large number of people and large support base

IF a very big IF they were worth it : then y the arabs r not funding them in totality.

the Chinese r funding them because they know they can never pay & they can take over these areas from them.

they have already put in their own population so as to take over
They don't pay directly simply because Pakistan is stubborn and does not accept terms easily. When there was Nawaz Shariff, he would listen to Saudi advice and hence Saudi would completely bankroll Pakistan. That is also why Pakistan despite having same Current account deficit in 2017-18 2016-17, there was not as much of a problem as Imran Khan is now having. Due to Nawaz Shariff's behaviour, Arabs would simply pay without a fuss. But now the ISI wants Pakistan to have leadership role and wants Arabs to treat them as equals. This has irked Arabs who consider themselves to be the leaders


Regular Member
Jan 15, 2014
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Pakistan provides many strategic advantages. Firstly, Pakistan acts as a mercenary of Islam and sends its soldiers to fight for Arabs whenever they ask. Most ex-soldiers of Pakistan work in Saudi Arabian army or under King's special units.In addition, Pakistan has nuclear and missile technology which it is ready to give to Arabs whenever demanded. Pakistan also has large population whic is loyal to Arabs and hence Aravbs get to maintain a big support base by funding.

The funding is not $60 billion a year but about $20 billion a year. This is a small amount to get the loyalty of such a large number of people and large support base

They don't pay directly simply because Pakistan is stubborn and does not accept terms easily. When there was Nawaz Shariff, he would listen to Saudi advice and hence Saudi would completely bankroll Pakistan. That is also why Pakistan despite having same Current account deficit in 2017-18 2016-17, there was not as much of a problem as Imran Khan is now having. Due to Nawaz Shariff's behaviour, Arabs would simply pay without a fuss. But now the ISI wants Pakistan to have leadership role and wants Arabs to treat them as equals. This has irked Arabs who consider themselves to be the leaders

in short ............. the slave wants equality !!!!

thats what i said ....thanks for seconding it

Imran Khan is new .......when he will be experienced as Nawaz Shariff then his obedience will be paid

Butter Chicken

Senior Member
Oct 6, 2016
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Khasadars boycott duties for not being paid

DI KHAN: Over 1,400 Khasadar force personnel in South Waziristan have boycotted their duties in protest against non-payment of salaries for the last nine months.

With this step, the Angoor Adda check post, the most sensitive crossing point on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, remains unmanned.

Khasadar Havaldar Rasool Jan told The Express Tribune, “We have sacrificed our lives in standing against militants in the area. We have protected the land with our blood, but are still being neglected by the government.”


Senior Member
Mar 24, 2013
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Khasadars boycott duties for not being paid
By our correspondent

Most sensitive crossing point on Pak-Afghan border remains unmanned

“This is the reason behind taking this extreme step of relinquishing our duties and vacating our posts

on the border,” Jan added.

Recently, the Khasadar force had also announced boycott of the polio campaign across the seven merged districts of erstwhile Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) over non-payment of salaries.

It is not a hidden fact that the Khasadar and Levies forces personnel always remained on the frontline in protecting the country against militants and the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan as well as the Afghan forces.

Previously, the Levies and Khasadar forces had demanded merger with the police, but no development has taken place on that front.

A few more months with no money and you will find deserters in Porki rangers and army too....:biggrin2::biggrin2:


Senior Member
Dec 12, 2015
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Pakistan's economy has very serious problems.
1. Most children go to Madarsa and these kids get no maths and science education. No vocational training either. Pakistan does not have money to put these kids in regular schools.
2. Even regular schools and universities have low standards when compared to other Asian countries.
3. Pakistan has a serious skill shortage due to which industry is unable to grow.
4. Pakistan is stuck in agri and agri based industries. Jobs situation for nominally educated is bad.
5. The expenses of Pakistan government are much higher than income. This deficit has been growing over the years at a much higher rate than the growth of GNP.
6. Pakistan is in a real debt trap, where it needs new loans to pay back old loans.

Lord Darklord

Regular Member
Aug 13, 2017
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Pakistan's debt worth $27b to mature in two years: IMF

ISLAMABAD: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has said that $27 billion worth of Pakistan’s external debt will mature in two years – the mounting repayment burden that carries serious implications for bailout package talks started on Monday.
After including financing requirements of the current account deficit, Pakistan will need $46 billion to $50 billion in next two years to remain afloat, according to assessments of the government and some private sector experts.

50 billion dollars just to say afloat. I hope we have a plan to secure our borders and contain the coming implosion within Pakistan's border itself. No refugees should be allowed in at any cost.


Senior Member
May 26, 2018
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"The $27 billion external debt payments projections by the IMF are likely to result into a tough IMF programme negotiations. The IMF is likely to ask Pakistan for sharing with it a complete picture of gross external financing needs in the next two years.

The higher debt requirements for repayment of maturing loans and financing the current account deficit could lead to stringent conditions by the IMF, said the sources. They added that the IMF could ask steep cut in current account deficit to contain the gross financing needs. This, in turn, would necessitate tight monetary and fiscal policies."

Less money for PA....................


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2010
Napakis are the Iron born of this world.

Everything they have has come as a result of rapine, plunder and looting that was something else (including their birth). They wish to do know work, yet feel entitled to everyone else's resources. They whore themselves out to the highest bidder and no amount of kindness or help with change their ways. There may be an odd Theon or Yara Greyjoy somewhere, but that vast majority of them are kind caricatures of Balon and Euron Greyjoy, with all their wickedness and yet none of their prowess.

We do not sow, we only reap what is other's is the Napaki national motto. Now that the civilised world has decided to stop or atleast limit the appeasement meted out to the Napaki, suddenly the toilet bowl is in all sorts of crisis.

Perhaps it's time to put this mad dog out of its misery.


Regular Member
Jan 15, 2014
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"The $27 billion external debt payments projections by the IMF are likely to result into a tough IMF programme negotiations. The IMF is likely to ask Pakistan for sharing with it a complete picture of gross external financing needs in the next two years.

The higher debt requirements for repayment of maturing loans and financing the current account deficit could lead to stringent conditions by the IMF, said the sources. They added that the IMF could ask steep cut in current account deficit to contain the gross financing needs. This, in turn, would necessitate tight monetary and fiscal policies."

Less money for PA....................

Less money for PA.. no never ...out of question !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

its PA ...other name Pakistan ..............the economic is run to sustain PA

pakistan may not exist BUT PA must !!!!!!!!!!


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2016
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Pakistan's debt worth $27b to mature in two years: IMF
Huh chump change.

Allahtala has blessed Pakistan with 500 billion dollars worth of gold in Reko Diq, fifth largest oil reserves according to the recent discovery, deepest sea port and strategic location.

With Iron brother at its side Pakistan will rise to become the second largest economy on the planet and the day is not far when IMF will ask Pakistan for a loan.


On a more serious note, 27 billion USD of repayment plus money needed to run the country means Pakistan is fucked.


Senior Member
Feb 9, 2013
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IMF economist Dr Reza Baqir appointed SBP governor for 3 years

President Arif Alvi has approved the appointment of Dr Reza Baqir, a long-time economist with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), as the governor of the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) for a period of three years, a notification issued by the Finance Division said on Saturday.

The senior economist of Pakistani origin will replace Tariq Bajwa, who was unexpectedly removed from the post on Friday along with the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) chairman.
Tariq Bajwa had confirmed to Dawn on Friday that he was asked to resign while he was in Islamabad for talks with the IMF that are supposedly "progressing" according to prime minister’s adviser on finance Hafeez Shaikh, who has recently replaced finance minister Asad Umar.

Meanwhile, the government has also appointed Dr Ahmed Mujtaba Memon, currently an additional secretary in the Finance Division, as the new chairman of the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR).
Both the new head of the SBP and Adviser to the PM on Finance Dr Abdul Hafeez Shaikh are from the Bretton Woods institutions — the World Bank and the IMF. Dr Shaikh has also worked with the World Bank.

Informed sources said that the decision to remove the heads of two important economic policy-making institutions — SBP and the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) — was taken after Dr Shaikh expressed the desire to bring his own team.
*SBP is Pakistani equivalent of Reserve bank of India.

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