Missile test NOTAMs


Senior Member
Mar 20, 2018
That's the key, all treaties are worded such that they can be interpreted in many different ways.

@Enquirer, can you lay off your condescension and bravado for a bit? Let's not turn all discussions into slangers. We are not Pakis or commies.
My condescension was only meant for happylion. Just paying back in kind (actually in a very kind way) for his past uncharitable attacks on me. That's all!
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Advaidhya Tiwari

Senior Member
Aug 2, 2018
The treaty calls for notification of ALL ballistic missile tests - launched from LAND OR SEA!
Only cruise missiles are exempt.

May I suggest exercising more discretion (read: restraint) and thought before you open your mouth!
Do we trust Pakistan, do they trust us? INF treaty between USA and Russia is already defacto collapsed so has the ABM treaty. We stick to a treaty as long as it suits us. We can blame the other party and break the treaty as in INF treaty by USA. Who is going to verify?

Right now we have the upper hand, time to dump all useless treaties with Pakistan. Otherwise, we will suffer the same fate as Prithviraj Chauhan once again.
Calm down. Ballistic missiles test have to be notified according to treaty but that need not be specified as to whether it is a SLBM or any other missile. India anyways has to issue NOTAM for international obligations and hence it won't take much to say that India is testing a ballistic missile. The big part which is not confirmed is what type of missile that is being tested. So, the treaty and international obligations is satisfied while very little information is given out.


Senior Member
Mar 20, 2018
Tone down your language. Any clarifications can be done in a civil manner.
SLBM tests have in the past nor been notified. Multiple K15 tests were not notified just as an example. Probable excuse being some of these are not pure ballistic with a porpoise trajectory to get around notification.
Also if you read the agreement multiple tests are allowed in a launch window so one notification can be used to hide other launches if we read between the lines. Very likely tests have been done under cover of Agni launches.
So, you admit that that your earlier statement that SLBM tests are exempt from the treaty is bumkum!
If past tests weren't 'notified' how did you come to know about it? If you got to know from any reliable source, do you think Pakis wouldn't be crying foul?
The treaty asks for 'any' flight test...should be notified. The purpose of the treaty is that a test flight is not construed as an attack on each other! Obscuring multiple flights makes no sense from a treaty perspective! Use logic!


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May 22, 2015
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So, you admit that that your earlier statement that SLBM tests are exempt from the treaty is bumkum!
If past tests weren't 'notified' how did you come to know about it? If you got to know from any reliable source, do you think Pakis wouldn't be crying foul?
The treaty asks for 'any' flight test...should be notified. The purpose of the treaty is that a test flight is not construed as an attack on each other! Obscuring multiple flights makes no sense from a treaty perspective! Use logic!
They have been declared much later not at the time of the actual test for your information . Go see the time line and number fo tests of K15 for eg before official first declaration as an example. Also go read the treaty again if you haven't - it very clearly mentions that a notification of testing is to be done but excludes the number of tests for a warning. The SLBM tests have been done under that window repeatedly in the past.They have not been "officially notified" as an SLBM test and very much within the terms of the treaty.
Go see various analysis of the treaty which very specifically mentions various interpretations of the testing notification clause.
FYI see what I wrote "SLBM launches need not be clarified or announced" - I can announce the test window. I need not clarify it is an SLBM or whatever and the number of tests need not be announced as I have warmed Pakistan I am doing testing. That may be 1-2-3-4-5 and there is no need to clarify specifically if it is sea launched or land launched . Warning is given that during the test window there will be launches of ballistic missiles and it should not enter a defined zone near the other country. India need not declar it is an SLBM being tested or land +SLBM or whatever.That combo is not necessary to be identified and India did not do it in the past and declared after multiple tests that they ahd done so.
Anyway I have no further time or desire to waste discussing with you and frankly all your trolling.since you anyway are unable to have a civil discussion and are paranoid that people are out to get you Your Condescension !! more of an inferiority complex it seems that needs to be constantly validated. And yes I won't bother to discuss with you as as usual you will splutter invective and try to bait and troll. Enough of this...
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Senior Member
Mar 20, 2018
They have been declared much later not at the time of the actual test for your information . Go see the time line and number fo tests of K15 for eg before official first declaration as an example. Also go read the treaty again if you haven't - it very clearly mentions that a notification of testing is to be done but excludes the number of tests for a warning. The SLBM tests have been done under that window repeatedly in the past.They have not been "officially notified" as an SLBM test and very much within the terms of the treaty.
Go see various analysis of the treaty which very specifically mentions various interpretations of the testing notification clause.
FYI see what I wrote "SLBM launches need not be clarified or announced" - I can announce the test window. I need not clarify it is an SLBM or whatever and the number of tests need not be announced as I have warmed Pakistan I am doing testing. That may be 1-2-3-4-5 and there is no need to clarify specifically if it is sea launched or land launched . Warning is given that during the test window there will be launches of ballistic missiles and it should not enter a defined zone near the other country. India need not declar it is an SLBM being tested or land +SLBM or whatever.That combo is not necessary to be identified and India did not do it in the past and declared after multiple tests that they ahd done so.
Anyway I have no further time or desire to waste discussing with you and frankly all your trolling.since you anyway are unable to have a civil discussion and are paranoid that people are out to get you Your Condescension !! more of an inferiority complex it seems that needs to be constantly validated. And yes I won't bother to discuss with you as as usual you will splutter invective and try to bait and troll. Enough of this...
You’ll type so much more drivel but won’t admit you might have misstated something!
May I suggest you use the ‘Ignore’ option for my handle. I’ll give you the chance to take the first whack.
We can all move on.


Regular Member
Mar 16, 2018
Any news about the 19th January test launch of missile from ITR?

Sent from my Redmi Y2 using Tapatalk


Regular Member
Sep 25, 2017

Agni 4 SFC trials?

And how often are we going to see these tests? Looks like 1~2 each month...


Regular Member
May 22, 2015
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Obfuscation is now regular. Can be A2 lofted A4 or 5 or K4 or 5. All we need to declare is tests during that period.


Defense lover
Senior Member
Aug 23, 2017
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If it goes in a different direction, DRDO can just mark it as .......Test Failed!!
Pakis will go on trolling ..."Oh! indian missile was a flop; instead on falling into the Bay of Bengal it fell on Rawalpindi. What a flop missile!!!"

:) :)
May be final nirbhay test....................
..........India seriously needed a low cost long range cruise missile


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2016
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It's supposed to be with Manik engine.

According to India's Ministry of Defence, 3 sets of the MANIK Small Turbofan Engine developed by @DRDO_India are to be integrated with the Nirbhay cruise missile for testing. The integration work is being done by Brahmos Aerospace Thiruvananthapuram Limited

ZomboDroid 17032019091123.jpg


Defense lover
Senior Member
Aug 23, 2017
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According to India's Ministry of Defence, 3 sets of the MANIK Small Turbofan Engine developed by @DRDO_India are to be integrated with the Nirbhay cruise missile for testing. The integration work is being done by Brahmos Aerospace Thiruvananthapuram Limited

View attachment 33300
Also manik can be used in small drones too.................................

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