Maldives: Why the hell are we helping these people? *tableflip*


sum gai
Regular Member
Feb 27, 2016
A Hindu Man explains: ‘Why I hate Islam’
What happened in Mumbai isn’t new. Muslims have been slaughtering Hindus for ten centuries. In his own words, this Hindu man reveals what the Western media have ignored.
“When Islam arrived in India, the Hindus welcomed the Muslims with open arms as brothers. In return Islam destroyed the entire Hindu civilisation.

Over ten centuries the dirty Muslim rogues murdered an estimated 100 million people.It has been said by historians and scholars (both eastern and western) that this is the largest genocide the world has ever witnessed. Muslim religious leaders “educated” Muslim men to rape Hindu women as this was a method to destroy the Hindu progency. Soon raping Hindu women was part of what being a Muslim man was about! Temples were razed to the ground and villages were burned. Those who refused to convert to islam were either murdered (the menfolk) or raped (the womenfolk). All the slutty Mughal leaders made it their goal to wipe Hinduism from the map of the earth!They even openly stated it.

I have no sympathy for Muslims. It seems that today Muslims from all corners of the world are facing hardship and problems. You only need to look at the devastation that Islam has wrecked on Hinduism to ascertain why this is happening. What goes around eventually comes back around and this is why Muslims are suffering. I have no sympathy or feeling for them. What angers me is that even today in India the dirty ugly b a s t a r d s are still sucking the blood of Hindus. If Muslims think that what they are experiencing now is bad, they haven’t seen anything yet. The world is just getting started.

Futher to the above, I disagree that the Muslims unified anything or anyone. Islamic armies marched through the world killing men and raping women. That is the sole reason why they conquered all the lands that they did. There is a sharp distinction between invasion and unification.They instituted islam through coercion and violence. Before Islam reached India, the latter was a global power. Indian influence and culture as well as exports of knowedlge (science, maths etc) were felt throughout the world. When the evil, ugly, dirty uneducated Muslims invaded the top half of India, all the power that India commanded was destroyed. The Muslims contributed NOTHING to the Indian culture, intellectual establishment or civilisation. Quite the opposite they stole everything from us. They stole our women, they murdered our menfolk, destroyed temples etc.

Also for your information, I am an Indian who was born and bred in London (England) where Muslim atrocities are taught in state schools as a fact. So it is futile for you to say that I am under the influence of any Zionist organisation. If anybody is a slave here it is you. You are a slave of the evil Islamic religion.

You say your religion is a religion of peace. But your religion teaches Muslims that non-Muslims are infidels and that they should be killed. It also teaches them that women who do not “obey” their husbands must be beaten. Most of the terrorist organisations are Muslim. Muslims are renowned as mass murderers and terrorists. Moreover the highest religious leaders in your religion themselves use religious doctrine to justify killings so please do not say that Islam is a religion of peace.

And you talk crap about Palestine and Kashmir. Indians are doing nothing wrong in Kashmir. Kashmir is, was and always will be part of India. Do you even know what the history is behind Kashmir? When India and Pakistan were becoming independent, the leaders of all the states that border what was to become India and Pakistan were offered a choice of whether to become part of Pakistan or part of India. Kashmir had a Muslim population but a Hindu prince, and he wanted to be part of India. It was your beloved Muslim country Pakistan that actually started this whole dispute by attacking India.

At first the Kashmiri Muslims had no problem with becoming part of India. So please check your sources out! And you are quick to say that Kashmiris are oppressed and that they are being killed, but how conveniently do you leave out all the Hindus that were slaughtered in Kashmir in order to tilt the demographic favour towards the Muslims. There are hardly any Hindus now in Kashmir because they have all been killed by your Islamics. It is ok for Kasmiri Muslims to muder and wound hundreds of innocent Hindus every year in terrorist attacks but the moment that the Indian army tries to defend its citizens and crack down on the terrorists we are accused of “oppression” and human rights violations.

Hindus were under oppression from Muslims for ten centuries. In their own country they were treated as second class citizens. The British gave the Hindus their self-respect back. Under the British, Hindus thrived. They felt that finally they were living in their own country again. So why shouldn’t they have co-operated with the British???

It makes me sick when I hear you people justifying terrorism by saying that you are oppressed. Look at South Americans, Look at Africans look at East Europeans. These people have faced much more hardship than you people have yet I do not see them producing terrorist organisations. And anyway, for the all the “Muslim brotherhood” rhetoric and nonsense that I constantly hear about, why aren’t all the rich, oil owning fat Arabic sheikhs helping their impoverished Muslims out? Clearly they have MUCH MUCH MUCH more than enough capital to ensure decent living standards in Palestine. The problem isn’t oppression. The problem is ISLAM.

To hell with Islam!”

Raj Kumar Bhardwaj

Dear Ali Sina
I am from the Maldives, a tiny country sitting in the indian ocean. we were Buddhists earlier, but seems and Arab merchant by the name Abul Barakaathul Barbary defeated a sea demon (which came for virgin girls every month) by reciting the whole Quran, and the king was so impressed and the whole country converted to Islam. but we all know the truth and that the Buddhists were butchered by the Islamic sword and the sea demon is just like a story from Quran.

Our country does not allow any religions other than Islam. The constitution says we have to be Sunni Muslims. Recently the first democratically elected president was ousted by a coup. They accused him of being an infidel who is trying to build churches in the Maldives and now we have the militant Islamic movement, which is saying that even moderate Muslims are kafirs.

Recently they tried to murder a fellow apostate for challenging the only Sunni Muslim policy by saying he was a Sufi Muslim. They tried to slash his throat but they did not succeed. It was the 2nd attempt on his life.

This is what we apostates in the Maldives have to live with, in fear and lies, pretending to be Muslims and there is no way out of this place.

Things are going from bad to worse. Now they are trying to implement the death penalty through Sharia, and they are trying so hard to eradicate democracy that give people power.

I wanted to ask you, what is your advice on this situation? I know the moment anyone finds out I am an apostate i will be prosecuted or murdered on the streets before the law can get a hold of me.

You are an inspiration to me. You gave me the knowledge to know what Islam truly is and I have enormous respect for you.


Dear Sophia

On the surface it seems that things are going from bad to worse everywhere. Quasi secular dictatorships are overthrown in Arab counties only to be replaced by Islamic dictatorships that are thousand times worse.

This is bad in the short run. But that is what Muslims need to go through to see Islam for what it really is and spit it out for good.

Take the example of Iran. The Islamic regime in Iran has made most Iranians apostate. If Iranians are given freedom most of them will renounce Islam publicly, even as many of them have done this already privately.

The vast majority of Muslims still have no idea what Islam is. They still have a romantic view of it. Only a true Islamic government can bring them to reality. They must taste the venom of Islam before they spit it out.

The near future is bleak for all Islamic countries. Human rights will be violated and poverty and suffering will increase. Maldives, like Egypt, relies on tourism for its survival. This industry in these two countries will suffer badly. People will be impoverished and their Islamic governments will increase pressure to keep them compliant. Eventually, they will erupt. There will be a lot of killing as Muslim regimes are ruthless. But once freedom is restored Islamic societies will be purged from Islam.

The Islamic regime in Iran is on its last leg. Islamic regimes in other countries will have a shorter life. I don’t think Islam will survive another twenty years. Its oppression is becoming unbearable. The Islamic terrorism is on the rise, the Islamic dictatorship is on the rise, the human rights abuses are on the rise, and the non-Muslims are awakening to the threat of Islam. Something has to give in. Of course many innocent people will be sacrificed before things get better.

What we can do meanwhile is to spread the truth about this evil cult. We have to do this discretely and anonymously, especially if you live in an Islamic country. Islam becomes stronger by killing us. Islam is like Dracula, the more blood it drinks the stronger it becomes. You have to first take care of your safety and then use mediums such as the Internet to spread the truth and awaken the Muslims. If every apostate helps other Muslims to see the light, it won’t take long before we become the majority. There is magic in exponential growth.

Fasten your seat belt as we are about to go through a very turbulent tempest. But be also certain that we will come out of it. We will defeat Islam and behead this monster. Victory will be ours. Stupidity and ignorance cannot stand the truth.

When the UN Human Rights chief called for a public debate in the Maldives on the practice of flogging women accused of extra marital sex, Maldives’ Foreign Minister Ahmed Naseem said, “What’s there to discuss about flogging? There is nothing to debate about in a matter clearly stated in the religion of Islam. No one can argue with God.” Naseem is right. No one can argue with God. The only thing left for us to do is to challenge the authenticity of this Islamic god. Is Allah God or is he the Devil? Is he real or the figment of the sick mind of a mentally disturbed man? This is the only thing left for us to debate.

Those who think Islam can become moderate are either fools or deceivers. Make no mistake they are the enemy. People like Holland C. Tylor, Zuhdi Yassser, Tarik Fatah, etc., are deceivers. They are not our allies. Once we accept Islam as God’s religion we have to accept all its consequences and submit to people like Naseem. We can no longer argue with his logic. Those who don’t like the Islamic laws are left with no other option than to denounce this faith of hate altogether.

Where the monsters breed.

Maldives is in the grip of a crime wave. The most cruel actions, from murder, rape, physical and psychological violence, to kids sticking cats into abandoned stores and turning the key, just to watch them starve. The political scene is no better; criminals preying on the minds of the weak and gullible. There is no self-respect, honor and piety left in the hearts and minds of many of these people.

What separates a human being from a mindless, all-consuming ravenous monster?. The values of honor, empathy, the ability to act cooperatively with other human beings. The Islamic apologists of Maldives describes Maldives as a 100% Islamic nation, but that puts them in a very uncomfortable situation, because it brings up two very powerful questions.

  1. If Maldives was a 100% Muslim country, is Islam a cult of violence and degradation for them to behave like this?.
  2. If islam really taught compassion, peace, equality and honor, why is Maldives a hellhole of misery and despair of this level?.
We leave these questions in your mind, and focus on the subject at hand; where does the monster breed?.

I believe that they’re created in the ghettos of the most congested cities in the world. There was once a time when the greatest treasure in the universe was the unconditional love between a parent and child. Today, where the lies of the bearded foreign imperialists have taken root, a parent’s love is an instrument of control. Imagine a child bereft of that most greatest treasure in the universe, and brought up in a world where they were loved only as an ornament, or a bragging right. Remember the cases of infanticide that hit Maldives recently? A woman free from the lies of the colonialist Islamist was shaken so much by that news that she just held her grandson. What did the woman who wore the ‘kalhuburuga‘ do? Threaten her children to behave well, because she could have done the same to them. The same miserable life, day in and out, in a tiny house that would more resemble a cage; a cage held shut by brainwashed parents who think they can ‘withdraw all parental love’ on their whim.

That is what life is like for many of the children who live in this miserable city. For years, they suffer neglect, poverty and sorrow. Most of them turn into cruel, unfeeling monsters who hurt others on their own whims. Many others turn to something that can ‘wash away their pain’, heroin. Others become cruel, fast-talkers who have no problem swindling others out of their money.

A few manage to think things through. They realize that there is more to life than mutely following society’s expectations of them. Even though critical thinking was outlawed for more than 20 years.

And now you’re seeing the nihilistic wrath of those children who were raised as nothing but tools. You’re seeing the result of parents who don’t deserve to be parents getting children, and treating them like breeding animals or a trophy.

And to add insult to injury, the Islamist point at those suffering, miserable children, and call them ‘irreligious people, kill them’ (Sheikh Ilyas) – (Don’t believe me? Ask any haabee on the street whether Sheikh Ilyas called to kill what he called “muggers, gangsters and thieves”.) and further indoctrinate more gullible fools into treating their children with harshness and callousness. It is a vicious cycle of suffering, pain, crime and drugs that only the strongest dare to break out of. And lo and behold, questioning the Islamist and their lies gets you labeled as an apostate.

If ‘apostasy’ is the way to break out of the cycle of drugs, violence and brainwashing, then I heartily embrace it!.

As long as Male’ remains the central ghetto and as long as those traitor fucktards continue to mass-produce children they know they can’t support (in the name of Jihad, population majority or whatever), the congested, suffering people in it will continue to grow in number. And to prey on their despair, the state-sponsored Islamist are swooping down like vultures, to pick off their humanity and compassion from their bodies, and replacing it with the feces of an illogical fear. It’s to be expected; they are like a cancer, or a pestilence, appearing wherever there is suffering and injustice. Truly, a plot of diabolical proportions, to take over Maldives!.

They are the true source of the monsters.

This article is dedicated to the countless suffering children in Male’, Maldives and across the world who live, fight and die not knowing unconditional love. You will be avenged.

INB4 wahhabopologist gangs calling this ‘sissification’ and ‘effeminate behavior’.

There is absolutely no excuse for how the Rajiv government dealt with them in 1988 this a fucking disgrace

Sourav Kumar

Regular Member
Mar 13, 2016
If India were China, Maldives would be in Indian Map now. What can/should india do for Maldives diplomatically and militarily?


sum gai
Regular Member
Feb 27, 2016
well we can start by throwing Mr Yameen down a flight of stairs the next time time he shows up in New Delhi thats the most reasonable way to deal with them


sum gai
Regular Member
Feb 27, 2016
then for course 2 we can kick him in the stomach while he's still down. Maybe I'm just a bad diplomat but who knows? it might put the ghazis their place.


Senior Member
Dec 12, 2015
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A lot of countries have this situation now that rule of law is absent, and crime is the way to get rich.

The West is unable to contain the violence as it only focussing on getting rich. Other nations lack the means to act decisively.

Then there is China which is in bed with all the bad regimes.

The Chinese are hellbent on worsening the conditions.


Regular Member
Aug 30, 2016
Bunch of b.s.... Hindus helped invaders take over IndiA from Muslims to Christians to BritiSh.

Even shivaji when he lost battles was because Hindus turned against him and their own people


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2015
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Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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If India were China, Maldives would be in Indian Map now. What can/should india do for Maldives diplomatically and militarily?
Till we have a weak secular stance, having those radical Maldivians will only make our country worse.

Unless they revert back to Buddhism and Hinduism they are only ticking time bombs.

And Unless we force change in the democracy structure of India, this will not change.

It must be odd for you people to hear so much from a northeastern guy but that's because most people in my state don't know these dangers. I have seen it all since I was raised in Delhi for most of my years growing up.


Mera Bharat mahan
Senior Member
Mar 19, 2016
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If India were China, Maldives would be in Indian Map now. What can/should india do for Maldives diplomatically and militarily?
Nothing can be done
If any military action is taken against Maldives then it will be considered as an act of aggression.

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