LOC, LAC & IB skirmishs

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Regular Member
Jun 28, 2017
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LOL thats a really good cartoon, Has it been 2 weeks yet? Or are the chinese going to claim the stone throwing as their attack?

Indian Sniper.001

Senior Member
Sep 22, 2016
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We should try to facilitate this, after all we are quite experienced in this ;)


Balkanisation of China seems to be imminent. The so-called unity within the Chinese Communist Party is in tatters as all three factions are involved in a bitter feud. This is likely to intensify in the coming months, triggering the beginning of a revolution and then disintegration of the country into seven independent territories.

The Shanghai faction, led by Jiang Zemin, and Hu Jintao-led Beijing faction are caught in a covert war with Zhenjiang faction, led by President Xi Jinping, and each one is trying to eliminate the influence of the other in the dirty political game. And, behind the scene is a massive labour unrest, pro-democracy protests against the present regime that hardly find mention in the highly-censored national and international media.

Spies and analysts closely monitoring the growing turbulence in China believe that the collapse is likely to be expedited as unprecedented crackdown against opposition and disappearance of lawyers and human right activists is causing massive chaos in the Chinese hinterland.

Unprecedented crackdown on opposition and disappearance of lawyers and human rights activists is causing massive chaos in the Chinese hinterland. “Thanks to brutal control over media, China has managed to mute news reports about hundreds of protests in provinces. But some underground activists have provided details on what we now know as a major uprising against the Xi Jinping regime ahead of 19th National Congress of the Communist Party,” sources said.

“China is finally reaching a tipping point and Xinjiang, Manchuria, Hong Kong, Tibet, Chengdu, Zhangzhung and Shanghai could turn into free nations after a Chinese revolution.” They added that the Chinese government is trying hard to keep the focus on the Doklam standoff and North Korea’s nuclear posturing against the US to rally support for Jinping. Teng Biao, China’s best-known human rights activist and lawyer, told The Sunday Standard from New York that China is escalating the standoff and Jinping is using the occasion to galvanise his dwindling support base.

Teng said some anti-India demonstrations in China are being sponsored by the ruling Communist Party. He also said pro-democracy activists are quietly working to engineer a revolution against China’s one-party rule to install a democratic government.

“We don’t know whether it will take five or 10 years. It is clear that we are not waiting but preparing for another revolution like 1989. Despite the crackdown on social media and blogs by the Jinping regime, activists and lawyers are using other medium to ship out information and assist the revolution,” Teng said.

“The main objective of the Chinese Communist Party is absolute monopoly by any means but we have strengthened the rights groups since early 2000 that have given us the possibility for revolution. The Communist Party, led by Xi Jinping, is also facing major crises between party and people, and an economic crisis.”

“More and more people are deciding not to believe in Jinping’s propaganda. The gap between poor and a handful of rich is widening. Only people with close connections with the top leadership and Jinping are prospering and that is the reason people don’t see a political reform in the Communist Party but they want to uproot it,” Teng, who was earlier jailed by the Chinese regime for pro-democracy support, said.
Several groups from Afghanistan recently renewed support to Xinjiangregion that was once dominated by around 10 million Muslim ethnic Uyghurs. China had cracked down along the bordering areas of Afghanistan after Chinese Intelligence Ministry of State Security reported trained jihadists returning to Xinjiang.

According to sources, the latest round of flashpoint was over language, that started in Hotan town of Xinjiang in early July 2017 when the Chinese government decided to withdraw Uyghur language from schools, making Mandarin compulsory.

“This was another blow after banning the fast during Ramzan. In the last six-seven months, the Chinese government has issued several policies targeting Muslims in Xinjiang, that is likely to explode soon,” sources said. Manchuria is another tipping point where simmering labour unrest since 2008 is turning into a full-blown rebellion. Sources said in 2010-11, the government faced over 1.5 lakh pro-democracy protests and riots and the number has been on the rise.

In the backdrop of the Doklam face-off, information about 137 bloody protests in Xinjiang in July was shipped out by the underground activists. Data suggests on an average four protests were mounted against the regime daily despite the brutal suppression by Chen Quanguo, chief of the party in Xinjiang. Similarly, 103 protests in the same month were reported from Chengdu, capital of Sichuan Province; a majority of them were launched by democracy supporters. Since the death of Nobel laureate Liu Xiaobo and his subsequent ocean burial set off protests against the Communist Party in mainland China and Hong Kong.

Hang Tung Chow, an activist and lawyer in Hong Kong, believes that Chinese disintegration could be sudden like Soviet Union, dragged down by its own bureaucracy and faction fighting. “The Chinese Communist Party has mounted mass arrests in recent years, causing the disappearance and silencing of many activists,” Hang told The Sunday Standard. The party, while assessing the shortcomings of Mao policy in a closed-door meeting in June 1981 had admitted that it still suffers from shortcomings and mistakes, and inner-party unity and harmony between the party and people are the basic guarantee for Chinese socialist modernisation. The guarantee seems to be fading.


Senior Member
May 10, 2017
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bunkers which were hit due to skirmish and seize fire or extra 100 bunkers? they can accommodate 1500 soldiers or people? what??
Winter is coming, when infiltration is lower and ceasefire violation is higher. Definitely good time to reinforce partially damaged bunkers as well as build brand new bunkers. The LoC will be hot this winter. I have a feeling that we could see an extreme surge of infiltration attempts before winter/ November comes.

aditya g

Senior Member
Jan 14, 2014
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Engineer Corps perhaps? Not sure. His death was exposed long time back here, but it wasn't really known that it was Chakothi & also confirms more paki soldiers were killed
Fresh from UN deployment?



Senior Member
Feb 17, 2017
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We should try to facilitate this, after all we are quite experienced in this ;)

This can be done only with active support of the U.S. and EU. Only US and EU can ensure human rights issues are raised against China crackdown on civilians in pro-democracy protests. US is the biggest champion of Democracy in the world. Let them take a lead in breaking China. We can facilitate logistical support. Once China breaks, we have to be good neighbors with breakaway republics. :biggrin2:


Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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Interesting read. :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:

China faces split into seven parts

By Yatish Yadav | Published:13th August 2017 08:14 AM |
Last Updated:16th August 2017 07:37 AM | A+A A- |

NEW DELHI: Balkanisation of China seems to be imminent. The so-called unity within the Chinese Communist Party is in tatters as all three factions are involved in a bitter feud. This is likely to intensify in the coming months, triggering the beginning of a revolution and then disintegration of the country into seven independent territories.

The Shanghai faction, led by Jiang Zemin, and Hu Jintao-led Beijing faction are caught in a covert war with Zhenjiang faction, led by President Xi Jinping, and each one is trying to eliminate the influence of the other in the dirty political game. And, behind the scene is a massive labour unrest, pro-democracy protests against the present regime that hardly find mention in the highly-censored national and international media.

Spies and analysts closely monitoring the growing turbulence in China believe that the collapse is likely to be expedited as unprecedented crackdown against opposition and disappearance of lawyers and human right activists is causing massive chaos in the Chinese hinterland.

Unprecedented crackdown on opposition and disappearance of lawyers and human rights activists is causing massive chaos in the Chinese hinterland. “Thanks to brutal control over media, China has managed to mute news reports about hundreds of protests in provinces. But some underground activists have provided details on what we now know as a major uprising against the Xi Jinping regime ahead of 19th National Congress of the Communist Party,” sources said.

“China is finally reaching a tipping point and Xinjiang, Manchuria, Hong Kong, Tibet, Chengdu, Zhangzhung and Shanghai could turn into free nations after a Chinese revolution.” They added that the Chinese government is trying hard to keep the focus on the Doklam standoff and North Korea’s nuclear posturing against the US to rally support for Jinping. Teng Biao, China’s best-known human rights activist and lawyer, told The Sunday Standard from New York that China is escalating the standoff and Jinping is using the occasion to galvanise his dwindling support base.

Teng said some anti-India demonstrations in China are being sponsored by the ruling Communist Party. He also said pro-democracy activists are quietly working to engineer a revolution against China’s one-party rule to install a democratic government. “We don’t know whether it will take five or 10 years. It is clear that we are not waiting but preparing for another revolution like 1989. Despite the crackdown on social media and blogs by the Jinping regime, activists and lawyers are using other medium to ship out information and assist the revolution,” Teng said.

“The main objective of the Chinese Communist Party is absolute monopoly by any means but we have strengthened the rights groups since early 2000 that have given us the possibility for revolution. The Communist Party, led by Xi Jinping, is also facing major crises between party and people, and an economic crisis.”

“More and more people are deciding not to believe in Jinping’s propaganda. The gap between poor and a handful of rich is widening. Only people with close connections with the top leadership and Jinping are prospering and that is the reason people don’t see a political reform in the Communist Party but they want to uproot it,” Teng, who was earlier jailed by the Chinese regime for pro-democracy support, said.
Several groups from Afghanistan recently renewed support to Xinjiang region that was once dominated by around 10 million Muslim ethnic Uyghurs. China had cracked down along the bordering areas of Afghanistan after Chinese Intelligence Ministry of State Security reported trained jihadists returning to Xinjiang.

According to sources, the latest round of flashpoint was over language, that started in Hotan town of Xinjiang in early July 2017 when the Chinese government decided to withdraw Uyghur language from schools, making Mandarin compulsory.

“This was another blow after banning the fast during Ramzan. In the last six-seven months, the Chinese government has issued several policies targeting Muslims in Xinjiang, that is likely to explode soon,” sources said. Manchuria is another tipping point where simmering labour unrest since 2008 is turning into a full-blown rebellion. Sources said in 2010-11, the government faced over 1.5 lakh pro-democracy protests and riots and the number has been on the rise.

In the backdrop of the Doklam face-off, information about 137 bloody protests in Xinjiang in July was shipped out by the underground activists. Data suggests on an average four protests were mounted against the regime daily despite the brutal suppression by Chen Quanguo, chief of the party in Xinjiang. Similarly, 103 protests in the same month were reported from Chengdu, capital of Sichuan Province; a majority of them were launched by democracy supporters. Since the death of Nobel laureate Liu Xiaoboand his subsequent ocean burial set off protests against the Communist Party in mainland China and Hong Kong.

Hang Tung Chow, an activist and lawyer in Hong Kong, believes that Chinese disintegration could be sudden like Soviet Union, dragged down by its own bureaucracy and faction fighting. “The Chinese Communist Party has mounted mass arrests in recent years, causing the disappearance and silencing of many activists,” Hang told The Sunday Standard. The party, while assessing the shortcomings of Mao policy in a closed-door meeting in June 1981 had admitted that it still suffers from shortcomings and mistakes, and inner-party unity and harmony between the party and people are the basic guarantee for Chinese socialist modernisation. The guarantee seems to be fading.
@airtel @aditya10r @Abhijat @A chauhan @Alien @alphacentury @Ancient Indian @Ankit Purohit @anupamsurey @armyofhind @Bharat Ek Khoj @Bhumihar @blueblood @brational @Bangalorean @Blackwater @Bornubus @bose @Bullet @cobra commando @DingDong @DFI_COAS @dhananjay1 @ersakthivel @F-14B @fooLIam @gpawar @guru-dutt @here2where @hit&run @HariPrasad-1 @Indx TechStyle @Kshatriya87 @jackprince @Kharavela @Illusive @I_PLAY_BAD @LETHALFORCE @Lions Of Punjab @maomao @Mad Indian @OneGrimPilgrim @Peter @piKacHHu @Pinky Chaudhary @porky_kicker @Razor @raja696 @Rowdy @Sakal Gharelu Ustad @SanjeevM @saty @sydsnyper @Srinivas_K @Screambowl @sorcerer @Simple_Guy @Sylex21 @wickedone @tarunraju @TrueSpirit2 @thethinker @Tshering22 @vayuu1 @VIP @Vishwarupa @VIP @Varahamihira @roma @Navnit Kundu @WARREN SS @Willy2 @3deffect

@amoy: Any comments? You ran away from my last reply.These days Han Chinese in Communist Army are doing stone pelting like Paki terrorists.It's hilarious and pathetic that a shupa powa is into stone pelting.If you want a war then start it rather than issuing threats 1000000 times a day. :rofl:

China is going through lot of disturbance and issuing threats to all of its neighbors.Increasing Chinese arrogance can result in China splitting in 7 parts. :lol:
Last edited:


Senior Member
Feb 17, 2017
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Afghanistan can help Xinjiang independence. ASEAN can help Hong Kong and nearby regions in China to get freedom. US and EU can run a pro-democracy propaganda in China. Chinese living in US and Europe can be asked to help for pro-democracy movement in China. If these people living in US or Europe support communists, they should be deported back to China.

India can help in Tibet freedom.

Similarly Mongolia should take back its lost territories back. Central Asian former Soviet republics should get their areas back from China.

Once all this happen, Taiwan will have a sigh of relief. Taiwan should also actively participate in breaking China. Once China is broken, whole world can get respite from a bully especially SCS countries.


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Interesting read. :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:

China faces split into seven parts

By Yatish Yadav | Published:13th August 2017 08:14 AM |
Last Updated:16th August 2017 07:37 AM | A+A A- |

NEW DELHI: Balkanisation of China seems to be imminent. The so-called unity within the Chinese Communist Party is in tatters as all three factions are involved in a bitter feud. This is likely to intensify in the coming months, triggering the beginning of a revolution and then disintegration of the country into seven independent territories.

The Shanghai faction, led by Jiang Zemin, and Hu Jintao-led Beijing faction are caught in a covert war with Zhenjiang faction, led by President Xi Jinping, and each one is trying to eliminate the influence of the other in the dirty political game. And, behind the scene is a massive labour unrest, pro-democracy protests against the present regime that hardly find mention in the highly-censored national and international media.

Spies and analysts closely monitoring the growing turbulence in China believe that the collapse is likely to be expedited as unprecedented crackdown against opposition and disappearance of lawyers and human right activists is causing massive chaos in the Chinese hinterland.

Unprecedented crackdown on opposition and disappearance of lawyers and human rights activists is causing massive chaos in the Chinese hinterland. “Thanks to brutal control over media, China has managed to mute news reports about hundreds of protests in provinces. But some underground activists have provided details on what we now know as a major uprising against the Xi Jinping regime ahead of 19th National Congress of the Communist Party,” sources said.

“China is finally reaching a tipping point and Xinjiang, Manchuria, Hong Kong, Tibet, Chengdu, Zhangzhung and Shanghai could turn into free nations after a Chinese revolution.” They added that the Chinese government is trying hard to keep the focus on the Doklam standoff and North Korea’s nuclear posturing against the US to rally support for Jinping. Teng Biao, China’s best-known human rights activist and lawyer, told The Sunday Standard from New York that China is escalating the standoff and Jinping is using the occasion to galvanise his dwindling support base.

Teng said some anti-India demonstrations in China are being sponsored by the ruling Communist Party. He also said pro-democracy activists are quietly working to engineer a revolution against China’s one-party rule to install a democratic government. “We don’t know whether it will take five or 10 years. It is clear that we are not waiting but preparing for another revolution like 1989. Despite the crackdown on social media and blogs by the Jinping regime, activists and lawyers are using other medium to ship out information and assist the revolution,” Teng said.

“The main objective of the Chinese Communist Party is absolute monopoly by any means but we have strengthened the rights groups since early 2000 that have given us the possibility for revolution. The Communist Party, led by Xi Jinping, is also facing major crises between party and people, and an economic crisis.”

“More and more people are deciding not to believe in Jinping’s propaganda. The gap between poor and a handful of rich is widening. Only people with close connections with the top leadership and Jinping are prospering and that is the reason people don’t see a political reform in the Communist Party but they want to uproot it,” Teng, who was earlier jailed by the Chinese regime for pro-democracy support, said.
Several groups from Afghanistan recently renewed support to Xinjiang region that was once dominated by around 10 million Muslim ethnic Uyghurs. China had cracked down along the bordering areas of Afghanistan after Chinese Intelligence Ministry of State Security reported trained jihadists returning to Xinjiang.

According to sources, the latest round of flashpoint was over language, that started in Hotan town of Xinjiang in early July 2017 when the Chinese government decided to withdraw Uyghur language from schools, making Mandarin compulsory.

“This was another blow after banning the fast during Ramzan. In the last six-seven months, the Chinese government has issued several policies targeting Muslims in Xinjiang, that is likely to explode soon,” sources said. Manchuria is another tipping point where simmering labour unrest since 2008 is turning into a full-blown rebellion. Sources said in 2010-11, the government faced over 1.5 lakh pro-democracy protests and riots and the number has been on the rise.

In the backdrop of the Doklam face-off, information about 137 bloody protests in Xinjiang in July was shipped out by the underground activists. Data suggests on an average four protests were mounted against the regime daily despite the brutal suppression by Chen Quanguo, chief of the party in Xinjiang. Similarly, 103 protests in the same month were reported from Chengdu, capital of Sichuan Province; a majority of them were launched by democracy supporters. Since the death of Nobel laureate Liu Xiaoboand his subsequent ocean burial set off protests against the Communist Party in mainland China and Hong Kong.

Hang Tung Chow, an activist and lawyer in Hong Kong, believes that Chinese disintegration could be sudden like Soviet Union, dragged down by its own bureaucracy and faction fighting. “The Chinese Communist Party has mounted mass arrests in recent years, causing the disappearance and silencing of many activists,” Hang told The Sunday Standard. The party, while assessing the shortcomings of Mao policy in a closed-door meeting in June 1981 had admitted that it still suffers from shortcomings and mistakes, and inner-party unity and harmony between the party and people are the basic guarantee for Chinese socialist modernisation. The guarantee seems to be fading.
@airtel @aditya10r @Abhijat @A chauhan @Alien @alphacentury @Ancient Indian @Ankit Purohit @anupamsurey @armyofhind @Bharat Ek Khoj @Bhumihar @blueblood @brational @Bangalorean @Blackwater @Bornubus @bose @Bullet @cobra commando @DingDong @DFI_COAS @dhananjay1 @ersakthivel @F-14B @fooLIam @gpawar @guru-dutt @here2where @hit&run @HariPrasad-1 @Indx TechStyle @Kshatriya87 @jackprince @Kharavela @Illusive @I_PLAY_BAD @LETHALFORCE @Lions Of Punjab @maomao @Mad Indian @OneGrimPilgrim @Peter @piKacHHu @Pinky Chaudhary @porky_kicker @Razor @raja696 @Rowdy @Sakal Gharelu Ustad @SanjeevM @saty @sydsnyper @Srinivas_K @Screambowl @sorcerer @Simple_Guy @Sylex21 @wickedone @tarunraju @TrueSpirit2 @thethinker @Tshering22 @vayuu1 @VIP @Vishwarupa @VIP @Varahamihira @roma @Navnit Kundu @WARREN SS @Willy2 @3deffect

@amoy: Any comments? You ran away from my last reply.These days Han Chinese in Communist Army are doing stone pelting like Paki terrorists.It's hilarious and pathetic that a shupa powa is into stone pelting.If you want a war then start it rather than issuing threats 1000000 times a day. :rofl:

China is going through lot of disturbance and issuing threats to all of its neighbors.
Of course this is bound to happen . When people are kept as slaves someday they are bound to revolt. Chinese can't speak what is in their mind can't decide how many children to have , can't access Internet fully. Can't demand democratic rights.

I often wonder why don't chinese commit sucide !! Now I know many of them are preparing for revolution. A good beginning. India must support oppressed chinese.


Regular Member
Feb 7, 2017
Hang Tung Chow, an activist and lawyer in Hong Kong, believes that Chinese disintegration could be sudden like Soviet Union, dragged down by its own bureaucracy and faction fighting.
Thats an interesting point. In case of USSR , apart from Baltic Republics and Caucasian states , there are't much revolt against rule of Moscow , Central Asia and Kazakhstan are very much pro-Moscow , but when infight begun local communist high-end leaders lead the revolt and they they claimed independence to secure their autocratic regime , many communist leader rule these new found states for over a decade and ,any still continue to rule them .

It can happens with China too , where local Manchu , even Hun lords claimed themselves independnet if they threaten by beijing, but they need courage to do that , and it's cannot be possible so easily as for now there are't much internal struggle to weaken CCP ...

Also in case of USSR , the army is pretty much homogeneous , so new found republics from start have loyal army to the cause , i wonder with 90%+ Han population , is't possible that similar scenario happens in Communist China...


Senior Member
Jan 30, 2015
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During border clashes punching, kicking and even spiting on each other is not uncommon.

Even during Sino - Soviet Border clashes Soviet Border Guards and Chinese scuffled with each other with sticks and 'Danda'

Chinese are so dumb that when Soviets brought sticks with them, Chinese brought bigger Danda to show off soviets [emoji38]
Big sticks ?
Dumb ass ...we cant make swift moves with big sticks.

Sent from my ASUS_Z00LD using Tapatalk

Rahul Prakash

Tihar Jail
Apr 30, 2017
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Of course this is bound to happen . When people are kept as slaves someday they are bound to revolt. Chinese can't speak what is in their mind can't decide how many children to have , can't access Internet fully. Can't demand democratic rights.

I often wonder why don't chinese commit sucide !! Now I know many of them are preparing for revolution. A good beginning. India must support oppressed chinese.
That may be good for india as a rival but think about it what did india get out of being a democracy.It has to tolerate muslims nd everyone taking advantage of us.Choosing democracy itself is a failure instead of a system that works better for our needs.


Strategic Issues
Senior Member
Oct 28, 2016
Chinese Writer Exposes Lies Of China And Received Threats From Local Police.

Someone asked on Quora, “What is going on in the India-China border? Which side is the aggressor?”

Shawn Zhang answered the question and received threats from local Chinese people and police.

He wrote,

Most Chinese don’t even know where Doklam is.

Google Map is blocked in China. There is no other map in China that can show the detailed border line between China, India, and Bhutan.

Media in China never mentioned where Doklam is and where the border line lies. Government never reveals the location. Government only shows a map sketch and tells Chinese that India invaded China.

Although I am a Chinese, I feel I am obligated to tell my fellow Chinese the truth: China entered the territory of Bhutan.

we can compare google map with most popular map service in China Baidu Map. There is no border line in Baidu Map.

How India and China Have Come to the Brink Over a Remote Mountain Pass

I marked the key information according to the above NYT report.

In Google map satellite image, this area is covered with snow. So I use NASA’s satellite image Zoom Earth - Explore satellite and aerial images of the Earth

This is the standoff point

China has occupied Doklam for years. Bhutan does not have the ability to reclaim the land. China and Bhutan have agreed via written agreements of 1988 and 1998 that both countries will maintain peace and the status quo in the region.

Now in recent months, China suddenly broke agreement and wants to build more roads and possibly prepares to occupy more land. So China is clearly the aggressor.

During this standoff, Chinese government withholds the key information and keeps stirring up nationalist sentiment in China. Chinese become angry towards India and clamor for war. This is very dangerous. Provoking war may be at the interest of Chinese Communist government. But war is never the interest of most ordinary Chinese people. This is why I write this answer. I hope Chinese could become more rational, reasonable and willing to seek truth. Only in this way, we can maintain peace with neighbours.
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