LOC, LAC & IB skirmishs

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aditya g

Senior Member
Jan 14, 2014
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Defence Minister during question hour said that Pakistan has increased efforts of infiltration but appropriate retaliation to the ceasefire violations and other tactical incidents by Pak Army as required is carried out by Indian Army. "There is a record high in the casualties on the other side," :hat:he said. Minister Jaitley also said that the Indian Army has "domination and impact" along the western border and all effective steps have been taken to check infiltration from across the border.

Giving the information briefly, Minister Jaitley informed the house that there have been 285 incidents of ceasefire violation so far this year through the LoC compared to 228 such incidents in the entire 2016 along the LoC in which eight people had lost their lives. He also informed that 221 ceasefire violation taken place along the International Border which is guarded by both the Border Security Force and the Army. “Due to the heightened vigil of the security forces, many infiltration attempts have been foiled and infiltration has been down,” Jaitley added.


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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for all this even a short statement from DM , FM or from PM would be enough....
nobody alter a strong reply even after chinese army and FM already address their nation.....

the contrast that has been created that china is issuing warning and our leader are talking peace.....

either our papers should stop advertising these warning or goi make a reply..

no point keeping the countrymen in dark
....its just what nehru did....
Chinese threats increase viewership for media. Media is free to print whatever the hell it wants. Govt has issued statements that we are maintaining force level at doklam. Media has also printed those statements.

Govt can't dictate media otherwise we will become the Shithole that is china.


Sep 7, 2015
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The silly Chinese media has really gone overboard with dozens of self styled Han 'analysts' jumping into the fray to please their CPC masters. They know squat about ground realities and zilch about military affairs.

High time these idiots STFU. They're making themselves look ridiculous and childish. It's incredible how these slit eyed morons have become an emerging power in spite of their shenanigans.


Strategic Issues
Senior Member
Oct 28, 2016
emerging power? with copied, reverse engineered defense product? these bastard chinese have money, that they made from cheap 3rd grade selling products. they don't have a single brand coming out from china. they are a theif country and the population are rape childs of japanese imperial army. @nimo_cn do you know who is father is?
china is divided into two.....CCP and the rest.......
the rest are in majority.....but they don't have power to bring change....

Chinese threats increase viewership for media. Media is free to print whatever the hell it . Govt has issued statements that we maintaining force level at doklam. Media has also printed those statements.

Govt can't dictate media otherwise we will become the Shithole that is china.
where do i says govt should ban media....
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Sep 7, 2015
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Chinese daily talks of military operations in Doklam

It said India cannot bully China like other countries in South Asia
Really? Like China bullying the small littoral nations bordering the South China Sea? These slit-eyed dorks think India is Burkina Faso or Gambia!! Lol! They need to wake up and smell the coffee.

Jeeez! These morons are getting on my frikkin nerves.


Sep 7, 2015
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india must not lessen its guard to those commie pests. they come, we shoot. we are on higher ground. me thinks commies will open other fronts where they have advantage. so all eyes and ears and as-47s nozzle must be open.
They will not launch any offensive ops on other fronts. If they do, it would be an open declaration of full scale war. They will thus restrict themselves to the Doklam area as they contend it is their territory and thus have a raison-d'etre to launch an operation, where needless to say, they will get a bloody nose!

Remember, if they ever do the mistake of launching offensives on other fronts, our navy will block the Malacca Strait and they will lose billions of dollars every single day as they will be unable to use that trade route. Why do you think they are so keen on the CPEC? Because it's an alternative route to the Gulf.

And then the amazing infrastructure they've painstakingly made in Tibet like bridges, rail infra and so on will all go up in smoke. That's billions of dollars turned to a cinder pile in the blink of an eye!
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Regular Member
Jun 13, 2017
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Really? Like China bullying the small littoral nations bordering the South China Sea? These slit-eyed dorks think India is Burkina Faso or Gambia!! Lol! They need to wake up and smell the coffee.

Jeeez! These morons are getting on my frikkin nerves.
Can you please not use the term 'slit-eyed'. It's racist.


Sep 7, 2015
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We all curse the Chinks. Ok. So what are we doing on our part? Will we stop buying Chinese raakhis, Ganesha idols, Diwali fire crackers, toys for your children, nail cutters, fancy lights, mobiles and so on? We buy Chinese stuff even if its fake (which most of it is anyway!) worth more than $50 billion which the Chinks use to buy their weapons to be used against us and also help build the CPEC!

Ironic, isn't it?


Senior Member
Feb 17, 2017
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In case of war, whether limited to one sector or multiple, we need to kill as many Chinese as possible. China follows one family one child policy. More the kills, more Chinese families will cry and more the public outcry in China against war imposed by ruling CCP.

Besides Indian government should run media propaganda in India as well as ASEAN countries showing Chinese attempt to grab land of a tiny unarmed nation Bhutan and India standing up in support of Bhutan and ready to take on China. Win or defeat doesn't matter. It's raising the feeling of standing up for justice. Public outcry and opinion in ASEAN countries will force their leaders to also stand united against China and is forces if needed.

Think of multiple countries imposing ban on Chinese goods. International trade treaties gayi tel lene.


Senior Member
Sep 23, 2016
No war kiddos. This is just Xi and Modi flexing muscles and winking at each other.. Xi's got an important meeting coming up in Nov and Modi, being Modi, is not assuming '19 is slam dunk and in the locker.


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Jun 13, 2017
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Hmmmm.....I'm racist. So that's par for the course for me. I care two hoots for a race which thinks it's God's descendants and have a license to brow beat all and sundry on this planet to submission with their unending lust for power and pelf. Yes! I'm talking about these slit-eyed dorks - the Hans.
I have no sympathies for the Chinese/Han or their expansionist stand, which seems to have no end in sight. To top it off ,their fake moral stand in public affair is all the more irritating. Dishing out centuries old maps to justify current territorial claims is laughable at best. And i am happy with the stand the Indian Govt. has taken


Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
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Other than the loud farts from Global Times, anything happening?

Will diwali come early?



NRI in Europe
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Aug 10, 2009
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Can you please not use the term 'slit-eyed'. It's racist.
i agree with you and hope you realise it is only one persons post and most of us if not all will not use such terminology ....vietnam is out IMPORTANT friend and we want to enhance all cooperation with your people .... we want you to feel welcome on this forum and indeed invite more Vietnamese friends to come here and discuss matters with us

Hmmmm.....I'm racist. So that's par for the course for me. I care two hoots for a race which thinks it's God's descendants and have a license to brow beat all and sundry on this planet to submission with their unending lust for power and pelf. Yes! I'm talking about these slit-eyed dorks - the Hans.
the member is from vietnam -- our importatn friend

I have no sympathies for the Chinese/Han or their expansionist stand, which seems to have no end in sight. To top it off ,their fake moral stand in public affair is all the more irritating. Dishing out centuries old maps to justify current territorial claims is laughable at best. And i am happy with the stand the Indian Govt. has taken
thanks for your support

Besides the above comments , i received a pm email about whether i think there will be a war .... well i for sure think there wil ll be some kind of limited conflict .... and that is because it is now a "show" wherer we have an "audience" ..... gennerally speaking the audience is the entire world but in particular the audience is the asean countried plus perhaps australia and japan

india is inviting 10 aseans members for replublic day next year .....and that is just a few months away .... now imagine if they come to an indian vctory ? or otoh , and indian loss of face - how will the differene be

even if it is a stalemate where bothe sides claim victory - much like the china vietnam war but pof course without china or indian troops going either direction - so both sides will clamim victory

that is the scenario that i envision as the most likely outcome and axctually the best outcome ---- actually it were better that india reduce troops and in image back down but in reality does not ...i.e. keep troops nearby reduce troops to almost nil in doklam but also achieves it si opbjective of no road wile china gets to look decent in the worlds image

but if china insists on building that road - then it is gonna be the beginnign stages of ww3 - not at one go of course but it will be a hard mark from which there can be no backing down and the consequesces could go anywhere from there

i therefore urge the indian MEA to negotiatie for a withdrawal of troops but with observation post nearby and lots of troops nearby and china to give quiet undertaking not to build that road - Indian troops must not vaate the nearby region and keep all eyes inculding eyes from space on the china troop movements

i also urge moderators to merge another thread on the same issue with mine
- as mine was posted first
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Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
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@captscooby81 @Razor

After reading all of China's rants, this is what flashes in my mind! :pound:

View attachment 18604

Rough Translation: Comedian to rowdy hero: I am very dangerous/aggressive, run away. Best part is he keeps on warning the hero as he slowly retreats back to his house lol
Madyam 3nu indrutthu yen lunch time... :lol:
Perfect comparison btw
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