Line of Control & Border skirmish: News, Images & Discussion

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Mar 24, 2013
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Hot line contact: Pak DGMO warns India against any military misadventure

A special hotline contact was established on Monday between top military commanders of Pakistan and India as tensions between the two nuclear-armed neighbours ratchet up at the Line of Control (LoC) amid increasing incidents of ceasefire violations.

Director General Military Operations (DGMOs) Major General Sahir Shamshad Mirza spoke to his Indian counterpart in the backdrop of recent ceasefire violations by the Indian army along the LoC and Working Boundary, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said in a statement.

Maj Gen Mirza, according to the military’s media wing, raised issues of unprovoked firing by Indian troops along the LoC and the Working Boundary and continuous targeting of innocent civilians particularly on June 1 in Battal, Garam Chashma and Jandrot sectors which resulted in the martyrdom of innocent civilians.

Maj Gen Mirza told his Indian counterpart that the killing of innocent civilians and inadvertent crossers at the LoC and labelling them infiltrator was highly unprofessional and unsoldierly.

He asked the Indian DGMO to provide actionable evidence regarding alleged infiltration and also to look inwards for correct identification of the issue.

“Pakistan Army is committed to maintaining peace and tranquillity along the LoC/WB. However, any Indian misadventure from across/along the LoC in any form shall be responded to with full force at the time and place of our choosing with onus of responsibility on Indian aggressive behaviour,” he cautioned in a statement.

Tensions have been simmering between Pakistan and India for months and there has been increased number of cross-border exchanges between the two countries in recent weeks. Pakistan killed five Indian soldiers on Saturday while responding to the Indian army’s unprovoked firing and ceasefire violation. The ISPR also released footage showing Indian posts being destroyed in the retaliatory action.

And Indian DGMO's reply to Porki DGMO was:




Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
Senior Member
Jun 5, 2017
Does anybody have info whether IA uses Snipers on the border or not


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Aug 13, 2016
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Pakistan cannot take Kashmir to ICJ: Sushma Swaraj
Swaraj was addressing a press conference on completion of three years of the government. The minister said there was no flip-flop on part of the government in handling Pakistan.

Press Trust of India
New Delhi, Publish Date: Jun 5 2017 5:10PM | Updated Date: Jun 5 2017 5:10PM

File Photo

India on Monday said Pakistan cannot take Kashmir to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and said that the issue must be resolved bilaterally. India wants to settle all issues with Pakistan through dialogue, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj said, adding that "talks and terror cannot go together."

Swaraj was addressing a press conference on completion of three years of the government. The minister said there was no flip-flop on part of the government in handling Pakistan.

“Pakistan cannot take Kashmir issue to International Court of Justice. Kashmir issue can only be resolved bilaterally,” she said.

She was replying to a question on reported remarks of Pakistani law officer that Islamabad will take the Kashmir issue to ICJ.

“We want to resolve all issues with Pakistan bilaterally but talks and terror cannot go together,” the minister said.

( Check the bold parts ) Now who is requesting? :lol:
hello earth calling Pakistan what's to beg here it is the official line of India sinces the 1971 Shimla agreement that an idiot called zulfiker ali buttho begged from us
after begging the then PM india Smt Indra Ghandi because he was afraid of losing his head ( which he lost anyway )


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2016
Srinagar Conclave and After

The two-day conclave of the Indian Army top brass last week, held in J&K capital Srinagar, has initiated a five-year road map for India’s land forces.


The brainstorming session, spread over two full days on Friday and Saturday also generated alarm and bit of panic across the Line of Control (LoC) in Pakistan since it was attended by the Army Chief, all the seven Army Commanders, CISC (head of Integrated Defence Staff) and the Director Generals of Army, Air Force and Naval Operations besides select Corps Commanders.

Not sure of the purpose and outcome of the unusual and high level meeting, Pakistan activated all its radars along the border and cancelled leave for all its troops under 12 and 23 Divisions besides those under FCNA (Force Commander Northern Areas), Indian intelligence reports said. The Pakistan Air Force also put its frontline bases on operational readiness, the reports added.

Monday’s unscheduled telephonic conversation between the Indian and Pakistani Director Generals of Military Operations (DGsMO)—at Pakistan’s request—would have however reassured Pakistan that India was not initiating any aggressive move along the LoC, top sources said. The Indian DGMO, who was also part of the Srinagar Conclave, assured his counterpart that India was committed to ensuring peace and tranquility along the LoC. But, the Indian DGMO also warned, “If Pak Army continues to abet infiltration and cause trans-LoC firings, Indian Army will take appropriate retaliatory actions.” The DGMO’s clear warning is in keeping with the Indian army’s recent aggressive posture along the LoC.

However, the purpose of the top brass’ conclave, according to multiple participants, was not to look at the current scenario but to chalk out strategies for two or three main challenges that the Indian military, especially the Indian Army, is likely to face in the near future. While the challenges are self-evident—China, Pakistan and their increasing collusion—tactics and strategies to deal with them are not.

Army Chief Gen Bipin Rawat, a great believer in building consensus and drawing upon collective wisdom of his top commanders, hit upon the idea to get the brass together to pick their brains in a non-formal atmosphere. The formal and structured Army Commanders conference, held twice a year in Delhi, has many administrative, personnel and welfare issues to be discussed and decided, leaving very little time for the top commanders to concentrate on evolving medium- to long-term war strategies.

The Srinagar Conclave therefore had only one agenda: come up with a coherent, effective plan to deal with the existing and future challenges. Managing the LoC, India’s posture along the International Border in Punjab and Rajasthan, deployment and employment of Indian armour and optimum use of Special Forces for strategic operations were among the broad topics discussed, highly placed sources said.

The Army Commanders agreed that Pakistan is unlikely to stop its proxy war in Jammu and Kashmir in the near future. They also noted that since 2013 the highly-trained and well-armed terrorists were told to specifically target security forces in order to provoke India into a hasty reaction.

A surfeit of attacks on military garrisons, convoys and outposts—Uri, Nagrota, Samba, Mohora gun position incidents, Hyderpora attack on Army convoy and even Monday’s suicide attack on the CRPF camp in Bandipora are only a few examples—provide ample proof of that changed tactics. So the brass discussed ways to prevent such attacks and minimise casualties besides deliberating upon options for counter-attacks and employing different pressure points on the LoC.

The top commanders also gazed in the crystal ball to discern likely Chinese moves along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) and in Giligit-Baltistan. According to participants in the conclave, it was decided to speed up the infrastructure projects along the LAC and also tweak deployment of forces. After having inserted a regiment of tanks in Ladakh in 2013, moves are afoot to increase the armour strength in high altitude areas. Raising of one more mountain division for the Mountain Strike Corps is already under way. The timeline for raising the full strength 17 Mountain Corps has now been tweaked to align with more realistic targets, sources said.

While many new suggestions came up during the brainstorming session, the brass felt it needed at least one more similar sitting to firm up different counter-strategies for the myriad challenges they have envisaged.

Some inside info of what's to come. Article from Nitin Gokhale.


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2010
So now Napakis officially admit that that they cannot and will not disclose their casualty figures at LoC

Minister of State for Water and Power Abid Sher Ali informed the house that as many as 66 civilians had been killed and 288 injured as a result of unprovoked Indian firing from across the LoC, but the number of army troops martyred could not be disclosed due to security reasons.

“We do not want our enemy to know how many soldiers laid down their lives,” he said.


Do not want the enemy to know or do not want their people to know the extent of whipping they received on LoC.

The truth is coming out in the open.


Regular Member
Jun 6, 2016
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Does anybody have info whether IA uses Snipers on the border or not
Offcourse, snipers are used regularly to attack porkies, ambush, foiling infiltration , CT ops etc etc.
Snipers are part of army and they operate everywhere with army.

Sent from my Redmi 4A using Tapatalk


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May 28, 2011
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Number of martyred troops can’t be disclosed, Senate told
Iftikhar A. KhanUpdated about an hour ago

Pakistan Army troops — File

ISLAMABAD: After a minister’s hesitation to share the number of Pakistani troops who laid down their lives in recent incidents of Indian firing from across the Line of Control (LoC), Senate Chairman Mian Raza Rabbani on Tuesday held that no information could be withheld from parliament.

Minister of State for Water and Power Abid Sher Ali informed the house that as many as 66 civilians had been killed and 288 injured as a result of unprovoked Indian firing from across the LoC, but the number of army troops martyred could not be disclosed due to security reasons.

“We do not want our enemy to know how many soldiers laid down their lives,” he said.

The minister said a letter had been written to the General Headquarters, seeking more details which were expected to be available in a couple of days.

The chairman said the calling attention notice on the matter had appeared on the agenda on Tuesday but it had been with the Senate secretariat for several days and the information should have come by now.

“Will the order of parliament prevail or that of the Ministry of Defence or GHQ?” he asked.

Stressing that no information could be concealed from parliament, he said if the government wanted, the session could be declared in-camera when it would be shared.

He said parliament was supreme and he could not allow hiding of information from the forum.

The chairman ordered that the information be provided to the house during the current session.

He said that if any matter of national security was involved, there were two options: either an in-camera session could be held or the information submitted to the office of the Senate chairman where the members could go through it.

Senator Ateeq Sheikh of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement had moved the notice to draw the government’s attention towards the loss of precious lives of Pakistani citizens in the Indian firing.

pankaj nema

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Oct 1, 2009
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Army Field Comdrs get powers to take decisions, go for kill

JAMMU, June 6: Army has deployed about 4000 additional troops in Jammu and Kashmir including Line of Control (LoC) and hinterland and empowered the Field Commanders to take decisions on use of heavy weaponry as part of counter-infiltration measures and containing mortar shelling and firing from Pakistan side.

These and some other steps were part of the Army’s new pro-active strategy to check infiltration attempts by the militants from Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK), which were aided and abetted by Pakistan army and keep check on Pakistani posts involved in mortar shelling and firing on defence locations and civilian areas, sources told the Excelsior.

They said deployment of 4000 additional troops on the LoC and some places in the hinterland was aimed at keeping infiltration level to zero this summer as these months are most utilized by the militants to infiltrate into Jammu and Kashmir from the LoC especially in the hilly areas when passes are opened after melting of snow in the higher reaches.

“Majority of the additional troops have been deployed along the LoC especially in the areas where chances of infiltration by the militants are maximum,” sources pointed out but said some of the troops have also been sent to militancy-prone areas to intensify anti-militancy operations.

Significantly, sources said, the Army has empowered its Field Commanders deployed in forward locations along LoC to take decision on retaliation by heavy weapons to tackle infiltration attempts and ceasefire violations by Pakistan army and the militants.

Earlier, the powers to use heavy weapons were vested with top brass of the Army. However, as part of Central Government’s strategy to give free hand to Army, these powers have been vested with the Field Commanders, sources said, adding this would empower the Commanders and benefit Army a lot in taking on spot decisions to tackle infiltration by the militants, facilitated by Pakistan army, and ceasefire violations in the form of mortar shelling and firing.

Sources said this would help the troops to take pre-emptive measures like Krishna Ghati and Nowshera sectors, where they had destroyed Pakistani army’s posts and bunkers which were being used to facilitate infiltration attempts by the militants. They added that the Army would now target the forward posts and bunkers of Pakistan army from where intrusion bids by the militants were expected or the posts which target civilian areas with mortar shelling and firing during ceasefire violations.

Asserting that the Centre has given the Army a free hand to deal with the situation, sources said it has been made clear to the troops that they had to thwart infiltration attempts by the militants supported by Pakistan army at any cost.

“The tempo is up and the Army is going for the kill. There is no other way to deal with terrorists, who have gathered in large numbers at launching pads on Pakistan side of the LoC waiting for the infiltrations attempts. The approach is more aggressive and while engaging with terrorists, the latter have to be gunned down,” sources said.

While on one hand the Army is dealing with the militants in the Valley on the other it is hitting Pakistan posts by carrying out punitive fire assaults. These strikes have ensured that a number of terrorists have been wiped out. More importantly the posts that are hit strategically were the ones aiding infiltration of terrorists by providing cover fire.

“There is only one way to deal with the problem and that is with an iron hand. Army will now show Pakistan that it means business and that infiltration attempts by the militants, backed by Pakistani troops and mortar shelling on the civilians will no longer be tolerated,” sources said.
Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, who holds charge of the Defence Ministry had recently emphasized that the Indian Army was not only dominating the LoC but also applying pressure on militant cadres.

Butter Chicken

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Oct 6, 2016
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@PSYOP read this

Number of martyred troops can’t be disclosed, Pak Senate told

ISLAMABAD: After a minister’s hesitation to share the number of Pakistani troops who laid down their lives in recent incidents of Indian firing from across the Line of Control (LoC), Senate Chairman Mian Raza Rabbani on Tuesday held that no information could be withheld from parliament.

Minister of State for Water and Power Abid Sher Ali informed the house that as many as 66 civilians had been killed and 288 injured as a result of unprovoked Indian firing from across the LoC, but the number of army troops martyred could not be disclosed due to security reasons.

“We do not want our enemy to know how many soldiers laid down their lives,” he said.

The minister said a letter had been written to the General Headquarters, seeking more details which were expected to be available in a couple of days.

The chairman said the calling attention notice on the matter had appeared on the agenda on Tuesday but it had been with the Senate secretariat for several days and the information should have come by now.

“Will the order of parliament prevail or that of the Ministry of Defence or GHQ?” he asked.

Stressing that no information could be concealed from parliament, he said if the government wanted, the session could be declared in-camera when it would be shared.

He said parliament was supreme and he could not allow hiding of information from the forum.

The chairman ordered that the information be provided to the house during the current session.

He said that if any matter of national security was involved, there were two options: either an in-camera session could be held or the information submitted to the office of the Senate chairman where the members could go through it.

Senator Ateeq Sheikh of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement had moved the notice to draw the government’s attention towards the loss of precious lives of Pakistani citizens in the Indian firing.


Sep 7, 2015
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Wow ! That's great policy .
That's what I was expecting from modi government .

Sent from my Redmi 4A using Tapatalk
I shudder to think what would have happened if the Cong retards were in power! Their policy would have been: if you're being screwed, lie down and enjoy it! That's what their policy has been since the past many decades.

It's clear that the pussy Porki Army is pretty much stunned at our massive response now.

And whatever happened to the frikkin stone pelters? They seem to have melted away after the raids on the Pak dalals, the Hurriyat and their hawala agents.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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I shudder to think what would have happened if the Cong retards were in power! Their policy would have been: if you're being screwed, lie down and enjoy it! That's what their policy has been since the past many decades.

It's clear that the pussy Porki Army is pretty much stunned at our massive response now.

And whatever happened to the frikkin stone pelters? They seem to have melted away after the raids on the Pak dalals, the Hurriyat and their hawala agents.

Well this happened yesterday

And I believe another 22 year old was killed as well.

No idea if the intensity of pelting is decreasing or increasing though.


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2010
Another news report on this. The comments are as usual turd with some gold

Minister of State for Power Abid Sher Ali, in response to a calling attention notice, gave a brief statement in the Senate on Tuesday about the situation along the LoC.

Speaking on behalf of Defence Minister Khawaja Asif, Ali provided civilian casualties only, saying: “Pakistan Army wants to withhold the information about the losses suffered by its troops due to security reasons’.”

“We have written to the GHQ for the details of our soldiers who have lost their lives serving along the LoC. However, the military authorities refused to share the details citing security concerns,” the state minister said.
Security reasons? :rofl:More like echh&dee reasons :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Sep 7, 2015
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@PSYOP read this

Number of martyred troops can’t be disclosed, Pak Senate told

ISLAMABAD: After a minister’s hesitation to share the number of Pakistani troops who laid down their lives in recent incidents of Indian firing from across the Line of Control (LoC), Senate Chairman Mian Raza Rabbani on Tuesday held that no information could be withheld from parliament.

Minister of State for Water and Power Abid Sher Ali informed the house that as many as 66 civilians had been killed and 288 injured as a result of unprovoked Indian firing from across the LoC, but the number of army troops martyred could not be disclosed due to security reasons.

“We do not want our enemy to know how many soldiers laid down their lives,” he said.

The minister said a letter had been written to the General Headquarters, seeking more details which were expected to be available in a couple of days.

The chairman said the calling attention notice on the matter had appeared on the agenda on Tuesday but it had been with the Senate secretariat for several days and the information should have come by now.

“Will the order of parliament prevail or that of the Ministry of Defence or GHQ?” he asked.

Stressing that no information could be concealed from parliament, he said if the government wanted, the session could be declared in-camera when it would be shared.

He said parliament was supreme and he could not allow hiding of information from the forum.

The chairman ordered that the information be provided to the house during the current session.

He said that if any matter of national security was involved, there were two options: either an in-camera session could be held or the information submitted to the office of the Senate chairman where the members could go through it.

Senator Ateeq Sheikh of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement had moved the notice to draw the government’s attention towards the loss of precious lives of Pakistani citizens in the Indian firing.
In other words, it translates to pretty heavy Porki Army casualties that they don't want to disclose as this would lower their morale.

Add to this Paki Army casualties in Zarb e bakwas and the latest Op Radd-ul-Fasaad and the number could be in the hundreds this year alone! The worst hit in all these ops is probably the lame duck SSG! Lol!
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