Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

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Assassin 2.0

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Aug 13, 2019
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I think it's fair to say that India's overall history during the medieval era was quite bad. Yes, we survived, unlike Persia and Egypt. But for few nomadic barbarians to set up sultanates on our land, destroy the majority of temples in North India, convert entire parts of Bharat Varsh to Islam, all these are bitter realities that we need to learn from. Valour is not enough. Valour with consistent victory is what is required. There should never have been any Delhi sultanate or Mughal empire. There should never have been a Qutub Minar or Taj Mahal in India. These are reminders of our past failings.
You cannot stop the inevitable. The war is still on with 260 million muslim in our region. And it will continue. Religion Islam without any facts and values is easy to spread with brain dead cunts. Hinduism on the others hand is too complex.
And this time we will crush them.

Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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Cool... India won't be joining RCEP... Already we have a debilitating dependence on China for api. Our own api factories run at 30 percent utilization, as the counts in the pharma industry go head over heels for chinese imports. If India joins RCEP, similar fate would beckon in sectors where we are not dependent on China. Any border confrontation, and China would only need to restrict supply of a few products to put the squeeze on India. India would surrender even without a war


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2016
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You cannot stop the inevitable. The war is still on with 260 million muslim in our region. And it will continue. Religion Islam without any facts and values is easy to spread with brain dead cunts. Hinduism on the others hand is too complex.
And this time we will crush them.
My point is to recognize that our medieval history was a catastrophe despite consistent fighting and occasional victories. And it is because of our medieval disunity and short sightedness that we have to face the current Islamic problem in our own subcontinent. When we recognize that Islamic conquest of India was the worst phase of our civilization, we must also ask about how it happened and purge our past weaknesses.


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Nov 1, 2016
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Past is past, now we are more confused.Actually we don't know what we are fighting for

Are we fighting for Nation(India) or Dharma(Hindu)??

IF u are fighting for nation ~20% Adharmic Indians are also become your brothers but if u are fighting for 'Dharma' first eliminate 'Adharma' from your land. :biggrin2:
India and Dharma are one and the same. Hindus will have to endure hell if this country breaks up into various parts again. There is a unified country called India because of its Hindu majority.


Jul 11, 2011
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I do know what I am talking about and Some people agree with me on it. Only ones who don’t get it are Libtard Hindus Like You. I am sorry say but rajputs Failed in Securing the Frontiers of India. They could have done it but there “Kshatriya Rules” got to them. Moselms who didn’t have rules on how conduct war so they was able to Cut Through Rajputs and make it to Central Punjab, Sindh, Rajasthan and Gujarat Areas.
you clearly have today's India and todays standing Armies in mind as a reference points ? You talk of borders as India had a border like today. You talk of Rajputs as if they were standing Armies of India. Which border are you talking of? Borders beyond Hinduskush, the Hindu Kush itself, The durand line mountains, Sindh River or Doabas. Where were borders when Alexander attacked ?

Ok let us agree that Rajputs were responsible. But then what were Brahmins doing? What were tribals and other communities like Jats, Yadavas, Kashmiris, Sikhs, Gujaratis and Rajasthanis doing? And who says that they were not Armies.

Indian social structures and their historical contexts are so complex that blaming Rajputs is a worst excuse or at best a deliberate effort to shift blame.


Jul 11, 2011
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I do know what I am talking about and Some people agree with me on it. Only ones who don’t get it are Libtard Hindus Like You. I am sorry say but rajputs Failed in Securing the Frontiers of India. They could have done it but there “Kshatriya Rules” got to them. Moselms who didn’t have rules on how conduct war so they was able to Cut Through Rajputs and make it to Central Punjab, Sindh, Rajasthan and Gujarat Areas.
What is Kshatriya Rule ? You mean Brahminical Rules or Hindu Rules? Do you mean the Rules of Shiva, Rules of Vishnu or Rules of Bhadrakaali ?

You may be referring to an injection not only applicable to Rajputs but to everyone : and it is meant for "Jadat" and not "Bharat".

namo brahmanya-devaya go-brahmana-hitaya ca
jagad-dhitaya krishnaya govindaya namo namah"

Geta/s massage of " hato va prapsyasi svargam" is meant for a warrior king and not only for a peasant Rajput who is not for an agent of "Bhoksaya Mahim",,,,,

you may do a little better if you specify what you mean by "Rajput Rules" .....


Senior Member
Oct 27, 2019
you clearly have today's India and todays standing Armies in mind as a reference points ? You talk of borders as India had a border like today. You talk of Rajputs as if they were standing Armies of India. Which border are you talking of? Borders beyond Hinduskush, the Hindu Kush itself, The durand line mountains, Sindh River or Doabas. Where were borders when Alexander attacked ?

Ok let us agree that Rajputs were responsible. But then what were Brahmins doing? What were tribals and other communities like Jats, Yadavas, Kashmiris, Sikhs, Gujaratis and Rajasthanis doing? And who says that they were not Armies.

Indian social structures and their historical contexts are so complex that blaming Rajputs is a worst excuse or at best a deliberate effort to shift blame.
The Frontiers of India is Right Up too the Hindu Kush Mountains and Whole of Khyber Pass Region on the Indian Caucasus Mountains which goes up too the borders of Tajikistan is considered according to me as borders of India and Indian Civilizations. Rest of the Land Beyond these have both Indian and Persian Influence. Rajputs as People Group controlled Land beyond Rajasthan. There were many Hindu Rajput Sub Tribes located in Punjab and Sindh Right Inside Baluchistan and Hindu Kush Mountains. Many of these Were able hold back Moselms but eventually they started loosing ground slowly and started getting Force Converted and Assimilated into Moselm Society. Brahmins didn’t have the role of the Defending Hindu Society the Rajputs Tribes did. Brahmins are Priests they are not warriors except for some who had no choice but take up Arms. Telling Brahmins to go fight is like telling medieval European Xtian Priests or Bishops to go to war. In Europe the King, Nobles and Knights Waged wars against Moselms and they incorporated Xtianity into there battles against Moselms. To them it’s a Holy Mission to defeat Pisslam and they were able succeed in Many Fronts because of that. Xtians had brutality that is Similar to the Pisslams. So they were evenly matched in most battles and both feared each other.
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United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
you clearly have today's India and todays standing Armies in mind as a reference points ? You talk of borders as India had a border like today. You talk of Rajputs as if they were standing Armies of India. Which border are you talking of? Borders beyond Hinduskush, the Hindu Kush itself, The durand line mountains, Sindh River or Doabas. Where were borders when Alexander attacked ?

Ok let us agree that Rajputs were responsible. But then what were Brahmins doing? What were tribals and other communities like Jats, Yadavas, Kashmiris, Sikhs, Gujaratis and Rajasthanis doing? And who says that they were not Armies.

Indian social structures and their historical contexts are so complex that blaming Rajputs is a worst excuse or at best a deliberate effort to shift blame.

Everyone had their fair share of the rule upon different regions.

The political maps kept changing and today we have the best union ever in our history.

Blaming one section of the society is stupidity of the highest order.

One can discuss the role of each entity on one particular instance or a historic conjuncture but making sweeping generalizations in failures and successes shows intellectual wasting.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2016
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M talking about ~20% adharmic so-called minority, which is root cause of devastation across the world.

Dharma is Universal values.WE must kick out all Adharmic cults towards west of Indus then only we can live in peace.:biggrin2:
For that to happen we must first achieve energy and technology independence. Then we can go berserk.


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
M talking about ~20% adharmic so-called minority, which is root cause of devastation across the world.

Dharma is Universal values.WE must kick out all Adharmic cults towards west of Indus then only we can live in peace.:biggrin2:
Stay in Power, stay light, remain cold-hearted, stop romanticising with anyone, do not outsource solving your problems to others, control and consolidate Hindus to a minimum agreeable agenda, have a robust mechanism to do Ghar wapsi of anyone who is not a Hindu and deal with any insurgency promptly and brutely.


Senior Member
Oct 27, 2019

Everyone had their fair share of the rule upon different regions.

The political maps kept changing and today we have the best union ever in our history.

Blaming one section of the society is stupidity of the highest order.

One can discuss the role of each entity on one particular instance or a historic conjuncture but making sweeping generalizations in failures and successes shows intellectual wasting.
I am not Blaming the Rajputs I am blaming there Chivalry Rules that Restricted them in battle against Pisslams. The Pisslam were able do scorch earth polices and other unconventional Warfare that they were able weaken Rajputs in frontier Areas and get past them and crush them. Today’s Rajputs Community is a Great Community I have nothing but upmost respect for them but in medieval times Chivalric Rules hindered them in Battles. They couldn’t Innovate in the battlefield against there enemies and there was also infighting and Backstabbings as well.


Senior Member
Jul 4, 2013
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Its because historically we have never faced collective adversity of survival, as we have very fertile land and food and water was abundant.

when you see middle eastern cults ,their life was always hanging by wire , scarcity of food ,water, women etc ,they faced collective survival adversity in harsh conditions which brough them closer as a group(Herd mentality) ,this gave them us vs them mentality ,also made them more cold and violent as survival was at stake and animal instinct took over.

A small group facing extinction naturally comes togather and become ONE ,
while we were comparatively spoilt brats ,

Caste system was original divide and rule policy in which the most important things required for ruling was controlled by a very small group that is military strategy and training (rajputs) , education and knowledge(in my opinion even more imp than miltary training) to brahmins ,
Brahmins also served as advisors to rajputs ,
the trade went to one gp and rest 70-80%(not sure about percentage) shudras and then there were outcasts ,
A classic divide and rule with firm grip of a small group over military ,weapons ,knowledge ,education and trade.

I believe britishers later only built on it and voila in every invasion we have people willing to help Invaders for a better opportunity.

Frankly if you are humiliated ,looked down upon, discriminated for whole of your life ,Why wont you help invaders?
If not directly then as spies , mughals and especially British had spies everywhere.

Whats astonishing is the rajputs ,peshwas in marathas ,willing to collude with invaders to defeat the other rajputs and peshwas ,
its disgusting and cowardly that they knew they couldn't defeat them directly so lets stab Them in back with help of invaders ,

Kashmiri pundits as you all know has colluded with invaders and even in 1947 they wanted independence and not Union into India, whats disgusting is these people are bailed on our blood everytime and then they stab again , they were being fucked by muslims ,sikhs saved them ,then dogras ,now rest of Indian soldiers who they didnt want to join.

I always say that we should have had a CIVIL WAR ,like the america,
i gurantee you we would have came out more practical and less discriminatory ,economically we already were as fucked as we could have been,
and imagine those millions killed in artificial feminine by british if, would have fought the britishers even with swords and stones ,A million fucking people ,
And even that didnt boil our blood .

People in India suffer from jealousy and insecurity , They try to show off even if they have to take loans for that show off , If neighbour has this ,you want as good or better ,it can be vehicle ,party ,Children's career etc

We call someone bihari ,nepali etc now theres no problem in it to a foreigner, but we know only that its used in a derogatory way .

Also people arent nurtured enough from childhood to take risks or stand their ground , they are made to compromise even without fault
They are made to fear things, not think big enough or out of box , as a result their confidence has holes ,they are not willing to come out of comfort zone ,if they do they are looked down upon and they naturally become insecure .
Thats my personal opinion ,based on personal experience ,where many of my friends are outwright cowards.

Compare that to boldness ,risk taking of greeks (alexander) ,Mongols ,Britishers ,heck even germans ,japs and now americans.

We are too egoistic ,too comfortable ,too great(in our own minds) to do anything.

Even at partition 25% of people got 33% of land killed,displaced all hindus and in India they refused to leave and also refused to modify any of their laws and kill ,riot and fuck hindu girls all the time.

I still believe a huge civil war is due in India , i just have a gut feeling ,just let a little scarcity of basic things come.
Some corrections.

Education was for every one.

Krishna & Balarama even though they were Gopalaks/Yadavas learnt Vedas and all from Sandipa.

Eka Lavya went to Drona to ask to be admitted. Even though he was refused, the mere fact that he went to ask shows that even tribal folks were imparted education.

Similarly yudha vidya was for learnt by people of all varnas (varnas are supposed be karma based BTW)

But like you said, it may have gotten corrupted at some times or areas.


Jul 11, 2011
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Proud of losing Afghanistan?
Proud of ruling Afghanistan for centuries . Proud of not allowing the progeny of Gandhari to take reigns of Bharatvarsha. Proud of converting them to Budhist under Kanishqa. Proude of raosting them under Nalwa. Proud of making them good friends today.

Proud of losing Pakistan?
Yes proud of pushing Jihadi scums to one little corner of India to save Hindu India.
Proud of still fighting in Kashmir?
One does need a place where one is able to inflict thousand cuts on Jihadis without a war. In kashmir, jihadis forced thousands of Hindus out only to be replaced by a million Hindu boots. I wish it to continue it like that, Kashmir is the graveyard of Pakistanis. Let it remain that to be so.

Proud of what breh?
Himadri Tung Sring se Prabbudha Sudha Bharati....

We lost half the landmass Dharma had spread to.
We also saw Hinduism die out in the Pacifics, Indonesia etc. I don't want Dharma to Survive onslaughts, I want it to thrive and spread beyond where it used to have a foothold historically and not simply find solace in the fact that "we survived".
Do not discount that Buddhism is part of Dharmic system. Dharma has spread to North and South America, Europe, Africa, Austrelia and areas much larger than any time in history. One only need good eys to see that. Not hazy jihadi eys like yours...

Reminds of this line from the song- क्या जिंदगी है ठोकरों पे मार दो
you certainly are not one of them.....

Kuccha baat hai ki hasti mitati nahin hamari, sadiyon raha hai dushman sara jahan hamara....
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United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
I am not Blaming the Rajputs I am blaming there Chivalry Rules that Restricted them in battle against Pisslams. The Pisslam were able do scorch earth polices and other unconventional Warfare that they were able weaken Rajputs in frontier Areas and get past them and crush them. Today’s Rajputs Community is a Great Community I have nothing but upmost respect for them but in medieval times Chivalric Rules hindered them in Battles. They couldn’t Innovate in the battlefield against there enemies and there was also infighting and Backstabbings as well.
There is a saying 'When it happens to all it happens to none'.

Rajputs were brave, they fought, they won, they lost and they survived. I don't know why you are judging them.

I can give you many examples of Brahmin kings who lost, same is with Sikhs, Marathas and others.

There is nothing in History to learn for the future.

The future is unimaginably challenging and unpredictable.

Fools are those who think History has the key to unlock the future. Nor history repeats itself neither it prepares us for the future.

We learn History to simply keep an account of our continuity. Even if that continuity is lost we create a new stream.

Our history was glorious and we must take pride in that. Our means of survival may not be as pop, funky and contemporary that you wish it to be but our ancestors had their own ways of holding their grounds and fight the invasions.

TBH when I read Indians moaning about History and try to simplify it I see a failing generation who is yet again losing the perspective and the race to the Age of the world.

Wake and smell the coffee, We need AI and what Raput did and didn't is not going to matter anymore. Hold on to what we have now and invest your energies to sustain it for the longest.


Jul 11, 2011
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I am not Blaming the Rajputs I am blaming there Chivalry Rules that Restricted them in battle against Pisslams. The Pisslam were able do scorch earth polices and other unconventional Warfare that they were able weaken Rajputs in frontier Areas and get past them and crush them. Today’s Rajputs Community is a Great Community I have nothing but upmost respect for them but in medieval times Chivalric Rules hindered them in Battles. They couldn’t Innovate in the battlefield against there enemies and there was also infighting and Backstabbings as well.
Muhammad Bin Qasim having captured Sindh ruled by a Brahman Mohyal ruler Dahir and having consolidated Muslim rule there could not venture into other parts of India . The Muslim armies were repeatedly defeated for 700 years by Rajput bands of Soda, Parihar, Pratihars and Solankis of Gujarat. They were also not allowed any incursion into Rajasthan by Rajputs.
No sucker would mention it. All self hating Indians need to wash their Nehruvian leftard school history bullshit in the holy Ganges.

All major incursions took place through a belt and corridor dominated by tribals like Khokhars, Kukkurs, Jats and Gujjars and other peasantry. But some self seekers would blame Rajputs for it. Just see the lawless band of population pattern starting from Lahore - Multan to Punjab Haryana and Delhi. Where are Rajputs there ?


Senior Member
Jul 4, 2013
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Leave the vedas and its stories how about we talk of few centuries ago with recorded history ,
or a few decades ago before Independence ,
A few anecdotes or stories wouldnt change the reality.
Even muslims bring out stories how Islam was so peaceful and beautiful but we all see what it is today and what it was a few centuries ago ,so it was always like that.

Theres no way of knowing if it was corrupted later or was always like that ,
Even that later is thiusands of yrs ,so for 1000s of yrs its like that and the period in question is Islamic period when it certainly was like that.

Varna system is inherently hereditary and can never be just by profession as owing to Human social nature a person in higher varna will never let her daughter go to lower varna even if her ability lies there , (nepotism is natural ,everyone wants better for their kids)
similarly even a talented lower varna person will never be liked by upper varna ,its basic social nature , everyone wants to be at top , by hook crook ,
thats why i said a small group MONOPOLISED everything important and left a larger group uneducated , with menial skillset .

Feel good Stories can be written or believed but the practical reality is infront of us if we are willing to read ,research .

Anyways ,today is way better than say 40 yrs ago and it will only get better from here.
Well Yudhistra talked about varna system. Its part of Mahabharata. Its not something thats hidden or something.
But yes, it remained hereditary to the most part. Though mathadhipati's, kings etc came from all over. For ex: Reddy kings and Vaddera kings in AP!
Our Yogi Adityanath is not a Brahmin!
Multiple examples that way (odd ones I concede)


Jul 11, 2011
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Leave the vedas and its stories how about we talk of few centuries ago with recorded history ,
or a few decades ago before Independence ,
A few anecdotes or stories wouldnt change the reality.
Even muslims bring out stories how Islam was so peaceful and beautiful but we all see what it is today and what it was a few centuries ago ,so it was always like that.

Theres no way of knowing if it was corrupted later or was always like that ,
Even that later is thiusands of yrs ,so for 1000s of yrs its like that and the period in question is Islamic period when it certainly was like that.

Varna system is inherently hereditary and can never be just by profession as owing to Human social nature a person in higher varna will never let her daughter go to lower varna even if her ability lies there , (nepotism is natural ,everyone wants better for their kids)
similarly even a talented lower varna person will never be liked by upper varna ,its basic social nature , everyone wants to be at top , by hook crook ,
thats why i said a small group MONOPOLISED everything important and left a larger group uneducated , with menial skillset .

Feel good Stories can be written or believed but the practical reality is infront of us if we are willing to read ,research .

Anyways ,today is way better than say 40 yrs ago and it will only get better from here.
Why do not you allow Tharparkar or Gir or Sahwal cows to be mated by a street bull ? If one does not accept that for his cows or buffalo then why should one advocated that for one's daughters. What has casteism to do with it?

Do not make the nature to follow Marxism - Leninism.....:pound:


Lestat De Lioncourt
Senior Member
Dec 18, 2010
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Proud of losing Afghanistan?
Proud of losing Pakistan?
Proud of still fighting in Kashmir?
Proud of what breh?
We lost half the landmass Dharma had spread to.
We also saw Hinduism die out in the Pacifics, Indonesia etc. I don't want Dharma to Survive onslaughts, I want it to thrive and spread beyond where it used to have a foothold historically and not simply find solace in the fact that "we survived".
Reminds of this line from the song- क्या जिंदगी है ठोकरों पे मार दो
This is glass half full half empty situation but I can give you a comparison to make you feel good.
100% of the Zoroastrian lands are mooslem, 100% of the shamanic/Taoist are muslim and even the Christian lost the fuck load of land and people to mooslem empires.
Persian empire and Byzantine empire were wiped out and people were converted. 100 percent of those people are mooslem now.
No pagan religion survived in the world except the Dharma. We not only survived but thrived and now we will regain our place in the world.

Does all this not make you feel proud?
It makes me feel damn proud of my Indian ancestory.


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2019
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This is glass half full half empty situation but I can give you a comparison to make you feel good.
100% of the Zoroastrian lands are mooslem, 100% of the shamanic/Taoist are muslim and even the Christian lost the fuck load of land and people to mooslem empires.
Persian empire and Byzantine empire were wiped out and people were converted. 100 percent of those people are mooslem now.
No pagan religion survived in the world except the Dharma. We not only survived but thrived and now we will regain our place in the world.

Does all this not make you feel proud?
It makes me feel damn proud of my Indian ancestory.
Depends on the way you look at it, I guess. :p

Me, I don't feel pride any more or less than shame.
It would've been better if we had beaten the Islamists at their own game, and with time, at their own turf but I do get where you're coming from.

Fucking chaotic world...
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