Kashmir conflict-India should act now?


Regular Member
Apr 28, 2017
Islam as an entity is there but if you see the individual, he is not developed. He is just living for the sake of living with some Jahiliya thought.

edit1: and by the way how can you forget petro capital.
An ideology is known by the land it holds and the number of adherents it has. If quality of life has to be judged, the Bhutanese people have a highest happiness index, but does anyone consult Bhutan on international matters?

Muslims have OIC, oil, nukes, demography and massive land under their control. No matter how much you dismiss them, they HAVE waged a war with every single religion and every single theater on the planet today, be it Israel, or Kashmir, or Chechnya, or Syria or Philippines while claiming that Islam is under threat. This is called cunning.

Exactly opposite to that is Hindu mindset,which keeps giving legal arguments on battlefields, be it Kashmir or 26/11. Hindus fight like a lawyer and Muslims fight like a goon, that is why Muslims win. And even with our legal arguments, we haven't even been able to convince other Hindus that Kashmir is ours, leave alone convincing the world.


Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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An ideology is known by the land it holds and the number of adherents it has. If quality of life has to be judged, the Bhutanese people have a highest happiness index, but does anyone take their clout seriously? Muslims have OIC, oil, nukes, demography and massive land under their control. No matter how much you dismiss them, they HAVE waged a war with every single religion and every single theater on the planet today, be it Israel, or Kashmir, or Chechnya, or Syria or Philippines while claiming that Islam is under threat. This is called cunning.

Exactly opposite to that is Hindu mindset,which keeps giving legal arguments on battlefields, be it Kashmir or 26/11. Hindus fight like a lawyer and Muslims fight like a goon, that is why Muslims win.
They are being facilitated of that because the big powers use them as proxy. Why them because only in muslims are the one's who can be brainwashed easily. Rest of the world believes in life!


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2016
When the security forces move out of the valley, they will start killing each other off.
Look how happy those ladies are, future sex slave of those with guns. Beautiful times ahead.


Regular Member
Sep 5, 2015
An ideology is known by the land it holds and the number of adherents it has. If quality of life has to be judged, the Bhutanese people have a highest happiness index, but does anyone consult Bhutan on international matters?

Muslims have OIC, oil, nukes, demography and massive land under their control. No matter how much you dismiss them, they HAVE waged a war with every single religion and every single theater on the planet today, be it Israel, or Kashmir, or Chechnya, or Syria or Philippines while claiming that Islam is under threat. This is called cunning.

Exactly opposite to that is Hindu mindset,which keeps giving legal arguments on battlefields, be it Kashmir or 26/11. Hindus fight like a lawyer and Muslims fight like a goon, that is why Muslims win. And even with our legal arguments, we haven't even been able to convince other Hindus that Kashmir is ours, leave alone convincing the world.
That is a thousand year practice of fighting like goons but they have not united yet. Lot of factional fight. We have limited time, unfortunately no Hindu org is fighting the war right way. Highly disappointed by RSS and BJP.


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Apr 10, 2017
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And some one who is a leader wishes to one of such a civilization cannot be our friend- China exports 50+ billion $$ worth goods to India- can we call them our well wisher ? the sooner people get out of this baniya mindset the better-
Around 90% of the world follow Abrahamic religion, if not more. Most of the muslim countries have Islam as state religion. We have to deal with them because they control one resource which we desperately need but lack in our own land. We have to deal with their tantrums because we need them more than they need us, but in Iran we have a slight exception. Due to their antagonistic relations with KSA and the west, their customer base is limited and therefore coveted. Yes they are run by mullahs and cant be completely trusted and we should be wary of them. But I dont think they are a threat right at this point of time. Comparing China and Iran is like comparing apples and oranges. China can cancel all of their trade with India tomorrow and not blink an eye, Iran not so. I dont consider Iran an ally, but not an enemy either.

Pre-mullah Iran was no better for us. Atleast mullah Iran has not militarily supported Pakistan yet like Shah Pahlavi did during 71.


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Jan 25, 2014
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Around 90% of the world follow Abrahamic religion, if not more. Most of the muslim countries have Islam as state religion. We have to deal with them because they control one resource which we desperately need but lack in our own land. We have to deal with their tantrums because we need them more than they need us, but in Iran we have a slight exception. Due to their antagonistic relations with KSA and the west, their customer base is limited and therefore coveted. Yes they are run by mullahs and cant be completely trusted and we should be wary of them. But I dont think they are a threat right at this point of time. Comparing China and Iran is like comparing apples and oranges. China can cancel all of their trade with India tomorrow and not blink an eye, Iran not so. I dont consider Iran an ally, but not an enemy either.

Pre-mullah Iran was no better for us. Atleast mullah Iran has not militarily supported Pakistan yet like Shah Pahlavi did during 71.
I have no problem with those people who keep religion in their house- I have problem with those who take it out and use It as a tool for political expansion- 90% of the world keeps their religion in their homes-

Again I repeat I have no problem with Muslim Iran- I have problem with Its Islamic Government- We have to deal with their tantrums because we are weak- The day we get strong, they will roll the read carpet like they do with US or Russia or even China lately-

Have you seen any comment on Uighur Muslims from these muslim thekedaars ?

They are not a threat because till now they were very weak due to Iraq war and sanctions- But they will rise very quickly faster than us- and when they get even half the money KSA has they'll unleash hell in places like Kashmir- like they once did in Lebanon-

You really think Iran is a baniya ? coz If they were they wouldn't have burned down the US embassy in 1st place-

Pre-Mullah Iran was American puppet- America those days was ant-India- and saw India as Soviet bloc- which is why they instructed them to help Pakistan-


Tihar Jail
Apr 27, 2017
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First our planners need to break pre-conceived notions and self imposed limitations- 2022 is Just the next important step- the Goal has to be even more glorious than the plans of 2022-

When the Chinese revolution won in 1949 they were hungry and wide spread famines were occurring while whole of China lay in shambles after decades of wanton looting by foreigners- It was then they vowed to become world's greatest power in 100 years time- Today they are firmly on that path and will achieve It-

Indians need to get over Hindu, muslim, right wing, liberal, cows, gau rakhshaks, modi, Kejriwal, congress etc-
:lol:This is exactly what lack of strategic depth and lack of grand strategy/grand narrative looks like. For all your bluster about strategic depth, your solution is as pathetic as that of the other indian strategists.

1. There is no India without Hindu. Every single state with separatism has abrahamic majority- Kashmir to Nagaland
2.there is no soul to india without the cow. Cow is more than our sacred symbol, it represents our culture and is a cultural symbol. Why do you think muslims/filth are hell bent on killing it? Its part of normative inversion associated with abrahamics
3. Gau rakshaks happen as a defense against stealing of cows, valued over 1lakh per head at times ,by sullah filth. Its a pity that Hindus have to resort to vigilantism to protect their fucking rights and property(in this case cow) rather than the state protecting them and their properties(cow included). Then again, when our "grand strategists" like yourself blurt out nonsense about gau rakshaks, can you blame the leftist retards running the government to have any coherent long term plan or strategy to protect the soul and identity of india or even enforce protection of private properties of Hindus in the short term? i think not
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Regular Member
Apr 28, 2017
That is a thousand year practice of fighting like goons but they have not united yet. Lot of factional fight. We have limited time, unfortunately no Hindu org is fighting the war right way. Highly disappointed by RSS and BJP.
They are united in their hate of non-Muslims, even though there might be cosmetic differences between their ideologies. Every Muslim, regardless of which sect of Islam he follows, thinks that Kaffirs need to be converted or killed. That's consensus.

When you look at an ant hill, it appears as if all the ants are busy in their own agenda. Someone digs the soil, someone brings food, someone acts as soldier ant, but when you look at the whole system holistically, it keeps growing in numbers and strength. They don't have to agree with all the other ants on all issues, but as long as they keep growing in size, the other animals think twice before attacking them.

In this game of survival, quality of life hardly matters. Survival, propagation and domination is the ultimate goal of all species. If a person has passed on his genes to the next generation then they have effectively passed on the baton to the next generation. Muslims have more kids, so they not only make sure that there is someone to replace themselves when they are dead, but there are extra.

If they can represent 2 billion +population on the planet, it means they have cornered 25% of world population and resources for themselves, which is a victory in itself. A successful defeat is the kind of desolation which was seen by the Egyptian empire, and Mesopotamian empire. Both were pagan cultures but now no one even remembers their name.

We Hindus have been fighting and resisting but we have also been losing a lot of ground, both of these are true facts. Don't just think of it in terms of battles or skirmishes. We have a lot of catching up to do in terms of population share and land share. If we can bring Kashmir, Sindh, Balochistan under our aegis, that will be a major boost in our efforts to regain ground. We can't just be satisfied with winning moral debates without adding more land.

Just last night I was listening to some 'suraksha salahkar' on LSTV and he was saying that we didn't use force on Kashmiris because 'they are our own people'. He was also beaming with pride while saying "the other day, the terrorists had gotten into our skill development center, we could have brought the building down with artillery, but we didn't. We lost 4 soldiers but we saved the building" << This is where the Baniya mindset comes from. Feeling proud because they saved a building made of cement and bricks at the cost of soldier's lives. This is why no one takes us seriously.


Regular Member
Jan 25, 2014
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:lol:This is exactly what lack of strategic depth and lack of grand strategy/grand narrative looks like. For all your bluster about strategic depth, your solution is as pathetic as that of the other indian strategists.

1. There is no India without Hindu. Every single state with separatism has abrahamic majority- Kashmir to Nagaland
2.there is no soul to india without the cow. Cow is more than our sacred symbol, it represents our culture and is a cultural symbol. Why do you think muslims/filth are hell bent on killing it? Its part of normative inversion associated with abrahamics
3. Gau rakshaks happen as a defense against stealing of cows, valued over 1lakh per head at times ,by sullah filth. Its a pity that Hindus have to resort to vigilantism to protect their fucking rights and property(in this case cow) rather than the state protecting them and their properties(cow included). Then again, when our "grand strategists" like yourself blurt out nonsense about gau rakshaks, can you blame the leftist retards running the government to have any coherent long term plan or strategy to protect the soul and identity of india or even enforce protection of private properties of Hindus in the short term? i think not
Every Indian is a Hindu- but to make muslims understand and adapt to It- Hindus have to give them time and break their boundaries like Madarsa eduaction, Masjid, Molvi, personal laws, separatist leaders etc-

It can only be done by following rule of law so that miscreants don't cry foul and gain instant sympathy and following which can be used to breed more separatists and insurgents- use of excessive force has to be discrete and covert-

If Hindu keep threatening genocide and damaging mosques and madrasas overtly- It will lead us to a path of civil war- remember we have 20 crore Muslims which a huge number in itself- So rather than beating them up and and humiliating them we have to to accept them and reform them- This attitude of beating up and humiliating has already alienated Dalits and Tribals- It was the wisdom of BR Ambedkar and we were lucky to have him as the Dalit leader- else a Jinnah type Dalit leader would've further divided India and we would be having a separate Dalit country whose religion could've been Islam or Christianity-

Cow is a part of Indian culture agreed- But lynching muslims is not good- It becomes bad when It comes out that they weren't smuggling cow, and further bad when people make videos of the lynching and post it on social media for everyone to see- Or like tying up some random muslim person on pole and forcing him to shout Jai Shree ram and making a video of It and sharing on facebook- This is not how you reform Muslims, this is how you make them enemies-

Muslims can be the single most potent weapon of Pakistan to defeat India- they number around 20 crore and are mostly on Brahmaputra valley to Rohillkhand and Kashmir- they form a perfect strangling rope around India and If we make them enemies by doing what I have posted above- We will give a good opportunity to Pakistan and China to choke India-

Our options would have been easier- Had all muslims been told to move to Pakistan once for all back in 1947- But we didn't so we have to bear them and try to reform them by making them Hindu culturally 1st not religiously-

You must have hear some Uppercaste people beating up a dalit who dare to go for his marriage in a car- in some place kerosene was poured in a dalit well as punishment- in Up there are areas where dalits are not allowed to mount a horse- Do you know how such practices came in India ? It started from Aurangzeb's time he didn't allow Hindus to mount horse and only Rajputs were given permission among Hindus- It is these practices and fake self created glory which have been our hurdles-


Senior Member
Apr 15, 2010
Every Indian is a Hindu- but to make muslims understand and adapt to It- Hindus have to give them time and break their boundaries like Madarsa eduaction, Masjid, Molvi, personal laws, separatist leaders etc-

It can only be done by following rule of law so that miscreants don't cry foul and gain instant sympathy and following which can be used to breed more separatists and insurgents- use of excessive force has to be discrete and covert-

If Hindu keep threatening genocide and damaging mosques and madrasas overtly- It will lead us to a path of civil war- remember we have 20 crore Muslims which a huge number in itself- So rather than beating them up and and humiliating them we have to to accept them and reform them- This attitude of beating up and humiliating has already alienated Dalits and Tribals- It was the wisdom of BR Ambedkar and we were lucky to have him as the Dalit leader- else a Jinnah type Dalit leader would've further divided India and we would be having a separate Dalit country whose religion could've been Islam or Christianity-

Cow is a part of Indian culture agreed- But lynching muslims is not good- It becomes bad when It comes out that they weren't smuggling cow, and further bad when people make videos of the lynching and post it on social media for everyone to see- Or like tying up some random muslim person on pole and forcing him to shout Jai Shree ram and making a video of It and sharing on facebook- This is not how you reform Muslims, this is how you make them enemies-

Muslims can be the single most potent weapon of Pakistan to defeat India- they number around 20 crore and are mostly on Brahmaputra valley to Rohillkhand and Kashmir- they form a perfect strangling rope around India and If we make them enemies by doing what I have posted above- We will give a good opportunity to Pakistan and China to choke India-

Our options would have been easier- Had all muslims been told to move to Pakistan once for all back in 1947- But we didn't so we have to bear them and try to reform them by making them Hindu culturally 1st not religiously-

You must have hear some Uppercaste people beating up a dalit who dare to go for his marriage in a car- in some place kerosene was poured in a dalit well as punishment- in Up there are areas where dalits are not allowed to mount a horse- Do you know how such practices came in India ? It started from Aurangzeb's time he didn't allow Hindus to mount horse and only Rajputs were given permission among Hindus- It is these practices and fake self created glory which have been our hurdles-

Muslims are never our enemies , what preaches hate in them Islam is.

audacity will become equivalent to conclusive truth.

This is the new rule.... good or bad be vocal about it (makes enemy or not) keep saying it. This is what pressurises or makes enemy submissive.

(Checking high moral values for scum doesn't work for radical views)

What i mean is if someone can talk extremely in public and we are silent means we are accepting it (even though we dont mean that).

Same principles can be applied on minor extreme people, when majority can be vocal about it. They may not like it but atleast they keep the venom inside there burrow. Atleast we slow it down of not being contagious in public.

But we should protect innocent muslims because we Indians started respecting islam or christianity because our brothers in blood started practicing (ie respect for them). But not as if islam or christianity superior to our traditional dharma , if that is the case our ancestry would have wiped them off among themselves.

Fraternity is important , nationalism is highest priority but being vocal about ill islamic practices is also important to make disease contained.


Regular Member
Apr 28, 2017
Cow is a part of Indian culture agreed- But lynching muslims is not good-
No Hindu government sanctioned lynching of Muslims. India has a law and order problem in all rural areas. People keep beating each other up in villages. There are robberies and loots going on in the hinterland and when thieves are found, the villagers beat them up, because there is no police chowki in rural areas for miles and miles.

There's no need to accept the Lutyen's premise that this is a 'Hindu assault on Muslims'. It's just a poor person trying to save his cattle from being stolen.

I also do not accept the premise that if you are good to them then they will be good to you. The goodness should be a means to reinforce their good behavior, if and when they are good. It should not be our default position on every issue, especially when our rights are being violated. In this case, they were stealing cattle, how would it help to be nice to cattle thieves? Goodness as a response to a provocation is cowardice.
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Regular Member
Jan 25, 2014
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No Hindu government sanctioned lynching of Muslims. India has a law and order problem in all rural areas. People keep beating each other up in villages. There are robberies and loots going on in the hinterland and when thieves are found, the villagers beat them up, because there is no police chowki in rural areas for miles and miles.

There's no need to accept the Lutyen's premise that this is a 'Hindu assault on Muslims'. It's just a poor person trying to save his cattle from being stolen.
While I agree on lutyen's part- But when villagers make videos and post them internet what would you say- or say rape a Muslim woman in a riot after killing all her family but leave her alive ?

I know there are random incidents- and there is no problem with that- problem starts when it is recorded and left for lutyen's media and our enemies to use it as Propaganda material-


Regular Member
Apr 28, 2017
While I agree on lutyen's part- But when villagers make videos and post them internet what would you say- or say rape a Muslim woman in a riot after killing all her family but leave her alive ?

I know there are random incidents- and there is no problem with that- problem starts when it is recorded and left for lutyen's media and our enemies to use it as Propaganda material-
Why should any good Muslim feel offended by seeing a video of a villager who caught his neighbor stealing his cattle and beat him up? are you saying that good Muslims are pro-theft? or should all thieves be excused once they reveal that they are Muslims?

If the government wants to prevent such incidents, they are welcome to provide adequate police chowiks in the hinterland. It is the responsibility of the state to make sure that the rights of its subjects are protected, otherwise the subjects start taking matters in their own hands. Did you really expect a person whose income is less than 50,000 rs a year and whose cattle is his only means of survival to simply give up his cattle to suit your idealistic approach?

If there is a violation of law, in the case of riots, and people uploading videos which cause public distress, then each case should be judged on its own merit and law should prevail. If Muslims transport beef in a banned state, and if a Hindu beats him up, then the Hindu should be booked for assault and the Muslim should be booked for violating beef laws. How is it that Hindus feel guilty for beating the Muslim and breaking the law, but the Muslim doesn't feel guilty for breaking the law and transporting beef in the first place? after all, just like a rape video has the potential to 'hurt public sentiments', cow slaughter also has the potential to hurt public sentiments. How come the Muslim doesn't think "I shouldn't transport beef, it might hurt public sentiments of the majority?"

The Lutyen's media has been throwing muck on our culture since eons, they don't need a violent video to do that. Haven't you seen campaigns where Hindus are accused of wasting water during Holi, and Janmashtmi? which offensive video was required to build that narrative? none. They are your enemies, they will keep antagonizing you no matter what. You are amending your own behavior to get in the good books of your enemy? how come the Chrislamists are not amending their behavior to get in the good books of Hindus?

Short : Goodness loses meaning if it's not conditional. If the other person knows that he can take my goodness for granted then he has no vested interest in amending his behavior to earn it.


Regular Member
Jan 25, 2014
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Short : Goodness loses meaning if it's not conditional. If the other person knows that he can take my goodness for granted then he has no vested interest in amending his behavior to earn it.
Most Muslims may not be offended but some will be offended- and then these some will do something which will cause a reaction by Hindus and more bad things will happen and then a good number of them will be offended-

There is no problem If they catch a cow thief- and hand him to police- But the problem starts when some one who is not a thief gets lynched- even then that can be handled but it becomes worse when some one makes a video and posts it on Internet-

Now If I am a Gau Rakshak and I have killed a cow smuggler why would I in my right mind make a video and post it on internet- so the Police comes and arrests me on the charge of murder- But they still do It- incident after incident-

You see what I am saying- Killing is bad- But If you have to do it why make a show of It and spread raita all over ? Is it too much of an ask from the intelligent and patriot gau rakshaks ?


Tihar Jail
Apr 27, 2017
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Every Indian is a Hindu- but to make muslims understand and adapt to It- Hindus have to give them time and break their boundaries like Madarsa eduaction, Masjid, Molvi, personal laws, separatist leaders etc-

It can only be done by following rule of law so that miscreants don't cry foul and gain instant sympathy and following which can be used to breed more separatists and insurgents- use of excessive force has to be discrete and covert-

If Hindu keep threatening genocide and damaging mosques and madrasas overtly- It will lead us to a path of civil war- remember we have 20 crore Muslims which a huge number in itself- So rather than beating them up and and humiliating them we have to to accept them and reform them- This attitude of beating up and humiliating has already alienated Dalits and Tribals- It was the wisdom of BR Ambedkar and we were lucky to have him as the Dalit leader- else a Jinnah type Dalit leader would've further divided India and we would be having a separate Dalit country whose religion could've been Islam or Christianity-

Cow is a part of Indian culture agreed- But lynching muslims is not good- It becomes bad when It comes out that they weren't smuggling cow, and further bad when people make videos of the lynching and post it on social media for everyone to see- Or like tying up some random muslim person on pole and forcing him to shout Jai Shree ram and making a video of It and sharing on facebook- This is not how you reform Muslims, this is how you make them enemies-

Muslims can be the single most potent weapon of Pakistan to defeat India- they number around 20 crore and are mostly on Brahmaputra valley to Rohillkhand and Kashmir- they form a perfect strangling rope around India and If we make them enemies by doing what I have posted above- We will give a good opportunity to Pakistan and China to choke India-

Our options would have been easier- Had all muslims been told to move to Pakistan once for all back in 1947- But we didn't so we have to bear them and try to reform them by making them Hindu culturally 1st not religiously-

You must have hear some Uppercaste people beating up a dalit who dare to go for his marriage in a car- in some place kerosene was poured in a dalit well as punishment- in Up there are areas where dalits are not allowed to mount a horse- Do you know how such practices came in India ? It started from Aurangzeb's time he didn't allow Hindus to mount horse and only Rajputs were given permission among Hindus- It is these practices and fake self created glory which have been our hurdles-
Spoken like a typical RSS influenced intellectual/libtard. This phrase 'All indians are Hindus' is a weak ass attempt by RSS turds(being self proclaimed Gandhian socialist turds they are) to misinterpret Dharma and make it a weak clone of "western universalism" as "Vasudeva cuckudumbam". As Rajiv malhotra pointed out, this is what a confused Arjun(read confused Indians/Hindus) think about Kauravas (read Sullahs/pretas/commies) as being family(read all are indians/hindus onleee) before being brought to his sense to fight for Dharma with Bhagavat gita by Krishna.

The struggle between the civilisations is a darwinian one- only the strongest survives, not ones which is made up of lazy assed bullshitters who sprout crap about universalism/all are same crap and tolerate its enemies. The civilisation which tolerates its enemy/rival civilisation instead of fighting it will never survive this darwinian struggle, much like a human being refusing to fight the virus inside him will not survive the darwinian struggle. This is such a basic common sense thought that it is pathetic that i am explaining this to "Grand strategists" like you. Shows the extend of the pathology afflicting Indians/Hindus today.

And this lack of distinguishing amongst self and non self is what made us not realise the threat islam or xtianity posed to ud when they came knocking to our doors. May be prithiviraj felt that Ghazni was a indian/hindu too, like you and your brilliant fellow all indians are Hindus' peddlers do today, and spared him so many times that he finally got paid for it with his blood and honor, while subjecting misery to subcontinent for 1000+ years and counting. And this BS notion of all indians are Hindus' is what got Vijayanagar to have muslim soldiers/commanders in their ranks and were betrayed by the very same filth at battle of talaikota against the Deccan sultanates and had to pay the price of seeing their empire crash into nothingness and all their cultural monuments destroyed including Hampi.

The story is the same with Marathas against Abdali in panipat, and Once again in Anglo maratha wars. The story again repeated in INA when muslims in INA betrayed Hindus/Bose who was an avid islamophile/typical bengali bong and joined ranks with british as soon as Turkey joined allies. Again in 1948, muslims in Indian army betrayed their Hindu gurka brother in arms and murdered them int heir sleep.

But nothing of this long history of our struggles against marunmatas seem to have taught anything useful in hindus and still, some pseudo intellectual Hindu trash never stop their mental masturbation about how all are same and should be treated equally because bull and shit. Keep this up, your descendants(as will all Hindus if hindus don't learn anything) will be defending their rape conversions to the desert death cult like Pakistanis like @Neo does today.

All indians are Hindus my ass.

This will be my last reply regarding this matter if I hear any more RSS styled "all are indians/true secularism/muslims deserve equal rights/BJP's madrassas+laptop for Sullahs plan" intellectual wankery from you

And i will ignore all of your BS about dalits which is completely half baked and unrelated to this thread.
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Tihar Jail
Apr 27, 2017
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And when hindu turds and "grand strategists" don't have the balls to face anti Hindu filth/pakis inside and outside india even though they have 4-1 advantage, what can be said about the strength and courage of the Hindu polity? Makes me wonder if this is what hindu men are all worth for- sucking sullah d***s to save their pathetic asses or avoid a confrontation.

And these filth spew this cowardice as being nonviolence, all are same and what not- just a cover for lack of self respect or dignity. Pathetic hacks. If this what majority hindus think like, then may be hindu filth as a whole or india as a nation doesn't deserve to live and need to be destroyed for the sake of humanity


Regular Member
Jan 25, 2014
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This will be my last reply regarding this matter if I hear any more RSS styled "all are indians/true secularism/muslims deserve equal rights/BJP's madrassas+laptop for Sullahs plan" intellectual wankery from you
Your views have all the credentials for a catastrophic end for India and Hindus- If it ever materializes- Nations and Empires are not made by dividing the people- But uniting more and more people under a single banner reducing the differences-

Not all Chinese are Hans but all Chinese call them hans ever wondered why- They spent more time preaching all Chinese are hans than discriminating and alienating non-hans-

Or the Iranians when then built the Persian empire- or Muslims-

We can learn from them- or let our egos get over us- and break up into Hindu, Real-Hindu, Dalit, Yadav, Brahmin etc etc- and keep fighting till some one from the west comes and say all are Muslims and hangs his swords over all of us one at a time- Already the western portion is gone and good part of east is also converted-

PS: I am no intellectual and have no affiliation to RSS-


Regular Member
Apr 28, 2017
My earlier response was only in the broader sense of Hindus wanting to be overly nice in the face of provocation.

You see what I am saying- Killing is bad- But If you have to do it why make a show of It and spread raita all over ? Is it too much of an ask from the intelligent and patriot gau rakshaks ?
These are hoodlums paid by the Lutyen's gang to create propaganda material to hit Hindus with.

They have lost the ideological plot, so they are acting out. NDTV has 600 crores worth of tax fine slapped on them, 30,000 fake NGOs have been shut, conversion factories of Chrislamists are withering away or lack of funds, this is their last ditch attempt to create something spectacular to bash the government with, because, "But what about 2002?" isn't working anymore. So they are trying to create a "But what about Gau Rakshaks?" narrative.

No matter how much the economy grows, or the fact that RSS has instructed all Hindus to accept lower caste people as their own, have lunch with them, inter marry and create a composite culture, or the fact that RSS Muslim manch is inducting more Muslims into the mainstream fold, they will keep saying "What about Gau Rakahaks". It is meant to be a distraction. As long as Vatican and Kabba exists, this kind of propaganda warfare will never go down. Persecution complex is an Abrahamic war doctrine.

Just to tell you an example, during the Roman empire the Christians started spreading news about Roman atrocities against the 'helpless Christians', while the Christians were actually winning the battle they had started against Rome. Within one decade, they had weakened the Roman throne from within and took it over. This is also how they destroyed African native culture.

The same trick was used by the desert pedophile. Whenever they invaded a new culture, they started rumors that the Pagans were torturing the pissfools. This is how they destroyed entire civilizations, Mesopotamia, Egypt, all gone. Where are the pharaoh now? if the Egyptian pagans were killing pissfools on a large scale then how come Egypt is 100% jihadi country today?

This form of atrocity literature is exactly how the west has invaded 4 countries in the last 50 years.

So don't worry about the videos. If you don't misbehave, they will pay an actor to misbehave and make you pay the price for his misbehavior anyway. That is how the fifth column works. Just ignore and move on. Don't fall into their guilt trap. If you haven't done any wrong personally then you have no reason to feel guilty on behalf of others. After all, it is the Muslims themselves who say after every terror attack "I am not responsible for the bad actions of other Muslims. Don't blame the entire community for the actions of a few". You can take the same stance about the Gau Rakshak videos.
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