J-21/J-31 Chinese 5th Generation Stealth Fighter


Senior Member
May 28, 2016
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another 'old' image about the PT-31003- the 3rd prototype of FC-31 porject, but it is also the second flying FC-31. normally the PT-02 is for the ground tests(statics and fatigue tests).

FC-31 project is the export one.., the first prototype for PLAN --the domestic project(J-xx) is about to debut..

Main wings have an F22 raptor resemblance, Tail wing have SU57 resemblance. I don't see an IWB.


Senior Member
Nov 9, 2009
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oh,we should have seen the second prototype of FC-31 project -the '31002' (PT-002). the image is right on the first page of this thread.

a screenshot of a video which is not new neither.

this prototype(PT-003) had the maiden flight in late 2016...

and if somehow the "serrated nozzles " became some kind of the ’Must', I think it is also there. we might be able seen it revealed with new J-XX prototype .

the WS-13E varient with serrated nozzle
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Senior Member
Jan 12, 2020
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Main wings have an F22 raptor resemblance, Tail wing have SU57 resemblance. I don't see an IWB.
quite unlikely there is a new aircraft, why? simple, the core of a new jet specially for a 5th generation aircraft is the engine.

What engine can you use for such project?

single engine? they need an engine like f135 of at least 18-19 tonnes of thrust.

twin engine?

well they need engines smaller than the ones on Al-31 basically EJ-200 or RD-93.

but already it has RD-93, consider J-31 should be in the range of 13 tonnes, MiG-29 is almost 11 tonnes empty and same Eurofighter without weapons bays.

Question for a naval aircraft to be better than Su-33/J-15 needs more paytload, something J-31 has not.

Now how can you see Chinese has not achieved at least an engine like that?

If you see S-70 uav is huge because it has a 117 and soon type 30 jet engine


Lijian is smaller meaning has not an engine to give it high performance and higher payload than S-70, thus is unlikely they have a better J-31 coming up unless they have a really powerful engine



Senior Member
Jan 12, 2020
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lijian with RD-93


is easy to see, J-31 is very deficient in range and payload too much space for engine volume and intake airducts


F-22 is chunkier thanks to more powerful engines


Senior Member
Jan 12, 2020
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The F35 comparison tells it all, a right comparison should be he F35 with J31
China wants to make a F-35 type fighter of J-31 but lacks a right engine,

F-22 is a small aircraft, it is 19 meters long because of its tailplanes are far off the nozzles tips, but its general fuselage is only marginally longer than J-31.

this picture shows that F-35 has a fuselage marginally smaller than the F-22`s fuselage.

F-15 is indeeed bigger than F-16 by a big margin, but F-35 in reality is not that small compared to F-22

Thus F-35 was made with a single engine, why?

The americans have the engine powerful enough F135, China has not engines as powerful as F135, thus they added 2 engines to have the thrust of a single f135.

this means twice the space in cross section and almost the same length, thus if the J-31 has similar length to F-35 you need different weapons bay arrangement.


The Chinese J-31 has a single weapons bay but has less space for fuel


As long as the Chinese can not have a good engine the J-31 baiscally is handicapped even as a naval fighter and you can see this


even for a MiG-29K with the same engines of J-31 is hard to take off, J-31 will not have a decent payload or range, consider modern ASM carried by western fighters and you will see F-18E is pretty much the king of naval fighers.

View attachment 59454


Regular Member
Jan 11, 2018
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China’s New 5th Gen Fighter Aircraft J-31: Scrap or Masterpiece

source : https://defenceview.in/chinas-new-5th-gen-fighter-aircraft-j-31-scrap-or-masterpiece/

J-20 or J -31? The rhetoric of the PRC media is stirring up the idea that it is necessary to hurry up and urgently create its own fifth-generation carrier-based fighter – a competitor to the F-35. And let it be a modernized J-20 or J-31, or even a completely new development, but we must hurry! And on the Chinese Internet, the debate about which aircraft, the J-20 or the J-31, is best suited for landing on the deck of an aircraft carrier? In fact, China currently does not have a new generation carrier-based fighter.

J-31 prototype (31001)
J-31 prototype (31001)
The situation around China is turbulent. On the one hand, the US Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps continue to deploy fifth-generation stealth fighters in China’s periphery. On the other hand, China’s neighbors such as Japan, South Korea and Singapore have purchased and continue to purchase fifth-generation F-35 stealth fighters from the United States.

In the event of a military conflict, Chinese aircraft carriers will carry out regional missions to counter and prevent invasion. The J-15 Flying Shark and Zhi-18 fighters are currently the sole main force of the carrier-based aircraft of the Chinese aircraft carrier. The J-15 is a derivative of the Russian Su-27 fighter.

China continues to lack specialized electronic warfare and early warning aircraft. And most importantly, the J-15 cannot compete with the American F-35, which the Chinese Navy and Air Force planned to oppose with the J-20 fighters. They were designed to counter the F-35 and F-22 fighters.

Mock-up cockpit of the J-31 as it was shown in public
Mock-up cockpit of the J-31 as it was shown in public
The J-20 is China’s first fifth-generation stealth fighter in service. According to observers, its combat capability is comparable to that of the American F-22 fighter, and it is enough to counter the F-35 fighters. But if China wants to quickly develop a fifth-generation stealthy carrier-based fighter based on land-based aircraft, then the only prototype it can use is the J-31 ( FC-31 ), ideally it can compete with the F-35.

Traditionally, the Chinese media are getting ahead of ourselves and are already announcing the J-31 as ready to enter service with the PLA Navy. But this is not the case.

The design of the ground-based aircraft must be strengthened, which, of course, will lead to an increase in the weight of the aircraft and a decrease in combat performance. The technology of upgrading a fighter to a deck version, one way or another, will affect its aerodynamics, cockpit, structure, chassis, engine, electrical equipment and other components, and even brake cables on an aircraft carrier must be developed independently and for the upgraded apparatus.

When deciding how to upgrade and adapt the J-31 for operation from aircraft carriers, the main issue that causes difficulties is increasing the thrust of the J-31 engine. It is necessary to bring the thrust indicators to those parameters that would provide not only super-manoeuvrability but also the ability to take off from the deck of aircraft carriers without problems. Starting with Type 003, PLA Navy aircraft carriers have a flat deck. It is for this option that the newest Chinese fighter J-31 will be modernized. And although in the Chinese press, in recent years, they almost constantly declare a “breakthrough” in aircraft engine building, talking about the WS-15 engine with a thrust of 14.5 thousand kgf at a turbine temperature of 1400 ℃, but with the use of this power plant on fighters the new generation J-31 has difficulties.

J-31 at Airshow in China held in Zhuhai
J-31 at Airshow in China held in Zhuhai
Another problem is the increase in the range of combat use and missile and bomb load. The maximum take-off weight of the J-31, after numerous modifications, was increased to 28 tons. However, the mass of the mentioned missile and bomb load remained at the original level – up to 8 tons. The main focus was on increasing the fuel load in order to increase the range. Attempts to increase the payload are faced with, so far, insurmountable difficulties: either increase the volume of internal compartments, which will automatically lead to a decrease in the available volume for fuel tanks or hang weapons on external suspensions, which will actually lead to a levelling of stealth characteristics, which they like to talk about so much in China.

The J-31 was first shown to the public in October 2012, a mid-range, twin-engine stealth fighter with a lowered radar signature.
The J-31 was first shown to the public in October 2012, a mid-range, twin-engine stealth fighter with a lowered radar signature.
Unlike the J-20, which has an unconventional canard configuration for other fifth-generation fighters with a huge delta wing with influxes, forward horizontal tail and all-turning fins, the FC-31 is made according to the classical aerodynamic layout with a small trapezoidal wing and the same horizontal tail. … The two new Chinese fighters are related only to the external compression air intakes of the DSI type (the same ones are used on the F-35), and general approaches to ensuring the reduction of radar signature and equipment onboard equipment (including the use of radar with AFAR).

By the way, the new program for recruiting PLA Navy pilots for new-generation aircraft is designed for five years of training. Most likely, the PLA Navy plans that during these five years, the J-31 fighter will be upgraded to a carrier-based version


Regular Member
Jan 11, 2018
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China’s new 5th generation fighter J-31 lost to MiG-29K?

source : https://defenceview.in/chinas-new-5th-generation-fighter-j-31-lost-to-mig-29k/

The fifth-generation J-31 fighter – or rather its naval version turned out to be not only much inferior to the stealthy Russian and American fighter, but also a certain distance from the one. Classic MiG-29K, Russian media commented.

“In China, any job information on the new generation Shenyang J-31 fighter is completely confidential. We are talking about a battleship that is scheduled to be equipped with PLAN carriers in the future. ”

“However, this plane soon showed a weak point when the engine fitted to it still required unacceptable running distance to take off. Another issue was initially advertised, and then later on. they simply stopped talking about it in China – those are low indicators of the ratio of the combat radius – missile and bomb payload “.

“In this case, it should be noted that China’s J-31 is absolutely nothing superior to the basic characteristics of the MiG-29K battleship that was developed by Russia more than 30 years ago”, commented Military Review magazine.

The battleship version of the fifth generation fighter jet Shenyang J-31 developed by China
The battleship version of the fifth generation fighter jet Shenyang J-31 developed by China
Pakistan is expected to become one of the biggest buyers of the J-31 fighter jet from China, however the carrier version of this fighter is only used exclusively in the PLAN, which is clear. It shows that Beijing has very serious problems with the naval air force today.

“Remember China’s criticism of Russia’s MiG-29K fighter jets. In China, the Russian fighter was indeed ‘muddy’, but China’s ‘innovation’ development turned out to be worse than the Russian ‘old man’, ”said an analyst on the site. Avia-pro noted.

Indian navy MiG-29KUB
Indian navy MiG-29KUB
10kWith the aforementioned development of the J-31, experts also have reason to doubt the true combat capability of the J-20, when it is also observed that there are too many design defects. For example, the size is too large, it is difficult to guarantee the scattering area of radar waves as well as provide flexible maneuverability.


Tihar Jail
Oct 29, 2020
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China’s new 5th generation fighter J-31 lost to MiG-29K?

source : https://defenceview.in/chinas-new-5th-generation-fighter-j-31-lost-to-mig-29k/

The fifth-generation J-31 fighter – or rather its naval version turned out to be not only much inferior to the stealthy Russian and American fighter, but also a certain distance from the one. Classic MiG-29K, Russian media commented.

“In China, any job information on the new generation Shenyang J-31 fighter is completely confidential. We are talking about a battleship that is scheduled to be equipped with PLAN carriers in the future. ”

“However, this plane soon showed a weak point when the engine fitted to it still required unacceptable running distance to take off. Another issue was initially advertised, and then later on. they simply stopped talking about it in China – those are low indicators of the ratio of the combat radius – missile and bomb payload “.

“In this case, it should be noted that China’s J-31 is absolutely nothing superior to the basic characteristics of the MiG-29K battleship that was developed by Russia more than 30 years ago”, commented Military Review magazine.

The battleship version of the fifth generation fighter jet Shenyang J-31 developed by China
The battleship version of the fifth generation fighter jet Shenyang J-31 developed by China

Pakistan is expected to become one of the biggest buyers of the J-31 fighter jet from China, however the carrier version of this fighter is only used exclusively in the PLAN, which is clear. It shows that Beijing has very serious problems with the naval air force today.

“Remember China’s criticism of Russia’s MiG-29K fighter jets. In China, the Russian fighter was indeed ‘muddy’, but China’s ‘innovation’ development turned out to be worse than the Russian ‘old man’, ”said an analyst on the site. Avia-pro noted.

Indian navy MiG-29KUB
Indian navy MiG-29KUB
10kWith the aforementioned development of the J-31, experts also have reason to doubt the true combat capability of the J-20, when it is also observed that there are too many design defects. For example, the size is too large, it is difficult to guarantee the scattering area of radar waves as well as provide flexible maneuverability.
We will hear similar articles about AMCA soon.

no smoking

Senior Member
Aug 14, 2009
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Senior Member
Jan 12, 2020
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China has not the ability yet to compete with Russia, Russia pretty much has better military technology than the US in aviation, where you can see it? Syria, the Russians have send S-400s and Su-35s and tell me where are the USA high tech? nowhere, however China has a niche in terms to threaten the Russian far east, Russia like Germany can not fight a two front war, Can China threat Russia? the answer is yes if the west threatens Russias European side

the J-31 is a crappier aircraft than F-35.

J-20 a truck another crappier aircraft built upon F-35 tech.

However Russia has a smaller budget than USA, NATO or China, So a two front war can not be won by Russia.

Putin knows that, so they try to keep China on its side.

If China attacks Russia the West will help Russia but the Russians will become a minor player in the NATO alliance.

Su-35 has proven it can deal with F-22, Su-57 is the best fighter now, but Russia can not face a two war front.


Senior Member
Nov 9, 2009
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the debut of Next Generation shipboard aircraft is near as the taxi tests began...

another 'big show‘ is scheduled on Jan 11?

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