Israel-Palestine Conflict

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Senior Member
Jan 9, 2012
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Senior Member
Feb 17, 2009
Several 10000 pakis protest against the Israel attacks on Palestine in Manchester and other areas.

@Neo this is opposite to ur claims that pakis have nothing to do with palestine war and no pakis have no islami thakedari ka bhoot.

y not Afghanistani,Iraqi,Somali,Moroccan or Turkish,Malaysian,Indonesian Muslim protest???why only pakis??
You must be selective blind or live in a cave to mis the protests worldwide.

Here some pics for you:

Global Protests for Peace in Palestine -
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Senior Member
Feb 10, 2013
If posts #409 #410 are anything to go by, israelis have far greater lead in PR battle than the battlefield lead they have over palestinians.

But anyways, with claims and counter-claims from both sides its very difficult to goto the root cause.


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Yes Isreali's preparing possible ground offensive into Gaza before tomorrow's morning

and Shayetet 13 and Sarayet matkal and Golani forces already infiltrated into Gaza Strip for avoid massive ground force Raid

if Special forces raid successful there is no need of Ground Offensive into Gaza..

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Senior Member
Jul 29, 2010
China Bans Ramazan : Silence

ISIS killing Muslims : Silence

ISIS destroying Mosques : Silence

Boko Haram Kidnapping Nigerian Girls : Silence

Minority prosecution : Silence

Forced Conversion of Hindus : Silence

Hamas bombing Israel : Silence

Moment Israel retaliates : Death to Zionist, Death to Jews, Death to India, Death to Infidels, Please God save poor Palestinians, Help us , UN should interfere, We need peac
Only Palestine has innocent children. Everywhere else where ISIL, Taliban, Al Qaida, LeT kill, children are Shaitan ke bachche who deserve death.
Hamas killing Infidels

Infidels killing Innocents in self-defense

Quoted for truth :)

Ashutosh Lokhande

Senior Member
May 28, 2014
Roots of Israel Palestine Conflict

Category: International Geopolitics
Published: Saturday, 12 July 2014 09:18

The Jewish people can be traced back over 5700 years. The current Hebrew calendar is year 5774.

Abraham was the father of Isaac and Jacob. Jacob was the first Jew. From Jacob came the People of Israel (or Children of Israel) known as B'nei Yisrael.

In fact, Jews can be called as the first original religion/civilisation of Arabia just like India is for Sanatan Dharma (or Hindus). Also, Just like Hindus, Jews have no other homeland but Israel.

Over the centuries marred with persecution and hardships faced by the Jews (their capture by different groups/countries like Babylonians, Greeks Romans etc.) Israel continued to exist as a nation and had a consistent presence in this land for over 3,000 years, (besides various tribes of Jews that were living all over the Arab world and Europe).

After the holocaust and annihilation of 6 million Jews by Hitler, and Israel's almost simultaneous freedom from Britain - The Jews from all over the world started arriving in Israel. While making their exit, the British partitioned the land of Israel. This unjust partition was not acceptable to the Israelis and left them with unstable borders (as we see in India).

Judea the Northern part of Israel had been occupied by the Romans from 117= 138 CE. . Israel was to serve as a protectorate to expand the Roman Empire. They called this region Filistia . When the British and Jordanians occupied Israel they continued to call the land Palestine after the Roman name Filistia..

Arabian Muslims of various ethnicities who were living there since various times demanded a new land of Palestine (just like Indian Muslims demanded a new land of East and West Pakistan, the only difference here was that Muslims in Israel's case were actual Muslims of different ethnicities from all over the Arab world whereas Pakistanis were Muslims whose original ethnicity was Sanatan Dharma of Bharat).

Israel received independence in 1948. The Muslim ethnic group of Israel were told by their leaders to leave the country because of the influx of Jews coming to the land from the Nazi Holocaust. While Israel absorbed all Jewish refugees coming into the land these Muslim ethnics were not absorbed by any of their Arab brother countries which occupy much vast territories compares to tiny state of Israel. Ultimately these Muslims then returned to Israel and Israelis gave those visas for work in the country. They established themselves to live in the country in West bank and GAZA strip but ultimately started identifying and asserting themselves as 'Palestinian' with a demand for a separate homeland (a common trait found in Muslims e.g. partition of India , Cyprus ,Bangladesh etc.) Meanwhile the Arabs who did not flee Israel live in Israel pledge their allegiance to Israel are loyal to the land and even serve in the army.


It was alleged by Ex- Muslim Mosab Hassan Yousef ( Son of an influential Hamas leader ) in his book " Son of Hamas " that Palestinians give birth to an average of 4 children 3 are made into doctors , lawyers and Businessmen and the fourth is to be given for Jihad . Palestinians carry out population Jihad in the hope that the day they are allowed to enter Israel they will implode Israel from within. The whole Muslim world in collusion with the 'Muslim Brotherhood' is brewing hatred in the Palestinians. This hatred is the reason why so called Palestinians can never assimilate with Israel. This brotherhood supplies those rockets and other ammunition to continue fighting a proxy war (like they do in Kashmir). Also the Muslim Brotherhood which is orchestrating Muslim aggression all over the world in the ultimate aim to bring about a Muslim caliphate of world (domination by Muslims) has some standard procedures by which it operates in the world. This can be observed in Israel as well.

Population Jihad: each Palestinian gives birth to at least 4 children to overwhelm the Israelis by sheer numbers using women and children as shields: Palestinian terrorists hide behind children and women and heavily bomb Israel. However, when Israel retaliates they play victims and carry out media propaganda.

False Propaganda: Is the biggest and oldest weapon of radical Muslims; they always play themselves as Victims or Martyrs and always successfully make the masses sympathetic to their situation. So much so that usually Hollywood shows them as heroes in various films.

Infact their propaganda is so perfect that the world i lead to believe that Israel a land with no natural resources and successful only on its own merit has more money and owns media that the obviously teeming with riches: oil rich arab countries who are actually influencing world media and financing jihad all over the world , and ends up showing Israelis as evil Zionists.

Child warriors: Not only do Palestinian cartoon films martyrdom and blowing yourself up in the cause of Jihad. They are armed with rocks and stones and sent to hurl them at Israeli soldiers knowing they cannot retaliate . ( same happens in Kashmir )
Even after thousands of years of persecution the Jews have no history of retaliation , aggression or annexing any land or invading any country or persecuting any ethnic or religious group. But the Holocaust has taught them a lesson that we need to learn from them " Do not forget Do not forgive" this should not be misread as aggression but acknowledge for what it is : the country with the best self defense in the world . So we should lift the veil from our eyes and try and judge the Jews not by the propaganda we have received against them but by looking at their actions .
P. S as you read this write up Israel aircrafts fly out to defend their land from days of Hamas rocket attacks

Roots of Israel Palestine Conflict


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2012
You must be selective blind or live in a cave to mis the protests worldwide.

Here some pics for you:

Global Protests for Peace in Palestine -
iam talking about UK. anyhow the pics u have shown most of them r from amerika and caneada . but if u see those pics most are pakis.

it also shows muslims around the world lives on benefit dont do any work and waalle of 1 class. they got enough time to protest


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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From Harper PM of Canada

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today issued the
following statement in response to the situation in

"The indiscriminate rocket attacks from Gaza on
Israel are terrorist acts, for which there is no
justification. It is evident that Hamas is deliberately
using human shields to further terror in the region.

"Failure by the international community to condemn
these reprehensible actions would encourage these
terrorists to continue their appalling actions. Canada
calls on its allies and partners to recognize that these
terrorist acts are unacceptable and that solidarity
with Israel is the best way of stopping the conflict.

"Canada is unequivocally behind Israel. We support
its right to defend itself, by itself, against these terror
attacks, and urge Hamas to immediately cease their
indiscriminate attacks on innocent Israeli civilians.

"Canada reiterates its call for the Palestinian
government to disarm Hamas and other Palestinian
terrorist groups operating in Gaza, including the
Iranian proxy, Palestinian Islamic Jihad."

Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada in response to the situation in Israel | Prime Minister of Canada
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Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
Country flag

A unidentified Drone Infiltrated into Israel Air Space Near Ashdod possibly from Hamas Administrated Palestine..

Israeli Patriot SAM Shoots down the drone


Senior Member
Feb 10, 2013
Roots of Israel Palestine Conflict

Category: International Geopolitics
Published: Saturday, 12 July 2014 09:18

The Jewish people can be traced back over 5700 years. The current Hebrew calendar is year 5774.

Abraham was the father of Isaac and Jacob. Jacob was the first Jew. From Jacob came the People of Israel (or Children of Israel) known as B'nei Yisrael.

In fact, Jews can be called as the first original religion/civilisation of Arabia just like India is for Sanatan Dharma (or Hindus). Also, Just like Hindus, Jews have no other homeland but Israel.

Over the centuries marred with persecution and hardships faced by the Jews (their capture by different groups/countries like Babylonians, Greeks Romans etc.) Israel continued to exist as a nation and had a consistent presence in this land for over 3,000 years, (besides various tribes of Jews that were living all over the Arab world and Europe).

After the holocaust and annihilation of 6 million Jews by Hitler, and Israel's almost simultaneous freedom from Britain - The Jews from all over the world started arriving in Israel. While making their exit, the British partitioned the land of Israel. This unjust partition was not acceptable to the Israelis and left them with unstable borders (as we see in India).

Judea the Northern part of Israel had been occupied by the Romans from 117= 138 CE. . Israel was to serve as a protectorate to expand the Roman Empire. They called this region Filistia . When the British and Jordanians occupied Israel they continued to call the land Palestine after the Roman name Filistia..

Arabian Muslims of various ethnicities who were living there since various times demanded a new land of Palestine (just like Indian Muslims demanded a new land of East and West Pakistan, the only difference here was that Muslims in Israel's case were actual Muslims of different ethnicities from all over the Arab world whereas Pakistanis were Muslims whose original ethnicity was Sanatan Dharma of Bharat).

Israel received independence in 1948. The Muslim ethnic group of Israel were told by their leaders to leave the country because of the influx of Jews coming to the land from the Nazi Holocaust. While Israel absorbed all Jewish refugees coming into the land these Muslim ethnics were not absorbed by any of their Arab brother countries which occupy much vast territories compares to tiny state of Israel. Ultimately these Muslims then returned to Israel and Israelis gave those visas for work in the country. They established themselves to live in the country in West bank and GAZA strip but ultimately started identifying and asserting themselves as 'Palestinian' with a demand for a separate homeland (a common trait found in Muslims e.g. partition of India , Cyprus ,Bangladesh etc.) Meanwhile the Arabs who did not flee Israel live in Israel pledge their allegiance to Israel are loyal to the land and even serve in the army.


It was alleged by Ex- Muslim Mosab Hassan Yousef ( Son of an influential Hamas leader ) in his book " Son of Hamas " that Palestinians give birth to an average of 4 children 3 are made into doctors , lawyers and Businessmen and the fourth is to be given for Jihad . Palestinians carry out population Jihad in the hope that the day they are allowed to enter Israel they will implode Israel from within. The whole Muslim world in collusion with the 'Muslim Brotherhood' is brewing hatred in the Palestinians. This hatred is the reason why so called Palestinians can never assimilate with Israel. This brotherhood supplies those rockets and other ammunition to continue fighting a proxy war (like they do in Kashmir). Also the Muslim Brotherhood which is orchestrating Muslim aggression all over the world in the ultimate aim to bring about a Muslim caliphate of world (domination by Muslims) has some standard procedures by which it operates in the world. This can be observed in Israel as well.

Population Jihad: each Palestinian gives birth to at least 4 children to overwhelm the Israelis by sheer numbers using women and children as shields: Palestinian terrorists hide behind children and women and heavily bomb Israel. However, when Israel retaliates they play victims and carry out media propaganda.

False Propaganda: Is the biggest and oldest weapon of radical Muslims; they always play themselves as Victims or Martyrs and always successfully make the masses sympathetic to their situation. So much so that usually Hollywood shows them as heroes in various films.

Infact their propaganda is so perfect that the world i lead to believe that Israel a land with no natural resources and successful only on its own merit has more money and owns media that the obviously teeming with riches: oil rich arab countries who are actually influencing world media and financing jihad all over the world , and ends up showing Israelis as evil Zionists.

Child warriors: Not only do Palestinian cartoon films martyrdom and blowing yourself up in the cause of Jihad. They are armed with rocks and stones and sent to hurl them at Israeli soldiers knowing they cannot retaliate . ( same happens in Kashmir )
Even after thousands of years of persecution the Jews have no history of retaliation , aggression or annexing any land or invading any country or persecuting any ethnic or religious group. But the Holocaust has taught them a lesson that we need to learn from them " Do not forget Do not forgive" this should not be misread as aggression but acknowledge for what it is : the country with the best self defense in the world . So we should lift the veil from our eyes and try and judge the Jews not by the propaganda we have received against them but by looking at their actions .
P. S as you read this write up Israel aircrafts fly out to defend their land from days of Hamas rocket attacks

Roots of Israel Palestine Conflict
Sorry if this sounds as nitpickings. But i find certain thigs mentioned in article are factually wrong.
* In the pic, armenia is shown as muslim country. From when??
* The pic heading says arab lands. So from when did iran,turkey, various stans etc become arab lands??

* Arabs are also offspring of abraham.
* Area which is today israel had arab majority(both muslim+christian. but more muslim arabs) along with other ethnicities. Overall muslims were the majority community for more than 1000 years then.
* Jews came to settle in palestine from late 19th, early 20th century.Before to that they were a miniscule minority in palestine. But they were treated much better in west asia than they were treated in europe in the last 2000 years.
* Also why would arabs(mainly muslims) who were the residents in palestine/israel move out just because jews started immigrating in large numbers to that area??
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