Israel-Palestine Conflict

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Tihar Jail
Jun 16, 2009
Isn't that exactly what the Hamas is doing already??? Why would these conditions change the ground situation of what Israel is facing???

Palestinians have resorted to terror in the past, are currently doing so and will indefinitely continue it whether or not a separate state is offered to them...

Just the fact that somebody like Hamas even refuses to accept the right of existence of Israel should say things clearly to everybody...
Hamas is basically an organization established by the Refugees . Settlements are the problem and this violence has increased always because of Settlements since the earlier 70's in the occupied territories .. I have did a detailed research on this Palestine Conflict and i can come up with dates and events which have increased the violence .

Hamas do accept a Palestinian state prior to 1967 borders . Existence of Israel is not in danger from anyside .. The real question is this .. Can Palestinians have a Independent state prior to 1967 borders which means 22% of the British mandate , Palestinians have already accepted the Soverginity of state of Israel on the 78% of the British Palestine ..


Tihar Jail
Jun 16, 2009
Haneya tells Carter Hamas accepts a state on 1967 border

2009-06-16 15:28:49 GMT2009-06-16 23:28:49 (Beijing Time) Xinhua English By Saud Abu Ramadan

GAZA, June 16 (Xinhua) -- Deposed Prime Minister of Hamas in Gaza Ismail Haneya told former U.S. President Jimmy Carter that Hamas accepts a Palestinian state established on the territories occupied by Israel in 1967.

Haneya told a joint news conference after his meeting with Carter in Gaza that Hamas accepts the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on the territories occupied in 1967 "with Jerusalem as its capital."

Carter, meanwhile, told reporters that the principle of solving the conflict based on the two-state solution and sharing Jerusalem as a joint capital for the two states is the best for achieving a comprehensive and everlasting peace.

Haneya said, "If there is a real project that aims at resolving the Palestinian cause on establishing a Palestinian state on 1967 borders, under full Palestinian sovereignty, we will support it."

"We are pushing towards the dream of having our independent state with Jerusalem as its capital," Haneya, who stood with Carter in the news conference told reporters.

Asked about the captive Israeli soldier in Gaza Gilad Schalit, held by Hamas militants since June 2006, Haneya said "We are encouraging the talks to reach an honorable prisoners' exchange deal with Israel."

"We want to end this file according to political and humanitarian basics," said Haneya, adding "We welcome all the efforts exerted to finalize this file, in which Mr. Carter can help in order to reach a prisoners' exchange deal."

Haneya also said that Carter's visit to the region "came after the current changes in the U.S. administration policy, where we followed with concerns President Barack Obama's speech."

"We found a new spirit and a new language in the official American speech," said Haneya, who added that he explained to Carter the reality of the Gaza Strip people's suffering due to the blockade and to the Israeli war.

Asked about the internal dialogue, Haneya said "We explained to Carter our desire and attitude to regain unity and end the current split and reach a national accordance agreement and form a national unity government."

Carter, meanwhile, stressed in the news conference on the fact that the Israeli blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip has to be lifted, adding that "I support having two states with Jerusalem as a joint capital."

Asked about his feeling after touring the Gaza Strip, Carter said "My feeling is a feeling of sadness, anger and despair after seeing all this destruction that was caused to innocent people."

"I know that the Israeli destruction of houses, infrastructure, and factories in Gaza was carried out by American weapons. I hope that this won't be repeated again," said Carter.

Speaking about the inter-Palestinian situation, he said that he held talks with both Fatah and Hamas leaders, adding "I hope they will soon overcome their differences, reach an agreement and reunite. I hope that they exchange political prisoners soon."

He also said that he would send President Obama and his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and their peace envoy George Mitchell a report explaining in details the situation in the Gaza Strip."

Carter had left the Gaza Strip following the several hour-visit to the enclave controlled by Islamic Hamas movement. He visited several sites and neighborhoods and checked destruction caused by an Israeli war on Gaza ended in Jan. 18.

Carter, who paid a significant visit to Gaza Strip, said he has tried to convince Hamas leaders to denounce violence, accept the existing interim agreements and recognize the right of the Jewish state to exist.

"I called on Hamas leaders when I met with them in Damascus and I tell Hamas leaders in Gaza today to accept these conditions. They (Hamas) made several statements, and showed readiness to join the peace and move towards establishing just and independent Palestinian state," Carter said in Gaza.

Carter, who is the highest former U.S. diplomat to visit Gaza after Gaza offensive, toured the Gaza Strip, visited sites and neighborhoods damaged by the Israeli offensive, and held talks with Hamas' lawmakers and officials, including deposed Prime Minister Ismail Haneya.

"Hamas leaders want peace and they want to have reconciliation not only with their Fatah brothers but also eventually with Israelis to live side by side, with two nations, both sovereign nations recognized by each other and living in peace," Carter told students at a graduation ceremony in the Gaza Strip

Haneya tells Carter Hamas accepts a state on 1967 border - World News - SINA English


Tihar Jail
Jun 16, 2009
Report: 300,000 Palestinians facing home demolitions

Report: 300,000 Palestinians facing home demolitions
Date: 16 / 06 / 2009 Time: 17:45

Bethlehem – Ma’an – Over 300,000 people are facing house demolitions in the occupied Palestinian territories, a report issued this week by the UK charity Save the Children says.

“House demolitions in the OPT have escalated and thousands of families and in some cases entire villages remain under the threat of bulldozers arriving to destroy their homes and being displaced any day,” said Salam Kanaan, Save the Children Country Director in the occupied Palestinian territory (OPT) in a statement.

The new report is titled “Broken Homes,” and was also authored by Palestinian Counseling Centre (PCC), and Welfare Association.

Since house demolitions started in 1967 it is estimated that the Israeli civilian and military authorities have destroyed over 24,000 homes. However, since 2000 the number of homes being destroyed has escalated with an average of more than a 1,000 homes demolished every year, Save the children said.

This year (2009) has seen a massive increase, with more homes being destroyed than at any time since the Israeli occupation began 40 years ago, the organization said. Nearly 4,000 homes were destroyed as a result of the military offensive in Gaza at the start of the year.

“The majority of house demolitions are carried out for so called ‘administrative’ reasons or as a result of military operations,” said Kanaan. “Families lose everything when their homes are demolished; clothes, food and furniture are all buried in the rubble. There is precious little help for these families who are left with nothing, no support, no protection.”

Among the facts stated in the report are:

More than half (52%) of the homes were demolished in a collective demolition where a series of homes or neighborhood was razed

Two people were killed during the demolition of their homes

Only 13% of families had a chance to collect their belongings before demolition began
97% of parents are at risk of a mental breakdown as a result of their homes being demolished

Children whose homes have been demolished show a decline in their mental health, suffering classic signs of trauma, becoming withdrawn, depressed and anxious

The majority of families whose houses were demolished were repeatedly displaced for long periods of time - over half the families (61%) took at least two years to find somewhere permanent to live

Over a quarter of families had to split up so they could all find somewhere to stay.

Once a house is demolished, the family not only loses their home and its contents but is also liable for the costs of the actual house demolition. This can run into thousands of dollars.

East Jerusalem residents, rural communities in the West Bank, Bedouin, and refugees living in camps, communities close to the Separation Wall or settlements, and areas near Gaza’s borders are at the greatest risk of displacement from building or house demolition. More than 300,000 Palestinians live in these areas

Maan News Agency


Tihar Jail
Jun 16, 2009
Carter says Palestinians treated 'like animals'

Carter says Palestinians treated 'like animals'

By Joseph Krauss – 10 hours ago

GAZA CITY (AFP) — Former US president Jimmy Carter on Tuesday met Hamas leader Ismail Haniya in the Gaza Strip, where he called for a lifting of Israel's blockade, saying Palestinians are being treated "like animals."

Following the talks, Carter called for an end of "all violence" against both Israelis and Palestinians.

"This is holy land for us all and my hope is that we can have peace... all of us are children of Abraham," he said at a joint news conference with Haniya, prime minister of the Hamas government in the Palestinian enclave.

Haniya in turn said Hamas supported the creation of a Palestinian state in the territories Israel has occupied since the 1967 Six-Day war.

While Hamas has made similar statements in the past, it has more often insisted that the future state should encompass not only the West Bank and the Gaza Strip but also all of Israel.

"If there is a real plan to resolve the Palestinian question on the basis of the creation of a Palestinian state within the borders of June 4, 1967 and with full sovereignty, we are in favour of it," Haniya said.

He also praised US President Barack Obama's June 4 speech in Cairo to the Muslim world.

"We saw a new tone, a new language and a new spirit in the official US rhetoric," he said.

Such praise is rare coming from Hamas, a group pledged to the destruction of the Jewish state and which is listed as a terrorist group by the United States, Israel and the European Union.

The Islamist movement violently seized power in Gaza two years ago, ousting forces loyal to the secular and Western-backed Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas.

Carter was expected to pass on a letter from the parents of Gilad Shalit, an Israeli soldier seized by Gaza militants including Hamas in a cross-border raid almost three years ago, and who remains in captivity.

Earlier Carter denounced the Israeli blockade and the destruction wrought by its 22-day military offensive against Gaza in December and January.

"My primary feeling today is one of grief and despair and an element of anger when I see the destruction perpetrated against innocent people," Carter said as he toured the impoverished territory.

"Tragically, the international community too often ignores the cries for help and the citizens of Palestine are treated more like animals than like human beings," he said.

"The starving of 1.5 million human beings of the necessities of life -- never before in history has a large community like this been savaged by bombs and missiles and then denied the means to repair itself," Carter said at a UN school graduation ceremony in Gaza City.

The United States and Europe "must try to do all that is necessary to convince Israel and Egypt to allow basic goods into Gaza," he said.

"At same time, there must be no more rockets" from Gaza into Israel, said Carter, who brokered the historic 1979 peace treaty between Israel and Egypt.

"I have to hold back tears when I see the deliberate destruction that has been wracked against your people," he said at a destroyed American school, saying it was "deliberately destroyed by bombs from F16s made in my country."

Israel's offensive killed more than 1,400 Palestinians and left large swathes of the coastal strip sandwiched between Israel and Egypt in ruins. Thirteen Israelis also died in the conflict.

"I feel partially responsible for this as must all Americans and Israelis," Carter said.

Israel has insisted that the Gaza blockade, which bars all but essential humanitarian supplies from entering the enclave, is necessary to prevent Hamas from arming, but human rights groups have slammed it as collective punishment

AFP: Carter says Palestinians treated 'like animals'
Feb 16, 2009
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this idiot Carter was the one who gave money and weapons to Israel and now he is saying they treated them like animals what a buffoon.


Tihar Jail
Jun 16, 2009
Two Lebanese army officers charged with spying for Israel

2009-06-16 08:42:37 GMT2009-06-16 16:42:37 (Beijing Time) Xinhua English

BEIRUT, June 16 (Xinhua) -- Two senior Lebanese army officers were charged by the military prosecutor with spying for Israel, local Al-Akhbar daily reported on Tuesday.

A court official said the two colonels were charged with providing Israel with aid and information on military and security positions as well as civilian locations.

Col. Mansour Diab, head of the Lebanese army academy for Special Forces, was arrested last month by the army intelligence service on charges of collaborating with Israel and possessing communication systems for contact with the Israelis.

Col. Shahid Toumieh was also arrested last month on spying charges and illegally entering Israeli territories.

Suspects in the Israeli-linked spying cell have risen to 100 since April. They were accused of providing Israel with information on Hezbollah which fought a devastating 34-day war with Israel in July 2006, and also of helping the Israelis determine Lebanese army locations.

Lebanon is still in a war state with Israeli, and all citizens are banned from having any contact with the Israelis. Convicted spies face either life in prison or death penalty if found guilty of participating in killing Lebanese

Two Lebanese army officers charged with spying for Israel - World News - SINA English
Lebanon is a seperate country and Whoever is the MOD here , this doesnt comes Palestine-israel conflict ..


Tihar Jail
Jun 16, 2009
Carter and Israel

Carter Increased aid to Israel to be used against the animals.

yes its true that all the American Adms always have gave Israel the aid as it was part of thier foreign policy to counter Soviets influence . Now America is having more problems to solve for themselves


Tihar Jail
Jun 16, 2009
Hamas accepts Israel with 1967 borders

Hamas accepts Israel with 1967 borders

GAZA CITY: Ismail Haniyeh, the deposed prime minister of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, yesterday said his movement accepts a Palestinian state alongside Israel with its 1967 borders with full sovereignty and Jerusalem as its capital.

“We welcome any push for achieving this dream if there is a real plan for resolving the Palestinian issue,” Haniyeh said in a news conference with visiting former US President Jimmy Carter here.

Haniyeh also praised US President Barack Obama’s June 4 address in Cairo to the Muslim world. “We saw a new tone, a new language and a new spirit in the official US rhetoric,” he said.

Earlier, Carter denounced the Israeli blockade and the destruction wrought by its 22-day war on Gaza in December and January. “My primary feeling today is one of grief and despair and an element of anger when I see the destruction perpetrated against innocent people,” Carter said as he toured the impoverished territory.

“Tragically, the international community too often ignores the cries for help and the citizens of Palestine are treated more like animals than like human beings,” he said. “The starving of 1.5 million human beings of the necessities of life — never before in history has a large community like this been savaged by bombs and missiles and then denied the means to repair itself,” Carter said at a UN school graduation ceremony in Gaza City.

“I have to hold back tears when I see the deliberate destruction that has been wreaked against your people,” he said at a destroyed American school, saying it was “deliberately destroyed by bombs from F16s made in my country.”

Meanwhile, two Israeli human rights groups said yesterday that Israel is making it near-impossible for Gaza residents to move to the West Bank, even in humanitarian cases. “The procedure constitutes an escalation in Israel’s policy of separation between Gaza and the West Bank, undermining the prospect of a viable Palestinian state,” said Joel Greenberg of the Hamoked Center for the Defense of the Individual.

“Israel is preventing civilians from changing their place of residence using the vague pretext that it is responding to the security-political situation in the Gaza Strip,” he said at a joint news conference with the Gisha Legal Center for Freedom of Movement.

Hamas accepts Israel with 1967 borders


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2009
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Isn't that exactly what the Hamas is doing already??? Why would these conditions change the ground situation of what Israel is facing???

Palestinians have resorted to terror in the past, are currently doing so and will indefinitely continue it whether or not a separate state is offered to them...

Just the fact that somebody like Hamas even refuses to accept the right of existence of Israel should say things clearly to everybody...
No its not. All Hamas has is the support of various terrorists organizations and nothing more. His army doesn't deserve to be called an army. The general citizens there just care about there business and trade.

There are two major parties in Palestine, Hamas, Fatah and Islamic Jehad, the last one being the radical and extremist one, which has visions pretty similar to the Taliban's(Jaziya, Sharia, religious intolerance, no-alcohol, no media, degraded life of women to name a few.)
Hamas is comaparatively moderate. Please note the term comparatively.
I don't see much support to Hamas in the future because of Israel's military campaign that has brought their cities down to rubble.
Which leaves us with possible chances of Islamic Jehad in power, and trust me, that would be a nightmare scenario especially in the light of such a harsh peace deal.


Devil's Advocate
Senior Member
Apr 21, 2009
There are two major parties in Palestine, Hamas and Fatah. Fatah being the radical and extremist one, which has visions pretty similar to the Taliban's(Jaziya, Sharia, religious intolerance, no-alcohol, no media, degraded life of women to name a few.)
Hamas is comaparatively moderate. Please note the term comparatively.
I don't see much support to Hamas in the future because of Israel's military campaign that has brought their cities down to rubble.
Which leaves us with possible chances of Fatah in power, and trust me, that would be a nightmare scenario especially in the light of such a harsh peace deal.
I think you have got it all wrong. Fatah was in power for a long time under Yasser Arafat, and Fatah is much more moderate compared to Hamas. In fact, after Hamas was elected, western nations stopped aid to Palestine.


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2009
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I think you have got it all wrong. Fatah was in power for a long time under Yasser Arafat, and Fatah is much more moderate compared to Hamas. In fact, after Hamas was elected, western nations stopped aid to Palestine.
Sorry...sorry... I meant Islamic Jihad. The one with the black flag. My bad. I'll correct it.


Senior Member
May 6, 2009
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Israeli F-16 Downs UAV in Training Exercise

Israeli F-16 Downs UAV in Training Exercise - News Briefs - Israel National News

( An Israeli F-16 downed a small Chinese Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in a training exercise on Tuesday. The air force began training for such a need after Hizbullah successfully sent a UAV into Israel during the Second Lebanon War.

The plane managed to locate the small target and down it with its Vulcan cannon. The air force had acquired the small Chinese UAVs for exactly this purpose.


Regular Member
May 12, 2009
Is the Chinese UAV is the one presently used by China.

Is India has any plans to buy Israeli F - 16?


Regular Member
Jun 8, 2009
Is the Chinese UAV is the one presently used by China.

Is India has any plans to buy Israeli F - 16?
F-16IN which is one of the six contender for MMRCA program is actually the same varient sold to Israel..


Senior Member
May 6, 2009
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Israel attempts to stop S-300 air defense supplies to Iran

Israel attempts to stop S-300 air defense supplies to Iran | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire


MOSCOW, June 29 (RIA Novosti) - Israel has intensified its efforts to prevent deliveries of Russian S-300 air defense systems to Iran under a 2007 contract, an Israeli newspaper said on Monday.

According to the Haaretz daily, "Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin and asked him to prevent the arms deal from going through."

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak met a week ago at the Paris Airshow with Gen. Nikolai Makarov, chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, and reportedly "asked that he also intervene to prevent the arms sale."

Israel and the U.S. insist that the delivery of advanced air defense systems to Iran would undermine the military balance in the region, and Russia has until recently delayed the implementation of the deal.

Although Russian sources said in March that Iran had not yet received any S-300 air defense systems and the deal relied on the leadership in Moscow, Russia had reiterated its commitment to fulfill the contract, which is worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

Haaretz said that during the visit of Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman to Moscow several weeks ago, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev told the Israeli official that some payments under the contract had already been made.

Arms deliveries to Iran are also important to Russia because Moscow is quickly losing its positions on key Asian arms markets in China and India.

In light of the recent developments and ahead of a meeting between U.S. President Barack Obama with his Russian counterpart next week, Israel has launched "intensive diplomatic order to restore the earlier Russian commitment not to complete the deal," the newspaper said.

The latest version of the S-300 family is the S-300PMU2 Favorit, which has a range of up to 195 kilometers (about 120 miles) and can intercept aircraft and ballistic missiles at altitudes from 10 meters to 27 kilometers.

It is considered one of the world's most effective all-altitude regional air defense systems, comparable in performance to the U.S. MIM-104 Patriot system.
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