ISI Sponsored Pakistani Lobbyist Dr. Fai Arrested in the USA

What do you think about the Indians who attended the KAC were

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Jul 18, 2011
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The ISI, J&K and Ghulam Nabi Fai.

Hi all,

You must be aware of the tricks that the ISI uses to try and influence Policies and western powers.
This man Ghulam Nabi Fai was another of ISI's tricks. He is the founder of Kashmiri American Council, a pro Pakistani forum and a front of ISI. Their modus operandi was simple. Get anti -India "Indians" like Wed Basin and others over to Washington, spend millions of dollars on their accomodation and make them participate. Then release a resolution supporting the Pakistani cause.Then go to influential American Congressmen and Senators with the resolution, claim support of several prominent Indians and try to use these American politicians to influence and change American Foreign Policy on Kashmir.

The KAC also had branches at Brussels and London and was funded by the ISI.

The Indians who participated in these meetings are some very prominent people indeed:
Fmr Chief Justice Delhi HC Rajinder Sachar
Wed Basin, Editor of Kashmir Times
Kuldip Nayar
Dilip Padgaonkar
and many others.

I am not surprised at the work of Mr Ghulam Nabib Fai and his ISI mentors. He was recently arrested by the FBI. But i am shocked at the fact our countrymen who attended these lavish parties feign ignorance. were they really unaware of ISI's funding, or are they anti-nationals or are they ashamed to admit the financial benefits that they have received from the KAC?

Feel free to express your views.

Thanking you,


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2012
Some of pak ministers said fai mamu is Indian citizen and we have nothing to do with him... lolllllll Indian citizen with American passport.:confused::confused::confused::becky::becky:


Regular Member
Apr 1, 2010
Pakistani Foreign Spying Activities Getting More Attention

Pakistan always wants a one-way street of course. They want everyone to remove spies from their country, but they want to run lots of spy networks in foreign countries. Their greedy hypocrisy is now earning them more scrutiny.

Pakistani spies 'operating in Britain' - Telegraph

Pakistan's spies track exiles in U.S. - St. Petersburg Times

Pakistan's spies track exiles in U.S.

New York Times
In Print: Sunday, July 24, 2011

WASHINGTON — FBI agents hunting for Pakistani spies in the United States last year began tracking Mohammed Tasleem, an attache in the Pakistani Consulate in New York and a clandestine operative of Pakistan's military spy agency, the Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence.

Tasleem, they discovered, had been posing as an FBI agent to extract information from Pakistanis living in the United States and was issuing threats to keep them from speaking openly about Pakistan's government. His activities were part of what government officials in Washington, along with a range of Pakistani journalists and scholars, say is a systematic ISI campaign to keep tabs on the Pakistani diaspora inside the United States.

The FBI brought Tasleem's activities to Leon Panetta, then the director of the CIA, and in April, Panetta had a tense conversation with Pakistan's spymaster, Lt. Gen. Ahmed Shuja Pasha.

Within days, Tasleem was spirited out of the United States — a quiet resolution typical of the spy games among the world's powers.

But some of the secrets of that hidden world became public last week when two Pakistani-Americans working for a charity that the FBI believes is a front for Pakistan's spy service were indicted. Only one was arrested; the other is still in Pakistan.

The investigation exposed one part of what U.S. officials say is a broader campaign by the Pakistani spy agency to exert influence over lawmakers, stifle public dialogue critical of Pakistan's military, and blunt the influence of India, Pakistan's longtime adversary.

U.S. officials said that compared with countries like China and Russia — whose spies have long tried to steal U.S. government and business secrets — the ISI's operations in the United States are less extensive and less sophisticated.

Even so, officials and scholars say the ISI campaign extends to issuing both tacit and overt threats against those who speak critically about the military.

The ISI is widely feared inside Pakistan because of these very tactics. U.S. officials believe that some ISI operatives ordered the recent killing of a journalist there. At the same time, the Pakistani spy agency remains a close ally of the CIA in the hunt for operatives with al-Qaida. It is a relationship that often complicates the ability of the United States to put pressure on Pakistan to alter its tactics.

Last week's arrests came as the CIA was trying to negotiate for the release of a Pakistani doctor who was jailed by the ISI on accusations that he had helped the Americans track down Osama bin Laden before his killing in May.
Feb 16, 2009
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Pakistani spies 'operating in Britain

Pakistani spies 'operating in Britain' - Telegraph

Details of the organisation emerged as two alleged spies were charged in the United States of failing to disclose their affiliation with the Pakistani government.

They are accused of secretly promoting Pakistani interests in the long-running conflict between nuclear-armed India and Pakistan over the disputed border region of Kashmir, using millions of dollars of covert funding.
Their arrest came as relations between the US and Pakistan continue to deteriorate in the wake of the killing of Osama bin Laden.

Syed Ghulam Nabi Fai, 62, a US citizen from Fairfax, Virginia, and Zaheer Ahmad, 63, a US citizen who has been living in Pakistan, were charged with conspiring to act as an agent of a foreign power in violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

According to an affidavit filed in the US, Fai serves as the director of the Kashmiri American Council, a non-governmental organisation in Washington that was founded in 1990.

Pakistan Army 'encouraging Cameron protests' 01 Aug 2010

The centre describes itself in educational materials as a "not-for-profit organisation dedicated to raising the level of knowledge in the United States about the struggle of the Kashmiri people for self-determination."

But the affidavit alleges that the KAC is actually one of three "Kashmir Centers" that are run by "elements of the Pakistani government, including Pakistan's military intelligence service, the Inter-Services Intelligence Agency (ISI)."
The two other "Kashmir Centers," it said, are in London and Brussels. A Scotland Yard source said they were liasing with US authorities but had not made any arrests.

Neil MacBride, US Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, said Mr Fai was accused of a "decades-long scheme with one purpose – to hide Pakistan's involvement behind his efforts to influence the US government's position on Kashmir."

Mr MacBride added: "His handlers in Pakistan allegedly funneled millions through the Kashmir Center to contribute to U.S. elected officials, fund high-profile conferences, and pay for other efforts that promoted the Kashmiri cause to decision-makers in Washington."

A Scotland Yard source said they were liaising with US authorities but had not made any arrests.
Fai and the KAC have received at least $4 million, from the Pakistani government since the mid-1990s through Ahmad and his funding network, according to the affidavit.

Fai was arrested but Ahmad remains at large and is believed to be in Pakistan. Both face a potential sentence of five years in prison if convicted.

According to a statement by the US Department of Justice, a confidential witness told investigators that he participated in a scheme to obscure the origin of money transferred by Pakistan's ISI to Fai to use as a lobbyist for the KAC in furtherance of Pakistani government interests.

A second confidential witness told investigators that the ISI created the KAC to issue propaganda on behalf of the government of Pakistan with the goal of uniting Kashmir, half of which is in India.
This witness said the ISI's sponsorship and control of KAC were secret and that ISI had been directing Fai's activities for the past 25 years.

The affidavit alleges that four Pakistani government handlers have directed Fai's US activities and that Fai has been in touch with his handlers more than 4,000 times since June 2008.
The statement said Fai asked for $100,000 from the Pakistani government in 2009 for contributions to members of Congress.

The US Department of Justice said there was no evidence that any elected official who received financial contributions was aware that the money originated from any part of the Pakistani government.
When questioned by the FBI in March 2007, Fai allegedly stated that he had never met anyone who identified himself as being affiliated with the ISI.


Regular Member
Apr 1, 2010

Several Pakistani journalists and scholars in the United States interviewed over the past week said that they were approached regularly by Pakistani officials, some of whom openly identified themselves as ISI officials. The journalists and scholars said the officials caution them against speaking out on politically delicate subjects like the indigenous insurgency in Baluchistan or accusations of human rights abuses by Pakistani soldiers. The verbal pressure is often accompanied by veiled warnings about the welfare of family members in Pakistan, they said.

One Pakistani journalist, who like the others asked to be quoted anonymously because of concerns about his safety, recalled an episode in December 2006 in which a Pakistani man filmed a public discussion about Pakistan's tribal areas at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. The event's organizers later learned the man was from the ISI, the journalist said.

A second Pakistani author said that at several conferences and seminars in recent years, representatives from the spy agency made their presence known by asking threatening questions.

"The ISI guys will look into your eyes and will indirectly threaten you by introducing themselves," the author said. "The ISI makes sure that they are present in every occasion relating to Pakistan, and in some cases they pay ordinary Pakistanis for attending events and pass them information."
Last edited:


Sanathan Pepe
Sep 18, 2009
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Well, any country would want the least number of spies in its backyard and the most in other countries.


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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^^ Since the last 20 years or so, UK has become the second Pakistan. In terms of population, you've more loony Pakistanis posing themselves as Indians since post-9/11 but continuing their covert agenda over J&K. Appreciate the arrest and I hope the relations further sours between West and Pakistan. The reason being that West has till now not fully realized how dangerous an emotionally unstable, morally blank and insanely religious-absolutist country can be to their liberal culture and to rest of what I would classify as civilized countries (that have little to do with looking to blow up every single other individual around the globe).

It is a common news since last 10 years that European-nationalities of Pakistani origin as well as Arab and Turkish origin have regularly visited Pakistan to train in jihad against entire Europe as well as India and Israel, not even leaving the usually neutral and open-minded Russians in the wake. As more and more countries see the real face of what Pakistan is made up of, they will begin to wake up and start getting ready.


New Member
Mar 22, 2009
The man who knew too much

The man who knew too much

23 July 2011

The Fai chapter on Kashmir has finally come to an end. But clearly, US and Pakistani interest in Kashmir has not ended, and it will be interesting to see who replaces Fai, writes seema mustafa

A short, thin, bird-like, exceptionally polite man is the first impression of Ghulam Nabi Fai, arrested recently by the FBI in the United States for carrying on a massive ISI-funded operation in that country. I first met him at a Kashmir conference organised by the Azad Jammu and Kashmir University in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir just a few weeks ago. But his reputation preceded him, and one had written extensively on him and his activities, as a lobbyist for Pakistan in the USA, and the high-voltage campaign he was carrying on for accession of Kashmir to Pakistan.
Fai had a reach in the US state department that few other South Asians could boast of. He was born in Jammu and Kashmir, but crossed over to Pakistan at the invitation of then President Zia ul Haq. From there he appeared in Washington as a well-funded lobbyist for Pakistan and made Capitol Hill his second home. He worked through US administrations, with Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush seemingly quite happy with Fai-generated activity on Kashmir in Washington. Several Senators were on call, and Fai was quite fond of dropping names, to let it be known that he had extensive support in the US state department.
Fai took just a couple of years it seems to set up an extensive operation through the Kashmir American Council in Washington. He lambasted India in meetings all over the world, issuing statements and holding seminars to highlight the two main Pakistan demands ~ for plebiscite and a solution as per the UN resolutions. He was close only to sections in Kashmir with several separatist leaders having reservations about his position and stance. His proximity with the US establishment was noticeable, and he soon started holding annual Conferences in Washington for which he would invite US senators, very senior serving and retired Pakistani bureaucrats and generals, and select intelligentsia from India.
Business class tickets and five-star hospitality made many in India accept the invitation, despite the fact that Fai was known in most circles here as a Pakistani lobbyist. Fai further smoothened qualms of conscience with his quiet, friendly presence, his personalised hospitality, and his ability to absorb all criticism and dissent. These meetings provided a good anti-India bashing forum and helped highlight Pakistan's demands for accession of Kashmir. Of course the statement was never as clear-cut as this, but the legitimacy of Kashmir as part of India was hammered at with all possible arguments. The US was a key part of the process, and Fai was always treated by the American establishment as a valued guest. In fact, visitors from India were known to contact Fai, who then organised meetings with Senators for them.
Indian Intelligence agencies had volumes of information on Fai, but interestingly, the demand for action against him was never really raised by the Indian side in official meetings with US or Pakistani delegations. Fai, thus, acquired a slightly larger-than-life image and appeared to be one individual who could swing senators around in both the USA and Pakistan. It was thus, interesting to meet him in Muzaffarabad this year and to see that his physique really did not match his reputation. Nor did his smiling, affable personality that was trained to absorb dissent without anger.
Fai kept out of the limelight, and while clearly an important presence at the conference, took exceptional care not to project himself in any noticeable manner. He almost lulled one into believing that his commitment to the cause of Kashmir was honest, and that he was an independent head of an independent NGO. But it was apparent, as one watched his interactions closely, that there was some distancing from the current US administration under President Barack Obama given the fact that some of his own supporters were a bit critical of the US position on Kashmir. And also he did not seem to be in the lap of the Pakistan government, and while clearly well connected, did not seem to be occupying an exceptionally special position. He was critical of India, but this time also of Pakistan, and his words were far milder than some of the statements one had read in the past.
It was therefore not a huge surprise to find that his benefactors ~ the USA and Pakistan both ~ had decided he was expendable. Suddenly, the Americans developed Intelligence about the unaccounted money being routed through Fai to senators and others in the USA, when actually this had been an accepted part of his set-up there. Islamabad too took some time to respond to the arrest, and broke its initial silence only after some Kashmiri leaders had reacted. Now, of course, the Zardari government has protested against the arrest and demanded Fai be released.
The Fai chapter on Kashmir set up, promoted and nurtured as an allegedly joint US-Pakistan operation has finally come to an end. He and the KAC seem to have outlived their utility. But clearly, US and Pakistani interest in Kashmir has not ended, and it will be interesting to see who replaces Fai.

The writer is consulting editor,
The Statesman
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Mar 22, 2009
Where was I, Dr Fai?

Where was I, Dr Fai?

22 July 2011

Honest Indian liberals were considered soft targets by the ISI. Even though they sought only more liberal democracy, they provided useful legitimacy to the Kashmiri separatists demanding outright secession,
says rajinder puri

Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai, a US citizen, has been arrested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for illegally influencing US Congressmen to oppose India on Kashmir by using funds received from Pakistan 's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI). Several leading US politicians who carried on a campaign against India's Kashmir policy claim that they were unaware of Dr Fai's links with Islamabad. Upon learning of his links, some have donated the funds received from him to charity. Dr Fai broke US law by not registering himself as a lobbyist for Pakistan. That is why he was arrested and his racket is busted.
For two decades, Dr Fai was perceived as a Kashmiri settled in the USA, committed to self determination for Kashmir. Dr Fai did his Masters from Aligarh University and spent four years in Saudi Arabia where he was accompanied by Dr Ayub Thakur who later founded the World Kashmir Freedom Movement in Britain. Dr Ayub Thakur, incidentally, was one of the main London conduits for the illegal funds involved in the Jain Hawala case. Dr Fai left his wife in Kashmir and got married again in the US to a Chinese-Muslim woman. His views were liberal. His expression was restrained. He headed the Kashmiri American Council (KAC), which functioned as an NGO in America. He held annual seminars, hosted Kashmir separatists, most likely was a conduit for even some funding and invited Indian liberals to his seminars held in the USA by providing hospitality and travel expenses.
The intermingling of Indian liberals with Kashmir separatists gave legitimacy to the latter. The cream of Indian liberals including Kuldip Nayar, Dileep Padgaonkar, Mr Justice Rajinder Sachar, Mr Gautam Navlakha and many others attended his seminars some time or the other. They all perceived Dr Fai to be a likeminded liberal seeking self-determination for Kashmir. Most of them may not themselves have endorsed self-determination. They sought democracy, better governance and perhaps more autonomy for Kashmir. But by interacting with separatists, they most likely thought they could influence them to stay within India. Honest Indian liberals were considered soft targets by the ISI. Even though they sought only more liberal democracy, they provided useful legitimacy to the separatists demanding outright secession.
The KAC, apart from hosting seminars, also distributed an e-mailed newsletter. I was a recipient of some of its e-mails. In 2009, Dr Fai wrote an article in favour of self-determination. He considered the UN resolution on plebiscite as being outdated but cleverly endorsed its spirit to demand self-determination feasible in the current context. In other words, the preconditions of the UN resolution that would have crippled Pakistan were to be ignored while a plebiscite to allow Kashmir independence was supported.
Although I am perhaps the only news commentator to have persistently advocated self-determination for the five separate segments of undivided Kashmir, giving each segment the option of joining India, Pakistan or achieving independence, I never merited an invitation from KAC. I grant that I lack the prominence of the aforesaid liberals who were invited. But considering that I was actually demanding self-determination and that I did merit the newsletter e-mailed by KAC, why was I ignored? My demand for self-determination was unacceptable because added to it were two important caveats. Along with self-determination for all segments of undivided Kashmir, I insisted as a precondition on joint defence between India and Pakistan and also the establishment of a South Asian Union comprising all parts of Kashmir regardless of their status after the proposed self-determination. That was the crux.
An independent Valley within a South Asian Union is one thing. An independent Valley in the current political arrangement is something different altogether. In that event, the Valley would be gobbled up by China with even greater ease than by Pakistan. What Indian liberals fail to appreciate, or at least enunciate, is the fact that the Pakistan army and ISI are little more than puppets of China 's People's Liberation Army (PLA). The Kashmir separatists are not for genuine Kashmir independence. They serve the PLA by serving the ISI. Had they been genuine patriots or freedom fighters, they would never have countenanced China virtually taking over a part of northern Kashmir . We don't hear a peep from them about the Chinese occupation. Instead, Hurriyat leader Mirwaiz Umar not only visits China to attend seminars but actually pleads that China should solve the India-Pakistan dispute over Kashmir. What respect do these pampered separatists owning luxurious mansions built with unexplained money deserve?
Former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf came closer to the mark by demanding joint management by India and Pakistan over two autonomous parts of divided Kashmir given soft borders. But that too was unacceptable because without joint defence and complete trust between New Delhi and Islamabad, the proposal was unworkable. I wrote as much. But all these formulations appear irrelevant now. One has news for the Kashmir separatists. It seems that the USA has made a major shift in its South Asian and Kashmir policy. That is why Dr Fai was arrested.
The FBI must have known for years the connection between KAC and ISI. Why has it acted now? For the same reason that the Murdoch bubble burst in Britain. For the same reason that Hillary Clinton is urging India to take a lead in Asia. For too long, nationalist forces in the American establishment have allowed the US corporate lobby to collude with China to subvert democracy and exploit the world. Now the nationalists are fighting back. One does not know how the fight will end. One does not know how long it will last. But one does smell change in the air.

The writer is a veteran journalist and cartoonist


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Honest Indian liberals were considered soft targets by the ISI.
One more reason to dislike such kind of people who become puppets of threats to national interest and integrity.

An independent Valley within a South Asian Union is one thing. An independent Valley in the current political arrangement is something different altogether. In that event, the Valley would be gobbled up by China with even greater ease than by Pakistan. What Indian liberals fail to appreciate, or at least enunciate, is the fact that the Pakistan army and ISI are little more than puppets of China 's People's Liberation Army (PLA). The Kashmir separatists are not for genuine Kashmir independence. They serve the PLA by serving the ISI. Had they been genuine patriots or freedom fighters, they would never have countenanced China virtually taking over a part of northern Kashmir

Just try making the state as "independent" and there would be nuclear hell to pay. The state doesn't belong to these ragtag separatist slaves of cold war KSA fundings alone ; it belongs to entire India and to the actual indigenous communities of Kashmir that were nearly exterminated under a carefully planned massacre.

As for the bolded part, they're born losers living in la-la land thinking the world is so rosy around them and their own countrymen are ruining it. :pound:

We don't hear a peep from them about the Chinese occupation. Instead, Hurriyat leader Mirwaiz Umar not only visits China to attend seminars but actually pleads that China should solve the India-Pakistan dispute over Kashmir. What respect do these pampered separatists owning luxurious mansions built with unexplained money deserve?
As usual a slave of money and a wanted terrorist. Most so-called Kashmiri leaders easily fall under the category except for a couple. Most of them are on foreign payroll as evident from their political interests in China and Pakistan. All while we sit and do nothing about it. Had a proper government been there, the intel units would have dispatched these vermin off the state silently and in an organized fashion.


Oct 16, 2010
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One has news for the Kashmir separatists. It seems that the USA has made a major shift in its South Asian and Kashmir policy. That is why Dr Fai was arrested.
This is one crucial piece I'd take from the article.



Mob Control Manager
Senior Member
Feb 12, 2009
US and pakistanis were in bed from long time, now they are cleaning there dirty laundry in public. As a positive fallout of this, we should harden our stance against the so called liberals. I think name of justice sachar also came in this, he was the one who was advocating religious quota is amred forces. We have to reject the report outright.


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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US and pakistanis were in bed from long time, now they are cleaning there dirty laundry in public. As a positive fallout of this, we should harden our stance against the so called liberals. I think name of justice sachar also came in this, he was the one who was advocating religious quota is amred forces. We have to reject the report outright.
Couldn't agree more. These suicidal liberals are going to ruin the country's stability if we continue listening to them. First it was spending too much on weaponry, then reservations, then AMAN KI ASHA, and now supporting terrorists in Kashmir crowning it with religious quota in the military.... WTF is this?!

Most of these liberal losers are just there to get attention or monetary benefits. They just want to be seen wearing fancy clothes in videos and TVs on international forums and when it comes to the ground level all-out war, these effing two-timers will be sitting somewhere in Europe while we the rest of Indians would be burning our backsides in the war.

A liberal's typical quality in today's India is to talk of anti-national characteristics in order to induce a sense of establishing firm guilt industry for something that Indians have not done. It is always fence sitters like these who wail and bawl at the top of their lungs and when it comes to actually acting for the country, it is usually the people they call "right wing, fascists, nazis, fundamentalists" etc who would do the undivided service. Be it India but everywhere it is the same story repeated over and over and proven time and again.

Suzanna Arundhati Roy, Medha Patkar, Setalvad, Burkha Dutt and other such people are the by-products of such a wannabe attention-seeking mentality.

BTW That report was already rejected by the Army. Do you think IA of all the people would take the bullshit of these pseudo-liberal jokers :laugh:? They're not Con-party to suck it up all the time and suffer later. Generals know it more than any babu what to do and what not to do.


New Member
May 10, 2010
US court release 'ISI backed' Kashmiri leader Fai on bond

A district court in Alexandria, Virginia, has released Syed Ghulam Nabi Fai, the Kashmiri separatist leader charged with working for Pakistan's spy agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), while trying to influence US lawmakers.

Fai was released on payment of a 100,000 dollar bond after appearing before the US District Court on Tuesday for a detention hearing, the Dawn reports.

He was arrested last week on charges that he tried to influence the policy of the White House and Congress on Kashmir while working under the supervision of the ISI.

US Magistrate Judge John Anderson released Fai into the custody of his wife and placed him under home detention with electronic monitoring.

Fai is the executive director of the Kashmiri American Council. He was arrested on a charge of being an unregistered agent of a foreignovernment. (ANI)


Senior Member
Sep 5, 2009
ISI agent Fai ran Kashmir propaganda in UK also: Report

LONDON: Kashmiri separatist Ghulam Nabi Fai, who has been charged with being an undeclared agent of ISI in the US, was also a director of a UK-based organisation, promoting Pakistani interest on Kashmir, a media report said.

Fai, who heads the Washington-based Kashmiri American Council (KAC) was arrested by FBI for allegedly collaborating with Pakistan's spy agency by "clandestinely" funnelling hundreds and thousands of dollars to change the view of American lawmakers on Kashmir.

Fai, 62, was also a director of the Justice Foundation based in Bloomsbury, which hosted events for British lawmakers to promote Pakistani interests on Kashmir, using millions of dollars of covert funding, the Daily Telegraph said.

"MPs hosted events in Parliament for an organistation which has been accused of being a front for Pakistani spies, it can be disclosed," it reported.

The Justice Foundation is alleged to have been promoting Pakistani interests over Kashmir, using millions of dollars of covert funding, it said. The executive director of the foundation in London is Nazir Ahmad Shawl.

The scandal follows the arrest last year of Katia Zatuliveter, a House of Commons researcher accused of being a Russian spy.

The Daily Telegraph said that Fai was also a director of the Justice Foundation based in Bloomsbury, central London, alongside three British men and two Indian nationals, one of them based in Saudi Arabia.

US prosecutors claim that three "Kashmir Centers" in Washington, London and Brussels, are run on behalf of "elements of the Pakistani government, including Pakistan's military intelligence service, the Inter-Services Intelligence Agency (ISI)."

ISI agent Fai ran Kashmir propaganda in UK also: Report - The Times of India


Mob Control Manager
Senior Member
Feb 12, 2009


Senior Member
Sep 5, 2009
^^ Great, now what has Mr. Mander got to do with Kashmir ? Anyway, I suspected this all the way. All this had to have some or the other Indian connection.


Mob Control Manager
Senior Member
Feb 12, 2009
The point is ToI is not letting the comment get published, I suggest we spread this message around as much as possible

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