Iranian Revolution


Regular Member
Feb 7, 2017
I have mostly interacted with Iranians on reddit YouTube and Quora. Yes the ISIS part was definitely a exaggeration but u definitely can't trust them.
The people who mostly express goodwill towards Us are minorities of that country.

Remove the hard-core Islamic laws and restriction and u will get another Turkey and u know what turkey is like.
I've met many Iranians before, and not one has expressed anything that can be remote perceived as being intolerant in an Islamic way. Some are nationalists, some are internationalists, some love to drink, none wear hijab, and not one has struck me as being an "Islamist". That one can't really trust them is another matter - you can't really trust Americans or Europeans either.

This is different from Arabs, who always wear their silly outfits and barks things in a generally uncivilised way, and from Turks, who are distinctly unfriendly and unpleasant.
There are difference between YouTube-reddit Iranian and direct Iranian in person...anonymity provided by internet helps some closet extremist to express their desire.


Regular Member
Sep 5, 2015
"Complete security is now in place in city of #Tehran, & security forces are completely in control of situation in the city & its surroundings, says Kosari, deputy chief of Sarallah unit, #IRGC division responsible for maintaining security in Tehran & Tehran province.

Interesting times. Russia, EU and China have not raised voice against regime change. Only US has issued human rights statements. Lot at stake for multiple countries. Regime change will change entire geo politics of the Middle East. One to watch out for.

Internet has been blocked. Genocide on cards.



Regular Member
Oct 7, 2016
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WTH :nono:

Of course it is the former. This criminal islamist revolution had its time. It had its chance too. Now the Iranian youth is fed up with the zealots. Everything that has a beginning has an end.

Let’s have a poll please
Ah yes, Monsieur Grenouille, will your state also give Khameini shelter like it gave Khomeini, who happily holidayed in France before suddenly taking over Iran? Time for un petit séjour to France for the Mullah, non?

Indian Sniper.001

Senior Member
Sep 22, 2016
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Even US is serious on this, issuing statements on HR violations & protestors being incarcerated
Obviously, wouldn't they?

It is they who have begun this tamasha. Yes, it was required, but their doing. They want to hold on the most vital places strategically.

Of course it is the former. This criminal islamist revolution had its time. It had its chance too. Now the Iranian youth is fed up with the zealots. Everything that has a beginning has an end.
Every revolution has a reason to begin, and one who wants to create a disturbance takes advantage of it to push his agenda. So, yes the Iranian youth were fed up with zealots, but US has its own agenda and pushed the youth to start the revolution.


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Oct 7, 2016
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can something like this happen in India ...? i know for sure we have considerable number of cunts within this country who'd wish for a revolution of some sort ...!!
That human turd Khujliwal already tried, remember? And then there's Jat protests, Hardik's anarchy, etc etc : 100s of other protests to destabilise the country.

Killary Clinton has been gunning for a "regime change" in India for a long time. India is too big, too diverse and too chaotic for organised protests to overthrow the government - fortunately.


Regular Member
Oct 7, 2016
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Next stop: China. Man, I'd love for something similar to happen in China, for the communist pigs to fall like a house of cards. The US should focus its efforts 100% on China, though making it happen is a million times harder than in a place like Iran or Egypt.


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2015
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Two reportedly killed after Iranian forces 'open fire on protestors' as demonstrations continue for third day

An Iranian woman raises her fist amid the smoke of tear gas at the University of Tehran Credit: AFP
30 December 2017 • 5:55pm
Two people are understood to have been killed after Iranian security forces reportedly opened fire on anti-government demonstrators on Saturday as the largest protests seen in the country since 2009 continued for a third day.

Reports of the two deaths were were posted on social media. There was no official confirmation of the fatalities but the posted images appeared to show several bodies being carried away after clashes with police in the western city in Dorud

Angry protests escalated in cities across Iran as demonstrators tore down posters of Ayatollah Khamenei, the Islamic Republic’s supreme leader, while police on motorbikes charged into crowds swinging batons.

Protesters reportedly stormed the governor’s compound in the western city of Arak and started fires at government offices in Ahvaz, a city in the country’s southwest.

People protest in Iran's capital Tehran Credit: Reuters
Donald Trump, the US president, warned Iran’s government that the “world is watching” its response to the demonstrators. He accused authorities of “squandering of the nation’s wealth to fund terrorism abroad”.

The Iranian government shot back at Mr Trump, calling his comments “deceitful” and “opportunistic”.

مخاطبان بی‌بی‌سی فارسی این تصاویر را از "خیابان طالقانی #ابهر" فرستاده‌اند. گروهی از مردم در این ویدیو بیل‌بورد با عکس آقای #خامنه‌ای را به زیر می‌کشند

— BBC Persian (@bbcpersian) December 30, 2017
The demonstrations began on Thursday in the northeastern city of Mashhad, largely over the rising cost of living, but quickly spread around the country and became more explicitly critical of Ayatollah Khamenei and of Hassan Rouhani, Iran’s president.

While the security forces showed relative restrain during the first 48 hours of protests, their response hardened on Saturday and authorities reportedly cut off some internet access in Tehran to try to stop the spread of unrest.

Iranian students protest at the University of Tehran during a demonstration driven by anger over economic problems, in the capital Tehran Credit: AFP
The chief executive of Telegram, a messaging app, agreed to shut down a channel popular with the opposition for allegedly encouraging violence after being contacted by an Iranian minister.

Several dozen students at the University of Tehran protested at the campus gates yesterday and chanted “death to the dictator” in apparent reference to Ayatollah Khamenei.

Security forces fired tear gas and made arrests and the protesters were eventually replaced by a larger crowd of pro-government students who chanted “death to the seditionists” as they took back control of the gates.

Thousands of people also turned out for annual pro-government rallies to mark the defeat of the last major protest movement in 2009.

Confrontations reported between security forces and students inside Tehran University #Iran

— Michael Horowitz (@michaelh992) December 30, 2017
Abdolreza Rahmani-Fazli, the interior minister, warned people not to take part in “illegal gatherings” and said “they will create problems for themselves and other citizens”.

Mr Trump said in a tweet that the “Iranian government should respect their people’s rights, including right to express themselves. The world is watching!”

It was not clear what impact his intervention would have. Mr Trump’s decision to focus worldwide attention on the protests may discourage the Iranian government from using violence. But the protesters may also be sullied by association with Mr Trump, who is widely unpopular in Iran.

Iranians chant slogans as they march in support of the government near the Imam Khomeini grand mosque in the capital Tehran Credit: HAMED MALEKPOUR/AFP/Getty Images
"The Iranian people see no value in the opportunistic claims by American officials and Mr. Trump,” a foreign ministry spokesman said.

The protests are a wildcard in the complicated political balance between Mr Rouhani, a relative moderate who was re-elected this year as president, and his more hardline political rivals.

Footage from Tehran University with security forces looking on: “Hardliners, reformists, it’s game over!” #Iran #IranProtests

— Holly Dagres (@hdagres) December 30, 2017
While the hardliners may have initially encouraged the demonstrations as a sign of popular discontent with Mr Rouhani’s economic management of Iran, the protests have quickly expanded and taken aim at the core pillars of the Islamic Republic, including the supreme leader.

Mr Rouhani has not yet addressed the protests Credit: Vahid Salemi/AP
Mr Rouhani has made no public comment since demonstrations began on Thursday. Some analysts said he might try to turn the demonstrations to his advantage by promising a more aggressive campaign against corruption in response to the demands from people on the streets.

"The country is facing serious challenges with unemployment, high prices, corruption, lack of water, social gap, unbalanced distribution of budget," said Hesamoddin Ashena, his cultural advisor. "People have the right for their voice to be heard."

One of the popular chants has “No Gaza No Lebanon, My Life for Iran”, an expression of frustration money being spent on Iran’s foreign interventions around the Middle East instead of on domestic programmes.


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2015
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Next stop: China. Man, I'd love for something similar to happen in China, for the communist pigs to fall like a house of cards. The US should focus its efforts 100% on China, though making it happen is a million times harder than in a place like Iran or Egypt.

i think it is almost impossible , because most Chinese do not understand English , their Government control all the social networking websites and other source of Information (propaganda ) , and this is how their Government & police work >>

USA dont have any chance in China .


Senior Member
Jul 4, 2013
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I don't want Iran to be unstable as it has been a fairly supportive of India. But, Khamenehi has been against India on the Kashmir issue. I don't want this "revolution" to be anything more than over throw of Khamenehi.
But looking at the size of protests and all, it looks like it is going to fizzle out soon.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2013
Lets keep the discussion focused on the topic. Is this Iranian revolution or just CIA plot to disrupt the Iranians from syria and focus inside Iran?

I believe it is not a religious awakening, just a protest against the deteriorating economic situation inside iran. The so called nuke deal money is being spent on syria and hezbollah and the educated youth are finding lesser and lesser opportunities.
It's most likely both. Genuine discontent supported ideologically and financially by US-Saudi-Israel camp.

Tactical Frog

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2016
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What is criminal about this regime that other ME nations haven't done??

Sure they are plenty of other criminal regimes. Bashar al Assad tops the list looking at numbers of people killed when he suppressed the democratic Syrian protests of 2011.


Regular Member
Oct 7, 2016
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i think it is almost impossible , because most Chinese do not understand English , their Government control all the social networking websites and other source of Information (propaganda ) , and this is how their Government & police work >>

USA dont have any chance in China .
Nobody predicted the fall of the USSR so swiftly either. The more tightly controlled the state, the more its chance of sudden collapse.

Repression and clampdown and despotism shield the state itself from many of the real dangers it is subject to, making it difficult for it to nip it in the bud.

Single points of failure and incomplete and inaccurate assessments of a state's own condition are always a massive risk - Mr Ajit Doval has some very interesting thoughts to share on this, on how a state's degradation comes from risks that it couldn't quite perceive (his talk starts 9 minutes in).



Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
Senior Member
Jun 5, 2017
Nobody predicted the fall of the USSR so swiftly either. The more tightly controlled the state, the more its chance of sudden collapse.

Repression and clampdown and despotism shield the state itself from many of the real dangers it is subject to, making it difficult for it to nip it in the bud.

Single points of failure and incomplete and inaccurate assessments of a state's own condition are always a massive risk - Mr Ajit Doval has some very interesting thoughts to share on this, on how a state's degradation comes from risks that it couldn't quite perceive (his talk starts 9 minutes in).

Brother is it just Ajit Doval or is there any other people like him in our country.
Because one Ajit Doval can't change this country we'll need thousands of Ajit Doval to prevent the destruction of this country.


Regular Member
Oct 7, 2016
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Brother is it just Ajit Doval or is there any other people like him in our country.
Because one Ajit Doval can't change this country we'll need thousands of Ajit Doval to prevent the destruction of this country.
All I can say is that India is in a far better state than at any other time in the past 70 years when it comes to external and internal threats.

India survived with Sonia in Charge, Chidambaram in Finance Ministry, Omar Abdullah in Kashmir and Jagmohan as its governor. It survived Nehru's spineless stupidity and the hopeless, directionless coalition governments run by illiterates in the 1980s and 90s. It survived a JNU with 100% Kanhaiya population and a Bengal with 100% communist rule in the past.

It is in a better state today on every one of these fronts.

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