India US Relations


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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America can’t afford to lose India’s collaboration. We anchor their whole strategy in Asia. India at some point needs allies and supporters. We have too many hostile neighborhoods. I don’t think America has a problem handing over control to India when their power declines.

the stage is being set for that the same way UK ceded control to USA.

America is a country of astute businessmen, so I'm sure they can make rational deals with anybody.


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Here it's different to argue against a phantom event...
:rofl::rofl:That rabbit hole goes in too deep, bud.

Trust me, you'll really have to do a lot of read-ups and trend following on Twitter, FP, The Diplomat, scour through reams of Indian media articles, reports, NGO papers in the US, American university political summits, etc. to completely understand.

But yeah, I'd love it if Philippines and Vietnam were to join the QUAD initiative. Americans love you and should get you involved here seriously.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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many of those are funded by China too btw. Unicorn funding is a 2 way street, just like trade is. one is not doing the other a favor.
Yep, exactly. Would you rather have Chinese or American investment? Those are the only two meaningful VC communities. So take a pick. Russia can take a hike here. They won’t add any long term strategic value to India. India needs a thriving culture of innovation and step away from Oligarchy and huge familial conglomerates. A free market brings that. For that we need investment and ease of doing business. Less emo baggage and more business and shrewd street smarts.


Senior Member
Mar 2, 2019
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Yep, exactly. Would you rather have Chinese or American investment? Those are the only two meaningful VC communities. So take a pick.
it doesn't appear that the companies receiving it are too fussy about it so it doesn't really matter what you or I think. it is not the point of the discussion either.


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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:rofl::rofl:That rabbit hole goes in too deep, bud.

Trust me, you'll really have to do a lot of read-ups and trend following on Twitter, FP, The Diplomat, scour through reams of Indian media articles, reports, NGO papers in the US, American university political summits, etc. to completely understand.

But yeah, I'd love it if Philippines and Vietnam were to join the QUAD initiative. Americans love you and should get you involved here seriously.

I do my fair share of reading. International relations has been a fun topic for me since when I was very young in the late 80's (last phase of Cold war). But somegow I never made a career out of it.

So I'm wasting time now everytime I post about these matters. :bplease:

As to Quad, I too would love to see our country join amd be relevant in an alliance of democracies.

Optimistic Nihilist

Tihar Jail
Aug 5, 2021
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Oh yeah it takes a spineless person to go to a foreign land, work against all the hurdles placed in their way and overcome those odds and build up wealth to become the most coveted minority group. Doing all that while dealing with an identity crisis and dealing with a conflict of identity. Oh yeah a spineless person can work through all those issues and make a positive image of india with the rest of the world. Why do you think BBC poverty porn doesn’t work anymore; it’s because we busted our ass to improve India’s GDP, brought foreign investment and sent money home while distancing ourselves from close family and friends back in India. Oh yeah it takes a real spineless person to do all that. It takes a lot of spine to spit on other’s success and stay in the environment you are comfortable with trying to rally support from other forum members because you are insecure on where you stand. This trope that Indians who travel abroad are spineless is bullshit. People will go where their efforts translate into results. I personally tried to improve Indian railways with advanced infra tech in 2008 and ran against a wall of corruption. I then shifted my focus to autonomous vehicles and focused on different markets. I’m not going to waste 3 decades of my life trying to educated babus about better policy; I rather focus my time and energy where I can generate value. India has a major brain drain problem. Idiot solve that first; rather than calling people who have India’s interests at heart spineless. Your residency doesn’t give you special rights over me. I can tell you to fuck off because you haven’t seen the world or you don’t have exposure to what it takes to level up India to be dominant like it was before. I will give you a hint, Your simping attitude is not the answer.
Most coveted minority group in whose eyes? Your white masters. Generally, nothing wrong in that per se. But of course, it's never that simple. In exchange, people like you are Americanized and made to believe in the power, grace and glory of Mighty America. Consequently, you people start salivating over America and everything associated with it.

You start sneering and looking down at the "uneducated" brown guys back at home who "bitch about American despotism". No wonder you mentioned an identity crisis, no shit. You are a wannabe white Murican but you definitely have loads of self-loathing within you.

Nothing else explains your repugnant, abusive language when @Cheran was speaking without any insults or abuses. You could not bear to see your dear America, your adopted home to be slandered so and hence you, not anyone, YOU started the abuses and filthy language for us "uneducated Indians who bitch about colonialism and the massacres" our country has had to endure from the people you have accepted as your masters.

Your self-loathing and acceptance of America as your everything has grown to such a level that you cannot tolerate anyone calling out America for its destructive actions and meddling in other nations' affairs. Which is why you feel the need to put your own people down in defense of America.

Again, what positive image did you create? You think you working as a wage slave in a Silicon Valley Company plays any role in the globalists and their paid media changing their tack towards us? You did good for yourself no doubt, don't be so insufferably narcissistic to believe that you working a white-collar job and making money in US actually changes the perception of Imperialist Nations towards us.

What brainwashed Americanized people like you don't understand is that you are doing AMERICA'S BIDDING, not ours. When people like you invest back in India or start funding NGOs here, you do so with the intention of furthering America's interests, not ours. You delude yourselves into thinking you are the most significant guy who is helping India. Far from it. Why, America itself has admitted multiple times that it always uses its money which 95% of the times it goes to NGOs, only and only for carrying out its own foreign policy objectives.

The brain drain, while a matter of utmost concern, is nothing new and certainly is not specific in India. The brain drain is what Europe faced too in the 1930s when Ashkenazi Jews moved in droves to America, taking their wealth and skills with them.

Again, your personal achievements are just that. Personal. Things that you have done which prove your personal capabilities and success in making something of yourself.

But don't delude yourself into thinking that you are the savior and protector of this country. You are, frankly speaking, a puppet. You go to foreign nations, lose your values and traditions, adopt Western identities and culture, and then like a complete useful idiot work towards furthering America's objectives by propping up NGOs and shady organizations here.

As such, it is we, who have to remain here and deal with the malicious evil that you guys fund and promote that have the ultimate say of what we want our nation to become and what is the best path for us. Because unlike you, we have not forgotten our history and what happened to us the last time we sold ourselves to the West. We do not loath ourselves, our people, our traditions or our history.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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Most coveted minority group in whose eyes? Your white masters. Generally, nothing wrong in that per se. But of course, it's never that simple. In exchange, people like you are Americanized and made to believe in the power, grace and glory of Mighty America. Consequently, you people start salivating over America and everything associated with it.

You start sneering and looking down at the "uneducated" brown guys back at home who "bitch about American despotism". No wonder you mentioned an identity crisis, no shit. You are a wannabe white Murican but you definitely have loads of self-loathing within you.

Nothing else explains your repugnant, abusive language when @Cheran was speaking without any insults or abuses. You could not bear to see your dear America, your adopted home to be slandered so and hence you, not anyone, YOU started the abuses and filthy language for us "uneducated Indians who bitch about colonialism and the massacres" our country has had to endure from the people you have accepted as your masters.

Your self-loathing and acceptance of America as your everything has grown to such a level that you cannot tolerate anyone calling out America for its destructive actions and meddling in other nations' affairs. Which is why you feel the need to put your own people down in defense of America.

Again, what positive image did you create? You think you working as a wage slave in a Silicon Valley Company plays any role in the globalists and their paid media changing their tack towards us? You did good for yourself no doubt, don't be so insufferably narcissistic to believe that you working a white-collar job and making money in US actually changes the perception of Imperialist Nations towards us.

What brainwashed Americanized people like you don't understand is that you are doing AMERICA'S BIDDING, not ours. When people like you invest back in India or start funding NGOs here, you do so with the intention of furthering America's interests, not ours. You delude yourselves into thinking you are the most significant guy who is helping India. Far from it. Why, America itself has admitted multiple times that it always uses its money which 95% of the times it goes to NGOs, only and only for carrying out its own foreign policy objectives.

The brain drain, while a matter of utmost concern, is nothing new and certainly is not specific in India. The brain drain is what Europe faced too in the 1930s when Ashkenazi Jews moved in droves to America, taking their wealth and skills with them.

Again, your personal achievements are just that. Personal. Things that you have done which prove your personal capabilities and success in making something of yourself.

But don't delude yourself into thinking that you are the savior and protector of this country. You are, frankly speaking, a puppet. You go to foreign nations, lose your values and traditions, adopt Western identities and culture, and then like a complete useful idiot work towards furthering America's objectives by propping up NGOs and shady organizations here.

As such, it is we, who have to remain here and deal with the malicious evil that you guys fund and promote that have the ultimate say of what we want our nation to become and what is the best path for us. Because unlike you, we have not forgotten our history and what happened to us the last time we sold ourselves to the West. We do not loath ourselves, our people, our traditions or our history.
In my eyes BC. I belong to the richest ethnic group. We got there through hard work and we grabbed these opportunities against the odds stacked against us.

lol, America’s bidding. I don’t answer to anyone. I own my own business and employ locals. So whose bidding am I doing exactly? The Americans did a better job making it easier for me to succeed.

we also employ people in India, doing crucial work in AI and next gen tech.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Yep, exactly. Would you rather have Chinese or American investment? Those are the only two meaningful VC communities. So take a pick. Russia can take a hike here. They won’t add any long term strategic value to India. India needs a thriving culture of innovation and step away from Oligarchy and huge familial conglomerates. A free market brings that. For that we need investment and ease of doing business. Less emo baggage and more business and shrewd street smarts.
It is generally believed that most of Indian investments are India's own cash round tripped thru singapore, mauritius, UAE, cayman islands, cyprus.
Screenshot 2021-12-18 at 12.22.04 PM.png


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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It is generally believed that most of Indian investments are India's own cash round tripped thru singapore, mauritius, UAE, cayman islands, cyprus.
View attachment 126271
These are LPs of American VC funds. The person making investment decisions is an American or Chinese VC not these funds. Lot of the VC funds get money from sovereign wealth funds of different countries that are pooled into a 5-10 billion dollar fund. The biggest ones are SoftBank, Tiger Global and Mubadala.

some sovereign wealth funds invest directly like Temasek from Singapore. But the big investors are from the three funds I mentioned above . Those funds will create the next 500 unicorns of India.

india will be able to bootstrap its VC community once these unicorns receive good exits and create new pool of investors. Until those exits occur, india has to depend on foreign capital to grow.


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
Country flag
In my eyes BC. I belong to the richest ethnic group. We got there through hard work and we grabbed these opportunities against the odds stacked against us.

lol, America’s bidding. I don’t answer to anyone. I own my own business and employ locals. So whose bidding am I doing exactly? The Americans did a better job making it easier for me to succeed.

we also employ people in India, doing crucial work in AI and next gen tech.

Filipinos too in general excel better in the US than in the Philippines. Does the US dictate on where they put their money? I never heard of it.

Optimistic Nihilist

Tihar Jail
Aug 5, 2021
Country flag
In my eyes BC. I belong to the richest ethnic group. We got there through hard work and we grabbed these opportunities against the odds stacked against us.

lol, America’s bidding. I don’t answer to anyone. I own my own business and employ locals. So whose bidding am I doing exactly? The Americans did a better job making it easier for me to succeed.
Lol, exactly. In the end, you have nothing but personal success. Which is always an admirable thing anywhere in the world. But Americans could give less of a shit about you. Your previous replies showed an unbelievable amount of narcissism, with you claiming that you are the reason why the entire international media establishment and governments changed their outlook towards India.

Lmao, don't be stupid now. You are tolerated because you work hard and contribute immensely to America's economy and other nations. But if you seriously believe they give a crap about you, you're in for a rude shock. No matter how hard you may LARP, you're nothing but a brown streetshitting curry eating Indian to them.

Any time, when the tables turn, and you'll be handed over to the mobs where you'll be lynched, just like Asians are sacrificed to appease blacks in America, just like the Japanese were thrown in concentration camps in WW2, and just like you are abused and vilified behind your backs by racists.

Wake up.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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Lol, exactly. In the end, you have nothing but personal success. Which is always an admirable thing anywhere in the world. But Americans could give less of a shit about you. Your previous replies showed an unbelievable amount of narcissism, with you claiming that you are the reason why the entire international media establishment and governments changed their outlook towards India.

Lmao, don't be stupid now. You are tolerated because you work hard and contribute immensely to America's economy and other nations. But if you seriously believe they give a crap about you, you're in for a rude shock. No matter how hard you may LARP, you're nothing but a brown streetshitting curry eating Indian to them.

Any time, when the tables turn, and you'll be handed over to the mobs where you'll be lynched, just like Asians are sacrificed to appease blacks in America, just like the Japanese were thrown in concentration camps in WW2, and just like you are abused and vilified behind your backs by racists.

Wake up.
im saying Indian exceptionalism is the reason that will trigger India’s growth. It’s being recognized in the corporate world. Personal wealth should be a success metric. I don’t like twats telling me my worth and calling me a coolie. If you have a problem with where I live, that’s your personal problem not mine. The narcissist is you right. You are the one who called me a brown coolie, seeking white approval. But you can’t stomach the fact that I don’t fit your trope. It hurt your ego.

india needs to show the world it can do it and stop talking about it. Parts of American culture helped me grow in that way. I lost the VIP mindset, felt free of past inhibitors and focused on rationality and science. I follow a servant leadership style and focus on empowering people. That was the reason for my successful accomplishments; not narcissism and putting others down. Focusing on building yourself up and not putting others down.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
Country flag
These are LPs of American VC funds. The person making investment decisions is an American or Chinese VC not these funds. Lot of the VC funds get money from sovereign wealth funds of different countries that are pooled into a 5-10 billion dollar fund. The biggest ones are SoftBank, Tiger Global and Mubadala.

some sovereign wealth funds invest directly like Temasek from Singapore. But the big investors are from the three funds I mentioned above . Those funds will create the next 500 unicorns of India.

india will be able to bootstrap its VC community once these unicorns receive good exits and create new pool of investors. Until those exits occur, india has to depend on foreign capital to grow.
VC is not the only foreign investment route that is happening in India, last year VC funding is 10 billion hardly 10-15 % of total foreign investment.

don't want to pile up on you, you seem to be engaged in another conversation with other members. we can take this up later.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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VC is not the only foreign investment route that is happening in India, last year VC funding is 10 billion hardly 10-15 % of total foreign investment.

don't want to pile up on you, you seem to be engaged in another conversation with other members. we can take this up later.
Yes, VC funding is the only capital empowering risk takers and non traditional avenues for growth. That catalyst is what India needs for growth. Otherwise we will be stuck with oligarchs and family operated businesses with no avenues for the middle class to achieve that same success without pulling some strings. I see VC funding as a avenue for a penniless college graduate to become the next billionaire / trillionaire in India.

once this cycle repeats often enough; the pool of investors in India can form their own funds and start funding startups domestically and internationally. But the trigger is the exit of startups.

Optimistic Nihilist

Tihar Jail
Aug 5, 2021
Country flag
im saying Indian exceptionalism is the reason that will trigger India’s growth. It’s being recognized in the corporate world. Personal wealth should be a success metric. I don’t like twats telling me my worth and calling me a coolie. If you have a problem with where I live, that’s your personal problem not mine. The narcissist is you right. You are the one who called me a brown coolie, seeking white approval. But you can’t stomach the fact that I don’t fit your trope. It hurt your ego.

india needs to show the world it can do it and stop talking about it. Parts of American culture helped me grow in that way. I lost the VIP mindset, felt free of past inhibitors and focused on rationality and science.
Your personal wealth is a metric of your own success and an individual example of the success of the Indian American community. It is, in no way, the reason why "foreign media establishments and global governments" changed their attitude regarding India. You are not that important, just quite arrogant.

And if you don't wanna be abused, then extend that same courtesy to others. Don't start abusing others and insulting them and then cry later playing victim that someone responded to you in the same vein.

And lol, I am not the narcissist, wasn't me who claimed I am the reason why global media outlets and governments changed their policy towards India. Neither am I out here seeking white approval, you don't see me out here licking America's balls and telling others that they "are bitching about colonialism and genocide". If I was seeking white approval, I would do exactly that.

Your last line pretty much confirms it. You became Americanized, "focused on rationality and science" ie discarded your "irrational" religion and culture that you got from home and adopted Western ones instead. Cool. You do you. Just don't expect us to cater to your whims and smell your farts and call it a rosy wind. Our belief in our values and traditions is our strength, not our weakness like a "rational" American like you might presume.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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Your personal wealth is a metric of your own success and an individual example of the success of the Indian American community. It is, in no way, the reason why "foreign media establishments and global governments" changed their attitude regarding India. You are not that important, just quite arrogant.

And if you don't wanna be abused, then extend that same courtesy to others. Don't start abusing others and insulting them and then cry later playing victim that someone responded to you in the same vein.

And lol, I am not the narcissist, wasn't me who claimed I am the reason why global media outlets and governments changed their policy towards India. Neither am I out here seeking white approval, you don't see me out here licking America's balls and telling others that they "are bitching about colonialism and genocide". If I was seeking white approval, I would do exactly that.

Your last line pretty much confirms it. You became Americanized, "focused on rationality and science" ie discarded your "irrational" religion and culture that you got from home and adopted Western ones instead. Cool. You do you. Just don't expect us to cater to your whims and smell your farts and call it a rosy wind. Our belief in our values and traditions is our strength, not our weakness like a "rational" American like you might presume.
You have a stupid belief that Indian Americans don’t carry values or tradition. You are trying to desperately to put me in a bucket. This has nothing to do with religion. Indians carry a VIP culture they adopted from British Raj. Coming to America helped me decolonize. I don’t consider others beneath me.

your first trope is that Indian Americans forsake culture in order to succeed by sucking up to the white man.

you belittle my worth saying I’m not values here more than a coolie. But that reeks of jealousy.
My response BC is that what is wrong with being a coolie. It’s someone who works hard, makes an honest wage providing a service to others. Looking down on coolies is not Indian culture . It’s what the British Raj used to do. You reek of corruption and look down on merit.

looking down and judging fellow Indians is a mindset weak Indians carried. It’s the same trait British used to divide and conquer Indians. Why can’t you support the Indian American community and instead say; we are there for you if you need us. Your attitude reeks of incompetence and small mindedness.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
Country flag
Yes, VC funding is the only capital empowering risk takers and non traditional avenues for growth. That catalyst is what India needs for growth. Otherwise we will be stuck with oligarchs and family operated businesses with no avenues for the middle class to achieve that same success without pulling some strings. I see VC funding as a avenue for a penniless college graduate to become the next billionaire / trillionaire in India.

in the 80's Japanese used to take these risks, now Americans are taking it, 10-20 years from now Indians may start taking these risks. these are trends, they come and go across time and space. 800 years ago, Indian merchants used to build grand bazaars and temples in arab countries for the towns they did business in, its was an VC investment of that time.

Do the penniless college graduate appreciate VC funding? Yes.
Does the government of India appreciate VC finding ? Yes.
Is it the need of the hour in India? Yes.
Is it a charity being done with goodness from heart? No.
Is it a business model? Yes.
Will the trend change in the future? Yes.

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