India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

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Senior Member
Apr 29, 2020
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Mutually Assured Construction just like on the LAC. Besides, India's OFBs are busy stockpiling ATGMs for each of those guns & bunkers.
ATGM are mostly inducted considering armoured fleet of pla army. They have got approx 40000 armoured vehicle.
These atgms must be for them.
For Pakistan 105 mm and 155 mm rounds are best and are choice weapons of Indian army including Carl Gustav


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
Senior Member
Oct 14, 2020
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imo Bayraktar will not get past SPYDER and other air defenses. Aziris had success because Armenians
really had little to no air defense.
Azeris won because of Loitering munitions and stupid porkies believe that Azerbaijan won only because of Bayraktar TB2s and they have no plans for loitering munitions.
Feb 16, 2009
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how does the cost equation work out? We really need cheap means to bring it down otherwise it will be a case of $1,500,000 Tomahawk trying to destroy a $50 tent.
There are means but I don't want to give details. These drones will be a waste of money for the inbreds and offer little to no purpose except kissing turk ass.


DRDO ready with anti-drone system for armed forces


Senior Member
Apr 14, 2020
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Unlike Armenia, airspace of China, Pakistan and India are heavily defended.. So, Bayraktar won't be very successful.. Especially against important targets with good SAM cover. But, not all areas on loc will have good SAM cover, and there will be a number of Indian Army posts which might stand exposed.. So, these drones even if the weapons are line of sight, will pose a problem.. Also, these drones have a higher probability of spotting and destroying Indian positions before a MANPAD operator spots a drone... But, if all of loc is under integrated Indian radar coverage, cuing about the drone, can be provided to nearest manpad operator.. or better.. since range of Bayraktar is limited.. f**king drop multiple 2000 pounders on the drone base itself.. before they take off.. Naa rahegi baans, naa bajegi basuri
India isreal are collaborating to develop an anti-drone system which would denial drones to an area it would reach to the level of soldiers


Senior Member
Sep 8, 2019
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war planning where?
Plan to go after Afg. governement. Pakis just being Pakis.

Below from TOLO site:-

Pakistan’s intelligence agency has summoned the Taliban’s shadow governors and commanders to wage war in Afghanistan, said Nazar Ali Wahidi, the deputy head of the National Directorate of Security (NDS), Afghanistan's intelligence agency.

However, he said that the Afghan security forces are fully prepared to crush any hostile move by the Taliban if the peace process does not lead to a final conclusion.

“The majority of Taliban governors and military officials have been summoned to Peshawar to prepare for the war,” said Nazar Ali Wahidi, the deputy head of the NDS.

“I wish Pakistan was kind and would help Afghanistan reach peace and move toward development. But Pakistan always thinks of how to kill the Afghans. They have made preparations for war, but we are also ready for it,” added Nazar Ali Wahidi, the deputy head of NDS.

Meanwhile, Afghanistan’s Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Interior said there are credible intelligence reports that the insurgents are trying to take over provincial capitals.
“The enemy is trying to launch new attacks to gain points in the political arena,” said Mohammad Anwar Baripal, deputy minister of interior.

“There are threats against us in the south, in the west and all provinces, we are fully prepared to crush the threats,” said Iqbal Ali Naderi, the first deputy minister of defense.

On Tuesday, the Afghan senate summoned security officials to answer questions about the deteriorating security situation, particularly regarding the surge in casualties among Afghan security forces, and the targeted killings in big cities.

“Everyone wants security, we do not understand why our security institutions have failed to address the security problems, they should explain the reasons behind this,” said senator Mualem Lalagul.
According to the security institutions, over the past 24 hours, 20 provinces of the country have witnessed fighting between the Afghan security forces and the Taliban.


Senior Member
May 28, 2011
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It must be amazing fight between 6.5 foot pathan and 5.5 foot gurkha with khurkri
6.5ft Pathan is a meme.
Yes, Pathans are taller than most other ethnicities in South Asia & subcontinent but the average adult Pathan/Pashtun male is only 5'8" tall at most.

North Europeans are far taller (6 ft average).

Dinkas of South Sudan have potential to be even taller but they are very malnutritioned nowadays.


Senior Member
Apr 6, 2019
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But.. I believe India should also, develop these cheap drones.. Once we achieve air dominance in a war, these drones provide bang for the buck, when it comes to dropping ordnance on enemy positions
Indian army already demonstrated suicide Drone swarms attack on republic day. That was just a demo and lot of improvement with tactics is yet to be refined. just imagine in a war scenario suicide drone swarms on enemy positions... Those are cheap and effective drones.

Rassil Krishnan

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2019
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In that case best of luck to PA- two major policy u-turns coming up. Recognition for Israel (without doing anything more for Palestine) & there is pressure from Saudi & UAE. Second, Bajwa's "bury the past" remark could mean they are coming around to accepting J&K is India.

There is a whole road map which started with implementing the 2003 ceasefire, then IWT, then reinstallation of HCs at respective embassies, start of trade, talks on Kashmir. IK just being a front for PA while earlier with Nawaz there was Uri, Pathankot and countless others- this time since it is backed by PA it might last just a little longer like the bonhomie between ABV/MMS and Musharraf until the latter's ouster.

Foreign terrorists only infiltrate under cover of CFVs- that's my understanding. Whatever action IA sees now is local Ts & OGWs.
i dont think you understand,pakistan is in a rut,pa cannot turn the ship EVEN IF they wanted to.they will have to forcefully deal with the pak peaople which is the real support for the pak state behaviour.boomer right wingers blame the pa army for the terrorists behaviour when this is a grass roots movement,infact it is an age old grass root movement which we all know as islam.they have been been given a code to follow like an npc and the guys will follow it as what else do they have.

and anyway i am sceptical about what any major decision maker in the pak establishment : the real controller PA or the incompetent gov admin can do anything to progress pak state in ways that normal countries do such as in economy,tech,etc.i think it is already too late from a finance,environment,education and population perspective.all other muslim countries admins have atleast something going for them to reverse the islam meme as they are either so decadent like the arab states to promote or fulfill jihad OR have a good enough economy OR have a gov or military history of supressing true fundaamental islamists.pak does not have these conditions and also has a growing population along with some african states and they are nearly failed state too.

they most probably be getting nor here nor there,so if i was a logical member of PA, i would just follow the old trodden path as they have already cast all their chips on gaining kashmir,no point in u turn now.or they are gibing one last hail mary attempt which by my analysis will be atleast be super hard and cause a lot of internal friction with almost no short and medium term benefit(which pak polity is very sensitive to as they focus on that due to the islam and cultural memeplexes) or it will outright fail and blow up in their face(literally).


Golgappe Expert
Oct 2, 2018
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SUPER RARE video of Indian soldiers getting ambushed somewhere around the LOC.
Any clue about when this video was shot ??

*Removed by Mod"
It's obvious the "enemies" already have this content (They have recorded the video).
Chill bro, I upload videos just to clean up my PC's space and not for "likes & views" . I upload them Raw, as they are.
Nothing in that video shows it as Indian army soldiers, or even soldiers. Can as well be a fake video watermarked for propaganda.
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