India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)


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Aug 21, 2021
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1. Committing war crimes never yeilds a positive outcome, unless you are willing to genocide ALL of the targetted community. For reference, see what aam abdul afghans feel about US after suffering war crimes attrocities there for 20 years

2. We are not USA, who can just shit out billions of dollars at will. Your tens of thousands of armed biharis- who btw can't even uproot muslim fanaticism from bihar itself and is seeing border villages being taken over by muslims - will require paisa paisa paisaaaaaaaaa. So where will this funding come from ?

3. Attitudes like this is why the muslims have been able to rule over us for so long while never being more than 10% of the land - hindus lack loyalty and have an 'avatar complex' : either the saviour of hindus has to be sri krishna himself and do the impossible and lift gandhamadhan on pinkie, or its time to backstab them.

This govt has dealt with kashmir terrorism in 6 years better than the preceeding govt has in 25 by an entire order of magnitude - its performance is LITERALLY on par with israel and behind only China in containing a restive province's fanaticism anti-national policies.

So what more do you want ?
We can go full China and even more but that is too much to ask from maulana in chief. Getting money for war and building our own MIC is a whole different discussion and it will take time to happen but has been done so far? Where is Tejas mk2? Why are communist policies still jeopardizing our indegenous fighter jet project when he has a full majority at centre for 8 fucking years.

What he can do today is give his condolences for every dead Kashmiri pandit and Jawan (he made a tweet for jhunjhunwala but not for jawans) and start acknowledging the problem in his speeches instead of random confusing bullshit that means nothing. Indian middle class follows Modi blindly, they banged thalis for him, put up tirangas etc. If he starts calling a spade a spade and starts exposing Muslims openly, half our problem will be solved but what is he doing? He's doing the exact opposite.

He's trying his best to secularise whatever little extremist Hindu population is still left instead of doing the opposite and ensuring that the moderate Hindu never wakes up.

Has he ever openly said that we should start opposing Muslims in the streets? Has he ever given a call to boycott halal economy? Has he ever given monetary support to the Bengali/mallu/Punjabi/Kashmiri Hindus so that they are able to survive despite being a minority?
What is stopping him? Economy? China? UN?

Stop making excuses for maulana 56 and get out of your Stockholm syndrome.


Senior Member
Mar 8, 2022
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We can go full China and even more but that is too much to ask from maulana in chief. Getting money for war and building our own MIC is a whole different discussion and it will take time to happen but has been done so far? Where is Tejas mk2? Why are communist policies still jeopardizing our indegenous fighter jet project when he has a full majority at centre for 8 fucking years.
Are you high ? You want a democracy to go full 'autocracy of 75 years'. How exactly ?

What he can do today is give his condolences for every dead Kashmiri pandit and Jawan (he made a tweet for jhunjhunwala but not for jawans) and start acknowledging the problem in his speeches instead of random confusing bullshit that means nothing. Indian middle class follows Modi blindly, they banged thalis for him, put up tirangas etc. If he starts calling a spade a spade and starts exposing Muslims openly, half our problem will be solved but what is he doing? He's doing the exact opposite.
Because he isnt a dumb 20 year old with more josh than hosh. The moment he does that, the collective west + arab world will go 'i told you so, hindu hitler fascist mudi', leading to a massive flight of capital from India and going back to the 'hindu rate of growth' of 50s-80s.

He's trying his best to secularise whatever little extremist Hindu population is still left instead of doing the opposite and ensuring that the moderate Hindu never wakes up.
That is because he KNOWS that if you talk the talk, you are toast. Our enemies have more money than us, they have more tech than us. The ONLY thing they do not have is control of our land and populace.
You want them to have that too. brilliant.

Has he ever openly said that we should start opposing Muslims in the streets? Has he ever given a call to boycott halal economy? Has he ever given monetary support to the Bengali/mallu/Punjabi/Kashmiri Hindus so that they are able to survive despite being a minority?
What is stopping him? Economy? China? UN?

Stop making excuses for maulana 56 and get out of your Stockholm syndrome.
stop making suicidal requests and use your brain.
India cannot shed its image as extremely corrupt and labyrinthine beuroracy only to be 'fascist extremist' and scare away business.

What you need to do, is look at the results - since Modi has come to power, Kashmiri stone pelters is history. Kashmir's terrorism problem is at same incidents per year rate as israel- the most successful democracy in containing secessionist terrorism.

As i said, kids like you are a good example of why we have been conquered by the enemy - you expect magic miracles and will backstab your saviour, simply because he is not ram avatar and you want ram avatar.


Senior Member
Mar 8, 2022
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Makes sense.

Also, do you truly believe that Saudi-Iran can't make peace?

I can understand them having small conflicts but do you really think they'll sacrifice all the material wealth they've amassed over decades over sectarian conflicts instead of making peace?
As someone who's spent (and still spending) extensive time in the gulf, the short answer is yes.
The long answer is mired in geopolitics, history, sectarianism in islam but long story short, the only peaceful solution for saudi vs iran is surrendering to Iran in the long run and letting Iran dictate policy. Which, as a nation who's entire basis of existence is ' official leader of islam and protector of its holiest cities', is worse than being gang-raped by marg-bar-amrikka and its chamchaas.

cereal killer

Senior Member
May 14, 2020
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Saw the J&K BJP chef's bol bachchan on TV & honestly that idiot needs to be deported to the valley with zero security. That guy has only two lines Pakistan & kadi ninda. Abe ghonchu sarkar teri hai... Whole state BJP has looted millions in corruption along with anti national PDP.
Rahul Bhatt's father is ripping them apart saying things had improved in last decade or so... And this feels like back to the dreaded 90's.


Senior Member
Mar 8, 2022
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They can't. Iran's invested too much into the dream of ruling over the ME and it's not unrealistic.
It has a really defendable terrain, lots of oil, the best port placements, okayish demographics and some REAL strategic depth on it's surrounding countries (Iranian sponsored militias who fought ISIS back in 2017 are now bigwig members of Iraqi Parliament).
Iran's main strength is their intel agencies.
The way they've created and sponsored Hezbollah, PMUs and Assad friendly militias should be a case study on hybrid warfare and even under sanctions, they've managed to sustain a MIC, surprisingly few domestic terrorist incidents and frequently project power across the continent without getting complacent regarding their own weaknesses, keep trying to develop nukes and have full political support on what must've seemed like a national suicide by launching missiles at US bases before it was done.

They have the capability AND the intent.

I'm not saying they'll necessarily realize their dream but there's no doubt in my mind that they'll try.

Saudis are Saudis. They'll get slaughtered if an ally doesn't step in.
I'm sure some allies will step in but the resulting war would wreck their fragile economy.
Iran, on the other hand, has little to lose in terms of economy after being under US sanctions and FATF blacklist for.. I don't even remember how long.
iran also has good understanding of the great game called geo-politics and have a long vision they stick to - something even india does not ( at least, not at local level).

for eg, Iran has already began to address their biggest vulnerability by doing the unthinkable ( geopolitically) : allying with Turkey.
ndeed, Iran vs Turkey ( or rather, the power that is based around Turkey) has been a long-standing tussle from LITERALLY 300s AD ( when Roman power shifted to constantinople) till 1700s AD ( When Iran became too weak to counter the Ottomans).
Why has Iran allied with Turkey, when realistically, turkey is its ONLY main rival for long term regional dominance ?

The answer, is the Azeris : Azeris are turks, the largest minority in Iran, with significant numbers to boot ( 20-25% of Iran is azeri) and a handshake with Turkey buys them time and goodwill from any potential turkish irridentism.
(For turkey, the sweetener is, what Turkey can do to Iran via the Azeris, Iran can do, to a lesser extent, via the Kurds, who are an Iranic people).

So for now, Iran has its ' home in order'.


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2021
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Fuck Modi, I don't understand why we aren't going full attack mode on them. Everyone is calling Hindus fascist and the next Nazis,we might as well become it. We should start sending thousands of Hindus from UP and
Hindus are accused of being genocidal, yet the only places where a real genocide has taken place are guess where- Kashmir, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Looking beyond the subcontinent, Darfur, Iran and Turkey during the Ottoman Empire( i.e against the Armenians et al). It's as if guilt for genocide is being transferred to Hindus, to relieve the guilt of others, or to shift the focus away from the real perpetrators.


Regular Member
Aug 21, 2021
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Are you high ? You want a democracy to go full 'autocracy of 75 years'. How exactly ?

Because he isnt a dumb 20 year old with more josh than hosh. The moment he does that, the collective west + arab world will go 'i told you so, hindu hitler fascist mudi', leading to a massive flight of capital from India and going back to the 'hindu rate of growth' of 50s-80s.

That is because he KNOWS that if you talk the talk, you are toast. Our enemies have more money than us, they have more tech than us. The ONLY thing they do not have is control of our land and populace.
You want them to have that too. brilliant.

stop making suicidal requests and use your brain.
India cannot shed its image as extremely corrupt and labyrinthine beuroracy only to be 'fascist extremist' and scare away business.

What you need to do, is look at the results - since Modi has come to power, Kashmiri stone pelters is history. Kashmir's terrorism problem is at same incidents per year rate as israel- the most successful democracy in containing secessionist terrorism.

As i said, kids like you are a good example of why we have been conquered by the enemy - you expect magic miracles and will backstab your saviour, simply because he is not ram avatar and you want ram avatar.
I'm sorry for asking someone to do better so that Islamists don't come to kill me or my children. I should rather spend my time learning beef recipes to please our Muslim overlords seeing how BJPtards are afraid to even openly say that Muslims are the problem let alone fighting them.

You are the biggest example of the damage Modi has done to Hindu brains. We did completely give up our fight and expected Modi to fight it for us, but instead of calling him out now that he had failed, stockholm syndrome has set in and we are waiting for the ultimate Masterstroke.

Wake up my friend, Dear leader is not even defending his own party workers how do you expect him to defend you?


Senior Member
Mar 8, 2022
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I'm sorry for asking someone to do better so that Islamists don't come to kill me or my children. I should rather spend my time learning beef recipes to please our Muslim overlords seeing how BJPtards are afraid to even openly say that Muslims are the problem let alone fighting them.
When Israel & China themselves do not openly condemn Islam and Muslims, why should we ? we are fighting them- which is why terrorism in Kashmir is at an alltime low.

You are the biggest example of the damage Modi has done to Hindu brains. We did completely give up our fight and expected Modi to fight it for us, but instead of calling him out now that he had failed, stockholm syndrome has set in and we are waiting for the ultimate Masterstroke.
No, i do not give up the fight, but i am not into dumb shyte ideas that yeilds zero positive results and 100 times worse negative results.
How has he failed, when India is objectively the SAFEST since 1989 from islamic terrorism ? First answer that question, then we can discuss what to do with the said 'failure', if you can form a coherent argument as to why or how it is a failure.

Wake up my friend, Dear leader is not even defending his own party workers how do you expect him to defend you?
Again, read the above and stop having nonsensical fantasies that hurt hindus more than helps us. Openly condemning islam and muslims, at this point in world history will insanely hurt Indian interests, which are hindu interests. The west and the middle east wont do business with you. Which means poverty. Which means, staying under chrislamic thumb.


Senior Member
Mar 8, 2022
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I'm sorry for asking someone to do better so that Islamists don't come to kill me or my children. I should rather spend my time learning beef recipes to please our Muslim overlords seeing how BJPtards are afraid to even openly say that Muslims are the problem let alone fighting them.

You are the biggest example of the damage Modi has done to Hindu brains. We did completely give up our fight and expected Modi to fight it for us, but instead of calling him out now that he had failed, stockholm syndrome has set in and we are waiting for the ultimate Masterstroke.

Wake up my friend, Dear leader is not even defending his own party workers how do you expect him to defend you?
Learn from your enemies/adversaries. Are you old enough to've followed politics in the 90s ? If so you should know tht ALL china did through the 90s is say 'velly solly, we are tying to be better, gib us time plz to become like u awesome westoids' naara, while getting rich. Only from around 2009 did they start to open their yap.

The lesson is : first get rich, then make threats. We are in a civilisational stuggle. My objective is preservation and propagation of dharmic ideologies - whether its hinduism, buddhism or jainism, i do not care. and if that means having patience do stfu for another 20 years till we are 10-15 trillion economy before opening our yaps, that is good.


Senior Member
Mar 8, 2022
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Agree, India and Hindus should pick their fights judiciously. The problem is subcontinental Islam, Pakistani supported terrorism, the Taliban and some funding from the Gulf. Holding this position should not harm India and Hindus.
No. the problem is islam. But learn from China and first get rich and powerful, before trying to pick a fight with those who are more powerful than you. Hindus have not learnt that lesson for a 1000 years.

Flying Dagger

Senior Member
Sep 26, 2019
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Modi is PR genius

Ek bhi ATAGS ka order nahi hua abhi tak

But making headlines by including ATAGS in "21 topon ki salami" on 15th August 🤣

I am a staunch supporter... but now I am feeling nauseated by his shameless attitude & complete lack of sophistication... ulti aa rahi hai

It's not a finished project yet.... That's why. It's induction is confirmed though sooner or later.

Dhanush to induct ho rahe hain. Congress hoti to yeh projects bhi nahi hote.


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2021
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No. the problem is islam. But learn from China and first get rich and powerful, before trying to pick a fight with those who are more powerful than you. Hindus have not learnt that lesson for a 1000 years.
Makes sense, though India cannot be called weak, with ICBMs, nuclear weapons, nuclear submarines, two aircraft carriers, a growing economy, investments all over the place and 1.4 billion people. But Hindus and India are outnumbered, that is for certain. There are more than 50 Moslem majority countries, whereas there are only 3 with a Hindu majority, India, Nepal and Mauritius( the last one very shaky since there are Moslems and Christians among the Indian origin population).

Love Charger

Senior Member
Oct 9, 2021
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Thand rakhiye doctor saab, kyuki sab changa si .
Fuck Modi, I don't understand why we aren't going full attack mode on them. Everyone is calling Hindus fascist and the next Nazis,we might as well become it. We should start sending thousands of Hindus from UP and Bihar to the most radical areas of J and K with licensed machine guns and very basic training and let them take matters into their own hands. There is no point in seducing Kashmiri Muslims into believing in India, Muslims of Indian descent always live in Pakistan. It doesn't matter if they live in Pakistan the geographical entitiy, Kashmir or anywhere in India. Every single Muslim will try his best to destroy the Hindu identity of India whenever he gets the opportunity, no matter where he lives or what he does. Our 56 inch breast is busy distributing laptops, scholarships and keeping Kashmiri Muslims alive.

Article 370 cannot be abolished in the parliament, article 370 still exists because Kashmir is Muslim majority. It will truly be abolished when Kashmir becomes Hindu majority, these low lives immediately become docile when their population becomes less than 25%. What Amit Shah and Modi did in the parliament on 5/8/19 meant nothing unless it is backed on the ground with radical changes. Why did we even cut their internet for so long? During the Internet cut we should have commited war crimes that would have put the fear of lord Shiva in them, so that they wouldn't dare to do another attack. They should have been beaten, tortured, killed mercilessly and shell shocked by the sheer amount of violence that Rashtriya rifles commited against them that they never would have thought about touching another Hindu. But what we actually did was Masterstroke intelligence operations and masterstroke encounters following Geneva convention to kill a couple dozen disposable terrorists. We might as well gift Kashmir valley to Pakistan and save some Indian army lives if we are going to waste or time following rules because they are not following these rules.

Love Charger

Senior Member
Oct 9, 2021
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We can go full China and even more but that is too much to ask from maulana in chief. Getting money for war and building our own MIC is a whole different discussion and it will take time to happen but has been done so far? Where is Tejas mk2? Why are communist policies still jeopardizing our indegenous fighter jet project when he has a full majority at centre for 8 fucking years.

What he can do today is give his condolences for every dead Kashmiri pandit and Jawan (he made a tweet for jhunjhunwala but not for jawans) and start acknowledging the problem in his speeches instead of random confusing bullshit that means nothing. Indian middle class follows Modi blindly, they banged thalis for him, put up tirangas etc. If he starts calling a spade a spade and starts exposing Muslims openly, half our problem will be solved but what is he doing? He's doing the exact opposite.

He's trying his best to secularise whatever little extremist Hindu population is still left instead of doing the opposite and ensuring that the moderate Hindu never wakes up.

Has he ever openly said that we should start opposing Muslims in the streets? Has he ever given a call to boycott halal economy? Has he ever given monetary support to the Bengali/mallu/Punjabi/Kashmiri Hindus so that they are able to survive despite being a minority?
What is stopping him? Economy? China? UN?

Stop making excuses for maulana 56 and get out of your Stockholm syndrome.
Doctor sahab to kya karein
Modi better than others wala point valid hai . And Tina option abhi bhi valid hai sadly

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