India Launched Surgical Strikes Across LoC: DGMO 29/09/2016


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
Country flag
200 crore Public money wasted. Great strategy.
Let me try and put a positive spin to your statement.

That's 200 crores of additional business and govt gets additional tax revenue.

That's the beauty of "business of war". Anything that gets destroyed gets to be rebuilt. Except for human lives of course.

I would rather be worried about loss of academic days to the students.

Navnit Kundu

Pika Hu Akbarrr!!
Senior Member
Mar 22, 2016

Came back from the FINS meeting/public-dialogue with Parrikar yesterday. Here is my short review. There were not many objective facts that were revealed, over and above what the forum members already know. One thing that I remember is that he said that the narrative of an 'underfunded and resource starved' Indian army that lacks bullet proof vests and equipment is a hoax created by foreign defense lobbies (and domestic opposition parties) who want to ride the Indian nationalistic opinion to build pressure on the government to buy whatever small arms they are selling. Parrikar clearly stated that earlier the allocation to local commanders was 100 crores, when Parrikar became defense minister, he increased it to 400 crores. This can be used by the commander to buy all small arms, guns, bullets, mortars, helmets, bullet proof vests, anything short of artillery and big radars. The local commander has also been delegated the authority to buy whatever equipment he wants from whichever company he wants, to provide whatever kit he wants to his soldiers so there is no issue of an impediment to buying vests, so it is requested to all to stop giving oxygen to the hype of 'underfunded army' caricature.

Parrikar also said, when asked about veteran medical facilities, that he personally looks into issues relating to veteran medical care. Someone asked why the veterans are made to go through PSU hospitals and not allowed to go through private hospitals, he said that there is a fear that the private hospitals will make the patients undergo all unnecessary tests just to squeeze money from the taxpayer. But he assured that any complaint made against any PSU hospital which deals with veteran medical care goes straight to Parrikar and he personally 'deals' with it. He is involved in improving the conditions of the hospitals and he narrated an incident where a particular hospital was providing fake medical bills and claiming remuneration on behalf of a veteran who was already dead, so that hospital's licence was immediately cancelled.

Parrikar also narrated a recent incident when an Indian naval ship had docked at Italian port and there were thousands of Italian locals gathered to welcome our navy. Everyone was stumped as to how they came to know and why they came to meet the naval fleet of a country which does not find any prominent positive mention in Italian news. It was revealed that during the world war then the war ended and Mussolini was defeated, the soldiers were leaderless and went berserk, looting and raping local Italians. That time an Indian regiment was tasked to capture and hold ground there, and they made sure that the looting and raping stopped, so the old people who remembered that incident had come to pay respect to the Indian military.

Rest of the things he said were all anecdotal, in his typical Parrikar style, he described how the bad mess food at IIT Bombay has allowed him to be able to digest any food anywhere in the world. He described how smart phones can be tapped by the adversary to make them broadcast voice through the microphone without the owner of the phone knowing about it, so he keeps all electronic devices 20 feet away whenever he talks about any sensitive issue.

When asked about whether India should boycott Chinese products from Indian markets, he said that we are a part of WTO and we cannot legally ban Chinese products, as it would violate the treaty and invite penalties, but he said "As a government, we cannot do that, but as citizens, if you chose to voluntarily not spend your money on Chinese products then...well..samajhdar ko ishara kafi"

When asked about his lack of dressing sense, he curtly said "My lack of dressing sense? have you seen how the previous defense ministers used to dress?". To that, the whole hall burst out laughing.

One peripheral thing that I noticed that got on my nerves was, and I need to mention it, as it is as important, if not more, than the event itself, and that is the fact that while travelling towards the lecture hall, I saw Mount Carmel Church on the way, and outside it was written in big bold letters "can surgical strikes cure the brain dead, feed the weak and sick?". That incensed me to no bounds. I don't want to make it communal but given that it was posted right on the main gate (without any protest from any member of that community) on a day our soldiers were battling terrorists hidden in the skill development building in Pampore, shows the narrow minded mindset of the whole community, not just the dean who wrote the message with deliberate malicious intent. If at all any of you encounter any people asking for charity for such organizations, please desist from parting with your hard earned money, at any costs. They are not deserving of even 1 rupee worth of respect, and they have the gall to lecture others from their high horse.
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Senior Member
Feb 26, 2010
Thanks for the write up on the RM's visit and interaction at FINS. It's evident that things are moving but will take time to become evident.

One peripheral thing that I noticed that got on my nerves was, and I need to mention it, as it is as important, if not more, than the event itself, and that is the fact that while travelling towards the lecture hall, I saw Mount Carmel Church on the way, and outside it was written in big bold letters "can surgical strikes cure the brain dead, feed the weak and sick?"
You should have taken a pic and posted it on SM. If you find that the message is still up, could you do that? The message needs to be spread far and wide.

Navnit Kundu

Pika Hu Akbarrr!!
Senior Member
Mar 22, 2016
Thanks for the write up on the RM's visit and interaction at FINS. It's evident that things are moving but will take time to become evident.

You should have taken a pic and posted it on SM. If you find that the message is still up, could you do that? The message needs to be spread far and wide.
I was in a moving vehicle. Just glanced and before I could even think of taking a pic, there was a turn. But the malicious nature of the message was quite evident. BJP Mumbai leader Ashsih Shelar was standing right there, chatting with people when I reached the destination. I thought of bringing it to his notice but there was media crowd, later he was felicitated by Parrikar for organizing the hall and other things at short notice, there were posters all over Bandra announcing the arrival of Parrikar for a dialogue regarding the surgical strikes. Now, if we assume that these posters were posted 2 days before the event, then these Church people must have read it and immediately come up with a snarky message to discredit the achievements of the army. One does not spontaneously decide to put up a message of a deeply political nature on the front of a major, massive and popular church without the connivance of the dean there.

Can't even imagine what kind of filthy mindset one needs to have to mock their own country like this. While coming back, I saw many Muslim folks distributing sherbat to all people after their religious gatherings on account of Moharram. None of them was uncomfortable with the fact that the highest authority in the defense matrix of the nation was addressing a meeting just a few feet away, but the Christians, they just couldn't let it pass without throwing muck at it in one way or the other. So they put up a large message in big yellow block letters outside the Church.


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2010
^^ Even if you have no pics, for those with a twitter account, maybe it's a good idea to circulate this info over the web that how Mount Carmel Church in Bandra (I assume) is displaying Pakistaniyat. People would be better off knowing this perfidy.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015
Please suggest the correct strategy.
This time they have perfect intelligence of no hostage inside the building then why 60 hours apart from 200 crore building almost destroyed.

Just for Two poorly trained Jihadis

I like old school RR ops


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2010
This time they have perfect intelligence of no hostage inside the building then why 60 hours apart from 200 crore building almost destroyed.

Just for Two poorly trained Jihadis

I like old school RR ops
Saawdhaani hati, durghatna ghati

You should know that lives of our soldiers are more valuable than brick and mortar. We lost 3 para commandos and 2 CRPF jawaans in the encounter in the same building in Feb 2016.

In an ambush situation, even a poorly trained piglet with nothing to lose, can be dangerous. How many lives have we lost in vain because of rushing into things?

Navnit Kundu

Pika Hu Akbarrr!!
Senior Member
Mar 22, 2016
the excellent extension 'FB Purity', does it do the same thing?
Yes, it is a CSS injector which allows the end user to tweak how the site appears after even after it has been rendered. It is for FB only. I use a generic CSS injector as it allows me to add custom CSS to all sites I browse. The browser extension I use is called Stylebot, it has been made by a fellow Indian app developer. Really cool app.


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2016
India’s New Pre-Emptive Action and Equivalent Retaliation (PAER) Strategy

Ashish Sirsikar


Most people see India’s recent surgical strikes as retaliation and an avenging of the Uri terror attack. While there is some truth in this, it is not the complete truth. India has been sufferingacts of terror for two and a half decades on account of Pakistan’s strategy of bleeding India by ‘a thousand cuts’. During the said period, while the Kashmir Valley has always been kept on a boil with regular incidents of terror being principally aimed at the security forces, other parts of India have also borne the brunt of terror in the form of the Mumbai and Parliament attacks besides others.

While Pakistan has been single mindedly following its strategy of bleeding India to a supposed death, India has been suffering silently without undertaking any strategy of note. Hence, for Rawalpindi (Islamabad does not factor into any Pak strategy of note), Uri was supposed to be just another one of the thousand cuts which would throw India into another round of endless debates, threats, coercion but result in nothing that would hurt Pakistan (read Pakistan Army).

What happened in India post Uri was unexpected and hence Uri should be considered as a watershed moment in both, India’s reaction to Pak sponsored terror and Pak’s cavalier approach to sponsoring terror without fear of retribution. The attack and Pakistan’s continued denial despite being provided with conclusive proof regarding its hand in the Uri terror attack, left India with no option but to jettison its so called strategy of strategic restraint which was invariably being read in Pakistan as a sign of weakness and an incapability of taking strong effective actions. In all probability, the result appears to be the emergence of India’s new strategy of ‘Pre-emptive Action and Equivalent Retaliation’ (PAER). This strategy stems from an understanding that:-

  1. as concerns terrorism emanating from Pakistan, those conducting it on Pakistan’s behalf cannot be said to be ‘Non State Actors’ but instead these are ‘Deep State Sponsored Actors’;
  2. purely diplomatic strategy involving only coercions and threats would not work, it would have to be supported by tangible effective actions in the military domain; and,
  3. elimination of terrorists would not solve the problem but the credibility of the ‘Deep State’” would have to be undermined.
With such an understanding, this strategy works towards resolving these factors by involving all instruments of national power, with military being only one of the options. Hence, only seeing the recent surgical strikes as being an avenging of Uri is not seeing the full picture. While, surgical strikes are tangible actions seen by us and felt by Pakistan, they are in essence an integral part of the PAER strategy and thus work in tandem with other instruments of state.

Evidently, from the fateful day that the Deep State Sponsored Actors undertook the Uri terror attack, India commenced its PAER strategy by taking diplomatic actions which worked towards isolation of Pakistan, sensitizing the global environment about India’s right for equivalent reactions and rightfully calling for labelingof Pakistan as a terrorist state. Hence, whilst Rawalpindi felt it was business as usual, India was getting its time right by taking the above diplomatic actions. Once the time was right (remember the Indian DGMO saying “We reserve the right to respond at the time and place of our choosing”) the Indian Army undertook surgical strikes at a place which it deemed to be right. These places being terrorist launch pads which contained terrorists awaiting infiltration, post which, they would have committed further acts of terror. Thus India’s PAER strategy sends two signals, firstly, each Pak cut will be met with an equivalent response, and secondly, India can and will take pre-emptive actions. It will not wait for the next cut but will blunt the knife before it is wielded!

From what has happened over the last fortnight it would be fair to say that this strategy appears to be a well thought out one with the backing of a strong political will. Further, the fine-tuned orchestration between various organs of the state is also an extremely heartening thing to see. Besides India’s PAER strategy, what has thrown Pakistan into a bigger logjam is that, post the surgical strikes, India has claimed responsibility for the same and kept the world informed about the strikes (so much so that, the Indian DGMO even informed his counterpart the Pak DGMO about them). Ideally, Pakistan would have liked India to execute the surgical strikes as covert operations so that it could have carried on its own covert activities of sponsoring terror without being burdened with the response of an overt response. That not being the case, Pakistan is now in a bind. For the moment though, it has carried on along expected lines by denying that the surgical strikes ever took place (akin to refusing to accept the bodies of their own soldiers post Kargil operations). Further as per the same script, they have also engaged in malicious false propaganda claiming death and capture of Indian soldiers during the said surgical strike.

However, Pakistan’s past record shows that there would be a response sooner than later. Hence, what does India do in response? Before delving into the same it is important to put to rest the belief that India’s surgical strikes have put things in an escalatory mode. Such a thinking is absurd as it rests on the assumption that while Pakistan goes about its merry way of conducting acts of terror through its proxy actors, India has to behave in a supposed mature manner by limiting itself to diplomatic reactions and that too of the benign kind. Why? Because, if India undertakes a military response across the Line of Control (LoC), then the escalatory ladder would be activated and Pakistan would use its Tactical Nuclear Weapon that it has been brandishing all along. Deduction: While Pakistan keeps delivering its thousand cuts, India has to suffer silently as the onus of escalation rests on it. Guess what, India’s Uri response has called this bluff too!!

Pakistan is most likely to respond by continuing its strategy of proxy war albeit by attempting fidayeen strikes which are more sensational. It could also attempt firing and shelling at the LoC or International Border (IB). In response to the same, India has to resolutely stick to its PAER strategy. Doing so involves employing all the instruments available to the state. On the diplomatic front, working towards labeling Pakistan as a terrorist state is of the foremost priority and has to be undertaken with the understanding that it is a long drawn process which will yield results in the long run. Further, global isolation of Pakistan in concert with the world, and more importantly the countries suffering Pakistan sponsored terrorism is to continue unabated. Both these actions are well underway and credit to the Government is in order for them. It is important to understand that both these diplomatic actions are a part of India’s Preemptive Action strategy which is not restricted to the Military domain only and hence have to be seen as such. Besides these, other diplomatic actions such as rethinking of the Indus Water Treaty and working towards the denial ofeconomic doles that Pakistan has been receiving for ages have to be consistently attempted as Pakistan cannot be comfortably allowed to pursue its India centric policies without paying the price for them.

As concerns the military domain, India’s military options should involve pre-determined responses. As is well known, no terrorist infiltration from Pakistan is undertaken without the complete support of the Pakistani posts on the LoC. There is also no doubt that the terrorists undertaking terror attacks in India are supported morally and physically by Pakistan. Hence, they should be made to pay a price for the support that they are extending. Post any infiltration attempt, successful or not, the Pakistani post which has facilitated the same should be well taken care off by putting sufficient TNT on it to send home the requisite message. As regards fidayeen attacks, there is absolutely no doubt that the fidayeen attacks attempted against security installations would be repulsed professionally (as was proven by the recent failed fidayeen attack against the security camps at Baramulla). However, knowing the desperation of the Pakistan Army to preserve its primacy in Pakistan, such attacks would recur and the Indian security forces would do well not to lower their guard.

That said, post any infiltration attempt or fidayeen attack, India should continue to keep the option of surgical strikes at a time and place of our choosing open. Such surgical strikes cannot be seen as a one off option only as it sends a message that they were attempted for visual effect only, with no real intent in them. A continuing of such surgical strikes would certainly deter any infiltration and fidayeen attack as these would then come with animmediate tangible price. It is also important to note that, the military domain involves a wide spectrum of actions of which, the above actions constitute effective responses taken at the lower end of the spectrum. Thus every time, they cannot and need not be approved at the highest level but should rather be to left to the discretion of the defence forces hierarchy. Further, though certain quarters believe such actions would lead to a limited war being initiated by Pakistan, the chances of the same are remote on account of the Pakistan Army having its hand full and thus being incapable of attempting any misadventure of this kind. Also as in the recent past, Pakistan resorting to moving some of its forces from its western borders (which were deployed for counter-insurgency operations) to its eastern borders, worsens their situation even more as the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) now gets a better opportunity to take on the depleted Pakistan Army. As regards Pakistan choosing to violate the ceasefire outside of J&K, it does so as its own risk for it would get an immediate befitting reply in the same kind.

India is a responsible power which is interested in economic development for the betterment of its people. To achieve this it would ideally like a peaceful neighbourhood. However this does not mean that India has to suffer Pakistan’s strategy of a thousand cuts silently, mutely and reactively any more.

While escalation is not in the benefit of both India and Pakistan, holding India responsible for maintaining the escalatory ladder at all costs to include an unending loss of lives of its citizens, is not justifiable by any count. While employing all the options available to it, India has to proactively and equivalently react to every cut that Pakistan tries to inflict on it. Pakistan has to be made to pay the price for every cut that it tries to inflict on India. While for the moment India’s evolving PAER strategy is doing exactly this,it has to be ensured that the strategy staysin place as long as Pakistan persists with its policy of a thousand cuts.

Before concluding though, a word of caution would be in order. While India pursues such a strategy that would be in its best interests, we could well do without any chest beating and war mongering about the same for, actions should always speak louder than words.

aditya g

Senior Member
Jan 14, 2014
Country flag
Let's not create the artificial sense of urgency. This expectation creates undue pressure on people on the ground.

Strategy to starve and tire out bottled up terrorists is a sound one.

Furthermore, We don't know if the forces on ground had the equipment and training to storm the compound.

This time they have perfect intelligence of no hostage inside the building then why 60 hours apart from 200 crore building almost destroyed.

Just for Two poorly trained Jihadis

I like old school RR ops


Regular Member
Jul 5, 2015

Name of Poster is JUST TELL TRUTH....

:D :D :D :D :D ....

Turth in pak paid big cost.... see dawn ..jurnalist blaklist to go out of pakistan...
jurnalist scare that he wilbe dead also. ..if nobudy protect me aginst.. isi and pak army..

ur name should be JUTH ONLY JUTH..


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Russian Flamethrower ‘Shmel’ Spearheaded Surgical Strikes

When India’s Special Forces crossed the Line of Control (LoC) on the night of September 28, they attacked the terrorist camps with a variety of deadly weapons. According to investigative reporter and author Vicky Nanjappa, the commandos destroyed their targets with grenade launchers, rocket launchers and Shmel infantry flamethrowers.

Two days after the Uri attack, the Intelligence Bureau signalled to the army that it had picked up chatter which suggested that a big batch of terrorists would be moving closer to the LoC, says Nanjappa. The armed forces wanted the big batch to move in completely before launching this strike. One officer said there was no point in crossing the LoC and just destroying the launch pads. They would have built new ones immediately.

“Our intention was to inflict maximum damage and we wanted to snuff out their lives," the officer pointed out.:clap2:
The Indian Army first targeted terror training camps up to 20 km deep inside Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) with heavy artillery. The terrorists scattered under the surprise artillery fire and took shelter in launching pads along the LoC.:clap2:

The Special Forces commandos then entered PoK.
From the get-go, the LoC strike was a take-no-prisoners mission. “The forces were told to just hit them and return,” says Nanjappa. The weapons were chosen to inflict the maximum casualties possible. Instead of using their assault rifles, the Indian commandos opened fire with rocket launchers and Shmel flamethrowers from the moment they came within range of these camps.:clap2:

The Russian made ‘Shmel’ has the effect of a mini nuclear weapon and is designed to pulverize its target. The word flamethrower is in fact a misnomer because it is not a flame spewing weapon.

The Shmel fires a ‘thermobaric’ warhead which works by dispersing a highly flammable fuel vapor, then igniting this cloud while it hangs over the target. The resulting blast generates a 3000-degree Celsius fireball that not only causes powerful burns but also a high pressure shockwave that sucks out all the oxygen an area of 50 square metres outdoors and 80 cubic meters indoors.

In each of the terrorist launch pads across the LoC, there were around five terrorists. Many of them would have been shredded to bits in their sleep. Those in the vicinity of the explosion would have suffered horrendous internal injuries from the compression. Even for a jihadist terrorist prepared for a one-way suicide mission, it is an incredibly unpleasant way to go.:pound::pound:

Soviet and Russian troops who used the weapon in Afghanistan and Chechnya often talk about how a thermobaric shell blast inside a one-story stone house would literally throw the entire roof into the air. A direct hit on a light armoured vehicle or personnel carrier is also guaranteed to knock it out. The Afghan Mujahidin referred to the Shmel as “Shaitan’s (the Devil’s) Pipe”.

According to Nanjappa, the Lashkar-e-Taiba may have lost at least 20 of its terrorists in the strike while 18 belonged to the Jaish-e-Mohammad. There are other media reports that say much larger numbers of terrorists and Pakistan Army soldiers may have perished.

The number of enemy casualties in the raid will never be known because as is the Pakistan Army’s habit, it would have hidden the dead bodies. Most likely, bulldozers would have been used to remove all evidence. During the 1999 Kargil War, the Indian Air Force attacked the Northern Light Infantry troop concentrations, resulting in hundreds of dead Pakistani soldiers. However, the Pakistan Army refused to take back its dead and it was the Indian Army that gave enemy soldiers a quiet burial.

Flamethrowers: Deadly in any Era
A US Army report notes that flamethrowers are still “an important asset in the Russian manoeuvre commander’s toolbox.” It cites a full report on Russia’s use of flamethrowers from the Foreign Military Studies Office, an open source research organization of the US Army.
The report isn’t written in a critical tone. It says that at a time when other armies are re-evaluating the value of flamethrowers, Russia has demonstrated their “usefulness for urban and mountain warfare, bunker busting, and clearing light infantry”.

“From a Russian military perspective, flamethrowers are seen not as weapons simply to be handed out to the rank-and-file for any ad-hoc use, but instead as a mature weapon system that filled specific capability gaps in the Russian Armed Forces force structure," notes OE Watch, the US Army Foreign Military Studies Office's monthly newsletter.

OE Watch interpreted Russia's expansion of thermobaric units as a sign the Kremlin is preparing for urban warfare in the future.
"As Russia experiments with new forms and methods of war, or 'hybrid war' as defined in the West, in Eastern Ukraine, urban warfare will likely continue to be a high priority for development, and so will Russia's flame-wielding NBC defence troops."

The 93 mm calibre Shmel comes in three varieties – fuel-air explosive or thermobaric (RPO-A), smoke composition (RPO-D) and incendiary composition (RPO-Z). The blast effect of the thermobaric warhead is roughly equivalent to the blast effect of a 107 mm high explosive artillery shell.

aditya g

Senior Member
Jan 14, 2014
Country flag

Parrikar also narrated a recent incident when an Indian naval ship had docked at Italian port and there were thousands of Italian locals gathered to welcome our navy. Everyone was stumped as to how they came to know and why they came to meet the naval fleet of a country which does not find any prominent positive mention in Italian news. It was revealed that during the world war then the war ended and Mussolini was defeated, the soldiers were leaderless and went berserk, looting and raping local Italians. That time an Indian regiment was tasked to capture and hold ground there, and they made sure that the looting and raping stopped, so the old people who remembered that incident had come to pay respect to the Indian military.

This memory and appreciation for others have done for us is lacking in our society. A typical Indian would have thought "that soldier did what he did because it was his duty", while not taking 2 seconds to find ways not to do his own duty.

Hundreds of men give their lives to safeguard our freedom, yet we have the likes of Om Puri saying "who asked him to join Army".


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
Country flag
This memory and appreciation for others have done for us is lacking in our society. A typical Indian would have thought "that soldier did what he did because it was his duty", while not taking 2 seconds to find ways not to do his own duty.

Hundreds of men give their lives to safeguard our freedom, yet we have the likes of Om Puri saying "who asked him to join Army".
Only when there is darkness, people appreciate light. That's human nature..
That does not mean, Just because we want people to appreciate darkness, we should not be hoping for darkness to surround them.

Second sentence is perfect example for paki army, they created the problems and they keep trying to solve the problem. they don't forget to take credit and money for trying to solve the problem they themselves created.

Navnit Kundu

Pika Hu Akbarrr!!
Senior Member
Mar 22, 2016
This memory and appreciation for others have done for us is lacking in our society. A typical Indian would have thought "that soldier did what he did because it was his duty", while not taking 2 seconds to find ways not to do his own duty.

Hundreds of men give their lives to safeguard our freedom, yet we have the likes of Om Puri saying "who asked him to join Army".
Indians as a race is a very ignorant one. We are generally unaware of the global history (World Wars and their effect on the current global order), we are unaware of even Indian history. All we are taught is 'a bald guy sat on a fast and we got independence in 1947, and then we lived happily ever after'. India as a country has never appreciated world affairs. Even today, most people don't know that British, American, Italian, French are all different people, I've seen Indian people in tourist spots look at foreigners and say "in gore logon ne humpe raj kiya".

In fact, we are a race were we don't even take interest in our own field of operations. Bankers don't know how NEFT works, engineers don't know how to assemble a PC, we take everything casually, and being ignorant about something is not seen as a bad thing. In fact, knowing something about history is seen as an exceptional thing, instead of common knowledge. You won't find that in Europe or Israel. You wont find a single European who doesn't know about the troubles of the World Wars, the economic depression, holocaust and so on, regardless of their level of education. Can you find a Jew who doesn't know about the holocaust? Compare that with how many Indians know about Churchill's Bengal Famine?

This is why we keep getting invaded.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Pakistan May Play Foul By Proxy In BRICS Summit

During the series of confabulations and secret parleys with Chinese authorities, multi-pronged strategies were worked out to settle scores with India. If well-placed sources privy to the delegation are to be believed, during deliberations with China's Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Liu Zhenmin and others, the Pakistan envoys were suggested to instigate a virtual civil war in India by roping in the foreign media in a run up to the BRICS summit. At the meeting, suggestions were made to inflame public opinion against the hype maintained by the Government of India about the resounding success of surgical strikes and the extension of unconditional support to the on-going liberation movement in Baluchistan in the garb of human rights violation.

Consequently, the foreign media including Washington Post, New York Time, The Quint, The Diplomat, etc put a question mark on India's claim about surgical strikes. These foreign media giants claimed that they had talks with residents along the LOC and none of them had witnessed the movement of the Indian army across the LOC and the consequences of the surgical strikes at POK.

The foreign media was also used to malign the image of Modi for his role to encourage the on-going anti-Pakistan-China agitation in Baluchistan over CPEC. The foreign media claimed that Modi aimed to negotiate with Pakistan over the Kashmir issue in the garb of human rights violation in Baluchistan and supported the anti-Pakistan-China agitation in Baluchistan for obvious reasons. A few days back, agitationists reportedly burnt the national flags of Pakistan and China in protest against the CPEC. They were opposing the CPEC in the light of their belief that the corridor was meant to benefit China for exploiting and plundering resources of the area.


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2015
Country flag
You wont find a single European who doesn't know about the troubles of the World Wars, the economic depression, holocaust and so on, regardless of their level of education.

you should check the Facebook page of Donald trump to know about knowledge of white men & women ............

as far as Jews & Israel are concerned there is 11% population of haredi Jews community in Israel who are living in Israel & still against creation of Israel & do not celebrate their independence day ........

also European countries are smaller & almost all of them are educated and follow same syllabus , language & culture .

India is a big country with different cultures , languages & educational syllabus .

this why most non-bengalis dont know about Bengal famine .

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