India Launched Surgical Strikes Across LoC: DGMO 29/09/2016


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Feb 16, 2009
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These desperate moves by Pakistan are really showing that Pakis internally know that the strike happened and are scared that when video will be out, they shall be exposed.
I don't expect Nawaz to be in power for long. Pak army establishment for self preservation and desperation will make him a scapegoat .


New Member
Oct 16, 2014

US blames Pakistans coddling of terror for escalating tensions, asks Islamabad to 'combat and delegitimize' terror groups
I see such articles only in Indian papers not in US.

All Indian American members sign this petition

We the People ask the Administration to declare Pakistan, State Sponsor of Terrorism (H.R.6069
100,000 needed. 400,000 signed already.


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Jul 20, 2015
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As per today's navbharat times Nawaz and establishment is now in no mood to give raheel extension.


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Feb 12, 2014
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Lesson Taught To Pakistan By Indian Army: The Newshour Debate

Published on Sep 29, 2016
Watch Arnab Goswami Explaining Details Of India’s Surgical Strike►
they've rightly said, we should be careful of raheel. He is cornered. He's lost his brother & uncle in previous wars. He doesn't want to go out with shame.

He might not be thinking for the country in long term. He might just be thinking about this humiliation and the next 2 months he has to prove himself.


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Nov 22, 2015
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My reply to your tag, but addressed to everyone at DFI:

1. We have to differentiate between public perception and actual (hidden reality). Let's start with (hidden) reality.

2. The big boys at the top, the Pakistani generals and the Indian government both know what happened. India went in and took out these militants. India has shown that it means business.

Pakistan knows it can never defeat India, nor can it capture/annex Kashmir especially through direct conventional army-to-army war so it has subcontracted operations to militants/terrorists and to Kashmiri separatists.

India however is now showing even that relatively limited (and born out of cowardice) M.O. (modus operandi) will not be allowed or if carried out will be met with direct military action from India inside "Pakistan" (Pakistani occupied Kashmir).

3. The Pakistan army can carry on these cowardly tactics of using militants but then India will carry on going inside "Pakistan" and killing them.

Though this may be hidden from the masses and even the lower ranks of the military, from the senior level to possibly the middle level the army know that India is doing this. They may think that the using terrorists operation is ineffective or causes more damage than benefit. Usage of terrorism is Pakistan's only real option against India and now India is showing even this will not be permitted.

4. The Indian government (GOI) almost certainly had intelligence on what the Pakistani reaction would be if such an operation took place including what Raheel Sharif's reaction would be and they almost certainly knew there would be no reaction hence the operation. Such information is not available to ordinary members of the public like myself or people here at DFI.

5. Pakistan has been humiliated, maybe not to the masses, but to the people that matter, the people in the know.

6. A few years ago Iranian troops went inside Pakistan and were there for about 6 hours inside Pakistani-held Balochistan. The GOI obviously paid careful attention to that and may have studied this in depth and incidents like that and others may have formulated their recent decision for SS (Surgical Strikes).

7. With the Afghan army improving its capabilities year by year in the future the Afghans may carry out SS themselves, maybe not of the same scale and nature of India due to a lack of a nuclear deterrent like the one India possesses, though the Afghans have warlike Pashtun tribes (inside Afghanistan) that would fight like mad if a Pak v Afg war were to break out.

8. To the Pakistani masses who worship their army, "nothing happened", there were no surgical strikes, this was propaganda by evil Hindu against the super-duper invincible and super-strong Pakistan army.

So I am not sure the Pakistan army will even need to dump Nawaz Sharif, and that is a complicated and problematic issue for a number of reasons as the US itself wants a civilian government in Pakistan and a restricted role for the Pakistan army in politics.


1. Pakistan will either have to abandon, revise, or at least moderate its usage of militants/terrorists against India in Kashmir.

2. The Pakistan army will never abandon its hatred of India partly because peace between India and Pakistan reduces the power of the army as it's seen as not that important or necessary, partly because of Punjabi Muslims brainwashed with hatred against Hindus and India and fantasizing of a "Ghazwa i Hind" style invasion of India as part of their destiny of being a "great Muslim military power".

Also partly because the US as part of divide and rule wants tension between Pakistan and India for various reasons.

3. In the long run on a political level the Pakistanis may cut down on the whole Kashmir freedom talk as India has shown "you talk Kashmir, we talk Balochistan", which includes direct support for Baloch separatists e.g. passport for Bugti.

On a military level surgical strikes may as I said above a reduction of using terrorists against India.

4. On a longer-term and more strategic level, India has the highest rate of growth in the world for a major economy and Pakistan is facing possible disintegration which reduces the "appeal" of joining Pakistan for Kashmir's Sunni Muslims (the Shias do not want to be part of Pakistan where there is persecution of Shias).

The GOI should even consider hosting conferences or grassroots interaction between Afghan, Baloch or Indian Muslim figures including clergy who emphasize the futility of joining failed state Pakistan and of peaceful existence within the union of India, this should be part of a campaign to intellectually "de-Islamize" Kashmiri separatism.


P.S. Bangladesh's support for India on Kashmir and the surgical strikes will really sting the Punjabi Pakistani army hard.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
New Member
Oct 13, 2015

A lovely and very open minded liberal girl who also happens to be a really big fan of Ranbir Kapoor. She didn't get F by anyone but they get abused for being Pakistani and there is no moderation for that anymore. Just made a bollywood debut this year.

Lol since when Pakis become Liberal.

The more the Paki claim to be educated class, liberal or belong to civil society the more they hate India and Hindus.


New Member
Feb 15, 2016
India’s Surgical Strikes Against Pakistan- A Game Changer
Sep 30, 2016
Ramaharitha Pusarla

As the news of surgical strikes by India against Pakistan was abuzz, the hues of response varied from elation, surprise and suspicion. For all those, who undermined the Indian leadership and military capabilities there was a formidable lump in the throat. Details apart, the surgical strikes carried out by the Northern Command were much needed to infuse confidence, sense of pride and respect for valor. The massive casualties inflicted by terrorists during the Uri attacks had not only exposed chinks in India’s armor but greatly dented morale of the armed personnel. Indian public too felt infuriated as Indian government had in no clear terms called for an instantaneous response. Having borne the brunt of brutal terrorist attacks, Indian public felt cheated when the party which vociferously denounced every act of Pakistan in opposition failed to deliver instantaneous justice. Though the DGMO Lt. Gen. Ranabir Singh asserted that “We will avenge the killings of our soldiers, but we will do so on cold-blooded professionally military assessment, and on a timeline our choosing, not one dictated by political imperatives or the prime-time news cycle” people hardly found any respite.

In the meanwhile, Indian leadership critically evaluated plausible options to inflict damage to Pakistan on a long term. India finally harped on a multi-pronged approach to rein upon the brazen terror attacks. A range of diplomatic, political and economic assaults were considered. On diplomatic front, exercising right to reply India lacerated Sharif’s claims at UN word by word by saying that “the Land of Taxila, one of the greatest centers of ancient learning is now host to Ivy League of terrorism. It attracts aspirants and apprentices from all over the World”. India added that Pakistan had a “long standing policy of sponsoring terrorism, the consequences of which have spread well beyond our region.” The first secretary Eenam Gambhir added that Pakistan “channelizes billions of dollars, much of it is diverted from international aid, to training, financing and supporting terrorist groups as militant proxies against its neighbors”. This coincided with the US Senators Ted Poe and Dana Rohrabacher tabling a bill in Congress designating Pakistan as terror state. Simultaneously Indian Americans launched an online White House petition asking for declaring Pakistan as terrorist state gained tremendous response. The petition which promises action on local, state or international problems if the campaign receives 100,000 signatures. Before its official deadline of Oct 21st the target was reached. Now the White House is forced to respond to it within 60 days. Besides, India openly snubbed Pakistan and decided not to attend the SAARC Summit at Islamabad. Fresh from the humiliating reception extended to Rajnath Singh when he attended the Interior Affairs Ministers Meeting of SAARC, Finance Minister later didn’t participate in SAARC Finance Ministers meet. Continuing the precedent, Prime Minister will abstain from SAARC. With India’s position actively backed by Bangladesh, Bhutan and Afghanistan the process of the regional isolation of Pakistan has officially begun. While experts questioned the relevance owing to SAARC’s miniscule clout internationally, India religiously followed the agenda of diplomatic isolation irrespective of the outcomes.

To turn the heat on, India began reviewing the historical Indus Waters Treaty (IWT) brokered by World Bank in 1960. While India initially contemplated on scrapping IWT, it was perceived to be counterproductive. Instead India is considering three ways to use provisions of treaty to its advantage-firstly, suspension of meeting of Permanent Indus Commission so that grievance redressal mechanism is halted and Pakistan would meet a dead end, secondly restarting the Tulbul Project ( Pakistan calls it Wullar Bridge), India suspended the construction across Jhelum river in 1987 following objections from Pakistan, thirdly an inter-ministerial task force would be set up to monitor the water usage from Western Rivers-Ravi, Beas, Sutlej. India is considering on maximizing the use of waters from rivers governed by Pakistan-Jhelum, Chenab and Indus. While the repercussions may not be spontaneous desired effect will be felt within a span of 5-10 years. Finally, India is now seriously reconsidering the Most Favored Nation (MFN) status accorded by it in 1996 under the GATT where country grants a special favor like lower custom duty. But Pakistan hasn’t reciprocated citing non-tariff barriers and huge trade imbalance. Modi government is now critically reviewing all these aspects on a war-footing basis. Since perceptible outcomes are not immediate, Indian public failed to comprehend and appreciate the endeavors of NDA government.

Over the decades, emboldened by India’s meek response to relentless terror attacks Pakistan heavily relied on its low cost warfare to inflict heavy damage on India. Unchecked, unhindered the terror outfits flourished. The surgical strikes by Indian Army are thus timely, sending strong message to war-mongers and sections of Indian public that decried leadership for its inaction. India refrained from a full-blown conventional war, as India is at the cusp to progressive economic resurgence. In the Global Competitiveness Report for 2016-17 released few days back India climbed 16 places to settle at 39 position among 138 countries, while China is ranked 28. Clearly, a conventional war might undo the recent economic gains, India rightly overcame the catch-22 kind of situation by the timely surgical strikes. Meanwhile, National Sensex crashed after the reports of strikes and suffered its worst fall post-Brexit. Despite the negative impact on trade and economy Indian Chamber of Commerce strongly supported surgical strike. Aside, retribution at this point has become inevitable to drive home the point that India is capable of defending itself and if need arises can retaliate reciprocally.

India’s surgical strikes against Pakistan invariably reminded of Indian Army’s “Operation Hot Pursuit” conducted inside the Myanmar territory to avenge the killing of 20 military personnel by the militants of National Socialist Council of Nagaland (Khaplang) in Chandel District of Manipur. India then warned that “Western disturbances will be equally dealt with. Friendship and tolerance will go hand in hand. This is a beginning. India is Strong. This message should go to everyone” implying that India is not averse to launch such operations on its neighbors that harbor anti-Indian terror groups. However, Pakistan chose to downplay and deliberately hinted that Pakistan is not Myanmar and India shouldn’t think of any such action. These surgical strikes, a first by Indian army across LoC, undoubtedly punctured the bloated ego of Pakistan.

As the details emerge, DGMO announced that these strikes were launched to neutralize the terror pads gearing to push infiltrators across the border and were extremely successful. In the operation that lasted for four hours, Indian paratroopers targeted ventured into 2km of PoK, and destroyed 7 launch pads. 38 terrorists and 2 Pakistan soldiers were killed. Now with Pakistan accusing India of fabrication of truth, Indian attacks might soon evade international attention. Also, since Indian operations are carried out in PoK, a legitimate Indian territory, this operation will be considered as a massive combing operation aimed at extricating militants. Moreover, presence of Pakistan soldiers at the terror dungeons confirms Pakistan’s Army is hand is glove with its illegitimate bed partners-the UN designated terrorists.

But by all means, this retributory action would indeed propel Pakistan to retaliate with more force and India must be prepared for any eventuality. Further, these kind of action can’t force Pakistan to mend its ways. But inflicting significant damage might make enemy wary and threat of punitive retaliation will force enemy to reconsider the veracity of its clandestine activities. For the past seven decades, in various encounters with Pakistan it was proved beyond doubt that Pakistan understand the language of guns. India, by strategically executing the surgical strikes delivered the message in a language Rawalpindi clearly understands. Finally, Modi government deserves a big pat on back for walking the talk and demolishing the rhetoric. But for the exceptional valor and supreme sacrifice of Indian military India and political commitment country would be wallowing the swarm of pusillanimity.

Source Link:’s-surgical-strikes-against-pakistan-game-changer


New Member
Sep 24, 2015
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Bro in zee news video of saeed's speech he mentioned the name of dudhnial, which no news portal has reported, he called it a bluff, agar bluff hai to dudhnial ka to naam nhi liya kisi ne

Sent from my SM-N900 using Tapatalk


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Feb 12, 2014
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In the Uri thread, I said that IA cannot do with Pakistan what it can do with Myanmar because Pakistan is a nuke armed state. As the events unfolded, the Pakistan Defence Minister threatened to unleash nukes on India. Next day we got the news of the surgical strike. So what happened? Pakistan's nuclear bluff was called. This is a major achievement.

The indications that India is serious about taking action and preparing for an escalation came from a repeat of what we saw prior to the Kargil War. The indications came from the movement of Indian Navy vessels towards the Arabian Sea.

I like how Gen. V. P. Malik avoided going into specifics (see from 5 minutes onwards) in this post.

And for some fun from the same post:

I also liked many posts, but specifically those by @Immanuel. They were very interesting to read.
I don't know why everyone is saying that the nuke bluff was called. Its not called yet. pakistan has clearly said that they will use nukes "if their territorial integrity is at stake".

In other words, only if they foresee further breaking up of pakistan. Surgical strikes are nowhere close an operation to breakup pakistan.


New Member
Feb 12, 2014
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Some people just have abusive mindset and don't abuse for partition or terrorism but just because of the filth inside their brain.

I see many members (especially rightist) speaking only foul and destructions for Pakistan but when it comes to women of Pakistan, then they can't stop drooling over them and they are like Oh she should marry me or she should convert or we should kill all muzzies men but take women for ourselves. It's even worse comments on youtube by those Paki bashers, it's more a symptom of gender biased society. Why should they apply for India and why should we take them? We just banned their artists from working here including male and females, No?

Regarding Partition, they aren't the only ones responsible for partition.
Not the relevant topic or thread to discuss here. Stick to topic.


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Nov 1, 2013
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Hillary Fears Emergence of Nuclear Suicide Bombers from Pakistan

Look at the sophistry of this argument. Superficially, it seems as though Killary is chastising Pakistan for being an irresponsible nuclear power and showing concern for India's safety, but in reality, she is actually delivering a threat to India on behalf of Pakistan. She's basically saying "Dear, Indians, if you do military strikes inside Pakistan, these people might launch a nuclear attack on you, they are crazy people, so I believe their threat is credible". It's said in the same tone that a kidnapper says to the victim's parents "if you don't give me money then something might happen to your kid".

She is basically validating the credibility of the Pakistani nuclear threat instead of diffusing it or calling their bluff. In a way, she is threatening India "if you attack Pakistan, then they will receive tacit US support for a nuclear strike under the cover of non-state jihadi bombers. Then don't blame us if something like this happens". Pakistan has acquired nuclear assets from China with the connivance of the US for this very purpose of blackmailing India. The threat of a coup in Pakistan is actually a creation of American think tanks. They are pretty upfront with their plans. If an Indian invasion leads to the collapse of the Pakistani establishment, then the US will install a jihadi proxy government to retain an upper hand in the new government.

The narrative of a 'potential nuclear flashpoint in Kashmir' creates the premise for a US intervention in the Indian sub-continent for the sake of "the safety of the world". It is for Indians to call the nuclear bluff mounted on us by US, Pakistan and China by doing attacks to test the threshold and show them their bluff. We fought for 3 months in Kargil, no nukes fell on India then; We did surgical strikes now, no nukes have fallen now, so we know that there is a very high threshold for the use of nukes within which we can safely carry out operations. Just because Pakistan mentions nukes in every discussion does not mean they will bring nukes to a border skirmish as they have as much to lose in a nuclear war as India does. In a way, if Pakistan thinks that their nukes have prevented India from going further, as a corollary, Indian nukes have made sure that Pakistan cannot use their nukes, thereby creating a nuclear stalemate while still keeping the spectrum open for a non-nuclear conventional strikes below a certain threshold.

If this witch gets elected, we will have to bear 4 more years of this bullshit. Fasten your seat belts. Shit's going to hit the roof now. Just look at that psychopathic face. Have no doubt that this woman is the mortal enemy of our nation.

@gpawar @OneGrimPilgrim @Sakal Gharelu Ustad
I hope this bitch along with sonia g dies soon. Barna sali khud to dubegi, dusro ko bhi doobaegi.

A lovely and very open minded liberal girl who also happens to be a really big fan of Ranbir Kapoor. She didn't get F by anyone but they get abused for being Pakistani and there is no moderation for that anymore. Just made a bollywood debut this year.
I dont care if they are open minded or open legged, kill everyone of those rat bastards and kick em out of my country. Only a dead paki is a good paki. Frankly,tbh i never found any paki girl beautiful. They seem to put up very fake,plastic make up. Their best girls look average.


New Member
Oct 16, 2014
A cute girl and Ranbir crazy.

Lol since when Pakis become Liberal.

The more the Paki claim to be educated class, liberal or belong to civil society the more they hate India and Hindus.
Please stop trolling. You don't joke well and you don't talk serious. Their are enough liberals and even conservatives who are far more appreciative of India than that of Pakistan e.g Hussain Haqqani, Hasan Nisar, Parvez Hoodboy, Ashgar Khan, Shoaib Malik etc. There is no shortage of good people across the border nor of the haters on this side of border. Why does Pak establishment has such strict control on media?

Just telling Truth

New Member
Oct 1, 2016
Facts over fabricated stories

1. This looks like a Bollywood movie script, we has the knowledge of LoC and terrain there.
2. There had been cross-LoC fire originated and steered by India, and they baptized them as SIR G CAL, too good a story to be believed.
3. Why the Narendra Modi government obtainable a routine exchange of fire as ‘surgical strikes’?
4. Answer to the third point: The reason is that the Indian prime minister was under enormous pressure to live up to his own promises that his management would punish the Uri attackers.
5. Modi has hurled a diplomatic violent against Pakistan ( with no such effects on us) taking a series of steps such as embargoing the Saarc summit, intimidating to review the water treaty as well as MFN status for Pakistan. But all those measures, he knew, would make little difference to Pakistan.
6. So, Modi prerequisites face saving, by demanding that the Indian military carried out Sir G cal, Modi can now go to the public and hyper-nationalist media that he avenged the Uri attack.
7. Elections are coming in Utar Pradesh next year, so he done that all theater to build his election campaign there.
8. As, already it’s confirmed from your army sources as just like this ““There were no sir g cal ” Indian Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore, himself an ex-Indian Army man.
9. The fabricated story which you have earshot and nearsighted are baseless, 8 Indian soldiers killed and 1 captured, when Pakistan Army befittingly responded to the cease fire violation on the LOC by your army, and in conflicting faced heavy causalities’, and 1 captured alive, which is soldier from 37 Rashtriya Rifles, 22-year-old Indian soldier by the name Chandu Babulal Chohan was taken into custody by our Pakistani forces.
10. India is irritating hard to divert global courtesy from the war crimes it is committing in occupied Kashmir. So, that’s what all sort of drama of LOC violation from your side and terming as “ Sir G Cal”

So, I think, these facts points a lot demonstrates that, Indian Public should be aware of these all facts, before giving yourself a fabricated and fake little time refreshments’ and false satisfaction on unsubstantiated news and drama, which can only be imagined in dreams or in Bollywood films and scripts, as just your fake news channels are telling or only you people can imagine, and whole world is not accepting and in denial mode, and only you chump people are and in living in misapprehension always LOL. Hope, you understand this time and revert back to that previous situation, where you were bashing each other including your modi and army. LOL Hope, if India believes on egalitarianism and claim’s that media is too autonomous, then my comment won’t be deleted and I am hoping for counter- narratives.


New Member
Oct 16, 2014
Not the relevant topic or thread to discuss here. Stick to topic.
Give this message to others as well or am I the only who seems off topic.:yo:

I don't know why everyone is saying that the nuke bluff was called. Its not called yet. pakistan has clearly said that they will use nukes "if their territorial integrity is at stake".
If they aren't able to admit that a strike has taken place and act upon it because they want to avoid escalation, it exposes their nuke bluff.

