India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Sep 9, 2020
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Hello members is

Deleted fron internet the I used to read musings of Chinese people on it now it's gone is anyone able to access it ?
Yes, mqny chinese citizen military forums were closed by censorship dept....I guess it involved some stupid guy filming and posting some air force thingy which should not have been recorded.


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2016
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Found something interesting on Peedeef,So sharing it here for discussion,Enjoy.

Hello! posting on an alt account for privacy reasons but I am an Chinese American college student majoring in international studies at JHU SAIS. I have translated and summarized one of the most popular posts on Zhihu (China's Quora) about Chinese- Indian relations. I feel this is useful information to share as it encapsulates the CCP's view of India (accurate based on my personal links to CCP) and explains why China behaves so antagonistically. This post is LONG but is still much shorter than the original. The original has 9 chapters, chapters 5 - 9 focusing on Chinese military strategy in a Sino- Indian war. In this post I have focused on the politics and reasons for conflict described in chapters 1-4. I have left out most of the historical background, Chinese idioms and cultural aspects in an effort to shorten the post. The most important parts are in bold and italicized, I would highly recommend reading those. Feel free to pm with any questions. Apologies in advance for mistranslations and/or incorrect information.

If this post gets enough attention, I will post all the chapters and maybe even the full translation. if you want to read the full post I have attached the link. Google translate is 70% accurate and there are a few very important errors.

Link to post:

Chapter One, India is big trouble for China in the future

Today, China faces significant problems on its borders, totally surrounded by strong neighbors. The United States has unprecedented strength and continues to threaten national security. Russia. although it has a small population, has a large geographical advantage . Although Sino-Russian relations are good in the short term, it could be a big variable in the long run. However, an opponent with a great potential threat but easily underestimated is India. India is very weak on the surface, but has a greater potential for development. If you take the long-term view, India is likely to be a significant power in the future.

One reason many people like to laugh at India is that in the 1980s, the economic strength of China and India was evenly matched, but after China’s reform and opening up, China’s economy grew rapidly, and China’s GDP is now five times that of India. This shows how slow India’s economic growth is. However, if you compare it on a global scale, you can actually find that India’s economic growth is not slow. Since 1980, India’s GDP has increased 30 fold. In contrast, the GDP of other developing countries except China and India has only increased 10 fold, and the GDP of developed countries has even increased 8 fold. To a certain extent, it is not that India’s economic development is slow, but that China’s economic growth is too fast. China’s economic achievements conceal India’s economic miracle. If there is no comparison with China, then India’s economic growth can be considered a global miracle.

On the other hand, China’s rapid economic growth has not come without a price. Due to strict family planning rules, China today faces the problem of aging and declining birthrate at the same time. India has not implemented such a strict family planning policy, and the proportion of young people is very high. Although this has dragged down economic growth, India’s demographic dividend advantage has become increasingly prominent in the past ten years. We know that young people are the main creators of social wealth, and the number of young people has a great influence on the economic strength of China. To some extent, if the number of young people in India is twice that of China in 2050, even if India’s per capita output is only half of China by then, India’s GDP will be on par with China and become the world’s top three economies.

A power of more than one billion people can never be underestimated, although India is a very weak country at the moment, and the lower limit is low; but the future development potential is very large, the upper limit is very high. Although China is now flourishing, if one day the country is facing an aging crisis, on one hand, fewer young people lead to a decline in the number of soldiers, on the other hand, the country has been undergoing such a crises a long period of time, the national willingness to fight is reduced. At that time, it will be much more difficult to deal with a potentially rising India than it is now.

Chapter Two, the conflicts between China and India can hardly be reconciled

It is difficult to reconcile the China-India conflict, just as it was difficult to reconcile the China-Soviet conflict before the collapse of the Soviet Union. The underlying reasons are not explained by ideology, territorial disputes, cultural differences, or foreign policy.

In the 1960s and 1980s, China’s greatest threat was from none other than the Soviet Union. If a torrent of Soviet tanks goes south from Mongolia, it will hit Beijing within a week. Since ancient times, the greatest external threat to China has been from the North. And in modern times, Soviet Russia has assumed this role. During the Cold War, the Soviet Union was unprecedentedly powerful and had nothing better than a torrent of armored tanks. This was similar to ancient cavalry, fast and ruthless, able to tear a hole in the opponent's defenses in a very short time

The key issue is that during the Cold War, the Soviet Union maintained absolute geographic superiority . The Soviet Union not only controlled the outer northeast, but also Mongolia. When the Soviet Union did not control Mongolia, if the Soviet Union wanted to attack China, it still had to go south from the Northeast Plain and enter North China after conquering the Shanhai pass. But with control of the Mongolian Plateau, the Soviet Union faced much fewer obstacles when attacking China. Soviet tanks only had to cross the Yinshan Mountains to enter Hebei. After that, Beijing would be basically insecure to defend. In this case, China may only have to move south like the Central Plains dynasties in the past, and use the southern rivers as a line to fight against the Soviet army.

This is the fundamental reason why China would fight with the Soviet Union during the Cold War and cooperate with the West without hesitation. As long as Mongolia is controlled by the Soviet Union, China’s national defense cannot be assured. Thanks to an independent mongolia, China and Russia are moving towards reconciliation, in the long run, due to Russia's natural geopolitical suppression, it is still a potential threat, and China and Russia still guard against each other.

Taking the example of the Soviet Union, we can understand why Sino-Indian relations are difficult to reconcile. The geography of India is very similar to China The main population centers of China are on the North China Plain, and Beijing is the throat into the North China Plain. The population centers of India are on the Ganges Plain, and New Delhi is the throat to enter the Ganges Plain. The south has similar broken terrain and a long coastline, and the southeast has a large island like Sri Lanka.

But compared to China, India's geography is extremely bad. All of the core areas of India are in the hands of other countries (Indus river, Lower Ganges, Siri Lanka). India does not have many natural barriers. The coastline is too long and it is easy to be attacked by east and west, while China only needs to defend the east. This makes India very easy to invade as seen in history. This is the reason why India invaded Tibet in the 1960s and maintained a relatively high military expenditure for a long time. It cannot be said that India is a militaristic state, but because in the context of geographical disadvantages, it can only maintain military balance by spending more than its opponents.
For India, China is the biggest geo-threat. This is because China not only controls the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, but also is an ally with Pakistan. Once China and India go to war, India will almost certainly lose without external intervention. India’s Ganges plain is in danger and is at a great disadvantage. The geographical disadvantages of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the alliance between China and Pakistan are part of the reasons why China-India relations cannot be reconciled. But in the long run, even if China and India can complete the territorial conflicts and China and Pakistan no longer are allies, it will be difficult for China and India to reconcile completely. The reason is that both China and India want to become superpowers and leaders in Asia, inevitably leading to strategic collisions.
In the future, if both China and India want to rise up and become leaders in Asia, conflicts of interest will inevitably arise. The key point of the conflict is Southeast Asia, the backyard of both counties. Southeast Asia is extremely rich in resources and possesses the oil and rubber needed for war. On the other hand, Southeast Asia is characterized by scattered power and small countries. Forming battlegrounds for any major countries. China and India both have significant cultural and historical ties with the region. Southeast Asia has many Chinese and Indians. To a certain extent, Southeast Asia is to China and India what Latin America is to the United States, Eastern Europe is to Germany and Russia, and North Korea is to China and Japan. They belong to the range of interests that must be contested.

Therefore, if both China and India become stronger in the future, they are likely to fiercely compete for dominance in Southeast Asia. On land, India can rely on the northeast states to infiltrate Myanmar and radiate to the Indochina Peninsula. On the sea, India can rely on the Andaman Islands to increase its influence on the Southeast Asian islands. This is similar to China. On land, China relies on the Trans-Asian Railway/Pan-Asian Highway to increase its radiation to the Indochina Peninsula, and on the sea, it relies on the Nansha Islands to increase its influence on Southeast Asia.

Therefore, Sino-Indian relations are difficult to reconcile unless three conditions are met: 1. China withdraws from Tibet, or the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau becomes a neutral buffer area similar to Mongolia; 2. China abandons support for Pakistan; 3. China and India abandon the competition for Southeast Asia. None of these three items can be done by China. Tibet is an indivisible part of our territory. Although India has long supported "Tibet independence", it is impossible for China to give up Tibet. It is also impossible for China to give up support for Pakistan, Because once you let India unify South Asia, India will be the spearhead aimed at our country. Even more difficult to deal with. It is also impossible to give up Southeast Asia. Southeast Asia is our natural economic backyard, and has economic and military dual significance.

In the short term, the main contradictions are 1 and 2, but as India's national strength over Pakistan get bigger and bigger, we cannot rule out that one day Pakistan will be completely defeated by India or even annexed, by that time China's direct geopolitical threat to India will be greatly reduced, if India can also annex Nepal, Bhutan and other countries, then it will have a pivot point in the Tibetan Plateau, and it will be difficult for China to go over the Tibetan Plateau to directly invade India. At this time, the Sino-Indian territorial dispute will no longer be the main conflict, and the main conflict will change to a struggle for spheres of influence.

The nature of India's threat is the same as that of Russia and Japan; it is a territorial and existential threat. India, on the one hand, has ambitions to encroach on our territory, which is different from the United States, which focuses on economic interests. India also has attempts to dominate South Asia and encroach on Southeast Asia. When China is strong, both the United States and India will adopt a hostile policy toward China; but when China is in decline, the United States may relax its restrictions , but India will not. If one day India is strong and China is weak, then India will intensify its aggression against our territory and even threaten the safety of our national life and property.

Chapter Three, the dilemma of two-front warfare, China does not occupy an absolute advantage on the Sino-Indian border

The Chinese front is too long and needs to be guarded separately.

To the east is Japan and South Korea, to the southeast is Taiwan that has not yet returned, to the south are the Southeast Asian countries with territorial disputes, and to the north is Russia, which has occupied the most territory in China in history. In the west of our country, the situation is more complicated. There are religious and ethnic conflicts in Xinjiang and Tibet, and India is eyeing them. This means that although our country is strong, it needs to be guarded by separate troops

Division of Chinese theaters and deployment of forces:

Northern Theater -- 3 army groups, North Sea Fleet-- Russia, Korean Peninsula

Eastern Theater -- 3 army groups, East China Sea Fleet, half of the air force-- U.S., Japan, Taiwan

Southern Theater -- 2 army groups, South China Sea Fleet-- United States, Southeast Asian countries

Central Theater -- 3 armies-- Guards the capital and reserve for other war zones

Western Theater-- 2 armies-- India

Division of Indian military districts and deployment of forces:

Northern Military District -- 3 army groups -- Kashmir, the western section of the China-India border

Western Military Region -- 4 army groups -- Middle section of the China-India border

Eastern Military Region -- 3 armies, East Sea Fleet -- Eastern section of the China-India border

Central Military Region -- 1 army -- Guarding the capital

Southwest Military Region-- 1 army --- Pakistan

Southern Military Region -- 2 armies, West Sea Fleet -- Guarding South India

India can use most of its military power against China. The Indian army has 1.15 million troops and has a total of 14 armies, of which 10 are dedicated to fighting China, accounting for 70% of its army. As for the navy, when a war breaks out between China and India, if the United States and India have good relations, India can send its entire navy to the Andaman Islands to block the Strait of Malacca. While most of the Chinese navy will be deployed in the Pacific to confront the United States and Japan. In terms of air force, northern India has a flat terrain and numerous airports, which can accommodate all the fighters of the Indian Air Force. However, there are not enough airports in Tibet to park a large number of fighters. If a large-scale war breaks out between China and India, how much force can be used to fight against India?

It may be difficult for China to deploy troops on a large scale to support the battlefield, because each army group has clear responsibilities. Once a large number of troops are deployed, it will inevitably lead to weakness and give other countries a chance. For example, the 82nd Army is used to guard the capital , the 82nd Army is equipped to fight on the Great Plains, its plateau combat ability is not a strong point
This means that once a large-scale war breaks out between China and India, we may only be able to mobilize 5 army groups to fight, while the Indian side can mobilize at least 10 armies in response.Due to restrictions on the throughput of Tibet’s airports, the number of soldiers that can be sent to Tibet is also relatively limited, and most of the air force still has to stay in the east to confront the United States and Japan. As the Strait of Malacca is controlled by other countries, the possibility of our navy crossing the Strait of Malacca and fighting the Indian Navy in the Indian Ocean is currently unlikely. Therefore, theoretically speaking, China would have to use 40% of the army, less than half of the air force, and close to 0% of the navy in the Sino-Indian war against 70% of the Indian army, close to 100% of the navy and air force. Currently, I believe that if there is no external interference, China can defeat India with only half of its military power. however, In the most likely situation for war, although our military is far stronger than India, it does not occupy an absolute advantage.

In short, in the context of a potential encounter, China has several major disadvantages against India:

1. China's main strategic focus is in the east, 70% of its military power will be used to confront the United States, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, and it will not be able to spare a hand to deal specifically with India.

2. Since 2016, the United States has gradually locked China as its number one competitor. If China starts a war against India, if it is a protracted war, the United States and the West will inevitably intervene. At that time, there may be wars in Taiwan, the Korean Peninsula, and the South China Sea. Creating a 2 fronts situation

3. 60% of China's oil imports pass through the Strait of Malacca, and a large amount of export trade also goes through this place. Once fighting against India begins, India or the US may take advantage by blockading the Strait of Malacca. China's crude oil reserves can only support 6-12 months during the war

4. The risks and pressures of the two- front warfare can be handled in a war against India. However, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is complex and the railway cannot support the logistics required for large-scale military operations.

Very good attempt to analyze the possible scenario. However, it is too optimistic from Chinese point of view. No doubt China is more powerful if only numbers are considered. However, if war breaks out, in most likelyhood, China will be the agressor. India's ambition is confined to evacuating Akaai Chin only. India is unlikely to attack China except relwasing few post and acquisition of Aksai Chin area. China attacking India will be the greatest advantage India will have in terms of logistics. China can operate fewer planes with limited payload while India can operate much more. Chinese supply line will be over stretched.

So far as weapons are concerned, Quality of Indian weapons are better. Indian S400 has more than 50 pc higher range than Chinese one. India has a much better air defence. S400, PAD, AAD, LRSAM, ExSAM, Different variants of Akash, QR SAM etc. Acquisition of Rafale and Integration of Israeli and French electronic and weapons are the key difference between the quality of Indian and Chinese airforce. India's sustained focus on logistics is key consistant supply. Acquisition of Chinooks, Globmaster etc. has strengthen India’s logistic handling capabilities in difficult terrain. This is a special terrain which will require special weapons to gain upper edge. India has tweaked T72 for this area. Brahmos blk III is specifically configured for hitting enemy locations behind the mountain. If Pralay, becomes operational by the time, it sill be a big game changer. China has cruise missile and long range rocket advantage while India has Brahoms and Excalibur advantage. Rafale will overpoer anything in Chinese airforce inventory. India's mountain warfare is the best in the world. Now, 17th strike corp is fully operational and equipped and theater commands are operational in these areas.

In sea, India is reinforcing and weaponizing Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Work is in full swing. Reinforcing this Islands is key in control of ships passing through Malacca Straits. This will work like multiple aircraft carriers in this area stretching from 300 south of Myanmar to 200 km North of Indonesia. P8 I acquisition has given India a great capability to scan this area for surface and subsurface ships. This location advantage will be like India seating on the jugular vain of China. Back tracking from Chimar, Doklam and Galwan has proved that China is not as strong as it looks to be.
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Automatic Kalashnikov

Senior Member
Aug 17, 2020
Country flag
Found something interesting on Peedeef,So sharing it here for discussion,Enjoy.

Hello! posting on an alt account for privacy reasons but I am an Chinese American college student majoring in international studies at JHU SAIS. I have translated and summarized one of the most popular posts on Zhihu (China's Quora) about Chinese- Indian relations. I feel this is useful information to share as it encapsulates the CCP's view of India (accurate based on my personal links to CCP) and explains why China behaves so antagonistically. This post is LONG but is still much shorter than the original. The original has 9 chapters, chapters 5 - 9 focusing on Chinese military strategy in a Sino- Indian war. In this post I have focused on the politics and reasons for conflict described in chapters 1-4. I have left out most of the historical background, Chinese idioms and cultural aspects in an effort to shorten the post. The most important parts are in bold and italicized, I would highly recommend reading those. Feel free to pm with any questions. Apologies in advance for mistranslations and/or incorrect information.

If this post gets enough attention, I will post all the chapters and maybe even the full translation. if you want to read the full post I have attached the link. Google translate is 70% accurate and there are a few very important errors.

Link to post:

Chapter One, India is big trouble for China in the future

Today, China faces significant problems on its borders, totally surrounded by strong neighbors. The United States has unprecedented strength and continues to threaten national security. Russia. although it has a small population, has a large geographical advantage . Although Sino-Russian relations are good in the short term, it could be a big variable in the long run. However, an opponent with a great potential threat but easily underestimated is India. India is very weak on the surface, but has a greater potential for development. If you take the long-term view, India is likely to be a significant power in the future.

One reason many people like to laugh at India is that in the 1980s, the economic strength of China and India was evenly matched, but after China’s reform and opening up, China’s economy grew rapidly, and China’s GDP is now five times that of India. This shows how slow India’s economic growth is. However, if you compare it on a global scale, you can actually find that India’s economic growth is not slow. Since 1980, India’s GDP has increased 30 fold. In contrast, the GDP of other developing countries except China and India has only increased 10 fold, and the GDP of developed countries has even increased 8 fold. To a certain extent, it is not that India’s economic development is slow, but that China’s economic growth is too fast. China’s economic achievements conceal India’s economic miracle. If there is no comparison with China, then India’s economic growth can be considered a global miracle.

On the other hand, China’s rapid economic growth has not come without a price. Due to strict family planning rules, China today faces the problem of aging and declining birthrate at the same time. India has not implemented such a strict family planning policy, and the proportion of young people is very high. Although this has dragged down economic growth, India’s demographic dividend advantage has become increasingly prominent in the past ten years. We know that young people are the main creators of social wealth, and the number of young people has a great influence on the economic strength of China. To some extent, if the number of young people in India is twice that of China in 2050, even if India’s per capita output is only half of China by then, India’s GDP will be on par with China and become the world’s top three economies.

A power of more than one billion people can never be underestimated, although India is a very weak country at the moment, and the lower limit is low; but the future development potential is very large, the upper limit is very high. Although China is now flourishing, if one day the country is facing an aging crisis, on one hand, fewer young people lead to a decline in the number of soldiers, on the other hand, the country has been undergoing such a crises a long period of time, the national willingness to fight is reduced. At that time, it will be much more difficult to deal with a potentially rising India than it is now.

Chapter Two, the conflicts between China and India can hardly be reconciled

It is difficult to reconcile the China-India conflict, just as it was difficult to reconcile the China-Soviet conflict before the collapse of the Soviet Union. The underlying reasons are not explained by ideology, territorial disputes, cultural differences, or foreign policy.

In the 1960s and 1980s, China’s greatest threat was from none other than the Soviet Union. If a torrent of Soviet tanks goes south from Mongolia, it will hit Beijing within a week. Since ancient times, the greatest external threat to China has been from the North. And in modern times, Soviet Russia has assumed this role. During the Cold War, the Soviet Union was unprecedentedly powerful and had nothing better than a torrent of armored tanks. This was similar to ancient cavalry, fast and ruthless, able to tear a hole in the opponent's defenses in a very short time

The key issue is that during the Cold War, the Soviet Union maintained absolute geographic superiority . The Soviet Union not only controlled the outer northeast, but also Mongolia. When the Soviet Union did not control Mongolia, if the Soviet Union wanted to attack China, it still had to go south from the Northeast Plain and enter North China after conquering the Shanhai pass. But with control of the Mongolian Plateau, the Soviet Union faced much fewer obstacles when attacking China. Soviet tanks only had to cross the Yinshan Mountains to enter Hebei. After that, Beijing would be basically insecure to defend. In this case, China may only have to move south like the Central Plains dynasties in the past, and use the southern rivers as a line to fight against the Soviet army.

This is the fundamental reason why China would fight with the Soviet Union during the Cold War and cooperate with the West without hesitation. As long as Mongolia is controlled by the Soviet Union, China’s national defense cannot be assured. Thanks to an independent mongolia, China and Russia are moving towards reconciliation, in the long run, due to Russia's natural geopolitical suppression, it is still a potential threat, and China and Russia still guard against each other.

Taking the example of the Soviet Union, we can understand why Sino-Indian relations are difficult to reconcile. The geography of India is very similar to China The main population centers of China are on the North China Plain, and Beijing is the throat into the North China Plain. The population centers of India are on the Ganges Plain, and New Delhi is the throat to enter the Ganges Plain. The south has similar broken terrain and a long coastline, and the southeast has a large island like Sri Lanka.

But compared to China, India's geography is extremely bad. All of the core areas of India are in the hands of other countries (Indus river, Lower Ganges, Siri Lanka). India does not have many natural barriers. The coastline is too long and it is easy to be attacked by east and west, while China only needs to defend the east. This makes India very easy to invade as seen in history. This is the reason why India invaded Tibet in the 1960s and maintained a relatively high military expenditure for a long time. It cannot be said that India is a militaristic state, but because in the context of geographical disadvantages, it can only maintain military balance by spending more than its opponents.
For India, China is the biggest geo-threat. This is because China not only controls the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, but also is an ally with Pakistan. Once China and India go to war, India will almost certainly lose without external intervention. India’s Ganges plain is in danger and is at a great disadvantage. The geographical disadvantages of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the alliance between China and Pakistan are part of the reasons why China-India relations cannot be reconciled. But in the long run, even if China and India can complete the territorial conflicts and China and Pakistan no longer are allies, it will be difficult for China and India to reconcile completely. The reason is that both China and India want to become superpowers and leaders in Asia, inevitably leading to strategic collisions.
In the future, if both China and India want to rise up and become leaders in Asia, conflicts of interest will inevitably arise. The key point of the conflict is Southeast Asia, the backyard of both counties. Southeast Asia is extremely rich in resources and possesses the oil and rubber needed for war. On the other hand, Southeast Asia is characterized by scattered power and small countries. Forming battlegrounds for any major countries. China and India both have significant cultural and historical ties with the region. Southeast Asia has many Chinese and Indians. To a certain extent, Southeast Asia is to China and India what Latin America is to the United States, Eastern Europe is to Germany and Russia, and North Korea is to China and Japan. They belong to the range of interests that must be contested.

Therefore, if both China and India become stronger in the future, they are likely to fiercely compete for dominance in Southeast Asia. On land, India can rely on the northeast states to infiltrate Myanmar and radiate to the Indochina Peninsula. On the sea, India can rely on the Andaman Islands to increase its influence on the Southeast Asian islands. This is similar to China. On land, China relies on the Trans-Asian Railway/Pan-Asian Highway to increase its radiation to the Indochina Peninsula, and on the sea, it relies on the Nansha Islands to increase its influence on Southeast Asia.

Therefore, Sino-Indian relations are difficult to reconcile unless three conditions are met: 1. China withdraws from Tibet, or the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau becomes a neutral buffer area similar to Mongolia; 2. China abandons support for Pakistan; 3. China and India abandon the competition for Southeast Asia. None of these three items can be done by China. Tibet is an indivisible part of our territory. Although India has long supported "Tibet independence", it is impossible for China to give up Tibet. It is also impossible for China to give up support for Pakistan, Because once you let India unify South Asia, India will be the spearhead aimed at our country. Even more difficult to deal with. It is also impossible to give up Southeast Asia. Southeast Asia is our natural economic backyard, and has economic and military dual significance.

In the short term, the main contradictions are 1 and 2, but as India's national strength over Pakistan get bigger and bigger, we cannot rule out that one day Pakistan will be completely defeated by India or even annexed, by that time China's direct geopolitical threat to India will be greatly reduced, if India can also annex Nepal, Bhutan and other countries, then it will have a pivot point in the Tibetan Plateau, and it will be difficult for China to go over the Tibetan Plateau to directly invade India. At this time, the Sino-Indian territorial dispute will no longer be the main conflict, and the main conflict will change to a struggle for spheres of influence.

The nature of India's threat is the same as that of Russia and Japan; it is a territorial and existential threat. India, on the one hand, has ambitions to encroach on our territory, which is different from the United States, which focuses on economic interests. India also has attempts to dominate South Asia and encroach on Southeast Asia. When China is strong, both the United States and India will adopt a hostile policy toward China; but when China is in decline, the United States may relax its restrictions , but India will not. If one day India is strong and China is weak, then India will intensify its aggression against our territory and even threaten the safety of our national life and property.

Chapter Three, the dilemma of two-front warfare, China does not occupy an absolute advantage on the Sino-Indian border

The Chinese front is too long and needs to be guarded separately.

To the east is Japan and South Korea, to the southeast is Taiwan that has not yet returned, to the south are the Southeast Asian countries with territorial disputes, and to the north is Russia, which has occupied the most territory in China in history. In the west of our country, the situation is more complicated. There are religious and ethnic conflicts in Xinjiang and Tibet, and India is eyeing them. This means that although our country is strong, it needs to be guarded by separate troops

Division of Chinese theaters and deployment of forces:

Northern Theater -- 3 army groups, North Sea Fleet-- Russia, Korean Peninsula

Eastern Theater -- 3 army groups, East China Sea Fleet, half of the air force-- U.S., Japan, Taiwan

Southern Theater -- 2 army groups, South China Sea Fleet-- United States, Southeast Asian countries

Central Theater -- 3 armies-- Guards the capital and reserve for other war zones

Western Theater-- 2 armies-- India

Division of Indian military districts and deployment of forces:

Northern Military District -- 3 army groups -- Kashmir, the western section of the China-India border

Western Military Region -- 4 army groups -- Middle section of the China-India border

Eastern Military Region -- 3 armies, East Sea Fleet -- Eastern section of the China-India border

Central Military Region -- 1 army -- Guarding the capital

Southwest Military Region-- 1 army --- Pakistan

Southern Military Region -- 2 armies, West Sea Fleet -- Guarding South India

India can use most of its military power against China. The Indian army has 1.15 million troops and has a total of 14 armies, of which 10 are dedicated to fighting China, accounting for 70% of its army. As for the navy, when a war breaks out between China and India, if the United States and India have good relations, India can send its entire navy to the Andaman Islands to block the Strait of Malacca. While most of the Chinese navy will be deployed in the Pacific to confront the United States and Japan. In terms of air force, northern India has a flat terrain and numerous airports, which can accommodate all the fighters of the Indian Air Force. However, there are not enough airports in Tibet to park a large number of fighters. If a large-scale war breaks out between China and India, how much force can be used to fight against India?

It may be difficult for China to deploy troops on a large scale to support the battlefield, because each army group has clear responsibilities. Once a large number of troops are deployed, it will inevitably lead to weakness and give other countries a chance. For example, the 82nd Army is used to guard the capital , the 82nd Army is equipped to fight on the Great Plains, its plateau combat ability is not a strong point
This means that once a large-scale war breaks out between China and India, we may only be able to mobilize 5 army groups to fight, while the Indian side can mobilize at least 10 armies in response.Due to restrictions on the throughput of Tibet’s airports, the number of soldiers that can be sent to Tibet is also relatively limited, and most of the air force still has to stay in the east to confront the United States and Japan. As the Strait of Malacca is controlled by other countries, the possibility of our navy crossing the Strait of Malacca and fighting the Indian Navy in the Indian Ocean is currently unlikely. Therefore, theoretically speaking, China would have to use 40% of the army, less than half of the air force, and close to 0% of the navy in the Sino-Indian war against 70% of the Indian army, close to 100% of the navy and air force. Currently, I believe that if there is no external interference, China can defeat India with only half of its military power. however, In the most likely situation for war, although our military is far stronger than India, it does not occupy an absolute advantage.

In short, in the context of a potential encounter, China has several major disadvantages against India:

1. China's main strategic focus is in the east, 70% of its military power will be used to confront the United States, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, and it will not be able to spare a hand to deal specifically with India.

2. Since 2016, the United States has gradually locked China as its number one competitor. If China starts a war against India, if it is a protracted war, the United States and the West will inevitably intervene. At that time, there may be wars in Taiwan, the Korean Peninsula, and the South China Sea. Creating a 2 fronts situation

3. 60% of China's oil imports pass through the Strait of Malacca, and a large amount of export trade also goes through this place. Once fighting against India begins, India or the US may take advantage by blockading the Strait of Malacca. China's crude oil reserves can only support 6-12 months during the war

4. The risks and pressures of the two- front warfare can be handled in a war against India. However, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is complex and the railway cannot support the logistics required for large-scale military operations.
I went ahead and read the entire article. So he goes on to say right now isn't the correct time for China to enter into a conflict with India as, large part of their resources are positioned in East China and the don't have proper connectivity in Tibet (surprising). He also mentions if China moves more forces from east to west, chance are they might have to face India, Japan, US and maybe Russia simultaneously.

So what he suggests is that china first takes back Taiwan (at a time when US-Russia or US-Iran tensions are escalating, he considers Russia is a short term ally, not a long term) and till then develop transport and logistics capabilities in TAR. After capturing Taiwan, china will be able to free its forces and redeploy them towards India and will also gain a 500km more secured perimeter against US.

After redeploying forces, he believes chances of hostilities might increase as India might look to deviate attention from its internal problems. He further says that conflicts on LAC might not give necessary returns to china, as war will only have a 3 month bracket (as rest of the year it is covered with snow and night prolong the conflict which won't benefit china).

Now he suggests, that India doesn't have a natural defence on the northwest (as the hindu-kush ranges are in Afg and pak), unlike the LAC where the Himalayas are present. So he suggests that china starts building military capabilities and infrastructure in Pakistan and starts deploying forces in Pakistan, and supply them through CPEC and also through domestic purchase.

He then says, correct time would be when US-RUSSIA are in hostilities (like 1962) to attack/invade India through northwest. He believes this will be easy as these areas are mostly plains and mobility would be easier. As the Indian military will start deploying its resources towards the western border, PLA elites (through some place, name I forgot), should cut-off Siliguri corridor and isolate NE as most forces would be on the western front. And if India pushes through Bangladesh to recapture NE, china should move in through Myanmar (using some china-myanmar rail line, which isn't complete), citing self defence of Bangladesh.

He doesn't stop there, he says Pla should move into Delhi and overrun it as it is the entrance to the Gangetic plains (where majority of India lives). He further gives a few scenarios, like what if india shifts its capital and continues to fight, or what is there is a stalemate, etc. In all this he believes only challenges faced by PLA will be extreme heat and heavy rainfall in the Gangetic plains. He also adds if PLAN (somehow, which isn't explained how) manages to cross the Straits of Malacca, they should capture Andaman, and all this while their airforce and rocket force should bomb Indian military, industrial, logistics infrastructure.

Overall he says, aim of the war should be to seperate NE from India, which will allow china to dominate SE Asia. And if India agrees to the seperation of NE, pla on the western front will withdraw.

:hehe: :hehe: :hehe: :hehe: :hehe:


Regular Member
Jan 23, 2021
Country flag
I went ahead and read the entire article. So he goes on to say right now isn't the correct time for China to enter into a conflict with India as, large part of their resources are positioned in East China and the don't have proper connectivity in Tibet (surprising). He also mentions if China moves more forces from east to west, chance are they might have to face India, Japan, US and maybe Russia simultaneously.

So what he suggests is that china first takes back Taiwan (at a time when US-Russia or US-Iran tensions are escalating, he considers Russia is a short term ally, not a long term) and till then develop transport and logistics capabilities in TAR. After capturing Taiwan, china will be able to free its forces and redeploy them towards India and will also gain a 500km more secured perimeter against US.

After redeploying forces, he believes chances of hostilities might increase as India might look to deviate attention from its internal problems. He further says that conflicts on LAC might not give necessary returns to china, as war will only have a 3 month bracket (as rest of the year it is covered with snow and night prolong the conflict which won't benefit china).

Now he suggests, that India doesn't have a natural defence on the northwest (as the hindu-kush ranges are in Afg and pak), unlike the LAC where the Himalayas are present. So he suggests that china starts building military capabilities and infrastructure in Pakistan and starts deploying forces in Pakistan, and supply them through CPEC and also through domestic purchase.

He then says, correct time would be when US-RUSSIA are in hostilities (like 1962) to attack/invade India through northwest. He believes this will be easy as these areas are mostly plains and mobility would be easier. As the Indian military will start deploying its resources towards the western border, PLA elites (through some place, name I forgot), should cut-off Siliguri corridor and isolate NE as most forces would be on the western front. And if India pushes through Bangladesh to recapture NE, china should move in through Myanmar (using some china-myanmar rail line, which isn't complete), citing self defence of Bangladesh.

He doesn't stop there, he says Pla should move into Delhi and overrun it as it is the entrance to the Gangetic plains (where majority of India lives). He further gives a few scenarios, like what if india shifts its capital and continues to fight, or what is there is a stalemate, etc. In all this he believes only challenges faced by PLA will be extreme heat and heavy rainfall in the Gangetic plains. He also adds if PLAN (somehow, which isn't explained how) manages to cross the Straits of Malacca, they should capture Andaman, and all this while their airforce and rocket force should bomb Indian military, industrial, logistics infrastructure.

Overall he says, aim of the war should be to seperate NE from India, which will allow china to dominate SE Asia. And if India agrees to the seperation of NE, pla on the western front will withdraw.

:hehe: :hehe: :hehe: :hehe: :hehe:
OK now that's total delusional. If they trust Pakistan so much. The future of India is in good hands then.

Maharaj samudragupt

Kritant Parashu
Oct 9, 2020
Country flag
I went ahead and read the entire article. So he goes on to say right now isn't the correct time for China to enter into a conflict with India as, large part of their resources are positioned in East China and the don't have proper connectivity in Tibet (surprising). He also mentions if China moves more forces from east to west, chance are they might have to face India, Japan, US and maybe Russia simultaneously.

So what he suggests is that china first takes back Taiwan (at a time when US-Russia or US-Iran tensions are escalating, he considers Russia is a short term ally, not a long term) and till then develop transport and logistics capabilities in TAR. After capturing Taiwan, china will be able to free its forces and redeploy them towards India and will also gain a 500km more secured perimeter against US.

After redeploying forces, he believes chances of hostilities might increase as India might look to deviate attention from its internal problems. He further says that conflicts on LAC might not give necessary returns to china, as war will only have a 3 month bracket (as rest of the year it is covered with snow and night prolong the conflict which won't benefit china).

Now he suggests, that India doesn't have a natural defence on the northwest (as the hindu-kush ranges are in Afg and pak), unlike the LAC where the Himalayas are present. So he suggests that china starts building military capabilities and infrastructure in Pakistan and starts deploying forces in Pakistan, and supply them through CPEC and also through domestic purchase.

He then says, correct time would be when US-RUSSIA are in hostilities (like 1962) to attack/invade India through northwest. He believes this will be easy as these areas are mostly plains and mobility would be easier. As the Indian military will start deploying its resources towards the western border, PLA elites (through some place, name I forgot), should cut-off Siliguri corridor and isolate NE as most forces would be on the western front. And if India pushes through Bangladesh to recapture NE, china should move in through Myanmar (using some china-myanmar rail line, which isn't complete), citing self defence of Bangladesh.

He doesn't stop there, he says Pla should move into Delhi and overrun it as it is the entrance to the Gangetic plains (where majority of India lives). He further gives a few scenarios, like what if india shifts its capital and continues to fight, or what is there is a stalemate, etc. In all this he believes only challenges faced by PLA will be extreme heat and heavy rainfall in the Gangetic plains. He also adds if PLAN (somehow, which isn't explained how) manages to cross the Straits of Malacca, they should capture Andaman, and all this while their airforce and rocket force should bomb Indian military, industrial, logistics infrastructure.

Overall he says, aim of the war should be to seperate NE from India, which will allow china to dominate SE Asia. And if India agrees to the seperation of NE, pla on the western front will withdraw.

:hehe: :hehe: :hehe: :hehe: :hehe:
Good, they think of us as iraq and they think of us as having ww2 era tech fine vro.
Where are our spitfires , can they fight in himalaya?

Maharaj samudragupt

Kritant Parashu
Oct 9, 2020
Country flag
I went ahead and read the entire article. So he goes on to say right now isn't the correct time for China to enter into a conflict with India as, large part of their resources are positioned in East China and the don't have proper connectivity in Tibet (surprising). He also mentions if China moves more forces from east to west, chance are they might have to face India, Japan, US and maybe Russia simultaneously.

So what he suggests is that china first takes back Taiwan (at a time when US-Russia or US-Iran tensions are escalating, he considers Russia is a short term ally, not a long term) and till then develop transport and logistics capabilities in TAR. After capturing Taiwan, china will be able to free its forces and redeploy them towards India and will also gain a 500km more secured perimeter against US.

After redeploying forces, he believes chances of hostilities might increase as India might look to deviate attention from its internal problems. He further says that conflicts on LAC might not give necessary returns to china, as war will only have a 3 month bracket (as rest of the year it is covered with snow and night prolong the conflict which won't benefit china).

Now he suggests, that India doesn't have a natural defence on the northwest (as the hindu-kush ranges are in Afg and pak), unlike the LAC where the Himalayas are present. So he suggests that china starts building military capabilities and infrastructure in Pakistan and starts deploying forces in Pakistan, and supply them through CPEC and also through domestic purchase.

He then says, correct time would be when US-RUSSIA are in hostilities (like 1962) to attack/invade India through northwest. He believes this will be easy as these areas are mostly plains and mobility would be easier. As the Indian military will start deploying its resources towards the western border, PLA elites (through some place, name I forgot), should cut-off Siliguri corridor and isolate NE as most forces would be on the western front. And if India pushes through Bangladesh to recapture NE, china should move in through Myanmar (using some china-myanmar rail line, which isn't complete), citing self defence of Bangladesh.

He doesn't stop there, he says Pla should move into Delhi and overrun it as it is the entrance to the Gangetic plains (where majority of India lives). He further gives a few scenarios, like what if india shifts its capital and continues to fight, or what is there is a stalemate, etc. In all this he believes only challenges faced by PLA will be extreme heat and heavy rainfall in the Gangetic plains. He also adds if PLAN (somehow, which isn't explained how) manages to cross the Straits of Malacca, they should capture Andaman, and all this while their airforce and rocket force should bomb Indian military, industrial, logistics infrastructure.

Overall he says, aim of the war should be to seperate NE from India, which will allow china to dominate SE Asia. And if India agrees to the seperation of NE, pla on the western front will withdraw.

:hehe: :hehe: :hehe: :hehe: :hehe:
That chutiya dossnt understand ,Pakistan is what our armies are turned towards.
They do anything in pak, they are well within range.mangla Dam or tarvela or whatever its called can ve destroyed to flood thier cpec roads.


Senior Member
Apr 23, 2021
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I went ahead and read the entire article. So he goes on to say right now isn't the correct time for China to enter into a conflict with India as, large part of their resources are positioned in East China and the don't have proper connectivity in Tibet (surprising). He also mentions if China moves more forces from east to west, chance are they might have to face India, Japan, US and maybe Russia simultaneously.

So what he suggests is that china first takes back Taiwan (at a time when US-Russia or US-Iran tensions are escalating, he considers Russia is a short term ally, not a long term) and till then develop transport and logistics capabilities in TAR. After capturing Taiwan, china will be able to free its forces and redeploy them towards India and will also gain a 500km more secured perimeter against US.

After redeploying forces, he believes chances of hostilities might increase as India might look to deviate attention from its internal problems. He further says that conflicts on LAC might not give necessary returns to china, as war will only have a 3 month bracket (as rest of the year it is covered with snow and night prolong the conflict which won't benefit china).

Now he suggests, that India doesn't have a natural defence on the northwest (as the hindu-kush ranges are in Afg and pak), unlike the LAC where the Himalayas are present. So he suggests that china starts building military capabilities and infrastructure in Pakistan and starts deploying forces in Pakistan, and supply them through CPEC and also through domestic purchase.

He then says, correct time would be when US-RUSSIA are in hostilities (like 1962) to attack/invade India through northwest. He believes this will be easy as these areas are mostly plains and mobility would be easier. As the Indian military will start deploying its resources towards the western border, PLA elites (through some place, name I forgot), should cut-off Siliguri corridor and isolate NE as most forces would be on the western front. And if India pushes through Bangladesh to recapture NE, china should move in through Myanmar (using some china-myanmar rail line, which isn't complete), citing self defence of Bangladesh.

He doesn't stop there, he says Pla should move into Delhi and overrun it as it is the entrance to the Gangetic plains (where majority of India lives). He further gives a few scenarios, like what if india shifts its capital and continues to fight, or what is there is a stalemate, etc. In all this he believes only challenges faced by PLA will be extreme heat and heavy rainfall in the Gangetic plains. He also adds if PLAN (somehow, which isn't explained how) manages to cross the Straits of Malacca, they should capture Andaman, and all this while their airforce and rocket force should bomb Indian military, industrial, logistics infrastructure.

Overall he says, aim of the war should be to seperate NE from India, which will allow china to dominate SE Asia. And if India agrees to the seperation of NE, pla on the western front will withdraw.

:hehe: :hehe: :hehe: :hehe: :hehe:

and as usual defance exfart he forgot to take into account the future military tech developement in india.

so pure dumb analysis.

he also forgot the internal resistance towards ccp

and he also forgot that chinki soilders masturbate too much.



Senior Member
Apr 23, 2021
Country flag
and as usual defance exfart he forgot to take into account the future military tech developement in india.

so pure dumb analysis.

he also forgot the internal resistance towards ccp

and he also forgot that chinki soilders masturbate too much.

analysis or any strategy is made on the basis of how much my adversary will be capable of in future.
and that base is gayab.


Senior Member
Mar 24, 2019
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I went ahead and read the entire article. So he goes on to say right now isn't the correct time for China to enter into a conflict with India as, large part of their resources are positioned in East China and the don't have proper connectivity in Tibet (surprising). He also mentions if China moves more forces from east to west, chance are they might have to face India, Japan, US and maybe Russia simultaneously.

So what he suggests is that china first takes back Taiwan (at a time when US-Russia or US-Iran tensions are escalating, he considers Russia is a short term ally, not a long term) and till then develop transport and logistics capabilities in TAR. After capturing Taiwan, china will be able to free its forces and redeploy them towards India and will also gain a 500km more secured perimeter against US.

After redeploying forces, he believes chances of hostilities might increase as India might look to deviate attention from its internal problems. He further says that conflicts on LAC might not give necessary returns to china, as war will only have a 3 month bracket (as rest of the year it is covered with snow and night prolong the conflict which won't benefit china).

Now he suggests, that India doesn't have a natural defence on the northwest (as the hindu-kush ranges are in Afg and pak), unlike the LAC where the Himalayas are present. So he suggests that china starts building military capabilities and infrastructure in Pakistan and starts deploying forces in Pakistan, and supply them through CPEC and also through domestic purchase.

He then says, correct time would be when US-RUSSIA are in hostilities (like 1962) to attack/invade India through northwest. He believes this will be easy as these areas are mostly plains and mobility would be easier. As the Indian military will start deploying its resources towards the western border, PLA elites (through some place, name I forgot), should cut-off Siliguri corridor and isolate NE as most forces would be on the western front. And if India pushes through Bangladesh to recapture NE, china should move in through Myanmar (using some china-myanmar rail line, which isn't complete), citing self defence of Bangladesh.

He doesn't stop there, he says Pla should move into Delhi and overrun it as it is the entrance to the Gangetic plains (where majority of India lives). He further gives a few scenarios, like what if india shifts its capital and continues to fight, or what is there is a stalemate, etc. In all this he believes only challenges faced by PLA will be extreme heat and heavy rainfall in the Gangetic plains. He also adds if PLAN (somehow, which isn't explained how) manages to cross the Straits of Malacca, they should capture Andaman, and all this while their airforce and rocket force should bomb Indian military, industrial, logistics infrastructure.

Overall he says, aim of the war should be to seperate NE from India, which will allow china to dominate SE Asia. And if India agrees to the seperation of NE, pla on the western front will withdraw.

:hehe: :hehe: :hehe: :hehe: :hehe:
What stops india from delinking cpec .. dropping few 1000kg bombs on those mountains ll cause land slides ... cpec can be even targeted from siachen .. And lol .. PLA ll be driving tanks in yamuna express way Delhi .. cutoff NE and india wont use nuclear bomb from submarine or tamilnadu ..😂 All plan is a good plan until shit hits the fan .

Abdus Salem killed

New Member
Mar 10, 2021
I went ahead and read the entire article. So he goes on to say right now isn't the correct time for China to enter into a conflict with India as, large part of their resources are positioned in East China and the don't have proper connectivity in Tibet (surprising). He also mentions if China moves more forces from east to west, chance are they might have to face India, Japan, US and maybe Russia simultaneously.

So what he suggests is that china first takes back Taiwan (at a time when US-Russia or US-Iran tensions are escalating, he considers Russia is a short term ally, not a long term) and till then develop transport and logistics capabilities in TAR. After capturing Taiwan, china will be able to free its forces and redeploy them towards India and will also gain a 500km more secured perimeter against US.

After redeploying forces, he believes chances of hostilities might increase as India might look to deviate attention from its internal problems. He further says that conflicts on LAC might not give necessary returns to china, as war will only have a 3 month bracket (as rest of the year it is covered with snow and night prolong the conflict which won't benefit china).

Now he suggests, that India doesn't have a natural defence on the northwest (as the hindu-kush ranges are in Afg and pak), unlike the LAC where the Himalayas are present. So he suggests that china starts building military capabilities and infrastructure in Pakistan and starts deploying forces in Pakistan, and supply them through CPEC and also through domestic purchase.

He then says, correct time would be when US-RUSSIA are in hostilities (like 1962) to attack/invade India through northwest. He believes this will be easy as these areas are mostly plains and mobility would be easier. As the Indian military will start deploying its resources towards the western border, PLA elites (through some place, name I forgot), should cut-off Siliguri corridor and isolate NE as most forces would be on the western front. And if India pushes through Bangladesh to recapture NE, china should move in through Myanmar (using some china-myanmar rail line, which isn't complete), citing self defence of Bangladesh.

He doesn't stop there, he says Pla should move into Delhi and overrun it as it is the entrance to the Gangetic plains (where majority of India lives). He further gives a few scenarios, like what if india shifts its capital and continues to fight, or what is there is a stalemate, etc. In all this he believes only challenges faced by PLA will be extreme heat and heavy rainfall in the Gangetic plains. He also adds if PLAN (somehow, which isn't explained how) manages to cross the Straits of Malacca, they should capture Andaman, and all this while their airforce and rocket force should bomb Indian military, industrial, logistics infrastructure.

Overall he says, aim of the war should be to seperate NE from India, which will allow china to dominate SE Asia. And if India agrees to the seperation of NE, pla on the western front will withdraw.

:hehe: :hehe: :hehe: :hehe: :hehe:
I have read several comments of Chinese on pdf was a long time lurker on itcdby and also visited sinodefense forum you are completely fking right they think of us as peasants with no will to fight as less than Iraq bro as they believe we have no network centric warfare and will completely destroy our air force power grid and military in 24 hours Thier is even a thread on pdf on how PLAAF will destroy iaf in 24 hrs read it no fking gauge on India and all pls piolots are god due to awacs

I don't even read these idiotic praagraphs anymore as I can predict what they will say

Also thy believe they cam starve us by damming Brahmaputra not realising we get most of our water from rain

Maharaj samudragupt

Kritant Parashu
Oct 9, 2020
Country flag
I have read several comments of Chinese on pdf was a long time lurker on itcdby and also visited sinodefense forum you are completely fking right they think of us as peasants with no will to fight as less than Iraq bro as they believe we have no network centric warfare and will completely destroy our air force power grid and military in 24 hours Thier is even a thread on pdf on how PLAAF will destroy iaf in 24 hrs read it no fking gauge on India and all pls piolots are god due to awacs
Ati uttam sirji


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Better to die on your feet than live on your knees
Senior Member
Nov 22, 2020
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We have to fight our own war....If you think world be our side than come out of your wet dreams bro...
I didn't say murica will fight for us.the way china is going the world has two options either give them what they want like what the british and french did before ww2 to germany or push them back.both will end only in war
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