If you had a million USD spare, which nationalist OR "nationalist + dharmic" cause will you support

Akshay Fenix

Regular Member
Jun 17, 2017
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Invest the million in some business so as to make it into a millions of dollars profitable industry. Now I'll have a million dollars per year instead of just a million at start. With this, I'll open up dharmic schools, colleges and universities all over the world and not just India.

Vasudeva Kutumbakam


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Dec 18, 2012
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Fenix and Airtel, so you would turn entrepreneurs with the spare mil and then generate jobs and more mils in the process. Theoretically, this is the best, "teach a man to fish" type of action.

But then one may have to quit their day job to do this. Everyone doesn't have the entrepreneural streak nor is any investment risk averse with a quick turn around so as to be able to generate those additional mils from the seed fund.

Ok but I see the theme here. Set up something which can then do good geometrically and also on auto pilot.


Mera Bharat mahan
Senior Member
Mar 19, 2016
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I will invest all th at t money into share market crypto currency and small businesses to make it at least 20 million use in 2 years.

I will raise a small but we'll dedicated and trained force of people to kill chrislamists and commies and the people who want to bring electric cars.I will acquire their assets and will use that money to fund other small businesses and will ask them to contribute certain part of their profit to fund school's colle from es and hospitals.


Pratik Maitra
Senior Member
Mar 3, 2014
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Build colleges with reservation for only open category......... All reservation quota chaaps will be restricted at my college............

Open companies that give jobs only to open category deserving candidates and no reservation quota chaaps allowed............
I do not know if that will help the Dharmic cause. It will only drive the Dalits and backward masses into the hands of missionaries and Mullahs/maulvis.

The reservation policy was set up to prevent Dalits/backward classes from leaving Hinduism.(see poona pact.)

However I do agree our final goal should be the eradication of illiteracy and then affirmative action. Only a massive literacy drive can solve India`s myriad problems.


Pratik Maitra
Senior Member
Mar 3, 2014
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If I had million dollars I would probably open a school for orphaned kids/an orphanage. India needs a Revolution that would be fought with intellectual might and with the pen. India`s rise to the top will only be possible if all people get educated. Educated people will also be able to know about our great past and Dharmic roots and principles.

P.S. On the other hand keeping the money in a bank also would help India`s cause. This is because the banks use our money to provide loans and then the interest they accrue from those loans is used by the GoI. Infact every taxpayer of India helps the country in a nationalist way by paying his/her taxes. The taxpayer`s contribution is more helpful than that of pseudo nationalists. One does not have to go an extra mile to be a nationalist. Paying taxes,being a self sufficient and law abiding citizen is enough to be a nationalist.


Regular Member
Dec 18, 2012
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Dude!!! I have an electric car! Once you go electric you ain't goin back to fossil fuels bro.

Ok so you choose the invest to generate more mils option and like some other participants you will then raise a militia... cool
These 2 themes are getting repeated quite a bit.

Those raising militias have you considered maybe funding some existing organisations and nudge them to acquire a sword arm?
What about the logistics of acquiring weapons for your militia and the friction with the IPC?

BTW and slightly OT , out of curiosity, I know a bit about crypto currencies but where is the "bazaar" where you can explore options of investing in them?


Regular Member
Dec 18, 2012
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If I had million dollars I would probably open a school for orphaned kids/an orphanage. India needs a Revolution that would be fought with intellectual might and with the pen. India`s rise to the top will only be possible if all people get educated. Educated people will also be able to know about our great past and Dharmic roots and principles.

P.S. On the other hand keeping the money in a bank also would help India`s cause. This is because the banks use our money to provide loans and then the interest they accrue from those loans is used by the GoI. Infact every taxpayer of India helps the country in a nationalist way by paying his/her taxes. The taxpayer`s contribution is more helpful than that of pseudo nationalists. One does not have to go an extra mile to be a nationalist. Paying taxes,being a self sufficient and law abiding citizen is enough to be a nationalist.
Nicely put. Correct me if I am wrong but most church run orphanages in India insists their pupils convert? Also old age care, old age homes, or maybe fixing our dharmic system will fix the aged being abandoned in old age homes.

Any thoughts on funding existing educational institutions for this purpose?


Mera Bharat mahan
Senior Member
Mar 19, 2016
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@Berkut stay safe bro!!!!

I may burn your car.

I hate ev more than commie ,lizard and chrislamists and corrupt politicians.


Pratik Maitra
Senior Member
Mar 3, 2014
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Nicely put. Correct me if I am wrong but most church run orphanages in India insists their pupils convert? Also old age care, old age homes, or maybe fixing our dharmic system will fix the aged being abandoned in old age homes.

Any thoughts on funding existing educational institutions for this purpose?
I do not know about church orphanages in Kolkata but some of the top missionary schools in Kolkata are La Martiniere,St.Thomas,St. James etc As far as I know they do not convert students but do have Christian prayer.

I was raised in a very orthodox East Bengali Brahmin family and my entire family is afraid of Muslims/Muslim institutions rather than Christian orgranizations. Infact majority of Bengalis in Kolkata seem to consider sending their wards to elite missionary schools as a status symbol.

As for old age homes, my father once donated to Bharat Sevasram but later we learnt they were misusing the funds(as reported in a newspaper) so we stopped donations. My father also believes in the principle of paying taxes and keeping money in the bank rather than direct charity.

The thing is it is very difficult to know that our money would be well utilized by the old age homes/day care/orphanages etc. We may get scammed.


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Dec 18, 2012
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I do not know about church orphanages in Kolkata but some of the top missionary schools in Kolkata are La Martiniere,St.Thomas,St. James etc As far as I know they do not convert students but do have Christian prayer.

I was raised in a very orthodox East Bengali Brahmin family and my entire family is afraid of Muslims/Muslim institutions rather than Christian orgranizations. Infact majority of Bengalis in Kolkata seem to consider sending their wards to elite missionary schools as a status symbol.

As for old age homes, my father once donated to Bharat Sevasram but later we learnt they were misusing the funds(as reported in a newspaper) so we stopped donations. My father also believes in the principle of paying taxes and keeping money in the bank rather than direct charity.

The thing is it is very difficult to know that our money would be well utilized by the old age homes/day care/orphanages etc. We may get scammed.
Interesting. BTW my ancestors were from Barisal in present day Bangladesh as well. Bong Bramhin myself but didnt grow up in Bengal. Interesting to see most of my extended family in Kolkata have turned dhimmis. They hide their dhimminess under thd garb of intellectualism.

Are there any dharmic causes in Bengal that one could perhaps donate towards?


Regular Member
Dec 18, 2012
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@Berkut stay safe bro!!!!

I may burn your car.

I hate ev more than commie ,lizard and chrislamists and corrupt politicians.
Why bro... What did my little Nissan Leaf do??

See jokes apart you may have a point. This is exactly what this thread is for.

A philanthropist may think EVs don't harm dharmics, how about I set up a Giga factory in India. But then unbeknown to them, EVs may have a convoluted connection to the missionary, commie agenda


Pratik Maitra
Senior Member
Mar 3, 2014
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Interesting. BTW my ancestors were from Barisal in present day Bangladesh as well. Bong Bramhin myself but didnt grow up in Bengal. Interesting to see most of my extended family in Kolkata have turned dhimmis. They hide their dhimminess under thd garb of intellectualism.

Are there any dharmic causes in Bengal that one could perhaps donate towards?
OT: Great to know you are a Bangal Brahmin like me. :biggrin2:
I am a Maitra(Kashyapa gotra Varendra Brahmin) with my ancestors haling from Faridpur.

As for dharmic causes in Bengal there is Ramkrishna Mission and Bharat Sevasram. I do not know of anything else of repute.


Regular Member
Dec 18, 2012
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Iskon - No
Sadguru - No
Charity - No
Teaching in English about Dharm - No

Just my 2 cents.
Very insightful sirji. I have heard things about Iskon as well.
Though on the face of it they seem to be doing a stellar job in spreading Dharm n Hinduism. Their reach in Russia particularly is staggering.

I have donated to Isha foundation in the past. Why no for Isha foundation?

Also interesting how you say no to teaching in English about Dharm. I was reading Dr.Robert Svoboda's Aghora (thank you @OneGrimPilgrim) and there is a part, if my memory serves me right, where Shri Vimalanandaji warns against writing down any important knowledge( if it is important then it is important enough to commit to memory) and if writing something keep it in the original text as otherwise chances of mis interpretations abound.

Bharat Ek Khoj

Senior Member
Apr 21, 2016
Very insightful sirji. I have heard things about Iskon as well.
Though on the face of it they seem to be doing a stellar job in spreading Dharm n Hinduism. Their reach in Russia particularly is staggering.

I have donated to Isha foundation in the past. Why no for Isha foundation?

Also interesting how you say no to teaching in English about Dharm. I was reading Dr.Robert Svoboda's Aghora (thank you @OneGrimPilgrim) and there is a part, if my memory serves me right, where Shri Vimalanandaji warns against writing down any important knowledge( if it is important then it is important enough to commit to memory) and if writing something keep it in the original text as otherwise chances of mis interpretations abound.
Youtube Isckon Rajiv dixit
Book - Monkey on a stick
I have few more reasons which I won't like to talk about.

Isha does lot of advertisement even in google play, which makes me skeptic.

Dharm is non-existence word in English. One will never be able to translate Dharmic teaching into English. Only indian local languages can teach the dharmic faith properly. Even if you read/hear few foreigners who learn dharmic faith will tell you such things.

I have many versions of Bhagvad gita in english, including Sri Aurobindo, but none taught me the 'Saar' (Essence) of gita. The only book that helped me understanding gita is from Gita Press published in my language Gujarati. And I turned atheist to Dharmic again.


Mera Bharat mahan
Senior Member
Mar 19, 2016
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Electric vehicles will be the end of Saudi Arabia and other useless nomadic arab states. I recommend rethinking your opinion about them.
I will buy oil from Venezuela Russia or from anywhere.

But I won't quit internal combustion engine.


Senior Member
May 21, 2016
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I have several Ideas.

But first,let's count how much money is a million USD as per today.

Hmm...around some 6.4 crore Rupees.

Say,can i really open up a 'gurukul' or a small arms factory in just 6 crore rupees ?I guess land acquisition would only take up all the money.

I would wholeheartedly deny the money because from the thread i can say there're more talented and capable people who could use it better than me.
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