Hype about Pakistani ballistic missiles


Air Warrior
New Member
Aug 18, 2010
I just wanted to know how the size of a nuclear arsenal is derived for a country? What was the case with India?? We have a rich Uranium deposit in the country and we have newly added a plant near mysore (I guess) uranum enrichment program.. However we have a good uranium deposits, then why not we are increasing our arsenal size so that we will be able to achieve our "Credible Nuclear second stike" capability??

Any idea on this??


New Member
Aug 17, 2010
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I just wanted to know how the size of a nuclear arsenal is derived for a country? What was the case with India?? We have a rich Uranium deposit in the country and we have newly added a plant near mysore (I guess) uranum enrichment program.. However we have a good uranium deposits, then why not we are increasing our arsenal size so that we will be able to achieve our "Credible Nuclear second stike" capability??

Any idea on this??
centrifugal uranium enrichment plant's construction started in 1986, rare material project(RMP) was established in 1990 .nuclear weapon can be fueled by uranium or plutonium. but generally plutonium weapon are more powerful, and India have only plutonium and thermonuclear bomb(hydrogen bomb).nobody can predict amount nuclear weapon India has accurately. but to make make plutonium bomb we need weapon grade plutonium we where producing from 1970's itself ,( from which we detonated 1974 smiling buddha ). we can also use reactor grade plutonium to make weapon but it is less efficient and risky . we calculate combined plutonium resources we have we can make 1000 bombs


Sikkimese Saber
New Member
Aug 20, 2010
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want to know what are the criteria for a missile 1) it pay load or 2)range
For ex a shaheen -2 missile which Pakistan claims to be having a range of 2ooo kms can take only 700 kg pay load where as agni-2 which as a range 2500 can take a pay load of 2oookgs
This we can safely assume that the Chinese downgraded the actual capabilities of their own design or didn't completely hand over the blue prints that they had (top notch) just like any exporter of arms open or covert does; keep the best for oneself. Or perhaps Pakistan felt that 700 Kg warhead was sufficient to keep us thinking. On the other hand IGMP was envisioned to have missiles that can cause catastrophe in both sides of our borders in case something goes afoul in the future. I am sure that the original missiles Chinese have (Shaheen's parent) will be much more capable than this.

1 Can any one tell me how can a 700kg pay load missile can be made MIRV is it possible
I think it has to be "split" in various configurations to be able to MIRV them up since a "spread" re-entry would likely spread nuclear radiation with multiple epicenters to a larger area, causing more poisoning. Also it is a lie that Pakistan has MIRV technology. Only 4 countries on this planet have MIRVs and they're from UNSC P-5. Psychological warfare as I said is a last drop attempt of Pakistan to keep India from retaliating to their pinprick terror strikes. For example, the article in page 2 tells Musharaf telling the truth after 4 yrs of his rule ending that indigenous attempts failed at first, whereas Shaheen missiles were declared "success" in early 2000s itself.

Most of the stuff they talk is psych-war. Little is substance. Most people say that if we conventionally arm a lot, it will raise the "cost of nuclear war" since they will show less tolerance. These fanboys don't know what it means to cross nuclear threshold and the retaliation they'd face not just militarily but politically. Any country that initiates a nuclear war in this era will be looked at as the villain and it along with all the countries supporting or sympathizing with it will be attacked. These sorts of comments diminish the threads to cheap standards and are mostly bluffs. As long as PAK government has nukes, even they know what it means to be genuinely "suicidal" than the often suicidal tag they attach on paper.

2 they call shaheen -2 to be highly maneuvering missile and have counter measures against anti- ballistic missile , how it is possible. (when there ballistic missile cant even see abm missiles) ? A missile usually corrects itself with inputs from GPS system to have optimal CEP. Shaheen 2 does not have the capability to detect an anti missile on its own to take "evasive" maneuvers. If one is to believe that it can take inputs from ground control then, ground control should also have info of the anti missile to know when to submit inputs
Again a part of psyche-war and a bunch of lies. No BM is "ABM-proof" as each country that has had BMs tests with its own ABM systems to see how it would fare in a real war. For example, PAC IIIs or THAADs might be used by US to test the capabilities of a Minuteman III. Same way, Russians might use S-500 to test their Topol Ms or Iskanders. What system does Pakistan have in existence to test their super-dooper BMs with? Even China and India that have more than 12 times and more than 8 times their defence budgets respectively and equally more scientific capability are stuck with bugs and other problems to get ABMs. The very fact that Pakistan doesn't have access to BM-Level GPS guidance itself proves the bluff it is telling about all its invincibility. No one but US and NATO countries have access to that kind of signal completely with the kill-switch in US. China and India use their own constellation of limited satellites for now as China has invested a lot in Galileo and might demand military signal access just as we have full access to military signal access to Russia's GLONASS from the coming year.

Also the "supermaneuverable BMs" nonsense that is told by our neighbour is a laugh-off to anyone who's got some idea about world missile programmes. Only Topol-M class of Russia and Minuteman series have that capability to loiter and change direction mid-course in the face of perceiving threat from ABM signals. Both the BMs are 10,000 Km+, both are MIRVed and can carry megaton-level nukes. M-11 Chinese missiles are based on older class of Soviet BMs that lack this capabilities being SRBM or MRBM. Also North Korean missile tech, which Pakistani arsenal heavily borrows from doesn't have this capability. In short, out of 210+ countries, only 2 countries till now have this proven and tested.

Why Pakistani never test there missile in the direction of sea so they can now exact range of the missile like India
please provide your valuable information
2 reasons:

1) Launching them towards their limited sea territory might be perceived as a threat by our government and might end up in war (possible if missile makes a "mistake" and lands in our area).
2) Has there ever been one single report till Mushy's recent barrage that any Pakistani missile had "failed" any test? From this you can estimate why they don't show their actual test results or even test for that matter which they probably started only about 3 years ago when they got the hang of missile technology.

