How to fight terror against India?

Navnit Kundu

Pika Hu Akbarrr!!
Senior Member
Mar 22, 2016
The killing of Hindus by muslim invaders was not a glorious act, those who romanticize it are not civilized people.

My entry to the question of 'How to fight terrorism against India?' is education, and not just technical education but political education of the masses and not just school education but the idea should be propagated on all information channels until it becomes common parlance. The reason muslims take to terrorism is that they feel that they lived a glorious past where they could kill Hindus in contract to the lackluster life that they are living now where they have to abide by rules of the land instead of being rulers. Unless there is a concerted effort to challenge and defeat this idea, we will always face an existential threat from muslims. Admission of muslim atrocities should become the mainstream quintessential Indian thought. There are so many museums in Germany and Japan depicting the attrocities committed by their ancestors on innocent people. These serve the purpose of raising the level of public consciousness. Every year Hollywood comes out with half a dozen movies showing how bad the holocaust was. This is the template that we should follow. There should be museums depicting the atrocities instead of making Bollywood movies and books that eulogize Akbar and Tipu Sultan.

The very fact that Hindus aren't allowed to claim Ram Mandir is a testimony to the fact that Indian muslims don't adhere to a more evolved and tolerant form of Islam as @HariPrasad-1 sir claims. The thought process is the same as that of the invaders. Ram Mandir issue is not a real estate dispute and cannot be looked at from that angle. It's a much deeper issue of constitutional violation of the religious rights of Hindus in an allegedly secular nation which allegedly guarantees religious freedom. Ram Janmabhoomi is to Hindus what Mecca is to muslims, there can be no negotiation on this. The fact that we are stuck in negotiations reflects that Indian muslims, have in fact NOT given up their ideological terrorism which stems from their need to dominate and persecute Hindus wherever they can. Reconciliation is a two way street where both parties agree to walk one step each and meet in the middle. If a case is being made that Indian muslims are more reconciliatory in nature, where is the evidence?

First of all we need to implement a strong Hindu vote bank and everything will follow their after.
That's just the execution part of it, what we are discussing here is the 'idea' part of it. Should we even refrain from discussing ideas and potential solutions just because we aren't organized yet? Ideas come first, organization follows ideas. Otherwise what are you going to organize people for? Even the idea of Pakistan cropped up in 1920, THEN people organized themselves around that idea to achieve their goals. You are putting the cart before the cart and claiming that Hindus should organize first and then we can implement ideas. Why would anyone organize if you don't give them an idea to rally around?

I hope you realize, @HariPrasad-1 sir, that being ruthless and killing people is not what I am recommending. Simply give us closure. I have only one demand : include lessons of anti-Hindu atrocities in history books so that both Hindus and muslims become aware of it and have a sense of national context instead of building their own personal victimhood narratives. It is a great disservice to our civilization that an invader who imposed atrocities on us is crying foul and gets mainstream endorsement from all quarters of civil society because NONE of us have been told of the muslim atrocities in our history books. They claim that the Babri incident was wrong, but don't want to concede that their ancestors captured and destroyed our temple. This intellectual subversion is unacceptable. If we want to have a frank discussion, we have to put everything on the table so that everyone knows each other's history and empathizes with the other before pointing fingers.

The more rights of Hindus the state curtails, the more Hindu anger it will fuel, the eruption of which leads to incidents like Babri, which leads to radicalization and polarization on both sides. The constitution mentions secularism, it's about time Hindus tasted it too. We have only been smelling it from afar while muslims relished the entire cake of secularism.

Long story short : India needs to take concrete steps to trash the Hindu narrative and muslim narrative and adopt a common and reconciliatory national narrative which is acceptable to both parties, only then can people find closure and peace otherwise these issues will keep flaring up.
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Senior Member
Jan 7, 2016
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The killing of Hindus by muslim invaders was not a glorious act, those who romanticize it are not civilized people.

My entry to the question of 'How to fight terrorism against India?' is education, and not just technical education but political education of the masses and not just school education but the idea should be propagated on all information channels until it becomes common parlance. The reason muslims take to terrorism is that they feel that they lived a glorious past where they could kill Hindus in contract to the lackluster life that they are living now where they have to abide by rules of the land instead of being rulers. Unless there is a concerted effort to challenge and defeat this idea, we will always face an existential threat from muslims. Admission of muslim atrocities should become the mainstream quintessential Indian thought. There are so many museums in Germany and Japan depicting the attrocities committed by their ancestors on innocent people. These serve the purpose of raising the level of public consciousness. Every year Hollywood comes out with half a dozen movies showing how bad the holocaust was. This is the template that we should follow. There should be museums depicting the atrocities instead of making Bollywood movies and books that eulogize Akbar and Tipu Sultan.

The very fact that Hindus aren't allowed to claim Ram Mandir is a testimony to the fact that Indian muslims don't adhere to a more evolved and tolerant form of Islam as @HariPrasad-1 sir claims. The thought process is the same as that of the invaders. Ram Mandir issue is not a real estate dispute and cannot be looked at from that angle. It's a much deeper issue of constitutional violation of the religious rights of Hindus in an allegedly secular nation which allegedly guarantees religious freedom. Ram Janmabhoomi is to Hindus what Mecca is to muslims, there can be no negotiation on this. The fact that we are stuck in negotiations reflects that Indian muslims, have in fact NOT given up their ideological terrorism which stems from their need to dominate and persecute Hindus wherever they can. Reconciliation is a two way street where both parties agree to walk one step each and meet in the middle. If a case is being made that Indian muslims are more reconciliatory in nature, where is the evidence?

That's just the execution part of it, what we are discussing here is the 'idea' part of it. Should we even refrain from discussing ideas and potential solutions just because we aren't organized yet? Ideas come first, organization follows ideas. Otherwise what are you going to organize people for? Even the idea of Pakistan cropped up in 1920, THEN people organized themselves around that idea to achieve their goals. You are putting the cart before the cart and claiming that Hindus should organize first and then we can implement ideas. Why would anyone organize if you don't give them an idea to rally around?

I hope you realize, @HariPrasad-1 sir, that being ruthless and killing people is not what I am recommending. Simply give us closure. I have only one demand : include lessons of anti-Hindu atrocities in history books so that both Hindus and muslims become aware of it and have a sense of national context instead of building their own personal victimhood narratives. It is a great disservice to our civilization that an invader who imposed atrocities on us is crying foul and gets mainstream endorsement from all quarters of civil society because NONE of us have been told of the muslim atrocities in our history books. They claim that the Babri incident was wrong, but don't want to concede that their ancestors captured and destroyed our temple. This intellectual subversion is unacceptable. If we want to have a frank discussion, we have to put everything on the table so that everyone knows each other's history and empathizes with the other before pointing fingers.

The more rights of Hindus the state curtails, the more Hindu anger it will fuel, the eruption of which leads to incidents like Babri, which leads to radicalization and polarization on both sides. The constitution mentions secularism, it's about time Hindus tasted it too. We have only been smelling it from afar while muslims relished the entire cake of secularism.

Long story short : India needs to take concrete steps to trash the Hindu narrative and muslim narrative and adopt a common and reconciliatory national narrative which is acceptable to both parties, only then can people find closure and peace otherwise these issues will keep flaring up.

We must make a law that who so ever glorifies any invader shall be disqualify for vote and fight election for 10 years.


Senior Member
Sep 13, 2010
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Tagging @abingdonboy for relevance because I disagree with his contention that economic progress will lead to less radicalization, or by corollary implying that poverty leads to terrorism. This has been categorically proved to be false.
Actually, I didn't mean to imply that by becoming wealthy that radicalisation will be eliminated. I meant that all sections of India should be brought into the mainstream and economically intergrated so that no section feels marginalised or to be "the other".

There are two elements to radicalisation, as you have pointed out a lot of radicals are not poverty stricken and this is repeated all over the world- the "underwear bomber" from Nigeria had been to very good universities, many of the 9/11 hijackers had degrees and this is quite similar for a lot of jihadis in the West. This is where I say one needs to target the cyber domain where they are being recruited and radicalised. BUT, poverty IS a driving factor of other terrorists particuarly in Afghansitan and Pakistan- perhaps not really for India but one should still not provide any such breeding ground.

I am simply saying this as it is my wish to see every single Indian given the same oppurtunities and to all be part of the Indian fabric as is enshrined in the Indian constitution. IMO this will drmatically reduce the threat of such activities in India and then you just have to target those jihadis who are being radicalsied for other reasons (a more recent phenomena).

Again, credit where credit is due- India's 200+ million Muslims are , on the whole, arguably the best Muslims you will find anywhere on the planet and they should be celebrated for this.

Navnit Kundu

Pika Hu Akbarrr!!
Senior Member
Mar 22, 2016
Actually, I didn't mean to imply that by becoming wealthy that radicalisation will be eliminated. I meant that all sections of India should be brought into the mainstream and economically intergrated so that no section feels marginalised or to be "the other".
Yup, I understood that the first time over before going ahead to disagree with you.

I have not formed my opinion by extrapolating the acts of a few terrorists, if that is what you are insinuating. My reading of the muslim community has nothing to do with terrorism, I am speaking of a mainstream pattern of political thought among muslims in India.

What I'm basically trying to say is that the deeper you go into the rabbit hole of extremist nexus, one day you will ultimately be faced with the master who is pulling the puppet strings of these extremists and you will find that it is mainstream Islam, not a fringe, not a sect, not a twisted individual, but the mainstream of Islam which is responsible for these things. You can draw artificial lines to separate them into moderates and extremists virtually speaking, but the crux of the problem is that until you are willing to admit that an ideology which, at its core, preaches that 'everyone who disagrees with us is to be treated as an enemy combatant', the problem will never be solved.

Like the Afghan intel chief Amarullah Saleh once said "you will keep killing the guys in the outer circle for years and patting yourself on the back but the problem wont be solved until you have the resolve to confront the guys in the inner circle who are running the show". He was taunting the US for killing low level commanders in Afghanistan but not confronting Saudi Arabia. You are doing the same by drawing a dichotomy between gun wielding terrorists and non-gun wielding 'peaceful chaps'. Terrorism is not just about weapons, there is such a thing as ideological terrorism, which you are completely overlooking when you give a clean chit to 200 million people without looking at their collective political thought process as a group (not talking about individual acts of terror or crime, but the mainstream thought process)

Again, credit where credit is due- India's 200+ million Muslims are , on the whole, arguably the best Muslims you will find anywhere on the planet and they should be celebrated for this.
You keep saying that without quantifying your claim. What ordinary Indians want is not something extraordinary. They simply want closure similar to the one that Germans, Japanese got when they admitted their mistakes. You can sing a thousand songs in the praise of moderate Indian muslims, but the proof of the pudding is in eating it.

The very fact that Hindus aren't allowed to claim Ram Mandir is a testimony to the fact that Indian muslims don't adhere to a more evolved and tolerant form of Islam. The thought process is the same as that of the invaders. Ram Mandir issue is not a real estate dispute and cannot be looked at from that angle. It's a much deeper issue of constitutional violation of the religious rights of Hindus in an allegedly secular nation which allegedly guarantees religious freedom. Ram Janmabhoomi is to Hindus what Mecca is to muslims, there can be no negotiation on this. The fact that we are stuck in negotiations reflects that Indian muslims, have in fact NOT given up their ideological terrorism which stems from their need to dominate and persecute Hindus wherever they can. Reconciliation is a two way street where both parties agree to walk one step each and meet in the middle. If a case is being made that Indian muslims are more reconciliatory in nature, where is the evidence?

Have you seen any religious debate on any Indian channel? if you start speaking sense, the muslims simply wont let you speak. For them, "it's my way or the high way". If this amounts to 'better than other muslims' then I shudder to think what kind of muslims you have met. See this interview, if you still want to give credit where it is undue, well, I'm at loss for words, see this and decide (mind you, this is not a fringe muslim, you can check his credentials). The entire conversation is overflowing with subterfuge (Taquiya) and latent treachery, anyone with a little emotional quotient would understand it :

Again, credit where credit is due- India's 200+ million Muslims are , on the whole, arguably the best Muslims you will find anywhere on the planet and they should be celebrated for this.
Celebrating that they are better than the rest of their ilk is a relative/subjective benchmark. From time to time we must ask ourselves whether this 'relatively good' is 'good enough'. A woman journalist in Mumbai was hounded into exile by the same peaceful muslims for reposting the Charlie Hebdo cartoon of, you know who, while reporting about it. Now, this act might be committed by a group of people (5000 people) but the thought process is not an outlier. Same goes for the thousands (15,000 people) who thronged the funeral of their 'martyr' A̶P̶J̶ ̶A̶b̶d̶u̶l̶ ̶K̶a̶l̶a̶m̶ Yakoob Memon. There are other stories as well, but there is no point narrating them here, you probably get the gist of what I am trying to say.

Plus there are people like these, would you say they are better than the rest as well? (Not a sarcastic question). Given that you have merrily given a clean chit to such a vile community with no hesitation, I'd like to know if you would extend the same to the other spectrum of Abrahamics like the one below?

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Senior Member
Jan 7, 2016
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Yup, I understood that the first time over before going ahead to disagree with you.

I have not formed my opinion by extrapolating the acts of a few terrorists, if that is what you are insinuating. My reading of the muslim community has nothing to do with terrorism, I am speaking of a mainstream pattern of political thought among muslims in India.

What I'm basically trying to say is that the deeper you go into the rabbit hole of extremist nexus, one day you will ultimately be faced with the master who is pulling the puppet strings of these extremists and you will find that it is mainstream Islam, not a fringe, not a sect, not a twisted individual, but the mainstream of Islam which is responsible for these things. You can draw artificial lines to separate them into moderates and extremists virtually speaking, but the crux of the problem is that until you are willing to admit that an ideology which, at its core, preaches that 'everyone who disagrees with us is to be treated as an enemy combatant', the problem will never be solved.

Like the Afghan intel chief Amarullah Saleh once said "you will keep killing the guys in the outer circle for years and patting yourself on the back but the problem wont be solved until you have the resolve to confront the guys in the inner circle who are running the show". He was taunting the US for killing low level commanders in Afghanistan but not confronting Saudi Arabia. You are doing the same by drawing a dichotomy between gun wielding terrorists and non-gun wielding 'peaceful chaps'. Terrorism is not just about weapons, there is such a thing as ideological terrorism, which you are completely overlooking when you give a clean chit to 200 million people without looking at their collective political thought process as a group (not talking about individual acts of terror or crime, but the mainstream thought process)

You keep saying that without quantifying your claim. What ordinary Indians want is not something extraordinary. They simply want closure similar to the one that Germans, Japanese got when they admitted their mistakes. You can sing a thousand songs in the praise of moderate Indian muslims, but the proof of the pudding is in eating it.

The very fact that Hindus aren't allowed to claim Ram Mandir is a testimony to the fact that Indian muslims don't adhere to a more evolved and tolerant form of Islam. The thought process is the same as that of the invaders. Ram Mandir issue is not a real estate dispute and cannot be looked at from that angle. It's a much deeper issue of constitutional violation of the religious rights of Hindus in an allegedly secular nation which allegedly guarantees religious freedom. Ram Janmabhoomi is to Hindus what Mecca is to muslims, there can be no negotiation on this. The fact that we are stuck in negotiations reflects that Indian muslims, have in fact NOT given up their ideological terrorism which stems from their need to dominate and persecute Hindus wherever they can. Reconciliation is a two way street where both parties agree to walk one step each and meet in the middle. If a case is being made that Indian muslims are more reconciliatory in nature, where is the evidence?

Have you seen any religious debate on any Indian channel? if you start speaking sense, the muslims simply wont let you speak. For them, "it's my way or the high way". If this amounts to 'better than other muslims' then I shudder to think what kind of muslims you have met. See this interview, if you still want to give credit where it is undue, well, I'm at loss for words, see this and decide (mind you, this is not a fringe muslim, you can check his credentials). The entire conversation is overflowing with subterfuge (Taquiya) and latent treachery, anyone with a little emotional quotient would understand it :

Celebrating that they are better than the rest of their ilk is a relative/subjective benchmark. From time to time we must ask ourselves whether this 'relatively good' is 'good enough'. A woman journalist in Mumbai was hounded into exile by the same peaceful muslims for reposting the Charlie Hebdo cartoon of, you know who, while reporting about it. Now, this act might be committed by a group of people (5000 people) but the thought process is not an outlier. Same goes for the thousands (15,000 people) who thronged the funeral of their 'martyr' A̶P̶J̶ ̶A̶b̶d̶u̶l̶ ̶K̶a̶l̶a̶m̶ Yakoob Memon. There are other stories as well, but there is no point narrating them here, you probably get the gist of what I am trying to say.

Plus there are people like these, would you say they are better than the rest as well? (Not a sarcastic question). Given that you have merrily given a clean chit to such a vile community with no hesitation, I'd like to know if you would extend the same to the other spectrum of Abrahamics like the one below?

Navneet ji you have an excellent insight in the mizzies's mentality and awesome skill of expressing the same. Your posts are thought provoking and exhibits some horrible truth which are not discussed in a hypocrate so called secular society.

Excellent. Carry on.


Senior Member
May 18, 2015
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Navneet ji you have an excellent insight in the mizzies's mentality and awesome skill of expressing the same. Your posts are thought provoking and exhibits some horrible truth which are not discussed in a hypocrate so called secular society.

Excellent. Carry on.
request you to share his posts over on SM for wider reach of the 'right' thinking among your friends and general populace. am sure he wont mind.


Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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This is indeed a clever play by ISI and a masterstroke!! Our babus were busy drinking tea LOL... saley chut*ye


Anon Supreme
Senior Member
Apr 29, 2016
bulldoze all the madrassahs. Make it illegal for any madrassahs to built on Indian soil that the best answer.


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2016
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Convert Muslims to hindus. Make it more costly for muzzies to be muzzies. Marginalize them and make them rething to remain Muzzies. Attached the waqf board properties. Make 1 child policy for them. And this is the only solution. Muzzies all over the world are in suicide mode. They want to finish the world before they finish themselves. We need to take very very strong action in kashmir and defeate Muzzie's design. If they oppose, be ruthless and destroy them without any mercy. Very big Muzzie population is a big threat on India. We need a strategy. We can not turn blind eye on Muzzi's growing population.


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2016
Country flag
The killing of Hindus by muslim invaders was not a glorious act, those who romanticize it are not civilized people.

My entry to the question of 'How to fight terrorism against India?' is education, and not just technical education but political education of the masses and not just school education but the idea should be propagated on all information channels until it becomes common parlance. The reason muslims take to terrorism is that they feel that they lived a glorious past where they could kill Hindus in contract to the lackluster life that they are living now where they have to abide by rules of the land instead of being rulers. Unless there is a concerted effort to challenge and defeat this idea, we will always face an existential threat from muslims. Admission of muslim atrocities should become the mainstream quintessential Indian thought. There are so many museums in Germany and Japan depicting the attrocities committed by their ancestors on innocent people. These serve the purpose of raising the level of public consciousness. Every year Hollywood comes out with half a dozen movies showing how bad the holocaust was. This is the template that we should follow. There should be museums depicting the atrocities instead of making Bollywood movies and books that eulogize Akbar and Tipu Sultan.

The very fact that Hindus aren't allowed to claim Ram Mandir is a testimony to the fact that Indian muslims don't adhere to a more evolved and tolerant form of Islam as @HariPrasad-1 sir claims. The thought process is the same as that of the invaders. Ram Mandir issue is not a real estate dispute and cannot be looked at from that angle. It's a much deeper issue of constitutional violation of the religious rights of Hindus in an allegedly secular nation which allegedly guarantees religious freedom. Ram Janmabhoomi is to Hindus what Mecca is to muslims, there can be no negotiation on this. The fact that we are stuck in negotiations reflects that Indian muslims, have in fact NOT given up their ideological terrorism which stems from their need to dominate and persecute Hindus wherever they can. Reconciliation is a two way street where both parties agree to walk one step each and meet in the middle. If a case is being made that Indian muslims are more reconciliatory in nature, where is the evidence?

That's just the execution part of it, what we are discussing here is the 'idea' part of it. Should we even refrain from discussing ideas and potential solutions just because we aren't organized yet? Ideas come first, organization follows ideas. Otherwise what are you going to organize people for? Even the idea of Pakistan cropped up in 1920, THEN people organized themselves around that idea to achieve their goals. You are putting the cart before the cart and claiming that Hindus should organize first and then we can implement ideas. Why would anyone organize if you don't give them an idea to rally around?

I hope you realize, @HariPrasad-1 sir, that being ruthless and killing people is not what I am recommending. Simply give us closure. I have only one demand : include lessons of anti-Hindu atrocities in history books so that both Hindus and muslims become aware of it and have a sense of national context instead of building their own personal victimhood narratives. It is a great disservice to our civilization that an invader who imposed atrocities on us is crying foul and gets mainstream endorsement from all quarters of civil society because NONE of us have been told of the muslim atrocities in our history books. They claim that the Babri incident was wrong, but don't want to concede that their ancestors captured and destroyed our temple. This intellectual subversion is unacceptable. If we want to have a frank discussion, we have to put everything on the table so that everyone knows each other's history and empathizes with the other before pointing fingers.

The more rights of Hindus the state curtails, the more Hindu anger it will fuel, the eruption of which leads to incidents like Babri, which leads to radicalization and polarization on both sides. The constitution mentions secularism, it's about time Hindus tasted it too. We have only been smelling it from afar while muslims relished the entire cake of secularism.

Long story short : India needs to take concrete steps to trash the Hindu narrative and muslim narrative and adopt a common and reconciliatory national narrative which is acceptable to both parties, only then can people find closure and peace otherwise these issues will keep flaring up.
I agree with you sir. But in that process we should not forget to hail whatever little positive is there.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
Country flag
Rise is Wahhabism coincides with rise in usage of Arabian petrol industry across the globe.

Limit the purchase of petroleum from that region, extremist version of Islam will reduce automatically.

Electric cars and green technologies maybe?


Anon Supreme
Senior Member
Apr 29, 2016
Rise is Wahhabism coincides with rise in usage of Arabian petrol industry across the globe.

Limit the purchase of petroleum from that region, extremist version of Islam will reduce automatically.

Electric cars and green technologies maybe?



Anon Supreme
Senior Member
Apr 29, 2016
Even if we place restrictions on Muslims they can still play the "democracy" card if we do anything against them they will scream "intolerance" and "constitutional rights". I tell you its the fault of the constitution.

(Part III.—Fundamental Rights.—Arts. 30—31A.)
(2) The State shall not, in granting aid to educational institutions, discriminate against any educational institution on the ground that it is under the management of a minority, whether based on religion or language.


Senior Member
May 18, 2015
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the green takeover will be by 'democratic' means & the ever-conceding Hindus with least stomach for a counter-action will keep spreading themselves as rugs beneath the stomping green feet.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Man arrested in Kuwait for allegedly funding IS sympathisers in India
Abdulla had reportedly sent USD 1000 to four men in India including Areeb Majeed from Maharashtra who had joined the Islamic State in 2014.
Kuwaiti authorities on Saturday arrested Islamic State recruiter Abdulla Hadi Abdul Rehman Al Enezi on a tip-off given by the National investigation Agency (NIA). According to reports, Hadi had allegedly funded the Indian Islamic State operative Areeb Majeed.

#FLASH One man, Abdulla Hadi Abdul Rehman Al Enezi, arrested in Kuwait for suspected links and for terror funding and recruitment for ISIS.

— ANI (@ANI_news) August 6, 2016

Reports suggest that Hadi had paid upto $1,000 to the Indian IS recruits. He reportedly admitted his involvement in the terror organisation after his return from Pakistan in 2013.

In November 2014, Areeb Majeed was brought back to India from Iraq-Turkey where he had gone earlier that year as an IS recruit. NIA had brought him back to Mumbai through diplomatic channels after they had tracked Majeed to a city in Turkey based on a call.

Representational image. AFP

Majeed, a civil engineering student from Kalyan in Mumbai, was part of a group of four who had left India on 23 May 2014 to join and fight for the IS in Iraq. While, Majeed chose to go to Mosul to fight for the IS, his other three friends Fahad Sheikh, Shaheen Tanki and Aman Tandel opted to work for the social media wing of the IS.

According to a report by The Times of India, Majeed had revealed some of the names of his associates when interrogated by NIA. The agency soon started investigating and found that Majeed had recieved money from Kuwait. Deccan Chronicle reported that the agency had sent a Mutual Legal Assisstance Treaty (MLAT) to the country seeking information about the identity of the person who had transferred the money.

This is touted as the first international arrest made by the NIA in connection with Islamic State recruitment in India.

Well Done! NIA!!!:clap2:


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Pakistan financially supporting terrorist groups in India, Afghanistan and Bangladesh
Pakistan has unabatedly been financing terrorist groups in India as well as in Afghanistan and Bangladesh. Some media reports suggested that Pakistan has been pumping about Rs.100 crore annually alone in Jammu and Kashmir to keep the militancy alive as well as to create disturbances in the valley.

Finance is foremost prerequisite component of terror, others are militants and arms. Terror finance is considered to be most important amongst other two said components. Finance helps in motivating, recruiting, training, and launching of sick minds as trained militants. Terror finance also keeps the flow of arms supply uninterrupted to the militants.

Since Pakistan has been an epic centre of militancy from early 1980 onwards, terror finance has played a significant and distinctive role in keeping the Pakistan sponsored militancy alive and agile in the Indian sub-continent as well as in Afghanistan and Bangladesh. In Pakistan main sources of terror finance are Pakistan army and the ISI, donations from Gulf, Money laundering (Hawala), Narco-finance, illegal economic activities, abductions for ransom, collections through Islamic charitable Organizations in the form of 'Zakat' (compulsory annual contribution) and 'Sadkaats'(charities).

General Mohd Zia-ul-Haq, who was Chief Martial Law and Administrator (CMLA) and then President of Pakistan (5 July 1977 - 17 August 1988) was 'god father' of terror in the Indian sub-continent. He intelligently exploited a decade long erstwhile Soviet Union-Afghan war (1979-89) in Pakistan's favor by eliciting arms from USA and petro-dollars from Saudi Arabia, who were the main players of the Afghan war respectively.

After the end of the Afghan war, General Zia turned the Afghan Mujahedeen from guerrillas to militants and terrorists against India, primarily in Punjab and Jammu and Kashmir to "bleed" India. While situation in Punjab could be brought under control and India successfully neutralized ISI supported and financed 'Khalistan movement', Pakistan is stillbrazenly engaged in meddling in the affairs of Jammu and Kashmir through ISI supported and financed militants, belonging to both sides of Kashmir.

Pakistan's Finance Minister, Ishaq Dar had accepted (June 19, 2016) in Pakistan National Assembly that ISI has been using 'Secret Service Funds' (SSF), apparently for terror finance. Pakistan's Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI) and ISI are main financiers and god fathers of terrorist outfits nurtured and supported by them for carrying out the Pakistan Army's hostile activities not only in India and Afghanistan but also in Pakistan. During General Zia's regime ISI had patronized and financed anti-Shia militant outfits even against the country's own Shia community.

ISI has also indulged in providing monetary assistance to anti-Afghan Taliban and Haqqani groups and anti-Indian Kashmiri militant outfits and radicals inside Pakistan, Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK) and Kashmir Valley, respectively. Rahmatullah Nabil, former chief of Afghan spy agency, the National Directorate of Security (NDS), had disclosed (July 15, 2016, Kabul) some classified documents which confirmed that money being provided by the USA to Pakistan to fight terrorism was being spent by ISI for promoting and supporting terrorism.

Earlier in February 2016, DavidColeman Headley, a Pakistani-American terrorist and an accused in 26/11 Mumbai blasts had confessed that before visiting Mumbai in September 2006 he was given $25,000 by one Major Iqbal of ISI, who also gave David Headley counterfeit Indian currency twice in 2008. Later, one Major Pasha of ISI had also given David Headley Rs.80,000.

ISI was also found using Hawala channel to provide funds to Kashmiri separatists and pro-Pakistani Hurriyat leaders. In 2002, security agencies had raided the house of Hurriyat leader Syeed Ali Shah Gillani in Srinagar and seized unaccounted cash as well as classified documents. In August 2011, Geelani was again charge sheeted along with four others for receiving money.

Also, the Enforcement Directorate had issued (August 23, 2015) summons to Shabir Shah, President of Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party (JKDFP) in connection with a decade old case against him for receiving Rs.2.25 crore through Hawala.
Meanwhile, India's National Investigating Agency (NIA) had disclosed that between 2008-11, an amount of Rs.4,57,40,000 was transferred to Kashmir Valley from Pakistan thorough Hawala route.

ISI is providing financial assistance even to Bangladeshi terrorist groups and radicals through various means, including through its diplomats stationed in Dhaka. In March 2015, Bangladesh had forced Pakistan to withdraw an ISI operative viz; Modh Mazhar Khan an Attache in Pakistani High Commission, Dhaka for bringing in forged currencies into Bangladesh and providing finances to Bangladeshi radical groups like Jamaat-e-Islami, Bangladesh, Hizb ut-Tahir, and Ansarullah Bangla Team.

Subsequently, in December 2015, a lady Pakistani diplomat Fareena Arshad, Second Secretary (Political) also was expelled by Bangladesh on the charges of funding Jammat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh. Significantly, ISI accelerates itsactivities of funding terrorists in Bangladesh when ever pro-Indian government led by Sheikh Hassina is in power.

During Sheikh Hassina's first term in 2000, a senior Pakistani diplomat was also withdrawn by Pakistan on the insistence of Bangladesh. Meanwhile, Hossain Toufique Imam, the Political Advisor to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina had disclosed that ISI has links with Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen (JM), which had killed 20 people (July3, 2016) in a Dhaka restaurant.

In addition to ISI's involvement in terror finance, even some provinces of Pakistan like Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa were also found indulged in extending financial assistance to terror institutions. While Grand Master of terrorism Hafeez Saeed is universally known to be a stooge of ISI and the infamous Jammat-ud-Dawa (JuD) under his leadership is involved in terrorist and disruptive activities in Kashmir Valley, the Punjab (Pakisan) government is extending financial assistance to JuD. In 2013-14, Punjab (Pakistan) had allocated Pak Rs.61 million to JuD-run 'Markez-e-Taiba' and Pak Rs.650 million to set up a knowledge park by JuD in Punjab (Pakistan).

Likewise, the provincial Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government had allocated (June 2016) Pak Rs.300 million for the construction and rehabilitation of the controversial seminary, Darul Uloom Haqqania in Akora, Khattak, Nowshera district, which is being run by radical Maulana Samiul Haq, chief of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islami.

Some students of Darul Uloom Haqqania were accused of being involved in the murder of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto in December 2007. However, Imran Khan, whose Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party has government in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa justified allocating government's huge funds to such seminary of radicals saying that it would help the Islamic students in joining the mainstream.

Pakistani terrorist groups, such as Al-Qaida, Taliban and Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) and Jammat-ud-Dawa (JuD) have been receiving financial support from some Gulf countries, primarily from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait and United Arab Emirates. Such Pakistani terrorist groups are receiving funds from charitable organizations and by running front-companies in these Gulf states. LeT, responsible for Mumbai attacks in 2008, used a Saudi Arabia based front company in 2005 to get funds from the Kingdom for its terrorist activities.

According to American intelligence agencies estimates, LeT operates on an annual budget of $ 5.25 million
. Likewise, JuD leaders including Hafeez Saeed frequently travels to Gulf countries, particularly to Saudi Arabia for fund collections and was engaged in siphoning off money, meant for militant operations.

In addition, during Haj days in Saudi Arabia, activists of LeT and JuD collect funds from Hajis and also set up front companies to launder funds and money received from Saudi government-sanctioned charities. Meanwhile, some Gulf countries, primarily Saudi Arabia, also provide funds on regular basis to Madrasas (seminaries) being run by pro-terrorist groups and radicals in Pakistan, particularly in Punjab province of Pakistan.

In addition to it, Pakistani radical and terrorist groups also collects funds in Pakistan during the month of Ramazan and Eid festivals on the plea of supporting so-called Kashmiri cause in Jammu and Kashmir, under the nose of Pakistani security agencies and local police.

ISI is also involved in funding terrorists activities through Narco-finance. ISI's involvement in drug trafficking was initially encouraged by General Zia to finance terror activities in India, particularly in Punjab during Khalistan movement and in Kashmir valley too. Pakistan's narco-terrorism had hit Punjab very badly.

'The Washington Post' had quoted (September 12, 1994) Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif that in November 1990 he was approached by the then Army chief General Aslam Beg and ISI chief General Asad Durrani, to seek his permission for raising funds through drug deals for covert foreign operations, to which Nawaz Sharif claimed that he did not agree.

But the reality is that ISI has been using drug money for supporting terror activities. Some reports suggested that ISI was taking help of mafia don Dawood Ibrahim and his brother Anees Ibrahim Kaskar in this regard.

ISI was also noticed using money generated from the drug trafficking to fund terror activities in India in league with Maoists and insurgent groups of North-East, and used Indo-Nepal border for drug trafficking.

Terror financing by ISI is a fundamental of Pakistan Army's proxy war against India and troubled relations with Afghanistan and Bangladesh. Pakistan Army through terror finance would continue to support terrorists in Kashmir Valley and North East of India and destabilize democratic governments in Bangladesh as well to meddle in Afghanistan's affairs with the aim of countering India's goodwill and influence in Afghanistan.


Face to Face
New Member
Oct 20, 2010
Country flag
Dear Roma, demand of ganja in kolkata & adjoining areas, cannabis supply chains have started spreading faster around the city,kolkata. kolkata which doubles up as a destinations and transit point for cannabis consignments headed for the northern part of the country,is witnessing an increased presence of " whole salers".
according to NCB, records in 2016 alone the agency arrested over 60 peddlers and seized 1,379 KG Ganja from the state, almost four times the amount seized a year back. there are senior operatives who stay behind the curtain running the process. there are at least 35 KG operatives in and around kolkata. NCB sources said, territory covers Kidderpore,Ekbalpore,watgunge,Taratala Behala,Thakurpukur,. At least 5000 plus men and women work as channels,spreading the drugs across the city and neighbouring areas.
----- Cannabis sources mainly from Manipur,Odisha and coochbehar
----- wholesales based in coochbehar,Nadia, parts of Barrackpore.
----- Gardenreach metiabruz,Sovabazar are main sources that feed kolkatas retail market.
----- Farmers sell cannabis at Rs 6000 /- to Rs 7000/- a killo
----- whole salers to sell to retailers at 15000/- per kilo
----- retailer sell PURIAS at 100 per each.
immediate preventive action should taken by state police and NCB and hard action must taken against all drug preddillers as early as possible.
thats all.

Hemu Vikram Aditya

Senior Member
Jan 18, 2017
Country flag
Dear Roma, demand of ganja in kolkata & adjoining areas, cannabis supply chains have started spreading faster around the city,kolkata. kolkata which doubles up as a destinations and transit point for cannabis consignments headed for the northern part of the country,is witnessing an increased presence of " whole salers".
according to NCB, records in 2016 alone the agency arrested over 60 peddlers and seized 1,379 KG Ganja from the state, almost four times the amount seized a year back. there are senior operatives who stay behind the curtain running the process. there are at least 35 KG operatives in and around kolkata. NCB sources said, territory covers Kidderpore,Ekbalpore,watgunge,Taratala Behala,Thakurpukur,. At least 5000 plus men and women work as channels,spreading the drugs across the city and neighbouring areas.
----- Cannabis sources mainly from Manipur,Odisha and coochbehar
----- wholesales based in coochbehar,Nadia, parts of Barrackpore.
----- Gardenreach metiabruz,Sovabazar are main sources that feed kolkatas retail market.
----- Farmers sell cannabis at Rs 6000 /- to Rs 7000/- a killo
----- whole salers to sell to retailers at 15000/- per kilo
----- retailer sell PURIAS at 100 per each.
immediate preventive action should taken by state police and NCB and hard action must taken against all drug preddillers as early as possible.
thats all.
Man you on some high quality weed or something to whom you are responding to huh why are you posting this on this thread and if you are responding to Roma than quote her
Like This @roma

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